00-Why OnRamp

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Why OnRamp?

Every Seven Figure Agency Member begins in OnRamp. Why?

Because we want you to succeed. We have all been guilty (including myself) of
purchasing program after program and watching video after video of various trainings in
all areas of digital marketing and beyond - we call it “shiny objects syndrome”. And after
chasing all of these different courses, at the end feeling overwhelmed, stressed out,
frustrated and unsure where to even begin - or giving up altogether because “It’s not
working for you”. This is NOT that course. This is NOT that training.

Yes, we have a database for Mastery Members once you graduate from OnRamp - but
we don’t want to just hose you down with all the video content, swipe and deploys and
trainings that we have created in our Mastery Database and say - “Here’s everything -
good luck!” and just hope you figure it out and succeed.

Before you graduate into the Mastery Training Portal and Mastery FB Group, we want
to prepare you with ONLY those tools & strategies you need to get your first 5
clients. Everything else in the Mastery Database and much of the training at the
Intensives, is to implement AFTER you get your first 5 clients in your chosen niche.

“Why do I need to get 5 clients in my niche in order to graduate to Mastery and

gain access to the Mastery Training Portal?”

Because Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is your agency. You can not place a
roof and windows on a home before you have even laid down a foundation.

So that is what OnRamp is - the foundation of the agency you are building. If the main
structure isn’t set up correctly, the walls and roof will not stay up for long. We don’t want
that for you.

You didn’t just sign up for Seven Figure Agency ONLY to get access to all of our
training and content and coaches. You joined us because we have a proven path to
get your digital marketing agency to scale and grow to Seven Figures and Beyond. So
we uniquely designed a pathway - not just a large training portal - to get you to where
you want to be in your agency. So we ask you to TRUST us, TRUST the path we
have laid out before you, and DO THE WORK. Go through the modules in the order
we have designed them in and if and when you need extra help, we are here for you.

Perhaps you are the type of agency owner who likes to just dive right in and get things
done or perhaps you are the type of agency owner who needs a bit more direction while
working through the modules. We are here for each and every one of you.

If you have any questions while going through the OnRamp modules, post them
in the OnRamp Facebook Group. We have several Member Mentors and 2 highly
skilled & experienced coaches who are in the OnRamp Facebook Group looking for
new posts daily to answer your questions - aside from other talented OnRamp
Members, like yourself, as well.

Sometimes we need more clarity and direction - If you have a question that you feel can
not be answered in the form of a FB post, we have DAILY coaching calls every week
run by these same experienced, talented and passionate Member Mentors and
Coaches to help you along your path to success. Just jump on a call, and get your
question answered and continue on your path.

We are not your average training program. We ACTUALLY want you to succeed and
KNOW you will. You wouldn’t be in this program if we didn’t believe you could achieve
seven figures in your agency. We vet everyone who signs up within their first 2 weeks
to make sure they are a right fit. We don’t want to accept money from any business
owner who is not willing to put in the effort it takes to build their business and is not
willing to follow our proven strategies. It’s that simple.

Your First 2 Weeks

As you begin to dive into the first couple of training modules in your first couple of
weeks, you will have also scheduled your first 90-Day Gameplan Session with Josh
Nelson and meet a small group of OnRamp members like yourself who are starting at
the same time as you are. Also in your first couple of weeks you will have your Initial
Coaching Call with Jody Underhill again in a small group setting to allow you to meet
more OnRamp members like yourself.
Why in a small group setting? Owning a business has its own unique challenges and
can make you feel isolated and lonely at times. It’s important to meet others like you in
the same industry face-to-face and develop friendships in the same space to help you
thrive. No one creates a seven figure agency all by themself - just like it takes a village
to raise a family, it takes others like you cheering you on when you share a success,
listening to your situation if you feel overwhelmed, and helping answer questions along
the way in order to succeed, keep your sanity and maintain a healthy work-life balance!

So our main goal for you in OnRamp is for you to get your first 5 clients in your niche
using the 7FA method. Once you achieve this, you have created for yourself a
proven strategy that will allow you to continue to get more and more clients and
can now hit the ground running with more advanced strategies and details in
your agency that will leap you ahead of most agencies in your market.

No one is here to be a mediocre digital marketing agency. We don’t want you to just
“get by” in your agency. We want you to SCALE and profit so you achieve the freedom
and finances you are after.

So TRUST us, TRUST the path we have laid out before you, and DO THE WORK.

Look forward to seeing you graduate soon!

Let’s do this!

Josh Nelson & The Seven Figure Agency Team

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