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Page 11: Complete the table by providing the required information.

Ancient Philosophers Contributions
Thales - He believed that all things are
made up of water.
Anaximander - He believed that all things are
created by a realm called
Anaximenes - He believed that all thing are
made up of air.
Pythagoras - He formulated Pythagorean
Heraclitus - He believed that everything
has an order called Logos
Democritus - He proposed that all
materials are made up of
particles called Atom
Diogenes of Sinope - He believed that a person
should not only that about
his virtue but to show it as
well. His teaching later
developed into Cynicism
Epicurus - Famed by his teaching living
simple is living happy it gave
rise to a school called
Epicureanism which follows
the same philosophy he has.
Socrates - Made great contributions in
the field of ethics; He was
then credited for his
formulation of Socratic
Method which simply means
answering an question with
another question that lets
others think.
Plato - A student of Socrates; His
teachings are considered as
the foundation of Western
Philosophy.; Proposed
Theory of Forms which says
everything that exists comes
from an idea that can only be
seen by our mind.; He also
wrote the book Republic
which states the ideal form of
government and society
through reasoning and
wisdom; He is also known for
his Dialectic wherein 2
opposing ideas are argued to
come up with a solution or
new knowledge.; He also
founded Academy a higher
form of education for those
dedicated in learning first of
it’s kind in the West.
(Basically he’s an
Aristotle - A student of Plato; took a
different approach with his
teacher’s theory of form, and
said that it’s all about how
we perceive things in the
reality, which then gave new
meaning, approach and
perspective with physical
sciences.; Also was involved
with variety of disciplines
such as zoology, psychology,
ethics & politics; Proposed as
system called Deductive
Reasoning in which you
analyze a sentence before
coming up with a conclusion.;
Like his teacher he also
founded his school called
Lyceum. (An overall achiever
like his teacher Plato)
Archimedes - A practical philosopher; had
many jobs namely
mathematician, physicist,
engineer, inventor &
astronomer.; His questionings
about math then led to the
birth of Modern Calculus he
used math to explain natural
phenomena; He also
invented some useful tools
such as Archimedes Screw
use for raising water, also for
determining volume using
Page 20: Compare & Contrast between Western and Eastern
Philosophy using the Venn Diagram.
Page 22: Analyze the characteristics of Philosophy by completing the
graphic organizer.
1. Philosophy as an analysis of frameworks.
- Is it an analysis of frameworks because Philosophy is the
fundamental of our beliefs and frameworks is our backbone view
or how we perceive the world with our own thinking. Philosophy
can be the core of our own reasoning and perception thus
whenever we try to doubt our “framework” or “view into this
world” it is good to go back and try to remember our sole
philosophy in life, to re-adjust and try to remember of how we got
here in the first place.

2. Philosophy as an examination of knowledge.

- Knowledge is pretty much everywhere we receive new knowledge
throughout many things, but not all are inclined with our
philosophy in life, before we try to accept a knowledge, first we
need to examine that information or knowledge that we got,
whether if it true or not, does it offend your belief?, Do you have
your own opinion based on your personal beliefs?
- It is not also only applied personally but Philosophy as an
examination of knowledge can also be applied in formal texts or
academic texts, such a thesis. A concrete example would be
“doing a survey on peoples opinion about the vaccine of COVID-
19.” Based on the answer of the people it may vary, some are
scared of it’s effects and some are open to getting one. Through
this you can then examine the information that you got and try to
get a conclusion as a whole.
3. Philosophy as a discipline.
- Philosophy one if the fundamental of our beliefs and willpower.
Depending on our philosophy in life, it can change a person as a
whole from hobbies, perspective in life, personality, mental state
and even attitude and identity as a person. It is not an
exaggeration to say that philosophy is a big deal in a person’s life
after all it is what we believe, it symbolizes our perspective in life
with the use of words. Through this it affects on how we believe
and how we discipline ourselves from day-to-day basis. Our
philosophy may change as we grow up and experience obstacles
and happiness, but in the end all people has their own
philosophy/beliefs in life, regardless if it’s negative or positive.

PS: Sorry sister if I didn’t answer in the book, it is not fitted plus I feel
unsatisfied if I try to keep my sentences short.

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