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NIM : 2001060059



Pilihlah kata yang tepat yang disediakan didalam kurung

How (many) lists is your name on? There must be (plenty of) lists of names in every part of the
world and they must be used to send information to (millions of) people. The (amount) of letters
ordinary people receive these days has greatly increased. (A lot of) the people I know object to
receiving unwanted letters. (many ) of the mail we receive goes straight into the waste-paper
basket. That’s why (most) people refer to its as ‘junk mail’. It would be better for all of us if we
received (much) less junk mail and, as a result, saved ( many) more trees from destruction.
(A lot of) tress must be wasted each year to produce mountains of junk mail. Recently, I received
a very welcome ( bit of) junk mail. It was a leaflet urging me not to waste paper and return junk
mail to sender. ‘if we all do this,’ the leaflet said, ‘we will reduce the (number of ) tress being
destroyed.’ I agreed with every word they said, but why did they have to send me four copies of
the leaflet?

Isilah titik-titk didalam kalimat dibawah ini dengan kata both (the),all atau all the

1. The salt in this bag is damp

2. All the eart and moon go ground the sun
3. All drinking water must be pure
4. All the litmus paper and methyl orange are acid base indicators
5. The planets in our solar systemgo ground the sun
6. The stars have their own light
7. All the dog and cat are basically belong to carnivore
8. The cars neet regular servicing
9. All the statistics and arithmetic are the branch of mathematics
10. In mastering this method, you must read All instructions written in this manual

Tulis kembali kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini dalam bentuk negatifnya

1. All the passengers survived

2. Both mars and venus are smaller than the earth
3. All insect live in tropical and subtropical regions
4. Both tires needed air
5. We all knew the answer


1. All the passengers Not survived

2. Both mars and venus are Not smaller than the earth
3. All insect Didn’t live in tropical and subtropical regions
4. Both tires Didn’t needed air
5. We all Didn’t knew the answer


Isilah dengan each atau every pada titik-titik dalam kalimat dibawah ini

1. Not every student is capable of learning English

2. You have been given each opportunity to do well in this company
3. Nearly every aboratory in this university is equipped with wasrw treatment
4. I have phoned him twice, but he has been our on every occasion
5. They both did well and they will each receive prizes

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