Answer The Following Question

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Tutorial 1

Answer the following question.

1. Name some linear regression problem and deeply explain one of them.
2. What does gradient mean in linear equation? And What is gradient descent
3. What is the coefficient in linear regression?
Linear Regression Python Practice
1. Import libraries: numpy, pandas, pyplot
2. Import the data in data_linear.csv file
3. Display the data by plot them with x axis is “mét vuông” and y axis is “giá”
Note: Try to understand what function .reshape(-1,1) does?!
4. Write the code and understanding the following code

5. Make a price prediction and print out the result for a house with 75 square
6. Make an improvement by researching the linear regression by sklearn
Watch the youtube video link to understand more about House prices prediction
problem and Linear Regression using Sklearn library.


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