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B2 Speaking Skills Course

Topic 1 Explaining what your clothes might be saying about you, talking about the influence of clothing on first impressions,
explaining why the right clothes may affect your success.
Be dressed to kill

Topic 2 Talking about food and diet, describing healthy dietary patterns and arguing about their importance, comparing and
contrasting different diets such as American, Mediterranean, vegetarian and vegan.
To eat or not to eat

Topic 3 Talking about the Oscar awards, movies and celebrities, talking about the importance of reward and recognition in
school, and at work. Talking about reward and motivation.
And the Oscar goes to…

Topic 4 Talking about communication nowadays, the importance of a connected world, social media and online dating.
Expressing ideas about the future of digital communication.
You’ve got mail

Topic 5 Speaking about dreams and their nature and how they affect us emotionally. Talking about the meaning of dreams,
considering different theories of interpretation.
A dream within a dream

Topic 6 Talking about New York City, the theme of a famous song. Speaking about New York, the most populous city in the US
and its importance in American history, culture. Explaining why New York is a city of immigrants and describing its
New York, New York
ethnic groups.

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