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SAP S/4 HANA Finance, localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM

Document is relevant to SAP S/4HANA Finance, localization extension 1.0 for the Republic of Belarus by
EPAM, SAP S/4HANA Finance, localization extension 2.0 for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM, SAP
S/4HANA Finance, localization extension 3.0 for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
Released to customers: 01.02.2018
Language: English
SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides


1. LOCBY_FI.OI.01 Revaluation of open items in foreign currency ........................................................... 3

2. LOCBY_FI.OI.02 Reclassification of accounts receivable and accounts payable ................................... 4
3. LOCBY_FI.OI.03 Offsetting accounts determination ............................................................................. 6
4. LOCBY_FI.OI.04 Vendor Reconciliation Statement .............................................................................10
5. LOCBY_FI.OI.05 Customer Reconciliation Statement .........................................................................12
6. LOCBY_FI_FI_GL.OI.01 Accounting reporting .....................................................................................14
7. LOCBY_FI_FI_GL.OI.02 Cash Flow Statement (Form 4) .......................................................................16
8. LOCBY_FI_FI-AA.OI.01 Intangible assets accounting ..........................................................................18
9. LOCBY_FI_FI-AA.OI.02 Output forms OC-1,OC-2,OC-4,OC-6 ..............................................................23
10. LOCBY_FI_FI-AA.OI.03 Repairs and Improvements Records of Fixed Assets .................................29
11. LOCBY_FI_FI-AA.OI.04 Statement of the Fixed Asset turnover .....................................................32
12. LOCBY_FI_FI-AA.OI.05 Fixed Asset turnover balance sheet ..........................................................33
13. LOCBY_FI_FI-AA.OI.06 Fixed assets inventory ...............................................................................34
14. LOCBY_FI_FI-AA.OI.07 Fixed assets revaluation ............................................................................35
15. LOCBY_FI_FI-BL.OI.01 Cash journal operations .............................................................................39
16. LOCBY_FI_FI-BL.OI.02 Bank transactions .......................................................................................42
17. LOCBY_FI_FI-TAX.OI.01 VAT Return ...............................................................................................44
18. LOCBY_FI_FI-TAX.OI.02 Purchase ledger .......................................................................................46
19. LOCBY_FI_FI-TAX.OI.03 Tax accounting and reporting ..................................................................48

SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides

1. LOCBY_FI.OI.01 Revaluation of open items in foreign currency

1. General data

Revaluation of open items in foreign currency is made before balance statement creation.
The following accounts and line items have to be revaluated:
• foreign currency balance sheet accounts- main accounts which are operated in foreign
currency (balances of the main accounts in foreign currency are evaluated);
• evaluating foreign currency open items (vendors, customers, main accounts)
(line items are evaluated).
Use the transaction FAGL_FCV or do the steps from the table to start the Revaluation of
open items in foreign currency:

Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → General Ledger → Periodic
Processing → Closing → Valuate → Foreign Currency Valuation
Transaction FAGL_FCV

2. Revaluation of open items in foreign currency

To realize the Revaluation of open items in foreign currency, enter the following data.
In the area, enter the company code, valuation key date (the last date of
previous period) and valuation area (unique name for a valuation area in financial accounting).
In the area, enter the document date, posting date, posting period, reversal
posting date, and reverse post. period. If you need to valuate the open items at the acquisition
price put a checkmark in the field.
In the area put checkmarks in the and
fields, enter the vendor’s and customer’s account numbers . After that, press
the «Execute» button .
Then looking through items in the test run, go back to the tab page and put a
radio button in the field. Then click .
Click the button with the number of revaluated documents with a green mark, there are all
evaluation documents. So all open items are revaluated. Use transaction FB03 to look through
evaluation documents.

SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides

2. LOCBY_FI.OI.02 Reclassification of accounts receivable and accounts


Use transaction FAGLF101 to do a Reclassification of accounts receivable and accounts

payable on maturity and to allocate vendors receivables (customers payables).
1. Necessary settings
You need to set up necessary system settings (settings are made in the implementation
phase and you couldn’t change them further) before using the transaction:
-set up necessary settings for sorted lists of Reclassification;
-set up transfer accounts for debts;
- Fill the base date and the term of payment correctly in documents to determine long-term debt

2. Reclassification of accounts receivable and accounts payable and long-term


Fill the following data in transaction FAGLF101 to do a Reclassification of accounts

receivable and accounts payable :
- Company Code;
- Balance Sheet Key Date;
- Sort method;
- Valuation Area.
In the «Selections» tab page fill the following data:
- Account Type (D/K/S) – for receivables – D, for payables – K.
For more selections insert data in other fields.
In the tab «Parameters» page fill the following data:
- Customer group definition – Debts are grouped by field Corporate group in customers’
general data. If there is one vendor payable and the other vendor receivable, but they have the
same Corporate group, such debts are grouped and considered together.
- Vendor group definition – in the same way as for customers.
Other fields in this tab page are not optional.
In the «Postings» tab page fill the following data:
- set flag in the field;
- Batch input session name;
- Document date;
- Document Type;
- Posting date;
- Reversal posting date.
You can limit selections with general ledger accounts in free selections .
Then push the «Execute» button and positions where postings are possible, will be
Postings are grouped by Reconciliation account / Segment / Business field / Account.
You can click to look through the future postings. As a result, create a list of possible future

SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides

You can press the button or Settings – Summation levels – Define drilldown to look
through the documents.
Press the button to look through the future posting.
In case of production run (when the flag is set in the field) the transfer
debts documents are formed.
As formation of posting happens after the batch input session, so to complete the session
you need to choose necessary session and press the «Process session» button in
the transaction sm35.
Choose necessary settings in the opened window. Then you can look through the journal
with created documents.
Use transaction FB03 to look through the terminal session created document.
Base date and dependent on the terms of payment details - the number of days delay are
analyzed for terms of debt determination.
Based on these fields payment date is calculated. Further, the payment date is compared
with the date of the transaction and due to configured sorted lists the division is carried out for 1
year or more.
Thus, the correct classification of debt to long-term depends on the correctness of filling
the base date and the terms of payment (dependent fields) in the documents.

SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides

3. LOCBY_FI.OI.03 Offsetting accounts determination

Standard correspondence with accounts’ credit is provided to group primary documents

in ledgers correctly. The “Accounts determination” transaction allows to correlate correctly
documents’ amounts which are posted in R/3 system and accumulated on accounts as balances.
Looking through the document, it is possible to analyze postings with the help of used accounts.It
is possible to determine document item’s credit and corresponding to it debit account . The
offsetting account determination is caused by method of double entry when the same amount of
each transaction is reflected on debit of one account and on credit of another.

1. Automatic offsetting accounts determination

use transaction J3RKKRS or do the following steps from the table below for Automatic
offsetting accounts determination:

Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → General Ledger → Periodic
Processing → Closing → Document → Balance Audit Trail → All Accounts → Offsetting
Account Determination → Automatic
Transaction J3RKKRS

In the opened window, enter the necessary information in the

blank line.Necessary information you can find in the table below.

Field name User acivity

Company Code Enter the company code

Enter the document number,
Document Number which the system uses to access
the accounting document.
Enter the number of the G/L
G/L Account account to which the transaction
figures are updated.
Enter the date, which is used
when entering the document in
Posting Date
Financial Accounting or
Enter the document type classifies
Document Type the accounting documents. It is
stored in the document header.
If you need limit the selection by
User Name
user name
Put a checkmark to select all
Select All Documents
accounting documents, including

SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides
those that you have already
processed before.
Put a checkmark to process the
Determine Offsetting
selected accounting documents
and saves the results.
Put a checkmark to include
Documents with Zero
accounting documents that have
line items for zero amounts.
Maximum Number of Enter the maximum number of
Documents documents.
Press the «Execute» button (F8) to start the program in the visible mode. Pass in
menu: Program → Execute in background (F9) to start the program in the background.
It is possible to set up the start time of the program in the background mode: immediate,
data/time, after job, after event, at operation mode. Fill the appropriate fields for selected start
Later you can change start time setting in sm37 transaction. It is recommended to do the
automatic interpretation in a time off in order to keep the system productive.
General data about the quantity of read, selected and not interpreted documents is listed
after execution of the task and outputting of the report. Also the information about quantity of the
documents which are selected by the user who is not authorized for them is given .
You can display accounting document (transaction FB03),
display Accounts determination or change Accounts determination
from the report. You need to highlight necessary documents and
choose the mode.
You can see how the program managed the document lines’ amounts on debit and credit
of the appropriate accounts in the mode.
Entering in the mode similar to transaction J3RKKRD - Manual
offsetting account determination.

2. Algorithm of correspondence creation

The algorithm of correspondence creation in an automatic mode consists of two parts,

conditionally called secondary and main algorithm.
The main algorithm can sort the document or part of the document if the document or part
of the document has one line item on debit (credit) and some line items on credit (debit).
In this case, the correspondence where each line item on credit (debit) corresponds with
the account where the single line item on debit (credit) on the amount of a line item on credit
(debit) is created.The main algorithm come in action always after secondary algorithm. The
secondary algorithm tries to process as many item lines from the document as it possible, after
that, it transfers the rest part of the document (or the whole document) to the main algorithm.

3. Manual offsetting accounts determination

Use transaction J3RKKRD or do the following steps from the table below for manual
offsetting accounts determination:

SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides

Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → General Ledger → Periodic
Processing → Closing → Document → Balance Audit Trail → All Accounts → Offsetting
Account Determination → Manual
Transaction J3RKKRD
Also you can pass to manual offsetting accounts determination from the J3RKKRS report,
to do this highlight specific document by pressing the button.
The document’s offsetting accounts determination screen is conditionally divided into two
parts: the debit and credit tables are in the upper part of the screen and the correspondence table
is in the lower part.
Not interpreted debit and credit document items are entered in the "Debit" and "Credit"
tables. Total debit and credit amounts including minus posting are displayed above these tables.
The correspondence table is in the lower part of the screen. Document’s interpretation is
a process where correspondence pairs from debit and credit tables are transferred to the
correspondence table. The correspondence pair is one debit and one credit line items.
Interpretation of the document will be finished when all pairs of correspondence are transferred.
There are amounts of debit and credit without the minus posting above this table.
Possible functions:
- - display existing interpretation;
- - display accounting document;
- -reset all pairs;
- - delete pairs, correct correspondence of certain pairs;
- - delete all pairs, delete all pairs correspondence for manual review of
- - split item. Division of the selected line item of the document into two subline items
is possible. For division selected line item is necessary. And then Share a Line Item button must
be pressed. When forming an additional line item the system requests the quantity of selected
line items in internal currency and document currency. If only the amount in internal currency
entered , there will be an amount recalculation in document currency. After inputting of the
amount, it is necessary to select function “Copy”. The amount of primary line item decreases on
the amount requested for separation. In case of line items splitting on subline items, transaction
figures don't change!
- - restore item, you need to highlight the subitem and press the button;
- - to move one item up or down inside the table;
- - invert item, item from debit table will carry forward to credit table or vice versa;
- - insert item, highlight the base debit or credit item, to which the recreated item will
belong, after that you need to enter GL account, amounts in document and company code
currency and press the copy button;

- - deleting item 000, all items with number "000" and additional number relevant to
the chosen item, are deleted. The line items, which initially existed in system can not be deleted
when entering the accounting document.
- create pair. In case of request for transfer of separate correspondence of the selected
debit and credit items correspondence pair "Debit item" - "Credit item" moves to the
correspondence table located in the bottom of the screen. If the system can't define, the item

SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides
which should be transferred completely, the system requests data about the item to transfer
- - transfer all pairs. In case of activation, all correspondence items according to the
algorithm transfer to the correspondence table. Certainly the forbidden correspondence table is
considered. Automatic document’s interpretation is carried out according to the correspondence
algorithm . Some documents can not pass automatic interpretation, such documents should be
interpreted manually.
- - to save the interpreted document. The system checks a difference in transaction
figures on accounts between saved and original documents. If the difference is defined, the
corrective line items are inserted to bring transaction figures into original status. Such items are
marked in system and can be processed in further. It is impossible to save not completely
interpreted document.

4. General ledger report

The user can build different reports and execute transactions with the General Ledger
accounts determination system :
- Viewing of balance and transaction figures on accounts
• balance and transaction figures on accounts
• balance and transaction figures on accounts with possibility of bundling
- Offsetting accounts determination
- Accounts determination report
• Accounts determination report
• Accounts determination report with a currency choice
- Viewing of not interpreted documents in a section of balance accounts and (or) users
- Memos report.

Transaction Name
J3RKGLK General ledger report
J3RKKRD Determination of offsetting accounts
J3RKKRL Offsetting accounts report
J3RKKRS Documents for interpretation
J3RKKVL Accounts determination report with a currency choice
J3RKNID Unprocessed accounting documents
J3RKOBS Accounts determination report
Balance and transaction figures on accounts with possibility
J3RKOBX of bundling

SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides

4. LOCBY_FI.OI.04 Vendor Reconciliation Statement

1. General information

Checking of payables allows to confirm and verify the amount of debt, which is calculated
on accounts, as well as to identify gaps and appropriately reflect them.
Use transaction /CBY/ASK for Vendor Reconciliation Statement.

2. Creation of Vendor Reconciliation Statement

Use transaction /CBY/ASK:

Transaction /CBY/ASK

Fill the following information and press ENTER:

Field name User activity

Vendor account Enter the vendor number

Company code Enter the company code

Reporting Periods Enter the reporting periods

Exclude If you select this indicator, the report

Reversed does not display the reversal and
Documents reversed documents.
If you select this indicator, the report
also processes all documents of the
Customer customer (Vendor's Balance
Documents Notification) who is assigned to the
If you select this indicator, the report
Monthly displays the documents separately for
each month.
If you select this indicator, the report
Each Company
displays the documents separately for
each company.
CEO Name Enter the CEO full name
Chief Accountant
Enter the Chief Accountant full name

Press the «Execute» button and you will see received Vendor Reconciliation

SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides
Then choose periods that you need to print and press the «Choose detail» button . In
the screen you will see detailed information about the documents. Then press the

button. As a result, you will see received type form.

SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides

5. LOCBY_FI.OI.05 Customer Reconciliation Statement

1. General information

Checking of receivables / payables allows to confirm and verify the amount of debt, which
is calculated on accounts, as well as to identify gaps and appropriately reflect them.
Use transaction /CBY/ASD for Customer Reconciliation Statement.

2. Creation of Customer Reconciliation Statement

Use transaction /CBY/ASD:

Transaction /CBY/ASD

Fill the following information and press ENTER:

Field name User activity

Enter the customer number
Company code Enter the company code
Reporting Periods Enter the reporting periods
Exclude If you select this indicator, the report
Reversed does not display the reversal and
Documents reversed documents.
If you select this indicator, the report
also processes all documents of the
Vendor vendor (Customer's Balance
Documents Notification) who is assigned to the
If you select this indicator, the report
Monthly displays the documents separately for
each month.
If you select this indicator, the report
Each Company
displays the documents separately for
each company.
CEO Name Enter the CEO full name
Chief Accountant
Enter the Chief Accountant full name

Press the «Execute» button and you will see received Customer Reconciliation

SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides
Then choose periods that you need to print and press the «Choose detail» button . In
the screen you will see detailed information about the documents. Then press the

button. As a result, you will see received type form.

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Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides

6. LOCBY_FI_FI_GL.OI.01 Accounting reporting

This manual describes the features of balance sheet, profit and loss statement and
Statement of changes in stockholders' equity forming in accordance with the laws of the Republic
of Belarus in EXCEL format.
Check SAP GUI version information for Excel output forms correct filling.
The 64-bit version of Microsoft Office 2013 is supported as of patch level 7 of SAP GUI for
Windows 7.30.
Up to patch level 6 of SAP GUI for Windows 7.30, Desktop Office Integration only supports
Microsoft Office 32-bit editions. For more information, see SAP Note 722513.

Check additional Excel options (Trust Center → Trust center settings…):

To form balance statement, Financial Statement versions are set up by transaction OB58.
To form balance statements use transaction F.01 and enter:

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Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides
• -Chart of accounts;
• -Company code;
• -Financial statement version.
To form the EXCEL-form put a checkmark on “ALV grid control” and choose necessary
layout in the area.

Click the button and necessary financial statement with EXEL-form will be formed.

SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides

7. LOCBY_FI_FI_GL.OI.02 Cash Flow Statement (Form 4)

1. General data

As configurations for Cash Flow Statement (Form 4) depend on chart of account and
business transactions, so settings on enterprise are made according to the used chart of accounts
and specific reflection of business transactions.
Check SAP GUI version information for Excel output forms correct filling.
The 64-bit version of Microsoft Office 2013 is supported as of patch level 7 of SAP GUI for
Windows 7.30.
Up to patch level 6 of SAP GUI for Windows 7.30, Desktop Office Integration only supports
Microsoft Office 32-bit editions. For more information, see SAP Note 722513.
Check additional Excel options (Trust Center → Trust center settings…):

2. Statement setting up

The report configurations structure correspond to the report form structure. Use «Financial
Statement Versions» transaction from the table below to customize:

Transaction J3RFF4V

Highlight the necessary financial statement version and click the button.

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Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides
As a result, you will see Cash flow statement. In accordance with the chart of accounts of
your country, there will be a cash flow for each account, which has been set up on implementation

3. Statement forming

Use transaction /CBY/FF4 – Report of cash flows to form a Cash Flow Statement (Form

Transaction /CBY/FF4
Enter the following data in the opened screen:
-Company code;
-Report's version;
-Financial year;
-Prev. year (for comparison);
-Reporting months.
In the area, enter the following data:
-Management body – enter the name of management body.
- Type of activities – enter the company's activity type.
- Form of incorporation – enter the company's property type.
Enter a list of the G/L accounts in the "Ledger account", to form the error application log

in .
It is recommended to form an error application log for a monthly reconciliation report. The
error application log is formed only if the list of accounts are set up in settings.
Click the «Execute» button to form the Cash Flow Statement (Form 4).
Highlight the line with the index and press the button or click this line 2 times on the
screen of the report to look through the list of the primary documents, which created one of the
It is impossible to pass to the index which was calculated as beginning or final balance.
Errors can take place during the report forming.
Press the «Application log» button to look through the errors, where offsetting
account could not be determined in document.
Press the «See results of the control» button to look through the errors, where the
document contains the score of money, but in according with version settings does not participate
in creation of the report or where the document was considered two or more times during the
report creation,. These errors are the result of version settings. To eliminate errors correct the
version settings.

Press the button to print a report in Excel form on the screen, after that you can print it out
and save on your PC.

SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides

8. LOCBY_FI_FI-AA.OI.01 Intangible assets accounting

1. Intangible asset creation

After creation of the intangible asset main data, formation of intangible asset book value,
its depreciation become possible. Follow the above menu path or enter the transaction code in
the Command field to access the transaction:

Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Asset
→ Create → Asset
Transaction AS01

On the screen “Create asset: Initial screen” enter the following values:

Field name User activity

Asset Class number of asset class

Company Code company code

Number of similar number of similar assets that you
assets want the system to create when you
save an asset master record

In addition, an intangible asset you can create by reference using tab.

Press ENTER.
On the screen “Create Asset: Master data” enter:
• In the area fill the fields:
o Description and Acct determination.
o Set the indicator in the field “Manage historically”
o Set the indicator in the field “Include asset in inventory list”
o Information about postings is filled in automatically!
• In the tab fill field.
• Click the Save button .

2. Acquisition of intangible assets from vendor

Follow the above menu path or enter the transaction code in the Command field to access the
Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Posting → Acquisition
→ External Acquisition → With Vendor
Transaction F-90

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Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides
Make the following entry:

Field name User activity

Document Date
The date on which the original document was
Posting Date
The date that is used when entering the
document in Financial Accounting or
The asset Transaction Type
Company Code
Company code
Posting key for the next line item
Intangible asset transaction type
The account, which is to be posted to with the
next line item.

Press ENTER.
On the screen “Enter Vendor Invoice: Add Vendor item” enter:

Field name User activity

Amount The amount with tax in document currency

Tax amount Tax Amount in Document Currency
Tax code Tax code
Bline date date to which the periods for the cash discount
deadline and the due date for net payment refer
Payment cur. Currency for Payment
PstKy Posting key, with which the next document line
item should be entered, is specified.

TType Transaction type in Asset Accounting which

classifies the business transaction
Account The account which is to be posted to with the
next line item

Press ENTER.
On the screen “Enter Vendor Invoice: Add Asset item” enter:

Field name User activity

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Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
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Amount the amount with VAT (if the
payment is with VAT)

Press ENTER.
To display the document overview press the button. After this follow Document →
Simulate look through and check formed posting.

3. Capitalization of IA

To make the capitalization of intangible assets you need to transfer a portion of the amount
from one card FA to another finished card FA.
1. Follow the above menu path or enter the transaction code in the Command field to
access the transaction:

Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Posting → Transfer →
Transfer within Company Code
Transaction ABUMN

2. On the initial screen enter the Asset from which you’l transfer the amount, document date,
asset value date and existing asset which will “get the amount”.
3. Click the button.
4. Press the Save button .

4. Documents for intangible assets view

To look through the created document follow the above menu path or enter the transaction code
in the Command field to access the transaction:
Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Posting → Edit Document
→ Display
Transaction AB03

Enter the main intangible assets number and press ENTER.

Highlight the necessary document and click the button.

In addition, to look through the document follow the above menu path or enter the transaction
code in the Command field to access the transaction:
Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Asset → Asset Explorer
Transaction AW01N

5. Printing intangible assets forms

To print out intangible assets forms enter the transaction code (/CBY/IA_ACQUISITION) in the
Command field to access the transaction:

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Form HA-1. Capitalization and Retirement Record of Intangible Assets

Capitalization and Retirement Record of Intangible Assets is used as a document of
capitalization of intangible assets.
On the screen “Printing intangible assets forms” enter:
• Company code
• Depreciation area
• Asset number
• Subnumber
• Date
• Doc. No and year
1. In the area, choose the form parameter.
2. In the area, choose a moment of forming: pre-printing or printing a
document from the result of the operation
3. In the area, enter Name of Chairma, Name of Member, Name of
4. In the area, enter the output name and number of copies.
5. Press the button.
6. Fill the tabs and .
7. Press the button.
8. Click the or button.

Form HA-2. Intangible Assets Inventory Card

The intangible asset inventory card is used to account the company intangible assets. The
order of reference of objects to intangible assets is defined by legislative regulations.

1. In the area, enter Company code, Asset number,
Subnumber, Date.
2. In the area, choose the form parameter.
3. In the area, input Handover’s name.
4. In the area, enter the output name and number of copies.
5. Press the button.
6. Enter the output device name and click or the button.

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Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
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SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides
9. LOCBY_FI_FI-AA.OI.02 Output forms OC-1,OC-2,OC-4,OC-6

1. Form OC -1 (income transactions)

OC-1 form “Capitalization and retirement record of fixed assets” is used to execute and to
take into account income operations of fixed assets within the company or between companies.

To print OC-1 form enter the transaction code (CBY/INCOME_FOS) in the Command field to
access the transaction:
!!! The form is only for one fixed asset object.

Transaction /CBY/INCOME_FOS

Make the following entry:

Field name User activity

Company code company code

Depreciation Depreciation area
Asset asset number
Subnumber asset subnumber
Document document number which system uses to
Number and access the accounting document, and its
Date date.
Date date of document posting.

• In the area, choose the moment of forming: pre-printing or printing a document

from the result of the operation. Choosing “Pre-printing”, the program will check if the
noted asset belongs to the necessary asset class. If successful, the report will be formed.
If not - the error message will appear.
Choosing “Printing a document from the result of the operation”, the program will check
the movement type, which is connected with noted FI document. In case movement type
doesn’t belong to incomes, the error message will appear.
• In the area, enter the members of a commission: Name of Chairman, Name
of Member, Name of CEO, Chief accountant.
• In the area, enter the output device and the number of copies.
• Press the button.
• In the area, input:
o date of approval date of preparation;

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o reason for preparation of the report;
o order number;
o order date.
• In the area in choose corresponds or not corresponds technical
• In the area choose required or not required rework, and fill the field specify that
• After this enter:
o Conclusions of the Commission – line 1;
o Conclusions of the Commission – line 2;
o Technical documentation;
o Position;
o Reception.
• In the area, input:
o object passed: name;
o sender position;
o object passed: date.
• Click the button.
• Press the or button.

2. Program for print the leave forms for OC. Transaction /CBY/LEAVE_FOS

Form OC-1 Capitalization and retirement record of fixed assets (for sender)

To retire asset during delivery (sale, exchange) to another company enter the transaction
code (/CBY/LEAVE_FOS) in the Command field to access the transaction:

Transaction /CBY/LEAVE_FOS

Make the following entry:

Field name User activity

Company code company code

Valuation area number of valuation area
Asset number asset number
Subnumber asset subnumber
FI document num. document number which the system uses to
access the accounting document and its date.
Date date of leaving.

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Quantity number of total purchase order quantity that
you wish to allocate to this account
assignment item.

• In the area, choose the moment of forming: pre-printing or printing a

document from the result of the operation.
• In the area, choose the necessary print form.
• In the area, enter the members of commission: Name of Chairman,
Name of Member, Name of CEO, Chief accountant.
• In the area, enter the output device and the number of copies.
• Press the button.
• Enter the necessary parameters and click the button, where fill the fields output
device and press or .

Form OC-4 Scrapping Record of Fixed Assets (except vehicles)

Scrapping Record of Fixed Assets report is used to execute and to take into account the
deactivation of fixed assets, which are get out of order.

To print the form OC-4 enter the transaction code (/CBY/LEAVE_FOS) in the Command
field to access the transaction:

Transaction /CBY/LEAVE_FOS

On the initial screen fill the , , , ,

areas and click the button . There fill the necessary fields and press to
print out the form.

3. Print forms for fixed assets transfer operations accounting (OS-2 form)

OC-2 form “Fixed assets transfer operations accounting” is used to execute and to take
into account fixed assets transfer operations accounting within company from one unit (section,
department, section) to another.
To print the form OC-2 enter the transaction code (/CBY/MOVE_FOS) in the Command
field to access the transaction:

Transaction /CBY/MOVE_FOS

• On the initial screen in the area, input:

- Company code;
- Valuation area;

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- Asset;
- Subnumber;
- FI document nr, doc. Year;
- Date;
- Quantity.
• In the area, choose the moment of forming: pre-printing or printing a
document from the result of the operation.
• In the area, enter the members of a commission: Chairman, Commissioner,
Chief accountant.
• In the area, enter the output name and number of copies.
• Press the button.
• On the next screen, make the following entry in the area:
- Preparation date;
- Reason for displacement;
- Order number;
- Order date;
- Handover object: position;
- Object received position;
- Handover Date;
- Received Date.
• Press the button.
• Click the or button. As a result, all data will be saved in a bill.

4. Fixed assets inventory card OC-6

Fixed assets inventory card is used to take into account the inventory of fixed assets
objects and its movement within the company.

To print OS-6 form enter the transaction code (/CBY/OS6) in the Command field to access
the transaction:

Transaction /CBY/OS6

• On the initial screen in the area, enter:

- Company code;
- Date of preparation;
- Asset number;
- Asset class.
• Also fill and areas.
• To pass to the next screen «Print preview» press the button.

• To print out the form click the button in the walking menu.


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For correctly filling table №5 “Changes to the original cost of the fixed assets”, check or
enter data into tables / CBY / OS_OPER - types of operations and / CBY / OS_OPER_SET - ''
Forms Settings - OS-6, OC-3 '
Use transaction Sm30//CBY/OS_OPER.

Transaction Sm30//CBY/OS_OPER

• Fill name of the table/View - /CBY/OS_OPER, click the button and fill
the table “ ”, save .

• Fill table /CBY/OS_OPER_SET using SM30.

• Input name of the table/View - /CBY/OS_OPER_SET, press the
button and fill the table “ ”, save .

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5. Precious materials in asset master data

To maintain precious materials in asset master data you need to fill the
area in the tab with the help of
and buttons.
The choice of entry data is carried out from the guide of precious materials. All entries are
displayed in the forms OS-1,OS-4, OS-6.

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10. LOCBY_FI_FI-AA.OI.03 Repairs and Improvements Records of Fixed

1. Internal order for improvement

An internal order for improvement is created in Controlling, refers to asset under

construction noted in the settlement rule of created order.
To create it follow the above menu path or enter the transaction code in the Command
field to access the transaction:

Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Controlling → Internal Orders → Master Data → Special Functions →
Order → Create
Transaction KO01

• Choose your order type and click the button.

• In the tab input:
-company code;
-object class (investment).
• Click the button.
You can create the order using the tab “reference”:
Use transaction КO03 to look through the order.

Order releasing and creation of the asset under construction master data

Because of order release, it is possible to write off actual costs of the internal order for
improvement and to create asset master data of asset under construction.

Follow the above menu path or enter the transaction code in the Command field to
access the transaction:
Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Controlling → Internal Orders → Master Data → Special
Functions → Order → Change
Transaction KO02

• In the tab, press the button.

• Save (CTRL+S).
• To look through internal order follow Extras → Asset under construction.

2. Invoice
1)To create an invoice with internal order account assignment follow the above menu path or
enter the transaction code in the Command field to access the transaction:

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Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Payable →

Document Entry → Invoice
Transaction FB60

2) In the initial screen, enter the following values:

Field name User activity

Vendor number of business partner

Invoice date invoice data in the document
Amount amount in the document currency
Calculate tax Put a checkmark, if you want to calculate tax
General Ledger general ledger account
Amount in doc. curr. amount in the document currency

Tax on tax code

sales/purchases code
Order Order Number
Cost Center Cost Center
3) To post the document click the button.

3. Order settlement (by period)

During the order settlement by period, order actual costs recount to assets under

1) Follow the above menu path or enter the transaction code in the Command field to access
the transaction:

Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Controlling → Internal Orders → Period-End Closing → I
Single Functions → Settlement → Individual Processing
Transaction KO88

2) Fill the fields:

- order;
- settlement period;
- fiscal year;
- processing type (by period).
3) Click the Execute button (F8).

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4) To look through the settlement rule use transaction KO03.

4. Full settlement

When works on improvement are completed, the full settlement should be formed. As a
result, balance value of asset master record will be counted and further planning of depreciation
can be made.
1) Follow the above menu path or enter the transaction code in the Command field to access
the transaction:

Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Controlling → Internal Orders → Period-End Closing → I Single
Functions → Settlement → Individual Processing
Transaction KO88

2) Fill the fields:

- Order;
- Settlement period;
- Fiscal year;
- Processing type: Full settlement.

3) In the tab “Processing Options” don’t put a checkmark “test run”.

4) Click the Execute button (F8).
As a result, you will see the window with status and errors, made during the settlement.
Settlement documents will be formed in General Ledger, Controlling and Fixed Assets.

5. Form OC-3. Repairs and Improvements Record of Fixed Assets

1) Enter the transaction code (/CBY/REPAIR_FOS) in the Command field to access the

Transaction /CBY/REPAIR_FOS

2) Fill in:
-Company Code;
-Depreciation area;
3) Click the Execute button (F8), choose the output device and press or

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11. LOCBY_FI_FI-AA.OI.04 Statement of the Fixed Asset turnover

1. Statement of Fixed Asset turnover forming

Statement of Fixed Asset turnover contains all assets transactions changes.

Enter the transaction code (/CBY/FIAA_MOVE.) in the Command field to access the
Transaction /CBY/FIAA_MOVE

Make the following entry:

• «Company code»
• «Asset number»
• «Document date».
You can add other criterion.
Click the button.
In the opened window, you can see income and expense of assets transactions and
transaction type name.
In the statement, you can find such information as Cost Center, document number,
Original asset and other.

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12. LOCBY_FI_FI-AA.OI.05 Fixed Asset turnover balance sheet

Use /CBY/FIAA_TURNOVER_N to form and then print Fixed Asset turnover balance


There you need to fill main data: «Company Code», «Main Asset Number», and «Period».
If you need you can add more conditions.
Then press the «Execute» button (F8).
In the opened window, you will see value at the beginning and at the end of a period,
transaction figures on credit and debit, depreciation at the beginning and at the end of a period,
posted depreciation on debit and credit, changed data during the period.
You can use filter for data, press the «Set filter» button .

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13. LOCBY_FI_FI-AA.OI.06 Fixed assets inventory

During inventory, a status and an assessment of assets are documented by a way of:
-comparison with accounting data;
-detection of assets and the liabilities which partially lost the original assignment
(consumer properties) and outdate morally;
-detection of additional and not used assets and liabilities to account them and the
subsequent sale or retirement;
-checking out of liabilities in order to correct formation of the income and expenditures of
future periods, reserves of the forthcoming expenditures, and also reliability of the account
receivables and payables’ amounts, etc.;
-checking the formation and using of assets and target financing funds, etc.

1. Inventory data

Use transaction /CBY/INVAA to create inventory data list. Do a selection and post
processing of fixed or intangible assets. Before inventory, this data is collected to create inventory

Transaction /CBY/INVAA

On the first screen, enter the following data:

- Company code;
- Inventory date -the asset value date of the first posting that results in the capitalization
of the asset in this field.
- Cost Center – enter the key uniquely identifying a cost center.
- FA class – is not necessary to fill in, it specifies the asset class.
- Type of FA - choose an asset (further steps for fixed asset and for fictions assets are the
Then press the «Execute» button .
Note: In the master data of asset (transactions AS01, AS02) on the tab page,
fill the fields «Inventory number», «Quantity», « Base Unit of Measure ». Your asset should be
included in Physical Inventory List and start-up date should be earlier than the date of inventory.
In the tab page fill the field «Cost Center».
As a result you will see the table with the inventory data.
If there is no asset in the Physical Inventory List or an asset doesn’t exist as an object in
accounting, you can add it the report, click the button and fill the data. Then press the
button to save.
If data on accounting corresponds to the fact accounting after inventory, you can copy the
data from financial accounting. Click the button.
To change data in fact accounting click and fill the «Amount from fact account» field,
then press ENTER and «Cost for fact account» will be calculated automatically.
Click the button to save inventory data. In the opened screen, you will be suggested
3 ways of saving. You should choose All data.

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Choose List → Print (Ctrl+P) to print out inventory data in menu, there enter output device
name, number of copies and number of pages and click . The Spool request will be created
without immediate output.
Choose System -> Own spool requests in menu below to look through the list of spool
requests and to print it out. There choose your spool number and click the «Print directly» button

2. Physical Inventory List forms printing

Use transaction /CBY/INVENTORY_PRINT to print Physical Inventory List forms


In the opened screen, enter the following data. In the area choose the
form: fixed asset or intangible asset. In the area enter the company code and
the cost center. In the area choose the output data variant.
In the area enter if necessary the order number, Accountant name, names
of responsible persons and the area commissions.
Then press the «Execute» button . Enter the output device and then press the
and button .

3. Difference list of stock printing.

Use transaction /CBY/INVAA_PRINT to print Difference list of stock

Transaction /CBY/INVAA_PRINT

In the opened screen enter the following data:

-Company code – enter the company code;
-FA class- is not necessary to fill in, it specifies the asset class;
-Cost Center – enter the Key uniquely identifying a cost center.
In the area, all fields are not necessary to fill in, but you can fill the fields
«Accountant» and «MOL»
In the area choose the form: fixed asset or intangible asset.
Then press «Execute» . In the opened screen enter the output device and press the
or button.

14. LOCBY_FI_FI-AA.OI.07 Fixed assets revaluation

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1. Asset master data preparing

For assets revaluation must be filled the field in the tab.

Follow the above menu path of enter the transaction code in the Command field to access
the transaction:

Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets →

Asset → Change → Asset
Transaction AS02

In the tab, in the field enter the revaluation type and click
Save button .

2. Fixed assets revaluation

To carry out an annual revaluation of assets enter the transaction code in the Command
field to access the transaction:


3. Basic data preparing

Enter the following values:

- Company code;
- Fiscal year.

Note: At the time of revaluation, carry out depreciation. Before calculation starts make:
1. recalculation of depreciation plan values (AFAR)
2. execute depreciation running for last month (AFAB)
3. Wiring of periodic posting (ASKBN).
In the tab, field “OKOF Code” should be filled.

Note: change the code, press button. Add line press the button. Save

To look through classes that don't participate in revaluation, follow: Settings → Classes
for exclusion.
To exclude fixed assets cards from revaluation on which it should be made you can load
the list of fixed assets, which aren't participating in revaluation, before calculation starts, follow:
Additional operations → Non-revaluated fixed assets loading. Enter the company code and the
file name.
Note: file format - «CSV», «Number» «Subnumber» of asset should be divided by

4. Calculation and data analysis

To start calculation use the button on the initial screen.

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On the next screen, enter:
• The company code and the fiscal year in the area.
• In the area:
- depreciation area,
- Depreciation area (reval. fund).
• The type of calculation in the area.
• Click Execute button (F8).

After ending of calculation, you can look through the results: press the button on
the initial screen.
• On the next screen in the area, enter display parameters:
- Asset number,
- ENAOF code (for FA),
- display FA.
Click Execute button (F8).
5. Posting
To begin posting process click the button.
• the company code and the fiscal year in the area.
• the ledger group in the area.
• In the area, choose posting.
• Click Execute button (F8).
• Confirm your action in the appeared message.

6. Forms output

To print out FA Revaluation record on the initial screen follow Print→ Revaluation statement.
• The company code and the fiscal year in the area.
• The commission chairman and the commission members In the area.

• Click the button.

• Press the or button.
To print out FA Revaluation list on the initial screen follow: Print → Act.

• The company code and the fiscal year in the area.
• Order number, order date, commission chairman and the commission members in the
• In the area, choose printing of fixed assets data.
• Click the button.

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• Press the or button.
Note: the forms printing is implemented by SMART forms. Direct printing is carried out by
processing of spool transaction (SP02).

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15. LOCBY_FI_FI-BL.OI.01 Cash journal operations

Cash journal is a tool for cash management in SAP ERP.
1)Follow the above menu path of enter the transaction code in the Command field to access
the transaction:

Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → General Ledger → Posting → Cash Journal
SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → Banks → Outgoings → Cash Journal
SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → Banks → Incomings → Cash Journal
Transaction FBCJ

1. The Cash journal. The documents in the Cash Journal.

1) To select Cash journal, click the button or follow: Extras -> Change cash journal.
2) Make the following entry:

Field name User activity

Company Code company code

Cash Journal number of the needed cash journal

using drop-down menu

3)To change display period use buttons «Today», «This week», «Current period» or by enter the
beginning and ending date in corresponding fields.

2. Generating documents in the Cash journal.

1) Create necessary business transactions in tabs «Cash receipts» or «Cash payments».

2) Input necessary information in the blank line:

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3) To enter more than one equal business transactions with the equal fields,

highlight necessary business transaction. Click the Copy line button .

3. Document status in the Cash journal.

• After entering, document status will be ( ) Entry recorded, not saved - account posting
is not made and printing out the document is not possible.

• To save the document, push the button. Status Saved ( ).

Posting is not made, you can only review this document.
• To post the document, press the button. Document Status will be Posted
( ) - you can print this document.
• To review the document click the button.

4. Document posting.

• Choose Cash Journal in any currency and you’ll see documents in selected currency.
• You can look through them in «Cash receipts» or «Cash payments» tab.
• If the Document Status is , the document is not posted.
• Press to post it.
• The closing balance will change in the amount of receipts or payments. To look through
the posted document twice click it or use transaction fb03.

5. Document reversal.

• To delete saved document follow: Edit → Delete entry or click the button.
• Press the button to confirm deleting.
• But you need to reverse posted document. The document is not deleted, the reversal
document is created.
• To reverse business transaction highlight it, follow: Edit → Delete entry or click the Delete
button .
• Press the button and enter the reversal reason from the drop-down
• Two documents are created (our document and its reversal document).
• Document Status is , so the document is reserved.
• To look through, twice click them or use transaction fb03.

6. Document printing.

• Click the button.

• To print certain documents, highlight it and press the button.

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• To look through the document before printing, click the button.

• For immediately document print, show that in the field Spool Control or use function New
spool request. Use transaction SP01 for other printing settings.

• To print the Cash Journal report click Print Cash Journal button . Enter
Cash Voucher Register or Cash Journal.
• To delete the reversal document from report use for «Posted documents only» and
«Hide reversed docs». Click the Execute button (F8).
• Press the button and choose .
• Go back ,choose and .
• The examples of printed reports:
Cash payments.
Cash receipts.
Cash Voucher Register.
Cash Journal

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16. LOCBY_FI_FI-BL.OI.02 Bank transactions

1. General data

Printing of payment methods’ output forms is carried out by the automatic payment
The automatic payment transaction is developed for internal and international vendors’
and customers’ payment transactions and is used for both incoming, and outgoing payments.
Flexibility of the program allows users to configure special payment’s properties for each
country, such as payment methods, payment forms or specifications of data media.
Use transaction F110 or do the following steps from the table to create the automatic
payment transaction:

Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → Banks → Outgoings →

Automatic Payment → Open items (Customers and Vendors)
Transaction F110

2. Parameter

Enter the run date and the identification in the first screen. Run date should correspond to
the program start date. The field Identificator is used to distinguish several runs with the same
run date.
Then enter the following data from the table on the tab page:

Field name User activity

Posting date Enter the Date, which is

used in Financial
Accounting or
Controlling document.

Company code Enter the company code

Pmt meths Enter the Payment

Methods that Should be
Used in a Payment Run
Next p/date Enter the Posting Date of
the next Payment Run
Vendor/Customer Enter the Account
Number of Vendor or

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You need to save parameters by clicking the button to move to the tab page.
The message will appear in the status area.

3. Shedule proposal

After parameters' input, you need to schedule a proposal by clicking the button
in the main screen . Then enter the start date and time, if you need to print payments put a
checkmark in the field. Then update by click. In the status
area the message will appear.
Click on the button to look through the selected by the system payments .
As a result, you will see invoices with set up parameters. Payments with green color can
be posted by system, payment with red color match entered parameters, but can't be posted
because of some reasons.

4. Payment run

It is possible to launch the payment run as soon as the list of payments is checked by
clicking the button. The status message will change to
. It means that the payment form is created and accounts are
changed in general and subledger.

5. Payment forms printing

Click the button to print the necessary forms of payment methods. Enter the
start date, time and the job name, then press the button. Pass in menu System -> Own spool
requests to look through the document before printing. There you can choose necessary payment
method form by clicking on it twice.

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17. LOCBY_FI_FI-TAX.OI.01 VAT Return

1. VAT return forming

Use the transaction S_ALR_87012357 or do the following steps from the table below to
form VAT return:

Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → General Ledger →

Reporting → Tax Reports → General → Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases
Transaction S_ALR_87012357

Enter the necessary information in the blank line in the entry screen, «Advance return for
tax on sales/purchases». Necessary information you can find in the table below.

Field name User activity

Company code Choose the company code

Fiscal Year Enter the fiscal year

In the tab page enter the following information:

Field name User activity

Document date Enter the document data

In the tab page enter the following information:

Field name User activity

Put a checkmark, if the totals per tax code
Total on
should be issued separately as debits and

In the tab page in the area enter the

following information:

Field name User activity

Prepare printing Put a checkmark, if the data selected by a
forms report is provided for a print program
Enter the Date when the Program Is to Be
Program run date
Identification Enter the Additional Identification code

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Press the "Execute" button (F8) to form VAT return.
Press the button to exit transaction.

2. VAT Returns printing

Use transaction /CBY/TAXVAT to print VAT Returns:

Transaction /CBY/TAXVAT

Enter the necessary information in the entry screen «Advance return for Tax on
In the area enter the following information:

Field name User activity

Enter the Date on Which the Program Is to
Run Date
Be Run
Run ID Enter the Additional Identification

In the area, put a checkmark in fields you want to print

In the area enter all the data about taxpayer.
Press the "Execute" button (F8) to form the VAT Return. Enter the data about Output
Device and other necessary data in the opened window. Then press the or
button .

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18. LOCBY_FI_FI-TAX.OI.02 Purchase ledger

1. Extract of purchase ledger forming

Use transaction /CBY/PURBOOK to form an extract of purchase ledger.

Transaction /CBY/PURBOOK

In the opened area, enter the following data:

Field name User activity

Company Code Enter the Company Code
Fiscal Year Enter the Fiscal Year
Posting Date Enter the posting dates
Tax code Choose the tax code
Create extract Put a checkmark
Create extract-> Extract Enter the name of extract
Create extract -> Short Enter the short description
description of extract
ALV List Put a checkmark

Press the «Execute» button to create Purchase ledger Extract (F8).

2. Purchase ledger printing

Use transaction /CBY/PURBOOK to print the purchase ledger

Transaction /CBY/PURBOOK

Enter the following data in the opened area:

Field name User activity

Read extract Put a checkmark
Read extract-> Extract Enter the name of extract
PDF-Based Form Put a checkmark

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Press the «Execute» button (F8) to print out Purchase ledger, then choose the Output
Device and if you need put a checkmark to print immediately.
Then press the or button.

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19. LOCBY_FI_FI-TAX.OI.03 Tax accounting and reporting

1. Investment bonus accrual in tax accounting

• Enter the transaction code (/CBY/INVESTBONUS) in the Command field to access the


Asset data

• Reference Interest Rate is defined in the asset master data. Follow the above menu path
of enter the transaction code in the Command field to access the transactions:

Menu SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Asset
→ Create
SAP Easy Access: Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Asset
→ Change
Transaction AS01; AS02

Choose an asset and in the tab, you can see the value of .

Calculation start

• Enter the transaction code (/CBY/INVESTBONUS.) in the Command field to access the


• On the initial screen, enter:

Field name User activity

Company code Company code
Asset class Asset class

Other fields are not necessary.

• In the area put a checkmark in the field “List assets”.
• In the area, make the following entry:

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Field name User activity
Fiscal year Fiscal year when you post the acquisitions.
Period Period when you post the acquisitions.
Valuation area tax Number of Real depreciation area
Valuation area inv. Number of Real depreciation area
Depreciation bonus
Reference Interest Rate

• In the area, input:

Field name User activity

Depreciation group technical name of the field in the asset master
field that you use to record the depreciation group.
Depreciation Group additional number of the Depreciation Group.
Reference interest BY_10 or BY_20

• In the area, enter transaction types:

o Proceeds of previous year > 0,
o Proceeds of previous year < 0,
o Proceeds of current year > 0,
o Proceeds of current year < 0.
• In the area choose the Depreciation
Bonus Posting Date for Subsequent Acquisitions and put checkmark.
• In the area, choose the way of processing
mode for depreciation doc posting.
• Click the Execute button (F8).
Note: red and green indicators designate records according to documents of special
depreciation. Green - there was documents formation of special depreciation on income,
red - there are no documents of special depreciation.
• To form the document row wise of data press the button.

2. Investment bonus recovery in tax accounting

• Enter the transaction code (/CBY/IV_RETIREMENT) in the Command field to access
the transaction:


SAP S/4HANA Finance
Localization extension for the Republic of Belarus by EPAM
End-user Guides
• Make the following entry:

Field name User activity

Company code company code
Year fiscal year
Month month
Asset class asset class
Document type document type
Date date of posting

Guiding of the checkerboard pattern of movement types.

For assignment of determination of movement types considered in post-editing use the

checkerboard pattern with the help of the button.

Note: the program for restoration of investment bonus analyzes movement types. While
adding new movement type, for reflection of economic operations of disposal, it is required to add
this table before operation.

Accounts set up

To form posting on post-processing of leaving of FA use the checkerboard pattern where

accounts are specified for the fixed operations click the button.
Note: to change the account press the button, enter the necessary account and
press the button.

Post forming

• Press the button.

• To post the document, highlight it and click the button.
• To choose or delete any line use the and buttons.
• Confirm your choice in attention message.
Note: if the line was posted you will get information message: No line is marked, for which
current operation could be possible!
• As a result, you will see the list of posted documents for the specified date.
• To look through twice click it in the field “Document No”.

• To look through operations press the button


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