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Claudia Aixin Ruiz Sánchez

I have lived here in Leipzig since I arrived from my native country eight months ago. I came
here because my family and I wanted to find a better life. I studied to work as a doctor in my
native country, and I thought that I would find here a place to work.

I have been all this time learning German language, and I improved really fast. I was going to
take an exam last month but with coronavirus crisis it has been cancelled. I needed that title to
be qualified as a doctor, but I couldn’t obtain it. However, I was watching the TV when I heard
in the news that they were looking for doctors to help. I thought that it was my opportunity,
although I wasn’t qualified to be a doctor, I could help there. Immediately, I look for my laptop
and I sent my CV, then, I drank a coffee while I was waiting for an answer. I was really excited
when they accept me, but I understood it, I was going to fight with this new virus, I had to give
the best of me. The next week, I went to the hospital where I was assigned and I start to help
there. They gave me a mask and gloves, and then I started. I saw a lot of patients there, but I
went with the person that they had told me. I was helping there, working as other doctors who
were qualified. I was happy because I could help and save lives, and I was sure that we would
stop the virus.

Now I have my daily routine. I get up, I have breakfast and then I take my mask and my gloves
and I go to the hospital. I feel satisfied when patients that have passed the coronavirus tell me
“thank you”.

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