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Who knew this would happen!

For a week now there are no Covid-19 sufferers in Germany where I am and
have been helping. The Covid-19 has done a lot of bad things, a lot of people
have died but it has also made us value all things that we would never imagine
for example being with your family and friends and hugging them.

Before this happened I was looking forward to being given my degree to be

qualified as a doctor but I didn’t have time to think that only 3 days later I and
more immigrants were being called by the German consulate to go and help
them and more immigrants as there were no means of protecting doctors and
more than 20 % were infected. I didn’t think twice and I went to help but there
was a small or big problem I DIDN’T HAVE THE DEGREE!. But luckily I had
the consulate’s confirmation to go.
When I arrived everything looked like a horror movie, all the hospital was sad
and angry because their colleagues had died at the hospital and angry because
they  could be the next to die if they didn´ t have the means to protect
themselves(mask,protective screens...all in only one use to throw away).
The worst thing was get out of there and see the solitary
street,beaches,parks,schools...I knew that was for the good of everyone but that
doesn't mean that I didn't feel sad and a little afraid.
After a week there I realized everything that the television didn’t tell the whole
truth , we had to make our coats but with bin bags and that wasn´t safe.But
before three month we began to see the light at the end of the tunnel .All this
time the whole people were everyday  at their home at 8 pm to applaud our
work and that was very beautiful and to be thanked.

The last day, while I was picking up my things , they make me a surprise ¡ A
PARTY !and they gave my certificate degree. We were all very happy, we return
to ours homes with ours families and what wasn't less the country had 
improved so much to reach 93% of the cured population.

By : Esther Díaz Tubío 

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