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Praise and gratitude I pray to the presence of God Almighty, who has
given His mercy and grace to us so that we can complete this paper on time with
the title "Problems and Solutions of Mastery of English".

I realize that this paper is far from perfect, therefore constructive criticism
and suggestions from all parties are always expected for the perfection of this
paper. Hopefully this paper can provide a broader insight to the reader.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who have participated in the
preparation of this paper from beginning to end. May Allah always bless all our
efforts. Amen.

Tangerang, July 7, 2021





TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................3


A. Background............................................................................................4
B. Questions of the Problem.......................................................................5
C. Objectives...............................................................................................5


A. Definition of Language and Its Role in Social Life...............................6

B. 4 General Language Functions...............................................................7
C. English

D. The Purpose of Studying English.........................................................10

E. Benefits of learning
F. Obstacles in learning English...............................................................11
G. Solutions to Overcome Difficulties in Learning
H. Simple Ways to Improve English Language

CHAPTER III : CONCLUSION............................................................................19




A. Background
Language is one of the human cultures that has a very high value
because with language humans can communicate and interact with the
surrounding community. With language, it is also possible for humans to
develop and abstract various symptoms that appear around them. It is clear
that language has a very important role in social life and it can be said that
humans speak every day from waking up to sleeping again, even
dreaming, humans speak language too.

Language grows and is needed in all aspects of people's lives

which include social activities such as trade, government, health,
education, religion, and so on. Language is able to transfer desires, ideas,
desires, and emotions from one person to another (Chaer, 2003:38).

English is an international language that is used as a liaison

language of communication between all nations and countries around the
world. The ability to speak English is one of the most important skills for
students because English has become a universal language used in the
world of technology, education, politics, commerce, and is the most
frequently used communication tool in the world.

In this modern world full of challenges and intense competition,

everyone is advised not only to have a high level of education, but also to
require special skills which we commonly call skills. One of the most
needed skills today is English. In accordance with the explanation above,

English is a global language, so for those who want to be one step ahead of
people in general, it is necessary even to master English.

B. Questions of the Problem

1. What is language?
2. What is the purpose of learning English?
3. What are the obstacles or problems in trying to master English?
4. What are the solutions to overcome and minimize these problems

C. Objectives

1. To know the definition of language

2. To understand some of the goals in learning English
3. To analyze problems in mastering English
4. To find solutions to minimize barriers in language learning.



A. Definition of Language and Its Role in Social Life

Humans are social beings who must interact with each other in
fulfilling various needs of life. Therefore, humans cannot possibly live
alone without interacting with other people. In everyday life, humans
recognize culture and create various forms of ideas, activities, and artifacts
to fulfill their needs. Language is one of the most important elements that
affect human life and culture.

Language has an important role in human life because it is the

main communication tool. As a means of communication, language
includes words, collections of words, clauses and sentences that are
expressed orally or in writing. While the notion of language is a system of
human communication expressed through the arrangement of sounds or
written expressions that are structured to form larger units, such as
morphemes, words, and sentences. Meanwhile, in the perspective of
Functional Systemic Linguistics (FSL), language is a form of social
semiotics that is working in a situational context and cultural context,
which is used both orally and in writing. In the FSL perspective, language
is seen as a construction that is formed through simultaneous functions and

The Role of Language in People's Life Based on its understanding,

language includes a symbol system that is used reciprocally, and is formed
from the sound elements of human speech. This is expressed in the book
Khazanah Anthropologi (2009) published by the Center for Bookkeeping

of the Ministry of National Education. Language is also part of the most
basic human abilities, as well as being the main feature of the Homo
sapiens species. According to linguists, although animals have the ability
to use symbols or signs to communicate, the communication system is not
a language. Different from animals, humans are able to exchange speech
through language to interact with each other. So, the main function of
language is to meet the needs of communication between human beings. In
addition, in human life, language is also closely related to cultural

There are 3 factors that show the role of language in cultural

development. First, language as a cultural element. Every activity in
human life has an element of language in it. So, to understand the
development of a culture, it is necessary to first examine the development
of language in society. Second, language as a marker of social
stratification. Language can show patterns of relationships and social
stratification in a society. For example, in Javanese culture, children talk to
their parents using Javanese krama (soft language). Meanwhile, when
talking to the same age, Javanese people use ngoko (rough language).
Third, language as a symbol of ethnic culture. Language can show cultural
symbols in an ethnic group. This is evident from the existence of various
dialects or dialects from various ethnic groups. This is due to geographical
differences and the stratification of the social environment between ethnic
groups in people's lives.

B. 4 General Language Functions

In general, in people's lives, language has a main function as a
means of communication. However, language can also have a number of
other functions. The following are the various functions of language in
general in people's lives:

1. Language as a means of self-expression. Since childhood, humans use
language as a means of expressing and expressing themselves to their
parents. In the early stages of development, children's language develops
as a tool for self-expression.
2. Language as a communication tool. As a means of communication,
language is used to convey certain meanings so that others can understand
them. The difference in the function of language as a means of self-
expression and means of communication lies in its purpose. The first is
simply to express yourself to be known by others. As for when
communicating, the use of language is adjusted to the person being spoken
to, with the aim that the intent of the language is easily conveyed.
3. Language as a tool of social integration and adaptation. When adapting in
a new social environment, everyone will choose the language used
depending on the situation and conditions faced. This is so that he can
easily adapt and integrate with the social environment.
4. Language as a tool of social control. As a tool of social control, language
can be very effective. Social control by using language can be applied to
individuals or communities.

C. English Defination
English is a Germanic language that was first spoken in England in
the Early Middle Ages and is today the most commonly spoken language
worldwide. English is spoken as the first language by the majority of the
population in many countries, including the United Kingdom, Ireland, the
United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and a number of
Caribbean countries; as well as being the official language of nearly 60
sovereign countries. English is the third most widely spoken mother
tongue worldwide, after Mandarin and Spanish. English is also used as a
second and official language by the European Union, Commonwealth of
Nations, and the United Nations, as well as various other organizations.

English first developed in the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of England
and in the area that now forms southeastern Scotland. After the spread of
British influence in the 17th and 20th centuries through the British Empire,
English became widespread throughout the world. In addition, the
widespread use of English is also due to the spread of American culture
and technology that dominated throughout the 20th century. These things
have caused English to become the main language and unofficially (de
facto) considered a lingua franca in many parts of the world.

Historically, English originated from the fusion of various related

dialects, collectively today known as Old English, which were brought to
the east coast of the Isle of Britain by Germanic settlers (Anglo-Saxons) in
the 5th century; the English word' comes from the name Angles.[12] The
Anglo-Saxons themselves came from the Angeln region (currently
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany). Early English was also influenced by Old
Norse after the Vikings conquered England in the 9th and 10th centuries.

The Norman conquest of England in the 11th century led to

English also being influenced by Norman French, and English vocabulary
and spelling began to be influenced by Roman Latin (though English itself
is not a Romance language), which became known as English. Mid. The
Vowel Shift that began in southern England in the 15th century is one of
the historic events that marked the transition from Middle English to
Modern English.

In addition to Anglo-Saxons and Norman French, a large number

of words in English also have Latin roots, because Latin was the lingua
franca of the Christian Church and the main language of European
intellectuals, and has become the vocabulary basis for modern English.

Having experienced a diverse mix of words from various

languages throughout history, modern English has a very large vocabulary,

with complex and irregular spellings, especially vowels. Modern English
is not only a blend of European languages, but also from various
languages around the world. The Oxford English Dictionary lists more
than 250,000 different words, excluding the vast number of technical,
scientific, and slang terms.

D. The Purpose of Studying English

There are many reasons that someone uses as a goal in learning

English. For example, to understand English-speaking resources, there is a
lot of knowledge that we cannot get in Indonesian, especially on the
internet, in contrast to English, which has much higher quality sources. In
addition to increasing knowledge, by learning English or this universal
language, a person can develop his career more quickly and follow the
developments of globalization easily.

E. Benefits of learning English

In life, we often question what things are in return for what we do.
In fact, if we can look at things from the positive side, then we can get the
benefits of what we have done, including the language about the benefits
of learning English.

Currently, almost 1.5 billion people in the world speak English.

This shows that English is an international language that will make it
easier for you to communicate with foreigners in different countries.

1. To increase knowledge
2. To make it easier to communicate with others.
English is not only used by countries such as the United States,
United Kingdom, and Canada. Because, there are more than 50

countries in the world that use English as their national language.
Not only that, almost all countries in Europe use English as their
second language that they use every day.
When you master English fluently, then you will have no trouble
communicating with other people in any part of the world.
3. To increase your potential
As we said in the previous explanation, English is the language of
communication used by people all over the world. This is the
reason, learning English can increase your potential at work.
English language skills will increase your credibility in the eyes of
companies that will recruit.
4. As a means to introduce national culture
5. Can get scholarships abroad
When you master English, this will of course make it easier for you
to study abroad. If you dream of studying at the best university in
the world, then consider learning English as your second language.
6. To make it easy to learn other languages
7. To increase concentration power
A study once revealed a result that learning English activities make
the focus you have much more increased.

F. Obstacles in learning English

Stories about difficulties in learning English are classic stories in
the process of learning this language. For example: I have been working
on English questions at school for years, memorizing verbs, and various
types of words, memorizing grammar formulas but still not being able to
speak English fluently and causing a decrease in enthusiasm. What's the

1. Not knowing what the benefits of learning English are.

If we do not know the benefits of an activity, of course the activity will
become a tedious and boring activity. Knowing the benefits of learning
English will increase motivation in learning.

2. Have no learning goals.

The goal is like an anchor that will make us move in the direction
where the anchor is thrown. By having clear goals, our learning
process will be more effective, directed, and easier for us to measure
the progress that has been obtained.

3. Learn a lot of vocabulary (vocabulary), but do not know how to

use it in conversation.
Usually after we start to be motivated, know the benefits, understand
our goals in learning, the enthusiasm will flare up and we start to be
enthusiastic in learning. The habit that happens is that we tend to try to
find the zero point of a language. We will feel more comfortable, if we
know that what we learn is the easiest first (basic).
And the general assumption is that the most basic thing is learning a
lot of words. We are trained to memorize as much vocabulary as
possible. Using a city vocabulary card, sticking a vocabulary list on the
wall, memorizing a few words per day and so on. And the following
days were filled with collecting words and learning grammar.
This method is the correct method, but not completely correct. Because
if we have hundreds of thousands of words, even millions of words,
but we don't know how to use them in sentences, then of course the
words we memorize are only useful for playing scrabble, but cannot be
used in conversation. Because in the conversation that happens is an
exchange of information through sentences, not an exchange word for
So it is better if when our learning motivation is awakened, it is
phrases and sentences that we must attack first rather than just
memorizing word for word. Memorizing phrases and sentences or

idioms is more useful and effective because in one sentence we can
simultaneously memorize 4-5 words. And by learning phrases and
sentences, we will get used to understanding English not based on
word-for-word translations that tend to follow Indonesian rules, but
rather on the understanding possessed by native English speakers,
especially in the use of idioms (expressions).

4. Using grammar/grammar in conversation.

Grammar is learned by second language users to understand the
structure of sentences in that language. But this procedure is
mistakenly or habitually used as a way / system of our brain to
compose sentences in conversation. So that our brain will lose its
automatic system to speak like when we use Indonesian. We will get
used to thinking about the translation first, then thinking about the
wording. And because in real conversation everything happens so fast,
then two steps that occur in the brain, namely translating and thinking
about grammar, make us doubt, embarrassed and finally go blank
when we want to speak in English. When 2-3 bad experiences happen,
we become discouraged and finally conclude that English is difficult
and stop learning or become allergic, and conclude that he is indeed
not talented in the field of language.
So, no matter what language is considered difficult in this world,
whether it's English, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Korean, etc. It
turns out that there are also many who can easily master it. Everyone
in this world has learned a language from zero to become super fluent,
so if you add another language and it is considered difficult, then the
problem is not in that language, but in the learning paradigm it has. So
to learn a language does not require talent, because language is a
communication tool that can be learned. Everyone in the world can
learn to operate mobile phones, computers, and various applications
without thinking about whether someone is talented or not in the field
of technology.

5. Shame and fear
Embarrassment and fear of being wrong are caused by what is
contained in obstacle no. 4. Fear of being wrong and being ashamed of
being laughed at if they are wrong are quite heavy obstacles for
English language learners. Everyone expects perfect English, and
assumes that English is a language that is of a higher level than its own
language. So even the slightest mistake can make an overcorrection of
the environment. But we have to remember, that when we learn
Indonesian in infancy, our papa and mama don't laugh when we can
only speak a little vocabulary, like papa, mama, come on, hello, etc.
They are so happy when we can talk to the little ones. Our parents
keep pushing and keep talking to us, until we can talk fluently today.
This natural atmosphere needs to be built in every English or foreign
language learning class.

6. Difficult to hear (listening).

Listening is how we learn in infancy. Babies are not forced to
memorize words, phrases and sentences, but they continue to hear and
hear. And what they hear is a sound, and then the babies try to imitate.
Gradually their pronunciation became perfect. Our difficulty in
hearing, is because we do not focus on the sound of a language, but
expect the written form. Therefore, when we practice listening to
English, the brain already feels heavy first. So just focus on the sound,
meaning it can catch up. Listen to as many movies, music,
conversational audio as you can, and concentrate on the sound. Even if
you don't understand, just keep listening over and over again. Along
with increasing vocabulary and sentences that we understand, the
process of being fluent in listening will happen by itself.

7. Have studied hard but do not have a supportive environment to

practice real conversation.

Maybe we have studied many conversations, mastered idioms,
mastered phrases, clauses, and sentences. But when we never use it in
real conversation, then we will not have automatic control in
communicating like in mother tongue. In our mother tongue
(Indonesian) we no longer think of Indonesian as a language anymore,
but rather an expression that occurs automatically without thinking.
Whichever direction the conversation goes, we can automatically
respond without thinking about the arrangement. This should be the
main target in learning a language, and it can only happen if we want
to practice direct and real conversation.
Maybe we have studied many conversations, mastered idioms,
mastered phrases, clauses, and sentences. But when we never use it in
real conversation, then we will not have automatic control in
communicating like in mother tongue. In our mother tongue
(Indonesian) we no longer think of Indonesian as a language anymore,
but rather an expression that occurs automatically without thinking.
Whichever direction the conversation goes, we can automatically
respond without thinking about the arrangement. This should be the
main target in learning a language, and it can only happen if we want
to practice direct and real conversation.

G. Solutions to Overcome Difficulties in Learning English

According to Sari & Lestari, (2019) There are several methods to
facilitate the ability to speak (speaking), in English, namely:

1. Expanding vocabulary (vocabulary). Before we master English

communication and grammar, then we must have a vocabulary that is
commonly used every day in conversation, at least conversations with
family and friends.
2. Reading aloud, not only to develop pronunciation skills, but also plays a
role in improving grammar and vocabulary listening skills as well.

3. Knowing simple English grammar. Grammar or grammar in English may
be difficult for us to master. But we don't really have to worry about
studying English grammar or grammar in more detail. At least we have a
basic understanding of English grammar which is our capital to develop
English language skills at a higher level. Examples of simple grammar that
we can learn are about nouns, verbs, to be, adjectives, adverbs, personal
pronouns, simple tenses, such as simple present tense, continuous tense,
past tense future tense and so on.
4. Reading English texts means that we like English versions of books, story
books, short stories, novels, comics, magazines, newspapers and others.
The habit of reading English text/writing/reading will make us understand
and enjoy the story/content/text message. In addition, we can find new
vocabulary so that our English vocabulary will increase.
5. Conversational English, meaning that the language will develop quickly if
we use it, we practice it in conversations with other people can help us to
be confident, can help us to learn from mistakes, help us learn from others.
6. Listening to English songs is one of the most effective media to quickly
master English. We can also sing the song by listening to the songs we are
used to hearing words and sentences in English. The key is to like English
songs, listen to them and not feel ashamed to sing them.
7. Watching English movies. Foreign moviess are very interesting to watch
and we can also use them to learn English. We can learn to recognize
expressions and sentences, both standard and non-standard, spoken by
foreign actors and actresses.
8. Likes English. before we learn English further, we must learn to like this
language first, just like when we like or like something if we have a
feeling of pleasure in our hearts, our enthusiasm for learning English
increases. The basic capital for us to make it easier to learn English is to
enjoy the language itself.

H. Simple Ways to Improve English Language Skills

In modern times like today, language is considered a universal
language. Not only business and economics, the development of science
and technology often has to be pursued by mastering English. So
important is the mastery of English that this one language is taught from
an early age in schools and becomes one of the important requirements in
work. There are several simple ways that are easy to do to improve
English language skills as follows:

a. Read. The first way to hone your skills in English is to read a lot of
literature in English. If you like to follow news or gossip about the
celebrity world in newspapers and magazines, you can regularly read news
from foreign websites. If you are a fan of novels or comics, try reading
fiction novels and comics in English. You can find various ebooks that
you can read anytime from the internet, cheaply or free of charge and don't
cost as much as if you had to buy an English book printed on paper. It
doesn't matter if you initially find it difficult to understand what you read.
No need to open a little dictionary. Keep reading until you understand
more or less the outline of the news. Over time you will get used to the
sentence structure and word choice. It only takes a few months to get used
to this reading pattern.

b. Observe. Observing here, of course, observes everything related to English

around you. Pay attention to the English-language films you watch, and try
to be more aware of the dialogue without glancing at the subtitles too
often. Pay attention to the pronunciation, vocabulary, or use of certain
phrases in the various contexts spoken by the actors and actresses in the
film. Visual observations like this will give you a better perception, so you
will become proficient faster. Finding out the meaning of the lyrics of your
favorite songs will also help to increase your vocabulary in a fun way.

c. Write. After a lot of reading and observing, your understanding of English

will definitely improve. But this still puts you in the category of passive

English users. To further improve your skills, try to write in English. You
can train yourself by translating what you usually write in a diary or a
review on a blog into English. It's okay if your grammar is still messed up.
The important thing is that you can practice to get used to using a foreign
language. Writing down vocabulary you've just learned is one of the best
and easiest ways to memorize it. And by writing a series of sentences in
your English it will be easier to evaluate your grammatical errors.

d. Practice speaking. Good grammar is meaningless if you never practice it in

conversation. Since the purpose of language is to communicate, you must
learn to communicate your meaning orally in English. The key is to try to
get the other person to understand what you are saying in English first.
Once you get used to conversing in English, you will automatically learn
to improve the grammar you use in speaking.

e. Take advantage of games and social media. This is one of the easiest ways
too to improve your English skills. Take advantage of all the social media
you have to learn English. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter account
settings in English. Look for virtual friends who use English in everyday
life and interact with them often. Besides being able to make friends from
different countries, interacting with them will give you the opportunity to
learn new vocabulary. Play the games you love. Usually games, whether
they are RPG or time management and strategy are usually accompanied
by dialogue in English. Of course, while playing you can learn English
from there.



Language has an important role in human life because it is the

main communication tool. As a means of communication, language
includes words, collections of words, clauses and sentences that are
expressed orally or in writing. While the notion of language is a system of
human communication expressed through the arrangement of sounds or
written expressions that are structured to form larger units, such as
morphemes, words, and sentences.

English is a Germanic language that was first spoken in England in

the Early Middle Ages and is today the most commonly spoken language
worldwide. English is spoken as the first language by the majority of the

population in many countries. There are several benefits that can be taken
if we master English, as described above. Indeed, there are problems or
inhibiting factors that prevent a person from mastering English well, but
behind it all, there is also a solution as described above. Everything returns
to the amount of motivation or determination to keep trying and
developing their skills.





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