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CH-8: AGE OF ADOLESCENCE: C. SHORT ANSWER QUESTION: Q.1. What are hormones? ‘Ans: Hormones are chemical substances released by glands directly into the bloodstream and act as chemical messengers. Q,3. List some changes brought about by adrenaline? ‘Ans: Some of the changes brought about by adrenaline are listed below: (i)It increases the heart rate. (iijit increases the overall blood sugar level. (iiiit results in an overall increase in the body's energy level. Q.4. What do you understand by adolescence? At what age is it reached? Ans: The period of transition from childhood to adulthood is called adolescence. Itis attained at the age period of between 10 to 19 years. Q.5. What does puberty refer to? Ans: Puberty is the time of growth in which an individual becomes sexually mature, and achieves reproductive maturity. Q.6. Why do adolescents experience mood swings? Ans: Due to an increase in the hormonal level, adolescents experience mood swings. Q.7. Why is it important to eat healthy foodstuffs during adolescence? Ans: During adolescence, there is rapid physical and mental growth due to which, the nutritional requirements of the body increase tremendously. Therefore, it is important to eat healthy foodstuffs during adolescence. Q.8.Why is it important to maintain personal hygiene during puberty? Ans: important to maintain personal hygiene during puberty as bacteria might multiply rapidly in sweat and cause bad odour. Q.9. What are drugs? ‘Ans: Drugs are chemical substances that produce physical, mental, behavioural, or emotional changes in the user. D. LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS: Q.1. Describe the location and hormone secreted by any five endocrine glands in our body. Ans: The following are the location and hormone secreted by five endocrine glands in our body:- (i)Thyroid gland: Location: Base of the throat Hormones secreted: Thyroxine. (ii) Adrenal gland: Location: Near the kidneys Hormones secreted: Adrenaline. (iii) Pancreas: Location: Near the liver Hormones secreted: Insulin. (iv) Ovaries: Location: Pelvic region Hormones secreted: Oestrogen. (v) Testes: Location: Male genital organs Hormones: Testosterone. Q.2.Describe the role of any five hormones in our body. Ans: The following are the roles of five hormones in our body: (i)Growth hormone: It stimulates the growth and development of the body. irenaline: It helps in the defence of the body in emergency situations. (iii)Insulin: It regulates the blood sugar level. (iv) Oestrogen: It controls the development of secondary sexual characteristics, like development of broadened hips in females. (v)Testosterone: It controls the development of secondary sexual characteristics, like facial

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