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Ch-07: Cell: Structure & Function.

C. Short Answer Questions:

1. What is a cell?

Ans: The smallest structural and functional unit of an organism is called a cell.

2. Differentiate between unicellular and multicellular organisms.

Ans: Organisms whose body consists of a single cell are called unicellular organisms.

Whereas, organisms whose body consists of many cells are called multicellular

3. With the help of examples, show how the shape of a cell depends on the function it

Ans: The following are some examples to illustrate this:

1.Nerve cells carry messages between different parts of the brain or spinal cord. Hence, they
are elongated in shape.

2.Skin cells cover a large area. Hence, they are flat and broad in shape.

4. What are cell organelles?

Ans: Cell organelles are living, membrane-bound bodies that have definite shape and
functions. Eg- Nucleus, Ribosomes, etc.

5. Write the functions of the different kinds of plastids.

Ans: The following are the three kinds of plastids:-

(i)Chloroplasts contain the green pigment chlorophyll, which helps plants in making food.

(ii)Chromoplasts contain non-green pigments that give colour to flowers and fruits.

(iii)Leucoplasts are colourless and store food in the form of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

6. Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Ans: Cells that lack a well-defined nucleus surrounded by a nuclear membrane are called
prokaryotic cells. Eg- bacteria.
Whereas, cells that have a well-defined nucleus surrounded by a nuclear membrane
are called eukaryotic cells. Eg- Plants.

7. How is cell division responsible for growth?

Ans: Increase in the number of cells in the body as a result of cell division is responsible for
growth in organisms.


1. Differentiate between plant and animal cells.


Plant Cell Animal Cell

1.Cell wall is present. 1.Cell wall is absent.
2.Cytoplasm is not as dense as in an animal 2.Cytoplasm is dense.
3.A large vacuole is present. 3.Vacuoles are generally absent. If present,
they are small in size.
4.Plastids are usually present. 4.Plastids are absent.
5. Centrosome is absent. 5.Centrosome is present.

2.Write the functions of any five cell organelles.

Ans: The following are the functions of five cell organelles:-

(i)Nucleus:- It is known as the brain of the cell as it controls and regulates the activities of the
cell. It also carries the genetic information in the form of DNA.

(ii)Mitochondria:- They act as sites of energy production and are, therefore, called the
powerhouse of the cell.

(iii)Ribosomes:- They are the primary sites for protein synthesis, and hence, are also known
as protein factories.

(iv)Lysosomes:- They are capable of digesting cells and in times of emergency, they burst and
destroy the cell. Hence, they also called suicide bags of the cell.

(v)Vacuoles:- They store excess water, useful minerals, pigments and also maintain the shape
of the plant cell.
3. Draw a well- labeled diagram of a generalized structure of an animal cell.

Ans: [Draw Fig.7.3 from page-107 and label it.]

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