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2016141805 CE / 3 CE175P-5W / B2


Fundamentals of Geographic Information System

1. GIS Basics
• Definition: it can be viewed as a data-management system that permits access to and
manipulation of spatial data and visual portrayal of data and analysis result.
• Terms associated with GIS:
i. Automated mapping and facilities management (AM/FM) - enables real-time
inventory of facilities and production of maps for use in the field and for the
creation of a map library.
ii. Computer-aided Design/Drafting (CAD) - used by engineering organizations to
portray plans and specifications for constructed works: architecture, engineering,
and construction (AEC), mechanical and electrical.
iii. Computer-assisted/aided Monitoring (CAM) - Interactive graphic systems for
geocoded databases.
iv. Spatial database-management System (DBMS) - Software for managing
attribute data on mapped features.
v. Land Information System (LIS) - Used by assessors and land management
organizations for land ownership information on quantity, value, and ownership of
land parcels.
vi. Multipurpose Cadastre - Refers to an integrated LIS containing legal (e.g.,
property ownership or cadastre), physical (e.g., topography, human-made features),
and cultural (e.g., land use, demographics) information in a common and accurate
reference framework.
2. Maps and Map Data Characteristics
• Maps are often described as the method at which location of geographic features are identified
and described.
• Map data characteristics is often portrayed into 3 kinds of information:
o Spatial (location and extent of the features)
 Types of coordinate system used to identify spatial data are:
• Geographic Coordinates (Geotag, Latitude and Longitude)
• Map Projection
• Legal Survey Description
o Attribute (its characteristics)
 These attributes are often identified using map legends
 Often represented by use of different symbology and/or color
o Relationship of these features to other data

• The common feature of a GIS is to identify the relationships of these data characteristics with
the use of common themes or comparing the data characteristics across different themes set in
the program.
3. User Interfaces and Interaction Modes
• The human–computer interface provides the environment that enhances human interaction
with the GIS.
• Most traditional information systems provide limited presentation formats, usually as text,
tables, and graphs.
• GIS software usability has progressed from command-line modes to menu and forms modes to
today’s graphical user interfaces (GUIs); A GUI enables a user to interact with the computer
system by pointing to pictorial representations (icons) and lists of menu items on the screen
using a mouse.
• Visualization is an extension of the traditional data-retrieval/display concepts. It includes
techniques that aid in the interpretation of spatial data sets.
4. GIS System Planning and Implementation
• Planning is an important step for any type of GIS. It provides a firm foundation for GIS
implementation and operation and helps avoid costly mistakes. Planning establishes the
direction for the GIS. The major aspects that are addressed during the planning phase include:
• Scope. The basic nature of the GIS and its role in the organization are defined.
• Participants. The scope of the GIS determines who should be involved in its design and
• Resources. Although detailed analysis has not yet been done at this step, the scope of
the GIS provides an indicator of the amount and type of resources required.
• Approach. It indicates the type of planning and implementation approach that is
5. GIS Software (Proprietary and Open-Source)
• Free and open-source desktop-GIS software
o QGIS. QGIS is a free and open-source geographic information system. With QGIS you
can create, modify, visualize, and analyze spatial data on Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD and
o GRASS GIS. GRASS GIS is a hybrid, modular geographic information system software
with grid and vector-oriented functions.
o SAGA GIS. Software for automated geoscientific analysis. The SAGA project is mainly
developed at the Department of Geography at the University of Hamburg.
o JUMP GIS/OpenJUMP. Java based open-source GIS.
o GeoDa. GeoDa is a free and open-source GIS-software and serves as an introduction to
geodata analysis.
o gvSIG. Open-Source Desktop, Online und Mobile GIS.
o MapmakerPro. MapMaker is aimed at specialists who need to create maps. For example,
foresters, archaeologists, emergency services, etc.
o DIVA GIS. DIVA-GIS is a free GIS for mapping and analyzing geographic data.
o TerraLib. TerraLib is an open-source GIS software library that supports the development
of custom geographic applications.
o Kalypso. Kalypso is an open-source modeling program. The focus is on numerical
simulations in water management and ecology.
o OrbisGIS. OrbisGIS is a cross-platform open-source GIS developed by and for research.
o OzGIS. OzGIS is a GIS for analyzing and displaying spatial statistics.
o FalconView. FalconView is a GIS developed by the Georgia Tech Research Institute.
o ILWIS. The Integrated Land and Water Information System (ILWIS) is a desktop-based
GIS and remote sensing software that was developed by ITC up to Release 3.3 in 2005.

o MapWindow GIS. MapWindow GIS is an open-source GIS desktop application that is
used by a large number of users and organizations around the world.
o Whitebox GAT. Whitebox Geospatial Analysis Tools is an open source, cross-platform
geospatial information system and remote sensing software package.
o Capaware. 3D-world-viewer.
o Generic Mapping Tools. The Generic Mapping Tools are a collection of free software for
creating geological or geographical maps and diagrams.
• Proprietary GIS Software
o ArcGIS, ArcView. ArcGIS is the generic term for various GIS software products from
o AutoCAD Map3D. AutoCAD Map3D from Autodesk is a GIS software solution and
offers extensive access to all CAD and GIS data and enables its creation and editing.
o Aquaevo GIS. Aquaveo is a GIS software for modeling environmental and water
o Bentley Map
o Cadcorp. Cadcorp's GIS and Web Mapping Software are GIS software products for the
creation, analysis, and data management of geodata.
o Conform. Conform is a GIS software for merging, visualizing, editing, and exporting 3D
environments for urban planning, games and simulations.
o Dragon / ips. Dragon / ips is a remote sensing image processing software.
o ENVI. The ENVI image analysis software is used by GIS experts, remote sensing scientists
and image analysts to extract meaningful information from images to help them make
better decisions.
o ERDAS IMAGINE. ERDAS IMAGINE is software for evaluating remote sensing data,
especially graphics and photos.
o Field-Map. Field-Map is a proprietary integrated tool for programmatic field data
acquisition by IFER - Monitoring and Mapping Solutions, Ltd. It is mainly used for
mapping forest ecosystems and for data collection during field analysis.
o Geosoft. GEOSOFT is one of Germany's leading developers of geodetic computing and
organizational software for private and public surveying agencies.
o GeoTime. GeoTime is a geodata analysis software that enables the visual analysis of
events over time. The third dimension adds time to a two-dimensional map so that users
can see changes in time series data.
o Global Mapper. Geographic information system with distance and area calculation; offers
an integrated scripting language, 3D display and GPS tracks.
o Golden Software. Surfer and Mapviewer are two software solutions with a variety of
mapping and adaptation options and support any geodata format (including LiDAR data),
3D visualization, as well as volume / distance / area calculations.
o Intergraph. GeoMedia is a GIS software from Intergraph. GeoMedia is a software product
family with desktop GIS, web GIS and is mainly aimed at municipalities.
o Manifold System. Manifold System is software for the management of digital maps.
Digital maps and remote sensing data can be easily edited.
o MapInfo. MapInfo Professional is a geographic information system software from the US
company MapInfo Corporation.
o Maptitude. Maptitude is a mapping software program created by Caliper Corporation that
allows users to view, edit, and integrate maps. The software and technology are designed
to facilitate the geographic visualization and analysis of contained data or user-defined
external data.
o Netcad. NETCAD GIS is a CAD and GIS software that supports international standards
and was designed for users of engineering and geographic information systems.
o RegioGraph. RegioGraph is a geomarketing software specializing in questions in the areas
of marketing, sales, controlling, logistics and corporate strategy.

o RIWA GIS Zentrum. The RIWA GIS Zentrum is a powerful, web-based geographic
information system that has been used in numerous municipal administrations and
industrial companies for many years.
o Smallworld. Smallworld GIS is the professional geographic information system for
network operators in the energy and water industries.
o TNTmips. TNTmips is a geospatial data analysis system that offers a fully featured GIS,
RDBMS and automated image processing system with CAD, TIN, surface modeling, map
layout and innovative data publishing tools.
o TerrSet (IDRISI). TerrSet is an integrated geographic information system and remote
sensing software for monitoring and modeling the Earth system.
o Google Earth Pro. Google Earth Pro Desktop is free and intended for users who need
advanced features. You can import and export GIS data and go on a journey through time
with the help of historical images.

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