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Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

( 20 marks )
State whether the objects below are living thing or non-living thing .
1 2


Science Junior 2
Look at the pictures below and group them correctly. ( 36 marks )

baby parrot octopus old man

grass Rafflesia plant teacher maize plant

clown crocodile water lily turtle

Living Things

Plants Animals Human

Science Junior 2
Fill in the blanks with the correct words given. ( 14
marks )

food produce bigger breathe grows sunlight

water move taller eggs alive moonlight

1. Non-living things are not __________________________.

They do not need food, water and air.

2. We need to _____________ all the time to stay alive.

3. Animals become ______________ and ______________ as they grow.

4. Animals can _____________ young. Birds and lizards lay _____________.

elephants and cats give birth.

5. Animals can move from place to place. Plants are different because only some
parts of plants can ______________.

6. A girl ______________ to become a woman.

7. Plants need ______________ and ______________. Plants make their own

food and take in water from the soil.

Science Junior 2
Fill in the blanks with a correct answer . ( 6 marks )

air grow produce young

need food need water need air

1.Living things can _______________________________.


2.Living things can _______________________________.

3. Living things can _____________________________.

Science Junior 2
4.Living things need _______________ to breathe.

5.Living things need __________________________to stay alive.

6. Living things __________________________to stay alive.

Science Junior 2
Fill the blanks with a correct answer . 10 marks

1. A hen _____________________

( lay eggs / give birth )

2.Water is a_______________ for living things.

( basic need , not a basic need )

Science Junior 2
3.Animals need to move to ________________________.

( look for food / look for air )

4. Animals do not need to move to_____________________.

( look for food / look for air )

5.Sun light is a________________ to animals .

( basic need / not a basic need )

Science Junior 2
Butterfly: Draw each stage of the life cycle. 4 marks

1. The egg stay on a leaf until they hatch:

2. The egg hatch into a caterpillar.

Science Junior 2
3. The larva then turns into a chrysalis, sometimes called a pupa.

4.After 21 days, the chrysalis splits and the butterfly comes out.

Science Junior 2
Complete the mind map. 7 marks

Question 1 :

Basic needs
of humans

Question 2 :

Basic needs
of humans

Science Junior 2
Question 3 :

needs of

Fill in the blanks with a correct answer. ( 3 marks )

1Herbivores are animals that eat_______________________________.

2.Carnivores are animals that eat _____________________________.

3.Omnivores are animals that eat _____________________________.

Science Junior 2

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