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Pandit Shivkar Bapuji Talpade

Viman Vidya and Shivkar Bapuji Talpade 

Author : Vijay Upadyaya


According to Bhāratiya knowledge heritage, Veda is the source of all knowledge. Our scholars and
seers have derived all knowledge from this only. But after the Mahabhārat war with the decline in the
Vedic ethics, scienti c deciphering tradition of Veda was also vanished gradually.

But in the 19th century it was again brought into practiced by Swāmi Dayānand Saraswati and he
started the scienti c deciphering process of the Vedas. He had brought into light the forgotten
Vimāna Vidyā existed during the Vedic period and explained the various technologies present in the
Vedas in his book titled ‘Rig-Vedādic-Bhāshya-Bhumikā’ published in 1877.

In the ‘Nau-Vimāna Vidyā’ chapter of this book he explained the fundamental principles of Vimāna
and Ship from the eleven Mantras of the Rig-Veda. Also in his commentaries on the Vedas name as
‘Yajur-Veda and Rig-Veda Bhāshya’ he deciphered and explained the fundamental principles of
Vimāna Vidyā present in the Veda Mantras. Pandit Shivkar Bapuji Talpade came to know about from
these and constructed and ew the rst unmanned aircraft after taking inspiration from these texts.

Shivkar Bapuji Talpade was born in 1864 in Mumbai, Maharashtra. He was belonged to the Pathare
Prabhu Community. During his study in Sir J. J. School of Art, Mumbai he came to know about ancient
Indian Aeronautics through his teacher Chiranjilal Verma. He guided Talpade to read Swami
Dayanand Saraswati works related to ancient aeronautics viz. ‘Rigvedādic Bhāshya Bhumikā’ and
‘Rigved and Yajurveda Bhāshya’. Inspired from these texts he decided to construct Vedic Vimāna
described in the Vedas and started learning Vedic Sanskrit language.

Shivkar used the scienti c method of decoding Veda Mantras prescribed by Swami Dayanand
Saraswati. Following Dayānand’s method, he studied the fundamental principles of Vimana from the
Veda Mantras. To carry out the experimental and observational analysis of the Veda Mantras, he set
up a laboratory in 1892. Based on his ndings, he was the rst man to claim that the shape of a
Vimana is like that of a bird. Initially he built a prototype and later constructed a 6×4 feet aircraft and
placed the ‘Shanku-Yantra’ in the centre.

Research in Vedic Aeronautics by Pandit Shivkar Bāpuji Talpade

Shivkar carried out experimental and observational analysis of the Veda Mantras containing the
fundamental principles of Vimāna. Based on these Mantras, he manufactured the rst aircraft of the
modern era. His research work on Vedic Vimāna is explained below.

1. Shape & Utilization of Vedic Vimāna

Shivkar studied and deciphered the following two Mantras of Rigved and described the shape and
utilization of Vimāna. These are

तु ो ह भु युम नोदमेघे र य न क ममृवाँ अवाहाः । तमूहथुन भरा म वती भर त र ु रपोदका भः ॥१॥

त ः प रहा त ज नास या भु युमूहथुः पतंगैः । समु य ध व ा य पारे भी रथैः शतप ः षळ ैः ॥२॥

ऋ वेद,म डल.सू .मं मांक/अ क.अ याय.वग.म सं या=१.११६.३,४/१.८.८.३,४

In these two Mantras he focused on some words and after comprehending that he got the knowledge
of the shape and use of the vimāna. These words are –

i.        (अ त र ु ः) – That which can be used to move in the sky and which is known by the name of

ii.        (पतंगैः) – Similar to a kite or a bird and as fast as horse.

iii.        (न भ) – Ship which is used to move in ocean at comfort.

From these words he concluded that Vimāna can be used to travel in sky and Ship can be used in
water. There shape is like that of a bird.

1. Machines used in Vimāna

He got to know about the machines required to make the Vimāna y after deciphering the following

ादश  धय मेकं ी ण न या न क उ त चकेत । त म साकं शता न शङ् कवोऽ पताः ष न चलाचलासः ॥

                              ऋ वेद,म डल.सू .मं मांक/अ क.अ याय.वग.म सं या=१.१६४.४८/२.३.२३.२

In this Mantra the word which indicates the machine to be used in the Vimāna is (शङ् कवोऽ पताः). This
means a machine having the shape of a cone has to be placed in the Vimāna. This machine should
have six openings. While moving up, ori ce present below should be opened up and upper ori ce
should be closed. While moving down, upper ori ce should be opened up and other one should be
closed. Like wise if the aircraft has to be moved to east, the west one should be opened up and vice-
versa. In a similar manner it is to be executed for the north and south directions.


This unmanned plane was own in December of 1895 at Girgaum Chaupati beach in front of
audience. It is said that the plane rose to a certain height and then came down on the ground. But this
event wasn’t recorded of cially by the British Govt. He also exhibited this Vedic Vimāna in an
exhibition at town hall in Mumbai organised by the Bombay Art Society.

Literary Works

                        Shivkar was short of funds and didn’t receive any support from the then British
government.  As a result he could not expand his research further but he decided to pass on his work
and published a Marathi book titled ‘Prāchina Vimāna Kalechā Shodha’ in 1907. Later in 1909 he
published ‘Rig-Veda – Prathama Sukta Evam Tyāchā Artha’ explaining the scienti c method of
deciphering the Vedas.

Shivkar practiced the Yoga Vidyā and wrote three books on this namely ‘Pātanjali Yogdarshanātargat
Shabdo Kā Bhutārtha Darshan’, ‘Man Aur Uskā Bal’ and ‘Gurumantra Mahimā’. Also he translated the
two famous book of Swami Dayanand Saraswati from Hindi to Marathi and edited six other books.
He was also the editor of a magazine called ‘Arya Dharma’. Due to his literary contribution, he was
awarded with ‘Vidyā-Prakāsha-Pradeepa’ by the Kolhapur Shankarāchārya. Shivkar was the
Secretary at the “Vedavidyā Prachārini Pāthashālā’ and member of ‘Veda Dharma Prachārini Sabha’.

Family Details
Shivkar Bapuji Talpade was married to Smt. Laxmi  Bai. They were blessed with two sons and one
daughter. Elder son Moreswar was working as a health inspector in the Health Dept. of Bombay
Municipality while the younger one Vinayaka was a clerk in the Bank of Bombay. Daughter’s name
was Navubai.

Study of Vyamaanika Shastra

In 1916, Pandit Shivkar Bāpuji Talpade studied Maharshi Bhāradwāja’s ‘Yantra-Sarwaswa,

Amshubodhini and Aksha-Tantra’ under the guidance of Pandit subrāya Shāstri of Bengaluru. These
texts were related to the ancient aeronautics. Maharishi Bhāradwāja classi ed the Vimānas based
on the basis of source of energy used in the Vimāna. The aphorism is

“श यु मोदय ौ”                      वमाना धकरण सू. १ अ ध.५४ ।

                        This is explained by sage Bodhāyana as –

श यु मो भूतवाहो धूमयान शखो मः

अंशुवाह तारमुखोम ण वाहो म सखः ।।

इ य दा धकरणे वगा यु ा न शा तः ।

                        Based on the construction and energy sources Vedic Vimānas were classi ed into eight
different types. These are –

Types                                    Energy Sources

1. श यु मवगम् ।          Electric Energy.

2. भूतवाहः वगम् ।              Five Elements known as Pacha-Mahābhuta.
3. धूमयानः वगम् ।             Steam.
4. शखो ः वगम् ।           Wax prepared from various plants.
5. अंशुवाहः वगम् ।             Solar Energy.
6. तारामुखः ।                     Energy extracted from the Extra-terrestrial bodies falling on the earth.
7. म णवाहः वगम् ।            Heat and Electricity extracted from air.
8. म सखाः वगम् ।           Energy collected from air after separating its heat and humidity.

Pandit Shivkar Bāpuji Talpade constructed the Marutsakhā type of Vimāna. His rst attempt of ying
it was not very much successful but he kept on rectifying the defects with the dogged determination
and working at it day and night to bring it to perfection. This worsens his health and nally he left his
mortal on 17 September 1917.


1. ऋ वेदा दकभा यभू मका, वामी दयान द सर वती, १८७७ (पुनः का शत २०१२) ।
2. बृहत वमानशा , वामी मु न प र ाजक, १९५८ (पुनः का शत १९९२) ।
3. स याथ काश, वामी दयान द सर वती, १८७५ (पुनः का शत २०१२) ।
4. ह द श पशा सार (मराठ ), ी कृ णाजी वनायक वझे, १९२९ (पुनः का शत २०१३) ।
5. वै दक वा य का इ तहास- तीय भाग, प डत भगव , १९३१ (पुनः का शत २००८) ।
6. ऋ ष दयान द क वेदभा य-शैली, डॉ. धमवीर, १९८८ ।
7. उपदे श मंजरी, वामी दयान द सर वती, १८७५ (पुनः का शत २०१३) ।
8. ाचीन वमान व ा (पूवाध), पं. ीपाद दामोदर सातवलेकर, केसरी, १० मई १९५३ ।
9. पाठारे भूंचा इ तहास (मराठ ), ी ताप वेलकर, १९९७ ।
10.   भुमा सक ( यू सीरीज) (मराठ ), अ टोबर, १९१७ ।
11.   ाचीन वमान कलेचा शोध (मराठ ), शवकर बापूजी तलपदे , १९०७ ।
12.  ऋ वेद- थम सू व याचे अथ (मराठ ), शवकर बापूजी तलपदे , १९०९ ।
13.  गु मं म हमा (गुजराती), प डत शवकर बापूजी तलपदे , १९१६ ।
14.  The Autobiography of Maharshi Pandit T. Subraya Sasthriji, G Venkatachala Sarma, 12 Mar, 1972.



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