Semi - Detailed Lesson Plan: (Finite Sequence) (Infinite Sequence)

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Mathematics – II ( Intermediate Algebra)


            At the end of the session, the students should be able to;

1. Apply the formula of the arithmetic sequence in finding the nth terms.
2. define arithmetic sequence by obtaining the common difference
3. appreciate the importance of the formula of an arithmetic sequence  


Topic               : The Arithmetic Sequence

Time Frame     : One session
Materials         : Textbooks, Visual Aids, Chalk, and etc.
Reference        : Intermediate Algebra– Textbook for second year, page 182 - 184  
Values             : Cooperation


Ø  Prayer
Ø  Checking of attendance
Ø  Review
v  The teacher will do a short recap about the definition of a sequence
Ø  Lesson Proper
v  Theteacher posted a printed visual aids of the definition of the arithmetic sequence.
v  Theteacher will illustrate an example of a sequence in which there is a common difference to define further
the definition  of the sequence.

A.    15, 25, 35, 45   

1, 3, 5, 7, . . .
(Infinite Sequence) (Finite Sequence)

7–5=2 45 – 35 = 10
5–3=2 35 – 25 = 10
3–1=2 25 – 15 = 10
Common Difference is 2 Common Difference is 10


Ø  The teacher will illustrate the formulated formula of the arithmetic sequence.
Ø  The teacher will give illustrative examples of a sequence where the formulated formula of the arithmetic
sequence can be applied.
Ø  T A.    Find the 14th terms of the sequence 5, 7, 9, 11, . . . he

Solution: a1 = 5     n = 14      d  =  2       an  = ?

Substitute in the formula   an = a1 + (n – 1)d

                                           a14 = 5 + (14 – 1)2
                                           a14 = 5 + (13)2
                                           a14 =  5 + 26
                                           a14 = 31

teacher will demostrate more examples on the board and the students will answer the certain example. If
the student fail to answer, he is not allowed to go back in his particular seat until somebody will help him
to answer the given example.

     In the arithmetic sequence -7, -4, -3-1, 2,…., what term is 44

Solution:  an =  44   n = ?      d  =  3  a1 = -7

Substitute in the formula   an = a1 + (n – 1)d

                                           44 =  -7  + (n – 1)3
                                           44 =  -7  + 3n – 3
                                           44 =  -10 + 3n
                                           3n = 44 + 10
                                       3n/3  = 54/3
                                            n  =   18


            Answer the following. Do it by pair.

     Find the 11th term of the sequence  3, 4, 5, ……

     If a1 = 5,  an = 395, and  d = 5, find the value of n.


            Study in advance the Sum of Arithmetic Sequence page 187 – 188.

                                                                        Prepared by:
                                                                                              Johaymar D. Eduria

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