The Role of Training in The Development of Employees Performance

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Research Paper

SEPTEMBER 26, 2021


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ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... 3
I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 4
II. SIGNIFICANCE OF CONDUCTING A TRAINING ................................................................. 5
III. TRAINING IN HRM – NEEDS AND OBJECTIVES ............................................................. 6
IV. TYPES OF TRAINING ..................................................................................................... 7
VI. TRAINING IN HRM – FEATURES ................................................................................. 13
VII. TRAINING CHALLENGE ............................................................................................... 14
CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 17
RECOMMENDATIONS: .................................................................................................... 17

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Human Resources Management considers training as a crucial that enables non-
governmental organizations to create value of commitment and sustain organizational
performance in the increasingly complex and rapidly changing environment.

Training focuses on gaining knowledge to develop employees for their current jobs.
Development is also preparing employees for future roles and responsibilities.

Many researchers carry out analyses to show a relationship between training effectiveness
and organizational development. A measurable performance results from training in
organizations, which enhances employees’ motivation. Training practices are significant in
improving an organization’s growth. Its focus is on developing competencies and gaining a
competitive advantage.


Human Resources Management (HRM), Training, effectiveness, performance, Non-

Governmental Organization, Motivation, development.

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Training and development of human resources have evoked an extraordinary deal of interest
in recent years. Human resource management has two basic approaches- a reactive
approach and a proactive approach. Training is employed in both.

Training is a systematic process of changing the behaviours and knowledges of staff to

develop the match between employee characteristics and employment requirements.

Employee training attempts to boost skills, or increase the prevailing level of information so
the worker is best equipped to try and do his present job, or to arrange him for the next
position with increased responsibilities. Continuous growth and development of employees
make an organization viable and it adapts itself to changing environments.

Investment in human capital, within the style of trainings, involves acquisition of latest
abilities with changed skills, increases knowledge and attitude of the worker necessary for
better performance.

The paper focuses on the trainings conducted by NGOs that ends up in development of
employees. It clarifies the many roles of trainings in increasing the talents of workforce,
enhancing personality development and bringing betterment at organizational levels. This
paper contributes to how these trainings can best support the strategic plans for

Thus, training and development activities can become meaningful when integrated with the
general human resource development strategy of a company. It enhances effectiveness in
organizations and impact on perceived employees’ performance.

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Human Resource Management (HRM) are invaluable assets for organizations, which desire
achieving an organizational performance and focus on the function of the employee and
improve their skills.

Training and development dealing with the acquisition of understanding, know-how,

methods and practices. Therefore, training and development are crucial to HRM as they can
enhance performance at individual, collegial and organizational levels. As the method of
‘increasing one’s ability to take action, organizations are now frequently becoming particular
with organizational learning and collective development. On the other hand, organizational
learning refers to the “effective system to prepare, interpret and respond to both internal
and external information of a predominantly explicit nature.

Training has considered a very effective tool for improving skills, confidence, capabilities,
and competencies. Its essential role is through achieving the objectives of the organizations
by keeping the interest of both the employees and organizations.

NGOs are engaged in various training programs that facilitate employees in enhancing their
productivity and efficiency in work. NGOs are linked in several training areas which involve
capacity building, advocacy, environment, youth development, gender development etc.

In this competitive universe and frequent humanitarian crises, it's hard to gain goals and
achieve missions. Thus, “Saleem and Mehwish” (2011) refer to the importance of training to
developing the abilities of the employee, human resources development requires training
programs with an integrated strategy to help organizations play the main role in
implementing the necessary services. Additionally, the purpose of training is to fill the gap
between existing competencies and skills and those competencies and skills that are
required to meet future challenges and ensure a successful modernization of official

Abdul Hameed (2011) stated that organizations consider the employee as a vital component
of the structure because the success and failure of the organizations are particularly based
on the employee’s performance. Influencing organizations depend on a concept of spending
more on training in assessment with others that due to the importance of training that aids

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workforce to provide the information in their employment in a professional way and they
can gain know-how from their experience.

"Abdus Sattar and Niazi" (2011) advised current organizations that they should take into
consideration training necessitates connected up with altering and developing
internationalization of work. Various countries have a fundamental point of view and
workforce. So, employees are prepared for this purpose with the right aptitudes such as
information’s and skills to carry out their tasks and allocate duties therefore training
programs are taking into actions to get reflected impact on organizations efficiency.

Strategically, organizational learning, which makes use of training and development as one
of the several responses, deals with the acquisition of understanding, know-how, techniques
and practices (repeated sentence). Training and development are planned learning
experiences that teach employees how to perform current and future jobs more effectively.
"Sims" (2002) highlights that training centres on existing jobs while development prepares
employees for possible future careers. The purpose of training and development is to
contribute to the organization's overall goal.


Training and development role in an organization has gradually become the main activity
since the sustained effectiveness and efficiency of an organization depends on the capacity
of its employees to produce at high levels of efficiency and keep abreast with their changing
job-role demands. The purpose of the training is to strengthen specific and useful
knowledge, skills and techniques. It is designed to prepare people to carry out
predetermined tasks in well-defined job contexts. Training is a task-oriented activity aimed
at growing performance in current or future jobs.

❖ The advantages of training can be summed up as:

• Increases morale of employees.
• Encourage the employee to get job security and satisfaction.
• Chances of promotion: employees gain skills and efficiency during training, and they
become more eligible for promotion and become an asset to the organization.

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• Boosted productivity: training improves the efficiency and productivity of employees.
Well-trained employees show both quantity and quality performance. Hence, there is
less wastage of time, money and resources if employees are properly trained.
 The more satisfied the employee is and the greater is his morale, the more he will
contribute to organizational success.
 The more trained an employee is, the less are the chances of committing accidents in job
and the more proficient the employee becomes.

❖ Training and development goals in organizational development:

The kinds of training and development goals rely upon the personal and organizational
objectives identified through the strategic planning process and also the appraisal

These goals should take under consideration the following:

• The mission.
• The Values.
• The strategic objectives of the organization.
• Equal Opportunities Policy.
• Requirements for core competencies.
• Continuing personal and professional development.
• Requirements for a professional, vocational and workplace updating.
• Requirements for organizational change.


There are a variety of various sorts of training we will use to have interaction with an
employee. These types are usually utilized in all steps in a very training process (orientation,
internal, mentorship, and external training). The training utilized depends on the number of
resources available for training, the kind of organization, and therefore the priority the
organization places on training.

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Training is generally conducted in two ways:

❖ Internal Training: Conducted by someone that already works inside the organization.
This is often someone from HR, but not always, it depends on the purpose of the
training and who is the best person for conduct it Internal training sessions are easy
to set up as you already have all the requirements to conduct it. Because of this, it’s
also quicker and cheaper to organize. Because of this, it’s also quicker and cheaper to
❖ External Training: External training is conducting by experts or influencers from
outside of the organization. It breaks up groupthink and offer a fresh perspective on
how things are done. This can have a dramatic effect on organization culture and the
way things are done moving forward (either in a positive or a negative way). Finally,
external training is more expensive than internal training.

The most effective training methods are clarified as following:

❖ Case Study: The case study could be a proven method for training and is thought to
effectively boost learner motivation. However, when learners lack access to the
resources necessary to completing a case study or if the project become a challenge,
their motivation and learning are hindered. This method is suitable for situations
when the trainees have the core knowledge but can still have the benefit of training,
because this method comes with lower costs.
❖ Internship: Internships are great for either side. Employers can like the assistance of
employees, while employees can like the guidance of and training by employers. Still,
in some cases, this will be high-pressured or inconsistent. However, in situations and
environments where the learners have some base knowledge and therefore the
employers are supportive and understanding, this can be a superb training method.
❖ Lectures: Lectures are often dreaded and ridiculed, but they are the most commonly
used training techniques. Certainly, there is frequently a lack of interaction, but with
the right speaker and simple lectures, this can lead to optimal learning.
❖ Management-specific activities: It's just for the employees training that’s focused on
the needs of managers. It may include simulations, brainstorming activities, team-
building exercises, role-playing, or focused eLearning on management best practices.
While, management training could include many different kinds of training, it’s

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important to consider the extra needs of the managers separately from the rest of
the employee population.
❖ Soft Skills Training: Refer to personality traits, social graces, communication, and
personal habits that are used to characterize relations with others. It's also involved
how to respond to the phone or how to be friendly and welcoming to customers. It
could include sexual harassment and ethics training.
In some fields, essential soft skills might include how to motivate others, prepare a
small talk, and organize rapport.
❖ Team Training: Team training may be a process that permits teams to boost higher
cognitive process, problem-solving, and team-development skills to accomplish
business results. Regularly, this kind of coaching can occur after a corporation has
been restructured and new people are working together or following a merger or
acquisition. Some reasons for team training comprise the following:
• Improving communication.
• Making the workplace more enjoyable.
• Motivating a team.
• Getting to know each other.
• Getting everyone “onto the same page,” including goal setting.
• Teaching the team self-regulation strategies.
• Helping participants to learn more about themselves (strengths and
• Identifying and utilizing the strengths of team members.
• Improving team productivity.
• Practicing effective collaboration with team members.

The ultimate objective of training the employees is improvement in their performance

thereby facilitating achievement of organizational goals.


Recent researches affirm that training enables most organizations face their goals and
objectives. Employees, who are armed with skills and expertise, are able to learn new work

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concepts, advance their skills, promote their work attitude and boost productivity (Cole
2002). Training increases employee’s job performance significantly.

Therefore, Saleem and Mehwish (2011) state that training is considered as an essential
activity of the organizational management of Human resources. It requires investing in
improving and developing the employees’ performance. Nowadays, training is the
remarkable development strategy that focuses in gaining organizational goals in this
competitive world. Training is an essential factor for both employee’s performances and
organizational effectiveness (Niazi, 2011).

When employees are trained, they are able to face the current and the future challenges the
organization encounter. Al-Damoe et al. (2012) stated that skillful employees equipped with
required knowledge, and capabilities are better to the overall development of the
organizational performance. Training can increase the productivity, improves the services,
and brings alternatives for the organizations.

Barzegar and Shahroz (2011) consider that the most effective factors of the training of
employees and organization is the improvement of the overall performance, which is
reflected on the quantity of the output, profits growth, safeguarding stability, chance
minimization, price decrease for customers, enhancing agency control, and organization
nationally and internationally.

Consequently, researchers and surveys attempt to find out and adapt the best Training
mechanisms in order enhances the knowledge of the employee towards the job. Such
environment strengthens employees’ proficiency and they become able to give better
results. In addition, training is seen as a useful means of coping with changes fostered by the
emergence of technological innovation; market competition, organizational structuring and
contribute to enhance employee performance. The main objective of every organization is to
improve its performance but it can never be possible without the efficient performance of

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Figure 1: Role of Training in Developing Organizational Performance

According to Singh and Madhumita (2012), the organization performance and effectiveness
ultimately affected by training programs that should be conducted from time to time as
main activity It follows that employees’ productivity will improve.

Bhanu Chopra sees that an organization is the sum total of what employees achieve
individually, organizations should do everything in their power to ensure that employees
perform at their peak.

Surveys and researchers established to figure out several impacts of training on

organizational performance. Some of them are listed in the table below:

• On-the-job training reinforces employee ability to discharge their duties.

• Training is conducted in organizations to boost the morale of the employee to deliver
without committing grievous errors.
• Training is carried out for new employees to make them familiar with the organization
(in terms of structure, objectives, policy).
• The trainer or the experienced worker teaches and advices the trainee on specific
methods and techniques of doing the job.
• Training strengthens effectiveness of employees in discharging their duties. Employees
will be loyal to the organization and will tend to work longer for the organization.
• Training shapes employees and forges new ideas, technologies and improve their
• Training can offer job rotations and transfers; it conducts coaching and mentoring in

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Organizational Performance

Bob Nelson, author of 1001 Ways to Engage Employees, reveals that learning and
development are among the top factors in employee engagement. Employee development,
through approaches like coaching, training sessions, and leadership mentoring training, is
crucial in driving long-term operation effectiveness and strengthens work performance.
Training is a special event that develops new information or skills, often provided to new or
newly promoted employees. Both are key functions of organization human resources staff,
who typically are responsible for planning and implementing these efforts.

Further, employee training and development programs are fundamental to the success of
businesses worldwide. Not only do these programs offer opportunities for staff to upgrade
their skills, but also for employers to ameliorate employee productivity and improve
organization culture.

This study indicated that employee training has a significant positive impact on
organizational performance; there is significant relationship between employee training and
organizational performance. Thereby, training and development is gainful for both
organization itself and employees. On the one hand, training improves profitability and/or
more positive attitudes toward profit orientation, it ameliorates the job knowledge and skills
at all levels of the organization, and raises the morale of the workforce and helps the
employees identify with organizational goals (Sims, 1990). On the other, training and
development contribute to individual employees through helping them make better
decisions and effective problem solving, supporting, encouraging and achieving self-
development and self-confidence, supporting an employee handle stress, tension,
frustration, and conflict, rising job satisfaction and recognition and making the person focus
toward his personal goals while improving interaction skills (Sims, 1990).

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Here are a few reasons that demonstrate how important to conduct training and

❖ New Hire Orientation:

Training is particularly important for new employees. This can be organized and
managed by someone within the organization and should serve as a platform to get
new employees to speed up their integrations with the processes of the company
and address any skill gaps.
❖ Tackle shortcomings:
Every individual has some shortcomings and training and development helps
employees iron them out. For example, at Rate Gain they divided the entire
headcount in several groups to provide focused training which is relevant to those
groups - sales training, first time managers, middle management, senior leadership,
executive leadership.
❖ Improvement In Performance:
If the deficiencies and weaknesses are addressed, obviously the employee's
performance will increase. Training and development also go on to elaborate on the
strengths and gain new skill sets. The organization must break down the training and
development demands to target appropriate individuals.
❖ Employee satisfaction:
The organizations that invest in training and development commonly tend to have
satisfied employees. Nevertheless, the exercise should be related to the employees'
needs, and they can learn and take back something valuable. It will be useless if
training and development become tedious, and employees attend it only because
they have to.
❖ Increased productivity:
In a rapidly evolving view, productivity does not only rely on employees but also on
the technology they use. Training and development go a long way in getting
employees up to date with new technology, use existing ones better and then discard
outdated ones. This permits a deep way of getting things done efficiently and in the
most productive way.

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❖ Self-driven
Employees who have attended the best training require lesser supervision and
guidance. Training develops necessary skill sets in employees and empowers them to
address tasks independently. This also enables supervisors and management to focus
on more pressing areas.
Eventually, Training and development programs can have a large influence on an
organization. Like another role in the organization, training and development should
be focused on producing targeted and tangible outcomes for the business. The key is
to use it seriously and consider it a wealth investment and make it results-driven.


There are many challenges facing the organizations such as:

❖ Training as part of the general experience at work

Time and again, we read that employee choose employers that value learning and
development. in step with LinkedIn’s 2019 Workforce Learning Report, 94% of
employees declare that they'd lodge in a company longer if it invested in helping
them learn. Certainly, training may be viewed not only as how to strengthen the
facilities of workers but also as a retention strategy. a part of the challenge for L&D is
to attain the budgets necessary to fulfil these employee expectations and to
internally promote the available learning pathways

❖ Personalizing the training

Not only are employees increasingly seeking job experiences that present training,
they expect the training to be relevant, in their preferred format, and customized for
their learning journey. Some employees expect a whole learning roadmap, from
which they can obtain the skills not only to perform better at their jobs but also to
grow professionally.

❖ Dealing With Change

Organizational change is a basic challenge and more common than ever. Dealing with
changes due to alliances, acquisitions, technology, budgets, and staffing is the
highest challenge mentioned by Learning and Development (L&D) specialists.

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❖ Engaging Learners

L&D professionals must demonstrate the value of learning and development.

Frequently, other critical tasks or priorities seem to win out. It’s a challenge to
receive learners to attend, actively participate, and follow-through.

❖ Delivering Consistent Training

When an organization is global or geographically separated, it increases the difficulty

of providing consistent training. The most common challenges of training and
development involve geographic limitations, raised costs, language obstacles,
translation issues, and virtual training needs.

❖ Tracking Skills Application

Exploring the “stickiness,” or sustainability of a training program is challenging at

best. L&D specialists must decide and implement an efficient way to assure skills are
learned and applied in the real work environment.

❖ Instilling Conflict Management Skills

Training learners about handling conflict will be difficult. Conflict management could
be a critical skill and might deeply affect an organization’s success when it's lacking.
Struggle can raise turnover, decrease employee morale, and affect the longevity and
well-being of a business.

❖ Quantifying Training Effectiveness

Numerous L&D professionals must provide a quantitative assessment of how training

programs are affecting their organization. It is challenging to figure out which metrics
to use, how to combine them into post-training evaluations, how and when to follow
up, and how to adjust future training based on the results.

❖ Demonstrating Value to Leadership

It is the task of senior leadership to decide which activities are worth funding. It is
paramount for L&D specialists to illustrate the bottom-line value to gain buy-in from

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leaders. Managing corporate training and development as a head priority in an
organization is challenging.

❖ Promoting Learning Effectiveness

Training learners efficiently is important. There are multiple topics to cover and many
require unique delivery methods for solid skill development to occur. It is necessary
to ask the right questions and classify the desired results when planning each training

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Training is required to cover essential work-related skills, techniques, and knowledge.
Training and development are oriented around what’s profitable for an organization and
play a great role towards its growth and success. In this approach, the Training process
should be continuously updated in the follow-up of the best HR practices. NGOs need to
improve and cultivate skills in highly-growing technology. Continuous and effective training
programs increase the commitment, proactivity, enthusiasm, and performance of

• Non-governmental organizations need to provide continuous high-quality training to
their employees.
• Focus on employee’s Need.
• Work on an effective development approach by providing regular training programs,
which conduct to motivation and engagement and therefore boost the organization
• The HR specialists, line managers, and top management should implement HR
policies as; source of the effective training process; that can lead to productivity
incensement and goals achievements.

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