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(The Poem)

STD-V SUB: English

New words

1. thrust
2. hither and thither
3. recover
4. clash
5. blunted
6. shrivel
7. wrinkled
8. closet
9. rubbish
10. beneath

Gleaning Words

1. thrust- pushed up or grown

2. hither and thither- here and there
3. recover- return to their normal state
4. clash- brush against one another
5. blunted- not sharp
6. shrivel- dry or wrinkled

A. Answer the following.

1.What is ‘It’ as referred to by the speaker?

Ans- The speaker is referring to a little twig.

2.What does the speaker say must be done with it?

Ans- The speaker says that the twig must be planted and watered in adequate sunlight.

3.What will happen if one does as the speaker says?

Ans- The twig will grow into a tall bush and give flowers.

4. It will shrivel and waste. Why does the speaker say this?
Ans- The speaker says that the twig will shrivel and waste if it is thrown away.

5.What will happen to ‘an old twisted nail’?

Ans- It will be swept into the dustbin.

B.Think and Answer these questions.

1. Do you think the poem is about planting a twig or about something more? How do
you know this?
Ans- The poem is also about creativity and how a poem is created in a poet’s mind
The title of the poem suggests that ‘poems’ are compared to a flower bush.

Is the title of the poem an apt one? Why do you think so?
Ans- The title of the poem indicates that the poet compares the creation of a poem to
how a bush is planted and nurtured. The thoughts need to find the right
nourishment for the poem to grow into a flowering bush. If the thought is not
nurtured and developed into a poem, the idea may just shrivel and die.

C. Appreciating the Poem

The speaker uses contrast in the poem. What purpose does this achieve?
Ans- . The contrast helps to convey the theme very strongly. The poet is talking about
the importance of nurturing the ideas. Providing contrast helps to make the
argument stronger.

The main theme of the poem may not always be openly stated. Sometimes it is only
implied. What is the main theme of this poem? Is it openly stated?
Ans- The main theme of the poem is not stated. The only place where it is implied is
in the title of the poem. The theme is how a poem comes from a little idea that must
be nurtured in the poet’s mind. The poem is carefully developed by conscious care
and thought. If the original idea is ignored then it lies forgotten and wasted among
all the other useless thoughts
D.Answer the following in one sentence each.
1.What is a twig?
Ans:The twig is a small stem but in the context of the poem it can also mean the poet’s
thoughts while writing a poem.

2.What should one do to ensure that a twig grows?

Ans:We should plant it, water it, and expose it to sufficient sunlight.

3.What is a closet? What is stored in it?

Ans:A closet is a cupboard. There are mousetraps and blunted tools stored in it.

4.Why can’t a twig grow in the closet?

Ans:A twig cannot grow in a cupboard as there is no sunlight and water that is essential for
its growth.

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