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(Courtesy of Michelin Guide, Maly, 10th Edition—reprined with permission) Italian is a ‘‘Romance"’ language, along with French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Rumanian, to mention the most widely spoken ones. This is because they all derive directly from the language of Rome—Latin. Most of the approximately 56 million inhabitants of Italy speak Nalian. There are also many immigrants of Italian origin in North America who continue to speak Italian, especially in the home. Italy is a peninsula in the shape of a “boot.” There are also two islands on its western coast; Sardinia (Sardegna) and Sicily (Sicilia). It is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea (Mar Mediterraneo), which takes on different names, as you can see on the map. The Alps (le Alpi) and the Apennines (gli Appennini) are the two main mountain chains in Italy. Politically, the country is divided into regions—each with its own dialect and local traditions, The capital of Italy is Rome (Roma). You will enjoy visiting many interesting spots. ‘You might, for example, want to see Venice's famous San Marco church and square, Florence’s breathtaking Piazza de] Duomo, Rome’s immortal Colosseum, Naples’ famous San Carlo theater, You might also want to shop in Milan’s world-famous Galleria. Or, you ight want to enjoy the tranquil surroundings on the island of Capri. Other famous cities you might want to visit are Trieste, Turin (Torino), Genoa (Genova), Bologna, Pisa, and Palermo—to mention but a few. Italian painting, sculpture, literature, and music are famous all over the world. Who has not heard of the great Renaissance artist Michelangelo or of the great scientist Galileo? The names Dante, Boccaccio, Petrarch (Petrarea), Leonardo da Vinci, Verdi, Puccini, Rossini, Paganini, Marconi are forged into history, as, of course, is that of Christopher Columbus (Cristoforo Colombo). Today, Italy is famous for its artisanship and design, especially in the fields of clothing, furniture, and automobiles. Its cinematography is internationally acclaimed. Italy's cuisine also enjoys a worldwide reputation, notably with spaghetti, ravioli, lasagna (lasagne), gnocchi, and macaroni (maccheroni). By learning the language of Italy, you will acquire a valuable key to many of its cultural treasures. Just put in 15 minutes a day at a pace comfortable for you. Some days you'll cover many pages, some not so many. Now, let's get started. PRONUNCIATION It is thought by many that Italian is an easy language to speak, that it is written as it is spoken. This is generally true. The following charts will help you with the troublesome letters and sounds. First we give you the vowels, then the consonants. You'll need to familiarize yourself with these sounds, even though each time a new phrase is introduced in this book, the pronunciation is also shown. VOWELS ITALIAN ENGLISH VOWELS EQUIVALENT SYMBOL casa father ah (house) bene bet eh (well) riso ease ee | (rice) | | volo bone oh (fight) scusi rule 00 (excuse me) NOTE: Speakers in different parts of Italy will pronounce ¢ and o slightly differently, but not enough to make a substantial difference, The j and u may stand for “ty” and “*w"" sounds respectively. This has to do with syllable considerations. For your own practical purposes, just follow the pronunciation aids provided throughout the book. ITALIAN LETTERS e ch ci gi ali SYMBOLS PRONUNCIATION/EXAMPLES k Before a, 0, u, and all consonants, pronounce | with a hard *'c.’’ Example: come (KOH-meh) how. | | | ch | Before ¢ and i, use the “‘ch’” sound, as in | “church.'* Example: arrivederci (ah-rree-veh-DEHR-chee) good-bye. k Before ¢ and i, pronounce with a hard ‘*k"’ sound. Example: che (keh) what. | ch Before a, o, and u, use the “ch” sound, as in | “church.'* Example: ciao (CHAH-oh) hi or bye. g£ Before a, 0, u, and all consonants, pronounce with a hard ‘'g"* as in “*gas."" Example: gatto (GAH-ttoh) cat. j Before ¢ and i, pronounce with a “j” sound as in “just.” Example: gita (JEE-tah) trip. g Before ¢ and i, use the hard “*g"’ sound. Example: spagherti (spah~GEH-ttee). j Before a, o, and u, pronounce with a “j” sound. Example: giorno (JOHR-noh) day. | lly Pronounce like the “‘li”’ in ‘‘million.’* Example: figlia (FEE-Ilyah) daughter. ny Pronounce like the “‘ny"* in “‘canyon.”* Example: gnocchi (NYOH-kkee) dumplings. J Cc oO NS' ONANTS (continued) ITALIAN LETTERS SYMBOLS PRONUNCIATION/EXAMPLES qu sc, sch kw sk sh ts, dz Pronounce like the English “*quick.’” Example: quando (KWAHN-doh) when. Might be pronounced *'s” as in *'sit”’ of “27” as in "*zoo."* Examples: sorella (soh-REH-Ilah) sister and sbagtio (ZBAH-Ilyoh) mistake. ‘The letiers “sc” before a, 0, u, and consonants, and the letters “sch” before ¢ and i are ced “sk” as in “ski.” Examples: scusi (SKOO-see) excuse me and scherzo (SKEHR-tsoh) prank. Before ¢ and i, use the English *‘sh” sound. Example: scendere (SHEHN-deh-reh) to get off. Sometimes pronounced “‘ts"” and sometimes “dz."* Examples: zio (TSEE-oh) uncle and zucchere (DZOO-kkeh-roh) sugar. Most consonants can be doubled, and these are represented by double letters. In this book, doubled consonants are indicated with double letters (“kk,” “gg,” and so on). Simply double, or lengthen, your articulation. The remaining Italian sounds and letters correspond, more or less, to English ones. For example; (bel LOL-nvahy tah DEH aval) \fee-REMN-tsch) (path-LEMR-mohp (MAHL rel Bologna Sardegna Firenze Palermo mare (NAH pole) (PEs) (ROH ina (toh-REE-noh) (VEE-noh) Napoli Pisa Roma Torino vino rolled) Clouching the Upper teeth) Now write these words, along with the English translation, and pronounce them, using the pronunciation rules just given. arrivederci figlia Tiglio valige volo HOW ENGLISH AND ITALIAN ARE SIMILAR Many simple Italian sentences follow the same arrangement as English ones: The boy [ eals the [ pizza | [ ragazzo | [ mangia | [ ia | [pizza The differences that exist between the two languages will come out as you study this book. For example, you will learn that adjectives usually follow nouns in Italian: eats the mangia la Many Italian words can be learned simply by recognizing patterns such as the following: ENGLISH WORDS ENDING IN: ITALIAN WORDS ENDING IN: |ON -IONE. correction correzione occasion occasione nation nazione station stazione function funzione -TY -TA city citté ability abilita parity sociability sincerity STA dentista violinista pianista artista -OR -ORE actor attore sculptor scultore vigor vigore color colore (dee-reh-TTOH-teh) —_(or-KEHS-trah} il direttore d’orchestra ve ‘conductor ‘orchestra eli Utyee|(spah-GEH-ttee) spaghetti As you leam the language, you will discover many other similar patterns. This book will attempt to make it as easy and as enjoyable as possible for you to learn to speak and understand basic Italian. For your purposes, you will need a few important grammatical skills and a basic vocabulary of about one thousand words. (MAH-kkee-nah) Ja macchina car tmee-keh-LAHN-jeh-toh) il “David”? di Michelangelo Michelangelo's David You will learn only the present and imperative tenses, which is really all you will need in order to communicate your needs and intentions. Some of the dialogues may seem to be somewhat unrealistic—this is because they are deliberately written in the present tense. All dialogues have been written with a humorous touch, so that you can enjoy them more. You will have opportunities to check your progress throughout the book. If you forget something, or fec! that you need some reinforcement, go over the appropriate parts. By working through this book for about 15 minutes a day, you will develop the ability to ask for a hotel room, to exchange money, to order food, and so on, Do not overdo it! In the 15 minutes you will spend each day on learning Italian, work only through the pages that you can cover comfortably. Have fun! GETTING TO KNOW PEOPLE FAbLreh) —thoh-noh-SHEHN-toarh) UEHN te e la conoscenza della gente C3 (KOH-meh) (sre) es ae aoe ah) (hohnvehr. sa-TSYOH-neh) Come si inizia una conversazione Statting a Conversation When you go to htaly, and we hope you will soon, one of the first things you will want to do is to meet people and strike up a friendly conversation. To do this you will need some handy expressions for conversation openers. You'll find several of them you can use in these easy conversations. Underline them so you can remember them better. Read over the following dialogue several times, pronouncing cach line carefully out loud. Try to “act out’ each role. The dialogue contains some basic words and expressions that will be useful to you (Mark and Mary Smith, their daughter Anne, and their son John have just arrived at the Rome airport and are looking for their luggage. Mark approaches an airline employee.) (AWOHN) (FOR otk) (see-NVOH-reb) MARK Buon giorno, ignore. Hello (or Good day/Good moming), sir. tdeh- alch-rahy IMPIEGATO Buon giorno. Desidera Hello. May I help you? (literally, do you ‘hah? KOF-ah) qualcosa? want something) (CHEHR -koh WMEE- vat LEE jehd MARK Si. Cerca le mie —_valige. Yes. Lam looking for my suitcases. (BEH-neh) (KYAH-mah) IMPIEGATO Bene. Come si chiama, Well (or Fine/Okay). What is your name? (Etec lei? (iteraily, what do you call yourself) (KYAH-moh) MARK Mi chiamo Mark Smith. My name is (Mr.) Mark Smith. (DOH-veh) (AH-bee-iah) IMPIEGATO Dove abita? ‘Where do you live? (Al -bee-toh) (NEH-H vee) MARK Abito negli Stati Uniti, I live in the United States, in Chicago. a Chicago. (NOO-meh-roh) (SOO-oh) COMMESSO II numero del suo volo? \(areh-chehn-toh-TREH) MARK Trecentotré da New York. (iioh-MEHN-toh) —(fah-VOH-reh) ‘COMMESSO Un momento, per favore. Your flight number? 303 from New York. One moment, please. (JohWAH nee} (As the clerk looks through some papers on his desk, Giovanni, an Italian business Jriend, runs into Mark.) ICHAH-ohy (STAH-ee} Giovanni Ciao, Mark. Come stai? MARK Giovanni! Sto bene, e tu? {MOF L-tole) —— (SEtL-ee} (hee) GIOVANNI Molto bene. Sei qui per una (rah KAHN-teath) vacanza? (pret-ZEHN-toh) (MEE-ch) MARK Si. Ti (ech-MEE-Slyah) — (MOH-Ilvetr) famiglia. Mia moglie Mary, mia (Fi rh) (FEB slvots figlia Anne, e mio figlio John. (pval-CHEH-reh) GIOVANNI Piacere. (SKOO-see) COMMESSO Scusi, signore, le valige lah-RREE-vah-noh) (PROH-ssee-moh) arrivano con il prossimo volo. tah-chee-DEHN-tee) MARK Accidenti! {pak-TSYEHINtsah) GIOVANNI Pazienza, Mark. Sei in Italta. Hi, Mark, How are you? John! Lam well, and you? Very well. Are you here for a holiday? Yes. Let me introduce my family to you. My wife Mary, my daughter Anne, and my son John. A pleasure Excuse me, sir, the suitcases are arriving with the next flight Darn it! Patience, Mark. You're in Italy. (GRAH-tsee-ch) MARK (to the clerk) Grazie Thank you and good-bye (polite) falt-rreeveh-DEHR-lah) e (PREH-goh) IMPIEGATO Prego, signore. ‘You're welcome, sir. MARK (to Giovanni) Ciao. Good-bye (familiar). (FOO-nee) GIOVANNI Arrivederci a tutti. Good-bye to all. fahsrree-veh-DEHR-chee) tur! Arrivederci. Good-bye (familiar). Now without looking back try to fill in the missing dialogue parts. Check your answers from the dialogue only after attempting to fill in the parts from memory. Buon giorno, signore. Bg. Desidera qualeosa? Si. Cereo le mie v. Bene. Come sic___., lei”? M ¢_—___ Mark Smith. lln____ del suo v 2 Trecentotré d__ New York. Un momento, p__f By rearranging the following words you will get sentences from the dialogue. mia / la / presenta / Ti / famiglia arrivano / valige / le / prossimo / volo / il / con / Scusi / signore tutti /a/ Arrivederci ANSWERS nym v fauopaatuny ‘ojon ourtssoud jf Hod URAL SB yea 9] ‘SIOUTIS “IsMIg “eYLSyUMMY T}W PY OWUasead |, saaUaTUAg: 10 (pehr-SOH-nel (KOH-sehy LE PERSONE E LE COSE ple and Things One of the first things you will need to know how to do in Italian is naming people and things. Look carefully at the following: (seem goh-LAH-rehy (ploo-RAH-leh) Singolare e plurale singular lural SINGULAR PLURAL (rah-GAH-tsoh) (roh-GAH-tsee) ragazz ragazz [iJ boy bays: gatt |i cats (FYOH-rehi) fior flower foot fior [7] ter [4] (mahs-KEE-tee) [ These are called masculine nouns (nomi maschili). Notice that they end in either [0 ] or[e ]. To form the plural, simply change the [0 ] or the [e ] to [i]. Got it? This diagram will help you remember. Mi Now look at the following additional nouns. SINGULAR PLURAL. (KA sch) cas|a cas|¢ house houses: (MEH-Jah) mel [a] apple {ah-oo-toh- MOH: bee-leh} (ah oo-toheMOW-bee-tee) automobil [e] automobil | i | automobile automobiles _—S mel| € apples (MAH-rehy madr | e madr |i mother mothers (feh-mmee-NEE-lee) These are called feminine nouns (nomi femminili). Notice that they end in either To form the plural of those ending in [a |, simply change the [ a | to [e]. To form the plural of those ending in [ e ], | cFEMININE NOUNS change the [¢ | to [i] (as in the case SINGULAR PLURAL of masculine nouns). The chart at the [2 KH] e right will help you remember how to form — — e 1 feminine plural nouns. LI 2 1 i An even casier way to remember how to form the plural of any noun is seen in this FORMING PLURAL NOUNS chart, which simply combines the previous two. SINGULAR PLURAL. 5 Got it? Now test yourself by trying to put the following nouns into the plural. (hivah-DEHR-noh) quaderno workbook, workbooks: (PEH-anahh penna pea (PAH-deeh) padre father fathers Meah-GAH-tsah) ragazza See girl girls madre mother mothers ragazzo boy boys te} ANSWERS trfer upew sezeie1 ped suusd jwapenb spesnia 13 Una, un’, uno, un Aand An When we name something (that is, use a noun) in English, we often precede the noun with ‘*a™” or ‘‘an."’ The same is true in Italian. Here is how we say these words, depending on whether the noun is masculine or feminine. WITH FEMININE NOUNS BEFORE ANY CONSONANT BEFORE ANY VOWEL (00-nak} (ah-MEE-tah) una | ragazza un’ | amica itl friend | un’ | automobile ‘WITH MASCULINE NOUNS BEFORE Z OR BEFORE S BEFORE ANY OTHER CONSONANT FOLLOWED BY A CONSONANT OR ANY VOWEL {00-noh) uno | zio un| ragazzo uncle {stoo-DEHN-tek) uno | studente padre == [on] un amico male friend (AHL-beh-roh un| albero ee M4 As you can see, in front of feminine nouns, ‘‘a” or “an” is{ una consonant, and {un’] if it begins with if the noun begins with a a vowel. In front of masculine nouns, | uno | is used if the noun begins with z or with s plus a consonant (sp, st, sm, etc.); otherwise | un | is used. Notice that [ un | does not have an apostrophe in the masculine. The following chart is a handy summary to which you might refer if you run into any difficulties. una| (before any consonant) (before any vowel) Now give this a try. Fill in the appro; each of the following nouns. =< UNS. WITH MASCULINE NOUNS uno | (before z or before s plus 4a consonant) un | (before any other consonant ar any vowel) priate form of *ta’’ or “‘an’’ in the space provided for un’ uno un gato —______ amica ——______ ragazza (TSEE-ah) zia aunt mela (ome) un (ouaqie) un (epput) albero —____ amico ragazzo io (SPEH-kkyoh) specchio mirror ANSWERS, (ompoods) oun (or) oun (ozzeea) un mun (pr2) run (ezzwaes) PUN (e>HUR) UN (ones) un S~PHAy IS How did you do? Let’s try another, this time filling in both the * word for what is shown. or “tan” and the Halian (kee) (keh) Chi Che cosa e? Who i What is it? a boy acat a foot a flower a house an apple acar a pen a workbook an uncle a tree ANSWERS onpoods oun oioqje un oz oun oMDpenb un ruusd eu 3[iqowomne,un FfsuE eM SED eUN avo UN opord UN ONES uN ozreaeA uN MOLEDLNUap] i6 . . EN Io, tu, lei e voi ey Vand You Ww EE -ah) = In Italian, “1" is translated as_[ iw |. This word is not capitalized as in English, unless it is the first word in a sentence. “You"' is represented in several ways: tu —When addressing friends or family members in the singular (familiar address). lei] | —When addressing any stranger or superior in the singular (polite address). May also be capitalized when written (Lei). voi | —As the plural of both | tu | and | lei Jin current spoken Italian, (Although there is a more formal way of addressing more than one person (loro), it is seldom used in the spoken language.) SUMMARY YOU The chart at the left will help you SINGULAR PLURAL remember how to say ‘*you"’ in Italian. tu voi lei (polite) _ (pakr-LYAH-moh) (paleREHN-tee) PARLIAMO DEI PARENTI Let's Talk About Relatives Here is Giorgio’s family. SS I7 in the blanks to practice the words that tell the different family relationships Maria Giovanni (NOH-nnah) {NOH-nnoh) la nonna il nonno grandmother grandfather Marco il padre father la madre Pina Gino il figlio la figlia (koo-FEE-nah) son daughter il cugino la cugina male cousin female cousin Urah-TEH-Hoh} (so REH-Hah) ill fratello la sorella brother sister ig Look carefully at the family tree and then fill in the following blanks. We've done one as an example. Be careful to copy the forms of “the” (il, la, lo) correctly. You should know that il marito is the husband and la moglie is the wife. Good luck! Model: Pino & —the fig bin di Marco. L. Gino @ di Gina. 8. Pina@ di Pint, 2. Giovanni ¢ ———________dii Carla. 9. Giovanni ¢ ________________ di Pina. 3. Paola @ —_____________ di Pino. 10. Carla @ —_________ di Pino. 4. Maria @ —_______________ di Pina. 1. Gino @ ________________ di Paola. 3. Pino & —_____________ di Gina. 12. Paolo é _________________ ii Pina. 6. Giovanni @ —__di Maria. 13, Pina @ —_________ di Gina. 7. Paola é —________________ di Paolo. Not so hard, right? Practice your knowledge of family names by finding the plurals of these nouns that are hidden in the puzzle, and then writing them out for additional practice. cugino sorella cugina figlio zio figlia zia madre fratello. padre nonna ‘nonno ec ou g ion ix x x x x X X KX X NX X K KX OX K @ x x ¥ X X X X C Ug im ex x x x x x x x i XX X KX FE X KX XR X KX KX KX x x fo fr a t e€ Ft Fi xX ox x x i x KX MX NX XK X X XK X X KR KX K X KX Kk Xx xX X X € X KX X O X XK X X X XN X KR KX KX KX XK X X xX X X K k K X X M O M MH © X KX KX K KX K X moa dor i x x x x x m x x x pad rix x x Xo ox x x x x xe x x x f i g tix x x x x x & fo ig | i e x x x x x x x s ore tT tex x ANSWERS juuou uped uupma 91% 1184 9[fa1 suuOU yoyo” M2 oUIEN? WUHRND sqeaM|a g5N9E] “EL OFF Of “ZL ONT | “EL aupew ey “GE ouuOU | “6 eMDI0S eI “g ayfow ep “Z oweu Eg ouFND |) “g KUNONE] “p eRe] “Ee sped [EZ ONSET “T suEINA 19 tl i Now you're really moving! If you're a puzzle fan, give this a try—in Italian, of course. Across Grandmother ‘You're welcome Something. ‘Aunt live Down Brother Suitcases. You live It is time to return to the Smiths, just beginning their trip to Italy. See if you understand what the following paragraph is all about. Read the selection, then answer the questions that follow. (fab-MEE-llyah) La famiglia Smith arriva in Italia family con il volo trecentotré da New York. Il signor (DEE-cheh} Smith dice «Buon giorno» all’impiegato, says clerk Il signor Smith dice «Grazie» e l’impiegato. (cen-FEE-neh) dice «Prego». Infine, il signor Smith dice finally «Arrivederla». ANSWERS Rigo ‘9 attra *p oljsieay ouprd “@ onge "g Riz *Z Rsoa[enb *g o¥aud “g cuuOU *z isNOZDy paoKssos) 20 (kee) Chi arriva da New York? 0 0 commesso arriva da New York. whe 7 Ui signor Smith e la sua famiglia arrivano da New York. (heh) Che dice il signor Smith? (J It signor Smith dice «Buon giomo». ‘What 0 UU signor Smith dice «Ciao». Che dice 'impiegato? CO Vimpiegato dice «Accidentil”» i L'impiegato dice «Prego». Now study and say aloud these parts of Giorgio’s house. (free-goh-REE-feh-roh) il frigorifero refrigerator il bagno (chLEW-ttreeskah) mike la cucina elettrica le scale il lavandino stove stairway sink (VAHS-kah) la vasea da bagno bathtub: (hae-CHEE-nel) la cucina Ae kitchen il bagno: bathroom (dee-VAH-noh) poem it divano bra (LEH-t10h) {soh-HOHR-noh) 4 leito il soggiorno living rom la camera da letto bedroom ISEH-dee-eh) le sedie chairs Uahr-DEE-noh) il giardino (feeNEHS-trah) —— (TAH-vohelah) ——(POHR-tah)_ (kah-rree-DOH-soh) garden la finestra la tavola la porta il corridoio window ble door hallway ANSWERS ~O8alg,, 201p omsardu +] yowo1t ong], 931 WpRU 2oUBIS [| POR MAN Up OURALLAE eH|TiUyY Uns v9 MIMS OUTS {| UoYsUDyaAdwOD ai ARRIVAL Cs (ah-RREE-voh) \ L’ arrivo (CHEHR-kah) In cerca di un posto per la | (NOH -teh) notte | Finding @ Place to Spend the Night You'll probably book your hotel room from home—at least for your first night—but whether you have a reservation or not, you'll want to know some basic words that describe the services and facilities you expect to find at your hotel. Leam these words first, and notice how they are used in the dialogue you will read later. (ahl-BEHR-goh) (preh-noh-tah-FSYOH-neh) Valbergo la prenotazione hotel reservation & (PREH-ts0h) (pahssah-POHR-roh) (KAH-melerahy il prezzo il passaporto la camera Price passport room (AEE-nvoh) (preh.noh-TAH-rch) {eem-PEE-gah-tah) bagno prenotare Vimpiegata bathroom 10 reserve female clerk (kah-meh-RYEH-rah} (POHR- tah) ee-NEHS-trah) la cameriera la porta la finestra maid /waitress door window 22 I diversi modi di dire «the» in italiano ‘The Many Ways of Saying ““The’* in Italian WITH FEMININE NOUNS SINGULAR Before Any Consonant (la) la la] ragazza la| madre Before Any Vowel (OH-rah) [P] ora Pf] amica tieh) 23 PLURAL ragazze madri ore (ah-MEE-ken) amiche ) WITH MASCULINE NOUNS SINGULAR Before z or Before s Plus a Consonant toh) lo Before Any Other Consonant feel) il io studente padre Before Any Vowel albero (live) (ee) i} ragazzi lye) alberi 24 PLURAL Got it? This chart will help you remember. THE SINGULAR PLURAL With Feminine Nouns [1] (before any consonant) FF) team oy With Masculine Nouns [re] (before z or + plus @ consonant) ; ati ‘cal (before any vowel) [2] efore any other ————————{7] consonant) MxP>EZEaw That’s it! Now test your familiarity with “the.” Choose the appropriate way of saying “the” in front of the following singular nouns. gatto ————__—__ piede ora albero ANSWERS (osoqye) | (epord) jy (exo) | (one) |! sunow seynituyg 235 fiore —_______ amica. pena a Magnifico! Now choose the correct form of “the” in Italian for the same nouns in the plural. le ali i ANSWERS (auuad) op (syste) 9] (ojoury of (vor) 1 (epard) 1 (uoqre) yF (40) 9 (mae) | seam (euuad) ey (Bane) ,| (ROU oY (UY) |! suNoW seANAMES 26 (seh) (VWOH-EE) SE VUOI CHIEDERE QUALCOSA... You'll find yourself asking questions every day of your tri (KYEH-deh-reh) (dowal-KOH-cah) If You Want To Ask For Something a ‘¢ of hotel clerks, tour guides, waiters, and taxi drivers. To form a question, become familiar with these key words. fhek). che cosa thee} chi (DOH-vek) Notice that when following ways. quant | o (deh-NAH-roh) denaro money quant [a] WHAT? WHO? [-dove_}——___ were? is followed by a noun, it agrees (KOH-meh) come ipche-KER) perché (KWAHN-doht quando (KWAHN-t0h) quanto (KWAH-teh) quale quant | i HOW? WHY? WHEN? HOW MUCH/ HOW MANY? ‘WHICH? with the noun by changing in the There are times when you don’t even need to use these words to ask a question. Often you can turn a statement into a question by either of these two methods: (1) raise your voice intonation in the normal way for questions: (MAHN-jah) Il ragazzo mangia la pizza |.—~ Il ragazzo mangia la pizza xy is cating. (2) or put the stebject at the end of the sentence: 27 Il ragazzo mangia la pizza |.—>| Mangia la pizza |, | il ragazzo |? Now match up each question with its answer. 1. Che cosa mangia Maria? 2. Parla italiano Giovanni? does speak 3. Perché canti? do you sing 4. Quando arrivano? do they arrive (EH-khoh) a. Ecco la penna. Here is b. Maria mangia la pizza. c. E il padre di Maria. of d. Si, Giovanni parla italiano speaks (PYAH-ckeh) 5. Dove arrivano? ¢. Canto perché mi piace. Using because 1 Tike it 6. Dov’é la penna? f. Arrivano domani. is tomorrow tah-eh-rolt- POHR-toh) 7. Chi é? g. Arrivano all’ aeroporto. Who is it? at the airport Now here are some more adventures of the Smith family. (We don't recommend that you go to a strange city without a reservation; but let's see how our friends make out.) Read each line carefully several times out loud. Role-play the dialogue. (chee) (pwoh) MARK Scusi, signore, ci pud dare una Excuse me, sir, can (KAH-meh-rah) (seh-ttee-MAH-nah) (ol) camera per una settimana? Non ho you give us a room for a una prenotazione. week? I do not have a reservation. {eem-poh-SSEE-bee-leh) IMPIEGATO = Impossibile, signore. Impossible, sir. MARK Perché? Why? (ahl-BEHR-goh) IMPIEGATO Perché l’albergo é molto. Because the hotel is very full (PYEH-noh) pieno. ANSWERS LO RS HE Oe PT CT MUSE 28 MARK Senta, io ¢ la mia famiglia {ah-BBYAH-moh) (bee-ZOH-nvoh) (oor-JEHNeteh) di (SYAH-moh) (ah-meh-ree-KAH-nee) una camera. Siamo americani. (cheh) — (PEE-Kkoh-fah) IMPIEGATO Va bene. C’é una piccola (TEHR-ts0h) (PYAF-noh camera al terzo piano. (KOHS-tah) MARK Quanto costa? (elm tee-SEH-ce EU-r0) IMPIEGATO Yentisei euro. MARK D’accordo. IMPIEGATO Come si chiama? (KWEHS-tah) MARK Sono Mark Smith. Questa é mia (see-NYOH rah) moglie, la signora Mary Smith, Ecco i nostri passaporti. IMPIEGATO La camera numero trentacinque. (KVAH-veh) Ecco la chiave, (MEE MARK Grazie mille! IMPIEGATO Prego. Listen, my family and 1 urgently need a room, We are Americans. Okay. There is a small room on the third floor (fourth floor in North American terms). How much does it cost? 26 euro. (See unit 25 on banking for information on money.) Okay. ‘What's your name? Tam Mark Smith. This is my wife, Mrs. Mary Smith. Here are our passports. Room number 35. Here is the key. ‘Thanks a million! (éiterally, a thousand thanks) You're welcome. Now, without looking back, try to complete the missing dialogue parts. Check your answers only after attempting to fill in the missing parts from memory. Scusi, signore, ci pud dare una c. Non ho una p. Impossibile, signore. Perché? P_____é molto pieno. Senta, io ¢ la mia famiglia abbiamo b urgente di una camera. Siamo americani. Per una s. Va bo. C8 una p—__———cameera al terzo p. Q——_______ costa? Ventisei e. Can you make sentences found in the dialogue out of the following scrambled words? chiave / Ecco / la signora / la / Questa / moglie / mia / ¢ / Mary Smith chiama / si f Come Study and repeat aloud these words referring to a hotel room. Then write the Italian word and draw a line to the appropriate item in the picture, (LAHM-pah-dah) (LAH-vah-boh) —_(ah-shoo-gal-MAH-noh) lo specchio —_ la lampada il lavabo Vasciugamano minor lamp sink (for washing) towel (hal-sseh-TTOH-neh) (DOH-chak) il cassettone la doccia chest of drawers shower la vasca bathtubs (koo-SHEE-noh) il cuscino = pillow (BAil-nyoh) il bagno — toilet ANSWE EMUETYD FS OME “YMG aMUY OUTS PY “21/Zour HU a MWSONg, “OARIAD P| OD9g sAdUAIUAg 30 Pronomi e verbi Pronouns and Verbs You've already learned how to say ‘I’ and **you’’ in Italian. Now it’s time to move on to the forms for ‘the,”” ‘*she,”’ “we, (100-06) he: .”- and “they.” Here are your new words: [et] HL ste (exactly the same as the polite “‘you"") noi we loro they Use this table to help you remember the Italian pronouns. PRONOUNS jo] noi] we 5 U tw voi] you (plural) M _ M vscculine/femant ‘A Tui] he Toro] they (masculine/femininey | A Tel] she/you (formaly Y Now, here are three common Italian verbs: (pahr-LAHoreh) parlare to speak (hakn-TAH-reh) cantare tw sing (ctherree-VAH-relt) arrivare to arrive Notice that they end in [are ]. So do many other verbs. Watch how they are conjugated. I speak, | am speaking, | do speak I sing, | am singing, I do sing [ arrive, | am arriving, I do arrive We speak, we are speaking, we do speak We sing, we are singing, we do sing We arrive, we are arriving, we do arrive ard are cant are artiv are arl are i t ri parl parlo 10 canto NOL arrive cant are arriv are parliamo cantiamo arriviamo 3 You speak, you are speaking, you do speak You speak, you are speaking. you do speak You sing, you are singing, you do sing You sing, you are 2, you do sing You arrive, you are arriving, you do arrive You arrive, you are arriving, you do arrive parl_are cant are arriv are parl are cant are arriv are parlate VOL cantafe arrivate TU He/She speaks, he/she is speaking, They speak, they are speaking, they do speak he/she does speak ‘They sing, they are singing, they do sing He/She sings, he/she is singing, ‘They arrive, they are arriving, they do arrive he/she does sing He/She arrives, he/she is arriving, parlare cant are arriy are he/she does arrive also You (polite) sing, you (polite) are singing, you (polite) do sing (PAHRAah-nolt) parlano rl are cant are arriy are LR Nea rE LORO cantano (alt RREE-valt-nok) arrivano la LUI ee canta ‘hel arriva Got it? Note that the pronouns are not necessary because the endings specify which person is involved. The pronouns are, in general, optional. io parle or parle noi parliamoe or parliamo tu parli or parli voi parlate or parlate lui loro parlano or parlano iei } Parla or parla Notice as well that parlano, cantano, arrivano are nog stressed on the ending «ane, Be careful! Note that the forms parlafcanta/arriva and parlano/cantano/arrivano are used with corresponding non-pronoun subjects: 32 = Il ragazzo | parla italiano. Le zie | cantane bene. laria | arriva domani, ‘The boy speaks Italian. ‘The aunts sing well Mary is arriving tomorrow T ragazai | parlano italiano. [La zia | canta bene. Maria e Carla | arrivano domani. ‘The boys speak Italian. ‘The aunt sings well, Mary and Carla are arriving tomorrow. Here's a chart of [ae] verb endings to help you remember. VERB ENDINGS “ARE” VERBS Ss io 0 noi [ -iamo Ui M tu “i voi | -ate A lui R he “a loro [ -ano Y Now test yourself. Add the correct endings to the verb abitare, which you have already encountered. tw live ina place 1. Gio) abit ___________ 4. (lei) abit __________ 7. (loro) abit 2. (tu) abit —________ 5, (noi) abit__________ 8. iil ragazzo abit 3. (lui) abit _________ 6, (voi) abit __________ 9. i ragazzi abit Molto bene! See if you can put the correct endings on the following verbs, and if you understand the sentence. La ragazza par] ____ italiano. Tu parle io cant. Gli zii arriv__________ domani. Noi cant______e voi parl Note: To make any verb negative, just add [non | before it. parlo —I speak non | parlo —I do not speak cantano —they sing non | cantano —they do not sing ANSWERS aie(ued) / owrer(que>) (ued) / 1(jed) oue(aume) e(pued) squa, oue(mqe) “6 e(uge) “g Our (NgE) “2 e(UgE) “y oWRIANGE) “g ECE) “p BENGE) “E Nae) “Z OCNgE) “TL SqI9A 33 Slow down! If you are getting confused, just ease up your pace and review what you've learned so far. Capisci? (Do you understand?) See how much Italian you already know by doing the following ‘‘verb"’ crossword puzzle. Across 1. You (familiar) speak 2. She arrives 4. We speak 6. They arrive 7. Vive 8. They sing Down 1. speak 3, He sings . You (plural) sing w Now see if you remember what you have learned about forming questions by matching up the answers on the right to the questions on the left. Che cosa &? 1, a. Abito a Roma. 2. Chi non parla italiano? b. Buna valigia. 3. Dove abita lei? c. Mi chiamo Giovanni Spina. 4. Come si chiama lei? d. Il non parlo italiano. 5. Quando arrivano le valige? e. Costa ventisei euro. 6. Quanto costa la camera? f. Artivano domani. ANSWERS: 29 {KS ‘op ‘ee Pe uoysusysduto) simues “g miuna “g ound *] zumog oumjurs "g onge *Z oursmm *9 owerjed “p exw *z qed ‘| issou7y psoMssou) 34 Test yourself on the many ways to say Now try to put the correct plural form (le, gli, ‘the’ by matching up the nouns on the or #) in front of these nouns (which are now right with the appropriate forms of “the” plural). on the left. Lr a. finestra —__— finestre ——— amici lo b. porta la ec. albergo ______ porte —____ speechi 4. lo d. camera. 5. la e. amica —_____ alberghi. tii 6. la f. amico Uo IP g. Specchio camere ———. passaporti 8. il h. zio 9. il i. passaporto _—_____ amiche —___ bagni 10. 7 j. bagno The following brief passage will allow you to test your comprehension of what you have learned so far. Read it several times, then try to choose the correct answer to each question. Il signor Jones non ha una prenotazione all’albergo. Non ci sono pit camere. Allora, la signora Jones dice all’impiegato che sono americani. L’impiegato dice che c’é una piccola a al terzo piano. La camera non ha il bagno e costa ventisei euro. Chi non ha la prenotazione? ‘Ci sono camere? CM signor Jones non ha la prenotazione. Osi ( Limpicgato non ha la prenotazione. O No. Che cosa dice la signora Jones? Dov'é la piccola camera? 2 Dice *Buon giorno.” D Al terzo piano. CO Dice che sono americani. 1 A Chicago. Ha il bagno? Quanto costa? O si. 0 23 euro. O No. D 2% euro. ANSWERS ‘ouna jasmuian “ourld O71 FY “ON, ‘ON "TUROLIAUIE ous 2y9 actq] “SuOIZMOUALd P| LY LOU Sauof JOUeIS [| WoIsUayAduIO}, (au3eq) 1 (tuodessed) 1 (az) 4 (aypoads) 113 aque) 4 (aqpuUE) 9] (AFourED) 9] (.yEqIe) 19 (Suod) a] fansouy) 9] syeania FOr 6 CER PL PO GS UE EE Rg Oy BUMPED 35 i SEEING THE SIGHTS a (IEE roh) (PYEH dec) 7 In giro a piedi Finding Your Way on FooUGetting Around on Foot “How do I get to “Where is the nearest subway?" “Is the museum straight ahead?"" You'll be asking directions and getting answers wherever you travel. Acquaint yourself with the words and phrases that will make getting around easier. Don’t forget to read each line out loud several times to practice your pronunciation, and act out each part to be certain you understand these new words. — ae CAE JL J wrt (John and Anne set out on their first day to visit a museum.) thych-DYAH-atoh) (VEE -jee-leh) ANNE John, chiediamo al vigile dove si John, ask the policeman how to find the true ZEB ob trova il musco. museum. JOHN (ie the policeman) Scusi, signor Excuse me. sir. can you tell us how to find the dire dove si trova il museo? museum? (CHER-toh) (dee-REE-tee) VIGILE Certo. Andate diritti fino a Via Cenainly. Go straight to Verdi Street, then (see-NEES-trah) Verdi; poi a sinistra a Via Rossini; e to the left at Rossini Street, and then to the right 36 (DEHS-tralp poi a destra a Via Dante, dove c’é il at Dante Street, where the traffic lights are, (seht-MAH-fok-reh) semaforo. II museo si trova a due ‘The museum can be found two blocks after the fee-s0h-LAH- tee) isolati dopo il semaforo. traffic lights. JOHN Grazie mille. ‘Thanks a million. (cheh) (kehy VIGILE Non c’é di che, Don't mention it. (after having followed the directions) (KWENS-soh) ANNE Questo non é il museo. This is not the museum. _ foo-FFEE-choh) (poks-TAH-leh) E Pufficio postale. It's the post office. (TAHR-dee) JOHN Pazienza. E tardi. Torniamo Patience. It’s late, Let's: all’albergo. go back to the hotel. Now sec if you can fill in the missing dialogue parts without looking back. Check your answers only after attempting to complete the missing parts from memory. John, ¢___________ al vigile dove si trova il m Scusi, signore, ei sa d____________ dove si t___________ ill museo? C______. Andate d__ fino a Via Verdi; poi a s. a Via Rossini, e poiad__________a Via Dante, dove c’é il s. Tl museo si trova a due i_____ dopo il semaforo. Grazie m. Non c’é di c. 37 (KOH-meh) (akn-DAH-reh) COME SI FA PER ANDARE A.. .? How Do I Get to...” La ragazza va [a | Roma. Il signor Smith abita | in | America. oes ‘The girl goes ro Rome. Mr. Smith lives in America La ragazza viene| da | Roma. ‘Odore | di comes, —— * smell The girl comes fram Rome. Smell of feet! Il gatto é[ su | un tetto. Tl museo é [ Tontano i I semaforo. The cat is on a roof, dal se ‘The museum is far from the traffic lights. Il gatto é| vicino a | un fiore. The cat is near a flower. ales La porta @| a destra |e la finestra @ [a sinistra |. The door is ro the right and es ‘The pizza is for the uncle the window is to the left La pizza @| per | lo zio. (Johr-MAH-fioh) formaggio. @ Maria arriva = Mary arrives after her mother. L'uomo é| su | un tetto. Il gatto é| accanto a | una gatta. Gli spaghetti { con Spaghetti with cheese. The man is on a roof. The male cat is next 0 a female cat. 38 ‘Can you match up the following? con il formaggio re . accanto a una gatta dopo sua madre a destra a sinistra a Roma da Roma z-momean odore di piedi fl 2. 3. 4. 3. 6. tb 8. 9. per lo zio 0. Ul. 12. 13. su un tetto lontano dal semaforo in America vicino a un fiore i. m. after her mother . with cheese - Next to a female cat to the left . to the right ~ the smell of feet . for the uncle . from Rome - to Rome in America far from the traffic lights - ona roof near a flower I verbi ancora una volta Verbs Once Again In the previous unit you learned about ‘‘are’’ verbs. Now you will learn about “‘ere’’ verbs. (SKREE-veh-reh) —— (veh-DEH-reh) — (KREH-deh-reh) SCRIVERE VEDERE CREDERE to write to see to believe I write, 1 am writing, I do write We write, we are writing, we do write Isee, 1 am seeing, Ido see We see, we are seeing, we do see I believe, I do believe} | We believe, we do believe scrivere vedere cred ere scriy ere vedere cred ere scrive seriviamo 10 yedo NOL vediamo credo crediamo ANSWERS CED ETT COOL 6 RL OPS Hp TE OT OT upp 39 You write, you are writing, you do write you you You see, you are seeing, you do see are writing, do write You believe, you do believe are seeing, do see | rs do believe seriv ere ved ere cred ere scriv ere ved ere cred ere | scrivele | TU VOL vedere | credete a He/She he/she he/she They they they writes, is writing, does write write, are writing, do write sees, is seeing, does see see, are seeing, _ do see believes does believe believe. do believe also scriv ere ved ere ered ere You (polite) write, see, believe (lei) scriviere: (vedere sop cred eve (SKREE-voh-noh) serivoro (VEH-doh-nok) LUI scrive LORO yedono ipl } vede (KREH-dok-noh) crede eredono _ Once again, notice that the pronouns are optional and that scrivono, vedono, credono are not stressed on the ending -ono. To form the negative, just add nom before the verb (as before). The following chart is a summary of “ere” verbs. VERB ENDINGS : | “ERE” VERBS U | w 4 voi ete A lui m lore [rane] x lei Now test your learning of these verbs in the following phrases, to get the control over an “ere’ verb, Limpiegato scriv Io non cred. 40 a Maria. Tu non ved. il semaforo. a Maria. 1 gatti non seriv___. I ragazzi non ved lo seriv il semaforo. Noi cred. a Maria. Voi ved. il vigile. Alcune parole utili Some Useful Words: (CHEE-teh-mah) (teh -GOH-isee-h) (itehe-KAH-toh} (BAHN-Kalt) (fahr-mah-CHEE-ah) il cinema il negozio il mereato la banca la farmacia movie theater store market bank drugstore (STRAH dak} (niteader-chech-PYEH-deh) (SPEH-2eh) la strada il marciapiede fare delle spese street sidewalk: ta shop If you unscramble the letters you will get words that you have just learned: NBAAC (lay) _________ TACORME @ RMFAAICA (la) —_________ RTADAS (la) CNIEAM Gl) —_______CAIRAMDPIEE @ EGNOOIZ (il) __________ PEESS (fare delle) ANSWERS asods ‘pordeiazeu “epeays ‘oyesugur ‘o1zo%ou ‘eau “eiseuLRy “eoueg CABNqUIO, 3¥9 (pan) ous (pou2) wo (pan) wo (A4395) 0 (nusa8) 1(pas) (pais) 3 (aos) sqa9q 41 Bs Come si indicano le cose in italiano (as) How to Point Out Things in Italian \ wy) Words like “this” and “that” are important to know, particularly when you go shopping and want to- buy that good-looking pair of gloves in the shop window. The Italian forms of these words vary, depending on whether the item is masculine or feminine, and whether you are pointing to one item or to many. THIS AND THESE | Singular (this) WITH FEMININE NOUNS (KWEHS-tah) Plural (these) ) (KWEHS-t0h) queste | ragazze queste | madri ‘WITH MASCULINE NOUNS Singular Plural (XWEMS-t0h) (KWEHS- tee) questo | ragazzo | questi | ragazzi questo | studente questi | studenti questo | zio questi | zii In front of vowels, you may drop the vowel in the singular if you wish: questa amica or quest'amica questo amico or quest‘amico 4 THAT AND THOSE WITH FEMININE NOUNS Singular (that) Plural (those) Before Any Consonant (KWEH-tlah) (KWEH leh} quella | ragazza quelle | ragazze Before Any Vowet quell’ | amica quelle | amiche WITH MASCULINE NOUNS Singular Plural Before z or s Plus a Consonant (KWEH- Hoh) (KWEH tye) quello | zio quegli | zii quello | studente quegli | studenti Before Any Vowel quell’ | amico quegli | amici Before Any Other Consonant ddwehs IKWEH- ce) quel | ragazzo ragazzi This table will help you remember these words. SUMMARY THIS AND THESE / THAT AND THOSE WITH FEMININE NOUNS ‘WITH MASCULINE NOUNS Before Any Vowel quel Before Any Vowel quell Before Any Other Consonant This These This These questa queste | questo questi ‘That Those ‘That Those Before Any Consonant Before 2 ors Plus a Consonant [guetta quello |—_ quegli quei 43 Now practice what you have learned. Fill in the appropriate form of “this” or *that’’ for each of these sit ir nouns fauesta) [ a ] quella] [ quell’ Vv This That 4 gato automobile gatto automobile casa albero ———— casa —____ albero Splendid! Now try your hand at the and “‘those."* correspondin plural forms, using the Halian for “these” queste || quest quelle | | quegti | [ quei | These Those —__________ gat ————____—__ atti piedi pied ANSWERS (apaid) renb (me) tan (paid) nsanby (ne) ysonb asoyy sat, torsqir) ,tyenb (sro) eyjanb {osogje) orsanb / asonb (ese) msanb (ol2) ojjanb (apaid) jab 4olz) onsanb (apaid) orsants (2;qouoynr) ,jjonb cours) janb (altgowome) eysznb / avon (oneg) oysanb wey) ULL 44 ease automabili —_ amomobili aii aii alberi —_________ alberi Now you really have it. Can you change the following “‘this/these’* forms to their corresponding “‘that/those"* forms? Good luck! esto marciapiede —___________ marciapiede quest q pi q alberghi Iberghi questi marciapiedi) ________ mareiapiedi quest’'amica. —_____amiica questa strada —______ sttrada queste amiche —_____ amiche ade — strade questo zio queste questalbergo —_____ allergo questi Zii For a quick refresher, complete the endings for the verb vedere, too. 1. Maria non ved_____ Carlo. 4, lo non ved —— i fiori 2, Noi ved ________ la zia di Maria. 5. Tu ved ______ lo zo di Carlo 3. I ragazzi ved fiori. ANSWERS E(paa) “gO (pAA) “pf -auO (par) "E OUEKpaAd *Z a(pany “1 sqUDA (1yftoqqe) yanb (oprats) ejjanb 12) 1ySanb (aypqurey ayjanby oduaqie) tanh (ipardeiasow) ranb H7) o|janb (eon) jjenb (2prais) aqjanb (opaideiosrw) jan soy) / 1H, (uaqqey nsanb (qnqoworne) ajjanb (yigowore) aisanb (uzy nsanb (ase9) ayjonb tasnay orsenb 45 Now fill in the blanks with one of the following: [a] [a] accanto tet Il gatto @ __ al fiore. Maria va Pino 2 il cugino ____ Gina. lo abito _________ a Maria. La ragazza arriva ________ Firenze. Have fun with the following crossword puzzle. Across . Post office Movie theater Store . Sidewalk 1. Street eau Down Bank Pharmacy Patience Market sees ANSWERS: owraiaw “2 ezuored *p mionuuny “g eourg “| :UMOCT copes -g 2paidrjaeut -, o1zdosu -g eusus “s 2jvisod o1uyjn -Z_ :sS0y puomsso1 (-ezuany) ep (-aioy fe) owuease (eURYY A) oUIIA (RUIN) Ip CBUIOY) © SUOR|sodasg 46 ‘What's happening to Maria? Read the passage to review your words for directions. Maria chiede al vigile dove si trova la banca. II vigile dice di andare a destra e poi a sinistra. Maria arriva al semaforo e non vede la banca, ma vede lufficio postale. Allora torna but all’albergo. Now, select the appropriate answers. Chi chiede al vigile dove DO Lufficio postate. si trova la banca? ( 1 museo. © Maria. Che cosa dice il vigile? OD Dice di andare a destra e poi a sinistra. OO Dice di tornare all'albergo. 1 Dice «Buon giorno». Dove arriva Maria? CO Maria arriva all’aeroporto. Maria arriva a Roma. O Maria arriva al semaforo. O Vede I'albergo. Vede lufficio postale. 1 Vede it vigile. Dove tora? Torna in America. OO Torna a Roma. 0 Torna all’albergo. ANSWERS “odusgje je euioy —“afesod orsyyn,| 2paq—-ouoJtUD ye MALE CUEyY uisiuts @ Jod 2 eusep # cuepuE Ip 22K] TUE, woysuayaadus0 47 Map of Naples (Courtesy of Bonechi Publishers, Florence) The following dialogue contains some useful words and expressions that you might find helpful when you will need to use public means of transportation. Remember to read each line out loud several times and to act out each part. (prehn-DYAH-moh) (tal-SSEE) MARY Prendiamo il tassi per andare ‘Shall we take the taxi to go to the movies? al cinema? MARK Quanto lontano &? How far is it? MARY Si trova in Via Verdi. MARK No. Costa troppo. MARY Allora prendiamo la {meh-troh-poh-lee-TAH-nath) MARK Penso che non ce ne sia una. Allora prendiamo Pautobus. MARK Va bene. MARY (A while later, they get on a bus.) MARK Scusi, signore, questo autobus va fino a Via Verdi? CONDUCENTE Si, ma lei dove va? (shehn-DYAH-mali) MARK Scendiamo al cinema. Quanto costa (bee-LLYEH-ttoh) un biglietto? CONDUCENTE Cinquanta cent, signore, idee-vehir-tee-MEHN-toh} buon divertimento.* (kohn-doo-TTOH-reh) (seem-PAH-tee-koh) MARK Checonducente simpatico! thohr-TEH-zee) Come sono cortesi gli italiani! Che cosa &? It's on Verdi Street. No. It costs too much. ‘Then let’s take the subway. I don’t think there is one. ‘Then let's take the bus. Okay Excuse me, sir, does this bus go to Verdi Street? ‘Yes, but where are you goit ig? ‘We are getting off at the movie theater, How much does a ticket cost? 50 cents (see unit 25), sir, and enjoy yourself. What a nice driver! How courteous the Italians are! "Obviously, Mark di not inow that bus tickers are purchased before geting on a bus in italy: ANSWERS 3yigowone,un (—) wuEWjodoriow eun (|) saqoine UN (|) BSEUN (I) UoRED'HUDPL Altre parole che esprimono azioni More Action Words Now you will learn about “‘ire™’ verbs. (dohr MEE-reh) (pahr-TEE-reh) (sehn-TEE-reh) dormire partire sentire to sleep to leave/depan to hear I sleep, | am sleeping, | do sleep [leave, | am leaving, I do leave [ hear, I am hearing, I do hear You sleep, you are sleeping, you do sleep You leave, you are leaving, you do leave You hear, you are hearing, you do hear dorm ire part ire sent ire dormo 10 parto sento dorm ire rt ire sent ire dormi TU parti senti He/She sleeps, he/she is sleeping, he/she does sleep He/She leaves, he/she is leaving, he/she does leave He/She hears, he/she is hearing, he/she does hear We sleep, we are sleeping, we do sleep We leave, we are leaving, we do leave We hear, we are hearing, we do hear dorm ire part ire sent ire dormiamo NOI partiamo sentiama You sleep, you are sleeping, you do sleep You leave, you are leaving, you do leave You hear, you are hearing, you do hear dorm ire part ire sent ire dormite vor partite sentife | They sleep, they are sleeping, they do sleep | They leave, they are leaving, they do leave | They hear, they are hearing, they do hear dorm ire part ire sent ire | (DOHR-neh-noh) dormona (PAHR-iole-noh) LORO partono (SEHN-toh-nobi) sentono As in the case of “are” and “ere” verbs, notice that the pronouns are optional and that dormono, partono, sentono are not stressed on the ending -ane. Remember that to form the negative you just put non before the verb. The following chart will help you remember the endings for “ire” verbs. VERB ENDINGS “TRE” VERBS io [-] noi -iamo i] vor | {| —________[] loro con l Practice the technique of forming “ire” verbs by adding the correct endings to the following: (WOH. cheh} L'autista sent_____ la voce del Tu non part_______ domani. signor Smith. Voi dorm —____. tutto il giorno. Il signor Smith e sua moglie dorm. Noi sent___ la voce della signora tutto il giorno. Smith. all Io part_____ domani. ANSWERS: owe (ju9s) a1 (wep) 1 (ued) © (ued) uo (UUOp) 9 (Quas) sqz24 sd i AS I SIGNORE... (4) How to'Tell the Conductor wy (s0h-LEE-reh) (ah-00-TEES-tah) (kohm-PRAH-reh) (SHEHN-deh-reh) (fehr-MAH-tah) | salire Pautista/il conducente comprare scendere la fermata i to geton driver to buy to get off stop ‘ (bee-LLYEH-t10h) (REHS-10h) il biglietto il resto 4 ticket change Here are some verbs that don’t follow the rules. You've learned how to use common verbs that end in “are,” “ere,” and “ire.” Unfortunately, using verbs isn’t that simple! Naturalmente! ‘There are exceptions to the rules, and we call them “irregular verbs.” Here are some common irregular verbs—notice how they take on different forms, depending upon the subject. It is hard work, but you just have to learn these well, ‘cause you will want to use them often. TRREGULAR VERBS ANDARE VENIRE FARE DARE DIRE to go to come to dafmake to give to say/tell IVEHN. got) (FAH-choh) {DEE-koh) 10 vado vengo faccio do dico (VAH-ce) (VYEH-need (Fati-ech (Dati-ees | (DEE-chee) TU vai vieni fai dai dici (V¥EH-nch) (DEE-chehy ful va viene fa da tice (fah-CHAH- rob} tdee-CHAH-mah) NOI andiamo veniamo- facciamo diamo diciamo VOL andate venite fate date dite (VEFIN-goh-noh) (DEE-kob-noh) LORO vanno vengono fanno danno dicono 52 Now fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb forms. How many can you complete without looking back? lo vado a Roma e tu_____ a Firenze. 1] ragazzo va al negozio e loro _______al cinema. store Noi andiamo a Venezia e voi ________a Pisa. lo vengo da Napoli ¢ tu ________ da Milano. Il signore viene da Bologna ¢ loro _____tm__ da Torino. Voi venite da Palermo ¢ noi —_________ da Trieste, (AHN ke) Tu fai delle spese e anche io delle spese. shop also I ragazzo non fa delle spese, ma voi delle spese sempre. always Noi facciamo delle spese ¢ anche voi delle spese. lodice «buon giomo» ¢ tu «buona sera». {good evening/good afternoon Have some fun finding the Italian translations for the following verbs in the word search puzzle. To reinforce your memory, write each one in the space provided. SSG a exp xixpcc RX XK KX KX X NX X KX XX © KX KX KX Gdox XX KX RK F x do x x x x vw i © nm © X © X MX KX KX aX XX ¥ X a x x i x xX XX X KX KX KX KX XX BX KX KX Mm xX XX KX KE SX XXX ie On Et ON ena Xn ic XX XX O X XX X K K KX X XX XX KX OX KX KK I x x fo am no xX X X K X X¥ X XX X X X KX XXX XO BX X XK K xX oO X d i ¢ o x x x d i a mo x x ®¥ KX X yoaod @ XS XX NX NX NX KS KR KR XR RN KN K KX KR RR RRR 1. they gow 2. she comes ___mm_m_____ 3. I come 4, [do —_____ 5, they give ___ 6. Isay 7. they say ____________ 8. we give 9. they do 10. T go ANSWERS OPeA ‘OT OUUTy "§ = OLIP “g ouooIp “ZL OIp “9 OUMLP “§ OLDE} “f OFUDA “E—-DUDIA “Z_OUUEA “[ _YDIEDS PION, («eios wuonge) 151 -aseds oqfap) arey (coudwias osads oyjop) ory ('aseds ojfop) o1990j —CaIsMI wp) OwRTUDA (‘QUO wp) OUDSUDA Coup ep) waa Cesig e) awe (TUIAUID [E) OUNEA —(‘aZUAM e) CIA sqaaA se[NBaLy 53 Le preposizioni ancora una volta Getting Back to Prepositions Do you remember the Italian for thase little words “of,” ‘to,"" and ai+il “from'’? (They are called » preposizioni.) When a, in, di, da, E il libro | del and su occur right before *‘the,"* of the they ‘‘contract’’; that is, they become one word with the various forms of ‘*the.”” The contractions are summarized for you in the following su +il ragazzo. Il gatto é [sul ] tetto. ‘on the (It is the book of she boy.) (The cat is on she roof.) chart. su sulla sulle sull” sullo sugli sul sui Now try to use some of these in the following. La ragazza arriva _______ aeroporto domani. Quel signore: & ________farmacia at the in the Tl gatto @ ___albero. Maria va ___ mereato. ‘on the to the ‘Quei libri sono ___ amiche di Pino. Giovanni fa delle spese —______ are of the in the Quelle penne sono amici di Maria. negozi di Roma. of the Lo zio @ ______banea. Marco scende —_______autobus. in the from the ANSWERS, (sngoine) [ep (:zofou) ru Coma) je (-eoeuLRy) s]]ou (voueq) eyou (prure) 8ep (eqrum) afrep (oxoqie) tims (ouodosse) je suopysodang, 54 Di Some The word ‘‘some”’ in Italian is expressed by using di plus the (see also the previous chart). A SOME diti al dei | libri (literally, [some] of te books) di + Ie = Si Aly di+ gli uno | zio degii | zii di + Je un’ | amica delle | amiche } arg ; degli | amici un fiore Cope — Fiori Now you try it. una casa. case un ‘automobile Cin un biglietto & automobili — ____ biglietti uno studente una metropolitana = studenti _______ metropolitane e=ens | ANSWERS (our ig) pp (WOK) EP (APMIS) {Top (HIGoW!ne) aap (ase) 2119p seanid: 55 Read the following brief passage. What you have learned will help you get where you are going. Then, select the appropriate answer to each question. Il signor Rossi e sua moglie prendono |’autobus per due fermate. Poi prendono la ino (KOH-cein) metropolitana. Loro scendono in Via Verdi. Arrivano al mercato e comprano molte cose. things Che cosa prendono il signor Rossi © sua moglie per due fer © Prendono la metropolitana. 2 OD Prendono il ta CO Prendono I"autobus.. Poi che cosa prendono? Prendono Ja metropolitans. O Prendono il tass CO Prendono Iautobus. 2 Scendono in : O Scendeno in Via Verdi. Scendono in Via Dante. Dove scendono? Che cosa comprano? 2 Comprano un libro, C Comprano molte cose. O Comprano una penna. Now for review, fill in the missing verb endings. 3. Tu dorm_—___ sull’autobus. 1. Maria part_________ domani. 2. Lore dorm______ tutto i giomo, 6. Noi part. questa sera. 3. Io non dorm. al cinema! 7. Voi non dorm_____ in quell'albergo. 4, Io part. domani e tu part questa sera, evening Now let’s see if you remember your prepositions. Maria va Maria sale autobus. 10 the gets on the Jo vengo . Giovanni bane: from the in the Ecco la penna ______amico di Maria. of the ANSWERS: (-roueq) r]]94 (sngoie) jIns (oan) ,119P CeIreuR)) eILEP (Z0F>U) |e suorsodaag du (OP) “Zour! (ued) “9 E(uuop) “st (ued)/o (rd) “fo (uuop) *¢ ovo (uop) “Za (ued) *y sqaa,Q 2x09 ayjour quedo “ypiaq, ei, ut ouopuang vuryjodonow ej ouopuaig —‘sngoine,| ouoptiaig —_uoysuayasdin0. 56 ER Sal Ei L’ora e i numeri ey | ‘All About Time and Numbers NS CHE ORA E / CHE ORE SONO? Tokio Anchorage New York Parigi Mosca q b' ' 3 iA DP J Sono le nove. Sono le tre. Sono le otto. E Vuna. Sono le tre. Expressing time is casy. Simply state the hour preceded by le, This is true for all hours except one o'clock, for which you use |’. To add minutes, just use e ("‘and”). QO @A Sono le sei e dieci (6:10). Sono le sette e venti (7:20). Sono le nove e trentanova (9:39). If the minute hand is close to the next hour, you can also tell time by quoting the next hour meno (minus) the number of minutes to go. x @) Sono le dieci e cinquanta. Sono le undici e cinquantacinque. = Sono le undici meno dieci (10:50). Sono le dodici meno cinque (11:55). You can replace the quarter hours and the half-hours with the following expressions. le due e quindici = le due e | un quarto le tre e trenta = le tre e| mezzo |/| mezza 4:45 = le quattro e quarantacinque = le quattro e| tre quarti | = le cinque meno | un quarto oF For A.M. you can use the expression | di mattina |; for P.M. you can use | di sera | for the late afternoon and evening, and for the early afternoon. For official time, Italian uses the “24-hour clock.”” |” Mario arriva alle tredici e venti = 13:20 = 1:20 nM. | | Giovanni parte alle diciotto e dieci = 18 10 av. "I signor Smith arriva alle venti e mezzo = 20:30 = 8:30 pm. | COME SI CONTA IN ITALIANO How to Count in Italian I numeri cardinali Cardinal Numbers (SEH-ce) (OOHNatee-chee) {SEH-dee-chee) 1 uno 6 sei 11 undici 16 sedici (DOH dtee-chee) {dlee-chah-SSEH-t10h) 2 due 7 sette 12 dodici (TREH atee-cheed 3 tre 8 otto 13 tredici (RWAH-ttrohy howah-TTOHR-lee-chee) {dee-chah-NNOH-veh) 4 quattro 9 nove 14 quattordici 19 diciannove (CHEEN-bweh) (DYE chee) IKWEEN-dee-chee} (VEHN-tee) 5 cinque 10 dieci 15 quindici 20 venti 21 ventuno 24 ventiquattro 27 ventisette 30 trenta 22 ventidue 25 venticinque 28 ventotto 23 ventitré 26 ventisei 29 ventinove (cheen-KWAHN ich) 31 trentuno 50 cinquanta 62 sessantadue 81 ottantuno 32 trentadue 51 cinquantuno _ 82 ottantadue sas 70 settanta tae (bvah-RAHN-ah) 52. cinquantadue 40 quaranta bee 71 settantuno 90 nevanta 41 quarantuno 60 sessanta 72 settantadue 91 novantuno 42 quarantadue 61 sessantuno 80 oftanta 92 novantadue 58 (CHEN -torh) 1,000 mille 1,002 milledue 3,000 tremila 100 cento 1,001 milleuno 2,000 duemila Now try to write out in words the following: Luiha__ lid. Lei ha cent. has. 95 cents 15 Marco ha_________dollari, La penna costa____ soldi. 88 oF (DOH-Iah-ree) Ii biglietto costa _ soldi, Maria ha —__dollari mm has B dollars americani; Marco ha —________dollari; Giovanni ha R 2 dollari. Quanti dollari? _____dollari. (23432429) BF Che ora 2? Now give the following times in words, 22g 4:12 —_ a 61S 8:20 9:17 1101 3:58 5:30 7:45 110 Wor35 1247 ANSWERS, (SE:01) enburse wan 9 191p 21 (cr:71) 9tpan owour ean, / aHEsEIUEEN 2 E>EpOp 2] (sp:z) onenb un ou one af (OL:D) Bap 3 eun,| /tuenb an 9 anos 91 / anbureweznb 9 nas 91 (o¢:s) ewan 9 anburs 9p / ozzaus 9 anbuia a (gsi¢) anp oUaW oMeN a / oNOWENbUtD > aN of (10:1) oun 9 torpun 3 aNasseIaIp 2 9A0U Of 28) NUBA a ONO 3] (g1:9) ouenb un a tas aj / nb 2 198 op (Zip) t21pop a omen oy (p7'Z) amenbnuan 9 anp of au, (pg) omenbeyueyO (Gz) aAouNUAN (ZE) anew (gz) aNHUDA (FL) omenbermmas (x9) snaseIUESsas (gg) OHOUENE (¢ |) HAPUIn (C6) anbuIDeEroN sAquINY 59 mezzogiorno mezzanotte ‘noon midnight (meh-tsohJOHR-noh) (meh-tsah-NOH-tteh) ‘The following humorous dialogue contains some useful words and expressions related to the telling of time. Don't forget to read each line out loud several times and to act out each part. (A stranger approaches Mark on the street.) STRANIERO Scusi, signore, che ora 2? MARK E mezzanotte. (ahn-KOH-rah) STRANIERO Ma come, @ ancora giorno? MARK Scusi, allora & mezzogiorno. (SKEHR-tsah) STRANIERO Ma lei scherza? toh-roh-LOH-joh) MARK No. Non ho l’orologio. (oo-REES-tah} STRANIERO Lei @ un MARK Si. (VWOH- teh) STRANIERO Vuole comprare un orologio? Duecentosessanta euro. MARK Troppo! STRANIERO Cinquantadue euro. MARK No, grazie. STRANIERO Ecco il suo orologio. (bohr-sah-YOH-loh) To sono un borsaiolo onesto! 60 Excuse me, sir, what time is it? It’s midnight, How can that be? It is still daytime? Excuse me, then it’s noon. Are you joking? No, I don’t have a watch, Are you a tourist? Yes, Do you want to buy a watch? 260 euros. ‘That is too much! S2euros. No, thanks Here is your watch. I am an honest pickpocket! Now fill in the missing dialogue parts. Check your answers only after you have attempted to fill in the parts from memory. Scusi signore, che o. Em Ma come, @ ancora g ‘Scusi, allora @ m Ma lei s_____? No. Non ho Io Lei & un t___________? Si. a Vuole ¢ un orologio? Duecentosessanta euro. Troppo! ‘Cinquantadue e No, g Ecco il suo orologio. Io sono un b_________ onesto! I numeri ordinali 1-10 Ordinal Numbers 1-10 primo Fourth: (5eh-KOHN-dohy secondo (TEHR-toh) terzo Fifth: Sixth: (KWAHR-10h) quarto (KWEEN-10h) quinto (DEH-chee-moh) decimo (SEH-nee-moh} settimo (oh-TTAH-veh) ottavo (NOH-noh) nono Tenth: Seventh: Eighth: sesto Ninth: Repeat aloud and write the floor designations in the appropriate blanks next to this control panel. Remember to. Ricordati di .. . CO (VEH-ree} ieri Londra yesterday (Ol-jjec} (pahREE jee) oggi Parigi today (doh.-MAH-nee) (AHN keh) anche Pisa alse/to0 (DOH-poh) dopo Madrid after By now, you should be able to make sense out of the following sentences. (hwee) Tu vieni qui. bere lo vado Ia (li). there (MOHL-toh) Mia moglie non ha molto denaro. much money Mio marito ha poco denaro, Kile Adesso/ora andiamo a Bologna. Now Andiamo almeno fino a Palermo. at least Giovanni non sta bene. John does not feel well.) well 62 (MEH-lvee-oh} ‘Ora sta meglio. (Now he is better.) ‘better (POH-ce) Poi andiamo al cinema. ‘Then Questo biglictto costa troppo. too much (vohfehn-TYEH-ree) Jo vado a Milano volentieri. gladly Mia moglie non va mai al cinema. lo non sento niente/nulla, nothing To non vedo nessuno. See if you remember the meaning of these useful words by matching them with their English equivalents. 1. nessuno a. yesterday 2. bene b. today 3. meglio ¢. tomorrow 4, niente d. again 5. poi ¢. also/too 6. troppo f. already 7. mai g. here 8. volentieri h. much 9. ieri i little 10. anche j. now IL. oggi k. at least 12. domani 1. well 13. ancora m. better 14, gia n. then 15. adesso/ora ©. too much 16. almeno p. gladly 17. molto q. never 18. poco r. nothing 19. qui s. no one Now put the appropriate words in the blanks below. (faEee iE r Maria abita _____________ a Roma. Quando arriva Giovanni, —______ 9 _______? or Domani arriva —______ la ia di Gina. Lui non serive —_________ a suo io. Marisa non sa —___. knows lo non vedo denaro. Luisa has. ANSWERS. oyjou ‘ounssoul -gjusm (or ons t) few (ere e]) ySUE {AUEWOop /1FB0 (-tuOy Cc) Mb SUP FO ERLE POE ESL STE PAL OT CU OL 6 ER Dy 0-9 ws op UKE Eg ST BONEN 63 f Troppi verbi! ‘Too many verbs! Previously, you learned about “ire” verbs. Now you will learn about a different kind of “ire” verb, These verbs take an “isc” in the io, 1, lui /iei, and loro forms. We'll show you how it is done, (fee-NEE-reh) —thah-PEEsreh) —_ {prehefeluREE-reh) finire capire preferire to finish to understand to prefer 1 finish, I am finishing, I do finish 1 understand, I am understanding, | do understand I prefer, I am preferring, I do prefer fin ire cap ire prefer ire finisco 10 capisco preferisco You finish, you are finishing, you do finish You understand, you are ‘understanding, you do understand You prefer, you are preferring, you do prefer fin ire cap ire prefer ire (fee-NEE-shee) finis (harh-PEE-shee) TU capisci (preh-feh-REE-shee) preferisci He/She (or you [polite]) finishes, he/she is finishing, he/she does finish He/She understands, he/she is understanding, he/she does understand. He/She prefers, he/she is preferring, he/she does prefer fin ire cap ire prefer ire (fee-NEE-sheh) finisce ra (kah-PEE-sheh) LEI capisee (preh feb REE-skeh) preferisce 64 1 i We finish, we are finishing, we do finish We understand, we are understanding, we do understand We prefer, we are preferring, we do prefer fin ire cap ire prefer ire finiama NOI capiama preferiamo You finish, you are finishing, you do finish You understand, you are understanding, you do understand You prefer, you are preferring, you do prefer fin ire cap ire prefer ire finite VOI eapife preferite They finish, they are finishing, they do finish They understand, they are understanding, they do understand They prefer, they are preferring, they do prefer cap ire (fee-NEES-koh-noh) finiscono (kah-PEES-toh-noh) capiscono \(preh-fehr-EES-koh-noh} preferiscona ‘The table at the right will help SUMMARY VERB ENDINGS you remember these “ire” verb endings. “IRE” VERBS WITH *'ISC’* io [ase[o] noi ____ tu cise | i voi tui loro. —___| -ise lei How can you recognize a special “‘ire’’ verb that takes these endings? You can’t. Mi dispiace! (['m sorry!) You cannot predict by yourself when to add the isc. You will have to learn the ise verbs through practice. Let's review all the verb types! Test yourself by putting the right endings in the blanks. Look back at the charts if you have problems remembering. io noi To cant. molto bene. Noi parl Vitaliano come gli italiani. like To non scriv. mai a mio Zio. Noi ved. Giovanni stasera. tonight To non dorm tutto il giorno. Noi fin, il libro domani. To cap. Vitaliano. Noi prefer andare a Bologna. tu voi Tu parl Titaliano molto bene. Voi cant molto bene. Tu non ved. nessuno. Voi scriv molto bene. Tu part domani per I'Italia. Voi dorm. tutto il giorno. Tu prefer andare a Roma. Voi non cap Vitaliano. luiflei loro Lui arriv domani. Loro arriv. dopo Ie sei. Lei non cred. a Maria. Gli studenti scriv, Vesame. exam Tl turista non sent Franco e Maria part. domani per la voce del vigile. Mitalia. Giovanni non fin Ja pizza. —_I signori Smith non cap___________ italiano. ANSWERS ouoast (de) aur (dea) owner (49214) pet (uty) 19st (2ayaudy const ¢dleo) ouo (ard) ‘au (wuop) ure! (ur) 2 (aus) (ued) © (uuop) ‘9u0 (ALED5) aia (ALs98) ‘oul (pan) 9 (pan) 1 (p90) © (aLios) our (AUD) aye (quero) ‘ower (ued) (aun) 1 (ued) © (urea) 40 fou fou 1r/ 1) ™ o mana qa, 66 Il mio e il tuo ‘Mine and Yours What's mine and what's yours? Here's how to tell in Italian. Notice that the forms of these words change, depending on the noun. WITH FEMININE WITH MASCULINE WITH FEMININE WITH MASCULINE NOUNS NOUNS NOUNS NOUNS MY (MEE-ah) (MEE-oh) (NOHS-trahi {NOHS-iroh) Ta mia | valigia il mio | biglietto la nostra | valigia [il nestro | biglietto {MEE -ch) (MYEH ee} (NOHS-treh) (NOHS-tree) le mie | valige iei | biglietti le nostre | valige i nostri | biglietti YOUR (FAMILIAR) YOUR (PLURAL) {TOO-ah) {TOO-oh} (VOHS-irah) (VOHS-trehy) Ta tua | valigia il tuo | biglietto la vostra | valigia —_[ il vostro | biglietto (TOO-eh) ‘) (VOHS-ireh) (VOHS-rree) le tue | valige iglietti [le vostre | valige i vostri | biglietti HIS/HER OR YOUR (POLITE) THEIR (SOO-ah) {SOOQ-oh) (LOH-roh} la sua | valigia il suo | biglietto la loro | valigia il loro | biglietto (SOO-eh) (SWOH-ce} MMe Inen | i [Te-sue | vatige Tsuot | bigliett Te loro | valige i loro | biglietti Notice that ‘tmy,"’ “your,” and other possessive pronouns are preceded by the appropriate forms of “the.”” These are dropped only when the noun refers to a singular and unmodified family member (except for “their,” which always retains the article "the'’). For example: mio zio but i miei zii tua sorella but la tua sorella piccola small nostro padre bur il lore padre 67 , as well, that the forms fa sua, le sue, il sua, and i suoi mean “his,” “*her,’* or “‘you"* (polite). Now test your knowledge by putting the appropriate possessive adjective in front of the following nouns. fiore —________ ia my my (be carefull) fiori ZC) my my (be careful again!) — csc penna your (familiar) his. case penne ‘your (familiar) his gatto orologio his her gatti orologi his her gatto biglietto her (be careful!) their gatti biglictti her their amico automobile our their amici automobili our their If someone asks you, can you give the time in Italian? Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow. Che ore sono? chiede il padre a sua figlia. Sono le tre e mezzo, dice la figlia. (rees-POHN-deh) A che ora parti per I'Italia? chiede il padre. Alle cinque € venti, risponde Ia figlia. answers Ciao e buon viaggio. Ciao papa. have a good trip dad ‘Che cosa chiede il padre [) Come stai? Che ore sono? Sono le tre e un quarto, asua figlia? (© Che ore sono? © Sono le tre ¢ venticinque. Che fai? Sono le tre e mezzo. A che ora parte la figlia? CO Alle cinque ¢ venti. © Alle cingue ¢ un qui CL A mezziogiorno arto. ANSWERS “nusa 9 anbula apy "eZZ9U 9a 9] GUAS ;oUEs s40 ay _UoTSMayDIdUIO> (ugowonne) aso 3|—_(ojayo) sons (or) omu 9 (med) toms (ase) am) 3] (eiIgOWINe) C39] EF] (orFo[010) ONS | (ele) emu (oneal) ons (ese) eM) Bp 191131) CO] | (2uuad) ans ay (i9ture) unsou f (eZ) tons p (uoyg) rome iq) uo] ft (wuuad) ens e] (oo!) @NSoU | —_ (OMT) Ons JE (a401g) OLE IL SoABSSaSSOg 68 “_ (TREF nee} I treni ‘Trains ey | AV EWMn., ae If you will be taking the train, the words and expressions in the following dialogue might prove to be useful to you. Don’t forget to read each line out loud several times and to act out each part. (EH-Khoh-chee) (stah-TSYOH neh MARY Eccoci alla stazione Wfeh-rroh-vee-AH-ree-ah) (RAH-peesdol) ANNE Papa, prendiamo il rapido per andare a Firenze? MARK No. Costa troppo. ANNE Allora prendiamo il (dee-reh-TTEE-ssee-moh) MARK Si. (to a ticket clerk) Scusi, quanto costa un biglietto di andata ¢ ritorno per quattro persone a Firenze? Here we are at the train station. Dad, are we taking the luxury (rapid) train to go to Florence? Ne. It costs too much, ‘Then are we taking the fast train? Yes. Excuse me, how much does a round-trip: ticket to Florence for four persons cost? IMPIEGATA I direttissimo? ‘The fast train? MARK Si. Yes, (skohm-pahr-tee-MEHN-toh) IMPIEGATA Scompartimento per Smoking or no smoking compartment? (Yoo-mah-TOH-ree) fumatori o per non fumatori? MARK Non fumatori. No smoking. IMPIEGATA Cento euro. Ecco 100 euros. Here are the tickets. biglietti. MARK Grazie. Quando parte il treno? Thank you. When does the train leave? IMPIEGATA II treno parte alle quindici e ‘The train leaves at 15:30 (3:30PM)- trenta. Now try to complete the missing dialogue parts. Check your answers only after you have attempted to fill in the missing parts from memory. Eccoci alla s___________ ferroviaria. Papa, prendiamo il r___—______ per andare a Firenze? No. C_________ troppo. Allora prendiamo il d____________? ‘Si. Scusi quanto costa un biglietto di a_—__ er____________ per quattro persone a Firenze? (oh-RAH-ree-oh) L’orario Train Schedule Remember that train schedules use official time, based on a 24-hour clock: 1:00 p.m. = le tredici 2:00 p.m. = le quattordici 12:00 midnight = 24:00 hours = le ventiquattro Note that the name of the city of departure (Bologna) is at the top of the schedule. Each city served by this line follows, with the departure time (from Bologna) for each train listed in the column on the left, followed by the arrival time on the right. Additional information regarding the type of each train is also given. 70 Paid x 4 Gucx x * EX XEXNEXKXX XEXXXXX, Firenze E Frenze Repivo 3 (courtesy of Iuslian State Railways) 71 rapide is a luxury train that stops only at main railway stations. #! direttissimo is a fast train that stops at more railway stations. HM direito is a “‘through’’ train that stops at many more railway stations. Now fill in the following blanks, writing out the numbers in words, using the timetable. From Bologna to Venezia is less than ore, From Bologna to Milano con il rapido is almost ore. From Bologna to Torino is more than ore, From Bologna to Pisa con il rapido is about ore e. - ; : Voglio / Vorrei T Want ¢ 1 Would Like twoh-LEH-reh) “To want" is a very useful verb when requesting or asking for things. The Italian volere is irregular. VOLERE WOFT-Avee-ob) teufel LYAH moh) io voglio J want noi vogliamo we want (WWOH-ce) (woh LEH tel) | tu ‘vuoi you [familiar] want voi volete’ you [plural] want lui (VWOH- Ich) (VOH-Hyoh-noh) lei vuole he/she wants loro——[v they want you (polite) want If you want to be polite, then you should use the following form. (vo RREH-ce) Vorrei] —_————— | would like Now try your hand at these. Fill in the blanks below with the appropriate forms of volere. La figlia del signor Smith ____________ un biglietto di andata e ritorno. wants Quelle persone ___andare a piedi. want To —___________ andare con il direttissimo, ma tu ____________ andare con il rapido. want want Noi _________un biglietto per lo scompartimento per non fumatori. ‘want ANSWERS: orzau 9 2np omen anp an siaquON, 72 Voi —______ due biglietti di andata ¢ ritorno. want lo ___________ un orario per favore. would like lo ____ anche un biglietto per Roma. would like (hah-RROH-tsah) IN CARROZZA! ‘All Aboard! il treno train (eva STAR -redt) viaggiare to tasel (pat-sseh-JJEH-roh) il passeggero passenger (seh-DEHR-see) sedersi Sanaa (ahl-TSAHR-sce) alzarsi to got up ANSWERS (ours0 un) raui0s (onayiig un) oures|on (anepur) ouoyfFo4. (oqpue) faui0s (me y4iq snp) arajoa (arepue) toma / a1f%oa (on) (ona1{31q, un) 2fons. sq234 73 la (kohn-doo-TTOH-reh) thah-mmee-NAH-reh) (fah-KKEE- nok) sala d’aspetto il conduttore camminare il facchino ‘waiting room conductor porter (se Ap sem —t—— FZ tol RAH-rce-ah} (pyahettah-FOHRmah) — (kab-RREH-toh) Vorario fare il biglietto Ia piattaforma il carrello per le valige schedule to buy a ticket platform luggage cart Now have fun with the following crossword puzzle. Across Train Porter ‘Fast train. Down Fast (express) train To walk Train schedule ‘To travel evap ANSWERS amie “9 ous “g arcuuures -p opides -z :unog “OUIESSINAMIP *Z OUNIIOR] “g OUAN “| issQ1ay puomsso. 74

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