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Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

Initial Design and

General Arrangement

Commercial in Confidence
Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

FORAN V80R1.0 Initial Design Workflow

Commercial in Confidence
Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

New FORAN general design tools

• Reduced number of Modules integrating all General Design Tools
• Surface modelling & Hull form definition (FDESIGN & FSURF)
• 3D General Arrangement (FGA)
• Naval Architecture calculations (FBASIC)

• New Graphic User Interface

• Surfaces & Compartments & Naval Architecture Data stored in

FORAN/Oracle Database

• Standalone version in SQLite

• Surfaces imported from FSURF or from IGES/STEP

• Flexibility for Output formats

• Docx, pdf, xslx, fds
• Drawings in dxf

Commercial in Confidence
Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

Advance Surface Modelling (FDESIGN)

• Mechanical Design Application

• Advanced Surface Modelling Tools

• Parametric Definition of additional Hulls & Superstructures

• Work on Solid and Surface entities

• 2D and 3D linked Work Environments

• Information Exchange with FGA/FSURF using IGES files

Commercial in Confidence
Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

Definition of Hull Forms & Decks

Hull Definition based on NURBS Surfaces

Fitting and Fairing Tools

Parametric Definition of Decks

• Longitudinal traces
• Sheers and different types of cambers
Definition of Bulkheads (by planes, by traces, corrugated)

Topological definition of Decks and Bulkheads

Hull transformations
• Linear (L,B,D), Design trim
• Hydrostatic: LCB, CB, Areas Curve

Different input formats

• IGES, offset tables, DXF 2D/3D

Commercial in Confidence
Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

FORAN General Arrangement

Early Definition of the 3D General Arrangement

• 3D Compartments layout
• Early definition of equipment
• General Arrangement drawings

New Graphic user interface

• Information organized by user trees
Reuse of information in further stages of the project NAV ARCH. FORA LINITIAL

Commercial in Confidence
Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

Compartment Layout
Ship surfaces imported from FSURF or external sources
• Also decks, frame system, …

Advanced Visualization Environment

• Surfaces & solids, transparencies, clipping planes ,…

Pre-requisite for Naval Architecture Calculations (FBASIC)

Powerful Tools for Definition of 3D Compartments as Solids

• Definition of geometrical subspaces
• By a set of ship surfaces and auxiliary planes
• By parametric objects
• By using deck layouts
• By importing external solids (IGES, STEP)

Commercial in Confidence
Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

Equipment Layout
Early Definition of the Equipment Layout

Information shared with the FORAN Basic & Detail Design (Outfitting
& Electrical)

• Information Stored in FORAN database

• Access to the FORAN Model libraries and to the FORAN

Equipment Manager

• Reuse of information in further stages of the project

Equipment Items associated to Deck Surfaces

Automatic Assignment of Equipment items to Compartments

Commercial in Confidence
Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

General Arrangement Drawings

Based on different Views created from the 3D Compartment Layout

Views can contain Surfaces, Compartments and Equipment items

Drawings stored in the FORAN Database and linked to the Ship Model
• Regeneration of Views upon 3D model modification

Automatic and Interactive definition of Views

2D Environment for Drawings edition & making up

Drawings stored in dxf format

Edition of Equipment on the drawings

Commercial in Confidence
Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

FORAN Naval Architecture Calculations (FBASIC)

New FORAN version of the Naval Architecture Calculations

Integration of the previous N.A. calculations in a single module

Advanced Graphic User Interface

• Previous definition of Vessel Surfaces and Compartments in FGA
• Advanced Tools to facilitate N.A. data definition & handling
• Information stored in FORAN/Oracle database
• Standalone version on SQLite
• Customizable Outputs

Flexibility for Output formats

Docx, pdf, xslx, fds

Commercial in Confidence
Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

Loading condition and intact stability calculations (FBASIC)

Several Lightship Weight Definitions & Distributions
• Evaluation of design alternatives

Tools to facilitate Loading Conditions definition

• Multi-edition of loads in tanks. Graphic definition
• Modular loads and containers arrangements
Wind profile and Opening Points for each Loading Condition

Calculation of Equilibrium, Transverse Stability & Long. Strength

Standard Stability Criteria (Commercial & Naval)

• DDS 079, NES 109, BV 1030, BV Naval Code

Tools to define User Stability Criteria

Maximum KG for each stability criterion

• Specific loading conditions

Commercial in Confidence
Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

Damage stability. Deterministic calculation (FBASIC)

Flooding Calculations (Lost of Buoyancy or Added Weight)

Intact Condition based on existing Loading Conditions

• Also by Drafts and KG

Calculation of Intermediate Stages

Automatic definition of Damage Cases

Standard Stability Criteria (Commercial & Naval)

• DDS 079, NES 109, BV 1030, BV Naval Code

Water on Deck calculations (Ro-Ro & Ro-Pax)

Tools to define User Stability Criteria

Maximum KG Calculations for every Stab. criterion

• Set of draughts & specific flooding conditions

Commercial in Confidence
Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

Damage stability. Probabilistic calculation (FBASIC)

Probabilistic Calculations according to different regulations

• SOLAS 2009 part II B. Regulations 6, 7, 8 & 9
• SPS 2009 code

Easy and quick definition of Damage cases (Reg. 7)

Graphic User Interface to handle Data & Results

Commercial in Confidence
Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

Other Calculations

Cross Curves of stability

• Flooding Analysis
• Floodable Lengths
• Tables of Capacities for Tanks
• Sounding Lines
• Inclining Test
• Freeboard calculations
• Gross & Net tonnage
• Accidental Outflow calculations (Marpol Reg.23 and 12A)
• Launching and Floating (soon)

Commercial in Confidence
Advanced Technology for Marine Design and Production

Thanks for your attention!

Commercial in Confidence

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