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eee a I fea) Twenty Thousand Leagues Underthe Sea aes () i £800 50 56 8304 OB ARIEL | | HI HN WAV 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea JULES VERNE eee stewie Comp eh res or to prenoNet Hen Introduction Where vee? Fase “On the back ofthe gan whale Ned sid. Theme se. ‘Bur is otal? Tes 1866. A French scientist, Me Aronnax, wants to find a giant ‘whale. But with bis servant, Conseil, and a whaler, Ned Land, he finds a submarine ~ not a whale, For 20,000 leagues, the three fiends stay on che submarine with its eaptain, Nemo, and visit many ingesting places on these floor. But who is Caprin Nemo? Why does he want to five “underwater? And how are the three friends going escape ion the submarine and go home? [Jules Verne (1828-1905) was French, Hl mother came fom a family of boat builders and sea captains, ad he always loved the sea, At evelve years old he wanted to work om a boat in che West Indies, but his mother and facher stopped him. Many yest ter, he had a boat and visited a loe of places in Europe on it. Verne was the writer of Joumey 0 the Cente ofthe Earth and From the Earth to the Moon. ls books The Myetrons land (also about Captain Nemo) and Around dhe Word in Eighty Days are Penguin Readers, 00, ‘There were nto submarines or fils in those days, and there was no television. But these things sere all in Verne’ stories, Scientists in the 1800s wanted ro build submarines, but theit rderwater bouts didn't work very well. Verne’ submarine, the Jaulus, had answers to the sciensss’ problems. In 1958, an American submatine with the name Nowilus was the fist box at the North Pole ~ but this was ninety-one years afer Verne’ Nautilus went go the South Pole in 20,000 Leagues Under dhe Se, “Ome small whale has a long spear on ts head Chapter 1 The Giant Whale Tn the year 1866, a new boae came back from sea every week withthe same story*A giant whale, hundred metes long, came near our boat! the men sid, The story was in the newspapers and a lot of people talked abou i It wan a while scientits said. “A big blue whale is only ewwenty-seven metres long, Perhaps i was a coral ree “But a con eet cant send water fly metres into the air the seamen answered This aitnal ean: Te went near one boat in Australian waters. Tce days later, it was seven hundred leagues away in the Pacific ‘Whales can't swim seven hundred leagues in theee days the scientist id, "Pevhaps tba submarine! But only a country with aloe of money can build a sulbmarine, and the same answer came back fiom every country: "We haven't got a submarin One diy a Brith boat, the Sioa, was in th Suddenly looked for the problem, There was a big hole in the boat, “The Asanti er started to. come into the boat, The captain “Sins very trong he saidl don't understand this hole. bs tthe ‘work ofthe giant whale? To me, a French scientist, the stories of che whale were, of course, very interesting, In 1867 T visited New York, and newspapermen there asked me questions “You're famous for your book about sea animals, Mr Aronnas! they sid "What do you think abou this giant whale? The sea very big I answered, ‘and it the home of many thousands of animals Seientits don't know about all of them But one small whale has along spear on ts head, Peshaps thera iiant whale with a spear, t00.And perhaps cis animals spear can ‘make a hole ina boat? ‘A week late, a letter arrived at my hotel. sid ‘You now of cours, abou dhe giant whale. One day this whales sping to Kill people: But we are going co kl tft. Plate cone {nd look fr i ih us, Our bon, the Also Lay is wating for you. | wanted to see this interesting animal. I went quickly to the Abraham Lincoln with my Belgian servant, Conseil From New York, we went down the Adantic coat of North and South America and into the Pacific, Week after week, all day and all night, the seamen watched the water. Conseil and I watched with them. But we didn't see the giant whale. Only one man on the boat didn't watch the water. His name was Ned Land. Ned was a bg, strong Canadian, about forty years old, and he was a very good whaler “Youre never going to find this whal Japan in May, bu ith now Joly Where i it today? The Mediterranean? The Arctic? Who knows?" For fve long months we looked for the whale, Then the men started to "Peshaps Ned is right! “When can we go home? they asked thee captain, But suddenly, one day, Ned sad, "There it is! Lean see the giant whale!" ‘The animal moved very quickly in the water It came near our boat. ‘We don't wants hole in the Abmshan Linln’ the captain suid. ‘LeeS move away’ But our boat was slows We watched the whales going to bit vs we sid Buti did't It went under the boat, 0 into Al day we went affer the whale, but it stayed in font of ws he sid “Ie was near Thor i is Han se the ian whale? ‘Were never going to kill this ani games with us But at nighe the whale did't move-Pethaps its sleeping! Ned Land sidLees get near Be very quiet! Suddenly, water fiom the whale’ back went up into the ai an sinedl down on our boat. Then {was in the sea, I che men sid. I pl Chapter 2. The Nautilus Tm not @ young mn, and I can't swim wel. I started to go ‘underwater. But then there vas 4 stong hand on my back, 1 Tooked behind me. My servant was cher! "Conseil! Why ate you in the water” I asked. "You were in the sea and I wanted to stay ith you. That's my job, Mr Aronnsx? Conseil std. “There a problein with the Abraham Liaaly. 1 can't come back for vs Let’ sim, and wait for morning? Before morning, my legs stopped working. ‘Go, Conseil | ssid.'Y'm a dead man, but you'e young and strong. You can find a bout .. Then water came ineo my mouth, and my eyes closed, “They opened a short time later. was with Conseil, td Ned Land too, “T don't underscand, Were not sximming. Where ate we asked. "On the buck of the gisne whale? Ned said. Then he smiled, “But is not a whale? looked, and he was right. We were ota submarine! "You and I went into the sea at the same time, Mr Arann? [Ned said. “Afer that, I waited here. We're OK now, bt this boat can go underwater, What are we going todo then? Suddenly, the submarine started t0 move. ‘Quickly! [sid ‘Make some noise. Hit the boat with your hands {A door opened and eight men came out. We went with them into the submarine. “Where are you taking us? we asked che men, but they didnt answer, We arrived ina dark room. The men went assay and closed the door behind them, Ned tried the door, but it did't ‘open. “Wee never going to escape!” he sid. “Those men are going to ill ws! ‘We waited fara lon time in the dark room. Then the lights came on and a man walked ina the room, Perhaps he was thity= five, or perhaps fit, He was all, with black eyes and an ineresting, open face, In French, I suid our names and asked for food and drink, He listened quietly, but he dida't answer He doesn’t understand French? sid "You try, Ned, Perhaps the understands Engh, Ned talked in English, Then Conseil tried in German, But they had the same probl “What can we do now?" [asked my fiiends. Bur the man walked away and closed the door ‘Again we waited, Ned was very angry. He didn't like the men on the submarine. He didn't like our room, And he didn’t ke woking. Tm going to escape from this submarine’ he sad ‘A man came into the worn, and Ned started to bit itn in the face, Conseil and 1 wanted to stop Ned, but he was very strong. Sualdemly ou fist visitor was with usagi, ‘Stop, Mr Land!” he sid, in very good French. “And please listen to me, all of you. My name ie Caps Nemo, and thie i my bout, the Nails “I didnt alto you on my fist vst I'm sorry about chat. But youre 3 problem for me, What can I do with you? My anen and are never going back to our countries; wee always going to live fon the Nani, You can lve with ws, ¢00, but you can't go back to your countries after that. We don't want stories in the newspapers about us “What are you saying" I aked."We want to go home “You can go now! he answered. But its going to be difficult for you, because you haven’ got a boat. You're underwater and you arent near the coast. Stay With ts now, and you can see a lot of interesting dings, But you can never go home: Chapter 3. Our First Weeks Underwater We stayed, of course ‘We walked with Nemo’ men to our new becom. Then hnad some food withthe captain, ‘Our food comes fom the sca he std, ‘and we eat very well (Our shirts, our shoes, our beds, our pens ~ we make all of them fom sea anima, too, [love che sea! It our only friend. People can't make problems for us here ‘But you don't want to listen t mye all day. Come and see my submarine ‘We went into a room wich thousands of books. “I often read ‘your book about se animals, Mr Arona? the eapeain sid. You write very well: Bur your time on the Niue is going to teach you a lot of new things. A submarine is a good home for a Twisted every room on the Nautilus the first and only submarine in che seas, Captain Nemo. was its builder, and he talked about his answers to the problems of an underwater boa “He was a clever seientse and a very interesting: man, Later, Ned and Conseil asked me about Captain Nemo, Who was he? Where did he come fo people and live underwater? But I dida't know the answers to Why did he say away fiom their questions, You cam se aa finer things. But you cn meer go home ‘Then, suddenly, the Nautilus’ sea lights came on and we stopped thinking about the captain, The sea looked very ‘eau, with fish of every colour, big and smal, We didnt take four eyes fom the sea all night. Captain Nemo was right: submarine was a good home fora scienti ‘The weeks after that were quiet but interesing. The submarine usually sted about a hundred metres underwater, But every moming we went up for air, and my friends and [ Tooked across the be waters ofthe Pacific We did’ often see Captain Nemo, But Conseil and I looked at his Books, and atthe fishin the sea. Only Ned was unhappy. He wasnt a scientist and he didn’ like reading. And he didn’t like eating fsh every day. (One day Captain Nemo sad,"‘There ae a lot of animals in the “Thees of Crespo. They make good food. Do you want to look for some with me?" "Trees" Tashod,'Are we near the coast “They'e underwater tees’ he answered. Ned didn't want to come. But Conseil and I dresied in diving. suits and walked on the seafloor with the captain and his met, Te wasnt difcule. On a boat, diving suits ate heavy, but they are light in dhe water There was only one problem I wanted to talk about the tll ees and beautiful fish with Conseil, but you can't hear people ina diving sit ‘Captain Nemo and hie men killed some big animals, and we went back to the Nite with a lot of good food, Chapter 4 Papuan Spears ier two months on the Nautilus, we were near the coast of Australia. Captain Nemo wanced 0 take us to Asia, but che seas in front of us were very difficult. The coral ree are famous Const and 1 assed in diving suits aad wale om thes floor because they are beautiful. But they are fimous, too, because boats often hit them. There are a lot of dead seamen in those ‘We went slowly and looked for coral reefé under the water in font of us. For long time we didnt have any problems. Then, suddenly there was abig noise. The Nout stopped, "Whar wrong?” I asked the captain, “The Nauilus is siting on a coral reef, Ie can't move) he answered quiedy-"Bue ieb not a problem. After five days, the sea's ‘going to take us away from here? ‘The sea goes up and down every day of cours, and it goes up and down every month, too. Was Captain Nemo right? Ned dida't want to wait and see. We ean escape from the Navi today’ he sid. "The coast is neat. Let ga! “No, Ned! T answered."The Papuans live on that coat. Papuans often kill and eat their visitors. Every day, Ned looked across the water 3 the beautifl coast “Perhaps we can go there and Took for food he sid We asked the captain. OF course you can go’ he sid, with a smile“Take the litle boat, but be hack here before night-time? Ned, Conseil and I arrived on the coast, and for along time wwe dida't stop eating There wa aloe of fit om the tees, and it was very good. Conseil and I looked at the beautifel animal [Ned looked atthe animals, too, be he wanted them for faod. He worked quickly, and that evening we had a lot of dead animals, and frit, forthe Nail’ kitchen, We started to put things in the liele boat, Bue suddenly Conseil std, “Ove! What was that on my hand?” ‘Look!’ Ned said, There are men in the trees, They've got spears They're going to kil ws!” Conseil and T were quickly in the bout, but Ned wanted to get the food frst. A rain of small spears came from the tees, then fone hundred men started to fun t© our boat. We went quickly I IN "| te Ned, Conseil and Farived on the cost, scros the water to the Nauti, The Papuans stayed on the cous, because they didn't have boas. In che morning, there were six hundred Papuans om the coast, and some of them had boats They came across the sea to the Nw ‘We've got a big problem now! I said to Capaain Nemo. The Papuans can’t get into the Nautilus today because the doots ane closed, But gomortow there ian’ going co be any air in here bbecause-we can't open the doors. What are we going to do then? Captain Nemo didn look unhappy "We'e going to waic and see? he sai | cid’ slep ell that night. In the morning there were a lot ‘of Papuans on the Nauti. There wasn't much air for us now bb che doors stayed closed. "We've going this ernoon; the espa sd ‘That afternoon, afer five days on the coral reef, the Nautilus suddenly started to move. Captain Nemo was right. The sea ‘vas up = and che submarine was in water again! We moved quickly avay from the coast. We looked back, and the Papuans were in the sea. Then we opened the doors, and air came into the boat. Chapter 5 Nemo’s Gold ‘We went across Indian and Arabian waters and into the Red Sea, [Ned did stop thinking about escape fromthe Naw “Where are we going after this? he asked. Back to the Arabian Sea first) 1 answered, "Then perhaps {down the AfFican coust Be we didn’t go back to the Arabian Sea, One day Caprain Nemo ssid, "Tomorsow we're going to be in che Mediterranean, 1 didn’t understand. ‘We can't go from the Red Sea to che ‘Mediterranean in a boat!” I said, “How ate we going to take the ‘Nautilus across Egypt "We aren’ going to go across Egypt. Wee going to go sider the captain answered. know an tnderwater tunnel ‘That evening, we went into the tunnel, Ie was very dark and very small. But Nemo was 3 good seaman, and the its did't have any problems. In avery short time, we were in the Mediterranea, We then moved quickly sway from Egypt. Near Crete [ remembered stories in the newspapers, Crete was in Turkey, but the Cretans wanted to be Greek. A lot of Cretans were now dead, because the Turkish people were wery angry with them, Hooked at the sea, There was a swimmer underwater, and he didn't have a diving sui. “Quickly! sd t0 Captain Nemo, “Let's go to him no; or the sea going to kill him? He OK; the captain answered, ‘His name’ Nicolas, and he's a very good swimmer ‘Was this mana friend of the captain? I wanted co ask but then I stopped thinking about the swimmer. Capeain Nemo had gold in his hands! I looked behind hi, and chere was gold on the table, too — lot of gol! Later, litened co the noises of the night. Men sent avy from the Nontus in che lle boat and came back a short time lute. Did they take gold with chem? Where did they take i? Was ior the Cretan? : We didn't go near any coasts after this, and three days later we were in the Atlantic, Ned vas angry. He wanted to escape to a European country. and Europe was behind us now But fist we went up the cous of Portugal and Spain “We're going to escape this evening! Ned said,’Meet Conseil and me a the litle boat at nine o'clock? 1 wanted to stay on the Nant, because it was a good home fora scientist. But I wanted to sce Paris again one diy and this sas perhaps the omly time for an escape ‘OK: I std to Ned Ac nine o'clock, [ opened my door and started to walk tothe ltele boat, But suddenly, the Nats stopped on the sea fo Then Captain Nemo aevived “You wanted the answer to a question, I think, Mr Aronnax: he sid "Come with me T went with him ro the window There were some old boa on the sea oor, and Nemo$ men were thee in cher diving suis. They walked to the old boats and came back with gold in their hands These boats went down to the 2 floor in 1702, heavy with South Ametican gold. My men and I sometimes come here and take alittle gold. Buc it isnt for us. There are unhappy people in ‘many countries. The gold is for them. 1 remembered the problems in Crete and started understand Capeain Nemo But Ned was nota happy man, "Where were you? he asked me lter.“We waited for you, but you dida't come Chapter 6 To the South Pole* A day later, we were many leagues fom the coast The toads here are very bad, Mr Aronnax! Captain Nemo sid. “But do you want to walk on them with me? Roads under the dida’t understand, But I pot on my diving suit and went with che cape Nemo walked quickly underwater wanted ¢o stay with him, They cam ck with go ‘ur it was very dficul. My feet came down on the seafloor, but the seafloor moved with me. What was under my fee? For a long time we didn't stop walking, and then I had the answer to my question, There were old houses on the seafloor! But why were there buildings here in the Atlantic, under three hundred metres of water? T ted to write with his hand in the water!!ATLANTIS' A country, but for many people they were only stories. I look sea floor went up, Captain Nemo stopped walking and wis! There were many stories about this underwater d down. There was a big town on the seafloor. For along time 1 slide move | was one ofthe ist people in Alanis for hundveds of years. I wanted to remember it [After our visit ro Adants, che Nawilus didn't stop. For many sveeks, the sun was very song, Then the air started to get cold and there was ie in the sa, We were inthe seas ofthe Antarctic Four days after the fist ice, the Nawtus stopped, There was ice in Fiot of us and ice behind us. ‘We can't move! Ned stid t0 Conseil and me, How are we ting to escape from thei But Captain Nemo came to us and sid, ‘Were going. fist people at the South Pole. We can get there in a submarine, because there’ water onder this ice. Theres only one problem wwe ean come up fora The Nawius went down and down. At three hundred mete, e under the ice and there was water in front oft again. We started to move quickly to the South Pole. After a day. we ‘were under a thousand metres of ie. Bur the morning afer that, there were only ify metres of ice ... then cwenty -.. ten five And then the Ni sea. We were at the South Pole! tis came up into the air and the open Tr wasn't very cold ~ perhaps 3°C. We stayed there for three Hooked down. There ws «bi tour o thes lor happy days and looked at alot of interesting animals and fs. “Then we went under the ice again. ‘That night, here was a big noise. Captain Nemo sid, "The ice joved atthe wrong time, and now we've gota problem. We'e tunder three hundred metres of ice, but there’ ice under 8, too, and on our left and right. Welw in 4 tunnel. Bue in font of ws there’ wate, and its going to take us up to the ai ‘The Nawilus moved quickly inthe tunnel, but then there was 1 noite again. There was now ice in font of us, too. The Nautilus started to go back. The same noise, [ee behind ws “Wete all dead!” Ned Land said. sWe'w that, who knows? But there are only ten metres of ice under the got air for two days? Captain Nemo answered. ‘After wil; under that, there’ water again. We can make a hole in the ice with knives and spears, and the Nautilus can escape fom the 1 into open water? ‘We dtesed in diving sits and started to work with the knives and spears, But it was a big job — perhaps four or five days" work And we didnt have Bive days Alice three days, we were al ill because there wasn't any new ait, But we dda’ stop working. Captain Nemo worked with us. Then he said, “Into the submarine, now The Nautilus is going to do our work for us? ‘The Nawilur was stong and heavy. Ie went down into our I of you! There are only ewo metres of ice under us hole again and again, The ice started to move, and suddenly we were in open water. But there wasn any aie on che boat, and we were all very il The Nautilus moved under che ice, We vaited and waited. 1 closed my eyes and started to sleep. Or was I dei Then, suddenly, my eyes opened What was tha noise? “The Nani i hitting ice again, bu this ice is ein} Conseil going to be OK. ssid. “Pechaps w We stared to wrk with che hives and spears “The Nauti tried agin and again, Firs there were small holes in the ice, Then, suddenly there was one big hole. The Naas went up inco i. We weren't dead! We had att Chapter 7 Goodbye to the Nautilus Aer our visit o the Antarctic, we did't sce Capain Nemo very often, The Nauilus went up the coast of South and North America, We wanted to escape, but every ight there vas a problei: we werent near the coast, or the sea was dificult, ‘Then we went across the Adlntic to Europe and arrived in British waters, Suddenly, there was big noise: Boom! We looked across the sea, Thete was a big boat three leagues aay. “Teas that boat!” Ned sid le wants to hit the Nona and ill, ws al Which country se fom? I asked. “Lean see! Ned answered Boom! Water went up into the air only five metres from the Naw Captain Nemo arrived, He was very angry and he didn look: a8 ts He Took st the boat acrow the water an sid, Fist you take my country and my fumily, and now you want t0 all me too, But can you find me underwater? No! The Nous going to hit your boat and kil you all T wanted to stop che captain, but he didn’ listen to me. The [Nautilus moved away’ om the coast, and the boat came afer ‘Then we went underwater. For a short time it was quict. Then we started to move very quickly Sudenly, the beat ws in front ‘oF us. The Nautilus went int i. “These ws a big hole in the boat now A loc of water went in, and the boat started to go down slowly under the sea, There were hundreds of men in the water. Captain Nemo watched them quietly. tn ashore time, they were all dead Nemo wen back to his hedtoom.ITooked at him frm dhe door He was on the floor, and in his hands there was a photograph of ‘beau young woman and to smal children His dead family? Aer that unhappy day, we went up the coasts of Britain and Norway and into the seas ofthe Arctic. For a week, Ned, Conseil and I didn't see Captain Nemo at his men, “Then one day Ned sig,I can see the const tnt near, but cant stay on the Nauta [at to be home ~ or dead in the sea 1 wanted «0 be away from the submarine, roo," righ, Ned? answered. Lets escape this evening: “Tim going t0 pur food in the litle boat. Be chere at een he said, Arten o'dlock, 1 went to the litle boat. Ned and Conseil were there before me. “OK, puc the boat inthe water! Ned si Bue suddenly, there were noises from Nemo's men. Did they know about our escape? “The Macktom, the Maektrom! the mie suid, This was a big. problem. All seamen know about the Maelstrom. Some ofthe sas of the Arctic miove very quickly and in one place, two of those seas meet. There gin hole opens in the water. Boats and whales ten Jeagues aay can’t escape it.The “Maelstrom takes them all daw tothe se floor. ‘The Maelstrom now wanted the Nauilas, We looked at the big hole in the sea in font of ws."The Maelstrom’ going to kill us! we sid There was noise, and our itle boat went into che sea, went in,too, My head went under the water Then my eyes closed [open my eyes. Ned and! Conseil were there. We were in the house of a Norwegian seaman How did we get here? We don't remember. Bue in a short cime, we can go home, Evety day we talk about the Naw, We have a lot of questions, but perhaps we are never going to know the answvets, Where diel Captain Nemo come from? Who killed his family? Did he and his men escape fiom the Maelstrom? And where is he now? ACTIVITIES Chapters 1-2 Boiove you read 1 Look at the Word List atthe back of the book. Tak about these ‘questions {2 What do youknow about whales? Can you see whales near the ‘oastin your county? b What do you know about boats in the 18008? Were there any “submarina at that tie? © What can make hoesin bosts? { Whalis ascii jb? Name two famous scientists, 2 Look atthe pictues in his book, What can you S09? Is ths a hapay 0° an unhapey story? Why? What do you tink? Wie you read 3 Who says wasnt a wna 1b "dont understand his hol. ("Yue famous for your books about sea animal, ‘One smal whale has along spoar on ts head” © "Youre never going 1 find this whale 1 ‘Lets swim, ana wat or morning 19 "im going to escape trom his submarine. What can do wih you? Attor you ead 4 Wnny are those peopl onthe Abvaham Lina? NMeAronnax Conseil Ned Land 5 Talk about thos boats, What do we know about them? the Scotia the Abraham Lincoln the Nuits {6 Work ith two ends, You ar Mr Aromas, Cnsel and Nod Land, Yu are on the Nauti and you want to ge heme. What are you ing to 00? Chapters 3-5, Bofore you read 77 Look at the pete on pages 6-7. Wher is tho Nautius now? Whores it going? What do you know about these paces? Wie you road 18 We these sentences right) oF wrong (X)? ‘2 Captain Nemo gets fod fram th sea ‘The submarine is a good home for scien. "Ned is happy onthe Nauti. “The men eat th animale inthe Toes of Crespo. “The Papuan give food 0 Neo “Tho Nautilus stays onthe coal reel ora Wook “The Nautilus goes to Egypt, ten to Crete ‘The gol is or Captain Noma and his men, ‘After you ead 9 Work wih a tend, Ask and answor questions Who are thaco peop? f They make shits and shoos rom soa animals. He was the bulder of the Nautilus. © Ho doosn' ike eating alot of fish 4 Thay somtimes eat people ‘© Thay want tobe Greok 1 He gives gold to unhappy people in many counties 10 Work witha trend, Look ata pictur on pagus 6-7, Where was the coal rest? Where isthe Nautilus now? Whereis the submarine soing 10 90? ‘chapters 6-7 Botore you ead 11 The Nautlus is going te visit these places. What do you know spout them? ‘ants the Antarctic Norway 12 Are Mr Aronnas, Conse and Ned Land going fo escape from the ‘Nautlus? How? ls Captain Nemo going fo stay on the Nautius? What do you tink? nite you eas 13 What happens fist? Number hase contenca, 1-6 They goto bo South Pot. 'b Thoy visit an underwater town, «© Thoy soe the Madlstom. Captain Nemo ks a tof people, {© Mr Aronnax and his tends are in a house In Nowy. {Theres no ir inthe submarine, ‘After you read 14 You ate one ol these people, Tak abou yur probs. ‘8 Captain Nemo. The Nautusient moving inthe ie, bb MirAronnax. There a big bat near the Nauti ‘© Ned Land, You can £98 the Maelstrom, Weting 15. Look atthe rst pcre nthe book. You are the newspaperman in tho tall hat. Write a story for your newspaper 16 You re one of Capn Nemo's men, Write a eter to your family trom the Nautilus, before the Maelstrom. Do you tke working on ‘he Nauti? Is Captain Nemo a good man? Do you want to stay ‘on the submarine? Why (ot)? 17 You are a trend of Mr Azonnax. You are going fo vist him in Norway. What aro you going to ask him? White five quastons and Me Aronnaxs answers 1% 1° You are Ned. Wie alter to your sister in Canada. How ae you? How di you are in Norway? Who are you wih? When are you going to ee your sister again? Where are Capiain Noma and his men? Where is the Nautilus going? Who —or what ~ are they gong Yo maet? White a neve story bout the Nauti. [Mr Aronnas is gong to vst your courte. He wants to know about interesting and beaut places. You are going to Telephone tim. What ae you going to say? Write ton sentences. cfd pert ges Pree rele poe ‘sea le Fre ri se en WORD LIST wi spies (fae fa (6) The captain went ose with tty men on his bot ‘coast (love che se, and I havea holiayom the caw very ye. coral ret (a) Sosie Basil fish ise in the sa setes under thes only four or Five ving sult (0) I ding st, you cin ty underwater or 3 long me feseape (n/s) We cant exape from ehis room, beease there are windows fia (0) We ex s lot offi because we Hive near the se, lant (x) Ie a ge shos, perhaps 80 meres Hons. {old a) You can’ eake tha goon the bank ina bag! es wey easy hole (a) My shoes are very old They've goths in them, {co (n) After rain and a cold night there was ion the roads fal (e) He dead, ofcourse But hat hil im? Teague (n) The bout’ egw away ~ about 5,00 mete, ‘ett {n) He's so renal. ‘clontst () Finstcin was a German aoe, ‘servant (n) My sun: do my housework for me ‘spear (n) Aa can ila man fom ten mete avy submarine (x) work underwater, ona sibmatne tunel (n) Thee tne! under the sea fom England 9 France ‘whale (0) There aren't many whales nou seas now, Whaler kl chem because they can make lot of money from dead whale. Feo. ‘Vere, Jes Trent thousand leagues under . | iN | Ee x a 800 50 56 8304 0B AXIELL || aN NH WS

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