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Name: Kin Selwyn S.

Socobos Date: 9/22/2021

Course: BSCpE 1 Subject: Chemistry for Engineers

Nuclear Fission

Describe how a neutron can give energy to a nucleus and cause it to fission.

When a free neutron collides with the nucleus of a fissile atom, such as uranium-235,
the uranium divides into two smaller atoms (Daughter nuclei) known as fission fragment
that split in opposite directions, along with additional neutrons. Because it creates
additional neutrons at the rate necessary to trigger fresh fissions, fission can be self-
sustaining. The chain reaction is started as a result of this.

Explain the byproducts of a fission event.

When large nuclei, such as uranium-235, fissions it release two smaller particles also
called as daughter nuclei along with it is some additional neutrons.
Chain reaction

Explain how a chain reaction works, and describe the requirements for a
sustained chain reaction large enough to make a bomb.

Nuclear chain reaction is a series of nuclear fission or the splitting of a nucleus in two
daughter cell. When a neutron hit collide with 235U it causing the nuclei to split and
excess neutrons are ejected, and when those excess electrons ejected and hit 238U it
will then became 239U, the process will continue over and over again causing it to react
in a chain manner. The requirements for a sustained chain reaction large enough to
make a bomb is having an enormous number of nuclei undergo fission so that
enormous amount of energy will be released.
Nuclear reactor

Explain how a nuclear reactor works and how control rods can be used to slow
down the reaction.

Nuclear reactor produced energy by collecting power output from a series of chain
reaction. The fuel rods or the control are submerged in water, which serves as a cooler
as well as a moderator. To keep the chain reaction going, the moderator helps slow
down the neutrons produced by fission. The reaction rate can then be reduced or
increased by inserting or removing control rods into the reactor core.

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