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The Value of Urban Agriculture in Urban Design and

Development: Literature Review and Case Study in

Lawrence Technological University

INTRODUCTION munities (Smit and Nasr, 1992). Therefore the need

for urban agriculture is more strongly felt in poor
Despite the positive benefits of urban agriculture, urban regions than anywhere else because the dis-
the literature about urban design and planning has tressed urban regions lack access to fresh food, but
not paid enough attention to its effect on urban en- they have an abundance of vacant or abandoned
vironment. Arguably, this is partly because there is properties. For these reasons, most urban agricul-
a perception that urban agriculture is somehow con- ture is performed by grassroots community groups
sidered a third world activity. Although the subject of in underserved areas. While the implementation of
urban farming is nothing new, empirical research on urban agriculture by lower income urban residents
it is scant. This may be another reason why urban is often viewed as a positive intervention on the
practitioners have neglected the application of ur- urban environment, the nature of the grassroots
ban agriculture to urban design and development. origins leads to many of these projects going un-
The contribution of this paper lies in bridging a gap
between urban agriculture and urban design and Despite the small amount of literature on urban
development by addressing the diverse benefits farming, there is an area of interest that is being
that urban agriculture has on the city’s physical, addressed in the literature. Part 1 of this paper will
social, economic, and cultural environments. With explore this interest and explore the benefits that
a literature review, this paper discusses several urban agriculture has on the planning of our cit-
benefits of urban agriculture in the placemaking ies according to the four themes that emerge from
of the urban environment. Additionally, through a the literature. Part 2 of the paper is a case study
case study in Detroit, the paper illustrates the ap- illustrating an example of an urban agriculture de-
plication of urban agriculture to urban design and velopment proposal in Detroit and it supports the
development. outcomes of the literature review by describing
some of the benefits of urban agriculture develop-
Urban agriculture is the growing of plants and the ment. The four themes uncovered in the literature
raising of animals for food, and the related pro- are these:
cessing and marketing activities, in and around
cities and towns. (Hempstead, 2007). The practice  Urban Agriculture as new facet of the urban
of urban agriculture goes back thousands of years. environment
However, in the past thirty years there has been a  Empowering underserved communities by
resurgence in urban agriculture, especially in West- reclaiming the land
ern societies such as England and North America.  Promoting community development and
Urban agriculture is the program of choice because community building
it is low capital but labor intensive and thus is well  Addressing environmental sustainability and
suited to low-income families in underserved com- biodiversity
710 The Value of design

PART 1: LITERATURE REVIEW amination of Al-Alkhalaf challenges professional ar-

chitects, urban designers, and planners to extract
Urban Agriculture as a New Facet of the Urban tangible meanings from concepts such as cultiva-
Environment tion adopted in traditional urban forms (Eben and
Abdullah, 1999).
As urban agriculture becomes more prevalent in
urban environments, it is emerging as a new area In Brazil, the nutritional and environmental benefits
of concern for urban designers, planners, and ar- of urban agriculture are being addressed through
chitects. For instance, urban agriculture has many urban farming initiatives. For example, in Belem,
functions that allow it to play an important role in which is located in the Amazon region, urban farm-
urban poverty alleviation, social inclusion, urban ing is being integrated into municipal projects with
food security, urban waste management, and urban some success in terms of providing better nutrition
greening (Hempstead, 2007). These are extremely to the urban poor (Madaleno, 2000). Its introduc-
important factors when looking at the design of cit- tion has consolidated the space needed for urban
ies and buildings. Many of the planning projects that areas and also reduced the amount of waste that
include agriculture are located outside the United the city generates.
States. This is due in part to a lack of urban agricul-
ture tradition in American cities and to the percep- In Africa, urban livelihood is being addressed
tion of American designers and planners that urban through the acceptance of a more diverse approach
agriculture is messy and incompatible with modern to economic activities (Owusu, 2007). Many Afri-
cities (Girardet, 2004). In fact, a city like Detroit, can cities need multiple labor-intensive employ-
despite suffering from a glut of vacant properties, ment programs. This has led critics to call for the
has zoning regulations that do not allow urban agri- indigenization of urban planning in Africa, and ur-
culture. Third world cities, however, often welcome ban agriculture is one strategy to accomplish this
urban agriculture. Sometimes this is a result of a (Owusu, 2007).
long-standing tradition of including agriculture in
the urban fabric. Other times it is a remnant of rap- In Mexico City, dairy production exists within the
id industrialization, which quickly sites factories and city despite the rapid urbanization (Losada, 2000).
high rises in what used to be farmland. Whether out There is, however, recognition of the need for en-
of necessity or tradition there are several examples vironmental management in industrializing Mexico
of urban agriculture in third-world countries that and other third world countries. This leads many
illustrate how urban agriculture can influence the policy makers to consider solutions based on west-
planning of cities and how lessons can be learned ern sensibilities. The problem with this line of think-
from this symbiotic relationship. ing is that it is based on an urban model without
regard for agricultural forms of production and con-
One example is the city of Al-Alkhalaf, which is lo- sumption (Losada, 2000). Mexico City has shown
cated in the Asir region of southwestern Saudi Ara- that large animals can still be raised in an urban
bia. This traditional Arabic city is often cited as an setting, indicating that modern approaches to ur-
example of outstanding land management and ur- ban planning and design are not always the best
ban agriculture in a traditional society from which choices. Instead, innovation is needed to adapt ur-
modern planners can learn much (Eben and Abdul- ban environments to include agriculture.
lah, 1999). In Al-Alkhalaf, the city’s planners recog-
nized that traditional Arabic communities emulated The four examples above suggest that urban agri-
nature in their architecture (Eben and Abdullah, culture influences planning strategies by requiring
1999). Furthermore, the historic buildings within planners and designers to incorporate traditional
the city were rooted in tradition that referenced and indigenous methods in planning and urban de-
nature and cultivation. Eben and Abdullah (1999) velopment. This could have an enormous impact on
argue that instead of relying only on modern sen- the planning of cities and the urban form. Although
sibilities, planners and architects should respond urban farming in the United States can be seen in a
to the changes within the city through replication different form, the implications of urban agriculture
of tradition by reproducing a style that coincides are just as great, as demonstrated in this paper.
closely with people’s expectations. In fact, the ex-

Empowering the Urban Poor by Reclaiming tivating the land, community ties are built. In this
the Land way urban agriculture can mend not just the city’s
environmental fabric as well as its social fabric.
It has been widely reported that one of the largest
concerns facing the poor in urban cities is access to Addressing Environmental Sustainability and
nutritious food. Urban agriculture can help allevi- Biodiversity
ate urban poverty by providing more access to self-
produced nutritious food (Hempstead, 2007). Ur- One of the most documented themes of urban agri-
ban farming is growing in prominence in industrial culture is the role it plays in producing sustainable
cities like Detroit and Pittsburgh (Girardet, 2004). cities. One function of urban agriculture is in urban
In 1990, the United States census attributed 40 waste management (Hempstead, 2007). The cur-
percent of the dollar value of American agricultural rent model for providing food to cities is comprised
production to urban farms, which are often pro- of a vast web of farms, packaging middlemen, and
moted by communities that share plots of land (Gi- transport. Supplying out-of-season produce all
rardet, 2004). Furthermore, with the rapid decline year requires growing produce in another region
of once prosperous industrialized cities there is a and transporting it to the consumer. This uses vast
decrease in density in the urban core (Kaurman and amounts of energy. Urban agriculture produces the
Bailkey, 2000). This has resulted in vast tracts of food near the consumer, reducing the amount of en-
vacant land that urban residents can then reclaim ergy used (Girardet, 2004; Paxton, 1997). Because
through urban farming. In this way residents cre- of the local nature of urban farming, money is often
ate sustainable method of production for creating a concern. To address this, urban farmers often re-
local wealth in the form of food (Glover, 2006). It use materials found in the urban environment. This
also creates a viable avenue for entrepreneurship includes tires, glass, and wood products that are
for residents (Kaurman and Bailkey, 2000). Urban used to create the farming infrastructure (Paxton,
agriculture can therefore be a way for residents to 1997). This reuse cuts down on the amount of new
bolster the economy of their communities (James, resources needed to operate the farm, while at the
Lahti, and Paehlke, 2005; Girardet, 2004; Kaurman same time decreasing the amount of waste sur-
and Bailkey, 2000). This is especially true in a global rounding it (Paxton, 1997). Urban farms also have
economy where urban unemployment is high, forc- a greater capacity to absorb runoff and rain water,
ing residents to develop survival strategies such as thereby reducing waste water flow and relieving the
growing their own food (Girardet, 2004). sewage systems in the city (Girardet, 2004). Re-
lated to sustainability is the topic of biodiversity,
Promoting Community Development and the majority of the food produced, transported, and
Community Building sold to urban residents is grown on vast one-crop
fields. The land is intensively farmed with little crop
In today’s culture and urban environment there is diversity (Girardet, 2004; Paxton, 1997). Ironically
little emphasis on social interaction with neighbors. urban farmers plant a wider variety of crops than
Urban farming offers spaces conducive to interac- do commercial agricultural operations. Urban ar-
tion as residents come together to produce food eas have a greater diversity of trees and flowers,
(Doron, 2005; Paxton, 1997; Hempstead, 2007). and honeybees have been shown to produce more
Many urban farms are located in public parks, which honey in urban environments than in the country
are social spaces (Paxton, 1997). Underused areas (Paxton, 1997). Urban farms also aid in the green-
of parks can be turned over to farming projects like ing of the city and are an important part of urban
herb gardens, and members of the community tak- greenbelts in the city (Girardet, 2004). This has an
ing on “pocket parks” are encouraged to grow their important impact on the urban form of community.
own food (Paxton, 1997) in cooperation with one
another. Cultivating the land is an activity that pro- PART 2: CASE STUDY IN DETROIT
motes participation and collaboration between par-
ticipants. Few people take the time to consider how Detroit reportedly has tens of thousands of vacant
the food they eat has been produced, but urban plots. If vacant buildings are included in the tally,
farming allows city residents to reconnect with the vacant properties may total in the hundreds of
land and their food sources. In the process of cul- thousands. Detroit’s urban neighborhoods include
712 The Value of design

vast vacant areas that threaten the economic and to create locally based jobs and to provide a chan-
social vitality of the region. Many vacant lots have nel of community revitalization by teaching residents
become dump sites or are overgrown with shoulder- about nutritious foods. Furthermore, the center is to
high weeds. The percentage of vacant tracts in serve as a vehicle for supporting minority-owned
some residential blocks can be as high as 40% (see farms located in Detroit’s outskirts and for helping
Figure 1). Agencies and developers have for many those farmers partner with local residents who are
years tried to remedy the situation by promoting interested in selling farming-related products in De-
infill housing or shops on vacant lands. Despite troit’s underserved neighborhoods.
their efforts, the overall positive impact on the city
in general is limited because often such efforts are This case study is based on research undertaken
piecemeal and are not coordinated within or between at our university’s Detroit Studio, a community
neighborhoods. Furthermore, the few successful outreach program, which is located in Detroit’s un-
small pockets of scattered infill developments that derserved community, and which is directed by the
exist are not integrated via effective connections author. This research is funded by grants from the
to coherent or systematic urban spatial structures. Boston Society of Architects and focuses on design-
Moreover, an inefficient public transit system ing urban farming communities in test locations
and outdated zoning ordinances (including strict through master plans that pair farming education
parking requirements) inhibit well-orchestrated centers with community markets. Such proposed
mixed-use, walkable, developments in many communities also feature high-yield micro farms,
neighborhoods. Consequently, the overall benefit community gardens, greenhouses, and mixed-use
of infill developments to the community or the city development designed to occupy vacant tracts and
at large is limited and questionable. fit into existing neighborhoods. The placement
and spatial organization of these farming-related
facilities and supporting functions are intended to
promote a sense of community and sustainability,
according to a well orchestrated urban plan. The
research aimed to illustrate through master plans,
the urban and architectural impact of the proposal
for an urban farming community, on a typical dilap-
idated neighborhood in Detroit. By doing so, we in-
tended to demonstrate a more comprehensive and
coordinated approach to the vacant land crisis and
the revitalization of blighted urban neighborhoods.

Research Method

The methodology for this research consisted of four

components. The first component was to consult
with the CCDC and the ACBF to understand their
Figure 1: Existing Condition Map of East Warren development goals and to identify two separate po-
Community tential sites for the proposed urban farming com-
munity master plan project in Detroit’s East War-
In response, the Christ Community Development ren community: one near the main commercial
Corporation (CCDC) and the American Coalition of thoroughfare and one in the middle of a residential
Black Farmers (ACBF), two highly active non-profit area. These two sites were chosen because they
community development organizations in Detroit, have more vacant lots than any other locations in
have recently proposed to the City of Detroit Planning East Warren. After consulting with many partici-
Department a farming education center with a com- pants and interested parties we added two more
munity market in Detroit as a catalyst for change to sites in East Warren, both of which had a strong
help local communities deal effectively with vacant potential for urban agriculture development and
and underutilized areas. In particular, the farming had varying characteristics in terms of land use and
education center is proposed as a business incubator physical features.

The second component was to generate a design sources and interviews with planning officials and
for each test site through master planning, to form community agencies suggest that agriculture offers
a framework for an urban farming community that a range of opportunities for cleaning up the vacant
fulfills the proposed goals into urban and architec- land, putting it to productive use through gardens
tural form. To do this, we created four student de- or micro farms, creating an income source and
sign teams from our Detroit Studio to assist for a providing aesthetic improvement for the neighbor-
semester in the production of these separate design hood. As more funding becomes available, some of
proposals. Student work consisted of site inventory these gardens could develop into larger commer-
and analysis to investigate existing land use char- cial forms of agriculture like greenhouses or indus-
acteristics, zoning ordinances, physical character- trial agriculture parks. While community gardens
istics (e.g., figure ground studies, circulation pat- or micro farms can act as physical design strate-
terns, block layout patterns, land ownership, traffic gies to promote a visually pleasing and pedestrian-
volume, environmental contamination), challenges friendly environment, some of them can be easily
and opportunities at the test site, and precedent developed into infill housing or other neighborhood
studies. The key assignments were a community service facilities in later phases.
master plan for an urban farming community, as
well as a design for an urban, agriculture, health,
fitness (UAHF) lifestyle building based on the farm-
ing education center concept.

The third component was to conduct periodic re-

views of the design research with our partnering
agencies (CCDC and ACBF) to verify compliance
with their development goals. In addition, this
component involved soliciting feedback from oth-
er stakeholders via interviews, community design
workshops, and focus groups. These stakeholders
included interested parties such as area schools,
the city of Detroit Planning Department, the Detroit
City Council, the AIA Detroit Chapter, local design
professionals, and other community anchor groups
(such as block groups, churches, and the like, which Figure 2: UAHF Lifestyle Center Example
play an important role in revitalization).

The fourth component was to generate exhibition (2) An urban agriculture, health, fitness, and life-
boards and scale models of the design research for style center (UAHF Center) is proposed as the
presentation in public gatherings. The boards and main facility of the urban farming community to
models toured selected communities where urban promote agriculture, sustainability, and healthy
farming communities are proposed, and were pre- lifestyle through various educational and social
sented to the public, the city of Detroit Planning services. The overwhelming majority of the proj-
Department, the Detroit City Council, and the AIA ect participants and interested parties emphasized
Detroit Chapter at the Museum of Contemporary that successful revitalization requires public educa-
Art in Detroit. tion about the importance of taking good care of
the built environment and nature, and promoting
Research Results nutritious food and healthy lifestyles. In response,
we proposed a UAHF Lifestyle Center building to
Here are the final research results. act as the educational and social service center of
the urban agriculture community in East Warren.
(1) Feedback from various project participants and At this center, residents will learn about community
interested parties suggests that urban farming is a gardens, urban farming businesses, a sustainable
viable strategy for vacant land to promote revital- environment, nutritious food, and fitness. This cen-
ization, sustainability, and public health. Literature ter will also update people on the current research
714 The Value of design

in urban agriculture and conduct research in agri- of agriculture operations including large farms, mul-
culture and revitalization (see Figure 2). tiple greenhouses, and a sizeable farmers market.
Additionally, this model offers water resources for
(3) East Warren has four significant areas, each of the purposes of irrigation, water retention, waste-
which has unique characteristics in terms of land water recycling, and urban aesthetics along with
use and physical features. Thus each area or sector meditation gardens and other farming and health-
(test site) requires a different type of urban ag- related facilities (e.g., agriculture product outlets,
riculture development. Four models in the urban and health, sport, and recreation facilities).
farming community design are proposed to deal ef-
fectively with the four unique sites (see Figure 3). (C) A corridor model is applied to the East War-
ren Street corridor (Sector 3), which has few open
(A) An industrial district model is applied to the in- spaces and consists predominantly of two-story
dustrial section of East Warren (Sector 1), which and three-story retail buildings, many of which are
includes numerous large scale industrial buildings, underutilized or vacant. The road is very wide and
many of which are underutilized or vacant. Unfor- busy, making crossing and walking unsafe. This
tunately, some lots may are contaminated, and model seeks a balanced combination of diverse de-
this will have to be addressed. This area is situ- velopments like agriculture research facilities near
ated between a major auto company facility to the the existing hospitals or schools as well as com-
east and a dilapidated residential area to the west. munity gardens or farms that also function as open
This model seeks to create an industrial agricul- spaces; mixed use buildings; and boulevards as
ture park community with agriculture operations traffic calming strategies along the corridor.
housed inside buildings; examples of this would be
greenhouses where the growing areas are elevated
to avoid direct contact with contaminated soil and
light industrial agriculture facilities. In addition, this
model includes mixed use garages, indoor sport fa-
cilities, and retail spaces.

Figure 4: Master Plan Details Example

Figure 3: Master Plan Example

(D) Finally, a residential district model creates an

(B) An open space model is proposed for East War- urban farming community within a predominantly
ren’s well known golf course area (Sector 2). This residential area in East Warren (Sector 4). This sec-
open space district is currently underutilized but tion has numerous vacant plots, making it possible
has strong potential for urban farming. This model to create an intensive farming-based residential
promotes high intensity urban farming with range community. The master plan includes two zones:

an urban agriculture zone promoting various ag- also include recommendations on appropriate or-
riculture developments, and a typical green zone dinances to ensure successful urban farming de-
that includes existing natural and man-made green velopment, enabling planning administrators and
spaces. Both zones are interconnected to promote other public officials to incorporate them into their
a sense of community, and easy access through- development policies and regulations. This will be
out the community. This model also offers diverse our next step
housing types such as conventional urban housing
and houses with micro farms (see Figure 4). The In summary, currently there is a proliferation of
key stakeholders in East Warren can decide which undocumented urban agriculture but at the same
test site they will use to develop a coherent urban time there is the lack of architectural and urban
farming community, and which proposed model design projects related to urban agriculture. This
they want to apply to that site for successful urban disparity offers an opportunity for urban design-
agriculture community development ers and architects to move into an area of urban
culture that is developing with little design direc-
CONCLUSIONS tion (Doron, 2005). Urban farming today is seen as
an important source of food and income generation
Our literature review, design research, and field- and is therefore something that should be support-
work suggest that urban agriculture can be a cat- ed by adequate institutional frameworks (Girardet,
alyst for unifying the efforts of diverse groups of 2004). Moreover, more research on the application
people in various fields in promoting revitalization, of urban agriculture to the design and planning of
sustainability, jobs, and healthy food and lifestyle. our cities is needed because every major city has
Funding for this design research allowed us to pro- underserved populations and underutilized land
vide a vehicle through which our design team could that requires creative attention. Urban agriculture
contribute to tackling one of the most critical is- offers a wide range of opportunities for design in-
sues facing Detroit: vacant properties. Our design novation.
and master plan research offers an alternative
approach to piecemeal infill housing or commer- References
cial development, which alone cannot effectively
respond to the vacant land crisis in a timely and Doron, G. (2005). Urban Agriculture: Small, medium,
holistic manner. The Christ Community Develop- large. Architectural Design, 75(3), 52-59.
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the Built from of Alkhalaf.Journal of Architecture, 4(3),
mendations for revitalization to address the vacant 261-280.
land crisis; the proposed urban farming community
helps turn their recommendation into reality. Our Girardet, H. (2004). Cities people planet: Livable cities
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tion of the proposed urban farming community’s
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Our key lesson is that successful urban farming
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community development will require the system-
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atic incorporation of our present master plan re- Planning Association, 55(4), 457.
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developments initiated by local community agen- Hempstead, H. (2007). Cities Farming for the Future
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around many parts of the city by integrating them
James, S., Lahti, T., & Paehlke, R. (REVIEWER) (2005).
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the production of a handbook of comprehensive Cities and Towns can Change to Sustainable Practices.
design guidelines for urban farming community Alternatives Journal, 31(4/5), 40.
design and development. The guideline book will
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716 The Value of design

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