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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1: A. consume B. nuclear C. polluted D. fuel
2: A. illness B. emission C. climate D. impact

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3: A. scholarship B. practical C. computer D. bachelor
4: A. analytical B. university C. qualification D. educational

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each
of the following questions.
5: Your brother never goes out with his friends if he hasn't finished his homework, has he?
6: Plants would die if they don't get enough water.
7: Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith are explaining the children the rules of the game.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
8: I think nobody likes to live in a polluted city, ________?
A. do I B. don’t I C. don’t they D. do they
9: If I don't have to go to school, I _______ my mother with the housework.
A. usually helps B. will helps C. usually help D. usually will help
10: Let's start our discussion on global warming, ________?
A. will you B. shall we C. won’t you D. shan’t we
11: A lot of visitors to Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park are keen on cave _______
A. explore B. excavate C. geology D. exploration
12: The final thing _______ is to admire the corals from a distance and not to break off any pieces to take home as
A. remembered B. remembering C. to remember D. remember
13: Melanie was the only person __________ a letter of thanks.
A. written B. writing C. wrote D. to write
14: The house ______ in the storm has now been rebuilt.
A. which destroyed B. destroyed C. destroying D. that is destroyed
15: I live in a pleasant room ____________ the garden.
A. overlooking B. overlooked C. which overlooking D. to overlook
16: Visitors should avoid shops _______ unusual relics from the area.
A. sell B. selling C. to sell D. sold
17: Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex includes both natural and _______ sites.
A. culturals B. culture C. cultural D. agricultural
18: Why don't we ______?
A. go there by train B. to go there by train C. going there by train D. go to there by train
19: They must figure out how a city can develop to meet the demands of future residents in a ___________ and cost-
effective way.
A. continual B. available C. sustainable D. natural

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of
the following exchanges.
20: - Kate: “I’d like the blue jacket, please. Can I try it on? - Cindy: “Yes, ___________”
A. you would B. Here you are, thank you C. Certainly D. you do
21: - Janet: "Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?"
- Susan: “___."
A. I don't agree, I'm afraid B. That would be great
C. You’re welcome D. I feel very bored

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined ones.
22: Forests absorb and capture carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
A. take up B. take over C. take in D. take to
23: ‘‘Bradford is a cosmopolitan city and anything that helps the different constituent parts to better understand each
other should be welcomed,’ he said.
A. busy B. diversified C. hectic D. multi-cultural

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined ones.
24: I don't like being pessimistic - I think that, generally, life is getting better for most people.
A. negative B. bad C. optimistic D. neutral
25: In other words, simply by stopping deforestation we would make a major contribution to slowing global warming.
A. reforestation B. disforestation C. desertification D. logging

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate sentence that is similar in meaning to the given
26: "Why don’t we go out for dinner?” said Mary.
A. Mary suggested a dinner out. B. Mary requested a dinner out.
C. Mary ordered a dinner out. D. Mary demanded a dinner out.
27: The sooner we solve this problem, the better it will be for all concerned.
A. If all concerned are better, we can solve this problem soon.
B. It would be better for all concerned if we can solve this problem soon.
C. If we could solve this problem soon, it would be better for all concerned.
D. If we can solve this problem soon, it will be better for all concerned.
28: My friend told me, “If I were you, I would not smoke so much.”
A. My friend prohibited me from smoking so much.
B. My friend warned me against smoking so much.
C. My friend advised me not to smoke so much.
D. My friend suggested not smoking so much.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions
29: The pagoda was damaged in the storm. It has now been rebuilt.
A. The pagoda which was damaged in the storm has now been rebuilt.
B. The pagoda damaged in the storm has now been rebuilt.
C. The pagoda which damaged in the storm has now been rebuilt.
D. A & B are correct
30: Transportation has been made much easier thanks to the invention of car. However, cars are the greatest
contributor of air pollution.
A.  The invention of cars has made transportation much easier, but cars are among the greatest contributors of air
B.  However easier the invention of cars has made transportation, it is cars that among the greatest contributors of
air pollution.
C.  Although the invention of cars has made transportation much easier, cars are the greatest contributor of air
pollution of air.
D. Although the invention of cars has made transportation much easier, people use cars to contribute to the
pollution of air.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to indicate the correct word
or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Open Universities Australia, an online higher education organization, is run by seven universities. It offers
Australian and (31) ____students the opportunity to study academic subjects and (32) _____ modules at their own
pace, and in their own time. The units of study and the (33) _____ students achieve are identical to those awarded
to on-campus students. Open Universities Australia offers: bridging and short courses, vocational education and
training modules and courses, university (34) _____ units, postgraduate units and courses, and a library service.
As Open Universities Australia has no entry (35)_____or limits on places, it offers students the flexibility to study at
home in any or all of four study periods each year, starting in March, June, September, and December.

31: A. overseas B. vocational C. requirements D. qualifications

32: A. vocational B. qualifications C. overseas D. requirements
33: A. requirements B. qualifications C. overseas D. vocational
34: A. undergraduate B. requirements C. overseas D. qualifications
35: A. overseas B. requirements C. qualifications D. vocational

Read the following passage on transport, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 40.
In the future, maybe all cars that run on petrol will be replaced by solar cars, which have been around for a while,
but with recent developments in solar car design and the measurement of photovoltaic cells becoming smaller, the
dream of a truly efficient solar car is more reality than fantasy. A solar car is a vehicle powered by photovoltaic cells,
also called solar cells, which convert sunlight (light energy) into electrical energy. As a source of energy on earth,
there is nothing like the sun: in a mere one thousandth of one second (.001), the sun emits enough energy to fulfill our
planet's energy needs for the next 5,000 years. It is a staggering fact, and an exciting one. Since the energy from the
sun is responsible for renewable resources such as wind, tides, and heat, solar energy seems to offer the brightest
future for not only cars, but for the entire energy crisis. Despite the appearance that solar energy may be the least
feasible among the current crop of alternative fuel propositions, new solar powered devices and more specifically solar
powered cars are beginning to be developed. How do Solar. Cars work?
The photo-voltaic cells absorb photons from sunlight. This action generates heat, which the cells then convert into
electrical energy and stores in an on-board battery. This process of conversion is called the photovoltaic effect. Not
surprisingly, such a vehicle has zero emissions, and is very environmentally friendly. Unfortunately, at the moment
photovoltaic cells are extremely inefficient, yet as time progresses the efficiency of these cells will grow. This will make
solar energy and solar cars the fuel and car of the future-a closer reality.
36. According to the text, _______.
A. up to now, we have designed some solar cars
B. solar cars have been very popular for many years
C. we have not produced any solar cars yet
D. solar cars are not as much appreciated as other kinds of car
37. A solar car is supplied power from _______.
A. gas B. petrol C. photovoltaic cells D. electricity
38. Which can not help us to solve the problem of energy crisis?
A. wind B. tide C. the sun D. heat from the moon
39. According to the text, _______
A. no powered solar devices have been developed so far
B. besides solar car, we have also developed solar powered device
C. solar energy plans are more feasible than wind energy plans
D. tide can supply more energy than the sun
40. The photovoltaic effect is _______.
A. the process of operating a solar car
B. the process of absorbing photons from the sun
C. the developing of solar cars and solar powered devices
D. the converting of heat from the sun into electricity

Read the following passage on transport, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 41 to 50.
Discover how laughter can work for you!
You’ve probably heard the expression “Laughter is the best medicine”. Scientists and medical doctors now
agree that laughter can help people to deal with stress and anger. Research has shown that people who feel happy
and relaxed are healthier and have better relationships.
Laughter Yoga is a series of exercises. Laughter Yoga teaches you to laugh for no reason. You don’t have to
have a sense of humor, or understand funny jokes. You just have to laugh.
When you do Laughter Yoga in a group, you laugh and do yoga breathing, so that you increase the amount of
oxygen in your body. Soon the laughter exercises turn into real laughter. After a laughter yoga class, you feel calm and
relaxed, but also full of energy and happy.
Laughter Yoga was developed by Dr. Kataria, a doctor from India. Laughter Yoga classes started in Mumbai in
1995 with just five people, and now there are over 6,000 laughter clubs in sixty different countries.
Julie Whitehead was one of the first people in the UK to become a Laughter Yoga teacher with Dr. Kataria.
She says, “Yoga has been a part of my life for thirty years, but in 2002 my life changed when I discovered Laughter
Yoga. I am particularly interested in health and wellbeing.”
She is a member of Laughter Network, a group of professionals who want to bring more laughter, health, and
happiness into people’s lives. They run Laughter Yoga classes and workshops in the UK, and Julie runs Laughter
Yoga holidays in Turkey, Egypt, Spain, and Morocco.
Laughing is good for the body and the mind. When we laugh, we breathe more oxygen into our body, which
helps to keep us healthy. Endorphins, or happy chemicals, are released in the body, and you feel more relaxed and
happy. Laughter also brings people together to share some fun.
Companies who have run Laughter Yoga workshops find that they have advantages for both employers and
employees. People who are happy at work are more hard-working and make more money for the company. Also,
people who laugh together communicate more successfully. In general, people do better at work when they feel happy
and relaxed.
If you’re not sure about Laughter Yoga, remember this, children laugh 300-400 times a day, but adults only
laugh around fifteen times a day.
Get more laughter in your life - you can feel the change in you, and when you change, the world changes.
Laughter is really the best medicine.
41. Laughing is good for our body because __________.
A. we feel more relaxed and happy B. we breathe in more oxygen
C. it helps release happy chemicals D. it improves communication
42. It is good to laugh and do yoga breathing exercises at the same time because __________.
A. you laugh very funnily a lot during the laughter yoga classes
B. you join a group and meet professionals all around the world
C. Laughter Yoga teaches you to have a sense of humour and understand funny jokes
D. you not only feel calm and relaxed, but also have full of energy and happiness
43. Laughter Yoga __________.
A. started in India with a small group of people
B. was developed by a doctor as a treatment
C. started in sixty countries with over 6,000 laughter clubs
D. was developed by first students of Dr. Kataria
44. All of the following are true about Julie Whitehead EXCEPT that __________.
A. she became one of the first British Laughter Yoga teachers with Dr. Kataria
B. she is a member of Laughter Network which run Laughter Yoga classes and workshops in the UK
C. she has practised Laughter Yoga for thirty years in her life
D. she herself runs Laughter Yoga vacations in some foreign countries
45. The advantage for a company when their employees do Laughter Yoga is that __________.
A. the employees earn more money from the company
B. the employees are more hard-working and productive
C. all people can laugh together funnily
D. Laughter Yoga workshops only have advantages for employers
46. The saying “Laughter is the best medicine” maybe means that __________.
A. you should have a sense of humour in order to laugh
B. trying to laugh is a good treatment to patients
C. it is good for your physical and mental health to laugh
D. laughter is the medicine of best quality that doctors have
47. The expression “professionals” in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to __________.
A. people who follow a hobby with great enthusiasm
B. people who follow a career in order to earn good pay
C. people who have high positions in their companies
D. people who are well trained and extremely skilled
48. The text is written for __________.
A. adults B. elderly people C. children D. Laughter Yoga teachers
49. You would find this description of Laughter Yoga classes __________.
A. in a newspaper B. in a brochure C. on a website D. in a journal
50. The main purpose of the text is __________.
A. to compare Laughter Yoga with ordinary yoga
B. to introduce Laughter Yoga and its benefits
C. to tell the history of Laughter Yoga
D. to give information about Laughter Yoga classes

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