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英耐企业英语培训机构 Speaking English with Impact!


Warm Up
1. How do you introduce yourself to your visitors/clients?
2. What do you usually say when you introduce someone to another person?
3. What do you usually say when someone asks you, “How are you?”
4. How do you greet your clients or visitors at work?
5. Do you find it easy or comfortable greeting people in English? Why?

Key Sentence structures:

Mr./Ms…. may I introduce/ I'd like to introduce / I’d like you to meet/Have you met …
Can I introduce /I want you to meet/ this is… (informal)
How was your flight?
Have you been to …before?
Was it for business or pleasure? etc.
How long are you going to stay here? /How long are you planning to stay?
Where are you staying?
What's the weather been like in …?
Introductions&Greeting Visitors
英耐企业英语培训机构 Speaking English with Impact!

Do you need a hand?

Can I ? Shall I ? Would you like me to ?
Introductions – Useful Language

Mr. Chan, May I introduce Ms. Wang, (relationship/job title)
I'd like to introduce
I’d like you to meet

Ms. Wang, this is Mr. Chan, (relationship/job title)

Have you met Ms. Wang before? No I haven’t / Yes I have.

Thomas, can I introduce Nick Campbell, (relationship/job title)
I want you to meet
this is

Nick, this is Thomas Chan,(relationship/job title)

Introductions&Greeting Visitors
英耐企业英语培训机构 Speaking English with Impact!

Greetings – Useful Language

Beginning Replying
How do you do? How do you do? (very formal style)
Pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you too.
Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.
It’s a pleasure to meet you. The pleasure is all mine.
It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Likewise.

1. Practice using these greetings with your teacher.

2. Also, your teacher will start the greetings and practice how to respond

Introductions&Greeting Visitors
英耐企业英语培训机构 Speaking English with Impact!

Starting a Conversation

When you start a conversation, you should try to reply to the statement or question in a
way that develops the conversation:

Look at the following questions and statements that help start a conversation:
1. How are you?
2. Nice to see you again.
3. It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?
4. Nice weather today, isn’t it?
5. Did you get that report I sent you?
6. Sorry for keeping you waiting
7. Hello Michael. What are you doing here?
8. Have you met out Marketing Manager, Ms Qian?
9. I’m not feeling too well.
10. I’m sorry we’re late.

Introductions&Greeting Visitors
英耐企业英语培训机构 Speaking English with Impact!

Now match the following replies with the above statements and questions:
A No, I haven’t yet. I hear that she is very good.
B Yes, I think the last time we met was at the conference in Beijing.
C No problem, I haven’t been waiting too long.
D Yes, I did, thanks. It was very useful.
E Really, would you like me to get you a glass of water?
F Fine thanks. And you? You are looking well.
G Hello Joanne. I’m having a meeting with one of your colleagues Mr Raymond Wang.
H Yes, lovely. I hope it stays like this for the weekend.
I That’s fine, the meeting hasn’t started yet.
J Nice to see you too. How have you been?

Introductions&Greeting Visitors
英耐企业英语培训机构 Speaking English with Impact!

Ice Breakers – Starting a Conversation with a Visitor

Subject Commen
1. Traffic / Travel arrangements to
your office / Problems?

2. Where he / she lives? / Duration

living there?

3. Family?

4. Impressions of Hong Kong?

5. Weather?
6. What they did at the weekend?
7. Previous trips to Hong Kong?
8. Plans/Schedule?

9. Offers?
Introductions&Greeting Visitors
英耐企业英语培训机构 Speaking English with Impact!

10. Current Affairs in Hong Kong?

11. Asking about them and/or their

Introductions&Greeting Visitors
英耐企业英语培训机构 Speaking English with Impact!

Conversation Starters – Sample Questions

The following are a list of questions that could be used for an overseas visitor.

1. Flight How was your flight?

Did you have a good flight?
2. Previous Visits Is this your first visit to H.K?
Have you been to H.K. before?
Follow-up questions – When did you come here?
Was it for business or pleasure? etc.
3. Plans How long are you going to stay here?
How long are you planning to stay?

4. Accommodation Where are you staying?

What's it like?

5. Weather What was the weather like in London?

What's the weather been like in London?
It's been very humid this week, hasn't it?
It's a beautiful day, isn't it? (Tag questions)
6. Visitor's/Client's country Where are you from?
Introductions&Greeting Visitors
英耐企业英语培训机构 Speaking English with Impact!

Which part of England are you from?

Whereabouts in the States do you live?
7. Offer to do something for Do you want a hand?
the visitor Can I ?
Shall I
Would you like me to ?
Please Note:
When developing a conversation with a visitor, it is important that you do not jump from
one subject to another subject too suddenly.

Greeting Visitors – Role-Play with your teacher (Use the key expressions)

Scenario 1: Your teacher visits your office the first time. Greet, welcome, engage in a
small talk and have a nice conversation. (Decide whether this is going to be formal or

Scenario 2: A client visits your office the first time. Greet, welcome, engage in a small
talk and have a nice conversation. (Decide whether this is going to be formal or

Introductions&Greeting Visitors

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