China: Baseless Imprisonments Surge in Xinjiang

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China: Baseless Imprisonments Surge in Xinjiang

First, I don’t understand why people having a religion are guilty. People have beliefs
because they need emotional support. If you deprive their beliefs, they will just feel scared.
There is no benefit to this policy. However, China government used a plausible reason, trying
to hide the plan of cultural extinction. If the plan comes true, the CPC will use the same
policy for all the autonomous regions. According to the information, we can discover that the
number of people sentenced increased year by year. And the number just can things. One is
the terrorist suddenly appear in large numbers in recent years.
The other is the government tries to brainwash the people in Xinjiang. The second one is
more possible. I hope that people around the world can take this brutal plan more seriously
because one of the pieces of culture is going to disappear. And if we don’t take action right
now, this will cause irreversible results.

2. Covax: International action to share the covid-19

vaccine with poor countries
Covid-19 unexpected appearing in our life. It takes away lots of people’s life. At the same
time, it also destroys many people’s families. Because of living in Taiwan, I really can’t
imagine the lives in other nations with severe epidemics. According to the news, rich nations
can buy and produce vaccines. On the contrary, poor nations can’t. So the rich nations help
poor nations, this is a must. But in this news, still having a problem. I don’t believe that the
poor nation’s government can reasonably distribute the resource. I guess vaccines to poor
nations will waste a lot of parts because the government doesn’t have any plan.WHO has to
make a plan to avoid the wasting of vaccines.

3. Chinese granny who fought off attacker in US

praised for bravery
The bully between races has been a long time in human history. Humans always fight
because of preconceptions. In the epidemic of Covid-19, the Chinese are always prejudiced
because the covid-19 originated in China. Race shouldn’t become a wall between people.
People have to help each other. In America, black people always suffer racism because their
forebears are slaves. Until now, people still connect black people with crime. We have to
know people with their personalities, while race.
4. Myanmar coup: 'Dozens killed' in a military
crackdown in Bago
When I heard about the news of the Myanmar coup, I feel very depressed. I pay
attention to democracy and freedom in Myanmar. I believe that freedom is the most valuable
treasure in life. Just yourself can define your freedom. So when I see Myanmar military ruin
the freedom people fought for, I really feel unfair about the action of the military. If there has
evidence to confirm the truth of widespread fraud, showing up to people. Why not? The
military is too inhumane.

5. Six problems of China competing with the

Antarctic powers on the ice and snow continent
A lot of nations want to seize the Antarctic because of its resource and economic
value. Temperature becomes warmer and warmer. The first problem is how to save energy
while finding energy. We have the responsibility to protect our Earth. I know how important
the Antarctic is. But I consider that there are more important problems in front of the
Antarctic like Environmental pollution and climate warming.

6. China allows three children in major

policy shift
The declining birthrate is a common problem in developed nations. But why almost
developed nations are facing low birthrate problems. The main reason, young men feel a lot
of pressure on money. If the government wants to fix the problem, then the policy must be
changed. Like, create a more comfortable stiff environment or a free nursery school.
Changing begin with more friendly work treatment. Not just open birth restriction.

7. Olympics: 'The Taliban wouldn’t let me

cycle because I’m a woman'
I give respect to Afghan cyclist Masomah Ali Zada. She works hard on her dream.
Not everyone has the courage to chase their dream. But I want to talk about the sex meeting
problem. Not just in Afghan, in many nations people have been limited to do something
because of their sex. For example, in traditional Chinese culture, women have to stay at home
and do housework, and the men should make money to support a family. I think that people
have the freedom in choosing their dream. It has nothing to do with sex.

8. G7 leaders share a bold vision for a

net zero future. But the devil is in the
lack of detail
At the conference, we all knew G7 leaders have some hope about the net-zero future.
But there is a problem, the developed nations can achieve it because they have money. On the
other hand, the poor nations can’t. The only solution is that rich nations help poor nations in
development. But if the rich nations give money to poor nations. Then, it will not get any
benefit. It‘s obviously trading at a loss.

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