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msc ame (Penman es te a Be ON THE PHYSICAL MEANING OF THE DISPERSION ~~ EQUATION AND ITS SOLUTIONS FOR DIFFERENT INITIAL AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS A. KREFT and A. ZUBERY Institute of Nuclear Physics and Techniques, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Poland (Recied 15 August 1977; accepted $ March 1978) ‘Abstracts shown that sina othe movement in capilas, as in other ipersve syste, the distinction tetvesn the concentration of salt in relent id and in fd ox ba o be mae. Introd ths conep 0 the dispersion equation, bth fo the injection ané detection modes, a beter understanding of the pyScl meaning ‘of he Enon slain s wel asthe new ones canbe obtained Teis ako shown how parclar soldons ae related by Koown and new transformations. Tine and spatial | ‘moments ofl solton aswell as changes of ne moments are given. “To make the paper more genoa lth conieratins are performed in normal tne and space varies. | ower hn odin arb, eer pled eel ngeeing an ero ay | “The paper deals only with scltons for infte and seminrite media inthe case of 2 conservative tice. | ower there is no doa tht the applicd concep maybe extended to other cases, Te diflerences between the ‘oluions for diferent injection-etection modes are essen cases of low Peet numbers Is shown at the theory of age-dstibuson functions apps only f the iacer is ijected and measured in fx | swmmonccnion As STATEMENT OF THE FROBLEM |. The dispersion equation is general accepted mode! of a fow in dspersve systems. The Iiteratre on the sub ject i so vast that only papers most pertinent tothe present work wil be cited, Taylr(1-3) introduced the Gisperson mode tothe description f laminar fw in he fange of dominant lateral doson, and for turbulent Sow in pipelines, Fiser[), Glover), and many others tended Taylos. works to riversand~ channel Danckvters[6] considered fow in packed bes. Sinaly Rife a7] and many eters cosiere the movement ‘of a tracer or pollutant in porous media. The dispersion aution may aso be applied to fow trough vessel, 23 | itis aiscussed in a number of orginal or review papers (e.g. Levenspiel and Bischoff (8). | Santon to the ipersion equation serve for the prediction ofthe behaviour of a sven sistem or for he Interpretation of tracer experiments. Sch experiments are aimed at determining the physical parameters of the investigated spe. The min icity in the wse ofthe dispersion model consists ether in chosing a proper set of intial and boundary condions descbing the real Situation and next inning 2 soto for these cond tons, oi ding Krown solution whose ital and boundary conditions may be accepted as adequate tothe rea situation, To ease the later way thee were several attempts to lassfy all known solutions, or cases for which moments were known (ea, see Levenspiel and Bishot{), Himmelbu(}, and Gershon and Ni). ‘However, there are soltions which do nat ft to the rreviouscasfcatons. Here, one may list the soliton applied by NiemillI] to industrial veses, and in- dependently by Lenda and Zuber{12] and Zuber[13] for ‘astute of Nuclear Physics, Crocow, Poland. tracer experiments in hydrology. Martine et cl-(14) ap- plied another solution for the interpretation of environ- ‘mental radioisotopes in hydrology, whereas de Vries[15) used the same solution for tracer experiments jn sediment transport. Turner's(16) solution for the laminar flow in a capillary with the measurement in ux ‘may also be listed here. Its interesting to note that these solutions were either unnoticed or ignored by the ma- jority of investigators, This situation resulted probably from the lack of a full understanding of the physical ‘meaning of the initial and boundary conditions. The aim of this work isto show thatthe introduction of two definitions of the concentration, and resulting from that two injection-detecion modes, allow to obtain ‘a new classification of known solutions and derive new solutions. The fist definition expresses the mass of solute per unit volume of fuid contained in an elemen: tary volume of the system at a given instant, This ‘concentration is further called the concentration in resident fuid, or shorty the resident concentration, Cx. ‘The second definition expresses the mass of solute per ‘unit volume of fui passing through a given cross section at an elementary time interval. In other words itis the tatio ofthe solute fux tothe volumetric fuid fx. This ‘concentration is further called the concentration in fuid flux, or shortly the flux concentration, Cp. These two ways of expressing the concentration automatically determine two possible injection modes and two detec tion modes. The above-approach_is-well_keown in laminar flow through a capillary, where the distintion is ‘made between two injection modes: uniform in the cross-section ((.. uniform in resident uid), and velocity proportional injection (Le. injection in Mid Mux). Similarly, there are two modes of detection: uniform and velocity proportion, which correspond to measure- I “mn un iments of the resident and flux concentrations, respec: tively. Early works on capillaries are reviewed by Sheppard(17], whereas Gardner et al.I8) gave a complete set of formulae for four combinations of the injection-detection modes, though they failed to notice that the velocity proportional detection is equivalent to the detection in fuid passing a given cross-section. In practice, such a detection is easily realized eutomatcelly, simply by measuring the mean concentration in the cutflowing fui. Unfortunately, the measurement of Cp ina systems is usually impossible without disturbing the flow lines. On the other hand, the injection in fox is realized in practice by introducing fuid with solute ‘through the whole entrance cross-section. Both injection ‘and detection in ux requize no buck mixing atthe injection and detection cross-sections. This condition is further discussed in Section 7. Examples ofthe realization of the injectiondetection in resident fd ate given by several authors for flow through capillaries (eg. Taylor{1] and Gardner et a.{18) Above the reader was referred to the flow through capillaries with negligible diffusion because of some Similarities which make the problem easier to under- stand. Further discussion willbe limited to the cases of the applicability of the dispersion equation. To the best knowledge of the authors, Turner(16) was the only one who pointed out the possibility of two detection modes in a laminar flow through a capillary for cases when the Aispersion equations is applicable. However, in spite of stressing the importance of the injection detection in fiux, Turner considered only cases of different detection ‘modes for an instantaneous injection in the resident fd Turners solution forthe detection in fux (Turner's eqn 34) identical with the authors" solution given in Section 3 eqn 9). However, Turner did not specify the initial and ‘boundary conditions and stated that this solution is ap- plicable only to a flow with a parabolic velocity dis- tuibution and with the dispersion coefficient given by Taylor's formula. The authors’ solution given in Section 3 is more general, as it i derived without imposing any conditions on the velocity distribution or on the value of the dispersion coefcient. Authors who considered in- jection in fux for the dispersion model are cited in the next section, When considering a flow in packed beds (porous media) or in systems with eddy difusion, the need for distinguishing between two kinds of concentration is not so obvious, or intuitively felt, asin the cases of capi laries. However, whenever there are flow paths with different velocities, or eddy difusivities, the problem 2. DEPARTURE RELATIONS For the sake of simplicity only the solutions for uni- 0 Tin Cats, 1)=0 ee ee ~w (0) (am) ‘Seni infite bed, bo Ana rection and detection [CF 9 in fax Cr(x0)=0 for x>0 (ire [igcrten=0 Cire) FET gga] © the residence times in the system is sought. However, if the relation between the concentration and the injected amount is needed, the porosity term is of a great im- portance. For continuous injections the porosity term cancels if a nonadsorbed mass is considered. In the case | of a solute, reacting with the solid phase, a consistent definition of concentrations in the departure equations is ‘must. This fact is well understood by the overwhelming majority of investigators, though there are some excep: tions as discussed by Kreft and Zuber[32] (aso seme ok | Tale 3 cite ae tnomabs Haig te sls of Ta | ane. Foe 7 existe ae | fon recy te soins an! wanfornaton. | Sktitom i! that on several thse ins ae | Bitar earn ne ewe checked within this work, whereas the derivation of solutions by Laplace transform were not ‘When te flow velocity is equal to 20, all the form Jae from Tables 1,2 and'3 containing Ce term (ens 5-7, $411 and transformations TI, 72, 3, Téand T) have no physic meaning, though their behaviour in tis special case is reasonable from the mathematical point of view In other words if U=0 there is no convection, and the transport is caused only by pure molecular difusion. Then, only eqns 4) and (8), and transformations T4 and TS apply Equation T1 is equal to- eqn (2) and was already discussed in Seton 2. Equations T2 and 73 are obtained by rearrangements from eqn (I). ‘Equation Té expresses the principle of superposition, ie the concentration distribution resulting fom the in jection extended infiitly in space i a superpston of ‘able 3. Transformations and thei applies Code appeared? | Applicability validity cae 1 (ot | ‘model only, —1— Relations between _for U0 = Ee s inresdent uid | = | to | instantaneous and — |General for Ye the best knowledge ofthe authors Used ina steady tate for expressing boundary codons. 16 A. Kerr and A. Zunen nt cemtxti] “acer [ep cx] Fig. Relations between the solutions of the dispersion equ tion Transformations checked earlier have reference, effects of an infinite number of injections described by the Dirac delta function defined in space. Transformation TS is reverse to T4. The solution for a finitespace injection can be easily obtained by a proper integration ‘of Cin) over source space, or as a difference of two Cox(t,1) solutions shitted in space Similarly eqns 16 and T? result from the principle of superposition in time variable, and relate continuous in time injections with instantaneous ones given by the Dirac delta function defined for the time variable. Solu- tions for finite injections are easily obtainable by @ Proper intergration of Cyr over injection time or as a diference of two Cer solutions shifted in time. It is interesting to note that eqns TS and 7: were introduced. by Danckwerts{6] and generally accepted, However, they do not apply tothe dispersion model used by this author, and many others, who more of less ‘consciously used eqns (4) and (8) in conjunction with TS and T7, Lenda and Zuber{12] derived eqn (11) by making use of 7, showing for the fist time that Danckwerts transformations apply to the dispersion model. In this ork itis shown that they apply to injection-in-fux cases (see Fig. 1) Equations given by Gardner et al-[18) for concen- tration curves in capillaries are also related by trans formations T2-T7. Transformations T4-T7 are however limited to cases in which the principle of superposition applies, eg. they should not apply when D= f(e). ‘Tne AND SPATTAL- MOMENTS Mu™ [/rcu.nae, (5). « [fe-murewne 2. i) “ED Mer ‘The tracer concentrationspace moments are defined similarly to those given above, but forthe space variable. However, the integration is ether from ~= to += for infinite media or from 0 to += for semi-infinite ones. Table 4 contains time and spatial moments of the equations of Table 2, Changes of time moments observed at two distances are also given It is clear that only the Ciro case has the fist moment equal to the mean resi Table 4. Moments and changes of moments = Guntco artsy | cm Me [4 A : 1 ~ sala tne z [Me No 4 No = wea [= =e a = he = mane ‘Welinoe a aaa BE (UD) og (UL) (Degg 22 meattan tan (BP) ey) Ben[-UE ante tre2 mad Physical meaning ofthe dispersion equation ands sluions dence time offi mis(Cire) «) oo" where fo is the mean residence time of fd and V isthe volume of fod in the system. ‘Similar situation is observed for flow in capillaies (see Sheppard{17), and Gardner et a.(1)). Thus, the tracing of mass fox requires both injection and detection in fux. {As pointed out by the authors in an earlier work[32] only in such a case the mean residence time of the tracer is equal to the mean residence time of the traced Mud. Some authors (eg. Nir and Lewis(33)) even define an ideal tracer as that having the same response function as the traced material It is evident that such a definition includes tacitly the measurement conditions, i. the in- jection and detection modes. It is also clear that the ‘general considerations on the age-distrbution functions introduced by Danckwerts(6) are valid only if both in jection and detection are performed in fox. That does ‘ot mean that the mean velocity of the traced material cannot be determined in other cases. Then, however, a proper mode is indispensable. Systems with exchange of ‘mass between the fluid and solid phase or between mobile and dead zones are beyond the scope of. this work. From Table 4it is lear thatthe Cina case also allows 8 direct calculation of the mean residence time from the fist negative moment. However, for capillaries the situation is somewhat different as the mean residence time for the Cone and Cirx cases can be interpreted directly from the first negative moment, whereas the in, case has no zero moment. (see Gardner etal. (18). ‘Changes of time-moments ate-the-same for ll the cases, assuming thatthe same detection mode is applied in both measuring points. Spatial moments for the detee tion in fux have no physical meaning end should not be applied. The ack of understanding ofthis fact aroused in the past some doubts on the Cre case (see discussion to (13). Physical interpretation of the solutions given in this Paper and the defsition of Ce clarify this problem. Consideration of moments allows a better understanding of the properties of particular solutions. However, it is the authors experience that in the interpretation of tracer experiments the direct fiting of a model is a better method than the method of moments or changes of ‘moments. Both moments methods are strongly influenced by tailing effets. The lower order of the moment the higher accuracy of the determination of flow parameters. In general, whichever method of inter- pretation is applied, the accuracy of the parameters determination in highly dispersive systems is limited unless the whole concentration curve is exactly ‘measured. As mentioned above such a measurement is usualy difficult because of strong tailing effects (6 MIMERICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE SOLITIONS ‘There are several possibilities of the presentation of numerical diferences between the solutions. Here the method of moments is chosen for this purpose. Leven- Gsva nN Ie un spiel and Smith[34] introduced this method, followed by many others (se Himmelblu and Bishoff[21). The most often use consists in finding two unknown flow Parameters, Le. the mean velocity (or more generally the mean residence tim) and the-disperson parameter from the fst and second time moments. Figure 2 shows ‘velocities expressed in terms of true velocity and DYUx parameters interpreted from the ist and second mo- ments agsuming all posible combinations of ‘cates. Deviations from the line of the tue vales show the error which is invoduced by assuming a mode) which i inadequate othe eal injection detection mode Te is clear from Table 4 that for finding the two mentioned above parameters other pairs of moments may also be used. In other words there are more equa tions than the number of unknowns, and the set of ‘equations is overdetermined. This permits to check i 2 chosen mode! is adequate tothe real injeton-detetion rode. Namely, if two pairs of experimental values of moment hy adm oF mayo and ms give diferent pairs of values ofthe flow parameters, then another model has tobe trie From Table 4 and Fig. itis clear thatthe diferences between particular cases are essential in highly dis persive systems. In such sysems a proper choice ofthe rode sa mist. On the other hand, iti also clear that in such systems a chosen injectiondetection mode has to be carefuly realized. If either the injection or detection mode is not performed fully according tothe reouire- ‘ments, the measurement cannot be treated as @ quan- titative one. RamTO OF INTERPRETED To TUE VELOCITY ue =f we Fig: 2. Renve velocity and D/C parameter interpreted by he omen meod verte te DIUX fr for posse cases of. the inkeson- detection made, and oral posbie comnts of the stsued mel, Dated Snes at for propery heen ua ‘A. Kaam and A, Zunen In systems of low dispersion the numerical diferences between the solutions become negligible. Then, the pair of eqns (4) and () is the simplest to apply and this fact may explain its wide use in spite of theoretical limite tions. 1. DISCUSSION OF SOME PROPERTIES OF "THE SOLUTIONS Tables 1-3, and Fig. 1 seem to suggest thatthe eqns, (11) form a complete set of solutions to the dis: persion equation for infinite and semi-infinite media, It is interesting to note that eqns (4) and (5) have no complementary solutions for a semi-infinite medium, as in such a case an injection in empty space has’ no Physical meaning. Similarly eqns (8) and (9) seem to have ‘no complementary solutions for semi‘ifinite medium. In the case of U=0, the method of images (see Crank'26), and Fost[24) leads to Cale.t=: veairlanh The method of images similarly applied in the case of U0 leads toa formula which isnot the solution of eqn o. If U-=0 eqn (10) becomes equal 1o eqn (19), whereas eqn (7) becomes equal to another known solution, obtained for a source maintaining concentration Cy at += 0 (Crank|26),Jost(24), can, set (Gaon) am ‘An injection in flux means thatthe solute i injected proportionally to the velocities of particular flow paths, ‘or more exactly the amounts of the injected sokute have to be proportional to the volumetric flow rates of parti- cular flow paths. A measurement in flux means that the average concentration is weighted by the flow rates of particular flow paths, As mentioned, itis easily realized by taking measurements in the outflowing fluid, However, all these imply that the transport of solute has to be purely hydrodynamical, with negligible effects of the transport by molecular diffusion. In the case of @ laminar flow in capillaries this condition is easy to ‘understand (see Shepard{(7] and Gardner et a.[18). In packed beds, or other dispersive systems, the situation is not so clear, but still one cannot imagine flux injection, or detection, without assuming that there is no transport bby molecular diffusion through a given cross-section Otherwise the amount ofsolute inthe injected or sampled fluid would not be proportional to the volumetric fw rates of particular flow paths. I means thatthe solutions for Ce cases seem to be valid only for pure bydro- dynamical transport (convection and hydrodynamics dispersion). It also seems to suggest that eqns (6), (7). (10) and (11) obtained for semi-infinite media apply to infinite media because if there is na transport by mole- cular diffusion through the injection cross-section, the existence or non-existence of the dispersive medium from 0 to ~ has no influence on the discussed solutions. ‘The problem of concentrations in injection and measuring planes has to be considered in a more detailed way. Turner(16) claims that if there is a complete mixing in the measuring plane than there is no difference be- tween the measurement in flux and measurement in resident fuid (i.e. Cp = Cx). That i true for the measur- ing plane only. Mixing in the measuring plane gives mean concentration weighed by velocity ie, Cx. Thus mixing in the entrance and measuring’ planes corresponds exactly to Cre case. Mixing in one of the planes cor- responds to Car or Cor case respectively. Nir(35], Gershon and Nir(I0} and Bear(27) suggest a solution which according to them is equivalent to eqn (7) but in infinite medium. Checking their derivation, one can easily see that they are using T6 (see Table 3) putting Cng(tt) under the integral. Such a procedure is not jusifed, and leads to a false result. Solving the integral iven by Bear{2,p, 629) one gets a solution Se let (Same) 20 (3) +t xete (Saph) | @ ‘which does not saisty the initial condition C(0,1)~ Co assumed by the éted authors. Thus egn (21) has to be rejected ‘The approach given in this paper seems to be also applicable to finite beds. Discussion of boundary cond- tions fr such cases is beyond the scope ofthis work end il be given elsewhere ‘As mentioned in Section 5, solutions givens by eqns (7) and (1) are the mast important inthe pplication of the tracer method, because they give the mean residence time of the tracer equal to that of uid. They stisty eqns T6and T7, which in noemalized forms are equivalent to Danckwerts" E and F functions (see (6). Another im portant pai, fom the practical point of view, given by eqns (6) and (10) 1s astonishing that neither eqn (6) and (have been recognized in the field of chemical engineerin. Niemi), who used eqn (7) seems tobe the nly exception in this respect. Danckwerts’ age-

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