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Build your brand with

digital marketing planning

What will be covered

With digitalisation plans speeding up globally to improve

people’s lives, businesses now need strong digital marketing
plan to reach a digital audience and promote their offerings.
Master the fundamentals of digital marketing to build a
digital marketing strategy for your business and start
applying it to achieve your business objectives.

1 Role of digital marketing in business

2 Define your online business strategy

3 5 steps of crafting your digital marketing plan

Role of digital marketing in

On a digital marketing plan, you can articulate your campaigns clearly

by breaking down your plan into these several components to ensure
you can execute your plan in a focused and achievable way.

Short, medium and long Digital strategies

term business goals

Digital channels Action and development


Investment and budget The timing and roadmap

Reasons to have a
digital marketing plan

Attract, convince, convert, and make your customers

fall in love with your product or service:
● Increase your brand awareness
● Reach the right target market

Plan all the strategies and actions to reach your target

● Identify which strategies work best
● Allocate your resources to achieve the goal you have set

Segment your marketing campaigns:

● Identify which strategies work best
● Allocate your resources to achieve the goal you have set

Define your
online business strategy

1 Create your business mission statement

3 key things your mission statement should answer as per the Golden Circle
model 01

How do you explain the What products or services
purpose and reasons why do you sell and offer to your
your business exists target market

How are you different from other
competitors and what are the advantages of
your business

2 Identify your unique selling point

A compelling USP should be 02 :

What your
What your
customers want
business does ● Assertive but defensible
● Focused on what customers value

Golden Circle model on Smart Insights (2020)
Unique Selling Proposition onShopify (2020)

5 steps in crafting your
digital marketing plan

Make your business stand out

Personalise your marketing plan

Use goals to improve business


Choose the right digital channels

Measure results and KPIs

Step 1: Make your business
stand out

1) Conduct a situational analysis of your business using the

SWOT framework.


● Things your business does ● Things your business lacks

well ● Things your competitors do
● Internal resources better than you
● Tangible assets ● Resource limitations


● Few competitors in your ● Changing regulations

area ● Emerging competitors
● Emerging need for your
products / services

2) Conduct a competitor analysis of your business using search

engines & Google Alerts.


cafe near me
“near me”

“food and beverages”

Step 2: Personalise
your marketing plan

Market segmentation is the process of dividing your target market

into distinct groups of buyers that require different products or a
different marketing mix.

Tailor-make and Generate

personalise Cost-effective customer loyalty
characteristics of
marketing marketing and brand
target market
approach advocacy

1 2 3 4

Types of marketing segmentation

Demographics Geographics Psychographics Behavioural

Age, gender, Countries, cities, Lifestyle, social Usage rate,

occupation, urban or rural status, personality loyalty, buyer
income areas readiness

Step 3: Use goals to improve
business performance

Set brilliant digital marketing goals by using the 5S framework 03

Sell - Grow sales

Speak - Interact with customers

Serve - Add value

Save - Save costs

Sizzle - Extend your brand online

Once you have set your goals, you would then need a way to measure
the performance of your progress to reach your goal.

KPI should be SMART:
● Specific
● Measurable
Practical ● Attainable
● Relevant
● Time-bound
Provides direction KPIs

5S Framework on Smart Insights (2020)

Step 4: Choose the
right digital channels (1/6)

01 Organic search through Search Engine Optimisation

SEO involves performing

Title tag
optimisations to increase
the flow of organic traffic
to your website, by having it
Site links
rank higher up on search
engines results pages.

Click here for SEO Starter


How SEO can help you:

1 Search rankings: SEO can improve your rank on search results.

2 Link building: Off-page SEO through backlink from high quality sites.

Best practices
● On page and off-page optimisation. Choose right keywords and
provide meta descriptions for your content.
● Implement local SEO to market your business within your
community and nearby areas.

Step 4: Choose the
right digital channels (2/6)

02 Paid search through pay per click (PPC) advertising

An advertising model that

can be used to direct
traffic towards your
website, by paying a fee
Search ad
each time someone clicks
on your ad.

Get more customers with

Google Ads.

How PPC can help you:

1 Brand recognition: Your ads appear on top of search results.

2 Lead conversions: Target your ads to appear to your relevant audience.

Best practices
● Regularly evaluate your keywords. Monitor your keywords’
● Direct users who click on your ads to the right landing pages on
your website.

Step 4: Choose the
right digital channels (3/6)

03 Engage with customers through social media marketing

Types of content shared on A marketing form that

social media:
involves creating content
User generated content
for different social media
Interactive content platforms to achieve
marketing goals such as
increase user engagement.
Images & videos

Source: BloomThis’ sponsored post on

Instagram (2021)

How social media can help you:

1 Customer engagement: Interact closely with your brand followers.

2 Widen audience range: Social posts are easy to share to grow followers.

Best practices
● Follow Rule of Thirds for social media.

● A/B test your messaging. Test small variations

of your post messaging.

Step 4: Choose the
right digital channels (4/6)

04 Educate customers through content marketing

Types of content shared on A marketing form that

social media:
involves stimulating
Blog articles
interest in a brand’s
Videos products or services by
creating and sharing
online material.
Case studies

Source: Customer Story (Salesforce) on (2021)

How content marketing can help you:

1 Increased traffic: Attract customers with useful and insightful content.

2 Lead generation: People visit your website to find information about


Best practices
● Use multi-marketing channels for content such as YouTube
channel , website and social media.
● Put your audience first. Create educational content that solves
their needs.

Step 4: Choose the
right digital channels (5/6)

05 Send personalised messages through email marketing

Email marketing uses

personalised emails to
convert prospective users
into customers.

“Email still delivers the best

returns, with 73% respondents
of a study ranking the channel
as excellent.”

Source: Econsultancy / Adestra Email

Marketing Census (2019)

How email marketing can help you:

Lead nurturing: A series of emails sent to customers is helpful to create

customer relationships

2 ROI: Email tends to generate the highest ROI among any other
marketing channels.

Best practices
● Personalise your messages. Tailor email to the specific actions
taken by users visiting your page.
● Reserve email for customer support and feedback. This will
encourage good customer service which prompts users to be loyal.

Step 4: Choose the
right digital channels (6/6)

06 Reach new audience through influencer marketing

A marketing strategy in
which brands can promote
94% their products through
endorsements or
recommendations from
“find influencer marketing influencers / content
effective for driving sales.”

Source: State of Influencer Marketing Report

by LaunchMetrics (2020)

How influencer marketing can help you:

Build brand awareness: Influencers able to tap into their followers

which helps expand your reach.

2 Authentic content: Able to share personalized content that tells a

honest story.

Best practices
● Choose influencers that align with your brand values. i.e. you
have a common voice and similar target audience.
● Prioritise engagement. Interaction an influencer’s post receives
such as likes, comments and shares.

Step 5: Measure
results and KPIs (1/2)

Here are a few metrics to consider, broken out by effective marketing


Search Engine Email marketing Social media

Click-through rates List growth rate Brand mentions

how many people click on how many subscribers you how many posts
your URL on search page have in your mailing list mentioning your brand
and visit your website
CTA click-throughs Engagement rate
how many people click on number of likes,
how many external sites your call to action button ; comments
link to your website for example if you have Buy
Now on your email Content shares
Organic position
for commercial Forwarding rate how many shares you get
on your content
keyword how many forwarded your
where your website ranks
for certain keywords

Step 5: Measure
results and KPIs (2/2)

Measure your metrics with a free analytics like Google Analytics.

Conversion reports can tell you how each goal that you are tracking on
your website is performing. They allow you to:

● Track user actions on your site that indicate that a business

objective is being met (e.g purchase, newsletter signup, contact
form submission, etc.)
● Analyse conversion rates (# of conversion / # of users) of overall
traffic or different segments of your audience (e.g. traffic via social
vs traffic via SEO)
● Analyse goal funnels to identify at what stage users give up on
completing a conversion

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