Bod of With Velocin #Ite The: Has The T of Ms Where He Kiretiearerofthe Boi

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"When force the


direc hon of force
apphed an
a heaght h above the earth surface. Strada the ca5Lprors nLade, f ay movng Doay m the

xpresion 10r potennal ene6Y mgt a) work is done (o) Increase in KE takes place which is equal to the work
done by the force" This is known es WOR ENERGY THEOREM
(i) Potenbal energy on the ground is ze10.
() As the dis tance of body ftom the rufece of earth increases, the force Q11 A bod of mas m moving with a uniformvelocig Aforce
1s appiad on the bod due to wheh is velocua: changes from u
of aftnc thon ot earth decreass an is giavia tona potental eneigy
to V, How much woTR IS DEVIg done by'
ince nses 4 . , the negatve value ot energy decreases) he Jorce
the kunetic ?
8. hat do
you urdersiand y
energ a
ENRGYheenegysesed bya body by virtue
of bod; Arns
Or monaon u calied rNETIC ENERGY
When the D0ay 1 &tA
WoTK dione by tine 1orce Force dispiacemen
KE m or W F *S
29 a) A bod of mass m i moving with a velocin #ite the From relation v + 2a5,

has thet of ms where he kiretiearerofthe boi

Ars. (a) Suppose a body of mass m is noving with velocity . It is 2a
rOught Test oy an opppng 1orce
Let t hvel a dustance betore commg to rest andi a be the unato
1e tardia tion prouea oy e O
equathon (), W a
the Work by the it
Kametic enengyof body -
done ehicig fbnce opng

o e * cuspaaceiment W m (v -

Initial velocity uv, final ve locity vU Now inital Fanetic EneTgy
Fom the Telaton v t2aS
U v-2aS Since a 1s the retarriathon)

Dispiace menr >2a

Subrtituhng the values of F and S ftom equations (1) and () in Final K E. K 5 nv*

Increase in KE -

K, -K,
Kinetic enegy . = F xS ma x
Kane fic eneNEY mass * (velocity). Emm
2K m
There fore the quanhty will have the
fom equation () and (uny
unit of mass m which is kilogram (kg)
Q10 Sate the work-eerg' teorent wOIk done mcrease
in KE or
W 2
Artn Deep Phhysics-X ArLn Deep Phsics-X 72

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