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Cultural Healers

The science behind tradition

Traditional healing is considered a lie and a complete disregard for actual science but is it
actually so? Not really. There is science behind everything that happens on the green Earth. Gods
were actually just psychedelic delusions of constantly high people because of them burning
chemicals that are transmitted and distributed into the air through the winds. Messages of gods
because of thunder strikes and earthquakes were literally just tectonics plates and sheer bad luck
due to a big misunderstanding on how conductivity works.

The extraordinary variety of frameworks of medication is reflected in a tantamount variety of

models and analogies for mending. Healing includes a fundamental and rational understanding of
change from sickness to wellbeing that is sanctioned through socially striking figurative
activities. Traditional healing practices generally include the utilization of prescriptions that are
either flushed, smoked, infused and the actions that are the like. These ways by which traditional
healing practices are done are ways that are scientifically accurate in accordance to the sheer
lengths that people are willing to go for their own beliefs. The general concept of these
traditional healing practices are based on the probability of the remedies working from the
previous generation. It’s a scientific process it itself of 50/50.

Honestly, the main aspect of science being utilized and having been in the field of traditional
healing is chemistry. There is literally no need to expound but for the sake of having a 3
paragraph answer I will do so. Chemistry is the part of science that manages with distinguishing
proof of the substances of which matter is made. It is the examination of their properties and the
manners by which they associate, consolidate, and change plus the utilization of these cycles to
shape new substances. Healing traditionally and presently is composed of identifying substances
that may either be crucial or fatal to the medical world. These is by which people segment which
chemical will improve the general anatomy and what is to be avoided as it will have a disastrous
effect. Potion making and magical herbs are honestly just plants and substances that when mixed
together have a anatomical effect on the body.

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