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Social Conscience

is "a sense of responsibility or concern for the problems and injustices

of society".
While our conscience is related to our moral conduct in our day to day
lives with respect to individuals, social conscience is concerned with
the broader institutions of society and the gap that we may perceive
between the sort of society that should exist and the real society that
does exist.
The term social conscience has been used in conjunction with
everything from investing,to art,antiques,and politics



Social studies and social science can be easy to confuse. Though Social they are sounds like two similar
concepts, and deal with some of the same subject matter. They are two different fields of study.
However, there are some key differences which distinguish the two terms so that they cannot be used
interchangeably. In this article, we are going to look at the difference between social science and social

What is Social Science?

Social Science is a subject area that studies the society and the relationships among individuals within a
society. Social Science is categorized into many branches such as Geography (study of the earth and its
features, inhabitants, and phenomena), Anthropology (study of humans), History (study of past),
Economics (study of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services), political
science(study of theory and practice of politics and the description and analysis of political systems and
political behavior.) etc.

What is Social Studies?

Social studies can be introduced as the study of both social sciences and humanities. According to U.S
American National Council for the Social Studies, “Social studies, is the integrated study of the social
sciences and humanities to promote civic competence.” However, social studies is most often used as a
name of the course taught at schools.

What are the difference between Social Science

and Social studies?

1. The main difference between social science and social studies is in their intended purposes. The social
sciences are branches of study that analyze society and the social interactions of people within a society.
Subjects that fall under the umbrella of social sciences are: anthropology, history, economics,
geography, and many others that explore societal relations.

Social studies is the systematic study of an integrated body of content drawn from the social sciences
and the humanities. It enables students to develop their knowledge and understandings of the diverse
and dynamic nature of society and of how interactions occur among cultures, societies, and

2. Social science is more streams oriented. It's the science of the society; the in depth knowledge and
systematic study of each branch of social transaction. It is empirical and based on various scientific
methods of deduction to arrive at a conclusion based on facts.

Social studies is the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote effective
citizenry. Social studies are subjects most frequently taught to school students to help them understand
how to be effective citizens of society.

3. Social Science, as the name implies, deals with the science of society utilizing the gathering of data
and analysis of that data. Whereas Social Studies normally deals with the observation of Society. Here
students develop and apply skills as they investigate society, explore issues, make decisions, and work
cooperatively with others.

4. Social sciences are taught under higher studies curriculum whereas, social studies are subjects most
frequently taught to school based students to help them understand how to be effective citizens of
5. The core difference between social science and social studies exist in their purpose; in social science,
you study the society and social life of human groups while in social studies, you study both social
science and humanities in order to promote effective citizenry.

6. Social Studies is the study of all phases of societies whereas Social Science is the inference of those
studies with the intention of solving problems within a society, which may lead to the ultimate
development of the society as a whole.

7. Social science is the field of sciences concerned with the studies of the social life of human groups and
individuals. Social studies is a term used to describe the broad study of various fields which involves past
and current human behavior and interactions

8. Another difference is that Social science is divided into many branches while social studies is divided
into two main categories of humanities and social sciences.

9. Social science dates back to the 18th century while social studies is a relatively new term.


We can conclude therefore that even though social studies make use of social science disciplines, it has
different orientation. The study of social studies should remain an integral part of the educational
system at all levels. We conclude that if the social studies and social sciences did not permeate and
cooperate with each other in the long run human beings and society would fail to develop smoothly.

Social Initiation Rationale

The Social Initiation rationale sees that the primary purpose of social studies is to initiate students into
society by transmitting the understandings, abilities and values that students will require if they are to fit
into and be productive members of society.

Social Reformation Rationale

This rationale sees the primary purpose of social studies is to empower students with the
understandings, abilities and values necessary to improve or transform their society.

Personal Development Rationale:

This rationale sees the primary purpose of social studies is to help students develop fully as individuals
and as social beings. Its direct purpose is neither to reform society nor maintain status quo, but to foster
the personal talents and character of each student.

Academic Understanding:

This rationale sees the primary purpose of social studies is to introduce students to the bodies of
knowledge and the forms of inquiry represented in the social science disciplines…the prime justification
of this rationale is the value of understanding the structure and content of the social sciences.

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