FCL300 Pre 1 Human Perfection

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if #08 0QC%R00R408 FCL 3: THE PERPETUALITE: CALLED TO PERFECTION TOPIC 1: HUMAN Pa We Beno any EP ERPRECTION AND CHRISTIAN Prelim Period SPIRITUALITY ot @umaR eva E & years eee ite: Calles x 2. Human Perfection « EER x + ‘ % OVTGQGSO*TOLCHLCE ‘ 7 ° 1 oerte | ImsbnsnuphsLeduph/oode/puginlephp/3176 20080 e O msm ees. @ 160 co Know the Imbibe the true _ Strive to live our eee fe meaning of life according to parscisnand perfection in the Christian Christian context of God’s Spirituality. Spirituality; Love; and | ao so mu ot @uma eraser & years eee Topic 1: HUMAN PERFECTION AND CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY > 1, The definition and some misconceptions » 2. Two Basic Classification of Perfection > 3. Love of God: Foundation of Christian Spirituality Se * é © ao so to search oH @upebeGOv BE & 2 28°C Mostly dear A 3 Ow ad @ XB 3. UniverstCatwHoliness x | fh Couse:couece or encinees x | GI + ‘ | ImsbnanuphsLedu ph/ncode/plugalephp/317657/mod resouce/content/ index * OF TGSCs*DOCHsoe sratet. @ © © @ reusumeri.. gH IShmEsy OWE. B HowtoUnotani. @ Ait 6AmsanDDII6e. — 16Cebing Tee » | omeroe 2. Human Perfection BIBLICAL FOU: Vile) “This is what love is, it is not that we have loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the means by which our sins are forgiven.” (1 Jn 4:10) Ban 3 i8rng pl ov @uma evans 28°C Most dear ~ B&F & two) @ + ‘ % OVTGQGSO*TOLCHLCE ats. @ 1 oerte Drive. 160 GUIDE QUESTIONS: What did you notice about the Pisa tower? Think and share your answer, ao so mu ot @umaR eva E & years eee ups orencnees’ x | G+ ‘ BQerBove bs @ WY Games Ives. 16M Tey nate. @ OO 2. Human The word “Perfection” derives from the Latin word “Perfectio” “ and Perfect — from Perfectus. “ These expressions in turn come from Perfecio (n) — “ to finish,” to bring to an end,” Thus literally means “a finishing’, and Perfect “ finished,” ao = to search oH @wuwebBRBGOvVAE & 28°C Mostly dear A BF Oa) a EER x + sen indexhnd * OFTGS%*TZOR a © OO O_O © O wustnterian. gh 1Stnten B How ounce 2 : | Imebinanuphsled ph feo Meaning of Perfection: Understanding and Misunderstanding The Admonition of God to be Holy establishes a reality that human perfection is possibility. In fact, it is not only an option given to man but a commandment laid by God Himself to assure abundance of life. ),” | came that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” A full and meaningful life awaits those who live a pl ov Cuma evraAE & pee Te te: Calles x BE 2. Human Perfection XB Universal Cal wHoliness x | th Coune:COLEGE OF ENGINEER! x | 3 ‘ | nsbinanuphsleduphinoodle/ligifephp/1765 mod soucecontet/index tnd kt OFTGQOHTOCHLOE woke. @ @ © OO SO wusimseren. GH wsemtayovca. BB HowwoUnoxant. @ A Sanam Dies. — 16CaMeg Tes + | M overtes 2. Human Perfection Sometimes, TAO LANG PO AKO” (I’m but human) perfection is invoked to justify human follies. When we fail to live up to expectations of others we§ey, This justification maybe acceptable considering the fact that we are still journeying towards perfection. ao a esearch ot @uebeeva®s& D 28°C Mostly dear A 5 at @ wad @ te: Calles x BE 2. Human Perfection BE A. UniverstCatltoHoliness x | th Course: COUEGE OF ENconeR! x | QI + ‘ | ImsbnanuphsLedu ph/ncode/plugalephp/317657/mod resouce/content/ index * OF TGSCs*DOCHsoe a) © © © vorstnseri. gh sskmtanonca. BY HowtoUneccani. @ Wh SAmEnaDIVies. @ 16H THEE. @ —» | fh Onerbod 2. Human Perfection ao “ess to search ot @wuwB@Ovr BEB 28°C Most dear ~ B&F & two) @ te: Calles x BE 2. Human Perfection XB Universal Cal wHoliness x | th Coune:COLEGE OF ENGINEER! x | | Imsbinanuphsleduph/moode/uginilephp/3176 od OF TQO%TO°HLB mort. @ @ @ © © vorstumaeri.. gB IShmtayOvCR [ HowtUaeeani @ Wi GAmsENDDIIN. — r6CHEI Tees | mom 2. Human Perfection Human Perfection also refers to the blamelessness of the people before the Lord. This means that the nature of perfection includes whole hearted devotion to God. Without practicing idolatry, sorcery, and other abominations ® ao a Beoevan to search oH D 28°C Mostly dear A 5 at @ wad @ step “2080000 The Concept of Perfection in relation to Christian Spirituality. “ BE PERFECT, AS YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER IS PERFECT” Mt. 5:48 ao so mu ot @umaR eva E & Fn Te emery 20080 e O msm wnt B 1. Objective —is the concept of perfection which is patterned after the externals of an object »BOvHacg e ° | ner tod in the inside, your feelings and insights 2 20°C Monty door A BH Ow) @ + ‘ * OF TGSCs*DOCHsoe Dis. TeCHOI Hee @ 8 overbe ° Matthew 19:15-24 States the young rich man_ is REE We demanded a close and generous following of Jesus that prepares for DICTIONARY «« him to a total renunciation of his CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY possessions. The formulation of this passage requires that our Love of God and neighbor must be complete. Thus it must be perfect . Those two commandments sum-up the whole law, it is its fulfillment. Glen 6 Scorge ao so mu ot @umaR eva E & years eee te: Calles x BE 2. Human Perfection XB Universal Cal wHoliness x | th Coune:COLEGE OF ENGINEER! x | + ‘ | ImsbnanuphsLedu ph/ncode/plugalephp/317657/mod resouce/content/ index * OF TGSCs*DOCHsoe wing tet. @ © © © vorstnseri. gh sskmtanonca. BY HowtoUneccani. @ Wh SAmEnaDIVies. @ 16H THEE. @ —» | fh Onerbod 2. Human Perfection * a. Personal Relationship with God in Christ PERFECTION SPIRITUALITY to search ot @wBRBEvVEE & 2 28°C Mostly dear A 5 FO aa) @ *¢ iSpring huh mooda/phgitiep * OF TGSCs*DOCHsoe © Wy emanates. 16CEDING THE. 1 oerte 200000 0m ASSIGNMENT Make a caricature, as a Perpetualite striving to live as a perfect student, good child, righteous Christian. Consider the factors that make you whole. mu ot @umaR eva E & years eee orewcneen x | + ‘ | Insinauphsledphymoodeipgtlpp OF TGO*TO°RLCe eeoeoee © Samui. Honest. @ —* | omen References » Catechism for ino Catholics.ECCCE / CBCP. (2008). Manila: St. Paul Publication. > 2. Catechism of the Catholic Church.(1994), Word and Life Publications. > 3. Documents of Vatican II.Vol. 1. (1984). Philippines: St. Paul Publication. > 4, Good News Bible with Deuterocanonicals. Today's English Version. (2007). Manila: St. Paul Publication. > 5. Familiaris Consortio: Apostolic Exhortation of His Holiness Pope John Paul I on the Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World. (1995).Philippines: St. Paul Publicatio. 6. The Jerusalem Bible (1996). Westminster, USA: Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd, and Doubleday & Company, Inc. @aeeve& & to search oH D 28°C Mostly dear A 5 at @ wad @

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