Metals and Non-Metals

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DATE : 06.09.2021

X - CBSE - Board : 2021 - 22

Note : i) All questions are compulsory.

Q.1. Answer the Questions : [06]

1) Due to which property of metals are metallic foils prepared ?
2) Name one non-metal and one metal, which are in liquid state at room temperature.
3) Write the name and formula of compound, formed when iron is corroded ?
4) Name two metals which are both malleable and ductile
5) What are the conditions, necessary for rusting of iron ?
6) Name a Nonmetal which is a good conductor of heat and electricity
Q.2. Answer the following questions [08]
1) Why Zinc oxide is considered an amphoteric oxide?
2) Why Metals conduct electricity ?
3) Among Iron and Aluminium, iron rusts easily why ?
4) Why Sodium is always kept in kerosene?
Q.3. Answer the question [06]
1) Identify the following oxide with acidic, basic and amphoteric oxide
i) Al2O3 ii) MgO iii) SO2 iv) Na2O
v) ZnO vi) CO 2 vii) SO3 viii) CaO
2) By what processes do you concentrate the following ore
i) Galena
ii) Bauxite
3) Why do some metals like Na, K, Ca, Mg not occur in nature as free elements ?
Q.4. Answer the following questions [10]
1) Explain any three preventive
methode to protect the metal from corrosion
2) i) Give difference between metals and nonmetals
ii) Define : a) Malleability
b) Metalloids

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