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Erica L. Canon
Prof. Maria B. Sarte
Foundations of Education
February 13, 2021

“My Views about Modular Instruction in Elementary/High School and Online Instruction
in College”

COVID-19, originated from Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, City of China, has
caused shutdown of all schools, both public and private, all over the world. Education
then was severely affected. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a public
health emergency of international concern which resulted in the restrictions of
international travel, improvement in the health system capacity and most essentially the
imposition of public health standards and community quarantine. The traditional face-to-
face instruction was suspended for the safety of learners, teachers and other staffs. As
part of the remedy, the Department of Education mandated the DepEd Order No. 12 s.
2020, titled, “Adoption of the Basic-Education Learning Continuity Plan for School
Year 2020-2021 in Light of COVID-19 Public Health Emergency”. In line with the
was developed to respond to the basic education challenges brought about by this
pandemic. The BE-LCP was developed to promote learning continuously to learners
and for safe delivery of teaching instructions for teachers. Different learning strategies
and modalities, as major adjustments to the situation, were enabled. The three (3)
learning modalities implemented are: (a) Distance Learning (b) Blended Learning, and
(c) Home Schooling.
In the Philippines, the Department of Education has conducted survey about the
learning modality to be used and learning through printed and digital modules appeared
to be the most preferred distance learning of parents to those learners enrolled in this
academic year, may it be elementary and secondary level. Tabaco City Division of
Region V (Bicol) has 50 schools under it and out of this, 46 schools or 92% are currently
under the MDL approach. Additionally, the District 2 of the said Division, has only 2
schools who are in the Online Distance Learning (ODL) approach. Different
stakeholders such as DepEd personnel, teachers, barangay officials, and parents were
engaged in this journey. Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) initiated by DepEd are being
distributed and retrieved through schools every week with the assistance of the
barangay through the Punong Barangay and its members. Schedules for each subject
are guided through the Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP). The learners are
expected to complete all tasks at the end of the week. However, to ensure the
monitoring of progress of every student, open communication should be practiced via
text messages, use of social media and home visitation. Although, independent study
has developed within the learners the sense of responsibility, increasing challenges
were still faced in the continuous execution of the learning modality.
As a public-school teacher in San Antonio National High School, handling Senior
High classes, I have experienced the main challenges that emerged were lack of school
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funding in the production and delivery of modules; students struggle with self-studying,
and parents' lack of knowledge to academically guide their child/children. There are also
instances when students cannot submit the required outputs during the deadline
because of poor comprehension of the lesson through self-learning modules leading to
insufficient time in answering the modules. It also includes greater self-discipline and
self-motivation required for students, increased preparation time and lack of concrete
rewards for teachers and staff, and greater administrative resources needed to track
students and operate multiple modules.
On the positive side, modules encourage independent study. One of the benefits
of using modules for instruction is the acquisition of better self-study or learning skills
among students. Students engage themselves in learning the concepts presented in the
module. They develop a sense of responsibility in accomplishing the tasks provided in
the module. With little or no assistance from others, the learners progress on their own.
They are learning how to learn; they are empowered (Nardo, M.T.B, 2017). Other
advantages of modular instruction include more choice and self-pacing for students;
more variety and flexibility for teachers and staff; and increased adaptability of
instructional materials. Additionally, it helps teachers have enough time to prepare the
additional learning resources like Learning Activity Sheets (LAS), integrative
assessments which are evidences in evaluating student’s performance in this time of
Online Learning Modality (ODL) which has gained the least number of votes from
the survey is not applicable in the Philippines. Why? Gadgets like cellphones and
laptops and other resources like internet connectivity are the number one necessity in
order to conduct this modality. Philippines, as one of the poorest countries in the world,
cannot afford to supply all learners with gadgets needed. Additionally, parents also
complain about the allowances they gave to their children for the purpose of searching
from the internet the answers and further explanation. According to my study, titled,
“Implementation of Modular Distance Learning in Senior High School,” a survey was
given with a descriptor saying that modular learning is economical. Seventy-five percent
(75%) of the responding parents tick the box disagree. If this will be analyzed, modular
learning in public schools is not economical in parent’s perspective. What more if the
modality to be used is ODL, parents are incapacitated to suffice allowances related to
internet connection.
Instead, Online Learning Modality (ODL) is very recommendable in tertiary level.
Social Distancing will be observed due to virtual conduct of classes. Even though this
pandemic is not happening, there is no need to go to school to attend class. Just one
click of your finger on the screen, you now have attendance in your class. It saves time
and effort going to another place, commuting just to arrive at your destination at a
scheduled time. Here in online classes, you have more time to prepare your outputs for
submission. Wearing of the prescribed uniform is not a problem anymore. After waking
up, with just one touch to be presentable in front of the camera is all it needs to attend
class. As a multitasker, I can manage household chores more than attending face-to-
face classes. Additionally, in this time of pandemic learning should continue because as
our DepEd Secretary said, “Human Capital is very important”.
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Online and traditional education share many qualities. Students are still required
to attend class, learn the material, submit assignments, and complete group projects.
While teachers, still have to design curriculums, maximize instructional quality, answer
class questions, motivate students to learn, and grade assignments. Despite these
basic similarities, there are many differences between the two modalities. Traditionally,
classroom instruction is known to be teacher-centered and requires passive learning by
the student, while online instruction is often student-centered and requires active
With technological advancement, learners now want quality programs they can
access from anywhere and at any time. Because of these demands, online education
has become a viable, alluring option to business professionals, stay-at home-parents,
and other similar populations. In addition to flexibility and access, multiple other face
value benefits, including program choice and time efficiency, have increased the
attractiveness of distance learning (Wladis et al., 2015)
In this time of pandemic, we must consider some factors that will contribute to the
decision-making of the type of learning modality to be used. In elementary and
secondary schools, though blended learning (modular and online learning) is much
advisable, we must look at the part where technological advancement is not possible.
We must consider the resources needed in the type of modality to be used. Based from
the fact that our Philippine government cannot suffice the expenses to be incurred in the
conduct of modular learning, what more can we say when online learning will be
implemented. Schools in that time should all have internet connectivity, and it is not
possible. The budget that will be allocated in this necessity can be used in other
projects in the school. The learners theirselves cannot afford to buy load for internet
connectivity. Not all families can allocate their budget in this online learning. Some have
been already deprived of the necessity for primary needs like foods, shelter, and
clothes. What can we say when it comes to miscellaneous expenses? Though it is a
requirement in school in order to graduate, not all parents can sacrifice themselves to
afford their child with that expense.
A greater self-discipline and self-motivation required for students, increased
preparation time and lack of concrete rewards for teachers and staff, and greater
administrative resources needed to track students and operate multiple modules.
Learning must take place with the aide of the teachers exerting much effort in tracking
the performance of our students. Giving feedbacks and giving positive reinforcement
can help learners comply with the necessary requirements in every course or subject.
Innovation and strategy should be applied in order for hundred percent submission of
outputs will be achieved.
On the other line, online learning is feasible in higher education. The fact that
college students and graduate studies already have their budget to continue their
studies. Some college students have scholarships to support them with cash
allowances and Masteral Course takers also have a job where they can get the
expenses to support them. There is only a need to train instructors about the guidelines
in conducting this online learning. Not all instructors have the computer competency to
conduct ODL approach. There should be technological advancement concerning the
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use of online application for assessment of learning, submission of outputs and giving
feedbacks to students.
In contrary, students should also be given enough time due to the fact that
tolerance in online learning is much lesser than in face-to-face situation. We should be
considerate in giving grades because the situation is different. We must understand that
learners were not given enough discussion about the lessons. Modules will never be
enough to attain the learning outcomes. But with continuous monitoring of teachers,
advisers and subject teachers, it will be positively achieved. Hand-in-hand support must
be solicited from the students, parents and teachers. This is the so-called bayanihan.
Our goals will never be realized if everybody is not working.

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