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M 7:30-4:00 PM ; TH 7:30-4:00 PM


"Properties of concrete, minimum concrete cover, size and grades of rebars, etc. and maximum no. & size of rebars in a
single row for a given width of the beam"


A.Properties of concrete cover …………………………4

BConcrete cover walls and colums…………………….6

C.Concrete cover in slabs………………………………..7

D.Rebars size and grades ………………………………..8

E.Maximum and minimum bars …………………………11


Asa steel Works Inc. - products & SERVICES: PRODUCT GUIDE. Pag. (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2021, from

Krishna. (2020, April 30). Concrete cover for reinforcement In slabs, Columns, footings and beams. CIVIL READ.
Retrieved September 22, 2021, from

Alam, T. (n.d.). Tahsina Alam. Civil Engineering. Retrieved September 22, 2021, from



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Strength of concrete are of the following types:
Compressive strength
1.Tensile strength
2.Flexural strength
3.Shear strength

Compressive Strength
Two types of test specimens are used in Bangladesh -(1) Cube and (2) Cylinder.
The cube specimens of concrete of the desired proportion are cast in steel or cast iron molds, normally 6-inch cube. The
standard cylinder specimen of concrete is 6 inch in diameter and 12 inches in height and cast in a mold generally made of
cast iron;
Standard cubes and cylinders are tested at prescribed ages, generally, 28 days, with additional tests often made at 1, 3, and
7 days. The specimens are tested for crushing strength under a testing machine. The cube tests give much greater values
of crushing strength, usually 20 to 30 % more than those given by cylinders.
According to British standard, the strength of a cylinder specimen is equal to three-quarters of the strength of the cube

Figure: Cube and Cylinder Specimens for Compression Strength Testing.

Effect of age on concrete strength:
Concrete attains strength with time. Ordinary cement concrete gains above 70 to 75% of its final strength within 28 days
and about 90 to 95 % in the course of one year. It is often desirable to check the suitability of a concrete long before the
results of the 28-day test are available. When no specific data on the materials used in making concrete are available, the
28-day strength may be assumed to be 1.5 times of the 7 days’ strength. Tests have shown that for concrete made with
ordinary Portland cement the ratio of the 28 days to 7 days’ strength generally lies between 1.3 to 1.7, and the majority of
the results fall above 1.5. The extrapolation of 28 days’ strength from the 7 days’ strength is, therefore quite reliable;
The rate of gain of strength of the different type of cement concretes are shown in the figure below
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Tensile strength
Concrete is very weak in tension. The tensile strength of ordinary concrete ranges from about 7 to 10 percent of the
compressive strength.
Flexural strength
The flexural strength of plain concrete is almost wholly dependent upon the tensile strength. However, experiments show
that the modulus of rupture is considerably greater than the strength in tension.
Shear strength
It is the real determining factor in the compressive strength of short columns. The average strength of concrete in direct
shear varies from about half of the compressive strength for rich mixtures to about 0.8 of the compressive strength for
lean mixtures.
The strength of concrete of a given mix proportion is very seriously affected by the degree of its compaction. It is
therefore vital that the consistency of the mix be such that the concrete can be transported, placed and finished sufficiently
easily and without segregation. A concrete satisfying these conditions is said to be workable.
Factors affecting the workability of concrete are:
 Water Content
 Mix Proportions
 Size of Aggregates
 Shape of Aggregates
 Grading of Aggregates
 Surface Texture of Aggregates
 Use of Admixtures
 Use of Supplementary Cementitious Materials
 Time
 Temperature
Usually, Slump test is done to indirectly determine the workability of a concrete mix.
Elastic Properties
Concrete is not perfectly elastic for any range of loading, an appreciable permanent setting taking place for even low
loads. The deformation is not proportional to the stress at any stage of loading. The elastic properties of concrete vary
with the richness of the mixture and with the intensity of the stress. They also vary with the age of concrete.
Durability is the property of concrete to withstand the condition for which it has been designed, without deterioration over
a period of years. Lack of durability can be caused by external agents arising from the environment or by internal agents
within the concrete.
Causes can be categorized as physical, mechanical and chemical.
Physical cause arises from the action of frost and from differences between the thermal properties of aggregate and of the
cement paste, while mechanical causes are associated mainly with abortion.
Penetration of concrete by materials in solution may adversely affect its durability, for instance, when Ca(OH) 2 is being
leached out or an attack by aggressive liquids (acids) takes place. Permeability has an important bearing on the
vulnerability of concrete to water and frost. In the case of reinforced cement concrete, the penetration of moisture and air
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will result in the corrosion of steel. This leads to an increase in the volume of the steel, resulting in cracking and spalling
of the concrete. Permeability of concrete is also of importance for liquid retaining and hydraulic structures;
The tendency of separation of coarse aggregate grains from the concrete mass is called segregation. It increases when the
concrete mixture is lean and too wet. It also increases when rather large and rough-textured aggregate is used. The
phenomenon of segregation can be avoided as follows.
i. Addition of little air-entraining agents in the mix.
ii. Restricting the amount of water to the smallest possible amount.
iii. All the operations like handling, placing and consolidation must be carefully conducted.
iv. Concrete should not be allowed to fall from large heights.
The tendency of water to rise to the surface of freshly laid concrete is known as bleeding. The water rising to the surface
carries with it, particles of sand and cement, which on hardening form a scum layer is popularly known as laitance.
Concrete bleeding can be checked by adopting the following measures.
i. By adding more cement
ii. By using more finely ground cement
iii. By properly designing the mix and using the minimum quantity of water
iv. By using little air entraining agent
v. By increasing the finer part of fine aggregate
Plain concrete when subjected to flexure, exhibits fatigue. The flexure resisting ability of concrete of a given quality is
indicated by an endurance limit whose value depends upon the number of repetitions of stress. In concrete pavement
design, the allowable flexural working stress is limited to 55% of the modulus of rupture.


Concrete cover:-
Concrete Cover “ing” is the cover provided for the reinforcement in Reinforced Cement Concrete. Cover is defined as the
Distance between the outer surface of the concrete to the inserted reinforcement.
Why we provide Concrete Cover?
Covering is provided to arrest the attack of corrosion. Reinforcement is prone to corrosion and fire for atmospheric
conditions. If the proper cover isn’t implemented then there is more chance of corrosion and cracks in hardened RCC.
Covering is provided For every element of the building (Slabs, Beams, footings) where the reinforcement is used. In order
to maintain the proper arrangement of reinforcement and to provide a covering for reinforcement. covering blocks are
Different Types of Concrete Cover Block:-
There are different types of covering blocks based on the type of material used:-
1. Wooden concrete cover Block
2. Steel concrete cover block
3. PVC Block
4. Cement Masonry concrete cover block
5. Aluminium Block
6. Stones
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Conditions for Concrete Cover :-

Covering varies according to the dimensions of the elements (Slab, beam, column, footings, etc.) the conditions for
providing covering in RCC is tabulated below:-
Condition Covering

If the length of the item is ≤ 0.3 1" or 25mm or 0.025m

If the length of the item is in between 0.4m to 0.5m then 2" or 50mm or 0.050m

If the length of the item is ≥ 0.6m then 4" or 100mm or 0.1m

Here the term "item" is referred to either slab or column or beam or retaining wall or footing
From above, The maximum concrete cover is 0.1m or 100cm
Concrete cover for different elements of building:-

1. Concrete Cover in Columns / Beams:-

#1 Below is the top view of a column ( the Same principle is applied for beams too).
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From the above figure, The length and Width of the column are 0.5m and 0.45m. It satisfies the second condition in the
above table. Then, the covering for reinforcement in the column is  0.050m from all sides and same reinforcement is
designed accordingly. The Dimensions of Reinforcement in the column are 0.40m and 0.35m.
#2:- Suppose the length and width of the column are 0.40 and 0.25. From the table, It satisfies both the conditions (2) &
(1). Don’t apply two conditions for a single column. Covering should be Symmetrical. Consider the least dimension from
the two dimensions. In below figure least dimension is 0.25. For 0.25m the covering of 0.025m is provided. Therefore the
covering of 0.025m is provided in all the sides. Hence, dimensions of reinforcement is 0.35m and 0.20m

Total Length of Stirrup from the above figure is 2x [0.35+0.20]+ 9D x 2 (hook length)  
2. Concrete Cover for Slabs: –
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From the below figure the length and width of the slab are 1.3m and 1.0m. As per the above table, the covering of 0.1m is
provided if the length of the bar is more than 0.6m. Apply the same condition as mentioned. The covering of 0.1m is
provided from all the sides of the slab.

3. Concrete cover for footings:-

As per the below figure the dimensions of Footing are 0.7m and 0.6m. To length and width of Mesh (reinforcement) used
in footings are obtained by deducting the cover. Apply the same principle as above, the below footing is fallen under (3)
condition. As per the condition, a concrete cover of 0.1m is deduced from all the sides. Hence, the dimensions of
reinforcement are 0.5m and 0.4m.


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Pag-asa Steel rebar products are identifiable through the Company Logo ("PSW", short for Pag-asa Steel Works), which
is hot-rolled and embossed onto each bar at specified intervals. The Rebar Size Mark, which specifies the nominal
diameter of the bar, is also hot-rolled adjacent to the company logo.

Pag-asa Steel pioneered the practice of placing its logo on its bars in 1975, before it was mandated by law. The Bureau of
Product Standards of the Department of Trade and Industry of the Philippines now requires all rebar manufacturers to put
identifying marks on their bars.


Pag-asa Steel produces superior reinforcing steel bars in an array of sizes, lengths, and grades in adherence to Philippine
National Standard (PNS 49:2002), as well as the global ASTM Standard (ASTM A615/A706) established by the
American Society for Testing and Materials (now known as ASTM International).


Pag-asa Steel manufactures and sells the following standard sizes (in nominal diameters): 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm,
25mm, 28mm, 32mm, and 36mm. Larger sizes such as 40mm and 50mm bars may be produced via special order.
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For steel bars, the terms "size" and "nominal diameter" are used interchangeably.


Because variation in cross sectional area occurs during hot rolling, a corresponding variation in linear weight is to be
expected. For this reason, PNS 49 provides for an allowable 'variation in mass' (VIM) of ±6%, measured using one meter
of rebar.


Pag-asa Steel rebars come in the following commercial lengths: 6.0m, 7.5m, 9.0m, 10.5m, and 12.0 m. Special lengths of
13.5 and 15.0 meters may be produced via special order.

Just like weight, the cut length of a rebar may also vary because of shrinkage as it cools down. The minimum acceptable
lengths of the finished rebar according to the Philippine Standard are as follows:

Std. Length (m) Min. Acceptable Length (m)

6.0 5.960
7.5 7.453
9.0 8.935
10.5 10.440
12.0 11.940


Pag-asa Steel rebars comes in the following grades to meet high, intermediate, and low-tensile building requirements.

ASTM vs PNS Codes Popular Nomenclature Typical Application

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Grade 33 / PNS 230 Structural Grade Low-rise Buildings and Low Loading Conditions

Grade 40 / PNS 275 Intermediate Grade Medium-rise Structures / Infrastructure Work

Grade 60 / PNS 415 High-Tensile Grade Medium & High-rise Structures / Infrastructure

Higher tensile grades designated as Grade 75 / 500 and Grade 80 / 550 are also available subject to agreement and

The three grades are distinguished by different color markings painted at the ends of each bar, as shown in the following

Minimum and Maximum number of bars in a single layer in Beam

Table: Maximum number of bars in a single layer.

Bar Beam Width (in)

e 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 36 42 48
No.4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 21 25 29
P a g e | 11

No.5 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 19 23 27
No.6 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 18 22 25
No.7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 17 20 23
No.8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 19 22
No.9 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 14 17 19
No.10 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 12 15 17
No.11 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 11 13 15

(𝑚i𝑛i𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒)+𝑑𝑏

bw=beam width, in.
cc=clear cover to tension reinforcement, in. cs=clear cover to
stirrups, in.
db=diameter of ain flexural bar, in. ds=diameter
of stirrups.

in. for No. 3 stirrups

1in. for No. 4 stirrups

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: Minimum number of bars in a single layer (ACI 10.6)

Bar Beam Width (in)

e 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 36 42 48
No.4 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6
No.5 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6
No.6 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6
No.7 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6
No.8 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6
No.9 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6
No.10 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6
No.11 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6

Formula: nmin=
+ 1
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Where, s = 15(40,000/fs)-2.5Cc ≤12*(4,000/fs) fs = 2/3fy

bw=beam width, in.
cc=clear cover to tension reinforcement, in. cs=clear
cover to stirrups, in.
db=diameter of ain flexural bar, in.
ds=diameter of stirrups.

Figure: Cover and Spacing Requirement

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