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Nosidal, Eskit G.

For me, the one that made me think that far eastern university is the best choice
for me is that the people in far eastern university are all very welcoming. And the values
and characteristics of people here in feu is very Filipino-like unlike the other universities.
I think that the far eastern university has a special thing that I cannot even explain.
Moreover, within my institute, the students were all friendly, though the faculty staffs are
extremely strict most of the time knowing that we are a nursing student. I kind of like it
because it will shape me in to the better person that I can be. To the person that has my
maximum potential. That is why I love the Far Easter University, it will shape me as a
more reliable, wise and punctual man.

I believe that in the next five years, I see myself as a happy man. I believe that I
will have a successful career in nursing. Though I do not know what the next chapters of
my life will fold, I am very confident that I will be a nurse in foreign country. Even though
it is only for experience, due to the fact that my career will just begin in that year, I will
be sure it will be my stepping stone to greatness.

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