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SEXUALITY impressions of what a female or male role

should be.
 Sexuality is a multidimensional ADOLESCENT
phenomenon that includes feelings,  At puberty, as the adolescent begins the
attitudes, and actions. process of establishing a sense of identity,
the problem of final gender role identification
 It encompasses and gives direction to a surfaces again. Most early adolescents
person’s physical, emotional, social, and maintain strong ties to their gender group,
intellectual responses throughout life. boys with boys and girls with girls. The
advent of menstruation may provide a
common bond for girls at this stage. Some
 Biologic gender is the term used to adolescents choose a child of their own
denote a person’s chromosomal sex: male gender a few.
(XY) or female (XX). 
 Gender identity or sexual identity is the
inner sense a person has of being male or  When young adults move away from home
female, which may be the same as or to attend college or establish their own
different from biologic gender.  home, the change in their eating patterns
can increase or decrease their weight that
 Gender role is the male or female lead to changes in their body image. During
behavior a person exhibits, which, again, this time, they choose the way they will
may or may not be the same as biologic express their sexuality along with other life
gender or gender identity patterns.


 Several theories exist regarding whether 1. Abstinence is the only 100% guarantee against not
gender identity arises from primarily a contracting a sexually transmitted infection.
biologic or a psychosocial focus.

 Gender identity is the personal sense of 2. If you do have sex, be selective in choosing sexual
one's own gender. partners. 

3. Do not be reluctant to ask a sexual partner about
 From the day of birth, female and male his or her sexual lifestyle before engaging in sexual
babies are treated differently by their relations. If a partner has a history of casual contacts
parents. or bisexual or unprotected sex, there is a greater
hazard of infection for you than if your partner is also
 EXAMPLE:  A girl might be told, “Don’t cry. choosy about partners.
You don’t look pretty when you cry.” A boy
might be told, “You’ve got to learn to be 4. Avoid sexual relations with intravenous drug users
tougher than that if you’re going to make it in or prostitutes (male or female) or sexual partners who
this world. have had sexual relations with such people, because
such people have a greater than usual chance of
carrying the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and
hepatitis B or C infection.
 Children can distinguish between males and
females as early as 2 years of age. By age 3
or 4 years, they can say what sex they are,
and they have absorbed cultural 5. Inspect your sexual partner for any lesions or
expectations of that sex role. Often, boys will abnormal drainage in the genital area. Do not engage
play rough-and-tumble games with other in sexual relations with anyone who exhibits these
boys, and girls will play. signs.


 Early school-age children typically spend

play time imitating adult roles as a way of
learning gender roles. They form strong
6. The use of a condom is the best protection against Although menopause alters reproductive functioning, it
infection. Condoms should be latex; the chance of the does not physically inhibit sexual functioning. Generally, a
condom tearing is less if it is a prelubricated brand. woman with a strong self-image, positive sexual and social
Use water-based lubricants such as KY Jelly on relationships, and knowledge regarding her body and
condoms, because oil-based lubricants can weaken menopause is likely to progress through this natural
the rubber. biologic stage without problems and remain sexually active
and satisfied.

7. Condoms should be protected from excessive heat OLDER ADULT

to avoid rubber deterioration and should be inspected
to be certain they are intact before use. Do not inflate Both male and female older adults continue to enjoy
condoms before use to test for intactness, because active sexual relationships. Some men experience
this weakens the rubber. less erectile firmness or ejaculatory force than when
they were younger, but others discover that they are
able to maintain an erection longer. Older women may
8. Condoms should be fitted over the erect penis with
have less vaginal secretions because they have less
a small space left at the end to accept semen. The
estrogen after menopause.
condom should be held against the sides of the penis
while the penis is withdrawn to prevent spillage of

Individuals who are physically challenged have sexual

9. Void immediately after sexual relations to help desires and needs the same as all others. However,
wash away contaminants on the vulva or in the they may have difficulty with sexual identity or sexual
urinary tract. fulfillment because of their condition.


10. Anal intercourse carries a high risk for HIV and
hepatitis infection as well as infection from intestinal Sexuality has always been a part of human life, but it is
organisms. Always use a condom. Use lubricants for only in the past few decades that it has been studied
anal penetration to keep bleeding and condom scientifically. One common finding of researchers has been
resistance to a minimum. that feelings and attitudes about sex vary widely: the sexual
experience is unique to each individual, but sexual
physiology (i.e., how the body responds to sexual arousal)
11. Do not engage in oral-penile sex unless the male has common features
wears a condom, because even preejaculatory fluid
may contain viruses and bacteria. SEXUAL RESPONSE CYCLE

Two of the earliest researchers of sexual response

were Masters and Johnson. In 1966, they published
12. Hand-to-genital contact may be hazardous if open
the results of a major study of sexual physiology
cuts are present on hands. Use a latex glove or finger
based on more than 10,000 episodes of sexual
cot for protection.
activity among more than 600 men and women
(Masters, 1998). In this study, they described the
13. To decrease the possibility of transferring germs, human sexual response as a cycle with four discrete
do not share sexual aids such as vibrators. stages: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
Stages may actually be more individualized than
Masters proposed; they may blend together much
14. If you think you have contracted a sexually more into one smooth process of desire, arousal, and
transmitted infection, do not engage in sexual orgasm.
relations until you have contacted a health care
provider and are again infection free. Alert any recent EXCITEMENT
sexual partners that you might have an infection so
they also can receive treatment. Excitement occurs with physical and psychological
stimulation (i.e., sight, sound, emotion, or thought)
MIDDLE-AGED ADULT that causes parasympathetic nerve stimulation. This
leads to arterial dilation and venous constriction in the
For many women and men in midlife, sexuality has genital area. The resulting increased blood supply
achieved a degree of stability. A sense of masculinity or leads to vasocongestion and increasing muscular
femininity and comfortable patterns of behavior have been tension. In women, this vasocongestion causes the
established. clitoris to increase in size and mucoid fluid to appear
on vaginal walls as lubrication. The vagina widens in
diameter and increases in length. The nipples become as “MWM”) and “women who have sex with women”
erect. In men, penile erection occurs, as well as (WWW).
scrotal thickening and elevation of the testes. In both
sexes, there is an increase in heart and respiratory Bisexuality
rates and blood pressure.
People are said to be bisexual if they achieve sexual
PLATEAU satisfaction from both homosexual and heterosexual
relationships. Like men who have sex with men, bisexual
The plateau stage is reached just before orgasm. In the men may be at greater risk for HIV and STIs than are
woman, the clitoris is drawn forward and retracts under the others. Female partners of bisexual men need to be aware
clitoral prepuce; the lower part of the vagina becomes that they are also at increased risk for HIV and other STIs.
extremely congested (formation of the orgasmic platform),
and there is increased nipple elevation. Transsexuality

In men, the vasocongestion leads to distention of the penis. A transsexual or transgender person is an individual
Heart rate increases to 100 to 175 beats per minute and who, although of one biologic gender, feels as if he or
respiratory rate to approximately 40 respirations per she is of the opposite gender . Such people may have
minute. sex change operations so that they appear
cosmetically as the gender they feel that they are.
ORGASM Such operations do not change the person’s
chromosomal structure, however, so although capable
Orgasm occurs when stimulation proceeds through of sexual relations in this new role (a synthetic vagina
the plateau stage to a point at which the body or penis is created), the person is incapable of
suddenly discharges accumulated sexual tension. A reproduction.
vigorous contraction of muscles in the pelvic area
expels or dissipates blood and fluid from the area of TYPES OF SEXUAL EXPRESSION
congestion. The average number of contractions for a
woman is 8 to 15 contractions at intervals of 1 every Sexual Abstinence
0.8 seconds. In men, muscle contractions surrounding
the seminal vessels and prostate project semen into Sexual abstinence (celibacy) is separation from sexual
the proximal urethra. These contractions are followed activity. It is the avowed state of certain religious orders. It
immediately by three to seven propulsive ejaculatory is also a way of life for many adults and one that is
contractions, occurring at the same time interval as in becoming fashionable among a growing number of young
the woman, which force semen from the penis. adults. It is the main point of many high school sex
education classes . The theoretical advantage of sexual
RESOLUTION abstinence is the ability to concentrate on means of giving
and receiving love other than through sexual expression
Resolution is a 30-minute period during which the external and, of course, is the most effective way to prevent
and internal genital organs return to an unaroused state. For pregnancy or an STI.
the male, a refractory period occurs during which further
orgasm is impossible. Women do not go through this Masturbation
refractory period, so it is possible for women who are
interested and properly stimulated to have additional Masturbation is self-stimulation for erotic pleasure; it can
orgasms immediately after the first. also be a mutually enjoyable activity for sexual partners. It
offers sexual release, which may be interpreted by the
TYPES OF SEXUAL ORIENTATION person as overall tension or anxiety relief.

A heterosexual is a person who finds sexual fulfillment Masters (1998) reported that women may find masturbation
with a member of the opposite gender. Because interest in to orgasm the most satisfying sexual expression and use it
the opposite sex and sexual relationships may begin as more commonly than men. Children between 2 and 6 years
early as the beginning of puberty, it is important to provide of age discover masturbation as an enjoyable activity as
information on safer sex practices and planning for their they explore their bodies. Children who are under a high
use to children as young as 10 to 12 years of age. level of tension may become accustomed to using
Otherwise, this knowledge comes too late to be most masturbation as a means of falling asleep at night or at
helpful. naptime. They do this without any attempt at concealment
because they have not yet been affected by society’s view
A homosexual is a person who finds sexual that such activity should not be public.
fulfillment with a member of his or her own sex. Many
homosexual men prefer to use the term “gay.” Erotic Stimulation
“Lesbian” refers to a homosexual woman. More recent
terms are “men who have sex with men” (abbreviated Erotic stimulation is the use of visual materials such as
magazines or photographs for sexual arousal. Although this
is thought to be mostly a male phenomenon, there is job or school performance. It can involve actions as
increasing interest in centerfold photographs in magazines obvious as a job superior demanding sexual favors or
marketed primarily to women. Some parents of adolescents a job superior sending sexist jokes by e-mail to a
may need to be assured that an interest in this type of person supervised.
material is developmental and normal. 
Two types exist. 

Fetishism One is quid pro quo (an equal exchange), in which

an employer asks for something in return for sexual
Fetishism is sexual arousal resulting from the use of certain favors, such as a hiring or promotion preference. 
objects or situations. Leather, rubber, shoes, and feet are
frequently perceived to have erotic qualities. The object of The second is hostile work environment, in which
stimulation does not just enhance the experience; rather, it an employer creates an environment in which an
becomes a focus of arousal and a person may come to employee feels uncomfortable and exploited.
require the object or situation for stimulation
Inhibited Sexual Desire
A transvestite is an individual who dresses in the clothes
of the opposite sex. Transvestites can be heterosexual, Lessened interest in sexual relations is normal in
homosexual, or bisexual. Many are married. Some some circumstances, such as after the death of a
transvestites, particularly married heterosexuals, may be family member, a divorce, or a stressful job change.
under a great deal of strain to keep their lifestyle a secret The support of a caring sexual partner or relief of the
from friends and neighbors. tension causing the stress allows a return to sexual
Failure to Achieve Orgasm
Voyeurism is obtaining sexual arousal by looking at
another person’s body. Almost all children and adolescents The failure of a woman to achieve orgasm can be a
pass through a stage when voyeurism is appealing; this result of poor sexual technique, concentrating too
passes with more active sexual expressions. That some hard on achievement, or negative attitudes toward
voyeurism exists in almost everyone is illustrated by the sexual relationships.
large number of Rrated movies shown on television and in
movie theaters and by the erotic descriptions in modern Erectile Dysfunction
novels. If voyeurism is practiced to the exclusion of other
sexual experiences, such an extreme probably reflects Erectile dysfunction (ED), formerly referred to as
insecurity or the inability to feel confident enough to relate impotence, is the inability of a man to produce or
to others on more personal levels.  maintain an erection long enough for vaginal
penetration or partner satisfaction. Most causes of ED
Sadomasochism are physical, such as aging, atherosclerosis, or
diabetes, which limit blood supply.
Sadomasochism involves inflicting pain (sadism) or
receiving pain (masochism) to achieve sexual satisfaction. Premature Ejaculation
It is a practice generally considered to be within the limits
of normal sexual expression as long as the pain involved is Premature ejaculation is ejaculation before penile–
minimal and the experience is satisfying to both sexual vaginal contact . The term also is often used to mean
partners. ejaculation before the sexual partner’s satisfaction
has been achieved. Premature ejaculation can be
Other Types of Sexual Expression unsatisfactory and frustrating for both partners.

A multitude of other types of sexual expression exist (e.g., Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome
exhibitionism, making obscene telephone calls, bestiality,
and pedophilia). Exhibitionism is revealing one’s genitals Persistent sexual arousal syndrome (PSAS) is
in public. Bestiality is sexual relations with animals. excessive and unrelenting sexual arousal in the
Pedophiles are individuals who are interested in sexual absence of desire . It may be triggered by medications
encounters with children. or psychological factors. 


Sexual harassment is unwanted and repeated sexual Because the reproductive system has a sensitive
advances, remarks, or behavior toward another that nerve supply, when pain occurs in response to sexual
(a) is offensive to the recipient and (b) interferes with activities, it can be acute and severe and impair a
person’s ability to enjoy this segment of their life.


Vaginismus is involuntary contraction of the muscles at the

outlet of the vagina when coitus is attempted that prohibits
penile penetration.

Dyspareunia and Vestibulitis

Dyspareunia is pain during coitus. This can occur because

of endometriosis (abnormal placement of endometrial
tissue), vestibulitis (inflammation of the vestibule), vaginal
infection, or hormonal changes such as those that occur
with menopause and cause vaginal drying.

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