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Compass surveying
Basic Definitions
• Meridians
• a) True Meridians
• b) Magnetic meridians
• c) Grid Meridians
• d) Arbitrary meridians
• Bearings
• a) True bearings
• b) Magnetic bearing
• c) Grid Bearing
• d) Arbitrary Bearing
• Designation of Bearings
• a) Whole circle bearing system (W.C.B.S)
• b) Quadrantal Bearing system (Q.B.S.)
• Magnetic Declination
• Isogonic Line (Line having same Magnetic declination)
• Agonic Lines ( Having Zero declination)
• Variation of Magnetic declination
• a) Secular variation
• b) Annual variation
• c) Diurnal variation
• d) Irregular variation
• Effect of variation on survey
• Limits of accuracy : 1) angular error should not exceed 15N minutes
where N is number of sides of the traverse.
2) Degree of accuracy = Linear error of closure/ Total length of traverse
this should normally be greater than 1/600
Equipment used in compass surveying

• Compass (For measuring Angle in Traversing)

• Chain / Tape
• Ranging Rod
• Arrows
• Cross staff (Taking Details)

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