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Atomy, going beyond customer satisfaction
and bringing about customer success

2020 Atomy Profile

Publisher Atomy Co., Ltd.
Published April 2020

Atomy Headquarters
2148-21, Baekjemunhwa-ro, Gongju-si,
Chungcheongnam-do, 32543 Republic of Korea
Customer Service +82-1544-8580 Fax +82-2-888-4802

www.atomy.com ATOMY PROFILE 2020 APRIL


going beyond customer satisfaction
and bringing about customer success


08 About Atomy
09 Sales & Membership in Korea
10 History
12 Company Mottos
14 Founding Principles
16 Management Objectives
17 Management Philosophy
17 C.I. Philosophy
22 Success System

30 Product Philosophy
32 Atomy HemoHIM
34 Atomy Absolute CellActive Skin Care
36 Atomy Skin Care System THE FAME
38 Atomy Products
42 Best Sellers in Global Regions

46 Current Status of Global Atomy
47 Global Sales & Membership
52 Global Seminars
56 GSGS Strategy

61 Observing Principles
64 Growing Together
68 Sharing





ATOMY PROFILE 2020 04 05

Founder & Chairman's Message

Going Beyond Customer Satisfaction

and Bringing About Customer Success

In 2019, Atomy recorded global sales of 1.5 trillion KRW (about 1.3 billion USD) and was recently cer-
tified as a Consumer Centered Management (CCM) organization by the Korean government. These are
the fruits of our efforts in putting customer success first for the past 10 years. As a distribution company,
Atomy plans to ramp up efforts to become "Atomy You Can Trust and Use" not only domestically, but
also globally.

Industry 4.0 has brought on the birth of the platform business where numerous suppliers and consumers
bring real-time transactions together, allowing consumers to have access to a wider variety of products.
Despite these better shopping opportunities, however, people still experience shopping failures.

Atomy seeks to become "Atomy You Can Trust and Use" to help consumers avoid shopping fails and
help them succeed with the principle of Absolute Quality Absolute Price. Failproof shopping is about min-
imizing shopping costs. By purchasing Atomy products, consumers can save time on searching for and
choosing products without worrying about returns or refunds. Atomy, which aims to become a brand you
can trust and use, is more than just a distribution hub; it aspires to be a "shopping curator*" for our con-
sumers. We are a consumer-centered direct selling company that provides a successful shopping expe-
rience with no regrets, and are working to create a post-platform business that surpasses the platform
business model.

Atomy also strives to become a global distribution hub. This means that Atomy products will be available
to people in any country while its consumer-centered network marketing expands throughout all parts of
the world. Consumers everywhere are potential members who can acquire Atomy products of Absolute
Quality Absolute Price. Our Global Sourcing Global Sales (GSGS) strategy procures products from every
corner of the globe and supplies them to the markets where our members are located. Atomy will march
forward until the day that each and every consumer in the world can enjoy a better consumer experience
through Atomy.

In 2020, we plan to expand into Vietnam, China, India, Colombia, and Turkey, and we hope that within 5
years, consumers in more than 30 countries including the United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, and South
Africa will have access to Atomy products. “Atomy You Can Trust and Use” embodies our commitment to
helping consumers lead a better life through Atomy, and we will never stop working for the success of our

Atomy Founder & Chairman, Han-Gill Park

10 Years of Ardor with Atomy

Atomy: A Korean-Born Direct Selling Company
Atomy is a global direct selling company that operates in 14
regions around the world including South Korea where it was
founded in 2009. It achieved rapid growth in the first 10 years
with a consumer-centered direct selling strategy that hand-
Company Name Atomy Co., Ltd.
picks products of good quality and sells them at affordable
Founded June 1, 2009
prices while reducing unnecessary distribution expenses. Fur-
Founder Han-Gill Park
thermore, Atomy is moving forward as a global distribution hub,
Headquarters 2148-21, Baekjemunhwa-ro, Gongju-si, connecting all producers and consumers through the Global
Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea Sourcing Global Sales (GSGS) strategy that supplies Absolute
Quality Absolute Price products worldwide. Atomy is rewriting
Products Cosmetics, Health Supplements, Food, the history of the direct selling industry by solidifying the foun-
Household Goods dation for sustainable growth with innovative thinking that priori-
tizes customer's success and centers on the corporate cultures
Global Offices USA, Japan, Canada, Taiwan, Singapore,
of Observing Principles, Growing Together, and Sharing.
Cambodia, Philippines, Malaysia, Mexico,
Thailand, Australia, Indonesia, Russia

Global Sales (in USD)

※ based on internal data



2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Global Membership Size

※ based on internal data



2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

The past 10 years have been filled with innovation and
challenges for Atomy who has shown remarkable growth
since making its debut in the Korean direct selling industry.

2019 2015 2012 Going Global
09 Opened Atomy Canada (Vancouver)
A Decade of Dreams A Movement for Establishing Taking Initiative in Establishing a
06 Opened Atomy Japan (Tokyo)
Fulfilled, a Century to Dream Anew an Upright Culture Healthy Distribution Culture
12 Global sales exceeded 1.3 billion USD
02 UCC contest for eliminating negative 12 Annual exports amounted to 20 million USD
12 First in the industry to be granted Consumer Centered culture in network marketing
05 Received prestigious Korean Jang Young-Sil Award for
Management certification
03 Opened Atomy Singapore (Singapore) Atomy Essence
12 $100 million Export Tower Award (Accumulated export amount
01 Ethics Committee launched
from July 2018 to June 2019, exceeding $100M)
12 Accredited with Family-Friendly Management certification
12 Chairman Han-Gill Park received a presidential commendation

06 10 billion KRW (≒8.7 million USD) donated to Donor-advised

Fund of the Community Chest of Korea to support single mothers
Strengthening Markets in
06 Chairman Han-Gill Park joined CEO Council for the World
Federation of Direct Selling Association
Southeast Asia
11 Opened Atomy Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)
2013 Laying the Cornerstone of a
Global Atomy
04 Cumulative sales of Atomy HemoHIM in Korea exceeded
1 trillion KRW (≒870 million USD)
08 Launch of the first GSGS product Linked-up Broadcasting System 12 Founded Atomy Economic Research
(Taiwan's Sandwich Laver and Aroma
04 Relocated to Atomy Park, the new headquarters of Atomy
Opens a Consumer Distribution Era Institute
Patch released in Singapore)
(Gongju City, Ungjin-dong) 05 Opened Atomy America (Seattle)
06 Opened Atomy Philippines (Manila) 12 Korean members exceeded 1.4 million
04 Chairman Han-Gill Park became 11th president of the Korea (Korea’s largest membership in the industry)
01 Opened Atomy Cambodia (Phnom Penh)
Direct Selling Industry Association (KDSA) 11 HQ relocated to Gong-ju City, Chungcheong Province,

2017 07 Started linked-up broadcasting (Songnisan and

Gyeongju in Korea)
Maiden Voyage to Central
2018 America A Bold New Player in Direct
10 Won the Excellent Business Award of Taiwan
Shaping Into a Global Company 06 Opened Atomy Thailand (Bangkok) 12 Joined Korea International Trade Association

12 Global sales exceeded 1 billion USD 01 Held the 1st Atomy Taiwan charity marathon 08 Joined Korea Special Sales Financial

12 Opened Atomy Russia (Moscow) 01 Opened Atomy Mexico (Mexico City)

Cooperative Association
06 Contract with Sun Biotech Co. (Kolmar BNH)

10 Opened Atomy Indonesia (Jakarta)

07 Opened Atomy Australia (Melbourne) 06 Founded Atomy Co., Ltd.

05 Held the 1st Atomy RUN in Korea

01 Awarded as Excellent Corporate Taxpayer by City of Gongju Entering the Gate of World's
Largest Market
12 Sales for Atomy HemoHIM exceeded 100
million USD
01 Opened Atomy Taiwan (Kaohsiung)



Cherish the spirit Create the vision Follow the faith Serve in humility

For God created human beings in his The most accurate way to predict the The faith we pursue is to believe in the Humility is the most significant virtue for human
own image, people are the most precious future is to plan it yourself. You should things we can not see. This genuine faith behaviors. Our thoughts should reach out to the
and ought to be cherished. They are take the initiative in your own thinking, in in an unseen vision has the power to draw sky, but our feet should remain on the ground.
the ultimate objective and are not to be which way you can be the owner of your actions towards a desirable future. If we remain humble even after we’ve achieved
exploited as a means to an end. own future. everything, all respect from others, on top of the
honorable achievement, can be ours.


Survival is every enterprise’s primary goal as Continuity is indeed the first goal of a business,
well as the most important social responsibility but added value can be generated through
of a company. Atomy’s employees, members, growth. The most crucial factor in Atomy’s No. 1 Principle is
customers, partners, and the community are growth is Speed. But, Speed at Atomy is not BEING (Continuity)
like interdependent parts of one big organism. just how fast. It also involves the concept of
That is, Atomy’s survival cannot be achieved direction. When we say Speed is important
without the continuity of all the other connected in our growth, it means that we should move
parties. Hence, Atomy must survive for the quickly along the right track. In short, Atomy’s
sake of others and continually create added Speed is “moving fast in the right direction.”
value in order to do so.

Cost Management Fast Adaptation to External Environment

Industry 4.0 has a greater and wider impact
on the society at large than any other previous
industrial revolution. Atomy seeks to take all
measures necessary to keep pace with the new
BEING era that changes rapidly day by day.
Information Transfer Speed at Atomy
Operations Human
Transferring accurate information in the
Management Resources
Management quickest way is of great importance to Atomy.
But information can be altered when passing
Cost Management through several phases. Atomy aims to transfer BALANCE Balance is related to how we distribute the values we create. Atomy seeks to fulfill its social responsibility
information in the fastest way possible without through a balanced distribution of wealth. Here, the balanced distribution also includes the concept of
• Precise Product Cost Management its accuracy being compromised while simulta- fairness. Atomy believes balance and fairness in distribution will lead to producing greater wealth. That is
•S table Financial Management based on Zero-Debt neously expanding into new markets as well. to say, Balance is the most effective tool that can maximize the utilization of limited resources. Atomy has
always tried its best to maximize the marginal utility, which is a foundation for such a balanced and fair dis-
• Fixed Cost Management based on Pipeline Theory*
Business Expansion Speed for Atomy tribution to the constituents of the communities it belongs to. According to Liebig’s Law of the Minimum*,
Operations Management Members also called the Barrel Theory*, the capacity of a barrel with staves of different lengths is determined by the
Atomy members’ businesses are expected length of the shortest stave. Likewise, whether a business is well-balanced in the distribution of produced
• Transparent and Honest Management
•P rinciple-Centered Management With Principles as to be expanded exponentially based on The wealth is decided based on whether it fulfills all of its sharing responsibilities, to the last one, however small
the Framework for Problem Solving law of multiplication*. When Atomy's success it may be. Atomy does not pursue its own interests only. Atomy never loses its balance in the distribution
system is thoroughly understood and applied, of created values. Greed for profit and an arbitrary distribution of surplus can cause our members to leave
Human Resources Management
business expansion beyond one man's capa- Atomy. Atomy’s survival is not guaranteed without the existence of our members. Balance is said to be our
• Foster Creativity in HR Management bility becomes tangible. tool for continual re-investment of our resources for Continuity, the first of Atomy’s founding principles.


A Small but Big Company

Atomy aims to be a small but big company. We are not
preoccupied with the size or opulence of a company.
What we pursue is a company with a rock-solid and sturdy
infrastructure. This management philosophy is in keeping
with one of our founding principles, Continuity. To achieve
this, Atomy implements a delicate management strategy
of eliminating unnecessary expenses and paying careful
attention to what needs to be addressed is needed.
A big company that Atomy aims at is one that does its best
Atomy is making the to support its members’ great success, whose employees
feel the greatest happiness, and who never neglects to
utmost effort to achieve return great value to society. And to be a small company
these goals: Customer's Success, with a delicate management, Atomy puts its first priority
MANAGEMENT Distribution Hub, and Becoming
on members’ success, always sticking to the principle of

Absolute Quality Absolute Price, providing employee
a Premier Company. benefits for their well-being, growing together with business
partners, and sharing with others in all communities it
belongs to.

Customer's Success Distribution HUB

Customers are not simply a means for Atomy, but Atomy aims to become the world’s distribution hub. The hub is the central
rather an ultimate goal. The Philosophy of Cow unit of a distribution network. To be a distribution hub, Atomy will secure
Feeding vs. Baby Feeding best describes Atomy’s absolutely high competitiveness that enables direct and effective connections
mindset towards customers. The reason why we between manufacturers and consumers worldwide. One of the strategies for
feed cows is not for the cows’ sake. We feed them this goal is GSGS, Global Sourcing Global Sales, through which Atomy will be

because we want milk. But the reason why we able to source high quality products that meet the Absolute Quality Absolute
feed our babies is not that we expect something Price standard and sell them to customers all around the world.
in return from the babies. We feed the babies to
help them grow up and succeed in life. We feed Premier Company Corporate Identity
them out of love. Our customers are not cows but Atomy wants to be a Premier Company, namely, the best of the best. We
babies to us. We must go beyond simply feeding regard honesty and goodness as the best values in achieving this goal.
our customers with products. The blue color stands for hope for the future
"Honesty and Goodness is the Best Strategy*" is our management motto
We want our customers to go beyond just being that describes our corporate values for a Premier Company. and our company spirit which treasures people.
satisfied with our products. We want them to fall Accordingly, all employees always stay honest and loyal to our members as
in love with our products. Furthermore, we want a provider of quality products at reasonable prices. We develop programs to The white color is the clean image of Atomy
our customers to succeed. We want them to be foster creative individuals who can produce added values based on a solid products and signifies a pure and honest company.
successful both as consumers and as business moral and conscientious basis.
owners of Atomy. 2020, Atomy's CI logo has been redesigned.
18 19

Atomy HQ Hosts Various Seminars to Support
Member’s Success, Our No. 1 Management Objective.
20 21


If you can dream it vividly,
it will come true.

SUCCESS Our No. 1 Goal is

SYSTEM Customer's

Atomy's one-and-only
Customer Success
Simultaneous Broadcast, Simultaneous Interpretation, Si-
multaneous Success System
Success Academy is held simultaneously in 10 locations in Korea
using Atomy's very own linked-up broadcasting system and live
streaming service so that 20,000 people can "attend" the seminar at
the same time. Those who cannot come to the seminar venue can
participate in the seminar live at their centers. Our linked-up broad-
casting and simultaneous interpretation services are unique features of
our exclusive customer Success System.

Tools for the Customer's Success

Official Website: atomy.com
Atomy's corporate website presents a variety of information and
content about Atomy in a compact way.

Seminars Hosted by Headquarters One-Day Seminar Channel Atomy: ch.atomy.com

One-Day seminar takes place every Thursday and serves Channel Atomy provides digital content to assist in the Atomy
Atomy HQ has been hosting various seminars to support
as a guiding light on the path to success. It consists of business in various forms such as images, videos, and articles.
members’ success, our No. 1 management objective.
introductions of the company, products, and the marketing Atomy Ticket Information and registration for Atomy's events
Success Academy plan and is held at Atomy Park, KBNH, Seoul, and Busan. including the seminars, opening ceremonies of global offices, pro-
Atomy's signature seminar that shares business know-how Regional & Side job Seminar motion trips, and workshops are available here.
and paths toward a balanced life. Atomy holds monthly regional seminars in 14 different areas Good Morning Atomy The first Monday of every month, business
of Korea for the revitalization of local economies and side Atomy Magazine Global Magazine Atomians outlook, tips, and the latest news of Atomy are aired on online video
When Once a month for 2 days/1 night
job seminars for those who do Atomy business on the side. 2019 VOL.01

Where 11 locations across 10 regions in South Korea. (Gongju, The ATOMIANS

Boeun, Gyeonggi, Incheon, Hongcheon, Wonju, Byeonsan, 2 Atomy Class Publications Atomy Profile, Product Catalog, Atomy Magazine, Global
locations in Gyeongju, Busan) A seminar that introduces the Atomy business to millennials Magazine and Atomians are published periodically and can be used
Program Company introduction, promotion ceremony, new through 4 classes about distribution, corporation, com- as marketing tools.
product introduction, lectures on balanced life & life scenario,
munication, and success. Participants can try out Atomy ※ Based on Korea headquarters only. Please inquire at Atomy regional offices
Atomy's vision
products and attend a "talk concert." INTERVIEW MAGAZINE

for details.

Atomy’s Lifestyle Design Lab has been accredited
As we grow in size and influence, we take into account values beyond corporate profit. Atomy will continue to be a as a Business-Affiliated Research Institute by the
company that steps outside of its comfort zone, reads the flow of change, and improve ourselves in a new world. Korean Ministry of Science and ICT, the first in the
industry. The Lab drives the inspiration for design
based on Atomy's brand identity.
The Lifestyle Design Lab is involved in the entire
brand design process. Rather than "chasing" after
trends, we aim to provide a timeless and valuable
design experience that embodies Atomy’s brand
philosophy and identity.

The key to our eco-friendly policy is to make long-
ATOMY E&M lasting products to begin with, and then recycle
those products to conserve resources. Atomy
Atomy Entertainment & Media (E&M) is a new success system provides products in consideration of cost-saving,
where business and culture are blended. Atomy E&M will build enhancing productivity, and environment-friendliness.
an enjoyable success system and hold various cultural shows
that entertain and encourage Atomy's members who strive day
and night for success.

Eco-friendly zipper bags made from Redesign of PET containers and

plant-based Bio-PE (biopolyethylene labels with materials more favorable
made from sugar cane) for recycling (water-based adhesive)

Blue Marine Life Saver Campaign

A sea turtle trapped and killed in a ghost fishing net, a baby whale starved to
death after having eaten plastics instead of food… These wastes we throw away
become a disaster to countless marine life and a boomerang that threatens
our own life. The ocean, a cradle of unmeasurable life, must be sustainable. No
excuse is acceptable for its destruction.
Blue Marine Life Saver (BMS) Campaign, also known as the Badamulsal Cam-
paign, is Atomy's small step for coexistence with the ocean and nature. We study
what we can do to preserve nature and make eco-conscious changes in our dis-
tribution process and design such as implementing recyclable cushioning paper
and consolidating cosmetic containers.


( ~Dec. 2019)

Introducing Atomy’s stellar numbers on its way to becoming the world’s
No. 1 distributor.

3,816 seminars were conducted in 14 regional offices worldwide including Atomy Korea. This
• Global sales of $1.3 billion Products means, on average, 10 seminars were held every day somewhere in the world.
• $100 million Export Tower Award

 irst to be accredited Consumer
14 Global Offices Atomy is the first Korean network Absolute Skincare Product
Centered Management certification
marketing company that has been Sold Every 9 Seconds

 emoHIM, No.1 in annual sales in the
successful in the global market. It
Korean network marketing industry for
has advanced into 14 global offices
5 consecutive years
 emoHIM's accumulated sales in Korea
about to date, including the opening of

exceeded 1 trillion KRW (≒ 870 million Atomy USA in 2010 and Atomy
USD). Russia in 2018. Within the next five
Return Rate
years, Atomy will establish itself as
a global distribution hub with over
30 regional offices worldwide.

Amount of Donations in 2019
% (Atomy Korea, in USD)

Atomy's Global Membership Size


Atomy Toothbrush Sold Every Second Atomy Toothbrush, also called "One Second Toothbrush," is a best

seller chosen by 30 million people.

(Number of Toothbrushes Sold in Korea in 2019)

Atomy has seen remarkable growth in a

single decade. In 2019, it recorded $1.3 Atomy’s globally registered membership size reached
billion in global sales and was the first 6 million and is continually growing. W ith 3.4 million
in the industry to be granted Consumer members in Korea alone, Atomy continues to hold its
Centered Management certification. top spot in the Korean network marketing industry.
The Finest Products of Absolute Quality Absolute Price


Atomy You Can Trust and Use

"Atomy You Can Trust and Use" is our product philosophy about
making consumers' life more fulfilling and meaningful. Rooted in
Absolute Quality Absolute Price, Atomy takes a step forward in
becoming a "Shopping Curator: Atomy You Can Trust and Use"
which must gain trust from consumers. Masstige products are
selected by Atomy's curation service that analyzes consumers'
needs and finds the best offers.

The Masstige Strategy

"Masstige" is a portmanteau of "mass," meaning
general public, and "tige" from prestige products.
Absolute Quality Absolute Price: Atomy’s Absolute Value
Under the strategy of Masstige, Atomy offers
The product philosophy behind Atomy is to provide Absolute Quality at an Absolute Price that no one else can beat. products of Absolute Quality at Absolute Prices
Absolute Quality means a quality that no one can match at a given price, and Absolute Price is the lowest possible which is credited as the secret behind its
price of equal quality. This is the value that Atomy has been adamant about since its foundation. success.


Developed by KAERI & Approved by KFDA

HemoHIM was developed as part of a Korean national science project conducted by the
Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) in 1997. It has been approved and rec-
ognized by the Korean Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) as the country's No. 1 indi-
vidually approved functional food product.

The No. 1 Product in Korean's Direct Selling Industry

For 5 consecutive years, HemoHIM has been the best-selling product in the Korean
network marketing industry.
※ Data from Korea Fair Trade Commission 2015-2019

High-Quality Organic Angelica Gigas, the Power Behind HemoHIM!

The main ingredient of HemoHIM, Angelica Gigas is cultivated in Pyong-chang of the
Gang-won province in Korea at 800 meters above sea level. It is organically grown
according to the Good Agricultural Practices standard implemented by Korea's Agricul-
tural Ministry and has had no exposure to pesticides or weed killers during harvest and
distribution. We proudly announce that only such high-quality ingredients vetted through
strict production processes are used in our products.

Atomy HemoHIM loved worldwide

Angelica Gigas Mixed Extracts is patented in Korea, USA, Japan, Germany, United
Kingdom, France, and Italy. Atomy HemoHIM is loved by many people around the world
and now sold in 12 regions including Korea, USA, Taiwan, Singapore, Canada, Mexico,
Thailand, Australia, and Russia.

Providing More for Less

Determined to give back part of its increased profits to its members, Atomy has continu-
ously tried to increase the product quantity without raising the price. The original number
of packets in one box was 30 when HemoHIM was first released in the market. The
number of packets was increased to 48, then 54, and now 60 packets in one box while
the price remained the same. We are selling our products at an even lower price as of
November 2018 to support the businesses of our members and to benefit our consumers.

Hemorich Gel HemoHIM Angelica Gigas HemoHIM Angelica Gigas HemoHIM

20mL x 30 packets Mixed Extracts Mixed Extracts 20mL x 60 packets
22mL x 48 packets 20mL x 54 packets

R&D by Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute, Manufactured by Kolmar BNH


CELLACTIVE SKINCARE Official Brand Names by Region

Atomy Absolute CellActive

Korea / Singapore / Cambodia / Philippines /
Atomy Absolute CellActive Skincare: the Triumph of 21st Century Derma Science Malaysia / Thailand / Indonesia / Russia
Absolute CellActive was born by upgrading four existing skin care technologies and Atomy A-Solute Selective
adding two cutting-edge technologies. It is another sensational product following the Japan / Taiwan
Skin Care 6 System. (released in Sept. 2017) Atomy Absolute
The addition of new technologies helps slow the aging process and restore firmness USA / Canada / Mexico / Australia
and resilience to your skin. Its premium ingredients, procured from the best-preserved
environments, are optimally composed for skin’s maximum health and beauty. Atomy
Absolute contains 6 products: a Toner that immediately calms and hydrates sensitive
facial skin after washing, an intensive multi-functioning Ampoule, a premium concen-
trated Serum that fortifies the firmness of the skin, a Lotion that is smoothly absorbed for
resilience and elasticity of the skin, a rich concentrated Eye-complex that repairs multiple
aging signs around the eyes, and a premium Nutrition cream that recovers the firmness
and elasticity of the face. In 2019, Absolute CellActive Skincare was ranked 3rd in sales
of cosmetics within the Korean network marketing sector and its sales reach 100 billion
KRW (≒87 million USD) annually (including products sold individually).

Atomy Absolute’s Six Cutting-Edge Technologies

Atomy Absolute CellActive Skincare’s ideally blended ingredients meet CellActive
technology to precisely target troubled areas and deliver effective solutions for skin
revitalization. The multi-complex ingredients and technologies are optimally fused so
that they can be delivered quickly and precisely for an ideal revitalization of skin and
restoration of natural beauty.

Green Tea Essential Water, Unique Ingredients

Essential water that has been upgraded through the addition of tocopherol and cat-
echin to boost its overall effectiveness.

Awaken the perfectionist in Triple Elasticity

you by following Absolute
Nutrition Cream Neck zone care
skincare steps Eye area lifting

★ ‌Eye Complex Anti-wrinkle effect / face lifting

Tightening Intensive care for the eye area

Lotion Restoration of skin's oil and water balance

Inner elasticity
Intensive de-aging care
(Care for wrinkles, moisturizing, ★ ‌Serum Improvement of inner elasticity of the skin
elasticity, derma density)

★ ‌Ampoule The key in Absolute solution High-efficacy all-round ampoule


Toner Cleansing skin for better absorption



THE FAME Released in 9 regions worldwide. (As of 2019)

Another legendary skin care line to go down in history for 100 years
Atomy Skincare System The Fame is a new skincare product born from adding
new ingredients and upgrading the 4 original technologies jointly developed by the
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute and Kolmar Korea to produce Atomy Skin
Care 6 System. As an upgraded version of Atomy Skin Care 6 System, which has
recorded sales of over 100 billion KRW (≒87 million USD) for four consecutive years
after reaching the top spot as Korea’s best-selling skincare in the network marketing
industry in 2014, Atomy Skincare The Fame will go down in history as another leg-
endary skincare line that will last 100 years.

Obtained hypoallergenic test certificates in both Korea and Germany.

For those consumers who advocate for safe skin products, The Fame is a safe
skincare that excludes ingredients that could irritate the skin. This product also
received an “Excellent” rating by Germany’s Dermatest GmbH Research Institute that
applies strict criteria and a highly trusted process.

The History of Atomy Skincare The Fame

As sales volume and profits increased, Atomy wanted to return part of the profits to
its members, never stopping to improve the quality and increase the quantity of its
products to give more for less. As a result, our original Skin Care System that con-
sisted of five items increased to six. And in 2016, the unit volume of the Toner was
increased from 135ml to 150ml and the Eye Cream from 33ml to 40ml.
In March 2019, Skin Care 6 System was newly released as “The Fame” with upgraded
ingredients and technologies.

SsaengUl Atomy Skin Care Atomy Skin Care Atomy Skin Care Atomy Skin Care SKIN CARE
A new level of skincare products with ingredients developed using 4 new patented
Cosmetics 5 6 System 6 System 6 System 6 System SYSTEM THE technologies
System Skin Lotion 135ml Toner 135ml Toner 135ml Toner 150ml FAME
Skin Lotion 125ml Eye Cream 33ml Eye Cream 33ml Eye Cream 33ml Eye Cream 40ml Toner 150ml Three new ingredients have been added: panthenol, an ion substance that is absorbed by the skin;
Milk Lotion 125ml Eye Cream 40ml
Essence 50ml Essence 50ml Essence 50ml Essence 50ml a five-tier hyaluronic acid that retains 6,000 times its weight in moisture; and a ceramide that pro-
Essence 35ml Milk Lotion 135ml Milk Lotion 135ml Lotion 135ml Lotion 135ml Essence 50ml
Moisture Cream 50ml Nutrition Cream Nutrition Cream Nutrition Cream Nutrition Cream Lotion 135ml tects the skin. Also, The Fame takes on a new level of innovation that combines microencapsulation
Eye Cream 30ml 50ml 50ml 50ml 50ml Nutrition Cream
of 3 active oils in a powerful oil moisturizing system; a high purity refining technique developed after
BB Cream 40ml BB Cream 40ml BB Cream 40ml BB Cream 40ml
extensive research by KAERI’s Biotechnology Research Center, a patented “Fresh Herb Extraction
Volume Increased Biotechnology” and multi-liquid capsule technology developed by Kolmar BNH.

Health Functional Food
Atomy has been supplying Absolute
Quality Absolute Price products since
Red Ginseng Spherical Granule
its foundation in 2009 and is on a quest
Korean Red Ginseng Jelly Stick
to find and distribute products that are
of excellent quality. We offer around
Probiotics 10+ BEAUTY-
400 products, up from 33 items in 2009,
Alaska E-Omega3
and is becoming a comprehensive
distribution company. (as of March 2020)
Color Food Multivitamin
Absolute Line Cleanser & Mist
Color Food Vitamin C
Vitamin B Complex Absolute CellActive Skincare Evening Care 4 Set MAKE UP
Pure Spirulina Absolute Spot-Out Essence Deep Pure Cleansing Oil
Rhodiola Milk Thistle Absolute Spot-Out Cream 3 Seconds Beauty Water
Absolute Essence Sun Cream Mist Face
Chewable Calcium
Absolute BB Roserain Mist Gold Collagen Ampoule
Tri-Active Calcium
Eco Mild Bubble Cleanser Cushion
Skin Care System The Fame Mild Cleansing Water Cushion Foundation
Turmacin MSM
Skin Care System The Fame Cleansing Wipes A.A Cream Foundation
Green Propolis Spray
Mineral Pact
Facial Mask & Patch Air Pact
Folic Acid from Lemon Extract Skin Care
Seven Solutions Gel Mask Healthy Glow Base
Sophora Queen Acne Clear Expert System
Daily Mask Bronze & Glow Contour Kit
Pomegranate Beauty
Slim Body Puer Tea KIDS Derma Real Cica
Hydra Brightening Care set Acropass Line Lifter Blusher Duo Kit
BB Cream
Calming Skin Acropass Trouble Patch
Dietary Supplements Again Serum Acropass Mos Patch
Nutritional Supplements Lip
Slim Body Shake Cacao Aqua Cream
for Kids Lipstick
Slim Body Shake Grain Homme Skin Care
Kids Chewable Omega3 Lipglow
Slim Body Shake Green Tea Homme Energizing All in One
Kids Gummy Multivitamin Lip Treatment
Balance Life
Sun Care
Skin & Body Care for Kids Eye
Healthy Juice Sunscreen
Cerabebe set Pink Brown Eyeshadow Kit
Fermented Noni Concentrate Sun Stick
Cerabebe Sun Milk Eyebrow Cara
Organic Cabbage Juice Derma Calming Sun Stick
Eyebrow Pencil
Organic Onion Juice
Brush Pen Eyeliner
Volume Mascara
Lash Power Mascara

Travel Beauty Pouch
Make Up Brush set
Mild Cotton
Hydroaircell Sponge


Hair Care
Absolute Hair Care set
Herbal Hair Shampoo
Herbal Hair Conditioner
Kitchen Sanitary Products Fishery Products Seasoning
Scalpcare set Men
Medi Cook series Herb Day Pads Salted Mackerel Raw Cane Sugar
Hair Essential Oil
Dish Detergent Chujado Salted Pollack Chakan Sunchang Gochujang Men's Comfort Casual Shirt
Saengmodan Hair Tonic
Dish Scrubber Pet Dried Kelp Kampot Black Pepper Men's Noble Dress Shirt
Stainless Steel Dish Scrubber Dried Seaweed Sesame Oil & Perilla Oil Supima Men's Drawers set
Body Care Lashvan 3D Perfect Drawers set
Dish Scrubber Tissue Dashi Bags Kelp Soy Sauce
Ultra Rich Body Wash Eco series Dried Korean Anchovy (Small) Avocare 100% Extra Virgin Avocado Oil Supima Men's Short Sleeved T-Shirt
Home Appliance
Ultra Rich Body Cream Disposable Paper Cup Dried Korean Anchovy (Medium) Basso Grapeseed Oil Supima Men's Short Sleeved Shirt
Body Lotion IH Hair Styler
Thermal Tumbler Organic Olive Oill Grilled Laver Supima Men's Sleeveless Shirt
Aidam Cleanser Hair Dryer
Tritan Tumbler Organic Olive Oill Grilled Laver(cut) Snacks Men's Noble Belt (Classic)
Herbal Body Cleanser Thermal Mat
Latex Gloves Olive Oil Roasted Seasoned Men's Noble Belt (Casual)
Air Purifier Nut-mix
Hand Therapy 4 Kit Mino Knives Seaweed Men's Thermal Wear
Chakan Crispy Rice Crust
Hand Soap
Premium Korean Sweet Chestnut
Hand Sanitizer Gel Women
Detergent Farm Products Imsil String Cheese
Fabric Detergent Organic White Rice Xylitol Gum Supima Women's Sleeveless Shirt
Hair Dye Supima Women's Camisole
Sheet Laundry Detergent Hartley's Gift Set
Bubble & Color Multi-purpose Kitchen Cleaner Tofu Chips Women's Comfort Wireless Brassiere
Jelly & Color Multi-purpose Bathroom Cleaner Yanggang Jelly set Women's Comfort Lineless Hem Panties
Jajang Ramen
Rice Chips Women's Comfort Lineless High Waist
Potato Ramen
Tissue Panties
Potato Ramen Mild
Beverage Hip Support Stockings
Tissues GIFT SET Potato Cup Ramen
Slim-line Tights
Kitchen Towel Organic Green Tea
Hip-Up Tights
Kitchen Tissue Kimchi Deep Sea Mineral Water
No-Show Socks
Facial Tissue Myeongjang Kimchi Café Arabica
Women's Ankle Socks
Wet Wipe Café Arabica Black
Women's Thermal Wear
ORAL CARE Travel Tissues
Frozen & Ready-made
Kenya Top Cold Brew
Ethiopia Gesha Cold Brew
Chakan Dumpling set Bedding
Miscellany Atomy Ethiopia Single Origin Latte
Chakan Big Dumpling set
Toothpaste & Toothbrush Vuco Coconut Water Organic Tongzam Topper Mattress
Purfumed Reed Diffuser set Chakan Beef Gomtang
Toothpaste Plus Black Bean Calcium Soy Milk Tongzam Pillow
Supima Towel set Premium Imsil Cheese Pork Cutlet
Toothbrush Kombucha Original Tongzam Pillow Cover
Tape Cleaner Chakan Curry
Compact Toothbrush Battery Squeezed Orange Juice
Chakan Bulgogi
Interdental Brush SS Anti Pollution Mask (KF94) Squeezed Grapefruit Juice Jewelry
Oral Care Gift Set Anti Pollution Mask (KF80) Blueberry Juice Gracepearl Jewelry set
Canned Food
Noblesse Jewelry set
Chakan Canned Pork
Travel Set
Bai-Top shell
Oral Care System
Cleansing Travel Kit (6pcs)
Skin Care System The Fame Travel Kit


Absolute CellActive Skincare JAPAN TAIWAN
Atomy products are loved by people all over the world. Probiotics 10+ HemoHIM
Toothpaste plus
Meet the best sellers of Atomy's regional offices! Eye-Lutein Probiotics 10+
Oral Care System
Absolute Skincare Foam Cleanser
Absolute Ampoule Aroma Patch
Evening Care 4 Set Toothbrush
Herbal Hair Shampoo Toothpaste plus
Herbal Hair Conditioner Tissue
Toothbrush Organic Olive Oil Grilled Laver
EUROPE Compact Toothbrush
Wet Wipe


Probiotics 10+ Probiotics 10+ Alaska E-Omega3
Color Food Vitamin C Color Food Vitamin C Toothpaste plus
Probiotics 10+ Probiotics 10+
Absolute CellActive Skincare Aroma Patch Oral Care System
Color Food Multivitamin Absolute Skincare
Aroma Patch Herbal Hair Shampoo Café Arabica
Absolute Skincare The Fame AUSTRALIA
Toothbrush Aidam Cleanser
Compact Toothbrush Foam Cleanser
Foam Cleanser Toothbrush
Toothpaste plus Herbal Hair Shampoo
Toothpaste plus
Café Arabica Toothbrush
Café Arabica
Toothpaste plus

HemoHIM HemoHIM Absolute CellActive Skincare
Absolute Skincare Absolute CellActive Skincare Pomegranate Beauty Absolute CellActive Ampoule
Absolute Ampoule Absolute CellActive Ampoule Absolute CellActive Ampoule Evening Care 4 Set
SOUTH Alaska E-Omega3
Evening Care 4 Set
Foam Cleanser
Evening Care 4 Set Foam Cleanser Foam Cleanser


Herbal Hair Shampoo
Foam Cleanser
Sunscreen (beige)
Aroma Patch
Herbal Hair Shampoo
Body Lotion
Toothbrush Toothbrush Toothpaste plus Toothpaste plus
Toothpaste plus
Toothpaste plus Toothpaste plus Dish Detergent
Oral Care System
Sandwich Laver
Realization of the Dream to Become a Hub of Global Distribution
Through New Opportunities.

GLOBAL Current Status of Global Atomy Global Sales and Membership Size

ATOMY Atomy has steadily made its way into the global market since its foundation in order to
realize its management goal of becoming a hub of global distribution. Beginning with the
We recorded global sales of $4 million
through our first overseas market in the
launch of the U.S. office in 2010 and to the opening of Atomy Russia in 2018, we have U.S. In 2019, within 10 years of going glob-
entered 13 regions worldwide and our global membership size reached 6 million. More al, sales reached $350 million abroad. We
global offices are expected to open in Vietnam, India, Colombia, Turkey, and China, the believe this is evidence that our Masstige
world’s largest market, in 2020. strategy of Absolute Quality Absolute Price
appeals to everyone in the world.

Global Sales

( in USD, Excluding Atomy Korea )
SEP. 2011
DEC. 2018


MAY. 2010

JUN. 2011
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

TAIWAN ※ Internal data

JAN. 2014
JAN. 2017
JUN. 2017 JUN. 2016 Globally Registered Members

(Excluding Atomy Korea)

NOV. 2016

MAR. 2015
JAN. 2018

JUL. 2018
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

※ Internal data

Global Offices VIETNAM INDIA CHINA COLOMBIA HONG KONG TURKEY 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2013 2011
$70M $50M $30M $20M $10M $5M
to be Opened $100M Export Export Export Export Export Export Export
Tower Award Tower Award TowerAward Tower Award TowerAward TowerAward Tower Award
48 49

Various Seminars are Held by Atomy's Regional
Offices Around the World for Global Members'
50 51

Atomy, going beyond customer

satisfaction and bringing about
customer success

GLOBAL SEMINARS (as of Dec. 31, 2019)

The First Global Expansion, Since Atomy’s establishment in 2009, demand for Atomy products has steadily in- Standing Tall in the Vast Continent, Atomy Canada opened in September of 2011, following the successful opening
USA creased among Korean residents in the U.S. As its first footstep towards a hub of Canada in Japan. The territory of Canada is the second largest in the world, and yet has a
global distribution, Atomy launched the first global office in Seattle, USA, the place smaller population than Korea, making it quite difficult for a direct selling business to
Seminars held Seminars held
by Atomy USA where network marketing originated, in May of 2010. Since then, Atomy has ex- by Atomy Canada take root. Atomy, however, is displaying steadfast growth even in Canada with nota-
45 locations panded beyond the Korean community, and is still showing a continuous and stable 15 locations ble achievements. Recently, Atomy Canada is strengthening its driving force by pro-
2,276 seminars 412 seminars
growth. The true value of Atomy will shine more and more brightly with time even in moting social media and establishing of a new education center in Toronto.
the birthplace of many global direct selling companies.

Alaska Seattle
Portland Pennsylvania Calgary
Michigan Kelowna
Boston Winnipeg
Regina Moncton
Columbus New York
Sacramento Denver Chicago
Dayton Philadelphia Ottawa Halifax
Kansas Indianapolis New Jersey Montreal
San Francisco Baltimore
San Jose Las Vegas London Toronto
Raleigh Washington D.C.
St. Louis Mississauga
Fayetteville Windsor
Los Angeles Oakville
Phoenix FT. Walton Atlanta North Carolina
Dallas South Carolina
San Diego
Houston Jacksonville Building Bridges to Atomy Taiwan, which took off in 2014, is not only bridging the gap between South-
Killen(TX) Pensacola Orlando(FL)
San Antonio West Palm Beach Southeast Asia and China, east Asian and Chinese markets but also receiving much acknowledgement within
Tampa Taiwan Taipei
Taiwan itself. Atomy Taiwan is now ranked 5th in the industry with 140 million USD
Columbia Taoyuan
Keelung in sales in 2019 and is rushing toward 1st place. Atomy Run, a charity marathon or-
Hawaii Seminars held 基隆
by Atomy Taiwan ganized by Atomy Taiwan, is also growing by the year with the support of Kaohsiung
16 locations Hsinchu Yilan City Government, widely spreading the name of Atomy as a role model in the society.
新竹 宜蘭
701 seminars

Advancement over Adverse Launched in June 2011, Atomy Japan has been proving that Atomy can still succeed Taichung
Market Environment, in Japan where the direct selling market has continuously shrunk since 1997 due to 澎湖

Japan the adverse political, cultural and regulatory circumstances surrounding the industry. Changhua
HemoHIM, Atomy’s main product, has not yet launched in Japan because the JFDA
Seminars held Chiayi
registration process for medicine (HemoHIM is categorized as medicine, not as food, 嘉義 Taitung
by Atomy Japan
30 locations in Japan) is challenging. Its successful delivery will further broaden the horizon of Ato- Tainan
856 seminars my in Japan. Aomori Kaohsiung Pingtung
靑森 高雄 屏東

Yamagata Sendai The Center of Southeast In March 2015, Atomy officially opened its doors in Singapore, the center of the
山形市 仙台
Asian Economy, Southeast Asian Economy, getting Atomy on track in the region. As a multi-cultural
country, Singapore is the economical hub in Southeast Asia that interconnects the
Gumma 10 ASEAN countries. Atomy Singapore will also play a critical role as a hub to unite
群馬 Mito Seminars held
水戶 by Atomy Singapore Atomy global offices in surrounding locations.
Toyama 埼玉 1 location
富山 Tokyo Tsukuba
東京 つくば 180 seminars
Kyoto Nagoya Atsugi
京都 名古屋 厚木 Yokohama
Kobe Yamanashi 橫浜
Okayama 神戸 山梨
Hiroshima 藤沢
Osaka Singapore
Fukuyama 大阪
Fukuoka 福山市
Sasebo 福岡
佐世保 Oita

長崎 Kumamoto Okinawa
熊本 沖縄

Chiang Rai
Stepping Forward to Leader of Southeast Asia's Heart of ASEAN, Phayao Diverse Land of the
Indochina, Economic Growth, Thailand Chiang Mai Phrae Nong Khai Immigrant,
Cambodia Philippines Seminars held
Tak Phetchabun Sakonnakhon Australia
by Atomy Thailand Kampangphet Kalasin
Seminars held Seminars held Nakhonsawan Ubonratchathani Seminars held
by Atomy Cambodia by Atomy Philippines Baguio 38 locations Khon Kaen by Atomy Australia
5 locations 16 locations 394 seminars lopburi Korat 5 locations
Dagupan Sarburi Surin
254 seminars 384 seminars Urdaneta Buriram 45 seminars
Suphanburi Brisbane
Pampanga Bangkok Chongburi
Poipet Siem Reap
Rizal Pattaya Chonburi Perth
Kalayaan Rayong
Battambang Laguna Sydney Auckland

Chumphon Melbourne
Iloilo Ormoc
Cabadbaran Phang Nga In July of 2018, Atomy has crossed the Pacific and landed
Kampong Cham Nakhonsithammarat
Butuan in Australia in the southern hemisphere. The consumers in
Puhket Krabi
Cagayan De Oro
Phnom Penh Bukidnon Trang Hatyai Australia have a vast demand for cost-effective products and
Davao Pattani
Satun Yala exhibits high loyalty towards certain brands of good quality.
Atomy took its first step into the Indochinese peninsula in Established in June 2016, Atomy Philippines is displaying an In August 2017, Atomy Thailand was established in Bang- Considering the fact that among the 23 million population,
January of 2016. In this land of glorious history and cultur- average annual growth rate of 6% and is the fastest growing kok. In Thailand, which ranks 13th among the direct selling approximately 47% were born abroad or one of the parents
al heritage, Atomy’s culture of growing together and win- market in Southeast Asia. With the majority of the popula- markets of the world, Atomy developed its way into the is a foreigner, and that the country is a member of the Com-
win partnership will establish its roots in Cambodia, widely tion speaking English and being ranked 19th in the world's market by hosting diverse seminars, especially for members monwealth of Nations, Australia may lead the way for Atomy’s
spreading throughout the world. direct selling markets, the Philippines will play a critical role who are involved in the Atomy business as a side job, and expansion in Europe. The success of Atomy Australia is also
for Atomy in penetrating neighboring nations and will contin- by releasing health supplements including HemoHIM and advancing Atomy’s prospects in New Zealand which will allow
ue to increase towards the global marketplace. other local products into the market. further growth in the Oceania Market.

The Largest Direct Sales Pioneering the Latin The World’s 4th Populous The Blue Ocean of Direct
Market of Southeast Asia, American Market, Country, Sales,
Malaysia Mexico Indonesia Russia
Seminars held Tijuana Seminars held Seminars held
by Atomy Malaysia by Atomy Indonesia by Atomy Russia
17 locations 9 locations 12 locations
374 seminars 50 seminars 38 seminars

Kedah Kota Bharu Kota Kinabalu
Sandakan Batam St. Petersburgh
Terranganu Lahad Datu Medan Kazan
Guadalajara Moscow
Miri Tawau Ulan ude
Pontianak Novosibirsk
Ipoh Bintulu Merida Rostov-on-Don Nur-Sultan
Kuantan Vladivostok
Sibu Mexico City Astrakhan
Seminars held Makassar
by Atomy Mexico
Veracruz Campeche Krasnodar Makhachkala Almaty
Kaula Lumpur Toluca Semarang
Kuching Puebla Jakarta
10 locations Surabaya
Oaxaca Bandung
Melaka 180 seminars In December 2018, Atomy passed through Siberia and
Johor Bahru Bali
reached Moscow. With the vast territory that reaches far
In November of 2016, Atomy launched in Malaysia, which ranked With a population of over 120 million, Mexico is the second Atomy Indonesia opened its doors in October of 2018. As the out into both Asia and Europe, Russia is said to be the blue
9th in the world direct sales market in 2015, making it the largest most populous country in Latin America and ranks 7th in 4th largest populated country in the world, Indonesia is con- ocean of the direct sales market. The densely populated
market in Southeast Asia. Malaysia is home to diverse individuals the world’s direct sales market. The 7 years of growth and sidered to be a rising direct sales market with over 20 million metropolitan areas and its high dependency on imports ex-
from all over the world, with many being of Malay, Chinese and experience of Atomy in the USA has helped the establish- people making up the middle class. Providing opportunities to ceeding 43% for consumer goods create an opportunity to
Indian descent. With this multi-cultural background, Atomy Malay- ment of Atomy Mexico in January 2017. Atomy Mexico is purchase quality products at affordable prices while earning introduce Atomy to the people of Russia. The growth of the
sia will surely work as the bridge into the Indonesian, Chinese and expected to build the foundation for Atomy’s expansion into additional income, Atomy is receiving much love from the peo- cosmetics market and the expansion of the Korean Wave
Indian markets, taking up a commanding presence in the region. other Latin American countries. ple of Indonesia. are also projected to bring synergy to Atomy Russia.


Benefitting Every World Citizen, the GSGS Strategy

The Global Sourcing Global Sales by selling more products as well as

(GSGS) strategy is Atomy's overseas exporting them, and consumers also
expansion strategy to become a global benefit by purchasing better products
distributor. The strategy is about pro- at lower prices. Once all the Masstige
curing products matching our "Abso- products in the world are riding on Ato-
lute Quality Absolute Price" standard my’s network and are sold worldwide,
from every corner of the globe and Atomy will be able to compete fairly
distributing them worldwide using our and directly with any competitor.
global distribution network. Furthermore, Atomy's GSGS strate-
As more overseas offices are opened, gy will play a pivotal role in the new
the GSGS strategy will help Atomy economic environment. It will inform
secure more markets and suppliers. consumers about products they didn't
The strategy encompasses a plan in know existed and enable them to
which global offices not only sell Kore- experience and purchase them. The
an products, but purchase and export GSGS strategy will help Atomy evolve
locally-manufactured goods, thereby into the world's shopping and business
functioning as a "Comprehensive Dis- platform for all.
tributor." Thus, local markets benefit

GSGS Updates Japan Hip Support Stockings

Released in Korea
Taiwan Aroma Patch
Eye Lutein

Released in Singapore,
Malaysia, Canada, Cambodia  eleased in the USA, Singapore,
Taiwan, Australia
Sandwich Seaweed
Cambodia Kampot Black Pepper
Released in Singapore,
Malaysia, Canada, Australia Released in Korea

Individually Packaged Seaweed Mexico Avocado Oil

Released in Singapore and Malaysia Released in Korea
Released in Singapore Scheduled to be released worldwide
Atomy's Cultures Cultivate a Premier Company With
Upright Management

A Fertile Foundation to Grow a Premier Company:

3 Cultures of Atomy

Key Strategies Toward a All of Atomy's managerial activities are based on two principles.
Century-Long Brand The first is the principle of distribution under the key phrase "Absolute Quality Ab-

1 2 3 solute Price." The other is the principle of business that "Honesty and Goodness
is the Best Strategy."
Observing Principles is a value that can not be neglected, although it is difficult to
keep and some may even say foolish. Adhering to the principles will lead Atomy to
SHARING last over 100 years and become a sustainable company. Atomy's principle-centric
PRINCIPLES TOGETHER culture urges all Atomians to regard principles as an indispensable value.

The Principle of Distribution - Absolute Quality Absolute Price

Atomy's "Absolute Quality Absolute Price" policy demonstrates its resolution to
abide by the principle of distribution - supplying quality products at affordable prices -
to benefit consumers. Our direct selling system connects producers and
consumers with the shortest route, and we try our best to offer the lowest price
for equal quality and the best quality products at an equal price. And by minimizing
the total shopping expenses of consumers before and after purchase, we aim to
become "Atomy You Can Trust and Use," a trustworthy brand.
Atomy’s goal of becoming a Premier Company can be achieved through our three cultures:
Observing Principles, Growing Together and Sharing.
The culture of Observing Principles seeks to benefit every member of our society.
The culture of Growing Together is about the mutual growth of Atomy and its members and partnering companies.
Lastly, the culture of Sharing is about loving and caring for all people around the world.
We are sure that our three cultures will be a fertile foundation for us to last over the next 100 years.

The Principle of Business - Honesty and Goodness is the Best Strategy Consumer Centered Atomy was accredited Consumer Centered Management (CCM) certificate in De-
The BEST business strategy is being honest and good. Atomy always guides our Management (CCM) cember 2019, the first among the network marketing companies.
members to conduct their business according to this principle. For a direct selling certificate CCM certification is a government-issued certificate that was first imposed in
business, it is highly encouraged for its members to practice promotion upon the 2007. It is accredited by the Korea Fair Trade Commission and managed by Korea
principle of honesty and goodness because the company cannot be sustained Consumer Agency. CCM recognizes that a company's activities and management
only by providing Absolute Quality Absolute Price products and services if its performances have all been continuously planned, conducted and improved from
members disregard the rules and go astray. Therefore, in 2012, Atomy members the perspective of consumers.
established an Ethics Committee among themselves to eradicate and terminate Atomy’s humble efforts to implement consumer-centered management with the
adverse practices in the industry and foster an upright and healthy culture among objective of customer's success from the very beginning has paid off. We appreci-
business owners. The committee's efforts include a "No-Betting Rally," "Move- ate the Korean people's acknowledgement of our Absolute Service as well as our
ment to Eliminate Negative Culture," and "Declaration of a Global Code of Ethics." Absolute Quality Absolute Price standard.
Accreditation by Korea Atomy's accreditation is expected to influence the internal purification effort and
Fair Trade Commission
future trajectory of the industry. For example, Korea Special Sales Financial Co-
operative Association has held a conference to showcase Atomy's example to
encourage other direct selling companies to gain trust from the general public.
Management by Korea
Consumer Agency

Atomy's Vision House

for Consumer Centered
Management A Partner in a Balanced
MISSION Life for Customer's Success

VISION Absolute Quality! Absolute Price! Absolute Service!

PHRASE Our Service Forecast is Bright and Sunny As Always!

What is CCM?
Consumer Centered Manage-
ment certification recognizes
VALUES Customers First Zero Complaints Gain Trust that a company's activities and
management performances
have all been continuously
STRATEGIC Build CCM system Enhance VOC system
Establish an upright
TASKS management culture planned, conducted and im-
Expand customer Improve Information proved from the perspective of
Secure values to return
participation policy Delivery system
to society consumers.
Promote a culture of Utilize Customer
Reinforce Information
serving customers Service Index
Security system

2 GROWING Support for a Quality Management Enhancement Support for Mutual Growth

• Support product quality enhancement through consulting
 stablish a communication channel through a collaboration system
• Thorough shipping management through SCM system and joint 1 WEEK 6M

Quality Enhancement Agenda

Clear payments Provide a secure distribution
within one week of delivery path with a network of
• Foster credible suppliers with the improvement of Process 6 million members
Management by third party institutes.
• Cover full expenses for inspections

Making a Good Life for Atomy guarantees a reasonable profit, settles payment within one week of goods
Everyone delivered and supports raw-material procurement for all of our partnering com-
panies*. Furthermore, we finance our partners interest-free in their efforts to Atomy Partnering Company Meeting
lower costs or enhance product quality. If our partnering companies do well,
• Hold annual partnering company meetings
our consumers will be able to purchase better goods at lower prices. Atomy
 hare Atomy's mid-to-long-term vision, purchase & quality Financial support for facility Cash advance for raw
can then earn the trust of consumers and grow even more. When we grow, our policies, code of ethics, and cultures to encourage active enhancement material procurement
partners grow together with us. This culture of Growing Together is how Atomy communication
"makes a good life for everyone." • Award excellent partners

Travel Promotion for Partnering Companies

Gift travel packages for partnering companies of Atomy. In appre-
ciation for efforts to supply Absolute Quality Absolute Price prod-
ucts, representatives of the partnering companies and employees Pursue reasonable supplier One partner per
prices through cost price product policy
of Atomy participate together. monitoring

Examples of Growing McNulty Korea Logifocus

Together McNulty Korea, the No. 1 player in Korea’s coffee bean Logifocus has been in close business cooperation with
market, saw its growth jump since it started dealing with Atomy since its foundation. As Atomy’s business volume
Atomy and was listed in KOSDAQ for the first time as a grew significantly, Logifocus also had to open an over-
coffee company. seas branch in the U.S. and established a research cen-
ter for logistics and IoT.
• Products: Café Arabica Black, Café Arabica
• Listed on KOSDAQ as the first Korean coffee • Third party logistics company (3PL)
company in December 2015
• Started business with Atomy in 2009
• Atomy’s annual deliveries grew 64-fold: 190,000 deliveries in 2009 → 12.15
• Supplies to 10 Atomy global markets

Kolmar BNH Dio-Tech Korea million deliveries in 2019

• No.1 in the number of goods transported in Korean direct selling industry: 1.01
Kolmar BNH, Korea's first research-venture company, Dio-Tech Korea, despite being an excellent toothbrush million per month, 33,000 per day (Atomy Korea)
has been with us from the very beginning. They manu- manufacturer, was struggling to find a sales route. Since
facture Atomy’s signature products, HemoHIM and Ab- it met Atomy, their sales skyrocketed, and it became a
solute CellActive Skincare. small but strong company that supplies worldwide.

• Products: Functional health supplements, Cosmetics and 150 other items • Products: Toothbrush & Interdental Brushes
(including individually sold items)
• Supplies to 12 Atomy overseas markets
• Supplies approximately 100 items to Global Atomy
• Number of toothbrushes sold: 20 million in 2015, 26 million in 2018, 30 million
• Listed in KOSDAQ as the first research-venture company in 2015 in 2019 (Atomy Korea)
• Employment growth: 10 employees at foundation → 282 employees as of • Employment growth: 16 employees → 69 employees as of Dec. 2019
Dec. 2019

Saerom Food Bada Maeul

As a partner of Atomy since 2012, Saerom Food has During 9 years of working with Atomy, Bada Maeul re-
seen a steady rise in sales and has continued investing corded persistent growth in sales and contributed to
in the production lines. They even increased the volume the employment rate of its local society as it hired more
of the ramen cup noodle by 17% without changing the workers due to the increase in production volume. Its
price. factory processes the largest number of mackerel from
Norway for a single facility in Korea, amounting to 120
• Products: Potato Ramen, Potato Ramen Cup, Jajang Ramen, Yanggang
containers annually as of 2019, and it automizes its
Jelly set
• Supplies to 8 Atomy global markets manufacturing process and improves technology step by
Jin-hyun Foods step thanks to its production of a single item.
Jin-hyun Foods, a producer of seaweed products, showed astonishing
growth thanks to Atomy’s stable distribution path and financial support. • Started business with Atomy in
Seaweed has to be bought once a year, so the cash support played a key 2011
• Products: Salted Mackerel
role in their business.
• Total sales growth: $4.5 million in
2011 → $12 million in 2019
• Products: Olive Oil Roasted Seasoned Seaweed, Organic Olive Oil Grilled Laver
• Atomy financed $2.2 million worth of raw materials between 2011 and 2017
• Adjusts prices depending on contingencies
• Supplies to 10 Atomy overseas markets


Sharing, Atomy's Way Atomy's employees, members, and the company itself have hosted many charity
of Communicating with events, believing in the idea that a business is rooted in society and that business
its Society and society genuinely contribute to one another by sharing. Sharing is not only
one of the most important corporate cultures for Atomy, but also a method of giv- Atomy RUN in Korea, Taiwan, and Malaysia
ing back to our society. Atomy has kept its vow to contribute to the environment Atomy RUN is a global social contribution activity of Atomy. It was first held by
with numerous charity events since its foundation. Sharing and social contribution Atomy Taiwan in 2017, and now Atomy Korea and Atomy Malaysia also hold the
are precious missions that we must accomplish, as we are members of our so- event annually.
ciety. Our true goal surpasses simply creating a profit as a business to striving to All that is needed here is a will to run. Thousands of people including Atomy
improve the lives of every person in society. members, employees, and local residents participate in this healthy and easy
sharing opportunity with the number of runners growing each year. Food and run
Donor-Advised Fund for Single Mothers kits are also sold to add to the fundraising. 2019 was the 2nd year of Atomy Run
In June 2019 Atomy donated 10 billion KRW (about 8.7 million in USD) to the Com- Korea and a total of 420,000 USD was raised to be donated again to neighbors in
munity Chest of Korea to support single mothers. This donation is the largest amount need. Atomy Taiwan and Malaysia also donated funds to local schools to promote
ever made by a mid-sized enterprise in Korea. Under the name of "Life Cherishing sports in the local community.
Mom," we plan to create an organized support system to help single mothers be-
come economically independent so they can set goals and follow their dreams.


ATOMY Major Sharing Activities of Global Atomy

We donate regularly to various foundations including the
Red Cross Society and research centers and support the
establishment of schools and hospitals. We also send aid to
overseas regions such as earthquake relief funds to Nepal
Atomy returns back to society the faith and love received by and Ecuador, funds for a Cambodia drinking water purification
participating in sharing activities. We will continue to pursue project, and funds for the children of Southern Sudan.

the happiness of our customers and our communities through

D onation to the Russian Foundation for the
continuous social contribution activities.
Treatment of Children’s Incurable Diseases and
205 other contributions
Relief funds for the earthquake in Hualien County,
Taiwan and 183 other contributions
Donation to repair damage from the Pasay Fire,
Philippines and 98 other contributions
Relief funds for the earthquake in Ecuador and 41
other contributions
Donation for lunches for Ppet Meo Kot Elementary
School in Cambodia and 34 other contributions
2014 Support for meal delivery service by Christian
Hospital for seniors in Ping Dong Province, Taiwan
and 37 other contributions
2013 S
 upport for the Boston Choir in the USA and 16
other contributions
Donation to Cancer Treatment Project by Korea
Atomic Agency and 14 other contributions
Relief funds for the earthquake in East Japan and
9 other contributions
2010 Donation to World Vision Korea and 4 other
2009 Donation to World Disaster Relief Organization
Korea and 3 other contributions
World-Class Dynamic and Flexible Organizational Culture
ATOMY PROFILE 2020 74 75


The No.1 management objective of Atomy is to become a premier company in the global distribution
industry. Hence, all Atomy employees are expected to be premier workers who work in a istinctively
creative way that leads to dynamic organizational cultures.

Free Title System greater the impact. The work we do is not the one that Atomy pursues is impossi-
Atomy does not have a conventional hi- just within our department, but for all the ble to achieve without fluid communica-
erarchy system for its employees. More departments in our company. At Atomy tion. Smooth interactive communication
specifically, even though our employees we work horizontally, not vertically, and weaves the members into one "Super-
have different titles, their seniority or for breadth, not depth. organism." All ideas, knowhow and in-
depth discussions are expected to be
number of years at the company does
not always decide their rank. Instead, Flat Organization freely communicated back and forth in
Atomy does not have a top-down man- the course of the working process, ulti-
employees choose their own job titles as
agement structure. What Atomy aims mately leading to the formation of new
long as they assume the responsibilities
at is a flat organization which defies ideas that circulate back to the organiza-
that correspond to their self-appointed
traditional departments and job titles. tion, creating a virtuous cycle.
Instead of answering to one’s superior,
Chutzpah Mindset the company encourages its employees Hard Worker v. Smart Worker
In Hebrew, chutzpah is used in someone to communicate freely and directly with For Atomy, an excellent employee is not
who has overstepped the boundaries their co-workers and supervisors, cross- someone who gets better at doing re-
of accepted behavior. In Atomy, having ing the borders of the departments. We petitive tasks but who eliminates them
a chutzpah mindset is being bold and don't look up to get approval, we look through creative and innovative thinking.
sideways to work together. In other words, we want smart workers
enough to ask tough questions and not
instead of hard workers. Smart workers
be afraid to tackle the impossible. Atomy
encourages this spirit of audacity and te- Collective Intelligence are proactive, reflective, and think out-
Best Family Friendly
In an ant colony, the ants work to- side the box to look for ways of improve-
nacity in its employees when working on Management Company
gether cooperatively in perfect order ment. Atomy's way of working, “work
solutions to challenges. Accredited on December 13, 2019
for their own survival, much like cells to eliminate work,” should not be mere
talk but become a norm. To achieve this, The Best Family Friendly Man-
Powers Without a Yoke of Burden in an organism. An organization that
a g e m e n t ( B F F M ) re c o g n i z e s
operates with this kind of collaborative Atomy employees must have insight into
Atomy’s idea about powers and respon- where their work comes from, the future companies that set a role model
process which we refer to as a superor-
sibilities is revolutionary. We give our em- direction of their work, and the outcome by implementing policies that
ganism can create a significant synergy
ployees powers needed in carrying out of their work. encourage their employees to bal-
effect. The emerging brainpower from
tasks without holding them liable for the ance their work and family lives,
this superorganism is called collective
consequences. This system is to make such as support for childbirth and
intelligence. Be Your Own Leader
the best of their abilities by eliminating nurturing, flexible working, and
An experienced soldier does not mind-
the anxiety associated with the burden establishment of the family-friendly
of responsibilities. Instead of assessing Amoeba Organization lessly comply with his commander's
corporate culture. The BFFM is
Atomy employees work on a proj- orders. He scans the battlefield himself,
a list of responsibilities, we evaluate em- accredited by the Ministry of Gen-
ect-by-project basis. When there is a understands his allies' moves, and re-
ployee performance. The purpose of this der Equality and Family Affairs.
new project, a task force team (TFT) is sponds to the enemies' actions to find
evaluation is not to differentiate between Atomy has been carrying out fam-
formed to complete the project. And the best way to win. He plays the role of
high and low performing individuals, but ily-friendly policies for employees
upon completion of the project, the TFT a soldier as well as a commander. Atomy
to provide adequate compensation for to lead a happy family life at work
is dissolved and a new one is formed for employees should also think of them-
those employees who go above and be- and home. Atomy employees can
the next project, like an amoeba. The selves as executives and grasp how their
yond. leave work early every Friday to
The Way Atomians Work person who first proposed and started actions impact the company's viability as
spend time with their families. Ad-
a whole. They should pay attention not
The Atomy's way of work is to “work to eliminate work” in terms of mechanical Work through Influence, Not Rank the project will lead the TFT, regardless ditionally, parental leave and flex-
of his or her position or work experience. only to Atomy's developments, but also
repetition. That does not mean we take away jobs from our employees, but rather We think about influence while working time policies are encouraged, a
to the trends of the industry to lead the
encourage them to perform their jobs in a proactive and creative way, thus enhanc- at Atomy. This influence is not about rank staff lounge for female employees
company to survive and advance.
ing the entire working process. No Atomian is to passively settle for the status quo or title, but about the scope and breadth Communication in a Superorganism is available, and employee benefits
by repeatedly performing simple tasks, but rather work smarter. of our work. The wider the range, the Establishing an amoebic organization like are continually being improved.
ATOMY PROFILE 2020 76 77

ATOMY A Decade of Dreams Fulfilled, a Century to Dream Anew

The past 10 years have laid the foundation for Atomy as a global

PARK distribution company to start anew. At Atomy Park, we will work

hard for the next 100 years.

➌ Dream Hall

Completion Overview Levels Lobby, 1st-4th floors Awards

2 Design period ➍ Exclusive Royal Leaders Club
Area : Lot area 26,430 m ➍ Imperial Lounge ➎ Ae-chan Hall
August 2016 - June 2017 Conference Room
Building area 5,200.39 m2 Received the 2019 Architecture Master Received the Korean Institute of
Gross area 9,722.16 m2 Construction period prize (mixed-use architecture) - USA Architect 2019 Award
February 2017 - April 2019

➊ Book Café and Hisbeans A place to relax with a book, a cup

➊ Book Café and Hisbeans ➋ Slide ➋ Swimming pool ➏ Slam Dunk Conference Room
of tea, and good company. Hisbeans brings in fresh specialty coffee
every day and provides employment opportunities for those with
➋ Gym, Swimming Pool, Big Slide, and more An office in a
gym and playable workspaces. Atomy's employees can enjoy
exercise and entertainment while working.
➌ Dream Hall A grand auditorium which accommodates about
1,500 people. Success Academy was held here for the first time in
May 2019.
➍ Members Only Meeting Rooms and Lounge Atomy Park
has “members-only” meeting rooms and VIP lounges on the lobby
level and 4th floor for business meetings.
➎ Ae-chan Hall An in-house restaurant for Atomy members and
➏ Free Workspace and Conference Rooms that Promote
Creativity At Atomy Park, we have a free-seating system. Instead of
 hinking ➏B
 ubble Bubble
working in an assigned space, we are free to sit and work in a differ-
Conference Room Conference Room
ent place every day, which enables open and natural communication.
ATOMY PROFILE 2020 78 79

ATOMY PROFILE 2020 80 81




January 30, 2020 MTV- Biztube "Atomy, a November 8, 2019 SBS- Brunch Talk Talk August 29, 2019 MTN- Company TamTam
Homegrown Company With 40-Fold Growth "Atomy's New Employees Go To Work at "Atomy, A Place To Work and Play, Aims to
in 10 Years" Bakery." Become Global Hub of Distribution"

April 26, 2019 TJB News "Atomy's New May 2018 MTN- The Leader "Atomy Chair- April 2017 SBS CNBC “Blueberries by
Headquarters Opened in Gongju, Hoping to man, Han-Gill Park" Yunsun Lim" "The Driving Force Behind a $1
Become the Next Ada" Billion Enterprise, $1 Billion Revenue Around
the Corner Within 8 Years of Launch, Atomy
April 2020 Fortune Korea August 2019 Forbes Korea Chairman Han-Gill Park"
“The Globally Recognized Power of Atomy” “A New Era of $1 Billion in Sales Within 10 Years of


June 2019 Chosun Ilbo “Atomy Chairman Donates September 2017 Chosun Ilbo "Atomy, Finding Partnerships to Join
April 2019 Fortune Korea October 2017 Weekly Dong-A 10 billion KRW (≒8.7 million USD) to Help Single Together in the World"
“Atomy’s New Headquarters: Workplace or Playspace?!” “Atomy’s 10-Year Promise: What Happened After Selling Good Products
at a Low Price”

April 2017 Chosun Ilbo "$1 Billion Revenue July 2016 Dong-A Ilbo "'Now the World May 2016 Dong-A Ilbo "Atomy Makes Rapid
August 2017 Fortune Korea October 2016 New Dong-A Around the Corner Within 8 Years of is Our Stage,' Targeting the World Market 30~40% Growth Still Keeping Its Promise of
“Creating a Legend of '$1 Billion Revenue’ with Absolute Quality Absolute Price” “Best Quality Products Meet Best Distribution Path For Best Partnership” Launching...Targeting the World With GSGS With Absolute Quality Absolute Price" ‘Absolute Quality and Absolute Price’"

Shopping Curator 4p A curator is a person Liebig's Law of the Minimum 15p Liebig's KOREA | www.atomy.kr SINGAPORE | www.atomy.com/sg THAILAND | www.atomy.com/th
in charge of all aspects of the management of Law of the Minimum is a principle developed in 2148-21, Baekjemunhwa-ro, Gongju-si, 1 Commonwealth Lane #07-16 One 75/32-33, Ocean Tower 2 Building, 20th
a museum or an art gallery. Atomy aims to be- agricultural science stating that growth is dictat- Chungcheongnam-do, 32543 Republic of Commonwealth 149544 SINGAPORE Floor, Soi Sukhumvit 19 (Watthana),
come a shopping curator who can provide con- ed not by the total resources available, but by Korea TEL +65-6659-2278 Sukhumvit Road, Khwaeng Khlong Toei
sumers with relevant information that will ensure the scarcest resource. We borrow this "Law of TEL +82-1544-8580 FAX +65-6659-2998 Nua, Khet Watthana, Bangkok 10110
a more personalized and enjoyable shopping the Minimum" principle in explaining Balance, FAX +82-2-888-4802 E-MAIL sg.atomy@atomy.com.sg THAILAND
experience. Through this service, Atomy will be one of the 3 founding principles of Atomy. Ato- TEL +66-2-024-8924 to 28
entrusted with all aspects of shopping by its my’s growth is determined by its employees, FAX +66-2-024-8929
USA | www.atomy.com/us CAMBODIA | www.atomy.com/kh
customers from assuring quality products at a members, consumers, community and society. If E-MAIL AtomyTH@atomy.kr
33801 1st Way South #301 Federal Way, WA 3rd Floor, P.G.C.T center, Street 274,
low price to great customer service and beyond. these “nutrients” are not balanced properly, Ato-
98003 U.S.A Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Cham Karmon,
my would not be able to foster healthy growth.
TEL +1-253-946-2344 Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA AUSTRALIA | www.atomy.com/au
Pipeline Theory 14p To push more water We are an interdependent superorganism.
FAX +1-253-946-2345 TEL +855-23-922-111 Unit 25, 15 Ricketts Road Mount
through a pipe, we need to either make water
E-MAIL usa@atomy.kr E-MAIL atomy_kh@atomy.kr Waverley VIC 3149 AUSTRALIA
flow faster or increase the diameter of the pipe. The Barrel Theory 15p This theory explains
TEL +61-3-9133-5100
Likewise, to get more work done, we need to ei- the importance of balanced distribution in an
CANADA | www.atomy.com/ca PHILIPPINES | www.atomy.com/ph FAX +61-3-9133-5199
ther work more efficiently or increase investment organization. The capacity of a barrel is limited
#104, 8327 Eastlake Dr, Burnaby, BC, Unit 5007, 12th Floor, A Place Building, Coral E-MAIL info_au@atomy.com
in human resources and facilities. The Atomy by its shortest stave. The total social utility of
way of working primarily depends on the former. Atomy is compared to the water capacity of a V5A4W2 CANADA Way Drive, Mall of Asia Complex, Central
Atomy always tries its best to maximize its work barrel where each stave represents employees, TEL +1-604-559-5063 Business Park 1, Island A, Pasay City, 1300 INDONESIA | www.atomy.com/id
efficiency without unnecessarily increasing the members, consumers, business partners, or the FAX +1-604-559-5471 Metro Manila, PHILIPPINES Gedung 18 Office Park Lt 21 Unit 21F Jl.
investment, which we call the "Principle of a community. The total social utility that Atomy E-MAIL atomycanada@atomy.kr TEL +63-2-8776-8177, TB Simatupang No. 18 Kel. Kebagusan,
Minimum Diameter Pipe." Atomy may be using holds is limited to the shortest of these com- FAX +63-2-8776-8191 Kec. Pasar Minggu, Kota Jakarta Selatan -
a smaller pipe, but, with its faster current, it can ponents. We, therefore, strive to ensure that all JAPAN | www.atomy.com/jp E-MAIL atomyph@atomy.kr 12520 INDONESIA
make the most of its minimum investment. parts of us grow as evenly as possible to maxi- Hamacho park side MIN Bldg. 2-47-3 TEL +62-21-2278-0232
mize our social utility. Nihonbasi Hamacho 2-chome, Chuo-Ku, MALAYSIA | www.atomy.com/my FAX +62-21-2297-8341
The Principle of Multiplication 14p The Tokyo, 103-0007 JAPAN 18th Floor, Menara UMW, Jalan Puncak Off E-MAIL atomy_id@atomy.kr
Principle of Multiplication is a concept to explain Honesty and Goodness is the Best Strategy TEL +81-3-6705-8640 Jalan P Ramlee, Kuala Lumpur, 50250
the rate of growth of an Atomy member’s busi- 16p This philosophy originates from the founder FAX +81-3-6806-8641 MALAYSIA RUSSIA | www.atomy.com/ru
ness. The increase in the number of members and Chairman Han-Gill Park’s personal belief in E-MAIL atomyjp@atomy.kr TEL +60-3-2718-8989 (General) 7th floor, Ulitsa Obrucheva, 23k3,
is not a matter of addition, but of multiplication. life and business. It is fully integrated into the
+60-3-2718-8999 (Customer Service) Moscow, 117630 RUSSIA
Assuming one member recruits one person Atomy management and organizational cultures.
TAIWAN | www.atomy.com/tw FAX +60-3-2718-8988 TEL +7-495-189-7494
each month, there would be two members in
4F.,No. 473, Longde Road, Gushan District, E-MAIL info_my@atomy.kr E-MAIL russia@atomy.kr
a month. After another month, there would be Partnering Companies 64p Atomy's part-
Kaohsiung City, 804 TAIWAN
four. The total number of members would reach nering companies do not just work together
TEL +886-800-586-685 MEXICO www.atomy.com/mx
512 in 9 months, 1,024 in 10 months and 4,096 with Atomy, but join forces as members of one
FAX +886-7-586-8582 St. Niza 77, 8th Floor, Juarez, Cuauhtemoc,
after one year. If one member had to recruit community sharing a common aim. While "co-
E-MAIL twatomy@twatomy.com.tw Mexico City, 06600 MEXICO
alone, it would be almost impossible to have a operative companies" portrays a sense of indi-
line of around 5,000 members in a year. With vidualism, "partnering companies" emphasizes a TEL +52-55-5086-2855
Atomy, you don’t do business alone, but rather sense of solidarity. 01-800-777-8580
partner together with others hand in hand. This E-MAIL atomymx@atomy.kr

principle of multiplication clearly shows how fast www.atomy.com

your business can grow together with the Atomy
For more details, please visit us at
network. the Global Atomy Homepage.

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