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2, APRIL 2002 495

Harmonic Study of the Le Blanc Transformer for

Taiwan Railway’s Electrification System
Sy-Ruen Huang, Member, IEEE, and Bing-Nan Chen

Abstract—The harmonic current of the Le Blanc transformer

of the Taiwan railway system is measured to determine how it re-
duces the power supply capacity to the trolley (nonlinear load). Im-
provements to the harmonic current in point-of-common-coupling
(PCC) after adding the double-tuned filter to the load side, are also
Index Terms—Harmonic current, Le Blanc transformer, railway
electrification system.


A RAILWAY trolley requires much power. The cor-

responding current becomes unbalanced if one of
the three-phase sources is selected for the trolley traction.
The Taiwan railway substation thus employs the Le Blanc
transformer with a specially designed connection as its
main transformer to avoid interfering with the balance of the
three-phase source. This transformer transforms the three-phase
source into a two single-phase source for electric traction. The
Fig. 1. Connection of Le Blanc transformer.
power supply to Taiwan railway’s electric system employs the
transmission system of Taiwan Power Company whose voltage of Taiwan Power Company. The effects of eliminating the
is 69 kV. The three phase Y-connected system is converted into harmonic after installing the filter are compared.
two 26 kV single-phase sources via a Le Blanc transformer to The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II intro-
provide electric traction. The Le Blanc transformer is especially duces the structure of the Le Blanc transformer and the charac-
designed to transform from three phases to two single phases. teristics of the harmonic component. Section III elucidates the
Fig. 1 displays the connection method, for which the primary backgrounds of actual measurement and harmonic control stan-
side is a connection (69 kV), the secondary side is a specially dard. Section IV proposes a design for the double-tuned filter
designed connection (26 kV), and the phase angle difference and describes the effect of improving the harmonic component.
between phase and phase is 90 . Recently, research into Section V concludes this paper.
the Le Blanc transformer has included 1) establishing a Le
Blanc primary side equivalent impedance circuit model [1] for II. LE BLANC TRANSFORMER
three-phase power flow or fault analysis and 2) the influences
on power supply voltage of an unbalanced load voltage due A. Characteristics of the Power Supply of the Le Blanc
to an unbalanced railway electrification system load [2], [3]. Transformer
The work considers whether harmonic disturbance causes the The primary side of the Le Blanc transformer is a connec-
equipment capacity of the feeding Le Blanc transformer to be tion winding, its secondary side uses an unbalanced winding
reduced. structure (phases and have two secondary side windings;
However, the third and fifth harmonic components are max- however, phase has only one winding).
imal since the load side of the feeding The harmonic component of the Le Blanc transformer greatly
Le Blanc transformer, a two single-phase source, supplies the exceeds that of the conventional transformer such that a filter is
power. Consequently, this work installs the double-tuned filter required to eliminate it, due to the specially designed connec-
on the load side to improve the harmonic influence of the
tion of its secondary side. The secondary side output voltage
feeding Le Blanc transformer and thereby eliminate the third
and current show a 90 phase angle difference as depicted in
and fifth harmonic to match the harmonic control standard
Figs. 2 and 3. The turn ratio of Le Blanc transformer winding
must be as follows, to ensure that the secondary side voltage
Manuscript received March 3, 2000; revised October 24, 2001. This work balances the two phases:
was supported by the National Science Council of the Republic of China under
Contract NSC89-2213-E-035-077.
The authors are with the Energy Conversion Laboratory, Department of Elec-
trical Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. (1)
Publisher Item Identifier S 0885-8977(02)02714-0.

0885-8977/02$17.00 © 2002 IEEE


the primary side and that of the secondary side current

can be expressed as (4)


Fig. 3 shows the relationship between each phasor of cur-


B. Characteristics of Harmonic Current on Secondary Side of

Fig. 2. Relationship between voltages in the Le Blanc transformer. Le Blanc Transformer
Fig. 1 illustrates the secondary side of the Le Blanc trans-
former. The current with phase can be considered as
the sum of the fundamental and odd order harmonic frequen-
cies (the even order frequencies of the harmonic are 0), and the
root mean square values of the currents are represented as


where is called the input displacement

angle of the fundamental frequency. By assuming that the
Fig. 3. Relationship between currents in the Le Blanc transformer.
power system is a balanced three-phase source with the rating
load, gives the phase angle shift of the other current for
where is the line voltage ratio of the primary side to that of the
secondary side of the transformer.
1) Voltage Analysis: According to (1), the relationship be-
tween primary side and secondary side voltage is as fol- (6)

Hence, the current in the neutral wire is the vector sum of two
single-phase currents as shown in Fig. 1. Moreover, applying
Kirchhoff’s current law to the current at the node allows us to
establish the following equation:
Fig. 2 shows the relationship between each phase of the (7)
2) Current Analysis: According to Fig. 1, after the am- Substituting (5) and (6) into (7) shows that the fundamental
pere-turn of the secondary side is reflected on the frequency and all odd order harmonic frequencies are vector
primary side, the primary side current is analyzed as sums. Thus, the compound current, ’s fundamental fre-
follows (taking as the reference current): quency, and odd order harmonic frequency are times the
individual phase current value. The phase angle difference is


Equation (3) describes the relationship between each According to the above equation, the harmonic current of
phase current of the primary side and the secondary side. the Le Blanc transformer exceeds that of a conventional trans-
Accordingly, the relationship between the line current of former with the same capacity. The fact that the neutral wire

Fig. 4. Measurement equipment. Fig. 5. Shunt filter on the load side and its equivalent circuit.


Fig. 6. Structure of (a) two single-tuned filter and (b) double-tuned filter.


is connected to the railroad explains why the harmonic current Fig. 7. Simulated frequency–impedance response diagram of the double-tuned
of the railroad is high. Therefore, multiple grounding branches filter.
(Taiwan railway has established eight branches of grounding)
are needed to prevent the harmonic current of railroad from in- tering on the primary side winding connection of the trans-
terfering with the communication circuit. Section II-A eluci- former is thus unsatisfactory. However, while the primary side
dates the two single phase currents and of the secondary of Le Blanc transformer is a connection, the power loads of
side of the transformer phase and cannot be balanced to prevent a
connection from efficiently eliminating three times the fre-
(9) quency harmonic. Moreover, the primary side (injection on PCC
point) harmonic of the Le Blanc transformer cannot function as
( Y, Y ) and ( , YY) using a 30 phase angle shift to elim-
Equations (5), (6), (9), and (10), along with actual measured inate the fifth, seventh, and higher odd harmonic orders (sev-
data may explain why the injection current of harmonic cur- enteenth, nineteenth, twenty-ninth, thirty-first, forty-first, and
rent on the PCC point of every substation is so high. This ex- forty-third). Thus, according to the results presented here, the
tremely high current follows from two facts: 1) the line current harmonic current of the Le Blanc transformer exceeds that of a
of the primary side is the vector sum of the currents of the sec- conventional transformer of equal capacity. The harmonic com-
ondary side and 2) the current at the PCC point equals the line ponents include all odd order harmonics, and the main compo-
current of the primary side. Consequently, the injection of har- nents are the third and fifth harmonics. Hence, this work seeks
monic current at the PCC point is the vector sum of the sec- to design the double-tuned filter for these two harmonics. This
ondary side’s harmonic currents. The effect of the harmonic fil- filter is installed on the secondary side of the Le Blanc trans-


former to eliminate harmonic currents. Finally, the harmonic TABLE IV

component, and the effects of the presence and absence of the TAIWAN RAILWAY SYSTEM’S SUBSTATION
harmonic component are compared.


A. Background of Measurement
The effect of the railway system’s harmonic on the feeding Le
Blanc transformer is mainly attributed to the resonance caused
by the harmonic current of the trolley at the substation. This
resonance increases Le Blanc transformer loss, increases the
temperature and reduces the output capacity, ultimately causing
the transformer to burn off. Hence, this study obtains the har-
monic current at 14 substations. The measurement is taken on
the primary and secondary sides of the Le Blanc transformer
using a current transformer (CT) and a CT probe as shown in
Fig. 4, giving the current signals of the primary and secondary
sides. The primary side current transformer is CT: 150/1 and
the secondary side current transformer is CT: 800/1. The cur-
rent signals are thus obtained and converted to low voltage sig-
nals which are sent to the harmonic meter for measurement.
The harmonic meter is then set to obtain every hour data con-
cerning current, phase angle, every harmonic, frequency, and
power factor. The data is recorded by auto saving. This paper
only elucidates the results of three substations even though mea-
surements were made at 14 substations, since the harmonic cur-
rents of each substation resemble each other. These three substa-
tions are at Hsinchu, Changhua, and Neili Counties in Taiwan.
The standard harmonic sampling interval of the Taiwan Power (about five days per week). Hence, analyzing harmonic data in
system was one hour. Accordingly, around 480 sets (24 h five this study involved the frequency distribution at each level of
days four weeks) of data for each level of harmonic current harmonic current and thus eliminating the maximum harmonic
were recorded by measuring at every substation for one month current (containing a 5% probability) of the weekly measured

data, to leave a 95% cumulative probability for every level of filter reduces the power loss of the fundamental frequency
harmonic current. The analysis demonstrated that the harmonic more effectively than does a single-tuned filter.
current only slightly changed when the trolley was on the uphill
section (for a trolley speed of around 50 km/h), and the distribu- B. Improving Low Order Harmonics
tion of the odd order harmonic current is a normal distribution. Comparing Tables III and IV shows that, before improve-
Accordingly, the expectancy value of the root mean square of ment and after installing the double-tuned filter (the third and
the harmonic current is adopted as the base data for all levels of fifth order), the 69 kV side’s total harmonic current distortion
harmonic current. decreases from 13% to 6.596% at the Changhua substa-
tion (specified as the actual values in Tables III and IV). The sub-
B. Background of Control Standard station harmonic current on the primary side (69 kV) is greatly
The ratio can be calculated from Table I which in- improved. Also, the filter can eliminate most of the harmonic
cludes preliminary information from Taiwan railway substation. current injected into 69 kV power system (referred to as the
Table II gives the corresponding control standard and includes actual values in Table IV) to reach the standard of the Taiwan
reference indices for the temporary power harmonic system, Power Company (as shown in Table II).
as revised by the Taiwan Power Company on June 4, 1993.
This information is based on the given level of load voltage and V. CONCLUSION
the ratio. This study compares the measurements with
The measurements of this work show not only that the har-
Table II to determine whether the control standard is achieved.
monic current value largely declines after installing the double-
A filter is designed to eliminate harmonics and thus meet the
tuned filter, but also that the total harmonic current distortion
standards of the Taiwan Power Company.
after the improvement corresponds to the harmonic control of
the Taiwan Power Company. The results further show that the
double-tuned filter can be applied to the railway system. How-
LE BLANC TRANSFORMER ever, the Le Blanc transformer can increase the maximum load
A. Design of the Double-Tuned Filter [4] current value, after the filter is installed. Restated, the output
As mentioned in Section II, the third and fifth harmonics are rating capacity of the transformer is thus increased.
the primary sources of disturbance to the railway power system.
The single-tuned filter is not used to eliminate the harmonic ACKNOWLEDGMENT
due to spatial limitations and the difficulty of protection. Ac- The authors would like to thank the Taiwan Railway Admin-
cordingly, this work designs the double-tuned filter for the third istration (TRA) for allowing measurements to be taken at their
and fifth harmonics to improve the power supply quality of the properties.
power system. The design procedure follows.
Step 1) Individually design the 174 Hz and 290 Hz single- REFERENCES
tuned filters to avoid resonance at 180 Hz and 300 [1] B. K. Chen and B. S. Guo, “Three phase models of specially connected
Hz, which would cause the burning up of the devices. transformers,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 11, pp. 323–330, Jan.
The filters have , , , and as in Fig. 6(a). 1996.
[2] T. H. Chen, “Criteria to estimate the voltage unbalances due to
Step 2) Determine the equivalent impedances of two single- high-speed railway demands,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 9, pp.
tuned filters and try to approach their resonance fre- 1672–1678, Aug. 1994.
quency. Fig. 5 shows the location of the double- [3] , “Comparison of Scott and Le-Blanc transformers for supplying
unbalanced electric railway demands,” Elect. Power Syst. Res., vol. 28,
tuned filter in the railway system. no. 3, pp. 235–240, Jan. 1994.
Hence, the conversion relationship between the filters shown [4] J. Arrillaga, Power System Harmonics. New York: Wiley, 1985, pp.
in Fig. 6(a) and (b) can be represented as follows:

(11) Sy-Ruen Huang (M’93) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from
Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., and the M.S. and Ph.D. de-
grees in electrical engineering from National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu,
Taiwan, in 1988, 1998, and 1993, respectively.
In 1993, he joined the Faculty of Feng Chia University, where he is currently
The properties of the double-tuned filter devices designed an Associate Professor of electrical engineering. His research interests include
applications of neural networks and time series analysis to electric power
here are, mH, mH, F, systems.
F and those of the double-tuned filter capacitor
bank are 1.8 MVAR, 26 kV, 60 Hz. Fig. 7 shows the simulated
frequency–impedance response diagram for the double-tuned
filter. The primary advantage of the double-tuned filter is that Bing-Nan Chen received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Feng
the series inductance can restrict the impulse voltage generated Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. He is currently pursuing the M.S.
degree in electrical engineering at Feng Chia University.
in the transmission line, such that the filter is suited a high His research interests include harmonic measurement and engineering eco-
voltage system. However, the structure of the double-tuned nomics applied to power systems.

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