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Definisi Drainasi

Ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari

usaha untuk membuang air yang berlebih
dalam suatu kegiatan tertentu
Jenis Drainasi
Drainasi Alamiah
Drainasi Buatan
Drainasi Permukaan
Drainasi Bawah Permukaan Tanah
Single Purpose
Multi Purpose
Jenis Kegiatan
yang dilindungi Sistem Drainasi

Drainasi Perkotaan
Drainasi Daerah Pertanian
Drainasi Lapangan Terbang
Flood Evidence
Probable Cause of
Bad drainage system due to limited canal
capacity and bad performance of hydraulic
Land Subsidence
Change of rainfall – runoff relation, due to
the change of infiltration capacity of
watershed area
Contoh Land Subsidence


Florida Everglades
Kegunaan Drainasi
7 reasons of drainage
Drainage Protects the Resource Base for Food
Drainage Sustains and Increases Yields and Rural
Drainage Protects Irrigation Investment
Drainage Infrastructure Serves Rural and Urban
Residents as well as Industry
Drainage Protects Human Lives and Assets Against
Flooding and High Groundwater Levels
Drainage Services Improve Health Conditions
Drainage and Protection of Water Quality
Choice of a drainage system.

Depence on following factors:

• Topographic Factors.

• Soil-related Factors.

• Water-related Factors.
Surface drainage:

remove water from the soil surface but are

not usually designed to lower the water
table in the soil profile.

have several advantages. low initial costs, carry

large volumes of water, remove surface water
rapidly, and are easy to construct. But do not
solve problems related to soil saturation caused
by a high water table.
Subsurface drainage:

Subsurface Drainage systems

are installed to combat the
problems of water logging and
salinity associated with the
water table.
Soil Permeability
Hydraulic Conductivity – movement of
water through the soil
Determines the suitability of the soil
for a septic tank drain field.
Permeability – Water Transmission

Sandy soils will

have fast water
and low water
Clay soil will
have slow water
and high water
Porosity and Permeability
Porosity is a measure of the open
space within soil or rock
Permeability is a function of the
sizes of particles, pores, and the
way they are arranged.
Pore spaces represent the
reservoir for holding water.
Permeability is how quickly water
will flow through the soil
The straighter and larger the
pores, the faster the
Clays tend to reduce the porosity
and permeability of soil material
due to the small pores.
Generally, surface horizons have a
larger porosity and subsoils have
smaller porosity and reduced
Depth to Water Table

Many landscapes have

soils that are going to
be in contact with the
water table.
Soils will show “Wet
Soil” characteristics
when they develop in
this type of landscape
The depth to the
water table is
independent of soil

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