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yy els} brat feafanstert == geohr vita ts “AFA, 2020 ape - faa... CAD, CRIS we, HIATT, LON rer Feafanner cafasrea, 226 222980, fren, 236.222 wifi. 2.2 92/2029 siperaitta ory Rota: uo an Brn eH tH eT HAS TEAM A TS ATH SB A STS I A AE ES ATS ET fe Frew ets ope eC eT ED RE NAT RLS RT A NTE SA IS HIN 3 L roeitar gr oa ea 0 Fe eT FRETS COM SAE | AOE RE CT SIATTSTER MT STATS eis oes tee eer eee MTT @ RAG we one aDRCH ee ean ATE | oR BE TAT SS one | ok rn aca er eee eR ee ese ce ce Secs aso aes eee AR GoM TT HTS Sane as ea eH MOT wy AAS GeaaNCET see TOC eH OT RAR TEE FHS | sl ays eee orn om race Serene ee arc BU Re core TRA, SOAR FITS BCT ST fh es Bes FE comical | erercreeon iver eae ef rae ABE eI A cur Ta SRT OH Se RAB eH Fer OR pa re eR IS aCe CH ea aca oS wy MET Cal TT TRE FETE | nt ent erpiea Gerace Ceca ae oC aes | SemeeT Re eee eR Bee ET Fa LAAT | ER Sar eat Revere a eas | Nir ware wnt Pte SMT ANTS AEE | AT DeTRMA CE Pog CHR OT LAYS ACM OTH NOH, NSE TT ARDS ore SIC MRT BAS A ATOR TE CHIT UE HT AAT | SH SP ATRL PC SN ATES cH COA wea PR re a CS TH | RTT TH PC RB MHA CR AR ARES CH A CS OT ete eral vp | eg oc rein eres Seas HTH Ea a A TB re PRT RO TFET STPRRATACD (CONT eo ca) fr core a Rs cE 3 RR ess xo WHC | Ree ron aS wa BT eer $0 RE arm aR oe | TH TEI Te aE TEA AAT a Perps Bee tte aa CoM cons ae i crt ard HEA TOA FATS ZH CTE PACSI24 6890. 90 er Rane ret AM NCS ATS ACR aT | SNL SUAS FH STURN IN' FCAT TURN IN’ 27 core ph cas at THER FEAT OT BPS eA AAT 3p | Sante ora opens PS HH BAAS ow 4 OTT 7 He SGA wa HO SA TURN IN’ St fea Aire yous omy ered oR ER FAB wo eC TAT | 92 | Reore ARARSTS Rem ART CATA RT TCA Bea TAC AT AG AG AS CHITA SB BAPE cate ea A SURE RCRA STC HC TS MR LR CTH we A BABA RS eC wats eer et | | eae ea rea a wh ee ne Fa MONT ae ee A AT PCH TT CS met Ue Ores FRC TES SEO ee TT set Fat Te | | Beer were en epee, ca Pre a ata ae ara CnC aM CTA | RTO CRA OTR fie | a Rarer oe CAC eT Be at nm ones Gere NG AH rT TATA Rolls 2354 2 Pages® Answer fo the Suestion No: ® bass Civil Service aet ac1g® is Mot apglietie m a @ertain govercirment officiolc. These of fVerols anes * Cons titut{ enol post ge sudicial Service x Defense Service ot pul te University gparlioment eenedaiak ¥ Supream @ount # Election Commi Sion ae fudomomous gore rement ergonizad on K Lo Col 4 renament organinaction EP reopen ese are -the Seelre mere fol; 93542 __ biges 2 ® Civil genvier hel O\Z" f5 not opplieable Now f diceuses the -teeencen shy “ev] Sewnvice aeb oetg” 15 net oppientle— tn thed of fie! als. Binet amd the. qnnin), “Reases valy Glei| Senviee Act g01%, 13 not applioable in these offielals 15 these offisits on another four om See-lore lave ootividy ond TeSRM= on oct fore their SiUidy. Through this set their respons esponsillit 15 ond others Seetors ame preoperdy defined. Lor tha reason, re Senviee fed, 2016 Is no} . plc -b lhe ™-: | Secondly, Lyme officials tie. Sexpream eo Blcten Floctn Commission, sudvejal Service ok 7 age ii - are. Constitulioncdd vada pen dont engine of the qevernment, Lo, Govern connot+ — erntred this Seectore Peovgh New. aet bee nuse these — geelores aelvity, d wut ‘they are operate im owl eoneslrotem. Vinvelade hem ” lope Te aflovr) on 1S elearely curd ten) 40, 4 veTMMe wt eonmot el Serevier det, DolB of fratols bok he Thiredly, flere ott He | service late Are -exelude rom) Crt have a ditherents rele ond ees ponsabty i208 others. Foi exomple, defense. Secten wsorkes — Yahele day. their fineey ter tw T<5psD int ity 6 rof motel, with the fumed 1 oN and sy sur) ef Minis} . de, al/ de poreton-en} Bonn ot pperente through “a Lau”. lene need | ye ments law + percde differents Rolly 93542 Pages 4 Sector and deqortment, Mis the, thited and dye Krol Causes [Re commendation by BPSe eannot goranttee — -fhe Gon Remoclion of Genviee_ because BPS 15 the genial weeruthry ageney 6 f Bomalader , Hey eonnot rived) on the amr tsetryy of Con-frem Lhe server: Senviee Conf autlerity are. Potic Adnioi s-trotion. 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" (5) ‘poss Avane te deparel mente) . ot . exami maton ond Pets fle exam ae & eww Senvent eomplerte Ahis Condition are Fallsill these eendition, Ken his bervie@ 1S confirm « But before A\is qe ces ond ater the steeomandediony of RPSC, Thene 15 also Same dleps to yours ta tbe Services “These Sleps ares BY 1) Medies| det 2) Dlee Verer(ie of sory 3) Hpperetmere} Ie kia WW Mop > maiety af pe Rill. 93.549 a Pages & Aplre the -ree eomondoelleny of BP se, mapA Thrcongh a DEUS - Condue-} a medicol Jes4- ire clo Grenercal of health serviee | iS camprlenee of the cond (dovle: Mental and physiol sjested Hrroughs KW « Slaps: fo prove hice comm ande d Hilness are Ute sped eee ® Jealion this Those unle pass an Mane kep Jhescegh — qalice verti Complete by stele ravai see) and he leak 6B RCO “Treo h This Spe Minr'sclecy of parle hminiseleation, veninty lens document oO | bere, ol Hhe addreees and Leong} carn ee eo rca ond elarcoctert of weeeommoan ted — Goan ki docles - is ey d abso ven) atlee Nee Aa erect mec fun Vis steps, posed candidele of se appointment latter from MOP fh. So, ure Say, qte eearmman dation Sy BPse connef geacan~ He. the @onrfremod on af Sanviee. Roll: 93542 Pages % Prsuen ty He Sheclon No. (§)_ Corwen} Poy Seale ts enough fo -maavn a Stondand Kelrg of Vite ef a awl Se vent, 4 ary ab sol udelyy OG Te, with the Stole ewt, $n ney opinion , JS think R eivid Senvent act a \ot of pospmerr Heck = he ould qt: 4 dso Ahlank, lakes qo Seale means Qoy Seale, Qolf ae designe do for be penitt lof Abe government Auk aes on ‘Ne bend of the government Sn this pay seale, govern tment imenede lartownd Dor Payment whrel SQ Leos x Hee abt sanvien qa Gil — genviee Pay should be revised lend imercese it is true but Prenease_ Rell 2 03549 Pagers @ Fe Dov. Poy mem} at 4 Sta, 4 one good in my opinion. Groverymen+ - ene ase We pay of Civil Senvent beeause wie self imtenest. “Te get moe poayment-, esi Senvent one Support ond worles fort c government whieh jmenease Letre but rb is athically sige - Jeaque hen err ease He paymenp Seavew| So blak the evil Serevev) Support whem oma Wy erg the Sapper Fizom eivil senvent, this go vernm ent @nY) lald athe Slack. PoueyT Wqally. Bonaladerh police, Eade Borcden quend ae {be bes enample of rt. For -exomple, Some days ago, f Gee im a national cilres Rol] s 93592 — Page 3 gS thet Some governmen} ofReals called - a pre caasion omd press meet! an belwlf of the politien) -pareslies Atak ane euntanhy leld the Glale power. 4) ts absoluckly ' have, tIlgect- Tu Ne government offetals bo Von elude im lhe polities: Bec this, Avvercoge vonety imeomne, and tha. menthy ayuil Senvent one differen ee: ei Servent aymew? on the basic , Imeome of ob of owt eoumter men me of 4 Mery long qet deo muel ? ot — avanage marth) a ountry people tlaks ereade diseryminnhn lor IM he society. | So, 9 verenme x} geould deenease the Paya ent of the elvil sanverrt ond Hthe “money —thak are saved fre) Fall s 93549 — Pager @4p this Seede 4 —= 7 e should be used -b enecdy mote yobs and ‘mome sean glayrmenet: helps the country econom: @ daveopreest doy pele yn. -the greolke b unemployme ref ree bles In OtArt eounty. No ws every people owls gwvencnment onl mitted ben fils of if. cqebs for Je goverment} reducer Abe bent oS gevern men ¢ of Cervieg oad used mene m econoM\ie Seerbn, Dex ple works | mone penpl. pes b works, Eotablist deste pnd bees me elf fdic pendent and greet cence preniowt: “Tle don -tey +o ak a govern f Job tw Wale day tng Difleren ces belw 20x) © Grerodled and G) Cade omd Rolls 93542 ‘Page s 44 Answer to dle Questia Ne. (2) (4) non- qpaced NN - Cadre_ Gerscted anc _nonm genetic Carvothed Non- oO Published name im tle @ goverrmen| © Dem publication namne_ Gavotte net Reoton pP eens oficend @ Dow] ee anny gqarottad. of pablished MaMe ie governnsy nofReotion edtled qorodde not fection get an] governnak on a have pow et -> oclast held a government aye OMY docu stamp to atlns} rough Ubaiy ens ty = Rolls 93542 Pages 19 Raroth d a document that rmolude tals [here mame and gaatte Dumber. (2) Grorotle officers transfer , promotion, punishment are published through government motifte Cocf'ovn and ate laut ond ondarts fhe se atce_ fle offiesals. uel] defined. tbaough Non- garad-d @ Aeaeher oma the bom oFfen 15 Rene gerecttad bok Hay beve authenity de ats (5) New quractad officials posting ; Prometion , nanefer_ ate one nop Qubli shed im Ne qo - ment — motinfreatlen ond met well de-fimed- (3 Neon- qerod-bed get Jowo re benifits than qorattd though betty ts eivi) Server} mayo di Pferenen of garoteled ond —rof garod-led Kell: D3542_ 13 is Cadre 2) dres @onsidre dre + pact of > + les. govermuk. government melifesh o edlled gee gratie Page: Cadre Non-~ adie e_ @) Reercrutted by © Tougla -reeeren hed RPSe and imdude by Bese buk heitc name im the mame ond post oy are not Vvelude im Ae gre men not Keaton eolled garodtte to lene was Os ot gator aod ree + 2) Hon- Cadre s Consi hn Ll ss barcanerales (5) ‘Non - Codne ho Id & noremot Pesictieny till me debacle Sticueture. Cadre 8) Cadnere bold dhuted disdimedive position widh well defirile fineton 6 Cad cos have oun hore 1 Peto and Ale ak Wiewareley yer @ Cd ee ean move one de pore ruck do omatlen. Roll: 93542. Page: 1G Nen- Cad-tee_ () Hon- Cadre have not om smo ily (E) Non- adres Server Axpandast ha pacticn) on and theta alked Block pest like Sah ree gt str Rll: 93542 __ Page s_1S” wer ts dhe Suection Mos a f) ‘Depard mente! TFeatniona, cbould be arp lu ds depared mantel maim gy telled | | Feeny efi) Genvent | | | et ' Mec 74) Teundetion Fealengy @ounse . Masi | Complete im provediownay pamied & | years. Departmental eourse are taken | by spate piam, nappy AEM. ‘Differenls method ane used tke, Lecter fLelensien , Lecture, Reading assignments [Library uretk | Case Shady | Slady lun fener |) Group Mseassion ele. Bangladesh poble Adminiscleetian ~heat tag, andre} fle departmental frotrg. e@encter are Rolls 93542 _ Page sic Dep arct mento sexom'mocl! oy 3 After comple iny prevocloworny penind and ake -fundoctlony Araleoting of He deparet mented every atl ane clauld ait Man le deparcfmedtod ~CKoW"). Ve \ here Seni 8 - lo Confirm orm pass ™ bla excel taithow afrensm date departmental _axorrn vot Sev ee AS confi rm C ian, NO Ovi | Serve wt and no e(ul Serv OO got peomehen | tte don first Lio “pean prevationany fpended , Cui ( genvertt learn lta Sisleny, Wonks of Lost attach sde-paret ma and vererfy His $Lalls thot what Hey dave leann, deparct}mantod examimadtoy) are Imaturce_ Rolls 93542. 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