Level of Satisfaction in Online Learning Experienced by Civil Engineering Students of Father Saturnino Urios University, A.Y. 2020-2021

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NAMES Talal Sultan DATE OF SUBMISSION: February 19, 2021

Marjon Timtim
Christian Jones Tiu
Hannah Bianca Trillo
Jay Yurong
Angelo Carlo Yutiamco

Research Topic or Title :

Level of Satisfaction in Online Learning Experienced by Civil Engineering Students of

Father Saturnino Urios University, A.Y. 2020-2021

Discuss the Rationale behind, the Gap/s that your research aims to fill, and the context of the


For more than a century, face to face (F2F) class is the well-known and widely used mode of
learning. Meanwhile, with the current threat brought by COVID19, F2F classes were strictly prohibited
especially in the Philippines. With that being said, schools both in public and private under the advisory
of DepEd and CHED initiated a new mode of learning -- the online class. By which, students can still learn
and avail quality education at the comfort of their home.

However, Helms, J.L (2014) stated that online students had significantly lower grade point
averages missed significantly more likely to fail the course of F2F class. These and other results are
discussed through which to view student performance in online courses. Another study has shown that
there were students who got positive outcomes during online class and some others experienced the
other way. It has something to do on the online learning attitude and readiness of the students.
Obviously, online classes caused diverse impacts to students -- let it be positive or negative.


Relatively, less research has been done directly in finding the level of satisfaction that focuses on
Civil Engineering (CE) student’s experienced during online class. Paez & Rubio (2020), stated that the
field of engineering is a practical profession. This means that most of the CE students are prone to field
laboratories such as surveying, site visiting etc.

According to the Top Hat survey (2020), students still overwhelmingly say that they prefer in-
person to online learning. With 68 percent believing they are not learning as effectively as they would
have had they been in person and roughly three-quarters of respondents say their online courses lack an
engaging experience during class sessions and direct interaction with peers and professors.

Students were also more likely to disagree than to agree that the online learning experience was
engaging in the classroom and (particularly) outside it, and slightly more likely to disagree (53 percent)
than agree (46 percent) that they were "able to stay motivated and engaged with my education and
coursework outside of class time."

Furthermore, little research has looked at the relationship between the profile of the respondents
and their level of satisfaction in online learning. This gap in particular provided the motivation for the
researchers to find how civil engineering students in FSUU were satisfied with this new mode of learning.


More so, this thesis reports the findings of a thorough study to determine the level of satisfaction
encountered by Civil Engineering students particularly in FSUU, Butuan. And fortunately, out of the
results of the study, recommend some constructive ideas and suggestions for better learning in the
context of online class. Additionally, this study aims to help both of the instructors and the CE students in
the FSUU academe in the objective of attaining quality education through online learning. This study will
also be a tool for future researchers.

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