CH 21 No.4-6

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4. I consume all my income at every level of income. Draw my consumption and saving functions. What
are my MPC and MPS?

When consumption is expended on every income,it means that the valie of consumption will always ne
equal to income so that Y=C and S=0.This also shows a break even income the curve of consumption and


45 C

The curve shows that the slope of consumption (MPC) is 1 (Y=C),while the slope of saving (MPS) is 0

5. Estimate your income, consumption, and saving for last year. If you dissaved (consumed more than
your income), how did you fi nance your dissaving? Estimate the composition of your consumption in
terms of each of the major categories listed in Table 21-1.

Category of consumption Value of consumption Percent of total

Durable goods 3.500.000 25.9%
Motor vehicles and parts 2.000.000
Furniture and household equipment 500.000
Other 1.000.000
Nondurable goods 4.500.000 33.3%
Food 3.000.000
Clothing and shoes 1.000.000
Energy goods 500.000
Other -
Services 5.500.000 40.7%
Housing 1.000.000
Household operation 500.000
Transportation 1.000.000
Medical care 1.000.000
Recreation 2.000.000
Other -
Total personal consumption expenditures 13.500.000 100.0%
6. “Along the consumption function, income changes more than consumption.” What does this imply for
the MPC and MPS?

Fungsi Konsumsi merupakan suatu kurva yang menggambarkan sifat hubungan di antara tingkat
konsumsi rumah tangga dalam perekonomian dengan pendapatan nasional (atau pendapatan disposabel)
perekonomian tersebut. Berdasarkan tabel I digambarkan pendapatan disposebel dalam kolom 1 selalu
bertambah sebanyak Rp 100 ribu, sedangkan konsumsi bertambah sebanyak 75. Titik impas dari
pendapatan yang dikonsumsi adalah ketika seluruh pendapatan yang diperoleh digunakan untuk
konsumsi. Pada data diatas titik impas terjadi pada tingkat pendapatan 500. Dibawah titik 500, konsumsi
lebih besar dari pada pendapatan dimana Y = 0, konsumsi sebesar 125. Angka 125 ini merupakan C0 atau
Autonomous Consumption dimana seseorang atau secara agregat suatu perekonomian perlu mendapat
subsidi atau hutang atau bantuan atau mengambil tabungan dimasa lalu sebesar 125 untuk
mempertahankan hidup atau eksistensinya.

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