Physical Education: Quarter 1, Wk. 4-5 - Module 2

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Physical Education
Quarter 1, Wk. 4-5 - Module 2
First Aid

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

What This Module is About
Keeping the school healthy and safe allows every one of us to anticipate being in an
empowering environment that advances social and inventive learning. At the point when the
essential security needs are not met, one might feel in danger for not feeling great at school
and may quit from it, or may stay nervous for the day. Promoting the school’s safety makes
an open space for everyone to explore, expose, educate, and develop as an individual.

At the point when an emergency strikes, anyone does not have enough time to begin
inquiring about how to react. For our security and the well-being of our loved ones, it's a smart
way to find out about emergency protocol and first aid strategies. By learning ahead of time,
we can guarantee that you can react quickly and suitably if there's ever an emergency.

This is the very reason why this module is designed to help the learner to know the
basic concepts of first aid. Attending to any emergencies is somehow crucial however if an
individual is well-equipped with knowledge and skills in first aid then most probably lives can
be saved from life-threatening situations.

What I Need to Know

Learning Competency: Performs appropriate first aid for injuries and emergency
situations in physical activity and sports settings (e.g. cramps,
sprain, heat exhaustion)

Learning Objectives: At the end of this module, the learner is expected to:

 identify common injuries that may happen during sports tournament;

 simulate the application of first aid techniques;

What I Know

Hi, there dear learner! Before we go to the lesson proper of this module, let us
try to check whether you are still familiar with the words used in First Aid. So, below
are some common terms used in First Aid. Fill in the missing letters to completely form
a word for each item.

1. W _ u _ d - it is a skin cut or broken, typically open or closed.

2. _ r _ c t _ r _ - it is a medical term for a broken bone.

3. S h _ c _ - it is a condition where in the body is not getting enough

blood flow which can be life-threatening.

4. B_ _ n - it refers to an injury that gives a feeling of discomfort

caused by exposure to heat, flame, chemical agents,
radiation, or electricity.

5. P _ i _ - it refers to a physical suffering or discomfort caused by

illness or injury.

6. _ h o k _ - it is the inability to breathe because the trachea is

blocked, constricted, or obstructed.

7. I n _ u _ y - it refers to harm or damage to the body due to accidents,

falls, hits or weapons.

8. P u _ s _ - it refers to a tactile arterial palpitation of the heartbeat.

9. _ a i n _ - it refers to a condition wherein a person loses its

consciousness for a short period of time.

10. _ u t s - it is a wound caused by a tear or a deep cut in the flesh

or skin.

2 First Aid

What I Need to Know

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. identify the common injuries that may happen during a sports officiating activity;
2. simulate the application of first aid techniques to specific injuries that may occur
in a sports officiating activity;

What’s New

Basic Concepts of First Aid

If an emergency occurs in the school environment, in your respective home or open

space, being a vulnerable observer to any emergency scenario can worsen the circumstance.
This is the very reason and a significant thing that people should have at any rate a piece of
essential information on first aid.

In its most essential structure, First Aid is the most basic form of help given to a victim
of injury or sickness. Fundamental first aid knowledge is comprised of comparatively simple
methods and techniques that can be performed with limited equipment and is ordinarily
completed until proficient medical help shows up.

What Is It

Importance of First Aid

Having somebody prepared in medical aid can carry prompt help to the victim. A
trained individual is considered dependable, certain and in charge of themselves when an
emergency emerges. Well-prepared individuals are bound to make a quick move in any given

In certain circumstances, if a patient doesn't get the essential emergency treatment

their condition will deteriorate – often quickly. By having the option to give fundamental care,
you can balance out a patient until proper medical help arrives.

However, a few injuries do not need proficient help. They can be treated with basic
procedures. Applying an ice pack and so forth to an injured ankle is a mere example. People

with basic knowledge and skills in first aid enable to influence the victim to feel much improved
and lessen pain by performing the direct procedure.

Teenagers take part in secondary school sports. An injury can be a critical frustration
not only to the individual but to the family as well. The attempt to play can lead to choices that
may place further injury with long-term impacts. School sports injuries can cause issues that
require medical procedure as a grown-up and may affect his motor-skill performance.

Below are some of the common injury that is usually encountered by a player or an
athlete and its corresponding first aid treatment.
Injury First Aid

Sprain - it is caused by torn fibers in a ligament.  Loosen footwear and immobilize the
Swelling and bruising are some signs and ankle.
 Apply the Rest, Ice, Compression
and Elevation (RICE) Principle.

 The victim’s physician may

recommend an over the counter
anti-inflammatory medication
(aspirin, ibuprofen) appropriate for
the victim’s general health.

Source: https://www.urbanev ent-ankle-sprains

Strain - it is a twist, pull or tear of a muscle or  Apply the Rest, Ice, Compression
tendon - a cord of tissue connecting muscle to and Elevation (RICE) principle.
bone. Symptoms of a strain include pain, muscle
spasm and loss of strength  Do not apply heat during the first two

 Use paracetamol for the first day of

injury to reduce pain without
increasing bleeding.
 Apply arnica oil to reduce swelling.

 After 48 hours, start moving the

affected limb gently.

 Gradually increase the range of

movement - let the pain be your


Fracture - it is a break in the bone that can occur  Immobilize the affected area.
from either a quick, one-time injury to the bone
(acute fracture) or from repeated stress to the  Keep the limb in the position you
bone over time (stress fracture). found it and place soft padding
around the broken bones. Splint the
Simple or Compound or Open injury with something rigid such as
Close Fracture Fracture rolled-up newspaper or magazines
to prevent the bones from shifting.
 If there is an open injury, cover it
with a clean gauze pad. Apply
pressure to control bleeding.

 Get medical attention immediately.

Fractures of the femur and pelvis
may cause severe internal bleeding.

 Don’t give the person anything to eat

or drink in case surgery is needed.

Source: racture-of -bone

Muscle cramps - it is a strong, painful contraction  Stretch the cramped muscle and
or tightening of a muscle that comes on suddenly gently rub it to help it relax. For a calf
and lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. cramp, put your weight on your
cramped leg and bend your knee

 Try pulling the top of your foot on the

affected side toward your head while
your leg remains in a straightened
position. This will also help ease a
back thigh (hamstring) cramp. For a
front thigh (quadriceps) cramp, use a
chair to steady yourself and try
pulling your foot on the affected side
up toward your buttock.

 Use a warm towel or heating pad on

tense or tight muscles.

 Give conscious victim water or

drinks with electrolytes and
carbohydrates as much as he/she
Source: https://www.f airv

Heat Exhaustion - it is a response to heat  Have the victim lie down with his/her
characterized by fatigue, weakness and collapse feet elevated in a cool place.
due to inadequate intake of water to compensate
 Keep the victim cool.
for loss of fluids during sweating.
 Remove excessive clothing and
loosen tight clothing at the neck and


 Give the victim electrolyte

beverages to sip or make a salted
drink if the victim is conscious.
 Monitor the victim for signs of shock.

 If the victim starts having seizures,

protect him/her from injury and give
first aid for convulsions.

 If the victim loses consciousness,

give first aid for unconsciousness


What’s More

Hi there, learner! This time we will test your knowledge about first aid. We are eager to
know if you have comprehended the discussions above. Remember to analyze each item
before writing your answer.

Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully and write the letter of your choice on the space
provided before each number.

1. Before responding to a first aid scenario, what is the first question you
should ask at the scene?
a. age of the injured or ill person c. nature of the injury
b. safety of the scene d. time of the injury
2. Your younger sibling has fallen and twisted his ankle, what is the key action you
can take to help?
a. Apply something cold to the injury
b. Alternate applying something hot and cold to the injury
c. Apply something hot to the injury
d. Apply an ointment to relieve pain
3. What are the signs to look for if you think someone has a strain or a
a. bruises b. pain c. swelling d. all of these
4. You’re helping someone who has a strain or a sprain, where should you place the
ice pack or bag of frozen ice?
a. Unwrapped and close to but not touching the injury
b. Wrapped in material and close to but not touching the injury
c. Wrapped in material and directly to the injury
d. Unwrapped and directly on the injury
5. Your friend has a strain or sprain and you apply something cold to the injury. How
does this help?
a. It will reduce swelling and pain c. It will calm the person down
b. It will help to keep the joint still d. It will reduce the risk of scarring
6. Which type of injury results from extreme stresses on a bone?
a. muscle strain b. ligament sprain c. dislocation d. fracture
7. What tissue connects bone to bone?
a. ligament b. tendon c. cartilage d. muscle
8. What is an open fracture?
a. It is a break with two or more fractures of the same bone
b. It is a break of a bone joint
c. One in which the two sides of the break do not touch each other
d. One in which the sharp edges of the bone cut through the skin
9. Which BEST describes a condition whose symptoms may include heavy
sweating and a rapid pulse, a result of your body overheating?
a. Heat Exhaustion b. Heat Stroke c. Heat Index d. Heat Cramps
10. If someone is suffering from a Heat exhaustion, what should we do?
a. Immediately call emergency hotline
b. Remove them from the sun into a shaded area
c. Give them water
d. Put water on their body to cool them down

What Is It

Did you know that accidents, for example, slip or trip, may appear to be a minor piece
of the everyday buzzing about school life, yet they are susceptible to causing more serious
injuries and more awful?

Seeing first aid directly, should someone from the staff, a learner, or a guest, it will take
a normal of eight minutes for a rescue vehicle to show up on the scene following an emergency
call. By having somebody close by who has the proper skills and feels sufficiently sure to utilize
them, emergency first aid can be executed quickly that may help to save someone’s precious
Teachers and learners with great information on first aid are probably going to be
progressively active and dynamic. They ensure they are not powerless against any
emergencies. Emergency treatment advances the feeling of well-being. It makes them fit for
overseeing occurrences and evaluating victims. The more they know about the condition,
sickness, and medications, the more they become sensible.

What’s More

True or False. Read each statement below carefully. Write the word FIRST on the space if
you think the statement implies True or correct. On the other hand, write the word AID if you
think it implies a False statement.

1. If you have a sprain, it means you have an injured ligament.

2. Wearing shoes that fit properly is one way to prevent a sprain or strain.
3. Sprains and strains are treated following the same steps.
4. If you suspect of a closed fracture you MUST rub the injured area immediately.
5. Some signs of Heat Exhaustion usually are vomiting, nausea, excessive
sweating, rapid pulse, and dizziness.
6. When a person is experiencing a Heat Exhaustion, they may stop sweating
due to the body's sweating mechanism shutting down.
7. When someone has a strain or a sprain, can you relieve the pain by walking it
off for 10 minutes.
8. First aid is not full and complete treatment.
9. Never move an injured victim unless the victim is in a dangerous area.
10. Is stopping the bleeding is the first thing done for an open fracture?
11. Leg cramps often happen at night and can last for several painful minutes.
12. Muscle cramps are linked to insufficient potassium, calcium and magnesium.
13. The victim's pulse rate in heat exhaustion will be fast and weak, and breathing
will be fast and shallow.
14. Osteoporosis can result in fractures.
15. Those most prone to heat exhaustion are people with low blood pressure.
16. A swelling is usually present in cases of fractures.
17. You should see your health care provider for a sprain if you can't move or put
weight on the injured joint.
18. RICE is the memory aid for Rest, Ice, Comfortable position and
Examination for the treatment of sprains.
19. To soothe a sprain, strain or fracture, apply heat to the affected area.
20. A fracture may happen when a bone is hit with more force than it can bear.

What’s New

Hello learner! It is important to know that accidents may occur particularly during
sports. While it might be possible to limit the number and severity of the injury with the
counteraction method, one wrong move or an accident on the field can result in an unexpected
and painful physical injury.
At the point when this occurs, you should be set up to act quickly. In a real setting, you
should access an all-around loaded first aid pack or have medical assistance from a nearby
Sports wounds are normally brought about by abuse, direct effect, or the utilization of
force than the body part can withstand. There are two types of sports injuries, these are acute
and chronic.

What I Have Learned

To test if you have really understood the lesson presented about first aid, answer the
following questions below honestly.

1. Injuries may happen in any given time and place. Identify at least three (3) factors that may
cause injuries. Explain each factor.


B. _


2. How important is knowledge and skills in applying appropriate first aid techniques to an
injured athlete or an officiating official?

What I Can Do

For Online Learners

Simulation Video. Assuming that you are an officiating official of a certain sports tournament,
in your respective homes, make a video presentation showing the correct procedure of
demonstrating first aid of the following injuries:
1. Ankle Sprain
2. Leg Strain
3. Arm Fracture
4. Leg Muscle Cramps
5. Heat Exhaustion

You may only choose one injury and you can ask help from any of the family members to
assist you in your task.

First Aid Demonstration Rubric
Needs Average Very Good Advanced
Improvement Steps taken and Most of the time Easily Identifies
Shows no attempted to aid was able to identify and Executes
knowledge recall and perform task treatment

1 pt 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts

Safety Needs Average Very Good Advanced
Practices safety Remembered 50% Reacted to safety Took preventative
procedures prior to Either forgot the of safety rules and issues immediately measures prior,
commencing majority of safety checked when needed instructed others,
treatment rules or surroundings upon was able to do all
remembered after initial discovery of this before treating
treating the victim victim the victim
Identifying the Needs Average Very Good Advanced
Situation Improvement
Takes in Explored possible Identified with Described
surroundings and Has attempted to scenarios that the surroundings what accurately what the
makes possible identify the victim is in, took too the scenario the scenario was for
conclusions of what scenario the victim much time victim is in, in a the victim drawing
has transpired is in timely manner quickly on any
Performance Needs Average Very Good Advanced
Participates in a Showed 50% Showed 75% Identified each
purposeful manner, Showed some of proper technique proper technique, problem and was
consistent in the proper but did not draw victims’ problem(s) able to show 90%+
treatment to victim technique, many correct conclusions were well identified technique
steps were missed as to injury competently by
Language Needs Average Very Good Advanced
Is comfortable to Satisfactorily was Did well in wording Easily
use medical first Used very little first able to the problem communicated in a
aid responder responder communicate to a identified and medical lingo at all
terms vocabulary fellow rescuer, in solutions were times
first aid lingo clear with
appropriate key

For Non-online Learners

Situation Analysis. Below are some emergencies that usually happen in a sports league or
game. As a sport officiating official, it is your responsibility to attend those who suffer injury.
Find the best way to alleviate the suffering of a victim by enumerating the procedures of each
situation by indicating the numbers (1,2,3, etc.).
1. You were asked by your MAPEH teacher to officiate the basketball game in one
session of your P.E. class. During the middle of the game, Kenny, your classmate
suffers sprain in his right ankle. Following the RICE principle, what’s the best remedy
to attend a victim who experiences ankle sprain?

To reduce swelling, elevate his ankle above the level of the heart. Gravity helps
reduce swelling by draining excess fluid.
Use an ice pack or ice slush bath immediately for 15 to 20 minutes and repeat
every two to three hours.
Avoid movements that cause pain, swelling or discomfort.
To help stop swelling, compress the ankle with an elastic bandage until the
swelling stops. Don't hinder circulation by wrapping too tightly. Begin
wrapping at the end farthest from your heart.
2. After an explosive attack in a Volleyball game, Rosie suffers a muscle cramp just
when she is about to land on the floor. What is the quickest way to respond to a
muscle cramp?

Use a warm towel or heating pad on her tense or tight muscle.

Try pulling the top of her foot on the affected side toward her head
while her leg remains in a straightened position.
Try using an ice or cold pack. Always keep a cloth between her skin
and the ice pack.
Stretch the cramp muscle and gently rub it to help i t relax.

3. One fine afternoon while having a Football game in a P.E class, Leo accidentally
kicked Neal’s left knee while tackling the ball and suffered a knee injury. What is the
best procedure to observe when treating the said injury? Apply the RICE princ iple.

Bandage his knee firmly and extend the wrapping down the lower leg.
Elevate his injured leg.
Rest the joint at first.
Don’t massage his joint, as this encourages bleeding and swelling.
Reduce pain, swelling and internal bleeding with ice-packs, applied for 15
minutes every couple of hours.

4. In a sunny afternoon, Geraldine felt dizzy and was sweating out all over her body to
the extent that she almost fainted on her way back to their classroom after their P.E.
class. What could be the reason of Geraldine’s condition?


What’s the best way to attend her condition?

Have her drink cool water or other nonalcoholic beverage without caffeine.
Monitor her carefully.
Lay her down and elevate the legs and feet slightly.
Remove tight or heavy clothing.
Cool her by spraying or sponging with cool water and fanning.
Move her out of the heat and into a shady or air-conditioned room.

Sports is a physically demanding activity. It requires individual more energy and
stamina to endure from it. As such, injuries cannot be avoided and may occur anytime. Sadly,
injuries and accidents usually happen during player advancement and, significantly, the
officiating officials are prepared in first aid to a level that they can give the proper treatment to
a wide scope of sporting events.
First aid in games can cover minor injuries, sprains, fainting, fractures, and other
possible life-threatening cases. Accordingly, an official must be prepared to respond to any
such circumstances and apply the right treatment in a period estimated approach.

Assessment: (Post-Test)

Multiple Choice. Read and analyze each question carefully. Choose the correct answer for
each question. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for.
1. Where is the largest and often injured tendon in the body?
a. neck b. back c. ankle d. shoulder
2. What's the exact cause of muscle cramps?
a. Injury b. dehydration c. deficiency d. unknown

3. A sprain is an injury of?

a. tendon b. ligament c. muscle d. nerves
4. What does R.I.C.E. treatment means?
a. Rest, Ice, Crutches, elevation c. Rest, Ibuprofen, Crutches Exercise
b. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation d. Reinforcement, Ice, Cut, Elevation
5. What is the benefit of a good warm-up?
a. Increase blood flow c. boost your breathing
b. Warm our muscles d. all of the above
6. Which of the following is a sign of heat exhaustion?
a. really fast heart beat c. coma
b. dizziness d. continuous heavy sweating
7. With an open fracture, the skin is:
a. Intact b. damaged c. bruised d. fair
8. Which of the following are signs and symptoms of fracture?
a. Deformity b. swelling c. crepitus d. all of the above
9. Which of the following should be used to treat muscle cramps?
a. gently stretch the muscle c. massage the muscle
b. drink lightly salted water d. all of the above
10. The recommended treatment for muscle strain is:
a. moist heat packs c. dry heat packs
b. R.I.C.E. principle d. gentle stretching and massage

Key to Answers

1. Wound 6. Choke
2. Fracture 7. Injury
3. Shock 8. Pulse
4. Burn 9. Faint
5. Pain 10. Cuts

Multiple Choice
1. C 6. D
2. A 7. B.
3. D 8. D
4. C 9. A
5. A 10. B

True or False
1. First 6. Aid 11. First 16. First
2. First 7. Aid 12. First 17. First
3. First 8. First 13. Aid 18. Aid
4. Aid 9. First 14. First 19. Aid
5. First 10. First 15. Aid 20. First

Situation Analysis
1. 4-2-1-3 2. 3-2-4-1 3. 3-4-1-5-2 4. Heat Exhaustion

1. C 6. D
2. D 7. B
3. B 8. D
4. B 9. D
5. D 10. B


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