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Merritt Fall 2009

Test 3

1. What main factor caused Northern Emancipation to take place voluntarily and long before
Southern Emancipation?
a. A cold climate that wasn’t favorable for agriculture
b. A lack of arable land
c. The popularity of using indentured servants
d. The ideals of the American Revolution

2. What religious movement of the 1800’s that focused on arminian (free will) doctrine strongly
attacked the practice of slavery in the United States?
a. The Great Awakening
b. The Second Great Awakening
c. Puritanism
d. Transcendentalism

3. Who was the leading figure in this movement?

a. Theodore Dwight Weld
b. Jonathon Edwards
c. George Whitefield
d. Charles G. Finney

4. If slavery was disfavored by so many Americans, why didn’t the Founders end the practice in
the Constitution?
a. the prevailing idea that slavery would die out on its own
b. fear that the South would not ratify the Constitution if it precluded slavery
c. most slave labor was used to cultivate tobacco, which drained land of nutrients and
let the land unusable
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

5. What other major factor contributed to the popularity of using slave labor?
a. the Industrial Revolution in the American South
b. the Industrial Revolution in the American North
c. the Industrial Revolution in England
d. the Industrial Revolution in Germany
6. In what ways were slaves able to resist their harsh living and working conditions?
a. feigning illness to avoid work
b. running away
c. damaging tools or animals
d. All of the above
e. Slaves had no ways to resist

7. Slaves used all of the following coping mechanisms on a frequent basis EXCEPT:
a. Practicing Christianity
b. Singing Songs
c. Family life
d. Acculturation
e. Permanently Running Away

8. What defenses of slavery were given in the Antebellum South?

a. it was a necessary evil
b. slavery was more profitable than wage labor
c. blacks were too inferior to care for themselves
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

9. What reason explaining why common Southerners felt a bond with the plantation elite is
a. Most of them were slave holders, too
b. They shared racist beliefs
c. They had kinship ties
d. They shared regional loyalty

10. What is the best reason why those individuals who did not directly participate and benefit
from slavery in the South allowed it to continue?
a. Fear that slaves couldn’t care for themselves
b. The hope that they might one day own slaves themselves
c. They bonded together over racist ideology
d. They believed in Social Darwinism
11. The Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott v. Sanford :
a. Declared that black persons could be citizens of the United States
b. Decided that Congress possessed the authority to bar slavery from a territory
c. declared that temporary residency in a free state did not automatically free a slave
d. Freed Dred Scott because he had lived in free territories

12. Who was the presiding Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who wrote the decision in this
landmark case?
a. John Marshall
b. Roger. B Taney
c. John C. Calhoun
d. Stephen Douglas

13. John Brown was a radical abolitionist and is famous for attempting to arm slaves and
promote a rebellion by raiding:
a. The Bastille
b. Harper’s Ferry
c. Fort Sumter
d. Nebraska

14. Why did the election of Abraham Lincoln cause several southern states to secede in 1860 and
a. many southerners equated the radicalism of John Brown with Lincoln
b. Lincoln advocated immediate emancipation
c. Lincoln campaigned on a platform of war if the Southern states did not refrain from
expanding slavery
d. Lincoln was known to be a religious zealot

15. When the Civil War broke out,

a. Lincoln immediately emancipated the slaves
b. The South had a distinct advantage over the North.
c. The United States had a national railroad gauge
d. The North developed the Anaconda Plan

16. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation freed how many slaves?

a. All the slaves in the rebellious states
b. All of the slaves in the border states
c. All the slaves in the Union
d. No slaves at all

17. Lee surrendered in April of 1865 at:

a. Appomattox Courthouse
b. Savannah
c. Bull Run
d. Fort Sumter

18. Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction can best be described as:

a. Harsh
b. Moderate
c. Lenient
d. Radical

19. During Reconstruction, which of the following did Southerners NOT do to indicate that they
weren’t taking their loss in the war seriously?
a. They elected the Confederate Vice President to Congress
b. They passed the Black Codes
c. They refused to ratify the 19th amendment
d. Southerners didn’t resist Reconstruction at all

20. Which of the following best describes the lives of newly freed slaves?
a. They quickly assimilated into society and were accepted
b. Their lives changed very little
c. They were encouraged to own land
d. They lived separate from whites, but had
equal lives

21. The Gilded Age was named as such because:

a. It reflected a time of remarkable prosperity
b. Because it witnessed the rise of big business
c. Because of the bitter contrast between rich and poor
d. Because it saw the rise of a gold rush
22. The world gilded means:
a. Progressive
b. Liberal
c. Gold plated
d. Out dated

23. During the Gilded Age, who stepped in on behalf of the poor and mistreated?
a. The Freedman’s Bureau
b. Churches
c. Congress
d. The President

24. The Progressive Era witnessed the rise of which of the following?
a. Government sponsored reform
b. An emphasis on limiting expansion
c. The rise of the Social Gospel
d. Worsened working and living conditions

25. What figure was extremely important in engendering Progressive Reform?

a. Andrew Johnson
b. Roger B. Taney
c. Henry Clay
d. Theodore Roosevelt

Match the following with their correct answer:

26. The 13th Amendment a. gave women the right to vote

27. The 14th Amendment b. gave African Americans the right to vote
28. The 15th Amendment c. emancipated the slaves
29. The 18th Amendment d. gave citizenship rights to African Americans
30. The 19th Amendment e. prohibited the sale of alcohol

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