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A baby’s motor skill development:

By month four, the baby has the muscle control to turn his/her head to follow objects. By the first year
(0 – 12 months), a baby also develops the ability to balance, sit up, crawl, and eventually pull
himself/herself up and learn to stand on his/her own. The fine motor skills will also advance (ex. from
raking objects during the early months to eventually grasping items with accuracy).

The timeline of the development of motor skills of babies:

● 4 - 9 months – sits without help.

● 5 – 11 months – stands with help.

● 5 – 13 months – crawls on hands and knees.

● 6 – 14 months – walks with help.

● 7 – 14 months – stands alone.

● 8 – 18 months – walks alone.

Simple activities like placing a baby on his/her stomach, giving a ball to the baby, practicing how to
stand, and giving food like bites of cereal and soft fruits or vegetables will help to strengthen the baby’s
muscle development and get his/her motor skills moving forward at full speed

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