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pp4-5 Pfesent SimpLe and Pfesent C0ntinuOus pp4-5 Famity members, weddings pp6-7 Friendship
GrammarllideoD p8 Famity, personaLity p10 Language leatning
p8 Reflexive pfonouns pplZ-f3 The toLes of hosts and guests
p9 Indefinite pfonouns pp14-15 Wofd List

pplS-19 PastSimpLe Gnmmar oGl pp18-r9 C[assroom coLLocations p20 Educati0n

p19 Pronunciation: PastSimpte reguLarverb endings pp22-23 Sports and games, spofts coLlocations
p?l Used to p24 Sports competitions, peopLe in sport
pp28-29 Wofd Lisi

tf FE SKf ttS How to give a pfesentation life /rVideoD pp32-33

pp34-35 Past Conti n uous a nd Past Simpte pp34-35 HoLiday activities, traveL vefbs
GrammarVideaD p36 Travetting p37 PLaces for passengefs
p38 Retative pTOnouns p39 Atthe aifport
pp40-41 Long-dista nce travet
pp42-43 Positive traveL adjectives
pp44-45 Word List

pp48-49 Co m pa riso n of a djectives Grammar Videa E pp48-49 Adjectives to describe food

p5l p50 Food and drink Pronunciation:The vowels /n/, /el and lel
p57 ArticLes with singutar countab[e nouns pp52-53 shopping p54 Fashion
pp56-57 Customer serytce
pp58-59 Word List

tf FE SKf [!s How adveftising worK pp62-63

pp64-65ModaLverbs Grammar oGl pp64-65 Furniture and decorations, p[aces fotthings
p67 Past modaLverbs p66 Household chofes p69 Fitness and tfaining
ppTO-71 Heatthy tifestyte ppTZ-73 lllness
pp74-75 Wofd tist

pp78-79 Futute arrangements and intentions pp78-79 Appearance pp80-81 PhrasaI verbs
GrammarVideo$ p82 Stages of tife p83 Personatity, feeLings
p8Z Futufe predictions: goingto and uvlll p84 Feetings and emotions Pronunciation: Diphthongs
pp88-89 Word List

tlFE SKll.LS How to ptan your time pp9z-93

pp94-95 Pfesent Pefect (I) GrammarVideo@ pp94-95 Work coLlocations p97 Woiling conditions
p96 Pfesent Pefect [2) p98 WofkpLaces Pronunciation: Wotd stfess
pp100-101 Ca reef prospects
pp10z-103 Part-time jobs, job appLication, personaI quaLities
ppl04-105 Word List

p attefns: the infinitive and the -lng form pp108-109 Science and scientists
G pl10 Computers Pronunciation: Vowels and diphthongs
p114 The fi rst conditionat ppllZ-113 SociaLmedia pl15 Gaming
pp116-117 ELectricaI devices
pp118-1L9 Word List

tlFE sKl[!S How to choose a future career pplzZ-123

ppl24-125 Past Pefect Gnmmar VideolD ppl.24-fz5 Adjectives to describe art
p127 Reported speech p126The performing arts, creative jobs
plzT Types ofTV show pPlZS-129 Music
p131 Literatufe
pp154-135 Word List

pp138-139The passive Grammar o0l pp138-139 Crime collocations pl40Types of crime

p142 The second conditionaL p141 Law andjustice pp144-145 BurgLary
pp148-149 Word List

tlFE SKltts How to use ontine resources pp152-153

pp154-157 Cutture Spot ppL58-16f Literature Spot ppl62-171Watch and ReflectE (OocumentaryVideo worksheets)
pp6-7 The greatest gift of life p10 A rcdio programme about p11 Expressi ng interest pp12-13 An informaL ppl6-L7
Documentary o0l triLi ngua teenagers
tommunication oG) emaiIof introduction RevtSton ul
Active Listening : Find in g Pronunciation : I ntonation
specif c information Use of Engtish > p184

pp22-23 Playing for the blues p24A rcdio programme about pZ5 ApoLogising ppZ6-27 A biogGphy pp30-31
Active Reading: Predicting sports cheats tommunication oEf Revision 02
Use of English > p184

I pp40-4L Graham Hughes and p39 A convesation abouttraveL p37 Asking for infofmation pp42-43 A blog post pp46-47
the 0dyssey Expedition DtoDtems Communicalion oG, KevtSton u5
Documentary oQf Active Listening: Predicti ng Pronunciation:Weak

Use of English > p185

pp52-53 M yste ry sh o p p e r p54 A convesation about p55 0pinions pp56-57 A fof maL letter pp60-61
Active Reading: shopping for second-hand Communication oO of conp[aint Revision 04
Undefstanding the main idea cLothes
Use of English > p185

pp70-71 BLue Zones p69 A podcast about setting up p68 Pefmission pp72-73 A note/short pp76-77
Pronunciation: Word stress a home gym Communication oQl message Kevt5ton u)
DocumentaryVideo@ Active Listening: The mea ni ng
of new words Use of English > p186

pp80-81 Confessionsof p83 A tatk about optimism and p85 Expressing probabitity pp86-87 An informaL pp90-9r
a procrastinator pessrmrsm Communication oG, invitation Revision 06
Active Reading: The meaning
of new words Use of Engtish > p186

pp100-101 | nte rn ati on al p97 A fadio programme about pp98-99 Describing photos ppl02-103 A format ppl06-107
t-^^^.^,.- i^a-
Volunteer Day udr rgtrr uu)luu) Communication o0l emaiIof aooLication Revision 07
Documentary o0! Active listening: Understa nd ing
the main idea
Use of Engtish > p187

pp112-1L3 The ups and downs pl15 Three short recordings p11l Exptanatiors ppl16-l17 An opinion pplz0-t2!
of sociat media aboutvideo games CommunicationVideo@ essay Revision 0B
Active Reading: Tetli ng facts
from opinions
DocunentaryVideoD Use of English > p1B7

ppl28-729 He broke a fln p15l A conversation about p130 InformaI invitations pp132-133 A shoft ppL36-137
violin a novet CommunicationVideo@ fevtew Revision 09
DocumentaryVideo@ Pronunciation: ntonation

in ouestions
Use of Engtish > p188

ppL44-l45 How does itfeel? p141 A radio programme about p143 Asking for and giving ppl46-147 A story ppr50-151
Active Reading: Finding supernef0es advrce Revision 10
specific information Communication o0, Use of English > p188
Documentary oG) Pronunciation : Si[ent letters

PPl72-182 Grammar Reference and Practice p183 lrregularVerbs pp184-188 Use of EngLish pp189-19f Communication
VOUBUURY Fami[y and friends, persona[ity, Language learning
GRAMMAR Pfesent SimDLe and Present Continuous, teflexive pronouns, indefinite
pfonouns Use of Engtish = P;Qe 184
SPEAKING Expressing interest
WRITING An informaI emaiL of introduction

it isn't raining this morning! lt's

a beautiful day. Mum's feeling 'u. My sister Sara usually wears trainers
nervous right now. She wants it to t! but today she's wearing really
be a perfect day. expensive shoes. ls her boyfriend
Joe wearing elegant shoes too?

My big brother Liam is staying

with us! He lives in ltaly, so we
don't see him very often. He still
doesn't know how to put on a tie!

2 p.m. Nathan is Joe's cousin. He

comes from New York, He says he 8 p.m. All the guests
are dancing
doesn't like speaking in public but now - even the people that hate
he's making a really funny speech. dancinol Does Mum like Joe? | think
1 07
SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions. 6 I.2 Complete the conversation with the correct
Present Simple or Present Continuous forms of the
1 What kind of things do you like taking photos of?
verbs in brackets. Listen and check.
2 How do you share photos with your ftiends and famity?

THINK BACK In pairs, look at [eo's photo blog. Say who Jane They z_ (do) reatty wett. l'm so happy!
people 1-4 are, using the famity words from the box.
Then use the words from the box to tatk about your
Agnes You know, | '_ a_ (not usualty eat) soup but
(taste) de[icious.
this chicken soup
famity and friends. t-you (agree)?

aunt boyfriend brother cousin girtfriend Jane No, | 6_. To be honest, I

t_ (make)
grandfather grandmother nephew niece better souo at home.
unc[e Agnes 0h! We[t, | '_ (tike) it.

I Safa is Leo's sister. 5 Joe is Sara's 7 I.3 Comptete the conversation with the correct
2 Liam is Leo's 4 Nathan is Joe's Present Simpte or Present Continuous forms of the
verbs from the box. listen and check.
My girlfriend's name is Angela. She's gotfour nieces!
come dance look not dance study think
3 What do you think the special occasion is in Leo's photo
blog? Discuss in groups.Ihen look at the photo on Megan Sara, ldo you that girLwith the red hair?
page 189 to checkyour ideas. She 2_with your dad. Who is she?
Sara lt's Nathan's girlfriend, Gemma. She's a dancer.
Present Simple and Present Continuous Megan She 3_ very we|.[ right now, is she?
Sara No, she isn't. But she 4 reatty beautifut.
4 Match sentences 1-4 with their meanings a-d.
Megan Yes, | 5_ so. 6_
_from she
I n It often rains in ADfiL. Boston?
2 ! lt isn't raining this morning. Sara No, she's from Chicago, but she t_ in
5 n Sara and Dad often argue. France at the moment.
t n Liam is staying with us. 8 Check you understand the hightighted words. Are
a a habit or routine the statements about weddings in the UK true for
b a factthat doesn't change weddings in your country?
c something happening now t These days most peopte don't get married untitthey're
d a temporary situation about thirty years olc.
2 lt's norma[to invite about 100 guests to a wedding.
5 Study the Grammar box and Watch out! and find
3 Most couptes send written invitations to theit wedding.
more examples of the Present Simpte and Present
4 The bride and groom exchange rings.
Continuous in Leo's photo btog.
5 The guests give gifts to the newlyweds.
6 The bride doesn't atways weaT a white wedding dress.
7 A typicaLwedding reception [asts five or six hours.
We use the Present Simpte for:
8 The best man usuatly gives a funny speech at the
. facts that don't change reception.
. routines and habits
9 SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer questions. Student A,
Time expressions: never, hald[y ever, sometimes, often, go to page 189. Student B, go to page 191.
usua[Ly, every day/week, most days

We use the Present Continuous for: I Read the questions and watch the video. Say
. things happening now what the speakers answer. Then in pairs, ask and
. tempofafy situations answer the questions.

Time expressions: at the moment, (right) now, these days, I How are you feeting today?
today, th is morning/year Z How do you usualty feelwhen the weather is good?

Grammar Reference and Practice > page 172

State and action verbs
With action verbs, we use simple and continuous tenses:
She speak three languages. She's speakingto me now.

With state verbs (e.9. agree, believe, hate, know, Iike,love,

meant seet taste, think, vvant), we onty use simpte tenses:
/t tastes g reat. N 0T /#fa#inqgre#.
! I can use present tenses to tatk about routines and temporary situations. I 5

l. SPEAKING In groups, took at the photo on page 7 and Look at these statements from the text. ln pairs, say if
the quotes below. Which ones do you agree with? you agree or disagree with them. Say why.
Which do you not agree with? Say why. I 0pposites attract.
2 We att [ike people to [ike us.
A friend is someone who knows a[[ 3 Good friends ate fun to be with, butthey are hard to find.
about you and sti[[ loves you. 4 Tfue friendshios [ast for a lifetime.
EIbert Hubbard (American writer) 5 A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Use the hightighted words and phrases for types of
friends from the text to write sentences about your
tife. Then in pairs, compare your sentences.
Friendship isn't a big thing, it's
Marcos is my best friend.
a million little things. Anonlmous I've got seventy-five Facebook contacts.

Comptete the statements with the verbs from the box.

Then in pairs, say if the statements are true for you.
I do not need a friend who changes hp net keen let relv share soend tufn
jgl ,\!!H -T-..-
when I change, who nods when I nod.
My shadow does that much better. 1 | find it easy to friends with people.
Plutar ch (G r e ek b io gr apher) 2 | _on we[[ with everyone.
3 l- more time with my friends than with my famity.
4 | don't usuat[y in touch with my ctassmates
during the hotidays.
The only-way to have a friend is to be one. 5 | never_my
- backon anyone whenthey need
Ralp h Waldo E merson, (American poet) heto.
6 You can't he[p everyone but I never- myfriends
Read the article quickty. What does the author do? 7 | think it's easier to open with friends than
a She tetts a stofy about two women in a caf6. famity.
b She describes herfriends. 8 My bestfriend and -|
c She tries to define what a friend is. 9 | don't think I can on atl my friends.
d She gives advice on how to make friends.
8 -ourfeetings.
Do the quiz on page 7. Then in groups, compare your
3 Read the articte again and match headings A-l with results. -
paragraphs 1-8. There is one extra heading.
9 SPEAKING In groups, discuss what you can do in these
A A hetping hand situations.
B tloserthan close I Your best friend is moving to another country. What
C Similar to oursetves can you do to keep in touch?
D How to keep it going 2 Afriend copies from you in an exam. The teachef
E lf you like me, I tike you thinks it's your fautt and gives you a zero. Your friend
F An exampte of friendship says nothing. what can you do?
G Let's get the pafty stafted! 3 Your best friend wants to stay out late. He tetts his
pafents he's sleeping over at your house but he isn't.
H lt's fantastic but what is it?
He asks you to [ie to his parents if they catLyour house.
I When is a friend not a friend?
What do you say?
4 Read the articte again and complete the notes with
1-3 words in each gap. Go to page 162. Watch the
I Psychologists betieve that peopte who wear etuueen generations a nd
often stay ctose together. do the exercises.
z lf someone you meet wants to be friends, you often
wantto with thern.
Acco rd i n g to th e text, it's n ot easy to
0nline contacts may not actuatty be

It's impoftantto if you wantto staY

friends with someone who lives abroad.

6 t n t can understand the main topic in an article and talk about friends.
n Two women are sitting in a caf6 together.Ihey re drinking coffee
and sharing a piece of chocolate cake. 0ne woman is tatking. The
other woman is Iistenrng carefu[[y. The firstlrvoman seems sad. She
starts crying, The other woman doesn t speak; she just hands her
companion a tissue and gent[y touches her arm. The firstwoman
stops crying smiles and hugs herfrrend.

n American politician HubertHumphrey said,'the greatestgiftof tife

is friendshipl Butwhatexactly is friendship? What is a friend? FIow

do we make friends? How do we keep them? Why do we need them?

n Accord ng to psychologists we geton with people who share the

same background, oprnions, rnterests, personality and even physical
appearance. People wrth glasses often sit next to other peop[e with
gtasses.The saying that'opposites attract'appears not to be true. lf
you [ove dancing, your friends probabty love dancing too.

! Scientif ic studies show thatwe a[ [ike peop[e to tike us. And if

they tike us, we Irke them. lf they spend time with us or te[[ us their
secrets, we wantto do the same. So you often become friends with
. Think of a close friend and answer the ouestions.
s0meone who wants to be your friend.
. Count up how many questions y0u answer'yes'to.
. Go to page 189 to find out how similar you are to
n Good friends are fun to be with but they're hard to find. lts true
your friend.
y0tl can make lots of contacts on socraI media but are they real
friends orjust acquaintances? Can you be open with them? Can you 1 Do you go to the same schoo[?
rely on them? Sometimes we don teven know if an online'friend is 2 Are you the same sex?
a reaI person 0r s0me0ne with a fake identity, 3 Are you the same nationality?
n True friendships last for a lifetime, but to have a reaI friendship
4 Are you the same age? (ptus or minus twelve months)
you need to do things together and share your feelings and opinions. 5 Are you the same height? (plus or minus ten
Studies show that true friendship survives even when frrends are

in different countries But on[y if you keep in touch. lf you don t,

6 Do you weigh the same? (plus or minus ten kilos)

friendships can die.

7 ls your hair more or less the same colour?
I Are your eyes m0re or less the same colour?
! An otd proverb te[[s us that a friend in need is a friend indeed.
9 Do you both wear (or both not wear) glasses?
That means y0tl can te[[ who your reaL friends are when you re in
10 Do you [ive near each other? (no more than ten
troub[e. ReaI friends stay with you and hetp you when you need
minutes on foot)
them. They never [et you down or turn their back on you.
11 Do you [ike the same sports?

n Finatty whats the difference between a good friend and your 12 Do you listen to the same kind of music?
best frrend? We[[, a good friend knows about your Iife; your best 13 Do you wear the same kind of clothes?
friend lives your [ife with you. Bestfriends know whatyou're thrnking 14 Do you laugh at the same things?
and how you feel. They understand you, perhaps better than you 15 Do you want to do something similar when you
understand yourse[f. You don t have to pretend when you re with your leave schoo[?
best friend; y0u can be yourse[f. Sometimes you don t even need to

speak. Just tike thatwoman in the cafd.
I ramity, personali

Complete the fragments from Chloe's diary with the 5 study t/Uatch outl and find four sentences with reflexive
family words from the box. Then in pairs, use the pronouns in the descriptions.
words to tatk about people you know.

stepfather twin
hatf-sister single mother
I ourt
Reflexive pronouns
ll tf
lan's parents aren't together anymore, they're iv You - Yourselves
t , but now lan has a new family, Jude is his Ih they-themselves
'-(his mum's new husband), lan's mum I it - itsetr
and Jude have a baby daughter, Kelly. She's his
Grammar Reference and Practice > pageLT2

Complete the questions with reflexive pronouns. Then

Madge has got an identicala- sister called in pairs, ask and answer the questions.
Meg. Meg is s- (her husband's dead) and
a 1 Do you prefer to do your homework of by
she has two5_ children, lt's not easy being with a friend?
a7 _ but Madge helps her a lot, 2 Does your dad evertatkto When?
3 Canyourmum instatlapps by-ordoesshe need
your he[p? -?Whete?
A My friend Dell's parents are divorced.
4 How often do yourfriends [ook at-
in the mlfrol?
B My grandmother has a twin sister. What about you?

Read the descriptions from Chloe's diary betow. Which 5 When I'm unhappy, I buy something nice. Do
people do the photos show? you?
6 What can we do by-to- improve our Engtish?
Find the personality adjectives from the box in the 7 Does your phone ever switch
descriptions. In pairs, decide if they are positive,
groups, use personality adjectives and/or
negative or neutra[. Then add more personality SPEAKING In
reflexive pronouns to talk about people you [ike or
adjectives to the box.
distike a tot.
bossy gentte hetpfut kind nervous
Idon't like my sister's boyfriend - he's rude and selfish bul
rude setfish shy strict sweet vain
he thinks he's great. He talks about himself allthe time.

4 In pairs, take turns to choose positive or neutral

personality adjectives to describe your partner.
Say ifyou agree or not.
A You're helpfuland kind.
B Ihanks a lat! You're a bit shy.
A No, I don't agree. l'm nervous but I'm not shy.

n V uncle Mark isn't

us' He buYs
E but he never remembers
himself lots of things
mv birthday' lthink he's selfish and
fVV stepmother is
kind and helpful but
E talks to herself when
really nervous' She
doing something
he's always
E tty stepfather is a bit bossy -
strict' too - he never
tellingme what to do' He's
want to do' And he's
lets me do anytning I
looKs at himself in
the mirror when he's
vain - he
loves to be by herself'
@ M"g'. daughter Rose
her' She's sweet'
She's gentle and shy but I like

8 I! | can describe my famity using personality adjectives and reflexive pronouns.

When you want to go somewhere with someone
but they don'l want to go with you Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it

That moment you're telling your friends a story and That feeling when you have fifty Facebook filends
you realise that nobody is listening but there isn't anyone online

1 SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions. 4 Choose the correct pronouns to comptete the
I Are you a fan of memes? sentences. Then in pairs, go to page 190 and match the
sentences to the photos to make memes.
2 What are the memes you [ike about - cetebrities,
retationships, po[itics? I They saythere are lots of fish in the sea ... but is there
anybody / everybodyfor ne?
2 In pairs, look at memes 1-4. Which one do you tike best? Z I hate Sundays. There's anything / nothing to do and
nowhere / somewhere Io go.
Indefinite pronouns 3 l'm stit[waiting for anyone / someone speciaI in my
3 Study the Grammar box and find six examples of 4 Everyone / No one is strange in my family. I'm the onty
indefinite pronouns in the memes. normat 0ne.

Complete the sentences with the pronouns from the

We use:
. somebody (someone), nobody (no one), anybody anyone anything everyone nothing
(anyone) and everybody (everyone) to ta[k about peopte somebody something
. something, nothing, anything and everything to tatk
about things
I Do you know where my phone is? | can't find it

. somewhere, nowhere, anywhere and everywhere to tatk

about otaces
Z _[oves Eva. lt's not surprising. She's rea[Ly nice.
3 l'm looking for_to give to Mum on her birthday
Affirmative but I can'tfind
Everybody needs somebodyto love. 4 Does _ want to go with me to the match tonight ?
l've got something to tet[ you. 5 l'm reatty bored.l've got_to do.
Tet[ me everything! 6 _is phoning me but I don't recognise the number.
He's living somewhere in Eng[and at the moment.
6 sPEAKING In pairs, say which of these statements you
Negative agree with,
There's nobody to talk to./There isn't anybody to ta[k to. I Everybody needs somebodyto love.
l've got nothing to do./l haven't got anything to do. 2 Fami[y is everything.
There's nowhere to go./There isn't anywhere to go. 3 Nobody's peffect. Everyone makes mistakes.
4 There isn't anyone | love more than my mother.
ls there anybody sitting in that seat?
5 No one knows everything but everyone knows
ls there anything to eat?
6 Today when money ta[ks, everyone listens.
ls there anywhere to buy tickets?

Grammar ' page 173

n t can use indefinite pronouns with prefixes some-, any-, every- and no-.
| 9
I.6 Listen to Part 2 of the interview and choose the
correct answers.
I Anna and David
a speak Scottish, French and Spanish.
SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions. b are French.
I How many languages do you speakT Which ones? c have their home in Soain.
2 Which [anguages wou[d you tike to tearn? Why? Anna speaks to herfather in Engtish because
5 At what age do chi[dren in your country start [earning a he doesn't speak Spanish very we[.
a foreign [anguage? ls it the right age in your opinion? b she chooses different [anguages for different peopte.
4 ls it a good idea for parents to speak a foreign c she needs to practise her Engtish pronunciation.
[anguage with their kids? Say why. David and Anna agree that

2 You are going to listen to an interview with tritinguat a they both make mistakes when speaking French.
teenagers. Read questions 1-3 and match them with b they both have trouble with French pronunciation.
the kind of information from the box that you need to c they both speak perfect French.
answer them. When they have a problem communicating in one
[angua ge, they sometimes
nadate Eanumber Eaptace Eatime a use words from another [anguage.
n someone's name n the name of a [anguage
b have extra [anguage lessons.
1 How old are David and Anna? c change to using onty English.
2 Where do they Iive?
5 Which [anguages do they speak? 6 Checkyou understand the hightighted phrases retated
to [anguage learning. Then in pairs, ask and answer
3 1.5 Listen to Part 1 of the interview and answer the questions.
questions 1-5 in Exercise Z. I Do you know any bitinguatortritinguaIpeopte?Who?
Which [anguages do they speak?
4 Study Active Listening. Then in pairs, say if you usuatty 2 Woutd you tike to be bitingual or tritinguat? Say why.
do these things or not. Be honest!
3 Do you agree that it's good to learn [anguages? Say
A Idon't always read the question before I listen. wny.
B When I don't understand something,l usually stop 4 ls your Engtish pronunciation perfect? lf not, how can
rl:i'ning' you improve?
5 Why is it so hard to undertand Engtish in songs and
ACTIVE tISTENING I rinoins specific information fi[ms?
r Read each question carefulty and decide what kind of 6 What do you do when you can'tfind the rightword in
information you need to answer each question - Engtish?
a number, a place, a date, etc. 7 What do you do when you make a mistake in Engtish?
r Don't worry if you don't understand everything - you 8 Do you ever mix up [anguages? For exampte, do you
can get the key detaits even if you don't understand use Eng[ish words when you're speaking your own
every word. tanguage?

10 n I can find specific information in an interview and tatk about [anguage learning.
What do you usua[[y talk about when you meet 6
someone for the first time? Discuss in pairs. conversation. ls Cait's meeting with the guy a success?

2 Read the situation below. In pairs, agree on three

Repty to to the statements below with echo
sentences that are not appropriate for the situation. questions from the Speaking box. listen and check.
Say why. I l've got a twin sister.
to a gir[ at his cousin's wedding. He doesn't
Evan sits next Have you?
know her but he woutd tike to tatk to her. He starts Z We come from Canada.
a conversation.
3 My sister's reatty into footbat[.
I E wty name's Evan. l'm Sara's cousin. 4 She suppofts ManchesterCity.
z n My family's very rich. 5 0uf parents play in a rock group.
3 n lloveweddings. 6 l'mteaching mysetf Chinese.
4 n sara and I are exactly the same age. 7 | cottect nineteenth-century banknotes.
5 n I tike tooking at mysetf in the miror.
6 ! I'm reatly into music. 8 t.l2 PRoNUNCIATION listen again to the gir['s
? n Ssshl l'm [istening to a song on my phone. answers in Exercise 7. Repeatwith the same
I.7 listen to a conversation and check your answers
to Exercise 2. 9 In pairs, take turns to read the sentences and express
interest with a phrase from the Speaking box.
4 I.8 Listen to an atternative version of the same I We soeak ltalian at home.
conversation. What's the difference between them?
2 My dad runs marathons.
3 Everyone in my family is vegetarian.
the photo. Then watch or listen to Part 1 of another 4 My mum's an artist.
conversation and tick the expressions you hear. ls Cait 5 | [ive in a [oft aDartment.
interested in meeting the new guy? How do we know? 6 My dad collects matchboxes.
7 We've gottwo hamsters.
8 My granddad is reatty into in-tine skating.
Echo questions 9 My mum comes from Senegal.
10 l'm interested in Russian history.

E 'My sistel'5 reatly into music.' 'ls she?' A We speak ltalian at home.

n 'we've got a band.' ' you?' B Do you? Amazing!

Other expressions 10 Ctrect you understand the phrases in the box. Write six
Z Awesomel sentences about your hobbies and interests using the
box to help you. Then in pairs, read your sentences and
E Cootl
express interest with phrases from the Speaking box.
n wowt
n Reatlyi l'm interested in ... | love ... l'm reatly into...
n Amazing! l'm a big fan of ... I collect ... l(ilnnnr+
n That's (reatty) interestingl A l'm interested in mountain bikinq.
B Are you? Awesome!

n I can use echo questions and other expressions to show interest in a conversation.
| 11
To Martin
Subject Your stay in Varese


Thanks for your nice email. We're really excited about your visit in December!

I'm seventeen years old and l'm in the second year of high school. My favourite subject is English and
l'm also really into painting and drawing. I love travelling, so l'm hoping to study Art abroad after high
school. I'm also a big fan of electronic music, so we definitely have something in common. ;-)
Like you, l'm quite open and friendly and I get on well with everyone. At the moment, I'm
really busy because l'm revising for my exams.

My mum's a doctor and my dad is a supermarket manager. We live in an apartment

near the centre of Varese. Varese isn't the most famous town in ltalv but it's beside
a beautiful lake. lt's an amazing place for walking or mountain
biking because it's near some awesome mountains. Bring your
walking boots!

Two important things you should know. First, Varese can be

cold and wet in winter. lt can even snow! So pack a warm
sweater. Also, we have a l*abrador puppy called Baggio -
he's sweet but a bit silly.

We're really looking fonrvard to meeting you.

Allthe best,


Work in pairs, Does your school have an exchange 6 Find examptes of so and because in Lorenzo's emai[.
programme with a school in another country? Do you Then choose the correct words in the sentences betow.
think it's a good idea? Say why.
1 | love animats, so I because lthink l'd [ike to become
In pairs, look at the photos. Does Varese [ook like an a vet in the future.
interesting place to visit? Say why. 2 l'm reatly excited so / because l'm starting driving
lesso ns !

3 Read the email and answer the questions in pairs. 3 We're decorating the apartment at the moment,
I What's the retationship between Lorenzo and Martin? so / because l'm sLeeping in the Living room.
2 Why is Lorenzo writing to him? 4 Brighton is a university town, so / because it's a great
p[ace for nighttife.
3 When is Martin pLanning to visit?
4 Do Martin and Lorenzo have anything in common? 5 Bring a Lot of tight ctothes so / because tstanbuI can be
rea[[y hot in May.
5 What is happening in Lorenzo's tife at the moment?
6 What does Lorenzo say about his famity? In groups, study the tist in the box and agree on three
7 What information does he give aboutVarese? good reasons for a visitor to come to your town/region.
8 Which two things does Lorenzo telt Martin to bring?
buitdings countryside cutture food nighttife
4 look at the emai[ again. In which order does lorenzo peopte shops sports and [eisure
write about these things?
There aren't many interesting buildings here butthe
E age n favourite schoolsubject n interests cou ntryside ls fantastic.
E parents/famity ! personality ! recent news
n schoot n the town/region 8 When you welcome a visitor to your home, you are the
host and your visitor is a guest. In pairs, decide who
does these things: the host, the guest, or both?
5 Study the Writing box and find the expressions from
the box in lorenzo's emai[. arfange the visit give you a gift/some flowers
introduce you to his/her family invite you to dinner
offeryou a drink payyou a visit ring the doorbett
say helto show you round the house/town
Paragraph 1 tatk about their trip
Greet your friend and thank him/her for his/her emai[:
How are you? Both the host and the guest arrange the visit.

I hope you're we[1.

9 REFTECT | (ulture In pairs, answer the questions. Then
Thanks for your (niceJ emait. compare your answers with other pairs.
Paragraph 2 I What kind of gifts do guests bring when visiting
Introduce yourse[f and mention recent news: peopte in their homes for the fr rst time?
l'm in the first/[ast year of high schoot. 2 What's a good gift from your country for a host in
l'm into/l'm interested in/l'm a big fan of skiing. anotnef country?
My favourite subject/singer/team is ... 3 What can you do and where can you go when you
have a guest from another country in youl home?
l'd [ike to study at university/become a singer.
Peopte say l'm sweet/bossy/... r.0 WRITING TASK Write an emaiI of introduction to
l'm working on/revising for ... at the moment. a student in Britain who is planning to visit you on
a schooI exchange. Use the Writing box, so and
Paragraph 3
because. Mention the things betow.
Mention your famity and where you live:
My sister Edina is studying in Engtand. yourschooI your hobbies/interests
We live in an apartment/sma[l house in the suburbs/ youf pefsonaLity your fami[y fecent news
town centre/cou ntryside. your hometown and things to do there
It's a great place for watking/shopping/retaxing.
Paragraph 4
Menti0n any other important information for a visitor:
We're a[[ vegetarian, Dad's a great cook.
It can be very hot/cold, so bring ...
InformaI beginning and ending
Remember to begin and end your letter with informal
l'm looking forward to meeting you.
I can't wait to meet yoL.

Lots of love, .../A[[ the best, ...

5.7 tie (n) /taii
1 Add more words and phrases agree (v) ia'griri
from the word tist to the to be honest lta ,bi 'onast,r
vocabulary maps. argue about sth 1''o:gjur a,L:aut ,snm0rr;/
trainers (n) i 'trernaz/
at the moment /,aet 6a 'rnal:mant/
uncle (n)/.r,!kal/
aunt (n) /cunt/
wear [v) /wea/
best man In) /,best 'men/
wedding (n) i'wedrrj/
boyfriend (n) ,r b:rfrendi
wedding dress In) /'wedrq dresl
bride (n) ibrardi
wedding reception (n) /'wedrrl rr,sepJan/
cake In) i kerki

chicken soup (n) / tJrkrn'str:p. 1B READING AND VOCABUI.ARY

come from /'knm fram/ 5.2
a friend in need is a friend indeed
couple (n)l'krpal/
/a ,frend rn 'nild rz a frend rn'di:d/
cousin (nJ l'krzani
acquaintance (n) /a'krverntans/
delicious tadj) idrhlrt appear Iv) /a'pra/
exchange rings lik stfernd3 'nqz,/
Which preposition completes background (n) /'bckgraundl
these sentences? fact (n) /fekti be open with sb i,bi 'aupan wrd ,szrrnbodi/
I We definitely have something famity gathering ( n) /,famali'gmdarrq/
be yourself /,bi ja'self/
_ common: we both love feel (v) /firl/
best friend l,best 'frend/
2 l'm interested mountain
funny (adj) i 'frni/
classmate (n J /'klcrsmert/
bi ki ng. get married /,get 'maerid/
close/good friend /,klaus/,gud'frend/
5 He says he doesn't Iike sift (n) /sftl
speaking _ pubtic.
girlfriend (n) /'g:rlfrendi
companion (n) /kam'panjan,/

contact In) /'knntakt/

Which verb from the word list
give/make a speech i,grv/,merk a 'spirtf
completes these phrases? fake (adj) ,tferk/
groom (n)/gru;m/
fiiendship (n) lfrendJrp/
guest (n) /gestl
a speecn fun (nJ /f,rn/
hardly ever l,ho:dli 'eval
a mistake gently (adv) /d:entli/
hobby (n) i'hobi/
get on (well) with sb l,get r:n ('wel) wrd
marf red ldon't mind /,ar daunt 'marnd/ ,s,rmtrndi/
on we[[with sb give advice /,grv ad'varsl
invitation (n ) /,rnvfterJani
4 Comptete the sentences with the invite guests /rn,valt 'gests/ hand (v) /handl
correct verbs. Then check with
look beautifut /luk 'bjurtafal/ helping hand l,helprrl 'haend/
the word [ist.
1 My friends can always most days 7/ rnaust 'derzi identity (n ) /ar'dentrtil
0n me. nephew (n) I'nefiur/ interest (n) I'mtftstl
2 lt's cotd outside, so otease
newlyweds (n ) /'nju:liwedz/ keep in touch i,kirp rn 'rntJi
0n a warm sweatef.
keep sth going,,ki:p ,snmBrrl 'gao11.
3 How does Leo on with niece (n) lni;sl

his otder sisterT perfect (a dj ) /'p::frktl let sb down /,let ,s,rmbodi 'daun/
4 The team is _ on a new photo blog (n ) faotau ,blpg i lifetime (n) /'larftarm/
project at the moment.
put on i,put '0n/ make friends with sb /,merk 'frendz wr6
ACTIVE share photos with sb /Jea 'fautauz wrd
VOCABUTARY I uaps ,s,rmbndii nationality (n
) /,nafa'nmlfii7

A vocabutary map is a visuatway speak in pubtic /,spirk rn 'p,rbhk/ nod (v) inodl
to group retated words together. special occasion /,speJal a'kei3an/ opinion (n) /a'prnjan,i
You can see two examples of
stay with sb /'ster wrd ,s,rmbnat1 opposites attract /,opazats a'traekt/
such maps in Exercise 1. Look at
the word tist and make a new study (v) / str,di/ personality (n) i,p:rsa'nalrti/
vocabulary map for a different
take photos/photographs /,terk'fautauzl physicaI appearance In) l,frzrkal a'prarans/
'fautagrclfsi pretend (v) 1'pn'tend1
taste (v) /terstr/

proverb In) 1'provr:b1 recognise (v) /'rekagnarzi countryside ( n) /'kr'ntrisard/

psychotogist (n ) /salknlad3rst/ relationship In) /rr'lerfanfpl decorate (v) /'dekarert/

rely on i rr'lar Dn/ surprising (adj ) /sa'prazq/ driving lesson (n) /'drarvrq ,lesanl

share yourfeelings /Jear ja 'firirrlz/ there are lots offish in the sea /,dear e lots av 'frI give sb a gift /,grv ,s,rmbodi a 'grft/
rn 6a si:/
similat (adj) l'srmrla/ have sth in common i,hav ,snm0rq rn 'knman/

sleep over at sb's house ,sli:p 'auva at hope (v) /haupl

,snmbodiz haus/
5.5 host (n) /heust/
social media (n) /'sauJal 'mi:dia/ bitingual/trilinguat (adi) /balhqgwal/ introduce sb to sb i,rntra'djurs ,snmbodi ta
spend time with sb /,spend 'tarm wrd ,sr'mbodi/ ,tral'ltqgwali ,sambodi/
stay out tate /,ster aut 'lert/ detait (n) i'dirtetl/ invite sb to sth./rn'vart ,s,rmbodi ta ,snm0rq/

survive (v) /sa'varv/ enjoy doing sth /rn,d3:r durrq ,snmOrq/ leisure (n)/'le3a/

tissue (n) /'trlur/ find the rightword /,faind da rart'w3id/ looking forward to meeting you i,lukrr; ,f::wad
improve (v) /rm'pru:v/
ta'mi:trq ja/
trouble (n)/'tr,rbal/
lots of love /,lots av 'lnv/
turnyourbackon /,tr:n ja'bak on/ learn/speak/study/understand/use a [angua ge/
'l :rni'spirk/'stadi/,,rnda'stand/ manager (n) /'manrd3a/
'jurz a ,laqgwrd3/
lC UOCABU1ARY 5.3 nighttife (n) 1'nafi larf/
make a mistake /,merk a ma'sterk/
adopted (adj ) /a'dnptdi offer sb a drink /,of a ,s,tmbndi a 'drrqk/
mix up [anguages /,mrks 'np 'laqgwrd3rzl
app (n) /ap/ pack Iv) lpeki
pronunciation (n) /pra,nnnsi'e4anl
bossy (adj) /'bnsi/ pay sb a visit l,per ,snmbodi a 'vrzrtl
understand (v) /,,rnda'stand/
by yourself /,bar ja'self1 reason (n) l'ri:zanl
divorced (adj ) /drVr:sti region (n) I'ridpnl
generous (adj) /'d3enaras/ amazing (adj ) /a'mezrrj/ retaxIv) lrt'la-ksl
gentle (adj) /'d3entl1 appropriate (adj ) /a'praupriat/ revise for something lrr'varz fa ,s^merq/
hatf-sister (n) /'hcf ,srsta/ artist (n) /'o:trst1 ring the doorbell /,rr! da 'd:rbel/
helpfut (adj ) l'helpfal/ awesome Iadj)1':rsem/ say hello /,ser ha'lau/

install Iv) /rn'strrl/ banknote (n) /'barlknaut/ schoolexchange (n) /'skurl rks,tJernd3/
kind (adj) /karndi be into sth /,bi 'rnta ,s.rmOrq/ show sb round sth /Jau ,snmbndi 'raund
let sb do sth /,let ,s,rmbodi 'dur ,s,tm8rr1/ ,snm0rq/
century ( n) /'sentlari/
silly Iadj) /'srlir'
mirror (n) /'mrra7 co[[ect Iv) /ka'lekti
suburbs (n) /'snb:;bzl
nervous (n) /'n::vas/ fan of sth /'fan av ,snm0rq/
prefer (v) /prr'f:r/ sweater (n)/tweta/
hamster In) /'haemsta/
rude (adj) iru:d/
talk about sth /'tr:k a,baut ,snm€rr1/
in-line skating /,rnlarn'skertrq,
town centre (nJ l,taun'senta/
selfish Iadj) i'selfil interested in /'rntrastad rn/
university town (n ) /julna'v::sati taun/
shy Iadj) {av loft apartment (n) /'lnft a,po:tmant/
vet In) /vet/
single mother In) i,srrlgal 'mnda/ marathon (n) /'mara0an/
visitor In) i'vrzrtal
stepfather (n ) /'stepfo:6a/ matchbox In) /'matJbnks/
walking boots (n)/'w>rkrr; burts/
strict (adj) /stnkt/ mountain biking (n) /'mauntan,barkrq/
work on something /'w:rk on ,snm0rq/
sweet (adj) /swi:tl start a conversation l,sto:t a ,konva'serfan/
switch off ,/,swrtJ 'of/ support Iv) /sa'p::t/
twin (n, adj)/twrni vegetarian (adj) /,ved3/tearian/
vain Iadj) /vern/

widow/widower ( n) /'wrdaur'wrdaua/ lG WRIIING 5.7

abroad (adv) la'bn:dl

ID GRAMMAR 5.4 apartment (n) 1a'portmant/

celebrity (n) /sr'lebratil arrange the visit /a,rernd3 da 'vrzrt/
meme (nl imi:mi busy Iadj) /'brzil
potitics (n) /'polrtrks/ centre In) /'senta/

VI}CABU LARY AN D GRAMMAR 5 Choose the correct pronouns to comptete the sentences.

], Gomplete the text with the words from the box' There
is one extra word.

best close cousins divorced friendship

kid< niprp qinnlp uncles widow

My fomily ond friends

l've got ihree brothers ond two sisters. My big sister Kelly
is morried, Her I 's nome is Colvin. They've got
two lovely liitle 2- - my nephew Poulond my
No, anybody I nobody / somebodyknows I'm a dog'
t- Penny. My porents hove lots of brothers ond sisters
2 feelthat I don't know anything / nothing /
ond my ounts ond o-hove lots of children, l've got
Sometimes I

nineieen t-| l've got five or six 6- friends but


Motiie is my 7-friend. Our 8- is very importont

3 Don't worry - anyone / everyone / no one makes
to me. Mottie's dod died, so her mum is o's not mistakes.
eosy being o 'o- mother but Mottie helps her o lot, 4 | want to go anywhere / everywhere / somewhere new
and exciting.
5 Hetto? ls there anyone / everyone I no onehere?

z Comptete the sentences with personality adjectives' 5 This is weird - there are spiders anywhere /
everywhere / nowheret
I Aunt Jenny aLways gives us great birthday presents.
She's very g 6 Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive
Z Bittspends hours [ooking at himse[f in the mirror. He's pronouns.
reatty v_. I He's onty three but he gets dressed by
Rebecca isn't potite. 5he shouts a [ot and never [istens 2 lt turns off after ten seconds to save enefgy.
to other people. She's f_. 5 Theytake a lotof Photos of
Nei[ is reaLty s- with girls. His face goes red and
4 We're learning French by-with a phone app.
he can't speak.
5 Ta[kto Harry if you have a problem wlth your
homework. He's kind and h-. UsE OF ENGLISH
6 Simon on[y thinks of himse[f. He doesn't care about 7 Choose the correct words a-d to complete the text.
other peop[e. He's verY s-.
3 Choose the correct forms to comptete the sentences. STR EGY I Muttipte choice cloze
I Do you know / Are you knowing what time it is?
When you are choosing the correct options to c0mptete
2 Hetto? Do you listen / Are you Listening to me? lt's very the text, Look at the words before and after the gaps. They
imooftant. give you clues about which option is correct. Look for
3 John always comes / is coming for [unch on Sundays. [inkers, pfonouns, adjectives and adverbs.
4 Let's go out. lldoesn't rain / tsn't raining now.
5 This butter smells / is sneLting bad. Throw it out.
1- dinner. They atways
6 This month at school we study / are studylng the We often invite Marek and Alison
Dresent tenses.
2- us beautifut gifts. We get 3- very wettwith them. A[ison
and Jane spend a lot of 4-together and Mareks-the
7 Wedon'tvisit / are notvisiting out grandparents very same footbattteam as I do. He's Potish but he
6- Engtish
often because they live abroad.
at night schoot. He speaks EngLish very we[t. He doesn't
4 Comptete the conversation with the correct forms of usua L[y make many 7-. But sometimes he tan't fi nd the '-
the verbs in brackets. word and he e- up the two [anguages. He Likes living here.
A My sister Lity t (spend) most of her time in bed
He says it's easy to make friends peopte.

Shez- (not go) out with friends and she never

'_(go) to schooL. l aat bin cto d out
B 4- (she/suffer)from an illness at the moment? 2 abring bhave c maKe d take
A No, she t_. 3 adown bin c0n dup
B What "-(she/do) now? 4 acontacts bfeelings c money d time
A She'-(drink) mitk. She "-(tove) miLk. 5 a 's cottecting b cotlects c 's supporting d suppotts
B e_(you/ever/worry) about her? 6 a 's learning b learns c 'sspeaking d speaks
A No, we to-. 7 ahomework bmistakes c speeches d words
B Why not?
8 a last b nice c n0TmaI d right
A Because Lity is onty six months o[d!
9 a maKes b mixes c speaKS d thinks
10 a for b from cIo d with


I Read the text and match peopte 1-4 with most

suitabte offers A-F, There are two extra offers.
otd You
sof Ke
STRATEGY I uuttipt" matchine eau of the

ln this task you need to match descriptions of peopte Cotswotds. Open to young peopte 16-26'
with different texts. Start by reading the descriptions
Uance the daY awaY
and underlining important information. Then do the
same with the texts. Learn to dance Brazitian samba, Spanish sevittanas'
not easy
Cuban satsa and more in one crazy day' lt's
but if you want to have fun and push your body and
your mind, then join us at WortdDanceDay' Att ages
n Guy is a big sports fan.
He's into mountain btking Native sPeaker wanted
and marathon lunning. He's l'm a nineteen-year-otd bitinguat Chinese/Portuguese
interested in trying some ctasses
student and l'd [ike to exchange conversation
moTe extfeme spotts during You can learn one (or
with a native Engtish speaker'
the spring break. you me improve my
bothl) of my languages if hetp
Engtish. Contact Amber on 030555287'

StudY [anguages abroad

It's timeto per{ect your language skitts and to tearn
what it's tike to tive in another country' Contact
fl Twenty-six-yea r-o[d J essi ca
lnterComEx - four hours of language ctasses every
works hard and enjoys a busy
morning, fun activities and super-friendty famities
socialLife, but she's often nervous
and woried. She wants to find France, GermanY, ltatY and SPain'
something to heLp her re[ax. Advesrtune tic'*?e
Do you
Do you enjoy pushing your body to its timits?
find it retaxing to take risks? Then come to the Avaton
Adventure Camp in northeast Portugat' Mountain
ctimbing, whitewater rafting, paragtiding' triathton
training and lots more-
n Nineteen-year-oLd Rudy
is veiy shy. He'd tike to meet ehinese chi([ot"lt
some new peopte. He's Oigong is an ancient form of Chinese yoga that is
interested in history and [oves to
more than 4,000 years otd' You tearn to breathe'
watking in the countryside. to and you do exercises to be heatthy'
stand and sit
to feet good and to find catm and quiet inside

n ntUa does Spanish and
Gefman at schooI but this 10 neaO the fragment of an emailfrom Dean, an
summer her patents want exchange student from lreland.
to visit Portuga[. She'd Iike
to be abte to ta[kto [oca-
peopLe white she's there. l'm really looking fonrvard to visiting you for the
first time and to meeting you in person. But do you
think you could write back telling me more about
SPEAKING you, your friends and your school?

9 In pairs, take turns to ask and answer the questions.

I Where do you |'ive? Write a letter answering Dean's questions'
2 How do you get to schoot?
3 What do you think of your home town or city?
4 Do you enjoy studying Engtish? Say why.
5 Te[[me about a good friend you have.

uOCABU,/,RY Education, soort
GRAMMAR Past Simple, used to Use of English > page 184
SPEAKING Apo[ogising
WRITING A biography

Ellie 25 October 7,42 p m.

A few weeks ago a school inspector observed my class, I gave him my chair and he
went to the back of the classroom. I was really nervous but my students were Ereat:
they weren't noisy, they paid attention, they didn't shout and they put their hands
up to ask questions, After a while I asked them to do some pair work and I sat down,
Unfortunately, I forgot my chair wasn't in its usual place and lfell on the floor!

Peter 25 October 7,55 p m

Did you hurt yourself?

Ellie 25 October 7,56 p m.

No. I didn't, I was a little embarrassed but I wasn't hurt,

25 Octobet 8,.tr"5 p,m.

My Year 6 class did some projects for me last month, I told them Yesterday my last class was in the laboratory on the third floor,
their posters were fantastic and I wanted to put them up on the Ihanded out a worksheet to my students but then I saw a fly
wall, so I took some drawing pins and stood on my chair, But the on the window, I picked up a textbook and tried to hit the fly,
chair had wheels. lt started to move. My pupils watched in silence I missedit but I hit the window and it broke, Just then the head
as I rode mv chair across the room, teacher walked into the room.

Ellie Z5 O(tober 8.33 p m Peter Z5 Ocrober B,5Z p,rn,

Were you 0K7 What did he say?

Chris 25 October 8,58 p.m,

He didn't say anything but he

wasn't very happy.

Past Simple
3 Read the forum again and answer the questions.
I Are the three stories aboutthings in the present or
things in the Pastz
2 How do the forum users write sentences a-g in the past?

Present Past

THINK BACK Work in groups of three. Use the a l'm reatty neTvous. I reatly nervous.
personatity adjectives on page 8 to say what makes b Are you 0K? 0K?
a good teacher. c He isn't very happy. He_veryhappy.
d I pick up a textbook. -you
I rrn : tpvthnnk
In pairs, describe the photo above. What's happening? e Do you hurt yoursetf? _ you yourself?
How are the people feeling? Then read the forum and f No, I don't. No, l_.
match the photo with one of the stories L-3. g They don't shout. They _. -
4 study the Grammar box and find more examples of the 9 I.16 listen and write down nine questions in the
Past Simple in the stories. Past Simple. Then in pairs, answer the questions.
A When did the sch00l inspector obserye Ellie's class?
B He obseryed Ellie's class a few weeks ago.
We use the Past Simpte to taLk about things that started
L0 StuOy watch outt and make questions for the sentences
and finished in the past.
below, Ask about the underlined part.
I The schooI inspector sat at the back of ELtie's class. We.You.They Who sat at the ba* sf Ellie's class?

T It was funny. We were quiet.

2 Her students did some pair work.
3 Somethinq happened after Jittstood on the chair.
He wasn't happy. They weren't scared.
4 Jittsaid it was 0K to taugh.
? Was it cotd? Were you 0K? 5 A flv [anded on the window in Chris's class.
Yes, itwas./ Yes, we were./ 6 Chris broke the window.
No, it wasn't. No, we weren't.
wh-? Why was she angry? Where were you? fCH OUT!
Regular and irregular verbs Subject questions
When we ask about the subject, we don't use the Past
| .You. He. She. lt. We.They
Simpte auxitiary dld or the Present Simpte auxitiary dol
T They laughed. | left the room.
How many people cameZ N0T
You didn't cry. We didn't say much. Who wants a cake? N0T
? Did he say anything?
Yes, he did./No, he didn't.
11 uate classroom collocations using a verb from box A
wh-? :
What did they learn? and a word or phrase from box B. You can use some
of the verbs more than once, Then in pairs, ask and
Time expressions: yesterday, Last n i g ht/wee k/M on day, answer questions in the Past Simple.
when lwas six, two weeks ago, in 2010, one day
A do check compare hand out open pay
Grammar Reference and Practice > page 174 put up take work

5 Write the Past Simpte forms of the verbs in the box B a poster on the wall a project a worksheet
below. Which are irregutar? an exercise an experiment attention
in pairs/groups notes your answers your hand
ask be break do fatl forget get give go happen your textbook
have hit miss pay put ride see sit stand start
take tett try want A Did you in the English class yesterday?

be - was/were, ...
B Yes, we did and we too.

6 Lt3 PRoNUNctATtoN listen and put the regular

LZ sprnxtrug In groups, te[[ stories in which something
embarrassing happened.
verbs from Exercise 5 in the correct column.

tdt ht !fit
5 Read the question and watch the video. Say
fi[[e_d, pushed, watched, ha nded, what the speakers answer. Then in pairs, ask and
observed, . a5 decided,.. answer the question.
What did you do last weekend?
7 I.t4 PR0NUNCIATI0N [isten and check your
answers to Exercise 6. Then practise saying the verbs.

8 I.l5 Complete the conversation with the correct

forms of the verbs in brackets. [isten and check.
Eric I (do) a Physics experiment with
Last Monday I
my class but it att'-(go) wrong.
Fay How? What'_ (you/do)?
Eric lo-(fit[) a gtass with water and s_ I
(put) a card on the g[ass. Then I quickty
'_(turn)the gtass upside down.
Fay '-(it/work)?
Eric No, it 8_. t_ (make) a mistake and the
watef 10_ (faLt) on the floorl

n t can use the Past Simpte to tatk about finished actions or states in the past. |
Which do you think is better: a) to [eave school to
become a top sports star or b) to study to get
a university degree? ts it possible to do both?

In pairs, look at photos A-C. Which peopte do you

recognise? Then read the articte. Whose story do you We know them today because they're famous
fi nd particutarty surprising? actors, musicians or sports stars. But many
Read the articte again. In pairs, decide if statements cetebrities used to have promising academic
1-4 are true. careers. looks at some
t n ruataLie Portman studied at Harvard before she very clever VlPs.
was in the Sfar ullars films.
2n Venus Wittiams was nevef a student and tennrs
ptayer at the same time. Brainy actor Natalie Portman
3n The musicians in Cotdptay met when they were was very good at Science at
at university in London. schooI and atways g_a! top
4n One of the ceLebrities studied something that marks. She didn't go to the
hetped his/her cafeer. premiere of her first major
fitm (Star Wars: The
4 Find three synonyms for intelligent in the article. Ph antom Menace), because
she wanted to revise for
c_____ b_____ s____
school exams. Natatie has
a degree in Psychotogy
Study l/l/afch ouU and say these sentences in a more from Harvard University
polite way.
and used to pubIish her
I 5he's uninteLtigent. scientific research.
She's not very bright.
2 l'm a sLow student.
3 You're bad atsoort. Tennis star Venus
4 He's ualv. Witliams used to be
world number 1. She's
stitt a top player but she's
TCH OUT! also very smart. ln 2011,
It's more potite to use positive adjectives to say negative Venus began to study
th i ngs: at Indiana University.
He's notvery clever sounds more potite than He,s stuDid. It wasn't easy to pass
exams white ptaying
6 Complete the phrases in the box. Use the article to prof essionaI tennis, bur
help you. Venus studied online
in her free time and in
g bad atsomething
201 5 she got a degree in
bad/good/ marks (in ...)
S h-a degree in (a subject) Business Administration.
gotola ls_ a class
learn by heart
prepare/revise exams
study a subject (at coltege/university)
take/p fail an exam/test

In pairs, use the vocabulary from Exercise 6 to ask and

answer questions about education.
Does anybody in yaur family have a degree?
Did you get a good mark in the last ... test?
Which sparts are you good at?

8 REFTECT | 5ociety In your opinion, which cetebrities

are the best role models for young peopte? Discuss in
The guys in Cotdptay started the band when they were at
university. They met because they used to tive in the same
student accommodation in London. Singer Chris studied
Greek and Latin, drummer Witt studied Anthropotogy and
guitarist Jonny used to study Mathematics. Did they use
20 n t can tatk about [earning and studying. to skip c[asses? Yes, they did. They didn't use to attend ail
their classes because they were busy with their music.
2 02
1 Do you have any plans or ideas about what you would
6 Read the information betow and look at the pictures.
Make sentences about the changes in Dectan's life
tike to do after you finish high school? Discuss in pairs.
using used to or didn't use to.
l'm not sure but l'd like to study .../work as a ...
Declan stopped getting bad marks/revising fot tests at
the [ast minute/behaving badl'y in ctass/counting the
Used to days untiI the hotidays.
Dec[an started getting top marks in Maths/doing atthis
Z Read this sentence from the article on page 20 and
homework/going to c[asses on time/showing his schoot
decide which exptanation is correct: a, b or c.
repoft to his parents.
Natatie Portman used to pubtish her scientific research.
Declan used to get bad marks. He didn't use to get top
a Nata[ie regu[arty published her scientific tesearch in marks in Maths.
the nast and she stit[ does so.
b Natatie regutarly pubtished her scientific research in
the oast but now she doesn't.
c Natatie pubtished her scientific research once.

3 Study the Grammar box and Watch out! and find att the
examples of used to in the article.

We use used to to ta[k about a regular habit or state in the

past which doesn't happen anymore.

i l.You. He.

+ We used to study German at schoo[.

He didn't use to be an actor.

? Did they use to be famous?
Yes, they did./No, they didn't.
wh-?i What did they use to study?

We can't use used to if something happened only once:
A/atalie didn't go to the premiere.

4 look at the underlined verbs in the texts on page 20.

Which ones could you replace with used to?

Where possibte, replace the undertined verbs betow

with a phrase with used to.
I Before he became an actor, George Ctooney sotd shoes. 7 sPEAKING Think about your tife when you were at
Before he became an actor, George Clooney used to sell primary schoo[. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
Did you use to ...
2 When she was younger, actress Kate Beckinsale
dreamed of being a writer. She won the WH Smith . [ike painting and drawing?
Young Writers' competition twice in her teens. . do much homework?
3 Rowan Atkinson, the actor who ptays Mr Bean, studied
. cyc[e to schoo[?
EtectricaI Engineering at Oxford Univetsity.
. live nearyourfriends?
. love listening to stories?
4 Rap star Kanye West studied Engtish at Chicago State . enjoy singing?
University. His mother worked there as a professor. . write the name of yourfavourite bands on youf
But in 1997 he Left the university without a degree.
oenciI case?
5 Rock staf Sting tauqht Engtish at a primary schoot. But in . be scared of otder chitdren?
those days peop[e didn't cat[him Sting. What did thev
catt him? They calted h i m'Mister Sumner' or just'Sir'! A Did you use to enjoy singing?
B Yes, I did. I sang in the school choir.

E I can use used to to talk about habits or states in the past. | 2l


SPEAKING What are the oldest and most famous 8 Use the correct forms of these sporting verbs from the
universities in the world? Would you [ike to study at text to complete the sentences below.
any of them? Say where and why.
compete lose organise ptay take part
Look at the photos on page 23 and read the titte of the win
article. What do you think the article is about?
In 2017, Garbine Muguruza Venus Witliams and
her first WimbLedon titte.
Study Active Reading and read the first paragraph of
the article. What do you think the article is about now? My boyfriend and loften against each other in
chess tournaments. Last time I was better!
a the history of university cricket competitions
b how the ruLes of cricket develooed over time
3 Kobe Bryant_for Los Angetes Lakers.
r the story of two famous competitive universities
4 Last week my schoot_ a sports photo
competition. Over a hundred students
d why 0xford produce better sports teams than
lwas very disappointed when we drew with Spain
2-2. BUI at least we didn't

ACTIVE READING I rredictins 9 In pairs, find the words in the text that complete the
You can make a text easierto understand by
predicting what it is going to be about before you
I A situation in which you win a game. __c_o_y

read it. Always:

2 A cornpetition. c__t__t
. [ook at the pictures 5 A situation in which peopte compete with each other
for a [ong time. __v_ [r_
. read the titte
. read the first paragraph L0 tn pairs, use the phrases from Exercises 8 and 9 to
. read the [ast paragraph. make sentences about you or somebody you know.
My brother plays footballfor a team. Last week his tean
4 Read the last paragraph. Do you want to change your won the match 3-2.
answerto Exercise 3?
11 t.l8 listen to two teenagers ptaying the game
5 Read the article and match headings A-G with 'twenty questions' . As soon as you know who the girt
paragraphs 1-6. There is one extra heading. is thinking of, say his/her name.

A A prize for second ptace 12 sprnrtruo ln pairs, play'twenty questions'. Student

B Atlsorts of sports A, choose a sports star (or anotherfamous person)
C How it a[Lstarted you know a lot about and that you think your partner
D How the btues began wi[[ know. Student B, ask questions. Remember that
Student A can only answer'Yes', 'No' or'l don't know,'
E The best in the world?

Then change roles.
F Time for a [augh
G What are the blues?
6 WATCH AND REFIECT Go to page 153. Watch the
Read the article again and answer the questions. documentary The journey to university and do the

I How [ong ago was the fifst spofts event between the exercises.
universities of Oxford and Cambridge?

over 190 years ago
How [ong can a cricket match between different
countries be?
3 TraditionaLty, what are the three prrncipaIsports at
0xford and Cambridge?
4 Which team won the second Boat Race?
5 What are the btues at Oxbridge?
5 Which cetebrity was un[ucky in 1980?
7 Who won the Boat Race in 1912?
8 Why didn't they finish the rugby match in 1919?

Scan the text to find the names of twelve sports and

games. Add them to the vocabulary map. Then in pairs,
add as many other sports as you can to the map.


ZZ I E I can predict what a text is going to be about and talk about sport.

J tn tSZl t"wo unirrersi ties playecl a cricl<et match" I Normaily r,"''hen you 'get the blues', it means you
It rvas Oxforrl vei-sus Cambridge l"he matcli lasted r^^t .- r D,., _^ts .'-^
n.-t-, i J_- ..,.,.:^^+- .,,r.^
iirf t.rq. Dwt.\JAUt
'uBe BgL Lttr bl"teS afg
>LLrLrgtLLi wltv
lwo Cav:. (Thar s actLral'ry qr-rite slror i for cricket: happy because a ' is the most prestigiolts prize a
; -, -..*^ri- ^^r -_ _- -.. - ffori last f,ve d:vct\ OXfOt.d
illLr'!tdLlUlldl Edtlll:> JrLr tr rd.a, ,rvc ua)J./ v^ WOn spor lsperson can win To get a fuli blue, you have ro
the match" It r.r,,as the beginnrng ,rf a long and famous ccmpete rgainst Cambridge or Oxfoid. Iaking part is
spotring r ival,v: ;r ,:jr,'alrv \vhtcll conrinrres to this day. enorigh: yoLr don't need to win. You also win a full blue
[] ft'ie tr,vo ancient uni.rersities compere irr rnany for competing iu a national competition and a half
-!\-./!- ;rirJ
-,t; gairre$.
^-.*^^ YcLr c1n
^ pal-r
trtKe -^.--:,. trl Amerlcan
irlL-re fcr ]rarticipariirg ai a regional level.
football or r,vinCsr.irfing, badminton or ice hockey, il nia yau know that f{ugir Laurie (TV's Dr F{ouse)
cychng ar vr-.,lleybail, rugblr r:r cliess. In 20113 they won a full blue? I'le used to row for Cambridge and
e,'e n olgan i se,l an i ir rer- r r r iver siry chccrlea d in g
r in 1980 he rcwed in the Boat Race, Unfortunately, his
colrlpe titiol-] ! TYa.rlitioil.a i ly, lhe nlos t i mportant sp orts team lost the race, br-rt nnly by a few centimetres. It
ut Oyl)rtdge (Oxfor-d * Cnrnbi'idqe) are, arhletics rvas the closest race of the trventieth century.
a"nd rowing But t]"reie is oire colltest betrveen the trvc [J t}re sporting rivalry between Oxford and
unirzersities itrat is famoirs aii arounci the woriri - the Cambridge is serior"rs bui there are some fr-rnny stories
Beiat Race too In the Boat Race in 1912 Lroth boats sank. Some
L-l fh': firs'L tsoai Race beirveen Oxford and CambnCge peopJe say the Carnbridge team tried tc continue the
;r:rk piace irt 1829 Oxforcl vrcrn the race easily The tace by swimmiiig but that may not be true. The next
seconcl Boal R.ace didn't take place i.n 183C, however. day they raced again and Oxford won..A"nd in 1919 the
it was in 1836" This time Cambridge beat O.xford. The rnirrprciricq nl:rrc
rrrn ruriivc,)rriEl
iLwrr I 'd idLllql
'- LL ^"' >(1(1rrSc -".-hrz m:
lpllfridge ;ram h;ll a light Uhre ribbon on rhejr boar The rvea.tirer was bad" In fact, it was so foggy that
rhar day and perhaps Lrecause of theirvictory, ligirt nobody could see the ball or the other players.
cirie became their official colorlr Dark l:lue was the Nobodv was snrprised when they drdn't finish
colellt r.rf Crford" At Caml;ridge the three principal ihe match"
sDirrq clrrlrs irpoarr io oivp nrizps fo fhpir irrost
{'"r ^' + -*'^^
J(lqLqDJtUL )P\JL^. L)ti lEl r. l-ho.e
r !L\/.jL nrizes were calied'the
What does it mean to be a cheat? ln pairs, agree on
the best definition. Then give examples of cheats you
know about.
A cheat is a oerson who ...
a does something dishonest to win something
b tetl,s [ies to [ook good in front of other peopte.
c steals money from shops or peopte's homes.

@ r.rr Look at the advert for a radio programme.

ln pairs, ask and answer the questions. Then [isten to
Part L ofthe interview and check.
1 How do you think Lance Armstrong cheated? I

2 What happened to him in 2012?

3 What other sports coutd be mentioned in a radio
pfogramme about cheats?

In pairs, use these words and phrases from the

interview to comptete the sentences betow. Lance.Armstrong used best

first hatf goal red card World Cup

cydist. He won the Tou fimes
from 1999 to 2005. But
world record

t n gen Johnson won a in the Otvmoic

Games in 1988.
Zn He broke the for the 100 metres with a time
of 9.97 seconds.
n Argentina ptayed against Engtand in the 1986 WHYIIO THEYIIO IT?
in Mexico.
n Maradona scored a goal with his hand after six
minutes of the
5n The referee gave Maradona a _for
6! Later Maradona scored anoth€r-, so the final
score was Argentina 2, Engtand 0.

4 1.20 Listen to Part I of the interview again and Check you understand the hightighted words. Then
decide if statements l-6 in Exercise 3 are true or fatse. in groups, ask and answer the questions.
l.Zt Listen to Part 2 ofthe interview and choose I Who are the champions of these competitions:
the correct answers. Wimbtedon/the Champions League/Formu[a 1?
I In 1980 Rosie Ruiz won the Boston marathon in 2 Who is your favourite Otympic athtetei basketbatt
player/cycIist/footbatler/swi mmer?
a under 2 hours. b about 2% hours.
3 Who is the captain/manager of your favourite
c 2 hours 56 minutes.
nationaI footbat[ team?
2 She broke the
4 Are you and the people in yourfamily sports fans?
a wortd record. Who do you support?
b record forthe Boston marathon. 5 Woutd you [ike to be a referee? Say why.
c record for a woman in the Boston marathon.
3 Peopte discovered that Rosie was a cheat SPEAKING Can you remember a time when someone
cheated you? How did you fee[? What did you do?
a just after the race. b the next day.
Are you stittfriends now? Discuss in pairs.
c more than a week later.
4 Rosie 8 REFLECT lValues Do you agree or disagree with these
a took a train most of the way. statements? Discuss in groups.
b took a train for the last two miles. I lt's never 0 K to cheat.
c trained hard before the race. 2 Everybody cheats sometimes.
5 Chitdren who want to ptay Littte League basebat[ have 3 Peopte cheat because it's easier than fotlowing the
to De ru [es.
a 12 years o[d. b 12 oryounger. c ovef 12. 4 Peopte cheat because they want to be famous,
6 In 2001 Danny Atmonte successfuI and rich.
a won the Wortd League. 5 Cheating is more common today than it used to be.
b wasn't otd enough to ptay in the World League. 5 Honouf codes, drug tests and technology can stop
c was older than the other ptayers. cheats.

24 t n I can identify specific information in an interview about famous sportspeople.

ln pairs, look at the photo, Who are the peopte? What 4 I.Z5 listen to four dialogues. Write down the
do you think is happening?
expressions the speaker uses to accept the apology in
each situation 1-4.
situations happen in the class. I That's 0K!

I Z arriving late for ctass 5 In pairs, role play the situations. Take turns to tett your
2 n cheating in an exam partner why you're angry, listen to his/her apotogy
3 n copying an essay from the lrtefnet and accept it,
4 ! running in the corridor I You alranged to meet youf partnef on Saturday. you
5 n not wearing the corect schoo[ uniform waited twenty minutes but he/she didn,t appear.
6 n not handing in homework/projects on time 2 Your paftner took your Engtish textbook home by
7 n eating in ctass mistake and you coutdn't do your homework.
8 n misbehaving in class 3 Your partner is ptaying music very [oud on his/her
phone speaker. you can't concentfate on your work.

tisten again and tick the expressions you hear. Then

4 During a game of basketbat[, your partnef hit you in
the face with the bat-.
comptete the sentences below with 1-3 words.
A Where werc you on Saturday? lwaited twenty minutes.
I Simon l'm sotry. I
B Sorry. I completely fargot.
2 Emily 5orry, Miss. l-- it was so [ate.
3 Emity Sorry, Miss, it was
A 0K, don't worry about it.
lt was an
accident. --. 6 Which things from Exercise 2 do you or people in your
Teacher 0h, _. class do? Which of them are serious probtems? Discuss
4 Teacher I'm sorry! in pairs.
Headmaster That's Miss Smith. We att Ithink it's reaLly bad to ...
make mistakes. _ to anyone.
I don'tthink it's a big problem to ...

SPEA Inpobsisins ,
REFTECT I Society In groups, answer the questions.
Saying sorry I The British say sorry very often. ls this true of peopte in
your country?
2 ls it easy to say sorfy of admit you,te wrong?
3 When was the last time you said sorry? Why?
4 Did you evef say something was your fautt when it
5 When is it 0K notto accept an apotogy?

Accepting an apology

! t can apologise, give exptanations and accept a simple apotogy. Zs

baseball and his dream was to play for a Major League team.
In the 1980s he played Minor League baseball. But then he
hurt his arm, so he gave up his dream and became a PE
teacher and baseball coach at Reagan Gounty High.
Ten years later, Jim and his pupils made a deal. lf
the schoolteam won the District Ghampionship, Jim
promised to play a trial match for the Tampa Bay Devil
Rays, The kids won the competition, so Jim went to
the trial. Amazingly, he played really well. Finally, on 18
September 1999, Jim played in a Major League game at last.
He was thirty-five years old.

Because of his arm, Jim only played twentyr-one games. After

retiring from professional sport, he wrote his autobiography and
Disney made a film about him called The Rookie. He is now
a public speaker who talks about his own experiences to inspire
and motivate people.
Jim's life shows it's never too late to believe in your dreams. What's
more, it shows that sometimes students can inspire teachers.

Major league - top professio na L baseba Lltea ms in the USA.
Minor League teams play at a lower leve[.
tria[ match - a match to test how good the players are
Tampa Bay Devi[ Rays - a Major League team from Ftorida
rookie - a new player in a sports team, usuatly very young
look at the photos on page 26 and read the captions. 6 1.24 [isten to a conversation about this Paratympic
What kind of story do you think the fitm tetts? athlete. Then listen again and complete the notes.

Read the competition entry on page 26 and check your

answers to Exercise 1.

look at the underlined words in the text and find these

. four words/phrases that put the events from
somebody's Life in order
two words that add more information about
somebody/someth ing
two words that give reasons for something that
na DDenec

Look at the text again. In which order does Otivia write

about these things?

n the key thing Jim did ! his earty tife

n his tater Life n summing up
E why she wrote about him

Study the Writing box and check your answers to

Exercises and 4.

WRITING lRtiosraphy 6n inspiraLional life - Hannahr

Paragraph 1
one ol BriLain's grealesl Paralympic
Mention why you chose this person; say why he/she is
fa mous/i m porta nt/i nspi ri n g :
abhleUes -
The person I am writing about is my hero/an inspiration. a wheelchair racer

I am writing about a famous ... has flve Paralgmpic gold medals & Lhree
world records
Paragraphs 2-3
Ta[k about their earty [ife, their tatents or achievements,
o born in Halifax in 2
and whatthey did: a su€fered brain damage at birLh, couldn't
Xwas born in .../went to school in .../studied at .../ walk or talk
got a degree in ...
ab school competed in swimmin g, aLhleLics,
She can/could ...
wheelchair ruqbu ands
boughL her f irst racing chair in o_ -
She is/was good at...
She ptayed/won .../became a .../worked as a ...
called it'Sallg'
Paragraph 4 Lon do n P ar aly mpi cs, 2O1 2: wo n Lwo
Tatk about what the pefson did tater (or does today):
golds,broke world record in 1OO and 5_
In later [ife, she .../He died in .../5he is now ...
Paragraph 5 Rio,2016: won Lhree more golds,broke
Sum up this person's life in a few words. Perhaps mention world record in tlOO mebres
now,she's aL universiLy sLudging 5_and
his/her personality:
His/Her life shows/was ...
He/She is/was very intetligent/a positive ro[e mode[.
. to sum u?: goung,brave, dedicaLed, and an
Connect your sentences
. Exptain when things happened:ten years later, next,
after, then, finatty
. Add information: and, a[so, what's more WRITING TASK Write a short biography of an
. Give reasons: that's why, so, because (of) inspirationaI person. Either use the notes in Exercise 6
and write about Hannah or choose someone etse, for
example the celebrity you chose as a positive role
model in Lesson 2B. Use the Writing box to hetp you.

E t can write a short biography. I Zl

2A GRAMMAR AND UOCABUTARY clever (adj) i'klevai
5.8 degree (n) idigri:/
1 Add more words and phrases classroom ( n) /'klorsrum/
drummer (n) /'dr,ama/
from the word tist to the
checkan exercise /,tJek an 'eksasarz/
vocabulary maps. famous Iadj)/fermas/
check/compare your answers 7,tfek/kam,pea jar
get bad/good/top marks in sth /,get baed/Eud/
tDp 'molks rn ,snmerq/
compare in pairs/groups /kam,pee rn 'peazl get/have a degree in a subject l,get/,hev a
dr'gri: rn a ,srrbd3tkt/
SCHOOL AND do an exercise/a project/an experiment /,du an
UNIVERSITY SUBJECTS go tolattend/skip a class /,gau ta.i a,tend/,skrp
'eksasarz/a'prod3ekt/en rk'speramant/
a 'klo;s/
drawing pin In) /'dr:rrr] prn/ good/bad at /'gud/'bed at/
embarrassing (adj) /rm'barasr0i
Greek (n) /gri;k/
epic (adj) /'ep*/ guitarist (n) /gr'tc:rrst/
fail (n) /ferl/
intettigent (adj J /rn'tehdjant/
fall Iv) /fr:l/
latin (n)/'latrn/
get down /,get 'daun/
learn by heart /,1:rn bar 'hort/
hand out a workheet i,heend ,aot a 'w::kJilt/
leave schooI i,li:v 'sku:l/
head teacher (n) /,hed 'ti:tJa/
major (adj) /'merd3a/
nurt (v) /fr::V
Mathematics In ) /,mn0a'matrksl
noisy (adj) /'nrrzi/
musician (n) /mju:'z4anl
observe (v) /ab'z::vl
particutarly (adv) /pa'trkjalelii
open your textbook /,aupen ja 'tekstbuk,/
premiere I n) /'premieal
Find things pairwork (n) /'pea wrki
prepare/revise for exams /prr,pea/ r,varz far.
you can: pay attention /,per a'tenJan/ rgznmz!
t hand out Physics (n) /fizrks/ professional (adj) /pre'feJana.,
2 put up: pick up 7,prk ',rp/ promising (adj) /'prnmrsrql
3 work in:
poster (n) ,r'pausra/ Psychotogy (n) lsalkolad3i/
Which verbs from the word [ist project role mode[ (n) /'raui ,modl/
In ) /'prnd3ekt/
co[[ocate with these nouns?
put up a poster on the watl /put ,r,p a 'paustar Science (n) /'sarens/
on de w::l/
singer (n) i 'srrla/
an exam put up your hand lput ,,rp ja 'hand/
smart Iadj) /smolt/
school inspector (n) /'sku:l rn,spekta/
sports star (n) /'spr:ts stor/
a class shout (v) {aut/ study a subject at co[[ege/university /,st,tdi a
student In ) /'stju:dant/ ,sabd3rkt at'kolrd3/,ju:rra'v:rsati/

take notes i,terk 'nauts/ take/pass/fail an exam/test i,terk/,pols/,f erl an

school rg'zoemi'test/
textbook (n) /'tekstbuk/
tennis (n) /'tenrsl
wheel In)/wi:l/
4 Match the two parts of the top ptayer (n) /,top'plera/
co[[ocations. Then check with the work in pairs/groups l,wsrk rn 'peazl'grurpsl
scientifi c (adj ) /,saran'trfrk/
word [ist, worksheet (n) /'w:rkf rt/
1 beat a a goal unintelligent (adj ) /,rnrn'tehd3(alntl
2 n break b anotherteam ZBUOCABULARY 5.9 university (n ) /,ju:nr'v:lsati/
5 n fottow c a recofd academic (adj ) /,aka'demrk/
4 E score d the rules
accommodation (n) /a,knma'derlan/
atthe last minute /,et 0a ,la:st 'mrnat/
Do the task below. actor In) /'aekta/
band (n) ibandl
Make a tist of attthe types of Anthropotogy (n ) /,en€ra'poled3i/
sport you enjoy. Then wfite behave badty /bi herv 'baedli/
brainy (adj) /'brerni/
down the names of the pLaces cycte (v) /'salkali
and equipmentthatyou need bright Iadj) /brart/
to ptaythem. Use a dictionary if etectrica[ (adj ) /r'lektrukal/
Business Administration (n) l,brnas
necessary. ad,mina'strerJan/ engineering In ) i,end3r'nrarrq/

go to class on time /,gau ta ,klors nn 'tarm/ regionat Iadj) /'rird3anal/ support (v) / sa p::tl
high schoot In) /'har skurl/ ribbon (n) /'rrban/ swimmer In)/'swrmal
paint (v) /peint/ rivatry (n) I'rawakil take a train /,terk a 'trernl
pencil case (n) /'pensal kers/ rowing (n)/'rauirli technotogy (n J ltek'noladli/
primaryschool (n) /'prarmari sku:l/ rugby (n) /'rngbi/ train (v) itrern/

rap In)/rap/ serious (adj) /'srariasl World Cup/teague InJ /'w:;ld k,rp/li:gi

scared of i'skead av/ sink (v) /srrlk/ world record InJi'w:rld rekr;di
school choir (n) /,sku;l 'kwara,/ sportsperson I n) /'spr:ts,p:rsan/

schooI report stmnge (adj ) /strernd3/

(n ) /,sku:l rr'pr:t1'
accident (n) l'aksrdant/
scientifi c (adj ) /,saran'trfrk/ successfu[ (adj ) /sak'sesfal/
aPologise (v),/a'po!ad3arzl
sing (v) /sr0/ take part in /,terk 'port rn/
apology (n ) /a'pnladgil
team In)/tirm/
2D READING AND UOCABU1ARY arrive late for class ,/a raiv ,lert fa 'kla:sl
traditionally (adj ) /tra'd{anali/
@s.rr versus (prep) /'v::sasi
cheat in an exam /,tJi:t ln an rq'zem,r
American footba[[ (n) /a,merrkan Tutbr:l/
copy [v) /'knpi/
ancient (adj) /'ernfanti
victory (n) /'vrktarii
corridor (n) i'knnd]l/
athletics volleyball (n) l'volib:rll
(n ) in0'lettks/ essay InJ,/'eser/
badminton (n) /'bedmrnten/ win (v) /wrn/
fautt (n)fr:lti
windsurfi ng (n
) /'wrnds:;frql
beat [v) /hi:t/ hand in homework/a project /,haend rn
boat (n) /baut/ 'haumw:lk/a' procl3ekt/
cheerleading Iadj) /'tJra,li:drn/ headmaster In /,hed'morstal
5.72 J

chess (n) /tles/ basebatt (n) 1'bersb::l/ misbehave in class /,rrrshr,herv rn 'klolsr'

compete in /kanr'pirt rni basketball ptayer (n) l'bo:skatbrl ,plera/ realise (v) I' ri.alarzl

competition (n) /,knmpa'trJani breakthe world record /,trrerk da ,wrld 'rekr;dl school uniform (n) /,skurl 'iu:natr:m,/

contest (n) /'kontest/ captain (n)/'keptrn/

cricket (n) l'krkrt/ champion (n ) /'Uampian/
achievement ( n) la'tJirvmant,/
cycling (n) /'sarkh4/ cheat (n, v) itfrti
autobiography In J /,:rtabat|,grafii
draw (v) /dnr/ cyclist (n) /'sarklist/
brain damage (n)/'brern damrdg,r
foggy (adj) i'fogil dishonest (a dj ) /drs'onrst/
brave (adj) lbren,/
game (n)/germ/ drug test In) /'drng test/
coach (n) /kautf
getthe blues l,get da 'blurz/ final score (n) /,farnal 'sk::/
dedicated (a dj ) /'dedrkertecl/
ice hockey (n) /'ars ,hoki/ first hatf (n) /,frst 'horf/
district (n) /'drsti"rkt/
internationa[ (adj ) 1,rnta'nefanal/ follow the rules /,fnlau da 'ru:lzl
inspire (v) irn'sparal
inter-university (adj ) lrn,ur,jti:na'v:rsati/ footballer (n) /futbr;la/
inspiring Iadj ) lrn'spararuql
tose Iv) i lu:z/ goat (n) lgaul/
iournalism ( n) i'd3::nalueml
match (n) /metfl gotd medat (n) /gauld'medli
make a deal /,rnerk a 'di:l/
medat In) /'medl/ honour code (n) /'ona kaud/
motivate (v) /'mautivertl
nationat Iadj) /'naJanal/ look good in front of sb i,luk 'gud rn fr'lnt av
P.E. (n) /,pi: 'ir/
officiat (adj) /af4al/ ,snmbodi/
paralympic athlete (n) /,p;era,hmprk'a0li:i/
manager (n) /'menrd3a/
organise (v) l'rrganaiz/
pubtic speaker (nJ /,p^blik 'spi;ka1
national footbalt team (n ) /,naJanal'futbr:l ti:m/
participate in /pol'trsapert rn/
racer (n) /'rersa/
0lympic athlete (n) /a,kmprk 'a0lirt/
play for a team /,pler far a 'tirm/
rookie (n)/'rukil
radio ptogramme (nl /'rerdiau ,praugram/
ptayer In ) /'plera/
suffer (v) /'snfa/
red card (n) /,red 'kord/
prestigious (adj ) /pre'strd3as1
tatent (n) i'tFlent/
referee (n) I ,ref a'ri'./
principal (adj) /'prrnsrpal/
trial (n) /'traral/
score (v) /skrr/
prize (n) I prarzl
wheelchair (n) i'wirltJea/
sports fan (n) /'spr:ts fan/
nce (n)lrers/

VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 4 Write the Past Simpte forms of the verbs from the box,

]. Comptete the sentences with the correct forms of the break do forget happen hit [augh push
verbs from the box. put see take tetl want
answer cheat check copy de get fait hand in ask - asked
pass pay put up take work
Complete the conversation with the correct forms of
We had to do a Geography project about lreland but the verbs in brackets.
I forgot , so I didn't _
the project on time. Dad ' (you/have) a nice day at schoot?
'Did you _the Physics exam?' 'Yes, a good l_ Mia No, I
mark - 65%. But unfortunatelv, I
the Maths
Dad Why?What'-(happen)?
Mia We o_ (be) tate for Geography, so we t-
Now_ in pairs. Read thetext and ask and_the (run) atong the corridor and my bag 5- (fatt).
questions. Then _
youf answefs with another pair.
Dad your
Which the worst thing to do: to _
an essay from '_(be)your [unch in bag?
Mia 8_. yoghurt
_ r0_ "-(be)
the Internet, of to in an exam? Yes, it There
everywhere! | (go) to the toitet to clean it
5 Good students _ attention in ctass, notes
(arrive) late for the ctass. Mrs Bates
and _their hands when they want to ask a "_ reatty angry.
up, so |
ouestion. - "_(be)
Dad What 13_ (she/do)?
tabet the sports. Mia She 14_ (give) me extra homework.
6 Whele possible, replace the undertined verbs with
a phrase with used to.
Footba[[er Robert Lewandowskilotaved used to play
for Potish club Lech Poznai.He zmoved to Borussia
Dortmund in 2010. He 3wasn't the captain of Po[and
then but he Abecame captain in 2013.
American gymnast Simone Bites 5won four gold
medats at the Rio Otympics in 2016. When she was
youngef, she 6didn't go to high schoo[. Where Tdid she
studv? She sstudied at home.

7 Choose the correct words a-c to complete the texts.

STRATEGY I ruuttipte choice cloze - shorttexts

The short texts in this task come from different sources,
e.g. emaits, notices, advertisements, signs or instructions.
In order to understand the main message, find the key
words in each text first.

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the , Dear l'lrs Jones,
words from the box. There are two extra words. ' ( afraio! that hnr€th c^ntinues t0 t44isbchave
in^cllss. This M^rning hc was s0 bdd I scnt niu f0
beat competition match medal prize
race record score take paft team win spcakto thc

I There are five

in an ice hockey _. a head -. b manager c pupiI
2 Michae[ Schumacher won ninetv-one Formuta
0ne It's time to study at Dunford University!
The first internationaIfootba[[ was Scottand vs. You can get a _ in Arts, Business or Science.
Engtand in 1872.
The lnternationaI Cheer Union orqanises a coltege b degree c subject
cheer[ead i ng
Atthe 1988 Seou[Otympics Ben Johnson broke And remember, next Friday is the last day to hand
the world _
and won the qold - but he _ in your History _.Don't be late and make
cheated. them as colourful and attractive as vou can!
In the 2014 Wortd Cup, Germany _
Brazil 7-1. The
Germans _
five goats in the first hatf.
a Dostefs b textbooks c worksheets
Twenty-three countries _ in the 1960
Pa ratym p ics.

tISTENING 9 t.26 Listen to a recording about Spanish basketbatt
ptayer Pau Gasot. Then listen again and write down
8 7.25You are going to hear five short recordings. what you hear.
Read questions 1-5 and study the pictures. Then listen
and choose the correct answer for each recording.
STR EGY I Dictation

STR EGY I Muttipte choice task with picture options Use the time during the first reading of the dictation to get
to know the topic and pick out some key words.
Look at the pictures and questions very carefu[y to check
that you understand what the pictures show. This witt give
you an idea of what sort of information to [isten for. SPEAKING

I When cou[d women first cet decrees from Oxford 10 tn pairs, rote ptay the situation below. Then change
Un ive rs ity? roles and do the task again.
Student A
You are preparing to run a mini-marathon. You did not
go to the [ast tra in ing session a nd yo u r coach wa nts to
know why. Student B is your sports coach.
. Say why you missed the session and apologise.
. Explain why there was a problem.
2 Which spoilsperson did the girLwrite aboutfor her . Apo[ogise again. Offer to do an extra training session.
schooL project? . Suggest a day and time for the training.
o End the conversation.
Student B

You are a sDofts coach. Student A did not come to the

last training session and you want to know why. Use the
phrases beLow to hetp you.
. Hello (nane). PLease, come in. Do you know why
3 Why did the boy apotogise to his teacher? I wanted to see youT
. You usualLy come to every training session. What
. 0K, I understand. Please tell me nexttime when there is
a ptoDIem.
. That sounds like a qood idea. When can vou do this?

LL Vou see this ad in your schoo[ magazine.

4 In which situation does the oirtcheat?

Tell us about the life of an inspirational

member of your family. Explain why he/she
is inspirational, write about their early life,
personality, talents and achievements. You
can win a weekend break for a familv of fourr

Write your entry for the competition.

5 Which picture shows Lucas'father?


Af some point in life, everyone hos to slond up ond speok in front of o group of people. For mosl of us
this con be exlremely slressful, bul fhere's some good news. Allhough not everyone con be o greol
public speoker like Borock Obomo or Oproh Winfrey, giving o presenfolion is definitely o skillyou con
leorn. Here ore four sleps to o successful presentotion.

When you first stort to plon o presentotion, osk Proctising helps you feel more confident when you
yourself these questions: speok in public, lt's o good ideo to:
. Who is your oudience? At school, you're tolking to . Proctise in front of o mirror ond wotch your
your teocher ond clossmotes, but on officiol exom body longuoge. Remember thot you con use
is o more serious ond formolsituotion. your body ond fociolexpressions to help the
. Why ore you giving the presentotion? Whot is the oudience understond your messoge. lt is olso o
messoge of your speech? Decide if you wont good ideo to move during the presentotion to
to moke the listeners lough, inform them obout keeo the oudience's ottention,
something, or moybe persuode them to ogree . Time your speech, Reod through your
with vour ideos. presentotion ond see if you con keep to the time
. How much time hove you got? This will help you limit. You con olso record yourself speoking to
decide how much informotion to shore with vour observe how you use your voice,
oudience, . Proctise in front of on oudience, for exomple
fomily ond friends. This will help you deollvith
2 PRE RE stress ond prepore to onswer ony questions,
At this stoge you should:
. Reseorch your topic, Moke sure you understond PRESENT
your subject well, Decide whot you wont to soy The big doy is now here, For your octuol
ond try to moke it interesting for your oudience. oresentotion:
. Orgonise your ideos into o cleor introduction,
. Weor clothes which ore comfortoble but
moin body ond conclusion. You con stort with o oppropriote for the occosion, Think obout ./-

joke, some surprising focts, o personol onecdote whether your oudience willweor formol or
or o question to get the listeners' ottention, informol clothes ond weor something similor,
. Creote note cords to help you remember whot to
. Look of the listeners os you speok, Smile ot
soy, Don't try to leorn your presentotion by heort the oudience ond breothe deeply os this will
word for word, Insteod, put two or three key points help you feel less nervous, Never reod the
on note cords ond follow your plon, presentotion from o poge but speok directly to
the people in your oudience,
. Use your own words ond don't speok too fost,
Speok cleorly ond try to sound confideni,

1. ln pairs, answer the questions,
I Describe the last time you gave a presentation.
1-2. For each presentation (Pl and P2), rate aspects
A-E below from 1 to 5 (1 = poor, 5 = exce[[ent).
What was it about? How did you feet?
2 In which situations in your tife could pubtic P1 P2
speaking skitts be usefu[? Say why.
ldeas and organisation
In pairs, discuss the opinions about giving AThe beginning of the presentation was
presentations. Choose the options that you think i nteresti ng

are correct. Say why. B The oresentation had a clear stfucture.

1 Giving an exam presentation isdifferentfron I Presenting
simiLar to a c[assroom oresentation.
The oresenter communicated his ideas
2 lt is a good I bad idea for a speaker to start
in an effective way (eye contact, body
a presentation by saying something funny.
language, faciaI expression.)
3 The way a presenter uses their body during a taLk
can I cannot change the message. D The presenter spoke strongly and clearty.
4 llis 0K I not )Kfor a pfesenter to speak Longet than E The presenter [ooked confident and
sched uled. reIaxed.
5 The best way to prepare for a presentation is to
oractise it alone I with someone else.
6 llis 0K I not }Kfor presentefs to read frorn a page
7 Study the box betow. Which of the phrases could you
use to begin a presentation (B) and which to end it (E)?
so they don't forget what to say.

3 Read the text and check your answers to Exercise Z. SPEAKING I ciuins presentations
4 Which three tips from the text do you think are the E Do you have any questions?
most usefut? In pairs, explain why. n f ne subject/topic of my talk today is ...
n to start by tatking about ...
t'O tit<e

presentations and answer the questions. n rnat brings me to the end of my presentation.
I What are the topics of Jenny's presentations? n To summarise, .../To conclude, ...
Z What pros and cons does she mention aboutthe n Before I staft, it miEht surprise you to [earn that ".,
i ssu es? n Well, that's it from me. Thank you for listening.
! today l'd tike to talk about ... But first, did you know

8 Read the quote. In pairs, explain what it means using

your own words.

Att great speakers were bad speakers at first.

Ralph WaLdo Emerson (American poet)

9 Do the task betow.

ttFE SKltL5 | eroject

Pfepare a two-minute presentation on a subject you frnd
i nteresti ng.

. Fotlow the tips from this [esson (Plan, Pfepafe, Practise,

Present). Use some ofthe phrases from Exercise 7 to
nerp you.
. Give your presentation in front of the cLass and [isten to
presentations from othet students.
. Give each other feedback. Say what you tiked about the
presentation and what you cou|.d improve.

VOUBUURY Hotiday activities, traveLting, transpoft
GMMMAR Past Continuous and Past Simpte, retative ptonouns Use of Engtish > page 185
SPEAKING Asking for information
WRIfING A btog post

.,-, -. .: :,., .;: - -

1 , -- ,.

Wif d horses Steve Curru New york Swirnming in the rain A double rainbow
Last summer we were staying in Kerry Kone, London Adam Clark, Dublin
a hotel in Scotland. One evening, we We were sunbathing on a beach in I was staying with my uncle on his
went for a drive, At about 7 o,m. we Cornwall, I was eating an ice cream farm in Canada. One evening it wasn't
were going along a very quiet road. when suddenly it started to rain. raining, so I went for a walk. As I was
wasn't looking at the countryside, My parenis ran to a cafe but my walking, I noticed it was getting very
I was playing a video game. Suddenly, sister Lara said, 'Let's go for a swiml dark, Then I saw two rainbows over
my dad stopped the car, Right in We're wet anyway.'While we were the fieldsl lt was beautiful, I took lots
front of us were lots of wild horses. swimming, I took this photo, The rain of photos. lt started to rain when
They were running straight at our car. stopped and the sun came out, We I was going home but I didn't care.
As they were going past, I took this felt great, The only problem was that
photo. lt was amazingl our towels were really wet!
1 ln pairs, check you understand the hotiday activities in 7 Look at the photos and stories again and correct
the box. Then think of some more things we typicatty the sentences.
do on hotiday. I Kerry was eating [unch when it started to rain.
ctimb a mountain go for a swim/drive lVo, she wasn't eating lunch. She was eating an ice cream.
lie/sunbathe on the beach make a trip pack your bag 2 Lara was lookrng atthe camera when Kerrytook
e 18: see the sights watch the sun rise/set visit retatives the photo.
3 Steve's mum was drivinq the car when the
2 SPEAKING In pairs, use the vocabulary in Exercise l to n0lses aDDeafeo.
talk about the things you did during your [ast hotiday. 4 The horses were running away flom Steve's car.
A Did you see the sights the last time you went on 5 Adam was staying in a hoteL in Canada.
holiday? 5 The sun was coming up when Adam sawthe lainbows.
B No, I didn't. l just lay on the beach all day.
8 What do you think your partner was doing at these
look at the 'MagicaI Moments' photos and read the times? Ask and check if your guesses were correct.
stories. Which one is your favourite? Say why.
ten o'clock tast night six o'cLock this morning
[ast Saturday at 8 p.m. last 5unday at 11 a.m.
Past Continuous and Past Simpte
A Were you sleeping at ten o'clotk last night?
4 Match sentences 1-2 with the uses of the Past B No, lwasn't. lwas studying Maths.
Continuous a-b.
I n At about 7 p.m. we were going a[ong a quiet foad. 9 1.28 Comptete the text with the Past Simpte or Past
2 n was staying with my uncle on his farm in Canada.
Continuous. [isten and check.

a to give the background to a story We r (travet) to Ffanre on a car ferry.

b to say that someone was in the middte of an action at lz-(feet) 3_
a bit sick, so | (go) outside to get
some air. WhiLe o_(took) I down at the sea,
(see) a dotphin. lt 6_
a soecifrc time
| '_ (swim) next
5 Read this sentence from one of the stories and answer to the ship. As 7_ | (watch), it "_ Uump) high
the questions. out of the sea. e_ I (get] a wonderfutphoto.
White we were swimming, I took this photo. L0 Comptete the sentences with the correct forms of
I Did these actions happen the trave[ verbs from the box. Then in pairs, say ifthe
a one after another? b at the same time? sentences are true for you.
2 Which action was shorter and which tense do we use
to ta[k about it? drive ride saiI wait

6 Read the Grammar box and find more examples of the I I was running to a bus to schoolwhen
Past Continuous and Past Simple in the stories. I rea[ised it was a hoLidav.
The first time | _
the car, my dad was sitting
beside me with his eyes closed.
I met my boyfriend/girtfriend white | _ at a bus
We use the Past Continuous: stop.
. to give the background to a story 4 |_ my bike when I saw our teacher.
. to tatk about an unfinished action at a time in the oast 5 White we _ on a ferry, there was a storm
. to show that a [ong activity was interrupted by a short
one (in the Past Sinpte)
9 Read the sentence below and watch the video. We.You.They Saywhat the speakers answer. Then in pairs, ask and
answer the question.
+ lwas swimming. They were running.
TeL[me about a magicaI moment that happened to you
- She wasn't dancing. , We weren't walking. on ho[iday.
? Was he sunbathing? I Were they singing?
Yes, he was./ r Yes, they were./
No, he wasn't. ; No, they weren't,
i./h-? Whose car was he i What were you doing
d riving? yesterday at 10 p.m.?

linkers: when, white, as

Grammar Reference and Practice > page L75

n I can use the Past Simpte and Continuous to tatk about past experiences. 35

I Travelting

L THINK BACK In pairs, talk about the kind of transport 5 Study l,l/atch ouf! and choose the correct verbs to
you can/can't take in/from your town or region. complete the sentences. Use the holiday reviews to
You can't take the undergraund in our town but you can hetp you.
take a bus. 1 Didyou go/take bytrainorcoach?
You can take a plane from ... airport. 2 We got / went a taxi to the airpoft.
2 Check you understand the hightighted words. Then in
3 | stayed /travelled in the worst hotel in Lonoon.
groups, say which hotidays you would/wouldn,t [ike 4 Two days latef we leflfor / to Moscow.
to go on and why. 5 As the ptane was checking in /taking orT, I shut my eyes.
I a one-day excursion to a theme Dark 6 lfettasleep while we wereflying / landing overthe
Atlantic 0cean.
2 a weekend city break in London or paris
3 a school trip to an outdoor centre in Wates 7 We arrived / left at the airport three hours before the
4 a package hotidayto a Greek island 8 Whattime did you arrive ln /af the station?
5 a three-week cruise in the Caribbean 9 We Doarded / nissed the p[ane earty.
6 a scientific expedition to the Antarctic 10 lt took us five minutes to put on / put up the tent.
7 an adventure ho[iday in an African safari park ll Yesterday we arrived in / atThaitand.
8 a nine-month journey around the woftd
3 Read the hotiday reviews below. What kinds of hotiday WATCH OUT!
from Exercise Z do they describe? Which trip do you
We say arrive in a city/country orat a station/airport, etc.,
prefer? Say why.

4 In pairs, comptete the tabte using the hightighted We say leave for a place, NOT
verbs from the reviews. Add words and phrases from When travetling by plane, take off = Leave
the reviews to make collocations. Then use a dictionary and land = arrive.
to help you make more col[ocations.

Tra ns po rt qo/travel by train, coach, ...

6 sPEAKING Think about a holiday or school trip you
went on. In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Use
the underground, ... the vocabulary from Exercises 4 and 5.
Accommodation stav in a five-star hote[, a budget I How did you getthere?
hotel, ...
2 Where did you stay?
Activities p ctimbing, 3 What did you do?
your sunscreen, . 4 Was it a good trip?

Destinaticn: Brecon O,,,liCoor Centre, Wai,es Destinaticn: Hei-aklien, Crete

R.evlew by: .-rce Oueen, Review by, Helen Green, Oxfcrd
We h to Wales. We had a Lot of fun on the way but We missed the bus, so we got a taxi to the train station. Then we
the hours and it was too hot. I was el-ad when we travelled by train to London and took the underqround to the
arrived at the camosite.

OOeeO AeeoMMoEATtord
It but they were big s
pLentyo and boots. Unfortu {&Ae0O A€coMMoDAflohl
were no ur sLeeping bags on
ooa.)C} AeilvtflEs
ki ve1 windsurfing on a Lake, mountain surprised the hoteI was fuLLy booked
in untains. We were atways doing AS{&O AcnvtnEs
w We went sightseeing every morning and visited Lots of
eCIOoo YoURvERD'er museums. ln the afternoons ljust put on my sunscreen and
A great school t peciaLly the activities. I reatly recommend sunbathed by the poot!
it I was sorry to eStsOO youR vERDt€r
It was our first package hollday, I Loved the hoteL and Crete rs
a Sreat p[ace to visit but the journey was a nightmare

36 I ! | can tatk about hotiday activities, transport and accommodation.

Where do most tourists to your country come from? 5 I.50 Complete the conversations with one word in
What kind of things do they like doing? Discuss in each gap. listen and check. Then in pairs, practise the
pairs. conversations.
Haze[ Excuse me. What iime is the lnexttrain to
Match the places from the box with the descriptions. GLasgow?

Left Luggage taxi rank tourist office travel centre Man Five fifty-nine.
tube station Hazel l'm sorry, I didn'tz_that. Canyou t_it
again, ptease?
A ptace where you can ...
Joe Which 4_ does the train leave from?
a sit and wait for a bus/train waiting room
lee 88.
b get a taxi
r catch an underground train Joe How is it to the Brunswick Centre?

d [eave heavy bags for a few hours Atda It's not far. lt's about ...

e ask about timetab[es, buy tickets

Hazel ls u_ a bus we can catch to get there?

f find outtravetinformation, book hotels, get Joe 0l maybe we can take a cab Where's the 7
maps/[eaflets taxi rank?
Atda The taxi rank is over there. But you can 8

0l to 7.29 Lookat the photo, watch or listen to It's on[y five minutes.
the conversation and answer the questions.
Joe '_is the Left Luggage?
1 Whefe do the tourists want to go? to Glasgow Atda Next to Ptatform 16.
2 What information do they want?
3 What probtem do they have?
4 Why are they surprised atthe end?
British Engtish American English
4 E to r.29 Study the Speaking box. Watch or [isten tube/underground suDWay
again and tickthe expressions you hear.
tift etevator
taxi cab
SPEAKING lntkinsforinfo ion
6 l.3l pRoNUNctATtoN listen to questions 1-4 and
Z Excuse me, what time is the next train to ...? repeat. Pay attention to the underlined words.
I wfricn Dlatform does the train leave from? I How far is it to the bus station?
fl Where's the nearest tube station/bus stop/taxi Z ls there a map of the undefground?
rank? 5 What time is the next coach to Leeds?
! ts there a bus/tram we can catch to ,..? 4 ls there a tram we can catch to the 0td Town?
I ls there a restaurant/bank/Travel Centre near here?
I How far is it to ...?
7 I.32 listen and write down the answers to the
questions in Exercise 6. Then in pairs, practise the
f Pardon me, ldidn't hearthat. conversations.
I I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.
8 In pairs, rote ptay the situations. Student A, go to page
189. Student B, go to page 191.

E I can ask for information in situations related to travelling. | 37

In one minute, write down everything you know
about England. Then in pairs, compare your lists.

2 7.33ln pairs, read the quiz. Do you know

the answers? Listen and check.

Relative pronouns
3 Look at the quiz and answer the questions.
Which of the undertined words referto...
a thinn<? :nd
b nonnlpZ :nd
C ptaces?_,_and
d possessions?

4 Look at clues 7-8 in the quiz and answer the questions.

I What comes after uvhere when we define a olace -
a noun/plonoun or a verb?
2 When can we leave out who, which and that - when
the next word is a noun/pronoun or a verb?

Study the Grammar box and check your answers to

Exercises 3 and 4.
England is a country that a [ot of people visit, but what
do you know about it? Read the clues betow and find
the answers!
I A graffiti aftist who [ikes to be anonymous. Which and that refer to things and places.
Z A young woman that has a great voice. Who and that refer to peop[e.
3 A detective whose residence is at 2218 We aLso use vvhere for otaces when the next word is
Baker Street, London. a noun 0t Dfonoun.
A prehistoric monument which is over 4,000 UVhose refers to possessions.
years old.
We can leave out who/which/thatwhen the next word is
A company that started making very expensive a noun 0t Dronoun.
cars in Manchester in 1906.
6 A train station which is famous for Platform 9%. Grammar Reference and Practice > page 175
7 The town where Wiltiam Shakespeare was born.
8 A drink we love in Enqland.
6 Choose the correct relative pronouns. There may be
more than one correct answer. Tick two sentences
where you can leave out the relative pronoun.
1n BreaKastwastheontymeatthat I who I whose
I tiked.

z! 0td Trafford is the stadium what I where I who

Manchester United ptay.
3n London is a city where I which lvvho has some
grear museums.
4n Cotdptay is a group which I who I whose songs
make me sad.
S n aenny Hi[[was an English comedian that I which I
who my pafents Loved.

7.34 ln pairs, complete the questions with relative

pronouns and try to answer them. Listen and check.
What's the name of ...
1 the pLace the Queen of Engtand lives?
2 _
the city is famous for the Beatles?
3 the woman_ wrote the Harry Potter books?
4 the singer_ songs inc[ude 'Castte on the Hitt' and
'Shaoe of You'?

8 SPEAKING Think ofthree interesting facts aboutyour

country (a person, a place, a product, food or drink)
and share them with the ctass. Use relative pronouns.

58 I E t can use relative pronouns to tatk about peopte, things and places.
SPEAKING In pairs, answerthe questions.
I How do you feel when you travel (e.9. tetaxed, boied,
2 Do you prefer to traveI by coach, ptane or train? Say
3 The last time you travetled, did you arrive at the
airport or station earty, on time or tate? TaLk about the
tri o.

In pairs, match the airport vocabulary from the box

with the definitions.
arrivals boarding pass book a flight budget airline
cance[[ed check-in (desk) detayed departure lounge
gate security trottey

I A bag or casethat you take onto the ptane with you.

hand luggage
2 A company that setts cheap flights.
I.56 Listen to the conversation again and choose
3 Athingthatyou putyour bags on.
the correct answers.
4 Athingthatyou need to get on the ptane
5 A ptace with lots of shops and restaurants.
I Why did Tom almost miss the fliqht?
a He didn't know his seat number.
6 The ptacewheretheycheckyou andyourLuggage.
b He had a probtem at security.
7 The ptace where you first show your ticket.
c He spent too [ong in the caf6.
8 The ptace where you go after you [and.
9 The ptace where you wait to board the plane.
2 Why did he miss his flight to New York?
a Because of the weather.
10 To buy a p[ane ticket.
b He got to the airport late.
11 Bad news: your flight is Late.
c He didn't have his passpoft with him.
12 Worse news: your flight is not taking off.
3 Kate's dad was flying to
3 @ Complete the text with the correct forms of a lstanbu[. b Edinburgh. c Frankfurt.
the words and phrases from Exercise 2. Listen and 4 Her dad missed his flight because he
check. a was taLking on the phone.
rbooked my flight to New York online with a 2_ b had a probtem with his computer.
airline. lt was a bargainl I printed my 3_ at home, so
I didn't need to go to the o_. ljust went straight to
c didn't hear them caLting his name.
I checked a monitor in the 6 and saw that
5 How much did Tom's ticket cost?
rny flight was 7_ by hatf an hour. I wasn't happy but a f150 b f115 c f500
at [east it wasn't8_ ! My e_ was heavy, so I got 6 Where is the ptane going?
a to_ and went round the shops. I bought a present a To an is[and in the Caribbean.
for Caitlin. Then I wentto the u_to board the plane. b To a city in Spain.
The flight was fine. I went to sLeep thinking about Caittin
waiting for me in r2_ at JFK.
c We don't know.

SPEAKING Think of a time you had a problem when you

4 @ Lro Study Active listening and read the questions were trave[[ing. What happened? ln pairs, telt your
in Exercise 5. Then choose the correct answers in the stories. Use the prompts below to help you.
summary below. Listen to the conversation and check.
This is a conversation between rtwo / three people on you miss your train you can't get a seat
azp|ane / train.Ihey're tatking about the sfun / problems it's too crowded it's fuLty booked
you can have when you tfavet. you can't find your ticket you feeL il[ on the coach
your flight/bus is detayed you get on the wrong bus

ACTIVE tISTENING I rredictins In pairs, discuss how to avoid/solve the probtems in

. Look at the visuals to hetp you decide what the context Exercise 6. Use the ideas below or your own.
of the audio recording is.
attow p[enty of time for your journey book a seat
. Try to guess what the peopte are tatking about. That witt book your ticket early check for up-to-date traveI news
hetp you activate the vocabutary you need. not traveI in the high season
. Listen for key words from the questions. They can make a tist and pack carefutty pay attention
confirm that your predictions are right of wrong.
You should reserve a seat before vou travel.

n t can predict what an audio recording is going to be about.

| 39
SPEAKING In pairs, answer the questions. Complete the questions with words from Exercise 4.
I Do you [ike traveLting? Say why. Then in pairs, ask and answer the questions.
2 What countries woutd you tike to visit? I ls it a good idea to on youf own at night?
2 Have you got a _ passport? When did you get it?
look at the photo, the map and the title of the text. 3 Are people in your country _ ?
Then read the first and last paragraph. What is the text
about? 4 What countries has your country got a _ with?
a A man who travetled atone from Enqland to South
5 How do you feetwhen you _ on a long journey?
America. 5 Do you need a _ in youf passpoft to visit the UK?
b A man who trave[ted around the wortd without usinq 7 Can youtravel_ffom youf countryto Noruay?
Dtanes. 8 Doyou prefertotlavel_orwith someone else?
c A man who broke the wor[d record for a round-the- 9 ls Scottand an independent_ ?
wortd trip.
1.58 listen to a description of the charity that
Read the text and choose the correct answers. Graham was co[tecting money for. Complete the notes
I Which sentence is true?
with 1-2 words in each gap.
a Graham planned to travel by air and sea.
b Graham made the journeyfor more than one feason.
0bjective: lt provides peopLe around the world
c Graham wanted to do dangerous things.
with I , safe toiLets and hygiene education.
d Graham reached his destination in [ess than 12
monlns. President: Prince Chafles

In which part of the wortd did Graham have the most Works in 2 countries in Africa, Asia,
Drob[ems? CentraIAmerica and the Pacific.
a South America b the Caribbean EufoDe Stafted in'_. Main offrce is in London but a[so
d Africa
has offices in Austra[ia, Japan, Sweden and 4_ J
Where did he get the visa for Mauritania? 0rganises sports activities to raise money.
a on a bus b at the border c in Morocco Pubtishes'0asis' Magazine t_ a yeaf
d in Mauritania Website:6
What was the worst thing that happened to Graham?
a He fettitt.
b Someone sto[e his passpoil.
In pairs, find information about another charity. Then
c The police arested him. present your charity to the rest ofthe class.
d Nothing bad happened to him.
I What does it do?
5 The woman on the bus in lran
2 Where does it ooerate?
a cou[dn't speak EngLish.
3 When did it begin?
b was worried about her grandson.
c asked Graham what time the bus arrived.
4 How does it raise money?
d invited Graham to meet herfamity.
5 Does it pubtish a magazine?
5 Why was South Sudan important for Graham? REFLECT I Values In pairs, discuss the questions.
a lt was the first country on his [ist in 2009. f Why are charities important?
b lt was the [ast country he visited. 2 Woutd you tike to join a charity? Say why.
c lt was the on[y country he didn't visit.
d lt became a country after he visited it.
WATCH AI{D REFLECT Go to page 164. Watrh the
Match the hightighted words from the text with the documentary A great adventure and do the exercises.
I A country or nation. state
2 A tine between two countries.
3 Not by sea or air.
4 A stamp in a passport that tets you visit a country.
5 Lega[, authentic, acceptable.
5 Start a journey.
7 Alone.
I Travetin another Derson's vehicle.
9 Welcoming to visitors or guests.

40 I n
I can get the main idea and find specific details in an article and tatk about travetling and charities.
t $


\ .:
f- I

\,,tt ,- IJ'


On 1 lanuary 2009, Graham Hughes from Liverpool, passport, but he also needed a visa to enter Mauritania.
England, sailed across the River Plate from Argentina Unfortunately, they werent selling visas at the border.
to Uruguay on a ferry. He was setting out on an So, he travelled 1,250 miles by bus all the way back to
incredible solo journey. He was going to visit every the place where he knew that he could get a visa -
country in the world. And he was going to be the first Morocco. When he returned to Mauritania a week
person to do it without flying. later, he couldnt believe his eyes. They were selling
visas at the border. And thev were $5 cheaper than the
He r,vas doing it to set a Guinness World Record and
visas in Morocco!
to collect money for the charity WaterAid. But he also
rtanted to show that the world isnt such a danserous During his journey Graham was never seriously ill.
place. And nobody stole anlthing particularlyvaluable from
him. However, he was arrested twice. Once in Cape
Graham hoped to complete the trip in under a year. In
Verde, when the police thought he was transporting
the end it took him almost four years.
immigrants. And again in the Congo, for being a spy!
It started well. He visited all twelve countries in South On both occasions he spent slx days in jail.
America in only two weeks. But then in the Caribbean,
He had some bad times but many more good times.
he met his first big problem - islands! You carit travel
Above all, he learned how hospitable people can be.
overland to every country in the world, often there are
One time when he was travelling on a night bus in Iran,
no ferries between islands and Graham cant walk on
he saw an old woman who was talking on her phone.
I'ater. He solved his problem by hitchhiking on other
She handed it to him. It was the woman's grandson.
people's boats.
'My grandmother's worried because the bus arrives
From North America, he sailed to Iceland on very earlyi he explained in English. 'She wants to invite
a container ship. Europe was easy. He got a railway you home to make you breakfastl Graham n66antarl tha
ticket which allowed him to travel ever)'where in invitation.
Europe by train. It only took him a few weeks to visit
Finally, after three years, ten months and twenty-one
fifty countries. Then he arrived in Africa.
days Graham arrived in the 2l't and final country on
He was planning on just three months there. It took his odyssey. It was South Sudan, the newest state in the
him almost three yearsl He had problems with transport world, a country that didnt even exist rvhen he started
and also with politics. For example, he had a valid his journey.
I'm Dornin4k,os, I,m nineteen ond, Irm fzlorn The nexb day we explored Aberystw5rbh. TAIe had
I'ithuania. I wrilt e ab out culture, fo od, ottd, a walk along a beach, I took some fantastic photos
obotre aLL, tra,uell,ing! TTn tur,rne of rrr;y blag eomcs and we visited the castle, too. It was too cold to
frortr, Sh,o,ke sp e &te : I co;n, do o;ngth,ing I uont swim but some brave people were windsurffngl
to, ttre world,'s mg ogsten It mea n s 'use o,l,L thc On the third day, we cljmbed Cader Idris - a big
opportruniti,es tlwt thc worli! offers gou' -tha,t s morrntain north of the tornm. It was snowing when
ng pltilnsophy inlife! we got to the top but the view was spectacular. On
the iast day, we went for an enjoyable drive along
l5th May. Awonderfultrip to Wales. the coast.
My cousin Lukas necent$r invited me to the sma,ll Like Lithuania, Wales is a small countr5/ but
seaside tovtm where he studies - Aberystwybh in people are veqr open and friendly. For example,
Wales. everlrone smiles and says 'hello' when you pass
I flew to Birmingham. Lukas was waiting for me them on the street - it made a reag positive
at the airport. From Birmingfram, we caught impression. OveraII, I had a brilliant time and
a train to AberystwSrth. The train journey was made some great new friends!
slow but very scenic. It was raining when we
amived, so we went straight to the house that
Lukas shares with flve friends. Everyone was
very welcoming.

Look at Dominykas' btog. Woutd you like to visit the 7 Study the Writing box and put paragraphs A-E in the
ptace in the photo? Say why. correct order. Then in pairs, say which of the things in
Exercise 3 the author mentions.
Read the blog post and answer the questions in pairs. n n Rfter we checked into the hotel, we took the
I Where does Dominykas come from? Lithuania underground to the centre and wa[ked atong the
Z Who is Lukas? Champs-Etys6es. lt was reatly beautifu..
3 How did Dominykas traveIto Wa[es? n g ttwas my first trip abroad and it made a positive
4 How many days did he stay there? impression. The peopLe aren't so friendLy and it's
5 What was the weather [ike during his stay? expensive but I had a reatty enjoyabte time.
5 Did he enjoy himsetfz E c t visited Paf is on a schoottrip tast May.
n o fne next day was brittiant. We visited museums, are
3 Read the btog post again and tickthe things some fantastic food and even spoke some French
Dominykas writes about. (very badty!) 0n the third day, we took a boat ride
Z how he gotthere on the river Seine and c[imbed to the top of the
n what he did EiffeITower. The view was soectacutar.
n what the peopte were Like n f We took the train to France through the thannet
Tunnet. The journey was a bit dut[ because it was
n nistory of the ptace
raining, so we cou[dn't enjoy the srenefy.
n overa[[ impression
E how much it cost

4 Find at least eight positive adjectives in the btog post.

Paragraph 1
Then match the adjectives from the box with their
synonyms. Mention where you went:
I recent[y visited ...
enjoyabte scenic welcoming
My cousin/friend invited me ...
1 amazing spectacular I stayed with my aunt in ...
2 attractive It's a seaside town/a tourist centre/a sma[[ town in
3 fun the mountains.
4 hosoitabte Paragraph 2
Mention howyou gotthere and whatthe journeywas Like:
Replace the underlined adjectives in the sentences
below with more interesting ones. Use Exercise 4 to We flew to ... /caught the train to ..,
help you. The jou rney was s[ow/(un)co mfortable/tiri n g/pteasant/
1 The locaI peop[e we met were nice. hospitable scenic.
2 The journey through the mountains was great. Paragraph 3
3 The weathef was good atLweek, Ta[kabout how you spent yourtime:
4 Thele were attractive views of the sea. 0n the first/last/second/third day, ...
5 | thought the country was nice.
(0n) the next day...
6 REFTECT I Cutture In pairs, answer the questions. We swam, sunbathed, went sightseeing/
I According to Dominykas, how do people in Wales
mountain biking.
greet strangefs? I had a(n) a mazi ng/ma g ica[/enjoya ble/fa ntastic ti me,
2 How do peopte in your country greet peop[e they Paragraph 4
know/don't know? Use the prompts betow. Sum up your overa[[ experience:
avoideyecontact bow ignore kiss(onthecheek/ ,.. made a positive impression.
hand) say'hi' shake hands (with) smite wave People we re we lcomi n g/great/f riend ty/interesti n g.

ln our country we generally only greet people we Overal[, I had a wondedul/enjoyabte time.
know but sometlmes we say'hello'to people hiking It was great fun.
in the mountains ...
5 Why are greetings important?
8 wRlTtNG TASK write a btog post about a trip (reat or
imaginary) you made to a town.
. Describe the town you visited and when the trip
took pLace.
. Give and justify your opinion about the town.
. Recommend one ptace that is especiaLty interesting.
AberysfiArJrbfr . Describe a probtem that occurred during your visit
and the way you solved it.

n I can write a blog post. O=

3A GRAMMAR AND UOCABULARY city break (n) 1'srti brerl</
5.1.5 cruise (n) i kru:zi
I Complete the text with one caf6 [n) /'kaeferi
detay (n) /dfleri
word from the word list in each
camera (nJ/'karnara/
gap. destination (n) .destr'ner.1an.

Our I was at 5 p.m., so we carfeny In) /'ko: ,feri/

double bed (n) i,d,rbal 'bedr'
arrived at the za_ at 3 p.m. catch a bus /,ketJ a 'b,rsi
excellent (adj) l'eksalantl
We went to the 3c
climb a mountain /,klarm o 'mauntani/
desk and then through security. excursion (n) lrk':k::[ani
The plane was on4t and we come out l,k^m 'autl'
5t o at five o'ctock
expedition (n ) /,eksp/d4anl

exactty. 0ur 5d_ ? Or[ando in

drive a car /,draiv a 'l<o:l
fall asleep /,frrl a'sli;p/
Ftorida! fantastic (a dj ),''fan'tastrk/
flight (n) rflafti
field (n) /fi:ldl
2 uatch the two parts of the fly (v)/rlail
co[[ocations. Then check with the get dark /,qet 'do:k/
fully booked /,fr-:li 'bukt/
word [ist. get some air /,get sam 'ea/
get a taxi /,get a teek5i/
1n pack a a souventl go for a walk/swim/drive /,gau far a 'wrrk/
z Ebuy b a photo 'swrm/'drarv/
qo climbing/hiking/kayaking/mountain biking/
g n take c the bus
go on hotiday /,gau on 'hnladerr
sightseeing/windsurfi ng / qau'klarmrl/
4 n miss d abag 'wInds::frr;/
ice cream (n) i,ars'kri:m/
Choose the correct words. Then goltravel by train /,9llo/,traval bar 'trern,/
lie/sunbathe on a beach l,lar/,snnberd on a 'bi:tf
check with the word tist. have (a lot of) fun /,hav (a lot av) 'f,rni
magicat (adj ) /'rnad3rkall
1 Which word means that journey(n) i'd3z:nil
something happened Later make a trip /merk a trrp/
than p[anned? lake (n)r'leik/
pack your bag l,i:ck ja 'baeg/
cancelled / delayed land (v) /leno/
rainbow In ) /'rernLraui
Where do peopte go when
leave Iv) ili;v/
they are flying from an airpoil? ride a bike i,rard a 'barkr'
arrivals / departure lounge miss the bus /,mrs da 'b,rs/
run (v) lran/
Which of these do you leave at nightmare (n) /'nartmea/
sail on a ferry /,serl nn a 'feri./
the check-in desk?
-,,:+---^ // nan0
A-^) 1,,^ on time /,nn 'taiml
su/rcase Luggaqe see the sights /,si: da 'sartsi
4 Which word comotetes the ship In) ,{rpr'
outdoor centre In) /,autd:: 'sental
phrase:The world is your...? package holiday In ) /'pakrd3,hr:lader/
border / oyster stay with sb l'ster ,,vr0 ,sr,mbcdil
put on sunscreen /,put on 's.rnskri:n/
take a photo /,terk a 'fautao/
4 Complete the sentences with the put up /,put '^pi
correct words formed from the towel (n) i'tauai/
recommend Iv) i,reka'mendt
words in botd. Then check with visit relatives I ,vrzfi'relatlzl
the word [ist. review (n) /n'vju:/
wait at the bus stop /,wert ;rt da 'b^s stDpi
1 l'd love to be a . I Like river (n) /'rrva1
making people taugh. COMEDY watch the sun rise/set l,wntJ da 'srrn rarzl,set/
school trip (n) /'skurl tnpl
2 Thankyou forthe_to your wet [adj) iwetl
bifthday pafty. INVITE sleeping bag (n) I'slirprrl begl
wild (adj) /warldl
3 We had a _ hotiday in
wonderful (adj ) /'w,rndafai/
stay in a hotel/campsite/tent /,ster rn a hau'tel/
France. WONDER 'kampsart/'tent/
4 Don't be scared. PLane traveI swimming pool (n) i'swrrnrl purl/
isn,t . DANGER 3B VOCABU1ARY 5.1.6
take a coach/plane/taxi/bus/train/the
accommodation I n) la,koma'cleilan/
underground /,terk a'kautJ/'plein/'taksi/'b,\sl
ACTIVE activity In) /aktilatil 'treinidi',rndagraund/
V0CABUTARY I nhymes adventure holiday (n) ,rd'ver.Ur .hDlader.' take offl,tetk 'ofl
Rhymes can help us remember airport (n) i'eap-:tr train station (n) l'trern ,sterJan,/
new words and ohrases. You
can find many rhymes in songs arrive at/in i a'rarv at,/rni visit a museum /,vrzrt a mju:'ziaml
and poems. For examp[e, you board the plane ..b ):c 0r ple!n I
co u Ld say the next station is my 3C SPEAKING AND UOCABUTARY
britliant (adj) i 'brrljanti
destination. Look at the wordIist 5.77
and find more words that rhvme. bud get/fi ve-star hotel (n ) /,tr,rd3atr,farv stor leaflet (n) l'li:flit,'
left luggage (n] i,!e{t llgrd:/
check in 1,trek 'rn,'

lift /etevator (n ) /hft /'elaverto/ missyourflight/train /,mrs ja'flart/'treinl valid (adj)/'valad/

maP'n) lmepl monitor(n) Ihonfial visa (n) I'vi:zal

opening/closing times (n) /'aupanrq/'klauzrq passport (n) /'po:sp:rti visitor/guest (n ) /'vrzata/gest/

rucksack In) /'raksak/ website (n)/'websart/
platform (n) /'platfr:m/
seat number (n) /'sirt ,nnmba/
taxi rank In) /'taksi reqk/ 3G WRIIING AND UOCABU1ARY
security In ) /sr'k]uarrti/
taxi/cab (n) /'t€ksi/keb/
trolley (n) /'trr:lil
amazing Iadj) /a merzrq/
ti(ket In) /'trkrt/
attractive Ia dj ) /a'trakhv/
timetable (n) /'tarm,terbal/ 3F READING AND UOCABUTARY
s.z0 avoid eye contact /a,vrid 'ar ,kontaekt/
tourist(n) /'tuarrst/
acceptable (adj ) /ak'septabal/ bow (v) ibacil
tourist office (n) /'tuarrt ofrsl
aid (n, v) /erd/ castle (n) i'korsal,r
tram (n)/trem/
arrest (v) la'rest/ coast (n) /kausii
travelcentre (n) /'trmval ,senta/
authentic (adj ) b:'Sentrk/ comfortable/uncomforta ble ( a dj ) /'knmftabal/
tube station In) /tiu:b ,ste{en/ ,tn'lcrmftabal/
border (n) /'brda/
tube/underground/subway (n) /tjurb/
du11(adj) /d,rl/
rndagraundi 'srrbwerl charity (n) /'tJrerrti/
enjoy yourself /rn'dg:r ja,selfi
$/ait for a bus/a train /,vvett far a 'brrsi a 'trern/ collect/raise money /ka,lekti,rerz'mrrni,/
enjoyable (adj ) /rn'd3rraball
waiting room (n)irvenrrl rurmi container ship (n ) /kan'terna Irpl
explore (v) /rklpl:r/
watk (v) /w:;ki dangerous Iadj) /'dernd jaras/
fiiendty (adj ) /'frendli/
hitchhike (v) /'hrtJhark/
3D GRAMMAR 5.78 hospitabte (adj ) /'hosprtabal/
fun (adj) /fa,n/
anonymous (adj ) /a'nnnrmas/ greet (v) /gri:t/
hygiene (n ) i'hard3irn/
comedian I n) /ka'rni:dian/ have a brillianttime /,hav a ,bnljant'tarm/
immigrant (n ) /'rmrgranti
detective ( n) idr'tektrv/ ignore (v) hE'n:r:/
incredible (adj) 7rn'kredrbal/
fumous for l'fermas fai kiss on the cheek/hand /,krs on 6a 'tJi:k/'haend/
invitation (n) I,inva'te4an/
graffiti artist (n) rrgrm'firti ,ortrstl local people (n) t,laukal 'pi;pel/
invite (v) ln'vafil
monument (n) /'mon;amant/ make a positive impression /,merk a ipDzatrv
island (n) /'arland/
prehistoric Iadj ) /,prirhr'stnnki rm'preJani
jail In) /d:erl/
residence (n) /'rezrdans/ make new friends i,merk nju; "frenrJzl
legat (adj) /'li:gal/
open Iadj) l'aopan/
sbdium (n) /'sterdiam/
magazine (n) /,nraga'zi:n/
opportunity In ) /,npa'tjurnrtil
3E TISTENING AND VOCABUTARY nation (n) /'nerJan/ pteasant (adj) /'plezant/
@ s.rr occasion (n) ia'ker3an/
say hi /,ser 'harl
arrivals (n ) I a' rar,rclzi
odyssey (n) i'pdrsir
scenery In) /'sirnari/
boarding pass (n) /'br:drq po:s/
operate (v) /'operert/
scenic Iadj) 1'ri;nrk/
book a flight/seat/hotel /,bok a 'flartr''sirt/ overland (adv) /,auva'landi
seaside (n) /'si:sard/
plan (n, v) /plren/
rdget airline (n) i,brnd3at 'ealarn/ shake hands with sb /Jeik'hendz wro
pubtish (v) r''pnblr! ,sirmbodir
Grrcelled (adj) /'kansald/
safe (adj) lserf/ smile (n, v) /smarl/
Jtange flights /,tJernd3'f lartsT
set out /,set 'aut/ spectacular (adj) /spek'takjala/
ne<k-in desk (n)r'tJekrn ,deskl
solo (adj)l'saulaul stranger ( n) /r5trerrrd3a/
solve a problem /,solv a 'problam/ the world is your oyster /da ,wllcl rz jar ':rstal
*taYed (adj),/di'lerd/
sPY (n) /spat/ tiring Iadj) /'tararrq/
J€p€rture tounge In ) /di'po:tJa,laond3/
stamp (n)/stamp/ viewof thesea l,vju: av da'si;/
:rty :dj) ::lii
state (n) istert/ wave [v) r'wewl
;ate - oeri,'

transport I n) /'transprrt/ welcoming (adj ) /'welkamrqi

3pt on the plane /,Eet on da 'plern/
transport (v) /tran'sp::ti
.and bggage (nl i'hand ,l.tgrdgl
travel around the world r.traval a,raoncj d"
l*Jh s€ason (n) ,t,har'silzan/

VOCABULARY AN D GRAMMAR 4 Comptete the sentences with the correct Past Simple or
Past Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.
]. Complete the phrases with the words from each box'
When | (wake) up this morning, the sun
A boarding budget check-in city fuLty (shine), but as we (drive)to school, it-
hand safari tourist (start)to snow. -
George -
(cycte) down a mountain when he
I doublebed 4-desk 7-Patk (see) wiLd horses. He (not [ook) wheie he
z _booked 5 8 (go), so he - (crash) into a tree. -
3 _break 6-office
-hotet 9-tuggage
-Pass My grandmother -
(faLt) asteep whi[e she -
[sit) on a bus. -
She (stiLt/steep) when the bus
B airline bag hoteI hotiday [uggage patk rank -
(reach) the end ofthe Line. -
foom station 4 'what -
(you/do) when | (catl) you last
night?' 'l- (pack) my bag for my holiday. l-
l0 frve-star t3 pacKage _ t6 Ineme
(tisten)to music, so l- -
(not hear)the phone. Sorry.'
1l Left l4 hrrdnpt t7 tu be
t2 IAXI t5 <leoninn l8 waiting _ Comptete the sentences with the correct relative
pronouns. lf it's possible to omit the pronoun, put it
2 Comptete the questions with the verbs from the box' in brackets.

buy ctinb go (x5) pack see sunbathe stay take

I Bath is a city you shouLd visit.
2 Df Watson is the doctot lives with Sherlock
visrt watch l-.lnl mp< thp dptprtiVe

Roatd Daht is a writer -

most famous books ate
for children.
4 The pound isthe currency-the British use.

5 The Thames is the goes through London.

. .:' 6 This is the house

tharles Dickens Lived.

rtt .t,::.
I by train ot planez
6 Choose the correct words a-d to comptete the text.
2 _your bag the night before otatthe [ast minute?
3 _photos with yout phone or a camela? STR EGY I Muttipte choice cloze
4 _in a hotelor- camPing?
Firt, read the text and try to understand as much as you
5 a beach of-a mountain?
can white ignoring the gaps. Then do the task.
6 _for a swim or-the sights?
7 -on An act of kindness
-amuseumof-hiking? A few years ago I was travetling abroad 1- bus. We got
to the 2-with another country. I showed the guard my
3 . I wasn't worried because it was
4- and I knew
I didn't need a
5- for that c0untry. Unfortunatety, he to[d
3 Choose the correct verbs to complete the sentences'
me to get off the bus and wait. 5oon, the bus
6- without
Sometimes more than one verb is possible. me. An hour [ater, they gave me my passpoft. I tried to 7-
1 Asthe pLane was going I Landing I taking off, I shut my but nobody stopped, so I stafted waLking. The countryside
eyes tightty. was 8- but I fett exhausted and it was getting dark. Then
2 Excuse me, do you know how to make I put on I put up a man on a mototbike stopped. He spoke to me. We
a tent? hands. He took me home to meet his famity and spend
3 | had to stand aLtthe way because I forgot to book / the night. They wete so 10-that I invited them to visit me
checklpayaseat. in my country.
4 | love drrving I riding I saiting boats but my boyfriend
prefers driving lriding lsailing a bike. I aat bbv cin don
5 lt was an easy trip. lt on[y stayed I took I travelled Z a bofder b journey c state d transpoft
an hour. 3 a money b pass c passpoft d photos
6 The train arrtved I Ieft I went on time. 4 a safe b vatid c valuabLe d wetcoming
? We caught I nissed lwaited forthe bus, so we had to 5 a numbet b probtem c vehicLe d visa
watk home. 5 a arrived b teft c saiLed d stayed
8 lt's 9 a.m. What time can we board I book I check in 7 afly b hitchhike c ride d traveL
at the hoteL?
8 a friendly b overtand c d tiring
9 a kissed b shook c snited d waved
10 a enjoyable b hospitabte c magica[ d scenic

7 Read the short story below and choose the correct I look at the photo showing a passenger at an airport.
answers. In pairs, take turns to describe what you can see in the
photo and answer the questions below.

sTR EGY I Muttiple choice task

First, read the text and the main parts of the questions
'without reading the answers. Try to answer the questions
-rourself. Then read the options a-c; if your answer is one
:f them, it's probab[y correct.

I Why did Randy wake up [ate?

a He forgot to set his atarm.
b His ctock wasn't workinq.
c H is cLock was slow.
Who was Kate? I What do you think happened?
a a girtRandy met on the bus 2 How do you thinkthe man is feelrng?
b a friend of Randy's in Boston
c Randy's girlfriend from lvliami WRITING
How did Randy fina[[y get to the airport?
a Dy car 9 You see this ad on a booking website.
b by bus
c by subway Holidays and problems
Why couLdn't Randy board his flight? Tell us about a holiday when things went wrong.
a He forgot his boarding pass. Say when and where you went, describe the
b The ptane was taking off. journey, mention the problems you had and how
cHe was atthe wfong gate. you solved them.
How do you think Randy fett at the end of the storvz
a detighted
Write a btog post about a trip in which you had some
b unLucky
c sao

I ne qrrn\r/21r' I nc?tr was

Luck a direcl line lo the aimorl.
l:nrlrr rrrnlre rrn end sot olf the hus. ran lo
He b-_
r-l-.^ -r ^ ri^^ 1 drrU ^^ rl^^
-:-:cked the time. It Lrrq DL4Ll. - ^,1 ^^+ BWL Vrr rrlC
rraln ;,,-+ i+,,,^- l^^-
^^ 1r was reavlng
the nletfnrm
He pot to the airnorL
Al / t'\ FnrTrln:itr11/ rhe
. ^ -,, -;.,, LIrEL[
DELUIlLy -1" ^ -1,,,,^
WdJ - L1UrLtr.
^,,: ^1.
TT-r^-!..-^+^--- | t-^*
ulllul LUlldLqry. +L
1lltr- EdLq
--+-.,.^^ ^ lurr8
wd> d wdy rrurrl the
dcn:rtrrrc lnrrnoc U/hen hg pot there. he showed hiS
h^--..]i-^ -fL^
uvdlulr15 ^---
PdDD l1]c wv]114r1 dL ^ I +l-1^ .l.^^1. 1^^- L^-,.1
11]tr ^-+^
'r--: from his :n:rtment in Boston. He could still end nnintei nrrt nf tho rrrindnrrr -,A nleno
f .. *- ,novlng
,*,_- rrreq r

-=--h lho nleno down the runway. Randy waLched sadly as

--r.. --^1^l^^J L j^ 1^-^ --,1 +l^^ ^^-1-^-,- -fn his plane left for Miami without him
-.dIluy El 4UUEU 111> UdB dlIU LtlC Ldt KCy>, lc dOWn
rtpr R:nirz rxnq cirtino el hnme
--= stairs and got into his car. It was 6.58. He turned

-'-: <evhrri the r-rr didn't sta"t . He tried apair. The wonde.inp whv he was so
nng -,--=ry was dead. rrnlrrnlzrr 'l-ha rlnnr hall
-,.. rang.
: tdenlri he c:rrr: hrrq Tt rrr:q thc rimnrt cwnreqql He got up and walked slowly
-= ';'nned orrt of his car. A few seconds later he was to
LU the rlnnr . 1L
Lrrs uvuf Tt rrreq nrnhchlrr
vv oJ ylvuourJ

:- - ---5 V]] L]]E UUD, ^ ^rile

+L^ L' '^ O on his
Dlll11g Vll face. ltE
lll> ldLE. He was soins lo
Wd: o---_o -_ soino
_' be more bao news
=,-= it He was going to see Kate, the girl he loved.
He onened fhc door and
=-- :rinutes later the bus was stuck in a trafflc jam. there was Kate She was
: =:,-.-.' checked his phone. 7.091 What could he do? sranclng
^+-^,li-^ i- rne
1n +L^ 0oorway.
smilinp 'Su
"'_______b -*_r__--mrisel' sLe
""- said

VOCABII|/.RY Food and drink, shopping, fashion
GRAMMAR Comparison of adjectives, quantifrers, articles with singuLar countabte
nouns Use cf English , Page i B5
SPEAKING O p in ions
WRIfING A forma[ letter of compLaint

Here ore the most importont reosons.

{Qe&A: In 20]5-]6 West Africo hod some of its

worst weother in recent yeors. Cocoo production
fell, so now chocolote is more expensive thon before.

Mony people tod tter ond

Lorger chocolote colories
e becoming less p ller bors.

And the lost but not the leost importont reoson -

fASNfiY: Smoller bqrs ot the some price meon
bigger profits from soles.
This situotion isn't good enoughl lt's certoinly not the best
news for chocoholics like mel Let's hope our fovourite
snock doesn't become too expensive in the futurel

eornpa rison of ad.ieetives

SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
4 Read sentences 1-5 and decide which meanings are
I Do you [rke chocoLate?What'syourfavourite correct: a or b.
chocolate bar?
2 How much money do you spend on chocolate or other 1 Chocotate bars aren't as big as they used to be.
a Chocolate bats are Digger now.
snacks in a typicaLweek?
b Chocolate bars are smatler now.
3 Do you ever give chocotate as a gift? lf so, on what
occasions? 2 Now chocotate is mote expensive than befofe.
a Chocotate was cheaPer before.
2 look at the cartoons. In pairs, say why you think the b ChocoLate was not cheaper before.
situation in the second cartoon has changed'
3 This situation isn't good enough.

3 Read the article and say why chocolate bars are a This situation is too bad.
shrinking. b This situation is better than before.

5 Study the Grammar box and find more examples of 8 Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning
comparatives, superlatives and ways of comparing in using the words in botd.
the articte. I lt's too expensive. CHEAP
It's riot cher",rp i,nough

Adjective Comparative Superlative

2 The soup isn't hot enough. TOO

-no <vll:hlp <rnrpot

3 Bananas are cheaper than they used to be. EXPENSIVE
sweeler the sweetest
safe safer the safest
4 l'm not as fat as I was before. THIN
hot hottefl the hottest 5 Mum is busierthan Dad. LESS
less sweet/ the least sweet/ 9 Compare each pair of food items using the comparative
safe/hot safe/hot ofthe adjectives from the box. Then make another
:rding in -y busy busier/ the busiest/ sentence with the same meaning using not as ... as.
less busy the least busy There may be more than one correct answer,

-.'JO or mofe famous msre famous/ the mostfamous/ cheap expensive good/bad(foryou) fattening
. .'lla bles less famous the [eastfamous fitting healthy nutritious popular tasty
--onrrl:r nnnd hetter the best
bad wofSe the w0rst
I fruit and chocotate
Fruif is he;lithierr fhan rhorirl,:te.
Ways of comparing:
. noi as big (as) = smaLter (than) [horolafe isn't as he;ifhr as fiuit.
. too smaL[ = not big enough Z crisps and nuts

Grammar Reference and Practice > page 176

3 sa[ad and chips
4 watef and cola
6 Comptete the text with the correct forms of the
5 a sandwich and a hamburoer
te 5 yoghuft and cfeam
adjectives in brackets.
7 Dotatoes and tomatoes
Sommy Joe I O Morch 9.54 o.m. 10 spr*xlnrc In groups, compare your answers to Exercise
)id you see thot orticle obout the size of chocolote bors? 9 and try to agree on the three best snacks.
Shockingl But chocolote isn't the only thing thot is getting
r A I thtnk rrisps aie the besf snark. Ihey're fhr t.rstie5t.
(smoll). l'm sure they used to sell colo in
3- B trisps Jre taity but they're foo salty" rhey aren'l as
'?- (lorge) cons. And bottles of ketchup oren't
ibig) os they used to be.
qaad far Vrsu ai frult"
C fe.s, frurf is betier lhan rrisps- lt',s he;lthie r.
TrishM l0 Morch o.m.
'/ery true, Som! And did you notice thot iors ond bottles ore 11 tn groups, follow the instructions below.
t. a- (thin) thon they used to be? But whot's even 5- Find out the most ooou[ar snack items with the
,surprising) is thot sometimes 6- (smoll) iors of coffee peopte in your class.
cre 7- (expensive) thon bigger ones. Crozyl a Ask peopLe when they usuaLty eat snacks.

Peter59 l0 Morch lO.l2 o.m.

a Find out which snack has the biggest/smatlest number
)ockeis of crisps oren't 8- (big) enough. And tins of tuno of catories. Which resuLt is most surprising?
cre too e_
(smoll)l The tuno used to be '0_ (tosty),
-oo, ond the oil isn'trt (delicious) os it used to be! l? Read the question and watch the video. Say
what the speakers answer. Then in pairs, ask and
MellowMel l0 Morch I I .05 o.m.
answer the question.
Stop comploining, everyonel Our shops hove o '2-
Ereot) ronge of interesting food from oll over the world thon Which was the best and the worst meaLvou had Last
ever before, our diet is generolly tt_ (heolthy) thon thirty week?
,ieors ogo ond luckily food is t4 (expensive) thon it
,sed to be for our oncesiorsl

Complete the texts with the supertative forms of the

adjectives in brackets.
n 1930 a man ca[Led Franktin lt4ars oresented his r
{new) chocoLate bar. He named it after his fami[y's
favourite horse. Today it is the'-(poputar)
ciocolate bar in the world. The lvlars fami[y were the
'_(rich) famity in the USA for many years. The
hofse's name was Snickers.
The 4_ (expensive) chocoLate bar in the
world comes from Ecuador. lt contains the world's 5

Iine) cocoa beans and it costs almost S200!

n I can use comparatives and supertatives to compare things. | 49

I rood and drink

In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

I Whattime do you have breakfast?
2 Where do you have breakfast?
3 What do you usuaLly eat fot breakfast? what d0 [G0[lG in dilletent G0untliGs cat 101
4 ls youf typicaL breakfast heatthy? Ireaktastn ilow much ltuitfl llow many eggsfl
2 Check you understand the food and drink words in the
lre there any sausagesp ls thcte any Gheesefl
box. Which things can you see in the photos? In pairs, n Amantle from Gaborone, Botswana
add more words to the box.
My favourite breaktast is bogobe. There
bacon beans cream croissant cucumber doughnut aren't many things that are so delicious.
grapes honey jam lemon mapte syrup melon It's porridge with some milk, a little
mitkshake muffin mushrooms olives pancake sugar and a few pieces of melon. We
porridge roll satmon salt sausage sugar eat a lot of fruit in Botswana, especially
waterme[on watermelons. In my family, we all drink
bush tea for breakfast. lt comes from
the Rooibos plant and it's a lovely red
Read the text. In pairs, match people 1-3 with photos
colour. lt's very good for you. You can't
A-C. Which of the three breakfasts do you tike the
drink too much bush tea. I don't put any
most/[east? Say why. milk in my tea but you can if you like.
I |ike the Turkish breakf ast the most berause ...
n lgin from lzmir, Turkey
4 Z.l PR0NUNCIATI0N Look at the underlined
For breakfast, we have some cheese,
syttabtes and add the food items from the box to the
a few olives, some fresh tomatoes or
table below. listen and check. cucumbers and lots of white bread with
b.qltef cafrots egq ham honey iam [emon some butter and a bit of honey or jam.
A lot of people eat breakfast in caf6s or
lCntits mushioom nuts
pastry shops. We don't drink any coffee
with breakfast, we drink tea. Our word
lel for breakfast, kahvalti, means 'before
muffin, butter ,. mel.onr e99 .. pancake, carrots.. coffee'.

5 sPEAKING Check you understand the adjectives from E Sa- from Coventry, England
the box. Then in pairs, use them to tatk about food and During the week, I don't eat much food
drink that you [ike/don't Iike/tove/can't stand/prefer' for breakfast because there isn't enough
time, so I just have some cereal or
bitter/sweet delicious/disgusting crunchy/smooth
a croissant. But at weekends I make
fizzylstitt fresh/dry hard/soft heaW/tight
a full English breakfast: a couple of
eggs, some bacon, a few sausages,
A I love honey, it's sweet and delictous. ? some beans, a few mushrooms,
a tomato, a little bit of toast and butter
B I don't tike Mexican food. lt's very spicy.
and a lot of tea. I know there are too
A I prefer crunchy peanut butter. many calories in it, but I love it.

50 I n I can talk about food and drink from different countries.

1 ln groups, discuss the strangest/biggest breakfasts you 5 Comptete the questions with the correct quantifiers.
know about. Then read the text on page 50 again and answer the
The strangest breakfast t know about is my dad's. He eats "'
I ls there f[uit in Amantle's breakfast?
2 How bread does Aytin eat for breakfast?
Quantifiers 3 How'-eggs does Sam have for breakfast?
2 Add names of food and drink from the text on page 50 -
4 Afe thete bananas in Sam's breakfast?
to the tabte betow.
6 Read the forum and choose the correct quantifiers.
Countabte U ncounta b[e

Nouns eggs, sausages, fruit, .

Quantifiers a couple of, . d- LILLLE, .

Find the quantifiers from the box below in the text on HuoGuongzhou 26 July 2.17 p.n.
page 50 and add them to the tabte in Exercise Z. Some
quantifiers go in both columns of the tabte. ln Chino, we don'i hove lenough some time to eot
breokfost ot home, so zo bif o lot of people eot breokfost
a couple of a few a Littte a (tittte) bit of while kovelling to work.
a tot ofllots of any enough many much some
too many too much
Iiffony2go 26 July 5.14 p.m.
I ihink we eol rfoo mony / too much food in the USA.
Study the Grammar box and Watch out! and check your
answers to Exercise 3. A populor breokfost isbo few / o linle poncokes with
'ony / some bocon ond "o linle bit / o lit+le of mople syrup.
And moybe'o couple of / enough muffins, too!

We USe:
Winekipedio 26 July 6.23 p.n.
c n'tdnVrtoo many, afew, a couple of with countab[e nouns
. much, too much, a little, a (little) bit of with uncountab[e
Polish people eot '/ofs of /
much cold things for breokfost:
cheese, meot ond fish. There isn'lemony /
much fresh fruit in
)us. o typicol Polish breokfost, especiolly in winter. There oren't
. some, any, a lot of , lots of , enough with both countabte
and uncountable nouns
/some fresh vegetobles, either'

too many/a tot ofl

NK are ' lots of/some/a few/ r eQ!s.
a couple oflenough 7 In pairs, took at the shopping tist and make sentences
f | ilEtE with there islare plus not enough,too many ot too
rn't too rnuchla lot ofl
any is lots of/some/a ]ittle/ miLk.
). a (tittle) bit ofleno_ugh
Shopping list flr 4 Pi6ni6 for
six PclPIc
aren't ' many/anY/enough eSS:
- There
isn't rnuch/any/enough : mi[k.
c1 bottle of cola Ogo Ml)
rf c1e00
pn nq?
ruith Aie . u wfier^6l0ns
m. there anY/enough
of buI'ter
sor IS mitk? ' 2 kilos
>ffee . 2 cdrtons of iuicc U'oo nl)
How many eggs are .2 snall Pdckcfs of ffisPs
How rnuch mitk it . 36 rolls
. 6 kilos of cheese
Grammar Reference and Practice > page 175 d Pear
c fruit: 4 bandna
Ihere lsn't enough cola.
--:re's a (little) bit of cheese.
-: .,v much cheese is there? There's a (little) bit. 8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. You need to buyfood and
--:re's a lot/lots of nitk. drink for a party tonight. Student A, go to page 189.
- , ,v much nilk is there? There's a lot/Iots. Student B, go to page 191. First, read your instructions'
tter Then role ptay the conversation'

n t can use quantifiers to talk about countabte and uncountable nouns. tt

1 SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
I Do you enjoy shopping? Say why.
2 Which of these things do you tike or distike shopping
fo r7

ctothes electronicgadgets food/snacks

make-up and toiletries (e.9. deodorant, shampoo)
Dfesents schooIitems shoes/trainers

2 Study Active Reading and read the text quickty to

identify the main idea. What is it about?
a Hobbies that become a job.
b How you can get a job as a mystery shopper.
c What it's like to be a mystery shopper.
' ACTIVE READING I understandins the main idea
To understand the main idea of a text:
.. read the first paragraph carefulty
'. read the rest ofthe text quickty
o don't worry if you don't understand every word

I To understand the main idea of a paragraph:

. . lookforthe key (most important) sentence -
it's often the first one
. find the key words and phrases in the
I paragraph

3 Use Active Reading to hetp you find the main

idea of paragraphs 1-6 in the text. Then match
headings A-G with paragraphs 1-6. There is one
extra heading.
A No week is the same
B The negative side of the job
C Why I became a mystery shopper
D My ptans for the future
E Skitts and qua[ities of a good mystery shopper
F The positive side of the job
G What is a mystery shopper?

4 Read the text again and answer the questions.

I Why was the job of mystery shopper the perfect job
for Matt?
because he was a studentand he cauld ehoose towork
during quieter weeks
2 Why does Matt comptain about his stay at the hotet?
3 What two skills does Matt say are very important in his
4 Apart from the money, what etse does Matt tike about
h is job?
5 How does Matt know that what he does is successfu[?
Work in pairs. Does mystery shopping sound like an
interesting job to you? Say why.

52 I E I can understand the main idea of a text and a paragraph and tatk about shopping.
6 Match the hightighted words and phrases from the text
with the definitions.
I n l'm Matt Murphy and l'm a mystery shopper. I Hetp that you get in ptace such as a shop, restaurant or
Companies pay me to visit shops and pretend hoteL. service
to be an ordinary customer. Afterwards, I report 2 One of a group of shops owned by the same company.
on what I saw, Was the shop tidy? Did the shop 3 A [arge shop with different parts that se[[different
: assistants smile? Could they answer my difficult types ofthings.
questions? Were the changing rooms clean? Was 4 A place in a shop where you can try on ctothes.
there a long queue for the checkout? 5 A person who buys goods from a shop.

2 n I started when I was a student. I wanted

5 A targe buitding with lots of different shops.
to work part-time but I didn't want a normaljob
7 A reduction in orice.
rc because some weeks I was too busy with my
8 A [ine of peop[e waiting for something.
studies at college, Mystery shopping was ideal
9 A p[ace in a [arge shop where you pay.
because I could choose to work during quieter
l0 Someone whose job is setting things in a shop.

weeks. I registered with a market research Complete the sentences with a word or phrase from
company and they put my name on their database, Exercise 6.
:s They were happy with my work and began I I get a twenty percent at the bookshop
offering me more hours, Now l'm studying for because l'm a student.
a Master's degree, but I still work as a mystery 2 There were reatly long _ at the supermarket
shopper when I need a little extra money, today - there were only three _ open. Perhaps
a lot of the are i[[.
3 n Usually my work takes me to chain stores, 3 Excuse me, whefe's the _? l'm not sure if these
zo shopping malls and department stores, But trousers are the right size.
sometimes my job is to visit a cinema or 4 The shops on the High Stfeet afe realty quiet on cotd
the night in
a restaurant, Once I had to stay days. Everyone prefers to drive out to the
a hotel (in the most boring town in Englandl) My 5 Taytors is the biggest_ in town. You can buy
favourite job was when | flew to Berlin for a travel atmost everything in one big shop.
:s agency, lt was a lot of fun. I SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
4 n Being a mystery shopper is harder than some I What are yourfavourite chain stores/shopping ma[[s
people think, You need a good memory and good in your area?

writing skills (you have just twenty-four hours to Z Which shops in your town have the best/worst service
in your opinion?
write a l-,600-word report), The most important
io thing is to be discreet - you have to act 'normally' 3 Do you have a customer discount in any shops?
at all times, even when you're secretly filming 9 REFLECT | 5ociety Think of arguments for or against
people with a hidden camera under your coat the statement below. Then in groups, discuss the
(that's not as easy as it seemsl) statement.
Shopping is a popu[ar free-time activity in many
5 n What do I like about my job? Well, the money countries and that's a good thing.
,-; isn't bad, 0n a good day, I can earn about f 150,
I (don't) think it's a good thing because ...
I also enjoy the variety of being a mystery
shopper - it's not always as enjoyable as the
X5 tl/ATCH AND REFLECT Go to page 165. Watch
trip to Berlin but it's never boring, And finally,
the documentary Round-the-clockshop and do the
I sometimes go back to a shop I visited before, lt's exercises.
ro always great to see the service is better because
then I know that my job is making a difference.
5 nThe job isn't perfect, of course, Some
companies don't pay you (you just get a discount
on something you 'bought'), And sometimes there
1s is no work for many weeks. Mystery shopping is
a good way to earn extra money but it's not
enough to live on, The biggest problem is that it
changed how I feel about shopping, I used to love
it, but now l'm annoyed when I have to go out to
;o buy milkl

5 2.4 In pairs, took at tips 1-10. Which ones are good
advice when buying ctothes in charity shops? listen
again and check.
I n Trustyour instincts - buythe first nice thing you see.
Z! ge patient and take your time.
3n fry to check att the ctothes in the shop.
SPEAKING look at photo A and decide what kind of
4n Never buy dirty clothes.
shop it is. Then in pairs, ask and answer the questions.
5n Don't worry if something tooks shabby.

I What do you do with clothes you don't wear

5n Don't buy underwear or sleepwear.
anymore? Do you give them away? lf so, who do you
7n Don't buy second-hand shoes.
give them to? 8n lt's betterto buy accessories in chain stores.
gn uake friends with the peopte who work in the shop.
2 Do you (or any people you know) buy second-hand
f0 n
ctothes? Where do you get them?
Women shouLd also Look at the men's ctothes.

3 Are charity shops common in your country? 6 In pairs, decide whatthe hightighted words and phrases
2 Check you understand the adjectives in the box. Then
in pairs, look at photo B. Which adjectives best describe 1 This b[ouse costs just f TlWhat a bargain!
the girls'style? 2 This designer label sweatshirt looks brand new.
3 These shoes don't fit - they're too smalL.
coot/uncooL fashionabte/unfashionabte
forma[/informaI simp[e/sophisticated smart/scruffy
4 This hat isjust perfectforyou.

7 2.5 listen to Part 3 of the programme and complete

3 2.3 listen to Part 1 of a radio programme about the notes with 1-3 words in each gap.
fashion and decide if statements l-6 are true or false. I Sophie bought a be[t, a hat and a
I E Buying clothes in charity shops is fun but svveatshirt.
expensrve. 2 Maxine thinks Sophie has found good
ztr lVaxine is fashion design student.
a in the shop.
3tr Kings Road is in West London. In Maxine's opinion, otd clothes bought from charity
4n Chetsea wet[-known for its clothes shoos.
shoos are more than ouf modern
sn The charity shops in Chetsea are expensive. ctothes.

6n It's possibLe that Maxine bought a dress that 5he a[so thinks that old clothes are better
than newer ctothes.
betonged to a cetebrity.
5 As the ctothes are cheap, you can with
4 2.4 In pairs, check you understand the words for different fashions.
clothes and accessories in the box. Add more words to 5 Maxine Likes shopping in chaiity shops because you
the box. Then listen to Part 2 of the radio programme get something for yourself but also
and tick the words you hear.
I SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
nUelt nbtouse nbracelet !earrings I Where do you usua[Ly buy your cLothes?
nhandbaq nhat nkitt npyjamas Zraincoat 2 ls it important to you to have youi own style?
nscarf nsuit !5ryeatshirt ntie ntigtrts 3 What can c[othes teltyou about someone's personatity?

54 I I I can understand the main idea and find specific detaits in a conversation about shopping.
L ln pairs, took at the photo and
answerthe questions.
1 What do you think the situation is?
Z Do you often go clothes shopping
with your parents? Do you enjoy it?

L of the conversation and answerthe

I How is the boy feeting?
2 What do you think the boy's opinion
is about the shoes his mother is
showing to him?

of the conversation. Was your guess in

question 2 in Exercise Z correct?

Then watch or listen to the whote

cbnversation again and tick the
5 ?.9 In pairs, complete the conversation with one word in each gap.
en and check.
expressions you hear.
Adete Wow, Maxine! | think you took fabutous.
Sam Yeah, me I
I What an amazing dress, Maxine.
Maxine Thanks, guys! rt's second-hand. I bought it from a charity shop for
Asking for opinions five oounds.
Z wnat do you think? Adele Reatty? Doesn't it feetstrange to weaf somebodV else,s o[d
n Don't you think .,.i clothes?
n What's your opinion/view? Maxine No, I don't think r_.
What do you mean?
Adete Wet[. Perhaps somebody died in it? | don't think I coutd wear
Giving opinions
second-hand ctothes. What do you Sam? 3_,
n ttnint/betieve ... Sam No, l4_
agree. I sometimes weaf my mum,s otd things. lf you
n tn my opinion/view, ... ask s_,
it's nice you can give some otd clothes a ,second [ife,.
n ttvou ask me,.." Maxine ltotatty'_.
And in myr_,the
quatity is much betterthan
n Personatty,.., new clothes. No horribte synthetic materiats ...
! Frankty,... Sam cou[dn't agfee more!
n ro be honest,.,. Adele You've got a 8_.
But what happens if there,s a probtem?you
n lt seems to me ... can take new clothes backto the shop and change them.

Maxine Fair point, but it on[y cost f 5. To t_
honest, it isn,t a problem
when the clothes are cheap, right?
n nbsotutety. Adete Yes, I ro_
! t agree (with you).
n ttotatty agree. 6 In groups of three, practise reading the conversation in Exercise 5 with
! wte toot other phrases from the Speaking box.
n You're riqht.
In pairs, look at the statements below. Take turns to give your opinion
fl t coutdn't agree (with you) more!
and ask your partner if he/she agrees or disagrees with you.
Partly agreeing I lt's impoftant to [ook smart at atttimes.
n You've got a point but ,.. 2 Designer [abets are a waste of money.
n I suppose so. 3 0ne shirt/jacket/sweater/pair of shoes is enough.
n rair point, but .".
Pe Iy, I think it's important ta laak smart at all ti mes. what,s vaur
Disagreeing OD

n t know what you mean but ,.. 8 In groups, discuss the questions.
n l'm not sure aboutthat. Are shopping ma[[s changing traditionatshopping streets in the centre
E tdon'tthinkso, of your town?
n I don't agree. Do you prefer shopping in big department stores and hypermarkets or in
n tdisagree. smat[ independent shops? Say why.
n ruo wayt ls shopping onLine more fun than going shopping in a town centre?

I n t can express, agree or disagree with opinions potitety. I

Dear 5ir/Madam,

Iam writing to complain about the quatity of the

service in your company.
On 3 August this year, I purchased a set of
BestChef knives from your website. lt arrived on
time, but when I opened the box, I found a set of
teaspoons. This was most inconvenient because
I need the knives for my cottege course.

I returned the set of spoons immedjatety and sent

an emailexplaining why. I received an automated
response. Two weeks later a package arrived.
Unfortunatetv, the package contained the same
set of spoons as beforel I catted your company to
complain but didn't manage to speak to anyone.
To make matters worse, I had to pay forthe calts.
I feetyou shoutd improve the quality of your
service. In your returns poticy on your website you
promise a prompt refund or exchange if anything
is unsatisfactory but sad[y, that is not true. This is
unacceptable. You shoutd also emptoy people to
answer emaits and phone catls instead of using
automated responses.
I be[ieve vou should send me the knives I ordered
with a refund of f89 as comoensation for the
inconvenience that it caused. | look forward to
your repty.
Yours faithfu[[v,

Elta O'Connet[

SPEAI{lNGWhat is unboxing? Do you watch people 4 In pairs, look at E[[a's letter again and match
unboxing online? ls it fun or a waste of time? Say why. paragraphs 1-5 with their contents a-e.

4"30 In pairs, look at the photos and answer the

a ! Suggestions to improve the company's service.
questions. Listen and check. b n What EtLa did and the other probtems she had.
I Why is Etla happy in the first picture?
c n the feason for writing.
Z Why is she unhappy in the second picture?
d n The type of compensation ElLa wants.
5 [an you predict what she does next? Does she:
e n What went wrong and the problems it caused.
a write a bad review about the comoanv on the Match the underlined expressions in Etla's tetter with
I nternet? their paraphrases.
b contact the po[ice? I Another oroblem was ...
c wtite to the company to exptain the probLem? Io makp mJftefs warse ...

3 Read the letter of complaint and answer the questions.

2 ltwas a big probLem.
5 | expect you to write back to me.
I What does E[La compLain about?
4 | can't toIerate this situation.
2 What suggestions does she make to the company to
5 | feeL sad to say...
imnrnvp thoir <orvirpT
3 What does she want the comoanv to do?

6 Study the Writing box and put the paragraphs in the 7 ln pairs, choose the correct words to complete the
letter betow in the correct order. sentences.
I Can you te[[ me what your returns poticy / service is?
I'm not happy with the gLasses I returned / purchased
from you [ast week and l'd [ike to exchange / order
Paragraph 1
them for smatter ones.
Give your feason for writing:
2 | think you should give me a bargain / refund because
I am writing to comptain about...
the guarantee / product you sent me was fautty.
Paragraphs 2-3 I enclose the discount / receipt and | [ook forward to

Say what went wrong, what you did and what other y0ur repry.
problems you had: 3 l'm sti[[ waiting for the ptates I ordered / received
Unfortu nately, .../Sadly, .,. from your company last month.
This was most inconvenient/a big problem.
To make matters worse, ...
8 Study UUatch out! and complete the sentences with
a/an ot the.
Paragraph 4 I shop where I work opens at nine o'clock.
Give suggestions on ways the company can improve its
2 She gave me _
receipt. I put _
receipt in my
This is unacceDtabte.
3 Has this product got_ guafantee? How long is _
I feetthat you should improve .../change .../make g ua rantee?
sure .../check.../emptoy people to answer phone calls.
4 Can I speak to _ managet, please? | wish to make
Paragraph 5 _ comptaint.
Say what compensation you want: 5 '_ package arrived for you this morning.' 'What was
I believe you shoutd give me a refund/an apology. in _ package?'

Format beginning and ending

6 lwantto buy_recipe book.What's_price of _
book with the red cover?
Remember to begin and end your letter with formal
Dear 5ir/Madam, ... WATCH OUT!
| [ookforward to your reply. Articles with singular countable nouns
Yours faithfuIty, ... We use a/anIo ta[k about a pefson orthing forthe first
time. When we mention the same person orthing again,
we use the:
We had an exam in the afternoon. After the exam, I went
back to th e shop.
We atso use the to tatk about one specific person or thing:
The shop asslstant refus ed to give me my money back.

Grammar Reference and Praetice > page 176

Btr Deor Sir/Modom,
c! 9 SPEAKING In pairs, use the phrases from the Writing
box and Exercise 7 to role ptay a phone ca[[ to a
Dtr company and complain about a faulty purchase. Take
turns to be the customer.

10 wnlrtruc TASK Write a letter of complaint about eifher

your faulty purchase from Exercise 9 orthe problem
b"*ur" we hod on exom in ihe below. Use the Writing box and Watch out!to hetp you.
ofiernoon. You ordered a pairof trainers ontine.Theycost L49.99.
E fl I om writing to comploin oboui On They arrived the next day but they were the wrong size
Fire, the new energy drink Your (too big). You sent them back. A week later another pair
componY mokes, arrived, but they were too smat[. You returned them.
Fina[Ly, they sent you the right size, but they were the
Ffl Yours foithfullY,
wfong cotouf.
G! lt is unoccePtoble-to sell such
o bod Product' I feelYou should
stop selling ii OI,
of leost You s )lrt
worning ln b the cons rhe
il 0\)

n I canwriteasimpteformattetterofcomptaint. t,
REMEMBER MORE 5.22 bacon (n) /'berkanl

I Add more words and phrases average (adj) I'avand3l beans (n) /birnzl
from the word list to the beans (n) /bi:nzl bitter (adj) /'btai
vocabulary maps.
boftle (n)/'botli bush tea (n) /'buj ti:/
I calorie (n)/'kalari/ butter In) /'bnta1
can (n) /ken/
carrot (n) /'kerati

cheap (adj) /tfrp/ cereal (n) /'srarial/

chips (n) /tJrps/
cheese (n) /tJirzt
chocoholic (n ) l,tJoka'hnhk/ cream (n)/krirm/
chocolate (n) /'tI0kht/
croissant (n) /'kworsoq/
chocolate bar (n) /'tJnklat bc:/ crunchy (a dj ) /'kr,^,ntJi1

cocoa In) /'kaukau/

cucumber (n ) /'kju:ktmbai
coffee (n) 1'kofii
delicious (adj) /df lrJasl
complain (v) /kam'plern/ disgusting (adj) /dr'g,tstuq/
contain (v) /kan'tern/
doughnut In) /'daunnt/
-:- crisps (n) /knsps/
dry (adj) /drar/
expensive Iadj) /rk'spensw/
\-__ e99 (nJ /eg/
fattening (adj) /fetnrq/ fizzV Gd)) lftzil
filling (adj) /Trk[/ fresh (adj) ifreJl
Make adjectives from these fruit (n) /frurt/ grapes (n) lgrerysl
words. Then check with the good/badforyou /'gud/'bad fa jai
word [ist. ham In)/ham/
I hide (v) - gram In)/grem/
hard Iadj) /ho:d/

2 nutrition (n) - _ health (n) thelO/ heavy (adj) /'hevi/

3 jump (v) - _ heatthy (adj) /'hel0i/ honey In)/'h'rni/
4 fashion (n)-_ jarIn) id3o:/ jam (n)/d:em/
5 disgust (v) - _ ketchup (n) / keUap/
lemon (n)/'leman/
Find two types of shop and two luxury (n) /'l,rkjari/ tentits (n) I'lentlz/
types of store on the word [ist.
nutritious (a dj ) /njur'trrJas/ tight (adj) /laft/

oil (n) l:rli maple syrup (n)/,merpal 'srrap/
packet In) i'pakrtl melon (nJ /'melan/
popular (adj) /'popjala/
mitd (adj)/marld/
5IO fe
price (n) /prarsi
mitk (n) /mrlk/
production (n ) /pra'dnkfanl
Find the opposites ofthese milkhake (n) /'mrlkJe*/
adjectives on the word list. profit (n) IFrofrtl
muffin (n) l'mnfnl
1. cheap range (n) lrend3l mushroom I n) /'m.dru;m1
2 fizzy satad (n)/'salad/ nut (n) /nnt/
3 spicy sale (n) iseil/
4 smart - otive (n) /'olrv/
satty (adt) /'s::lti/
5 hard - pancake (n) l'pankerk/
sandwich (n) /'sanwrd3/ pastry shop I n) /'perstri Jopl
Do the task below.
shrink (v) 4rrrlki plant (n) /plo;nt/
Make a shopping tist of attthe
types offood and drinkthatyou snack (n) isnaki porridge (n) ,r'pond3/
need for this week. Then write tasty (adj) i'terti/ rott (n) /raul/
down the names and types of
shops that you need to visit.
tin (n) /tn/ salmon (n) i'saman/
tuna (n)/'tju:na/ salt (n) /s):lt/
typicat (adj) /trprkal/ sausage In) i sosrd3/
weigh (v) /we/

slice (n) /slars/ shopping ma[[ (n) lfoptl mr:l/ sweatshirt (n) /swetJ::t/

smooth (adj) ismu;d/ skitt (n) rskrtr tie In) ltar/

soft [adj) /soft/ supermarket (n) /'surpa,mc:krt/ tights In) ltarts/

spicy (adj) l'sparsi/ toiletries (n) I'ttrltrizl trust (v) /tr^st/

stitt (adj) /shl/ trainers (n) I'trenazl underwear I n) /'andawea/

sugar (n) /foga1 travel agency (n) l'traeval ,erdSansi/ we[[-known (adj) /,wel 'naun/

sweet (adj)/swirt/ variety I n) /va'raratii

tea (n) /tir/
4E TISIENING AND VOCABUTARY fabulous (adj ) /'faebjaias/
toast (n) /taust/
5.26 independent shop In ) /,rndr,pendont fop/
tomato (n)/ta'mortaui
accessory (n ) /al<'seseri/ material I n) /ma'trariali
watermelon In ) /'w:lta,melan/ bargain In)/'bo:grn/ shoe shop (n) /Tur fop/
white bread (n) /,wart'bred/
belt (n) ,rbelt/ shopping centre (n) /fnprrl ,senta/
btouse (n) /blauz/ synthetic (adj) /srn'0etrk/
bracelet (n) /'brerslrt/ waste (n)/werstl
carton (n) /'ko:tn/

pear (n) /peai brand new (adj)/,brand 'nju:/

charity shop (n) /'tJaratiJop/ 4G WRITING AND UOCABUTARY

vegetable (n) i'vedgtabal/
clothes shop (n) /'klaudz Jnp/
a[[ergic reaction (n) /a,l:rd3rk ri'ekJen/
4D READIIUG AND UOCABUTARY coot (adj) /ku:l/
bargain (n)/'bo:grn/
@s.zs decade (n) /'dekerd/
annoyed (adj) /a'nud/ compensation (n) /,kompan'se4an/
designer label (n) /dizarna ,lerbali
area (n) /'earia/ discount (n) /'drskauntr'
earring In) /larrq/
chain store (n) /'tjern strr/ employ (v) /rm'pl:r/
experiment (v) /rk'speramontl
changing room (n ) /'tJernd3rq rurmi enclose (v) /rn'klauz/
fashion (n) /'faJan/
checkout (n) i'tJekaut/ exchan ge (v) /rks'tJernd3/
fashionable Iadj ) /'faJanabal/
(oat (n) /kaut/ faulty (adj) /'frrlti/
fit (v) ifrt/
customer (n) /'l<nstama/ guarantee (n ) I,geran'ti: I
formal Iadj)/'f::mall
database (n) /'derta,bers/ immediately Iadv) /lmirdiotli/
handbag (n) i'handbagl
deodorant In ) /di:'audarant/ improve (v) lrm'prurv/
hat (n) /hat/
department store (n) /dr'portmant str:i jumpy (adj) /'d3nmpi/
informal (a dj ) /rnfrmal/
discount (n) /'drskaunt/ order (v) i'::da/
instinct (n) /tnstqktl
discreet (adj ) /dr'skrirt/ package (n) /'pakrdg/
just perfect for you /,d3^st 'p:rfrkt fa ju/
etectronic (adj) /,ehk'trnnil<l predict (v) i prr'drkt/
kitt (n) lkrlt/
gadget (n) /'gad3rt/ product (n) /'prodnkt/
pyjamas (n ) /pa'd3o:mazi
hidden Iadj) l'hrdn/ prompt (adj) i prompt/
quatity (n) i'kwplrti/
make-up (n)/'merk np/ purchase (n, v) /'p:rtfrs/
raincoat In ) /'rernkaut/
market research In) i,rncukat n'siltf1 receipt (n) lrr'sirt1
scarf (nJ /skarf/
memory (n) /'memari/ receive (v) /n'si:v/
scruffy (adj)/'skrdil
mystery shopper ( n) /,nrrstari [opa/ refund (n)/'rirf,rndl
second-hand (adj) /,sekand 'hend/
offer (n, v) /'ofa/ response (n) /rr'spons/
shabby (adj) /febi/
queue (n) lkju:/ return (v) /rr'tr:n/
simple (adj) /'srmpal/
reduction In) /n'drkJan/ returns policy (n) i rr't:nz ,poksi/
sleepwear (nl /'slirpweai
register Iv) /'red3rsta/ sadty (adv) i'sadlii
smart (adj) /smort/
report In, v) /rr'p:;ti service (n) r"s:lvrs/
sophisticated (adj) isafistrkertadi
service In) /'s:;vrs/ set In) iset/
style (n) /starli
shampoo (n) l[a-m'putl teaspoon (n) i ti;spurn/
stylish (adjl /'starlr/
shop assistant In) ifop a,srstant/ warning (n) /'wlnrq/
suit (n) /surt/
shopping (n) /Inpil/
1 Complete the tabte with the words from the box. Then Complete the second sentence so that it means the
think of more words for each category. same as the first one,

bacon chips doughnut eggs giapes

I The tea is very hot. I can't drink it.
The tea is foo hot for me to drink.
honey Lemon muffin oIives sausages sugaf
My meaIdoesn't [ook as nutritious as yours.

Fruit and Sweet thinqs I Fried foods

Your mea[looks mine.
This bottte of cota is too sma[Lfor me.
vegeta bles
cucumber, ...
This bottte of cola is not for me.
To me, cooking is more exciting than c[eaning.
To me, cleaning is cooking.
This supermarket sells the freshest vegetables.
No other supermarket se[[s
Choose one or two words that go with each container.
Other restaurants in our town are less crowded than
I a bar ofchocolafe / coffee / jan this one.
2 a bottle of butter /cheese / water This restaurant is in our town.
3 a can of beans / cola / sugar
4 a jar of chlps / honey / olives 6 Choose the correct words a-c to complete the
5 a packet of biscuits / crisps / melons
6 a cafton of crolssants / juice / nilk I I haven't got _ time. tan you find me a quick cake
Complete the sentences with the words from the box. a much bsome catittle
bargains bracetets designer hat raincoat
_ chocotate do you usua[Ly eat in one week?

second-hand scarf suit tie tights a How much b How many c How few
_ people do their shopping on[ine but I don't
I When it's cotd and wet, I wear a on top of betieve it's safe.
my T-shirt, _under my skirt, a _
around my a Much b A couole of
c Lots of
neck, a _ on my head and a heavy_tokeep I think there are desserts to choose from.
me dry. I don't rea[[y know which one to get.
2 My dad works in a bank, so he has to wear a and
a too much b too many
c not much
a _ when he goes to work.
Ptease try this cake - it doesn't contain sugaf.
3 tharity shops se[[_ -
ctothes, not new clothes.
aatittte bany c some
You can find fantastic last week I bought
a _ [abel dress for only f 5! | often buy jewetlery Excuse me, have you got _ jeans in -size 8?

tike _ and earrings there. a too many ba few c any

To make a Spanlsh omelette, you need three eggs,
Which words match these definitions? two potatoes and _ sa[t.
1 A ptace where you can try on clothes . changing room aabit b a tittle bit ca bit of
z A pefson who he[ps you in a shop. I Do we rea[Ly have _time to do the shopping this
3 The ptace where you pay in a supermarket. afternoon? 0r shatt we qo tomorrow?
4 A big shop which seLts different things on different a tittte b enough
c much
floors. 9 Nick gets _ pocket money, so he doesn't need
5 A type of shop which is exactly the same in different a part-time job.
cities. a a tittte bit b much calotof
5 A big buitding with lots of different shops, some big
and some smatL. 7 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
7 A reduction in price.
In my opinion, this is the t
breakfast in the world.
8 A piece of paper that shows when and where you
Mavbe it has too 2 - it's biqqer
calories 5
main mea[s - but it's o-deticious than any other
bought something.
Money you get when you fetufn something that you breakfast I know. I start with a s- orange juice, just
bought. a sma[[ g[ass. Then I eat 6- breakfast cerealwith
10 A Line of people waiting to buy something. fresh fruit. I usually have a 7- gfapes and an app[e.
t_ appte must be hard and crisp. Afterthat, I have
"_sausage and a r0_ of ftied eggs of maybe
three if l'm reatly hungry. BoiLed eggs aren't as good
rr_fried eggs. I have toast with a little 12- of
butter. I don't put too 1r_ butter on my toast and
I don't put'n_ jam on it either. Finat[y, I drink
a ls_of tea -two orthree cups!

UsE OF ENGIISH 6 Where did the woman buy the dress?

I Gomplete the second sentence using the word in botd a in a shopping ma[[
so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more b in a department store
than three words including the word in botd. c in a charity shop
7 What does the bov want to do with the trousers?
STRATEGY I rey woro transformations a try them on
Make sure you read the first sentence carefulty and b exchange them
understand the meaning. The second sentence must be as c return them
close to that meaning as possib[e. 8 What does the man comptain about?
a receiving the wrong product
I There isn't a worse shoo in town. THE b receiving a faulty product
It's lhe worsf in town. c receiving the product late
2 Mama Mia is betterthan Luigi's. AS 9 Which adverts annoy the gir[the most?
Luigi's isn't_ Mama Mia. a bittboards
3 Kim's fit but not as fit as Tim. THAN b pop-up ads
Tim's Kim. c radio commercia[s
4 Kyte has only got a tittte money. MUCH 10 What does the boy do?
Kyte has money. a gives his opinion
5 There's no sugar in this tea. ANY b asks the girtfor her opinion
There sugar in this tea. c agfees with the girt
5 There's too much food on the tabte. ENoUGH
There sDace on the tabte for a[[the food. SPEAKING
10 neaC the information below. Then in pairs, do the
speaking task.
LISTENING Afriend of yours wants to open a caf6 forteenagers and
university students in your town. You woutd [ike to hetp
9 Z.7JYouare going to hearten short recordings. him/her to make the caf6 an attractive place for young
Read questions 1-10 and the possibte answers. Then listen peop[e. Talk together about the different things your
and choose the correct answer for each recording. friend coutd do and say which idea would be best.
Look at the pictures which show some ideas to hetp you.

STRATEGY I ruruttipt" choice task

lf you're not sufe which option to choose, use the method
of e[imination: start by crossing out the answer which
isdefinitety wfong, then the one which you think is
probabty wrong, untityou are left with onty one option.

I What did the boy have for [unch yesterday?

a a hamburger
b bacon and eggs
c a tomato satad
Where are the peopte?
a in a supermarket
b in a restaurant
c at home
Who is the man?
a a shop assistant
b a store managef
c a customer
What did the man think of the cake?
a lt was deticious.
b lt was spicy.
c lt was hard. WRITING
How much pepper is in the man's soup?
a too much
Ll Vou recently had a terribte meal in a restaurant. Write
a [etter to a family member explaining why the meal
b not enough was so bad and what you did about it.
c n0ne


6 Read the text and match advertising techniques

1-6 with example adverts A-D. There are two extra
Which types of adverts from the box do you most often techniques.
see/hear? Which do you think are the most attractive?

biILboards Internetadvertising postefs

TV/radio commercials

3,13 Listen to the conversation between Anthony

and Paulina and answer the questions.
I What did Anthony buy?
2 Why did he buy it?
3 How does he feel now about what he bought?
In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
I Have you evet bought something because of an
a dve ft?

Z Do you sometimes buy products which you don't

need? lf so, why do you buy them?

4 4,35 tisten to three radio commercials and

comptete the table.

Product advertised Reason for buying

Adveft 1 smarlphon€

Advert 3

In groups of three, discuss the questions.

I Woutd you buy any of the ptoducts from Exercise 4?
Say why.
Z Do you beLieve aLL of the information about each
product? 5ay why.
3 CouLd any ofthe products have a negative effect, e.g.
on peopLe's heaLth or on ouf ptanet?

1 I
7 Complete the gaps with the words from the box.

adveft features reviews technique


. BuVl whatyou need

We live in a world of advertisements. . Do not buy a product on impulse or because of an z_
They are everywhere: on and the radio, . Think about what 3 the advertisers use to set[ their
on the Internet and billboards. Some of
them are funny, others can be irritating.
. Read onLine 4_ and lesearch the 5_ of a ploduct I

hofnrp rrnrr hrrv it

But how do they work? Here are some of o (npnd vnr rr mnnpv 6

the most common advertising techniques.

8 ln pairs, write a radio commercial or a short advert to
1 Bandwagon advertising advertise one of the products or services below. Use
one of the advertising techniques from the text in
To'jump on the bandwagon' means to do
Exercise 6. Share your ideas with the class, Who had
what other people do. The advertiser shows us the best advert? Say why.
what other people are buying and tells us that . a luxury car
we should buy it, too. Adverts also sometimes o new pedume for men
suggest that you're the only person who hasn't . an exoticfamiLy hotiday
bought the product yet. . onLine banking services
2 Facts and statistics
9 DEBATE ls advertising a good or a bad thing? Discuss in
Advertisers use these to make their product groups. Use the arguments betow to help you.
apoear better and more effective than other For advertising:
products on the market. . Advefts inform us about new products on the mafket
and theirfeatures.
3 Using celebrities
. Adverts he[p us compare different products and their
A famous face or voice sells the product. D ft ces.
Famous people, who probably have never . Adveds show that the company is trying to satisfy its
used the product, recommend it to customers. customets.
This technique works because wearing the Against advertising:
same watch as your favourite actor makes you . Advefts often plesent products as betterthan they are
feel like a star too. in teaLity.

. Advefts can make oeooLe feeL bad about themsetves
Emotional appeal
and their image.
Adverts often play with our feelings and tell . Advefts can have a negative influence on people,
us that we need to buy a specific product to e.g. in the case of cigarettes, fast food, etc.
be 'cooler' and more beautiful. They can also
use our fear of getting old or sick, or having an
L0 oo the task below.

g.gFE SKEttS I rro;eet
5 rne idealfamily
A Find 1-2 exampLes of diffeient types of adverts (on TV,
Do you know why families in TV adverts are on the Internet, in magazines, etc.)and bring them ol
always so happy? lt is a promise to us that if their descriotions to the next class.
we buy what that family are buying, we can be B Present your advefts to the class. Talk about:
happy, too! . what product they adveilise
6 Special offer . what each adveft promises the customel
This technioue makes us believe that we
. which advertising technique each advert uses (if any)
get something for nothing or are buying . what you think about the product and the adveil
something at a special prrce.

VO(y'.BIiI,/.RY Home, household chores, fitness, health
GRAMMAR Modalverbs, past modaLverbs L,!se af English > Daq€ 185
SPEAKTNG Permission
WRIT NG A note/short message

It's living without unnecessary things. lYy flat used

to be really messy, but then I read a greatJapanese You don't have to throw them ln the bin. You could
book called The Llife-Chonging Mogic of Tidying Up*. give them to friends or donate them to a charity
It changed my life. You should read it. shop like I do.

It's good. You don't have to spend so much time

No, you have to get rid of a lot but you mustn't cleaning or tidying up because you don't have so
get rid of everything. You have to keep some many things. But you must be organised. You mustn't
things but you should only keep things you really leave things lying around on sut{aces. I live in a tiny
like. You shouldn't hold onto things for sentimental flat but it's neat and tidy: there's a place for everything
reasons. Don't keep that sweater just because it and everything is in its place. When your home is
was a present from your gran. We all have lots of tidy, you feel happier. Another advantage is that if you
things we never use. You don't need more than don't buy stuff you don't need, you can afford to
three shirts, or four palrs of trousers, or one buy good quallty, so you have beautiful things that
spoon, one mug, one bowl ... you love instead of rubbish you don't really like.

* The Life-Chonging Mogic of Tidying L)p: The Joponese Art of Decluttering ond Orgoniztng by Marie Kondo, 20 | |


SPEAKING Read the first paragraph ofthe text on page 6 Choose the correct verbs to complete the tips.
64. Then in pairs, say if you have 'unnecessary things'
at home. Give examples. IOP TIPS FOR MINIMAIISTS
1 To be a minimalist. you could I hove to be
Look at the tabte below and find the things that you organised and disciPlined.
can see in the photos. Then in pairs, add more words to 2 You could I shouldn't stafl by making a list of all
the categories. the things You own.
5 You mustn't I should keep anything lhal you don't
Furniture and wardrobe, curtains, carpet, tug, use regularly
decorations 4 You should I shouldn't get multipurpose lhings,
Fixed things windowsitt, radiator, stairs, ... e.g a sofa bed.
5 You don't hove to I must throw things oul if you
P[aces for th i ngs drawel hanger, surface, ... don't use [hem
6 You don't hove to I mustn't eat every meal alone
3 Read the text. Then in pairs, ask and answer the bul you must I shouldn't invite too many people
questions. lo your home
I 1 What are the advantages of being a minimatist?
Z Are you a messy pefson or are you organised?
3 How often do you tidy uP Your room? listen and check. What happened to Marty?
4 Do you throw things out regu[ar[y or do you hotd onto I Dad lt's a very neat flat. Karen, you t(eep
th i ngs?
your room tidy tike this.
5 How do you get rid of stuffyou don'twantany more?
2 Mum | have a cup of tea, son. I'm reatty thirsty.

ModaI verbs
3 Mum wear the same cLothes a[[ the time.
You - _ put on that sweatel youf gfan gave
you. lt's nice and warm
4 Find verbs 1-7 in the text and match them with their
meanings a-f. Use one meaning twice. 4 Mum You _ give away presents. lt's not Iight.
I ! shoutd a it's necessary 5 Marty You _ share a mug. l've on[y got one cup.
2 n haveto b it isn't necessary 6 Dad One mug!You _get some mofe mugs.
3 ! shoutdn't c it's a good idea 7 Marty lf you're a minimatist, you keep things
4 ! don't have to d it isn't a good idea thatyou don't use.

5 n coutd e it isn't attowed -

5 ! must f it's a suggestion/an idea
8 SPEAKING Do you agree or disagree with these
statements? Discuss in Pairs.
7 n mustn't I You have to tidy up your bedroom every day.
5 Study the Grammar box and Watch out! and check your z You mustn't throw at[your rubbish in the same bin.
answers to Exercise 4. 3 You shou|Ld always do the dishes as soon as you finish
eati ng.
You shou[dn't own mofe than three shirts and four
oairs of trousers.
must/have to = it's necessary
You don't have to buy something every time you go to
You must do exercises every daY.
the shoos.
You have to throw the rubbish out on Thursdays.
5 You must be organised in tife to be happy.
don't have to = it isn't necessary
You don't have to go to Japan to be a minimalist.
I don't have to tidy up my room every day but I have to do
it evetv weekend.
should = it's a good idea
You shoutd watch that fiLm; it's good.
shouldn't = it isn't a good ldea ! 7 Read the question and watch the video. Say
at the speakers answer. Then in pairs, ask and
You shouldn't weaf pink; it doesn't suit you.
mustn't = don't do it, it isn't allowed
You mustn't smoke here. What shou[d you do to Lead a happy tife?

could = it's a suggestion/an idea

You coutd lend me that book if you Like.

Grammar Reference and Plactice > page 177

I Must and Have to both mean that something is necessary
butthey're not exacttythe same. We typicatty use mustfor
personaI opinions and have fo for facts, iules or externaI
n I can use modaI verbs to tatk about suggestions and obligations. 65
I Flousehold e!'lores

(or \1
o pyjanos!1
or o atq lk (+ €ake

h up the


(Ylum X y

SPEAKING In pairs,look at the cartoon. What do you 4 In pairs, answer the questions. Use the phrases from
think of Mum's idea? Could it work in your home? Exercise 3 and Watch out!
I Which chores do you do or hetp with at home?
Complete the collocations for household chores with 2 Which chore is the worst in yout opinion?
the words from the box. Use the to-do list in Exercise 1
I always / sa m eti m es / never ...
to help you.
tthink c|eaning the rcoker is the worst chare.
your the dog the cafpets the furniture
the tubbish your shoes
the washing machine OUT!
I tidy up do the choreslthe housework/the dishes/the windows/
2 dust_ th e cooki ng /the cle a ni n g /th e wash ng-u n /the i roni n I
r /
the dusting, etc.
but makeyou r bedlbreakfast/a neaL/a cup of tea/
4 vacuum_ asandwich
5 take out-
6 make _ 5 In pairs, say what we use these home appliances to do'
7 empty _ Which apptiance is the most useful?
8 potish _ dishwasher freezer fridge iron kettte
Make more household chores using a verb from box A microwave oven vacuum cleaner washing machine
and a noun from box B. You can use some of the verbs
and nouns more than once. Ycu use a misowave ta cook ar heat up food.

A air clean do iron mop/sweep set/clear 6 In groups, think of chores we don't have to do
wash up/dry wipe anymore because oftechnology. Use the vocabutary
from Exercises 3 and 5.
B thecooker thecooking thedishes thefloor Ihanks to the varuum tLeaner we dan't have to sweep the
the house a shirt the surfaces the tabte floar with a brush, and thanks to the washing machine, we '..

aii the ,hnuse, ... 7 REFTECT | Soriety ln groups, discuss the questions.
I Do you think teenagers shouLd hetp at home?
2 Shoutd teenagers earn theit pocket money by
working at home? SaY whY.

66 n t can talk about household chores.

Past modaI verbs
3 Find sentences in the articte that have the same
meaning as the sentences be[ow.
1 I was a[lowed to eat when I wanted.
I could eat when I wanted.
2 You weren't allowed to stay out [ate.
3 lt was necessary to eat meats at regutartimes.
4 lt wasn't necessary to tidy my room.
4 Study the Grammar box and find more examples of
past modals in the article.

could = it was possib|'e or attowed in the past

I coutd do what I wanted as a chiLd.

SPEAKING Describe the photo. Then in pairs, ask and couldn't = it wasn't possib[e or a[lowed
answer the questions. Use the phrases on page 55 to We coutdn't open the door yesterday.
give your opinions. had to = it was necessary
I ls it easy or hard for young peop[e to move out of their
Dad had tc wear a uniform to schooL.
family home and start [iving on their own? didn't have to = it wasn't necessarY
2 What are the good/bad sides of sharing a flat with I didn't have to get up earty this morning.

peop[e your own age?

Grammar Reference and Practice > page 177
Read the articte. Does it mention any of your ideas
from Exercise 1? 5 Read about teenage tife in Britain in 1958'
the sentences with the correct past modaI
verbs. Then [isten and check.
t Mostteenage[s leave schooI at sixteen so they
earn money.
F Most young
3 Teenagers
peopte go to univefsit!.
give most of the money they earned
to their Dafents. -
0 4 Most boys
army. Girts
spend eighteen months in the
join the army if they wanted to but

D* ce
they -
5 Most peopte - wash their clothes in a washing
New studies, new friends and maybe a new home in a new town.The -.

first month at university is a taste of freedom. 6 Use

the phrases below and the verbs from the
When you were at schoot, you had to be there from 8.30 to 3.30 every
Grammar box in Exercise 4 to make sentences about
the time when you were ten. Then in pairs, compare
day, At home, you had to eat meals at regular times. You coutdn't [isten
your sentences.
to loud music and you cou[dn't stay out [ate. But when you're a student,
you don't have to fottow the same rutes. homework go to bed eartY
do a lot of
street tetlyour parents where you were g0ing
pl'ay in the
I remember my first weeks at university. Suddenty I didn't have to go to
watch anything you wanted on TV wear make-up
class every day. I coutd wear whatl wanted. I didn't have to tidy my
wear schooI uniform wear what you wanted
room - it was my decision. I coutd spend attnight partying with friends -
my choice. I could listen to loud dubstep at two in the morning. Breakfast When I vvas ten years old, I didn't have to do a lot of
at 4 a,m,? Why not? | could eat when I wanted. homework.
But student tife wasn't perfect. Firstty, food didn'i magicalty appear [ike 7 sPEAKING ln groups, say what other things you had to/
it did at home. You had to buy it and then cook it! Secondty, there were didn't have to or could/coutdn't do when you were ten.
four other guys in my flat in ha[[s- and they were also enjoying'freedoml
A Ihad to feed the hamster.
0ne never washed up, Another stole other peopte's food from the fridge.
B tdidn't have to do that but I had to take the dog for
And nobody cteaned the bathroom. I had to do it myself because the
a walk.
'These dishes won't wash
others were too tazy. I began to comptain:
C t touldn't do that because we didn't have a dog.
themselves!''Turn that music down - it's 4 a.m.!'

It was ihen I realised two things: one, I was turning into my parents, and
two, freedom has a downside.
ha[[s of residence - a buitding where students live. ln the UK, students usually

have their own bedroom but share a kitchen/bathroom with 4-6 other students.
n I can use modal verbs to tatk about the past. 67

1 ln pairs, checkyou understand the phrases in the box'

Then use them to complete the sentences below'

be no\sy brinq yout own haitdryer/towe[/toothpaste

bring a gift
clean the room have fun
hetp yoursetf to food and drink leave a mess on sufaces
give them time to relax make a speciatmeat
make pLans put out a toweL steep a tot take them out

I When guests come to stay in your house, you shoutd/

2 When you go to stay in a friend's house, you shoutd/
shouLdn'1 ...

z look at the photo' Who are the people?

oy at the door fee[? Watch or listen to
Part 1 ofthe conversation and check.

and choose the phrases you hear in the sentences

I Konrad ls it alright I Do you nind if I come in?
Erin Yes, ofcourse I go ahead.
2 Erin Can I take your coat?
Konrad No, /'m afraid not I please don''s a bit 4 Complete the exchanges with two or
co td. each gap. Watch or listen to Part 2 of the
3 Konrad Do you nind if l/ Can / keep my shoes on? conversation and check. How does Konrad feel by the
end of the conversation?
Erin No, / don't mind I you can't. 0f coulse not.
Erin This ts your room.
Konrad lt's very nice but is it I if I close the
SPEAKING leermission window?
Question 'Yes' 'No' Erin

tan I have this 50rrv, You ra n't. Konrad Sorry to ask but 3- have
ba nana? That's my breakfast. a shower?
ls it atilqht if Erin l'm sorfy, o- . There isn't
Sure, go ahe a shower.
l change the
channet? show. Konrad 5 Do if I have a bath thenz

Do you mind if PIease don't. It's Erin No, t not.

I open the door? not.

I\o, of course a bit cotd.
Konrad Do ? | use your Wi-Fi connection?
Do you mind if No, I don't mind. Yes, I do.lhate the Erin Yes, 8 ! l'm just joking. That's no
lsmoke? sme[1. pf0Dtem.

5 In pairs, ask for permission and respond appropriately'

TCH OUT! Student A, go to page 189. Student B, go to page 191'
A Can I take fhls chair?
Do you mind if ...? = Is it a problem for you if ...7
B AJo, /'rn sa{ryyau an't.l'm sitting on it'
lf someone asks you Do you nind if...? and it isn't
a probtem, you shoutd answef A/o (= 111s, it isn't a problen') 6 Work in pairs. lmagine you're staying at your partner's
Do you mind if I say something? house. Use the prompts betow to ask for, give or refuse
No, I don't.lNo, that's no prob[em. permission, Take turns to be the host and the guest.
lf something is a prob[em, you shou[d answer yes
I You rea[[y need a shower but you don't have a toweI
(=Yes, it's a problen.) in your suitcase.
Do you mind if I borrow your harrdryer? 2 You're hungry. Thete are some bananas on the tab|.e.
Yes, I do, sorry. l'm ustng it atthe moment.
3 Youf favourite pfogramme is on TV. You want t0
watch it.
4 You feeI reatty tired.
5 You're cotd but you forgot to bring a sweater.
6 You want to ca[L home but the battery on your phone
is dead.

68 I I I can ask for, give and refuse permission.


How to get fit aa

The importance of warming up

Gyms 6 personal trainers
Jogging to a healthy heart
Working out 1: press-ups and weight training
Working out 2; sit-ups, pull-ups and stretching
How to set up a home gym
Burning off calories with aerobics

SPEAKING ln pairs, ask and answer the questions. 5 2.19 listen to Part 2 ofthe podcast again and
I How much exercise do you get in a week7 complete the notes with 1-3 words in each gap.
2 Genera[ty, do you feetfit or unfit? I In a flat there usuatty isn't enough for big
3 What wou[d you Iike to do to get fitter7 exercise machines.
2 lt hetps if you can easily.
Read the introduction to Heather's blog. Check you 3 The most important piece of equipment you need is
understand the highlighted words related to working a
out. Then in pairs, ask and answer the questions.
4 You can use tins of soup, or bags of
I Do you always wafm up before you exercise or ptay sand for weights.
sports? What do you do? 5 lt's easierto concentrate on your exercises if you can
2 What are the advantages of joining a gym or having see yourse[f
a oersonaI trainer?
3 Look at the ways for getting fit in the btog menu. 6 Z.Z0 Study Active listening. Then ]isten to extracts
Which of them do you do? from the podcast and decide if words 1-3 are nouns,
adjectives or verbs.
Z.t8 listen to Part 1 of Heather's podcast and I treadmitl 2 sDare 3 breathe
choose the correct answers.
I What is today's podcast about? r ACTIVE tISTENING lthe meanins of newwords
a jogging
When you hear a new word in a recording:
b gyms and personaltrainers
, . decide what kind of word it is (noun, verb, adjective, etc.)
c doing exercises at home
2 What does Heather say about setting up a gym at
. use the context (information that comes before or after
home? the word) to give you ctues about the meaning
a lt's expensive. b lt's easy. c lt's difficu[t. ,. askyoufsetf if the word is simi[arto anotherword you
r know orto a word in your language
4 2.I9 listen to Part Z of the podcast and match
photos A-D with pieces of equipment t-+. 7 z.z0 listen again and match words 1-5 from
I lyogamat 3 ndumbbelts Exercise 6 with their meanings a-c.
2n putt-up bar 4 n resistance band a n to send air into and out ofyour [ungs
b n a piece of exercise equipment
t n not used, free or avai[ab[e
8 2.2r Listen and work out the meaning of words
1-5. Use Active Listening to hetp you.
I castefs
smallwheels fixed to the bottom of a piece of furniture
so that it can move
2 essentiaI 4 rottup
3 quid 5 abdominal

9 sPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

I Do you think a home gym is a good idea? Say why.
2 What are the best ways to keep fit in your opinion?

E I can work out the meaning of new words in a web podcast and talk about health and fitness. | 69

SPEAKING In pairs, match photos A-D with places 1-4 Use the hightighted collocations related to health and
betow. Check your answers on page 190. Then say in tifestyle from the article to complete the statements
which of the places you would most/least like to live below. Then in pairs, say if the statements are true or
and why. false for you.
I E a smatttown in Sardinia,ltaty I I don't eat many but | love yoghurtl
z n the suburbs in Southern Catifornia 2 Our school shop doesn't setl_ - you can onty buy
3 E a viltage in Costa Rica water.
4 n the city of 0kinawa, Japan 3 The ontytime l_iswhen I watkthe dog.
4 When my gran cooks for us, we feel rea[ly _
ln pairs, say what you think the places in the photos afterwardsl
have in common. Then quickty read the first paragraph 5 | go to a gym to work out so I can
of the article and check your ideas.
5 | want to _ so I can lose weight.
Read the rest ofthe articte and choose the correct 7 | don't have a healthy diet - | eat too much _ [ike
answels. burgers and fries.

1 Peoo[e in blue zones 8 | love popcofn - it's got lots of vitamins and it's _
and catories!
a have very littte in common.
b move there when they're o[d.
9 | don't usually_ before exams.

c often live longerthan normat. 6 SPEAKING In groups, read these 'btue zone'tips for healthy
d don't share their secret with others. tiving. Which things do you do already? Which are the most
Dan Buettner difficutt to fottow? Which would you [ike to do?
a was the first person to traveIto attthese ptaces. . Drink water instead of soft drinks.
b wanted to live to be 100. . Steep for eight hours.
c thought of the phrase'blue zones'. . Eat a lot of nuts.
d gave the peopte in 'blue zones' some advice about . Switch off yourTV/phone during mea[s.
food. . Wa[k instead of taking a bus or going by car.
Meats in blue zones . Don't eat too much (or any) rneat.
a are a chance for peopte to be atone. o Watch something funny on the Intefnet as part of your day.
b are a time to relax. o Stop eating snacks.
t [ast a short time. . Eatjust two meals a day.
d are speciaIsitent occasions. . Go withoutfood on one day a week.
4 lt's tfue to say that people in blue zones . Eatfive pieces offruit every day.
a work very hard. . Spend more time with your neighbours.
b have active Iifestyles.
c don't have cars. REFTECT I Society In groups, answer the questions.
d go to bed ear[y. I Do e[der[y people have an important rote in your
5 The peopte Dan spent time with society? Do peopte respect them?
a are nevef unhappy. 2 ls it a good thing for grandchi[dren to spend
b are a[tretigious.
a lot of time with grandparents? Say why.
c soend a lot of time with others.
3 Woutd you be happy to spend more time with your
d love otder peop[e more than others.

4 z.z5 pRoNUNctATtoN Find one word in each group 30 llfATcl-l AND REFIECT Go to page 155. Watch the
that we pronounce with a different stress from the documentary An aveage diet and do the exercises.
others. listen and check.
l dairy heatthy tifestyte
2 believe betong consume diet
3 deve[oped different important together
4 exercise respected vegetabte viItages
5 community generation importantly inhabitant

70 1 ! | can find specific information in an article and talk about heatthy tiving.


Secondly, Dan noticed something very interesting, not

20 about what the peop[e ate, but how they ate. In'blue zones,
peopte often have two meats a day, not three, and they
don't usualty have snacks between meals. They stop eating
when they no longer feel hungry - not when they feet
'futI up'. They don't go on diets but often go
without food for
25 a day or during a speciaI time of year. Most importantty, in
btue zones peopte see food as a gift and meals as a special
time. They switch off TVs or smartphones and give thanks
before they eat. Then they sit, eat, taIk, take their time and
enjoy their food.
30 Another thing that Dan noticed was that peopte tiving in btue
zones across the wortd a[[ seem to share certain habits
The suburbs of a town in San Bernardino County,
in their lifestytes. They get exercise naturalty by working
CaIifornia; vittages in Greece and Costa Rica; a city in
outdoors. They stay f it by watking (not driving). And they
0kinawa, Japan; a sma[[ town in Sardinia. At first sight,
sleep wel[ (seven or eight hours a night, usuatty)
these ptaces are very different. Some of them are in the
most developed countries in the world, while in others 35 Finatty, Dan found that the inhabitants of btue zones in a[[
the way of tife hardty ever seems to change. But Dan those different places around the world have a similar
Buettner, an American writer and exolorer, noticed that way of looking at tife. They are generatly optimistic. Many
these very different places have one thing in common: of them believe that a 'higher power' is looking after them.
peop[e there have a good chance of Iiving to be a hundred And nearly a[[ of them feeI they be[ong to a [arger group.
t0 years old or more. He catled these ptaces 'blue zones' and
40 Community is very important to them. Neighbours, friends
decided to spend time with the peop[e who Iived there to and famity come together often, and people f rom different
try to find out the secret to their [ong lives. generations (for example grandparents and grandchitdren)
have a lot of contact with each other, 0[der peop[e are
The first thing Dan noticed about the inhabitants of btue
important and respected members of the community.
zones was their heatthy diet. They eat a lot of fruit and
15 vegetables. They don't eat much meat but get their protein
Dan returned to America, where he writes and gives talks on
from beans, [entils or nuts. They don't eat many dairy the [essons he [earned from talking to peopte in blue zones.
products, either. Their diets are [ow in sugar and sa[t. And He believes it's never too [ate to change how we live for the
they don't consume a lot of fast food or soft drinks. better - because, as the Chinese say, 'tive wet[, tive Iong ...'



In pairs, describe the photo. Who are the peopte?

Where are they? Why are they there? How do they feet?

2 Read the notes and messages 1-7 and look at the

names in the box. Then in pairs, say who wrote each Tried to call you but no answer. Bad
message and who they wrote it to. news. Dad's in hospital. Poss heart
attack. ^ You mustn't worry but
himsetf Sam Sam's mum Sam's dad
Sam's neighbour Lucy maybe you should come asap?

I sam's mun wrote a rness;ge to 5am

Things to do
. Check out London- Hereford buses
o Get L to feed Cleo & water plants
r Present for dad - chocs? grapes? book?
bus Lon-Her -
dep 1'1.30 -
arr 15.40 My dad's ill, have to go home. Think u
can look after Cleo and water the olants?
Instructions on fridge. Thx. Sam

r cat food under sink
o tin opener in top drawer
. don't give C too much food
Get well soon, darling.
. don't forget the plants
Pam xxx

3 Read\he nqtes aga\n an( ansrner \\e questrons. 6 2.?4 \n paus, tomg\ete\he sen\enresu\\\\he
I Why is Sam's dad in hospitaL? words from the box. Use a dictionary to help you. Then
listen and check. What's the matter with Sam's dad?
2 What three ideas does Sam have for a oresent for
his dad? ambulance appointment indigestion pitls
3 What time does the bus to Hereford leave London? prescription results symptoms temperature tests
What time does it arrive?
4 Who is CLeo? I This morning I got somein my chest.
2 It was an emergency, so we called for an
5 What does he ask LucY to do?
3 They did lots of
6 How does 5am want to get to the hospita.
it was a bit high - 58o.
from Herefotd bus station? 4 They took my
5 Now we have to wait for the test-. -.
4 Study the Writing box and write the fu[[ forms of 6 The of -. can be simitarto those of
sentences 1-9 from the messages. a heart attack.-,
I ltried to caLtyou but-- n0 answef. ? l'm writing you a some medicine'
2 Dad news. -
8 You should take two - times a day.
3 think u can look after Cleo? 9 Shoutd he make an with our GP?
4 Check out London - Heteford buses. -for
z.Z5 Listen to the doctor
-threeagain. In pairs, note down
5 Get L to feed C[eo and water- pLants.
what she says using buttet points. Then go to page 190
6 _ have to go home. and check.
7 _ instructions_ on _fridge.
8 _tin opener_ in drawer. 8 REFTECT I Society In groups, make a tist of things you
9 __on _ bus now. _
-top gets in at 15.40. should/shouldn't/have to/mustn't do when you visit
someone in hospital.
You should take a present, for example ...
WRITING I n note/strort messase
. In notes and short messages, you can [eave out: 9 ln pairs, read the letter and transform it into a note.
- greetings and potite expressions Like Dear ..., How Don't forget to use emoticons and bultet points. Then
are vntt?. Bcsl yyishps, ... etc. go to page 190 and compare.
- pfonouns like l, you, he, she, there, etc. and auxitiary
verbs [ike be, do, have, etc. at the start of sentences: Dear Jereay,
+ tove y0u.
want to pick me up? I hope you fcel befter.Thanks for lookiry affert{te
- the verb to be and the defrnite articte (the): dogs.
The dogfood is in the cupboard neyf t0 flte door. fhe
. You can use contractions, initiats and emoticons
bowlfor wtter is unaler thc table. Don'f forgcf to tukc
instead of fuLtnames and words: theu for a walk int+E M^rning dn6t inthe affcrnoon.
Get L to feed tteo. (L = Lucy) l'a backonJunotay fitcn o'clock
DeP 11.30 (Dep = Departute) (rJJcJ, tAa%ie
i; (l'm happy)
. To give instluctions in notes and messages, you can
use imperatives and bu[[et points: 10 wntrtruc TAsK choose a situation betow and write
. check out bus and train times a short note. Use the Writing box to help you, Then
. don't forget the p[ants in groups, compare your notes.
I You have an English exam next Wednesday at ten.
Write a note to remind yourself to go to a friend's
5 Match the contractions and symbols 1-11 with their
house at the weekend to studv for it.
meanings a-k,
You phone a cinema to get information about a fi[m.
I n Poss a ano The fitm you want to see is X-Kids. lt's on at 8.30 0n
z nl b arrivaI Friday at the 0deon Muttip[ex. The best bus to get
5 n asap c as soon as possibte there is the number 44. lt leaves from the stoD near
4! d chocoIates the post office every ten minutes. Write a post-it nOte
to a friend with the key information and ask if he/she
s n& e departure wants to go with you to see the fitm.
5 n chocs f l'm sad
You get an invitation to a pafty at a friend's but you
z noep g kisses don't feetwe[t. You have a high tempefature and bad
8 ERrr h [ove pains in your stomach. You think you should stay at
9 !u i possibte home. Write a text message to yourfriend thanking
10 n Thx j thanks him/her for the invitation and explaining why you
11 n xxx k you can't come. Suggest another time and place you cou[d
meet next week when vou feel better.

n t can write a short note or message. ,=

5A GRAMMAR AN D UOCABUIARY unnecessary [adj) hn'nesasari/
5.29 wardrobe (n J /'w:rdraub/
I Putthe phrasesfrom the box in advantage (n) /ad'vo:ntrd3/
windowsil[ (n) /'wrndau,srl/
the correct column of the table. afford (v) /a'f::d/
Then check with the word list.
alone (adj) /a'laun/ 58 UOCABUTARY 5.30
your bed a cup oftea airthe house /,ea do 'haos/
bedroom (n)/'bedrum/
the ironing the dishes
appliance (n) /a'plaians/
the housework a meaI bin In) /bin/
bowl (n) lbaul/ clean/mop/sweep the floor /,kli:nl,mop/,swirp
da fb:/
maKe co carpet (n) l'ko;prt/
cook [v) /kuk/
cup oftea /,knp av 'tir/
cooker (n) /'kuka/
curtain (n) /'k::tn/
do the cleaning/cooking/dusting/ironingT
2 Which verb from the word [ist decorations (n) 1,deka'rerfanz/ washing up /,du da 'klirnrq/'kokrq/ 'dnstrq/
completes these phrases? disciplined Iadj ) i'drsrphnd/
'aranrq/,wnfi11 'r,p/

do the housework/the chores /,du da 'hausw;rk/

maKe-up do the dishes /,du da 'drJrzl
schooIuniform donate Iv) idau'nertl
do the windows /,du da 'wrndauz/
g Ia sses
drawer (n) ldr::/
drythe dishes /,drar da 'dr.Jazr
fit finish (vJ /Trnrf/
c tes5e0 dust (n, v) i d,rst/
fixed (adj) /fikst/
rid of something empty/put on the dishwasher /,empti/put ,on
flat (n) /flaet/ da'drf,woJa/
to bed
Dy caI furniture In ) /f:rntfa/ lreeze(v) llrizl
on a diet get rid of l,get 'rrd av/ freezer (n) /'frirza/

Match the two parts of the

hanger In) /'helai fridge (n) /fndS/

compound nouns. Then check hold onto sth i,haold 'nnta ,s,rmOrqi get dressed i,get 'drest./
with the word [ist. lend (v) llend/ heat upfood /,hi:t,tp'fu:d1
1 nwashing a openef lie around /,lar a'raund/ household chores (n) I'haushauld tprzl
2 nvacuum b machine
3 Etin ccreaner
mea[ (n) /mirl/ iron (n, v) /'aran/

4 nmicrowave d oven mess (n)/mes/ kettte (n) /'ketl/

messy (adj)/'rnesi/ make a meat/a sandwich/a cup of tea /,meik a

4 Complete the sentences with 'mi:11'a'saenwid3la,kr"p av'ti:/
minimalism In) /'mrnrmaLzam,
a verb in each gap. Then check
with the word list. make your bed /,merk ja 'bedi
minimalist (n),/'mrnrmahst./
1 What a mess!_ up before
mug In)i m,tgr'
make your breaKast /,rrrerk ja 'brekfast/
you g0 our. microwave oven In) /,n-rarkrarverv'.wan1
multipurpose (adj) / mniti'p::pas/
2 You shoutd _ up before
oven (n)/'r,vani
you start exercising. neat (adj) /nirt/
The dishwasher is broken. Can password (n) /'po:sw:rd/
organised Iadj) /'::ganarzd/
vnrr holn mp rnZ pocket money (n) /'pokrt ,m,rni/
radiator (n) /'rerdiertal
Let's _ up our own ontine
potish (n, v) i'poldl
business. rubbish (n) /'rnb4/
set/clear the table /,set/,klra da 'terbal/
rug (n) lragi
ACTIVE take the rubbish out /,terk da 'rnbrJ autl
sentimental (adj ) l,senh'mentl/
V0CABUTARY I eersonal conte)d
tidy up /,taidi 'np/
sofa (n) /'saufa/
lf you want to memorise
vacuum (v) /'vekjuaml
new words or Dhrases more stairs (n) /steaz,/
effectivety, try to use them in vacuum cleaner (n) /'vakjuam ,kli:na/
suit (v) /su:t/
a contextthat is c[ose to your walk the dog /,wrrk da 'dog/
Iife. For example, if you want to surface In) r's-:rfrs/
memorise the word vacrJUm!yot) washing machine (n) /'wnJrq maJi;n/
thirsty (adj) /'er:sti/
cou[d say I have to vacuum the wash up (the dishes) /,wr{'np [6e 'drJaz)/
carpet in my room every Saturday. throw out /,0rsu 'aotl
Look at the word [ist and find wi-fi (n) r''war far,/
tidy (adj) /'tardi/
more words to write sentences wipe the cooker/surfaces /,warp 6a 'kukal
tidy up l,tardi 'np/
about your everyday activities. 's:lfrsazl
tiny (adj) /'tarni/

5C GRAMMAR 5.3I iogging (n) I'd3ogrq/ steep wetl i,slirp 'weli
do a lot of homework /,du a lot ov 'haumw:tk,/ lung (n)/li,lr society (n) i sa'sarati/
downside (n) /'daunsard/ personal trainer (n) /,p::sanal 'trerna/ soft drink (n) lsoft dnqk/
dubstep (n) / dnbsrep/ podcast (n) /'podkorst/ stay fit /,ster 'fit/
freedom (n)/'fri:dam/ press-up (n) /'pres np/ switch off /,s,vrt1 ;nf7

fresher ( n) /'freJal pull-up (n) t'pul ,r,pt village(n) /vtltd3/

go to bed early 1,geu ta bed ':rlii pult-up bar (n) /'put ,tp bor) vitamin (nJ / vrtaman./
guide (n) iEardl quid (n)/kwrd/ yoghurt (n) /'jogat/
halls of residence l,h:tlz av 'rezadans/ resistance band (n) /nzrstans banaT zone In) /zaun/
lazy (adj) /lerzil ro[1up / raul ,rp/

loud (adjl /laud/ 5G WRITING AND UOCABU1ARY

set up /,set '^p/
magically (adv) /'medSrldrT sit-up (nJ /'srLrpl
ambulance In) /'pmbjalans/
party (v) /'p0:til spare Iadj) /spea,
appointment (n) /o'p:rntmant,
wear make-up /,*ea 'merknp/ stretchin g (n )/ stretjrl/
wearschool uniform /,wea ,skull Ju;naf::m/ treadmill (nl I'tred,mrll
asap (as soon as possible) /,er es er 'pi: (az ,surn
warm Up /,iv::m 'npr az'pnsabalJ/
weight training (n) I'wert,trernLrl/ buttet point In)/'bulat print/
change the channel /,tJernd3 da 'tJaenl/
workout/,wl:k aut, catfood (nl/'kat fu;d/
clean the room i,klitn da ,ru:m,/
yoga mat (n)/'jauge matr choc (nJ it[okl
hairdryer In) r'hea,dra ra/
cupboard (n) /'kqbad/
havefun /hav f,rn/
darting (n) rdcr:lrr1i
help yourself to sth /'help ja,self ra
community departure (n ) ld/porJal
leave a mess /,lilv a ,rnes,/ (n J /ka'mju:nrti/
dog food (n)/'dog furd/
make plans /,merk ,pl;enz/ consume IvJ /kan'siurm/

dairy/dairy products (n) /'deari/,deari prodaktsr emoticon (n) /imautiknn/

noisy (adj) /'n:rzii
devetop (v) /drvetapi feed (v) lfircjl
put out i,put 'aut/,
diet (nl /'daiatl heart attack (nl /'hot a,trek/
relax [v) lrt'leksl
explorer ( n) /rk'spl:rra/ indigestion (n) i rnJr'd3est1an/
shower(n) ,,f:uar
fastfood (n) /,fo;sr 'iu:d, look after /,luk 'a:fta/
sleep a lot /,sli:p a 'lot/
fries (n) /frarzl medicine (nl / medsenl
take sb out / terk ,srmbodi 'aut/
futl up (adj) message (n) /'mesrfl3r
tired (adj) /tarad/ Iiul'ttpl
generation pain (n) /pern/
toothpaste (n ) /,tu:0perst,/
(n ) i,d3ena'rerfan/

get exercise /,get 'eksasarzl pick up i,prk 'np/

towel In)/'taual/
pill (n) ipit,
90 on a diet i,gru on a 'da ratr
5E I.I NING AND UOCABU1ARY grandchitd (n) /'grantlarldl polite (adj) lpa'tartl
(ll'5 post-it note In) i paust rt naot/
grandparent (n) r'gren,pearanr/
abdominat (adj) /;eb'domrnau
prescription (n) /prr'skrrplen,
habit In) I r'*niV
aerobics (n) /ea'raubrks/
inhabitant (n) rrn habirantT result (n) /rr'z^lr/
available (adj) /a'verlabal/
lifestyle (n) 7'larfstarli stomach In)/strmat</
breathe (v) /bri:6)
low in sugarl,lau in symptom (n)/'srmptam/
burn off calories /,blrn Df 'kelarizl _1ugat

neighbour (n) /'nerba/ temperature (n ) /'tempntfa/

caster (n ) ./'ko:sta ,

optimistic Iadj) I,optamr>trki test (n) /rest/

dumbbell (n) l'clnmbell
outdoors tin opener (n) 1'trn ,aopana/
(n ) / aut'd >:z/
equipment In] /r'kwrpmant/
popcorn (n) top (adj) /top/
essentiat (adj) /r'senJal/
protein (n) /'prautirn/ Water the ptants i,w):rs da 'plo:nts/
getfit /,get'frt/
respect (n, v) /n'spekt/
sym (n)/dsim/
Iespected (a dj ),'rr'spektrd,'
heart (n) iho:t,i

VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 5 Complete the conversation with one or two words in
each gap.
I labetthe househotd obiects, i
Gran What time do you I
to get up on Saturdays?
j Jutie lz-have to get up at any particu[af time'
t_ get up when I want to.
Gran When I was yout- age, | 4- stay in bed att
morning. | 5-io get uP at six.

t234 Jutie Why'- you have to get uP so earlY?

Gran To work on the farm ...lutie, you reaLty
7- waste your weekends sleeping. I think
yous-try getting up ear[y. lt's the best
time of the day.
Julie Granl Don't!You e-say things tike that!
I mean it. Mum might hearYou.
557 Gran Seriously, we r0- get up at six tomorrow
and watk to the beach to see the sun rise.
2 The underlined words are in the wrong places, Change lutie That's not a bad idea. Let's do it. 0h! | "-
them around to make sensible sentences about remember to set the alarm.
household chores.
I You shou[d dustthe doofurniture before you sweep UsE OF ENGIISH
the floor.
2 | want to vacuum the dishes in the living room. 6 Choose the correct words a-c to complete the texts.

3 | have to take the rubbish for a walk.

4 Can you put the furniture on, ptease? l've got lots of STRATEGY I uuttipt. choice cloze - shorttexts
dirty ctothes. Afteryou have decided on youf answers, read a[tthe texts
5 We always wash up the bed immediately after eating. again with your chosen options to make sure they make
6 Can you empty the washinq machine, ptease? | need 5ense,
some ctean plates.
7 lt onty takes a few seconds to make yourlElpgl. 1 ftt Eaua, uake yoursclf athouc.Your roou
8 The bin's fu[[. lt's time to take the dishwasher out. is theznc ncyf tu tile batltroou, l've lcft a
on your bed if you want a shower or a batlt. -
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box.

burn do go join sleeP warm work

a curtain b hanger t towel
Top tips lo stoy heolthy ond ' weight!
Don't forget to tell the doctor you had a last
. You don't need to' on o diet to feel night - 39 degrees is very high!
. is o good woy to._
Jogging off colories, temperature bsymptom cprescription
. You should r_ up before you storl'running,
. 5_o gym ond get fit fostl Broccoli is really good for you. ll's got
. With o home gym you con 6- out ond lots of and it doesn't make you [al,
7_ exercises in your living room,
. lt's importont to 8- well, so get o good
sugar bvitamins ccalories

In Britain the main number for the police

or the fire or ambulance service is 999.
4 Rewrite the sentences with the correct forms of the -
verbs from the box. There may be more than one
correct answer. a appointment b community c emergency

couLd have to must shoutd

You can walk or run on this but please
It's rea[[y necessary for you to get more exefcise. don't jump on it!
You must get more exercise. -
2 It isn't necessary for us to wash the dishes now.
3 It's a good idea for him to eat more fruit.
a treadmi[[ b press-up t dumbbeil.

l+ Whatever you do, don't eat that - it's poisonous.

5 Sophie's a vegetarian, so why don't we make a salad?

Do you sometimes feel that your life is hard - that you have to 2 Forrnanyteenagers
spend too much time at school, and you have to do too much itwas an unhappy
homework in the eveningsi Perhaps you also have to help at experience. The food
home and do household chores? Or maybe you think life's unfair and living conditions
because you can't always see your friends when you want to? were often teuible. ButiJ
Well, you're lucky you didn't live in rnedieval timesl the teenagers didn't like
In the fifteenth and skteenth centuries, children in northern theirnewhomes, they
Europe usually lived at home with their parents until they were in couldn't go back to live
their early teens. Then manyparents sent their teenagers to work with their parents. They
as servants or apprentices in other people's hornes, often a long were only allowed to go
way away and for a verylong time. home on special occasions. And since only few of them knew
how to write, they couldn't even keep in touch with their friends
or families. They couldn't go to school or study because they had
to work long hours doing hard physical work in the house or in
the fields. Most of them had no choice in their job or profession,
READING so often they had to do things they werent interested in. In
their new homes, it was often dfficult for thern to rnake friends
7 Read Part L of the text and answer the questions.
and when they got olde1, they werent allowed to rnarry. What's
rnore, their masters could punish them at any tirne. So it wasn't
STRATEGY I open-ended questions surprising that sorne apprentices ran away to look for a better life.
Howevel, it wasnt all bad. Some teenagers had good relationships
Focus on the key words in the question. These are often
with theirmasters and theirnewfamilies. And apprentices could
question words such as which, how, who, yyhen a nd wo rds
learn a trade, for exarnple, making clothes, jewellery or bread.
that carry meaning, such as nouns and verbs. These words
They could earn money, rnake useful contacts for their fufure
witttettyou exactty what information you need to find in careers and learn to be independent.
ofderto give a short, accurate answef.

I Which things does the author suggest young peopte

today comp[ain about?
tao much fime at schoo l, too much hamework, daIng
household chores 9 In pairs, rote ptay the situation below. Then change
2 Doesthe authorthink tife was harder or easierfor rotes and do the task again.
teenagers in medievaI times? Student A
5 Which part of the world is the text about? You are at home and want to do some exercise. You
4 Who decided whefe teenagefs went to live and work woutd [ike to use some of the fitness equipmentthat
in medievattimes? youf brothef/sister has. Ask him or hef if you can use it.
Student B is your brother/sister.
8 Read Part 2 of the text and complete the notes with . Exp[ain that you want to do some exercise.
1-3 words in each gap. . Ask if you can use a piece of his/herfitness equipment.
. Saywhen you can return it.
STRATEGY | ruotes completion . Thank youf brother/sister.
lf the notes are in the form of incomplete sentences, find Student B
the key words in order to understand the main idea in You are Student A's brother/sister. Student A wdnts
each sentence. When you look at the text, you may find to borrow a piece of your fitness equipment. Use the
the same key word or its synonym. phrases beLow to hetp you.
. Hi, (name). Do you want somethingT
I Teens in those davs cou[dn't decide where of
. 5o how can I help?
what work to do.
2 They cou[d only at certain times of
t Sute, go ahead. But I need it backbytonorrow evening.
. You're welcome.
zt+ for teenagers to stay in contact with
theirfamilies. Ul'RITIN6
4 Most medievaI teenagels of go ro
L0 oo the task betow.
5 Manyteens do work that they found You want to go camping next weekend but you can't find
bofi ng. your tent. Wf ite a note to a ff iend in which you:
5 Sometimes unhappy apprentices . exotain the situation
from their masteTs. a ask permission to borrow his/hertent
7 MedievaI apprentices could learn usefuL skitls a ask if he/she has a s[eeping bag you coutd borrow
and become indeoendent. a promise to [ook after his/her things

VOCABU./4.RY Appearance, phrasaIverbs, stages of [ife, persona[ity, feetings and emotions
GRAMMAR Future affanqements and intentions,future piedictions: goingto and witt
Use of English > page 186
SPEAKING Expressi n g proba bitity
WRIfING An informatinvitation

#tu#Js€# #ftsse, g€, fft*ffi.

#F$gf i sr?# 4e- b*r r:d,
S# -rvsn'F f* lef*ioergf

Eddie isn't going to shove, he's

going to try to grow o beordl
And he's going io toke core of
his skin. l'm going to get
o piercing, And l'm going to
get my hoir cut shorl but l'm
not going to dye it red like
Eddie wonts. We wont to get
in shope, so we're going to
join o gym. l'm going to lose Chelseo ond Eddie wont to
weight ond Eddie's going to chonge fheir appeorance,
build up his muscles.

Yes, we ore. We oren't going to be so impotient ond bod-

tempered. We're going to be more socioble, energetic ond
outgoing. We're going to study horder ond Eddie's going to
look for o job next summer,

No, l'm notl (l did it lost week,)

Read the interview with Chelsea and Eddie and find
the fo[[owing information.
I some things Eddie wants to change about his
R 2 some things Chelsea wants to change about her
ap pea ra nce

t In pairs, [ook at photo A and answer the questions.

3 some things they both want to do
4 something Eddie wants to do in the summef
I Why do you think the people in the photo wanted to
5 something Chelsea doesn't need to do
change their look?
2 How often do you like to change your appearance? 3 look at photo B. Did Eddie and Chelsea change their
3 What was the last thing you did to change your [ook? appearance as they intended to?

4 2.25 Read and listen to the conversation and I Comptete the sentences with the correct forms of the
answer the questions. verbs in brackets and going to. Then in pairs, use the
I What does Eddie invite Chetsea to do? sentences to ask and answer questions.
Z Why does she turn down his invitation? I | fnot go] to bed eafly tonight.
Eddie What are you doing this evening?
2 |_ fget up) earty tomorrow.
3 My parents (join) a gym.
Chelsea Nothing much,WhyT
4 My grandmother_ (get] a piercing.
Eddie Because Stan's coming found at seven. lt's
his birthday, so we're going out for a meat.
5 What_ (you/do) in the summer holidays?
iu[ie isn't going because she's babysitting 6 What_ (you/be) when you're older?
tonight, so it's justthe three of us. We're I'm not going to go to bed early tonight. What about you?
eating at that new Mexican ptace and then
we're going to Mario's. Are you coming? 9 Read situations 1-5 and make sentences with the
correct forms of the Present Continuous or going to.
Chelsea No, thanks. I'm not that keen on Mexican
Then in pairs, compare your sentences.
food and Stan can be a bit annoying without
Ju[ie. l'm just going to stay at home, study It's Sunday tomolrow. You have no speciaI p[ans.
a bit and do my exercises. Atright? l'm not going to do anything specialtomorrow.
You have an aooointment at the hairdresser's
tomorrow at 5 p.m.
Future arrangements and intentions
3 Your kid brother intends to be an astronaut when he
5 look at sentences 1-4 below. Which sentence grows up.
expresses ... 4 lt's your mum's bitthday next week and you know
a ! an arrangement in a certain place in the future? what to get her.
b E an intention in the near future? 5 Your teacher writes on the board 'Exam, Tuesday,
tu a.m.
c n an affangement at a certain time in the future?
d n a plan or ambition in the more distant future? 10 uat<e col[ocations using a verb from box A and a word
1 l'm going to get my hair cut short. or phrase from box B. You can use some ofthe verbs
more than once.
2 Eddie's going to look for a job next summet.
3 Stan's coming round at seven. Abuitdup change dye get grow lose/puton
4 We're eating atthat new Mexican place. take care of take uP

6 Study the Grammar box and check your answers to B abeard yourhair yourhaircut yourhairlong
Exercise 5. Then in pairs, find more examples of the a moustache your muscles in shape your [ook
Present Continuous and going to in the interview and a piercing your skin a sport a suntan weight
conversation above.
build up your muscles

11 sprnxtruc In pairs, tatk about changes you're going to

Tota[k about definrte ptans and arrangements in the make in your [ife. Use the vocabulary in Exercise 10 to
near future, we use the Present Continuous. We usually help you.
mention the time and ptace as welL.
A What are you going to do?
about future intentions, ambitions or unfinaLised
To ta|,k B I'm not going to be so messy. I'm going to be tidier.
p[ans, we use going to + infinitive.
A Are you going to grow a beard?
Grammar Reference and Practice > page 178
33 Read the question and watch the video. Say
7 look at Chelsea's diary and write sentences with the what the speakers answer. Then in pairs, ask and
correct forms of the Present Continuous. Then in pairs, answer the question.
close your books and ask and answer questions about What are vou doinc toniqht?
the diary.
What's thelsea doing an LrlednesdayT
ls she uisltlng Lcndan on Thursday?

Sa ay

P,M. fuffi- I P.t!t. 1030. aPPoinfuenf

'work on sehaal uultiplex at hairdresscy' s
proiccf w-ro- Aafaan fila
Eol's house btrdtan wifh 6d
6), + fennis
I with Julic

n I can use Present Continuous and going to to talk about future arrangements and intentions. | 79

Usethe words from Exercise 5 in the correct form to

1 Look at the photo. ln pairs, ask and answer the
questions. comptete the questions below. Then in pairs, ask and
answer the questions.
I The boy has an important exam coming up but he's
I Can you think of a fiLm that is soyou stopped
not studying. What is he doing?
watching it?
2 Do you evef waste time instead of studying? What
Z Are you atways of do you sometimes do sitty
kind ofthings do You do?
thi ngs?
2 Look at the titte and read the text quickly. Don't worry -
3 Doesyour mum-atyou ordoes she speak
about the meaning of the underlined words. What is quietty?
a procrastinator? In pairs, agree on a definition' 4 room tidy or is it fu[t of
ls your-

with gaps 5 What do you usuatty eat when you feel a bit
Read the text again. Match sentences A-H
5 How do youfeelwhen someone-You? -?
1-5 in the text, There are three extra sentences' -?
A One video [eads to another and before I know it, it's 8 n the text. Use Active Reading
bedtime again. r meanings. fhen choose the
B I took ontine and | find out what my problem is: I'm the sentences below.
a Drocrastinator.
beaboutto carryon checkout ctearup findout
C staft to think that I probabty shou[d do it tomorrow
get on give up go back lookfor put off
i nstead.

D After a while, I check out the time. I can't betieve it. 1 When something is difficult, I give up / go back
Four hours? immediatetY.
E But something keeps tetting me that if I don't do it 2 | don't stop working when l'm tlred. I carry o n / lookfor
now, I never wi[[. untitlfinish what l'm doing'
F I start revising, but then I feeI thirsty, so I go back to 3 lt's better not to be aboutto / put off things untit
the kitchen. tomorrow if You can do them todaY.
G I see something important, so | lookfor my 4 lf something is untidy, I pteferto clear itup /find itout
h ig h tighter. immediatetY.
H And because I know this, l'm sure that everything witt 5 When l'm not sure about something, I go 0n the
be just fine. lnternetto check it out / get on with it'
4 In pairs, find eight things in the text that Rory did 9 ln pairs, say if the sentences in Exercise 8 are true fotyou'
initead of revising for his History exam. rhen, think of I don't really agree with number 7' I don't give up easily'
other things that procrastinatots do.
I He plaYed a comPuter game' 10 s In groups, look at these tips to hetp
2 He... p ators and grade them from the most to the
least usefu[. Can you add any more tips?
5 Study Active Reading and add the underlined words t nuakeaPlan.
from the text to the tists below.
z n Study with a friend.
Nouns: squash,... 3 nVisita psychologist.
Verbs: glance, ... 4 n Get up an hour earlier.
Adjectives: peckish, ... s n Change the Ptace where You work.
5 ! Switch off your Internet connection.
ACTIVE READING lrne meanins of newwords 7 ! Break up your work into smalter units.
When you find new words in a text: 8 n Wait untit the last minute and then work att night'
o don't panic - often you don't need them to understand
' the main ideas of the text LECT Go to Page 167. Watch the
. decide what part of speech they are: a noun, a vetb, an to change and do the exercises'
adjective, etc.
. read before and after the word and guess the meaning
from the context
Sometimes new words can be similar to words in your
own [anguage. That can hetp you understand them, but
watch out for'fatse friends'.

6 Read before and after the undertined words in the text

and use the context to work out their meaning.

g0 tr f can work out the meaning of new words in a text and tatk about procrastination.
by Rory Hendricks

l'm sitting a History exam next Thursday. lt's an important l'm in a panic. I really don't want to fail this exam. My brother
exam. I want to get a good mark. So, I know what I should do. I
Vells up the stairs, 'There! footbali on the telly in ten minutes!'
should revise for a few hours every day until l'm prepared. He comes up to the landing. 'England are playing Germany.'
I get out my History book. Tonight, l'm going to study the I ignore him. I can't watch football. l'm going to study all night.

Second World War. But I don't open the book. Instead, I switch
on my computer and start playing Warplans. 1_Time flies
when you're having fun. I pick up my History book. lt falls open
at a chapter called 'The Marshall Plan'. That's it! | need a plan. ffihours hcurs Xhours Hi story
Thirty minutes later I have a great study plan. Now, all I need to X 7 examl
do is to starl studying. However, it's almost midnight, so I give
up and qo to bed. l

My History book is open and I have a yellow highlighter in

my hand. l'm ready to revise. I glance at my reflection in the
window. 'l'm going to pass this exam,' I tell myself. Then I

notice my hair is a mess. I need a haircut. So I go on YouTube

and watch some hairstyle videos. z_ | redo my study plan. l'm
I studied until 4 a.m. I felt dreadful in the morning but I did the
really going to work hard tomorrow.
exam. I think I passed but l'm not sure.
I wonder why I always put off important things until the last
moment. lt! not sensible. t_ lt means I never do the thinqs
l'm going to revise for three hours. l'm about to start when
I have to do until panic makes me do them.
I feel peckish, so I go to the kitchen to get a biscuit. 3_. I get
some orange squash. I carry on studying for a few minutes but Iwant to change. Procrastination makes me miserable. I find
then I need to go to the toilet. After that, I call my friend Vicky. a Youlube video called 'How to stop procrastinating'. l'm going
She's sitting the same exam as me. I ask how she's getting on. to watch it.
We talk for ages. Finally. I starl revising seriously. a_ | can't But maybe not right now.
find it in allthe clutter on my desk. I should clear it up.
Three hours later my room is tidy. l'm exhausted. I fall into bed.
Comptete the conversations with teasons a-f'
Then in
pairs, read the thlee exchanges.
Thfr A rf lt's going to rain.
won't B lt won't rain. Everything wil[ be fine. 2--
suif Me
A We're going to miss the train. 3-

rt all. B Don't worry, the train won't be on time. o-

l'll look
terrible. A t- l'm going to be sick.
B 5- lt'[[ make You fee[ better.

a I think you shoutd eat something.

b I betieve it's usua[[Y late.
c In my opinion, it't[be sunny attday.
d lfeetitt.
e lt leaves in fifteen minutes and the station is mites
f Lookl Thete are b[ack c[ouds in the sky'

4 Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences.

1 You're driving much too fast! llVe're going to I We'll
crash !

2 | don't know why but I think l'm going to / /'ll be rich

and famous one daY.
3 Our team isn't very good but l'm sure we're not going
to I we won't lose every game.
4 Watch out! You're carrying too many glasses. You're
going to I You'll droP them.
5 ln my opinion, Daisy Rid[ey is going to I will win an
0scar this year. I hoPe so.
5 The train is crowded and I don't have a seat. lt's going
L Look at the cartoon and say if the peopte are optimists to I lt'Il be a terribte journeY.
or pessimists. Are you usually optimistic or pessimistic
in that situation? 5 Check you understand the words and phrases from box
A.Ihen use them to make sentences with the stages
Future predictions; going to and urill of tife from box B. Give examptes from your or your
famity members'life.
Z Match sentences 1-z with descriptions a-b. Then study
the Grammar box and check your answer.
t [Before the haircut] We'[[ look gfeat at the
move awayfrom home move in with friends
2 [After the haircut] Everyone's going to laugh at me. pass your driving test rent a flat retire
a nahopeoraguess settte down vote in e[ections
b n a prediction based on evidence
B tittte kid teenage boy/girt teenager

We can use both goingto and will to make ptedictions

You usually go to university when you're a young aduLt,
aboutthe future. Sometimes there isn't much difference,
but my dad wentto university when he was in his mid-
We use going to when there is cleat evidence for
a prediction. There is something we can see, heaf or polnt 6 SPEAKING Ingroups, talk about you and peopte you
to that shows our prediction is more than just an opinion. know using going to and rzill and the vocabutary from
We use vvltl when there is no ctear evidence fot Exercise 5.
a prediction. We say what we betieve, hope ot calcutate A Are you going to lookfor a iob or go to university when
witLhappen. It is an opinion, a guess or a feeting. We often you leave school?
use expresslons [ike /'m sure,lthinkandln myopinion
before vvill and ask questions with Do you thinkyou wilL "?
B I'm not sure but I think l'Il probably go to university' You
won'tfind a good iob here if you don't.
rather than Wilt you...? :
l'm sure lay wilL pass his drtving test. C Do you think you'll get married one day?
Do you think you'lL move to another country one day?

Grammar Reference and Practice > page 178

BZ I I I can use going to and will to tatk about future predictions'


1 Read the quotes, Which one is your favourite?

Say why.

You'[[ never find a rai.nbow if you're

tooking down.
CharLie Chapltn (Engltsh comic actor

The optimist sees the doughnut, the

pessimist sees the hole.
Oscar Wilde (Irish pla2wright and poet)

I like pessimists. They're always the ones

who bring life jackets for the boat.
Lisa Kleypas (American nouelist)

Look at the photo. ls the gtass hatf fu[1, half empty or

comptetely fu[[? Discuss in pairs. Then go to page 190
and check. Are you an optimist, a pessimist or a reatist?

Use a dictionary to help you decide if these personatity

adjectives are positive or negative. Add them to the
correct [ists. 7 Check you understand the hightighted verbs describing
feetings. Then in pairs, say ifthe sentences are true for
affectionate anxious calm cautious cheerfuI you. lf they aren't, change them to make them true.
happy insecure loving miserabte optimistic
pessimistic sad self-confident tense upset I I adore chatlenges.
2 lfeet positive about life.
positive: happy, optimistir, ... 3 | hate being on my own.
negative: sad, pessimistic, ... 4 | can't stand trying new things.
5 | often feet tike jumping for joy.
4 Z.ZgYou are going to [isten to a talk about
5 l'm [ooking forward to leaving schootand getting a job.
optimism and pessimism. In pairs, say if you think
these statements are true or false. Then [isten and 7 | don't care what happens to me in the future.
check. 8 lfeel excited about something that's going to happen
in my tife.
I n tdenticaLtwins have identicaI personatities.
2 n 0ur personalities depend comptetety on our life 8 SPEAKING In pairs, use the ideas below to make
exDeftenceS. predictions with will or going to, Then say if you think

= n be ootimistic.
fhe chiLdren of happy parents tend to gfow up ro your partner is an optimist, a pessimist or a reatist.
I finish the c[ass early today
t n there is nothing good about being a pessimist. 2 enjoy yourself next weekend
5 E 0ptimists have [onger and heatthier lives than 5 be sunny/wet next weekend
4 pass/faita[tyour exams this year
c n Optimists tend to be more successfuIthan 5 get a good job one day
5 become rich and famous
2.?9 listen to the end of the tatk and answer the 7 get a bad/good mark in the next English test
questions. 8 do betterthan your partner in the next Eng[ish test
I Does the speaker think it's better to be an ootimist or 9 complete this book before the end of the schooLyear
a Dessimist?
A We aren't gaing to finish the class early today. We
2 What probtems does she mention with people who nevet do.
are too optimistic?
B Yes, yau're probably right but,'rn sure we'llfinish

2.t0 Dictation. listen to the joke from the tatk the rlass early one day so why not today?
again and write down what you hear.

n I can understand the main points and identify specific information in a tatk and tatk about pessimism and optimism. I 83
look at the photos and try to guess what the people 7 In pairs, take turns to mime the adjectives from
are [ike. Use the personality adjectives on pages 8 and Exercise 6. Guess what feeling your partner is showing.
83 to help you. A You lookstressed.

Z.3t the words from the box in

B ruo, not exadty.
the correct column, Listen and check. Then [isten again A Vau lookfrightened.
and repeat. B Yes, that's lt.

eyebrow fair nice pa[e pierced shou[der 8 Study !'llafch ouf! and comptete the sentences with
smiLe square straight toe correct adjectives formed from the verbs in bo[d.
I l'm really . BORE
/E/ lerl larl leal /aul laul 2 Football is so . BORE
fa ce o\/p
ha ir mouth nose 3 You look What's the matter? WORRY
beard, 4 The Star l/ars fi[ms are reatly_. EXCITE
5 lthink it's really_to have a long bath. RELAX
5 | was the first time saw a fitm in 3D. AMAZE
2.5? listen and match descriptions 1-8 with the
people in the photos.
7 History is the most_ subject at schoot. INTEREST
8 l't[ be _ if I get a ten in Maths. suRPRtsE
I tolin

4 THINK BACK Work in pairs. Student A, describe someone : WATCH OUT!

from the photos using the language from Exercise 2.
Student B, guess which person your partner is
i lf a person, thing or situa tion is amazing, boring or
describing. Then change roles. 1 exciting, we feel amazed, bored or excited:
! I felt amazed when I saw thatfiln. lt was amazing.
In pairs, take turns to describe your classmates. Guess
who your partner is describing. 9 Comptete the sentences so they are true for you. Then
In paafs, compare your sentences.
A 5he's got fa ir hair, blue eyes and a lovely smile. 5he isn't
wearing glasses. I think she loaks a bit like Adele. I is/are so boring.
B ls it Clara? 2 islare realty exciting.
3 lwas amazed when
6 Check you understand the adjectives for feetings and 4 I'm a bitworried because
emotions below. Then choose the best adjective for
each person in the photos above.
5 | fett rea[[y surprised when
6 | feeltotatty retaxed when I

amazed bored detighted depressed disappointed 7 the most interestinq Derson I know.
excited exhausted frightened interested pteased 8 I'm rea[[y interested in
relaxed stressed surprised worried
L0 sprnrtme In pairs, use the adjectives from Exercise 6 to
A thinkAlan Looks relaxed.
I tatk about your feetings.
B ruo, / don't agree.lthink he looks bored. / feel stressed when I don't have time ta study for a test.

84 n I can describe people's appearance and emotions using adjectives with -ed and -ing endings.
L tn pairs, describe the photos. \Nhat is the girt doing in
the second photo? How does she feet in Uittr photlsZ

Z Watch or tisten to part I of the story

atements 1-6 are true or false.
I n Kim is tooking forward to her driving test.
Z ! she doesn't need to sit the theory test.
I ! RoO is trying to be funny. $
4 D Kim drove into a tree during a driving Iesson. I,
5 n The weather forecast isn't great for tomoffow. tl
O ! rim enjoys driving in bad weather.

or listen to Part 1 of the story again and complete the

I l'm sitting my driving test tomoifow morning and
I l'L[ oass.
2 l'Lt_stay awayfrom the High Streettomorrow
3 Don't worry about it, Kim. l'm _ pass ...
We[t, _ pass.
4 i'm sure | _ pass. Something _ go wfong.
l_ manage to staft the car oT_ l,L[ drive into
a tree.
5 You _ won't drive into a tree. you drive into
a ramppost.
5 lt_besunny.
7 They say it'|'[ _ rain tomorrow. lt's there,L[
be a bad storm.
8 l'm _ it't[ be a comotete disaster.

SPEAKING I rxpressins probabitity or faiI her driving test. Use phrases from the Speaking
box. Then watch or listen to Part 2 of the story and
Very tikety You'1[ definitely win.
You'[[ (alrnost) certainty win.
l'm sure you'[l win. A I don't think she'lL pass.
B /Vo, / don't agree.5he mlght pass.
tikety lthinkyou'[[win.
You'[[ probab[y win. In groups, ask and answer the questions. Use phrases
from the Speaking box.
Perhaps/Maybe you'[[ win.
It's possible (thatJ you'tt tose.
I Do you think you'[[

You may/might lose.

. get youf driving [icence befole you're twenty-one?
Perhaps/Maybe you won't win.
. be rich and famous one day?
. evef reinvent yourse[f? HowT
Untikety I don't think you'lI win. . get married/have chitdren before you're thirty?
You probably won't win. . live to be one hundred?
Very unlikely You definitely won't win. . live abroad in the futurez
You (almostJ certainly won't win 2 Where do you think you'll be a year from now? Five
l'rn sure Vou won't win. years from now? Ten?
3 What is your biggest ambition? Do you think it,tLcome
Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning ttu e?
using the words in botd. 4 Do you think people wi[[ ever stop using cars? Money?
I They'tLprobabty be on time. IATE 5 Do you think it'tt be sunny this weekend?
They probably won't be late. 6 Have you got any pfedictions for spod?
2 Perhaps you'Ltbe surprised. MIGHT
I'\tr definitely try to get my driving licence before l'm
3 They definite[y won't recognise me. SURE twenty-one but l might not get it.
4 I probabty won't do it reatty weLt. BADty
5 l'm sufe you'ILhave a good time. DEFINITE[y
5 l'm a [m ost su re you't[ d o better tha n vou th in k.

n t can make predictions about the future. I

Janey Lee
today at 11.33
To:Hill, Ronald
RE: Birthday party

I really appreciate the invitation to your birthday party. lt's really nice
of you but unforlunately, I won,t be able to
make it. l'm going to London with my boyfriend on Friday. Weie going io see a play
and we probably won,t be
back until very late.
Thanks anyway.
Best wishes

1 In groups, ask and answer the questions. 5 l-ook at emails 1.-3 again and find examples of ...
I D0 you sometimes have parties? 0n what occasions? I an affangement/definite p[an with the Present
2 How are they different from or simi[ar to the DaftV in Conti n uous
the ohoto? I'm having a party.

2 Study the Writing box and read emails t-3. ls Ronald,s

2 a prediction with golng to

email a good invitation? 3 something that's sure with urlll

4 something that's possibLe with might
5 something that's probab[e with uzon't
6 a plan or intention with going to
Making an invitation
.Make your invitation short and clear. 6 REFI"ECT lCutture ln groups, askand answerthe

.Remember to:
questions about parties in your country.
- give it a titte, I ls itrude not to repty to an invitation? Say why.
- give a p[ace, date and time and contact detaiLs, 2 ls it aprobtem to accept an invitation and then nor
- encourage peopte to accept it: tufn up? Say why.
l'd tike to invrte you to ... 3 Shoutd you always give a reason for dectining an
I'm having a party 0n,,. invitation?
Would you tike to come? 4 What should you bring to parties?
Do you think you'[[ be abte to come? 5 What is an ideatparty tike?
l'd Iike you to rome.
7 In pairs, compare the invitation below with the advice
It'[[ be great fun"
in the Writing box. What's wrong with it? Rewrite the
| (reatty) hope you can make it.
invitation to make it better.
Receiving an invitation
. Remembertosaythankyou (even if you declinethe
invitation): Payne, Tommy yesterday at 23.59
Thanks (so much) for inviting me to ... To: Maureen Collins and 16 others
It was great/l was thrilted to get your invitation to ,..
I rea[[y appreciate the invitation to ... Come to the best summer party everl lt's next
It's really nice of yor.
Saturday at my girlfriend Kerry's house. We're
. When you accept an invitation,
inviting everyone! There's a swimming pool, so
- confilm you're coming:
bring your costumes! We're getting karaoke too.
(0f course,) l'It (definite[y) be therelt'll come to ...
I'm going to sing all nightl Don't miss it!
l'm detighted to arcept your invitation.
(l'm) (reatty) tooking forward to it. TP
- check the affangements:
What time are we meeting?
How are we qettinq there?
Do I need to bring anythingT 8 WRITING TASK Fottow the instructions to write an email
inviting friends to your birthday party.
. When you dectine an invitation, give a reason and
repeat youf thanks:
. Decide where and when your party is.

l'd really love to come but,.,/tt's really nice of you but,..

. Decide what kind of party it's going to be and think of
reasons to persuade your guests to come.
l'm realty sorry but l'm afraid I can't make it.
Unfortunately, I won't be ab[e to ...
. Don't forget to put something in the subject box.
Thanks anyway,
. Use the Writing box and Rona[d's emaiIto help you.
. Use the Pfesent Continuous, going to, will and night
where appropriate.
3 look at the expressions in the Writing box, Which of
. Give your emaiIto a ctassmate.
the expressions can you find in the emails?

4 Read emaiLs 1-3 again and answer the questions.

9 WRITING TASK Write a reply to your partner's invitation.
You can accept or decline. lf you dectine, be polite and
I When is Rona[d's birthday? give a reason why you can't make it.
2 Where is he having a party? At what time?
3 How does he know Maureen and.laney?
4 Who accepts his invitation? Why might she be [ate?
5 Who declines his invitation? Whv can't she come to
the party?

n t can write a repty in an email or letter accepting or declining an invitation.

I 87
6A GRAMMAR AND UOCABU1ARY ctutter (n) /'kl^ta/
5.35 come up /,krm 'rrp/
I Add more words and phrases ambition (n) /am'brlan/
confession (n) /ken'feJan/
from the word tist to the
annoying (adj) /a'nrur1/
vocabutary maps. desk (n) /desk/
appearance (n) /a'prerans/
dreadful (adj) /'dredfal/
arrangement (n) /a'rernd3mant/
exhausted ( a dj ) /rg'zrrstrd/
astronaut (n) /'astranl:t/
fait (v) /ferl/
POSITIVE FEELINGS babysitting (n ) /berbistrn/
fall into /,f:rl lnta/
bad-tempered (adj) / bed'tempad/
find out/,farnd 'aut/
book a table /,buk a 'terbal/
get on /,get 'on/
build up your muscles /,brld np je 'mnsalz/
get up /,get '^p/
change your look /,tJernd3 ja 'luk/
give up /,grv ',rp/
come round /,krm 'raund/
glance (v) lglotnsl
NEGATIVE FEELINGS diary(n) /darcri/
go back / gau 'bak/
distant (adj ) /'drstenti
hairstyle (n) /'heastarl/
OVeVourfrairl Oar ia'hea/
highlighter (n) /'harlafta/
Complete the sentences with the get a suntan/a piercing /,get a 'snnten/e 'prasrq/
correct prepositions. Then check ignore (v) lrg'n:::l
with the word [ist. get in shape / get rn ferp/ in a panic /rn a 'penrk/
I l'm not very keen _ science- s.jv".:j htll_:_ll /set ja hea
-krt tanding (nl l'landql
fiction fi[ms. go out /,geu 'aut/
toottorlfuf<' fal-
Z Don't give _. We can sti[[
growyour hair long/a beard/a moustache /,grau
win this game. midnight (n ) I' mtdnartl
ja hea.loq/a r:-r*.J
3 My brother damaged our - _?",.011" _"
orange squash (n) /,orendg skwoj/
parents' car this morning. He hairdresser's (n ) /'hea,dresaz/

drove_a parking post. impatient (a dj ) /rm'perfant/

pass (v) /pors/

4 _
lt isn't a good idea to put intention (n) /rn'tenJen/
peckish (adj) /'pekrJ/
doing your homework untitthe procrastinate (v) /pre'kruestrnelt/
[ast minute. interview ( n) /'rntaviu:/
procrastination (n ) /pra,krestr'nerJan/
loin a gym /,d3rrn a'd3rm/
Find different ways you can procrastinator (n) /pra'krastrnerta/
change the way you look on the keen on sth /'kiln on ,srrm0rq/
the word [ist. put off /,put '0f/
lose/put on weight /,lu:z/,put on 'wert/
I get
multiplex (n) /'mnltrpleks/
redo (v) /rildu:/
2 grow reinvent (v) /,ri:rn'vent/
refl ection ( n) i nTlekjon/
3 tose sensible (adj) /'sensrbal/
4 dye shave (v) 4ervl

springtleaning (nI irprrr; lL!:iil seriously (adv) /'srariasli/

Make nouns from these verbs. sit an exam /,srt an rg'zeml
Then check with the word list. take care of your hair/skin /,terk kear av ja 'hea/
'skrn/ study plan (n) /'strdi plen/
I appear-
take up a sport /,terk np a 'sp:rt/ telly (n)/'teli/
2 afrange
5 intend - turn down /,t::n 'daun/ toitet (n) /'trrht/
4 pfedict
predict - work on a project /,w:rk on a 'prod3ekt/ yell (v) /jelr

Do the task below.

Find a photo of yourfavourite 5.37 5.38
ce[ebrity ontine. Describe that
be about to /,bi a'baot ta/ buy a house /,bar a 'haus/
pefson's appeafance, personality
and fee[ings. Write down attyour bedtime (nJ/'bedtarm/ calculate (v) /'kalkjaler/
thoughts and prepare a shoft bisfuit (n) r brskrt/ celebrate a birthday r,selabrert a 'b r:0der/
presentation of that celebf ity.
break up /,brerk 'ap/ crash (v) /kraJ/

,.iwon /,kari 'on/ evidence (n) i evrdans/

check out /,tlek 'aut/ find ajob r farnd a d3oor

cteirupl,ttr",. npi get engaged/married /,9et rn'geid3d/'marid/

goto uniue$N I ,geu te ;u:ne'v:tsatrJ shou\det tn) I'Jau\da/
have kids /,hav 'krdz/ smile In) /smarl/
hope(n) ihaup/ square (adj) /skwea/
in your early/mid-/late twenties lrn ia ,:rli/,mid/ straight (adj ) /srreft/
stressed (adj) /strest/
little kid (n) l,lrtl 'krdi
surprise (n) / sa'pratzl
middle-aged (adj) im16"1 '"16rd,
surprised (adD / sa'pratzd/
move away from home /,mu:v a,wer fram
surprising (adj) /sa'prazr0
move in with friends l,mulv rn wrd 'frendz/
toe (n) /tau/

wear glasses /,wea 'glorsrz/

optimist (n) /'optamrst/
worried (adj) /'wr,ridl
optimistic (adj) /,optamrstrk/
pass your driving test /,pors ja 'drarvrq test/
rainbow (n) /'rernbau/
pessimist ( n) /'pesamrst/
ambition (n) /am'b4an/
pessimistic (adj ) /,pesa'mrstrk/ realist (n) /'nahst/
certainly (adv) /'s:tnli/
prediction sad Iadj) /sed/
(n ) /prr'drkJan/ defi nitely (adv) /'defrnatli/
self-confident (adj) /,self 'konfadant/
rent a flat /,rent a 'flet/ disaster (n) /dr'zorsta/
sunny (adj) /'s,rni/
retire (v) /rr'tara/
drive into sth /'drarv ,rnta ,sam0rr;/
tend to do sth /,tend ta 'dur ,snmOr1/
retired (adj)/n,tarad/
driving lesson (n) /'drarvrrl ,lesan/
tense (adj) /tens/
settle down /,setl 'daun/
driving licence (n) /'drarvrq ,larsans/
upset (adj) /,np'set/
teenage girl/boy (n) /'tirnerdS gz'llbttl driving test In) /'drarvrq test/
wet (adj) /wet/
teenager (n) /'tirnerd3e/
lamppost ( n) /'lamppaust/
vote in elections /,vaut rn i'lekfenz/
6EVOCABUTARY 5.40 maybe/perhaps (adv) /'merbi/pa'haps/
young adult (n) /jnr; 'adnlt/
amazed (adj)/a'merzd/ possible (adj ) /'posabli/

amazing (adj) /a'mezr0/ probabty (adv) /'prpbabli/

5.39 beard (n) /'brad/ stay away from sth /,ster a'wer fram ,ltm6rq/
adore Iv) ia'd:;/ bored (adj) /b::d/ storm In)/sttrrm/

affectionate (adj ) /a'fekfanft I boring (adj) l'bxrll theory (n) /'Orari/

anxious (adj) /'eqk/as/ delighted (adj) /dilatrd/ weather forecast (n ) i 'weOa ,frrkorst/

become (v) /b/krm/ depressed Iadj) /dr'prest/

calm (adj) /ko:mi disappointed (adj ) /,drsa'prrntrd/
appreciate (v) /a'pri{ert/
can't stand /,kornt'strend/ exactly ( a dv) I rg'ze.ktli I
arrangements (n ) /a'rernd3mants/
cautious (a dj ) /'b.Jas/ excited (adl) /rk'sailrd/
contact detai[s (n) /'kDntdkt,dirterlz/
cheerful Iadj) /'tfrafali exciting Iadj) /rk'sartq/
decline (v) /dlklarn/
delighted (adj ) /d/latrd/ exhausted (adj ) /rg'z:rstrd/
encourage (v) /rn'knrrd3/
depend on sth /dr'pend on ,snm0rq/ eyebrow In) I'arbraul
have a party /,haev a 'porti/
disappointed (adj) /,drsa'printrdi fair Iadj) /fea/
including (prep) /rn'klu:drq/
do betterthan /,du 'beta dan/ frightened (adj ) /frailnd/
just in case /,d3ast rn 'kers/
don't care /,daunt 'keal interested (adj) /tntnstad/
karaoke (n) /,kari'auki/
feel excited/positive about sth /,firl rk'sartad/ mouth (n)/mauO/
'pozatrv a,baut,snm0rq/ make/thank sb forlaccept/decline an invitation
nice (adj) /nari /,merk/,0aryk,snmbodi falak,sept/dr,klarn an
feel like doing sth /,fi:l lark 'durrq ,snm0rr1l ,rnva'terJan/
pale (adj) /perl/
get a bad/good mark in sth /,get a bedi gud persuade (v) /pa'swerd/
pierced (adj) /prast/
mork rn ,snmOrri/
pleased (adj) /pli:zdl thritted (adj) lerrld/
grow up /,grau ',rp/
retaxed (adj ) /n'lakst/
happy (adj)/'hepi/
hate [v) ilelr relaxing (adj) in'lakrli

VOCABUI-ARY AN D GRAM MAR Choose the correct forms to complete the conversation.
L Complete the text with the verbs from the box. Florence you doing I Do you do anything reatty
speciaI for your eighteenth birthday
buitd up €}en€e dye get(x5) grow puton tomorrow?
take cale of take uo Charlotte Yes,2/
a/-n I I do.We'resmeeting I going to
meet in the mat[ at seven. Then we're
l'm rea[[y going to ahaving goingto have a meatat Mario's.
' my took. First,
I booked atabteforsix. l'rnshaving I goingto
l'm going to join a gym
and z_ a new spoft.
have the pepperoni pizza.

I realtv need to 3
Florence What are yousdoing I going to do after
my muscles and a_ dinner? Not going home, I hope?
in shape. I a[so need to Charlotte At nine we're Tgolng I going fo go bowting.
lose weight because After that, who knows?
| 5 aboutfive kitos Florence Are you tooking forward to being eighteen?
during the hotidays. Charlotte Yes. There afe so many things you can do.
Then l'm going to buy l'm sgetting I going to get a tattoo sometime
a face cream because soon. And l'mevoting I going to vote the next
I know I shoutd 5 time there are etections.
my skin. l'm also going Florence Afe you rogetting I going to get married?
to 7_ a moustache
Chartotte No, I u'm not I don'tl No wayl l'm much too
or maybe a beard. l'm
not going to t_ youngl
a piercing but l'm going 6 Complete the text with the Present Continuous or
to "_ my hair cut
10 going to and the verbs in brackets.
short and it red.

z Choose the positive adjective in each pair. It's my little brother's tenth birthday
I cheerful / miserable tomorrow. In the morning mum and dad I
2 nessy /tidy (take) Ethan and his friends to a rock
3 energetic / impatient climbing gym. They'-(climb) walls and
4 insecure / self-confident play games. Then at one o'clock they
5 affectionate / anxious t- (eat) lunch in a Chinese restaurant.
6 caLm / upset
Ethan says he o_ (eat) a lot!
7 cautious / tense
He loves Chinese food.
Complete the sentences with an adjective formed from After lunch at about
one of the words in botd. four o'clock our
I I always feel before I sit an exam. grandparents 5_
(come) to eat some
2 l'[[ be if I pass that exam. AMAZE/FRIGHTEN
birthday cake. Ethan
5 | onty a 3 in the exam. lt was very_.
DISAPPOINT/RELAX "_ (open) his
4 | passed a[[ my exams. I fee[_. presents and | 7
DETIGHT/WORRY (take) lots of photos.
5 You shoutd read that afticle. lt's quite _. BORE/
5 | cried. lt was reatly _. DEPRESS/EXC|TE Complete the sentences with going to or wiII and the
verbs in brackets.
4 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
a[Beforethe election] l'm sufe our candidate
1 Do you want to stop or sha[[ we carry on? (winJ the etection. I predict she _ (be)the next
2 Do it now, don't put it oresident!
3 Hufry up!The match is_to staftl b [The first results comeinJ 0h no! These resu[ts are
4 This is too difficutt. I give _. terrib[e. We _ (tose). 5he (not be) the
5 Are you looking _to the hotidays? next president.
5 Can you find _ what time the bus leaves? a[Beforethe match] | have a bad feeting aboutthis.
7 He's thirty-five but he doesn't want to sett[e I don't think our team (win) the match.
I You shoutd check_this video on the Internet.
Engtand (beat)us easityl
b iA/earthe end of the matchJThere are onty a few
9 How are you getting _
with the project?
seconds [eft. lt's tngtand 1, lceland 2. The referee
(btow) his whistle. We _ (win)t tt's
incred ibte!

8 Complete the text with one word in each gap. 10 ln pai showing family tife.
Stude StudentB, deicribe photo
SIRATEGY/open ctoze 2.The s below.

Read the whote textfirst to get an idea of what it is about.

I How do you think the peopte are feeLing?
Iry to understand as much as you can whiLe ignoring the
2 What is going to happen nextT
gaps. Then do the task.
This is I to be a gfeat year and it starts today with my lL oo the task below.
wedding. My boyfriend Liam and lare getting 2_this
aftefnoon at one o'ctock. My dream is 3_true. l'm
You receive an invitation from an English friend to spend

reatty 4_ about it, of course, but I'm a bit nervous too.

two weeks in .luty at his/her grandparents' house at the
l'm sure everything t_
seasi d e.
be atright, though. We're not
going to t_ kids, not for a long time but we're going Write a repty to your friend in which you:
to 7_ a flat in the town centre. lt'ttfeel strange for me . thank him/her for the invitation
to move I from the house where was born! I . accept the invitation
. say how you ptan to get there
. ask your friend what to take with you

9 zsiYouare going to tisten to a radio announcer
giving details about a competition. Comptete the
notes below with 1-5 words in each gap.

STR EGY I Notes completion

Read the notes you need to comptete carefu[[y before
you heaf the recording forthe firsttime so thatyou
have an idea of whatthe recording is about.Tryto
predict what sort of words or information you need to
listen for. You might be abte to guess that you need to
Iisten for a ptace, a name, a number, etc.

0rganised by: the United Nations
Started in 2 with the lnternationat
Year of Families
Aim: to make peopte reatise how important famities are

Events in Southampton:
. an 3
. a nilhli. nnnfprpnep
. storytetting for chitdren

Photography competition prizes:

.L for twetve peopte in Cornwa..
. a camera
. a meal for 5 at Tipper's restaurant

Send photos to: 6 by 12 a.m. tomorrow ltt


3 n I usedto be rather disorganised.

I often left important tasks untitthe
tE When there is something last minute and felt very stressed.
I reatly needto do, like prepare So now, when I am busy, I usually make
for abig test, I try to save time o list of things I have to do. At the top
and avoid dtstractions. For of the list I put the most important
example, I simpty turn off my things which reatty can't wait, like
phone. This way, I don't get schoolwork or buying a present for
messages that I think I have to a f riend's birthday. This reatty h etps m e
readimmediately, and I don't to focus on what's most imoortont.
look at pictures my friends post And I never forget to ptan time for my
ontine. These things can woit hobbies because this is essentiat, too.
until I have some free time.
Then I can work or study without
thinking about anything e[se.

Z n there are afew things I do

to manage my time. For examp[e,
I usualty keep my work with me.
5o, if I have to wait somewhere or
travel by bus, I con use this time to
do some exercises or read a book
for schoot. What really helps me,
though, is using acalendar.
I write the date when I must finish
something and check that I do
everything before that day.

In pairs, say how often these are true for you - often, 3 Are you more like John or Peter? How do you feel
sometimes ot never, about this?
1 lfeeIl don't have time for anything.
2 | do everything at the last moment. 4 In pairs, read the opinions about planning your time.
Do you agree or disagree with them?
3 | don't have time to rest. I When we don't have a plan, we usua[[y do nothing.
4 | waste time on unimportant things. 2 P[anning takes too much time.
2,36 Listen to a conversation between John and 3 When you have a list of things to do, you don't have to
Peter and answer the questions. remember about them anymore because they are on
your [ist!
I Who do you think has better grades?
2 Who has more free time?
4 Good ptanning hetps you to have more free time.

3 Who is more stressedz

5 Ptanning kiIts creativity.


Read the forum entries opposite and match headings Read to-do [ists A and B prepared by two ctassmates
A-E with entries 1-5. There are two extra headings. and answer the questions.
A Don't pLan your free time I Which List do you think is better? Say why.
B Use a diary to pLan 2 Woutd you change anything to improve the tists?
C Switch off sociaL media Use the advice from Exercises 5 and 6 to hetp you.
D Never oLan too much
8 ?.58 tisten to the expert's opinion on the to-do
E Concentrate on the important things first lists from Exercise 7. Which is better according to her
opinion? Why? Did you give similar answers?
6 e.57 listen to an expert tatking about how to plan
your day. Complete the advice below with the words
and phrases from the box.
9 Do the task below.

bfeak energy evegfday important relax tick off tlFH SKlLtS lnroleet
A For the next three days, prepare a to-do Iist each
evening. Use the advice from this [esson to heIp you.
r Be systematic - find time to ptan I ; it on[y
B Make notes to answer the questions below:
takes about three minutes. o What things from your to-do tist did you do?
o Be realistic o Were there any tasks you didn't do? Say why
- write down on[y the
tasks which you have
the time and z_to compLete. . Did you find the to-do Iist usefu[? Say why.
. 5_ down [arger tasks into sma[[er parts. . Afe you planning to change anything about
. Prioritise - decide which tasks are 4 organising yourtime? lf yes, what?
o Plan some time to s C Prepare a shoft presentation to share your findings in
tasks when they are finished and plan your nexl Doint B with the class.

Wed To-olo list

9:00 Neolts
10:00 s'hooltill2So p.wt.

11:00 3.30 - +.30 p.k4. rev ise uaferi a I for 8 i ol ogy fesf
12:00 touotow!!!
1:00 t p.M. gytu withDao{ bne hour)
catch Mark to discuss History project for next
7 pln. do honework aholtioly alesk (or lttua
willbe dngry)
3:00 i
s p.u. tiue fo relax! watch filu? play
c0tytPufcr gane?
shopping - buy new trainers O
lf possible:
buy r-shirt if fhere's tine after gyu?
5:00 swimming pool
read bookfor Literature class?
6:00 i

my favourite W show olo sotne wzrk 0n the ttistory proiecf?


do homework and revise Chapter 3 for Biology test

u'vv on Thursday
read two chapters of book for Literature class next
10:00 search for information for History prolect?

\ 93
VOUBUURY Work, jobs, personaI quatities
GRAMMAR Present Peffect Use of English > page 187
SPEAK'NG Describing photos
WRIfING A formaI emaiL of appLication


Ellie Have you heard? They've opened a big

new sports shop outside town.
Rob Yeah I heard about that last week.
Etlie They re iooking for staff. You should
oPPry rur q^ i^l.
^^^1,, +^- Jv!.
Rob I've already appiied I sent in my
apptication on Monday.

Ellie Have you heard the news?

Ben I don't know, what's haPPened?
Ellie Rob s found a jobt
Ben Really? Where?
Ellie In that new sports shop. He started
work yesterday.
Ben Has Rob ever worked in a shoP?
Ellie No, he hasn't. He's never had a proper
job. It's his first one.
Ben is he at home? Can I talk to him?
Ellie No, he's just left for work.
Ben I'm really pleasedl When's he going to
take us to lunch?
Ellie Hey, they haven't paid him yetl ... Have
yuu !^..-r
.-^,. ruurlu 4^ ,^*,,et?
Ben No, I haven't. i've had a few interviews
but that's all,

Fresent Penfeet (LJ

Z Match sentences 1-2 with rules a-c.One of the
sentences matches two rules.
I Rob's found a job!
2 He started work yesterday.
a n we use the Past Simpte fot past actions if we say
when they happened.
L 5.I In pairs, describe the photo. What is the bE We use the Present Perfect for news and recent
situation? Who are the peopte? How does the man activities.
fee[? Read and listen to the conversations to check cE We use the Pfesent Perfect for past actions if we
your answers. don't say exactty when they happened.

94 1

3 Study the Grammar box and check your answers to 8 3.2 Study Watch out! and complete the conversation
Exercise 2. with the correct Past Simpte or present perfect forms of
the verbs in brackets. Listen and check.
Rob (you/hear) the news? Etlie
We use the Present perfect for: '_(iust/Leave) the country. She 3_
(fly) to
l1^-A l--+
JOPdrr ^i^A+
. news and recent activities
LO)t tilgttL.
. fin ished actions in the past if we don't say exactly when
Ben Why fshe/go) to Japan?'_ (she/find)
a job there?
thpv h.annpnpd
Rob No, she hasn't, but she's tooking. She 6_ (start)
il.You.We.They studying Japanese last month when she , _
)-"*- (tose) herjob. She 8_(already/tearn) a [ot.
+ I I've already started. I It's just gone. Ben "_(you/find) a new flatmate yet?
- ' tn"u haven't finished She hasn't/has never
Rob No, I haven't. | 'o_ (not start) Looking yet. Why?
Ben We[t, | 1r_ (never/tike) my flat and your flat is
yet. been there.
g teat, so ...
? ' Have you ever lied? i Has she answered yet?
Yes, I have./ I Yes, she has./ OUT!
i No, I haven't, : No, she hasn't.
We often use the Present Perfect to give general
Wh-? What have we dsne? Who has he met? information and the Past Simpte to give detaits:
l've had severaL job interviews. ln fact, I had an interview
Time expressions: aLready, eveT, just, neve[, yet yesterday.
With time expressions which refer to a finished Deriod
Grammar Reference and Practice > page 179 (yesterday,lastweek, in March, a year ago, etc.) we use tne
Past Simpte, not the Pfesent Pefect:
4 Find these words in the conversations. Are they in lhad an interview yesterday. N0Tfha,t#
affi rmative, negative or interrogative sentences?

atready ever just never yet 9 Completethesentences using already,ever,just, never

and yet. Then in pairs, answer questions 1-2 and say if
sentences 3-6 are true for you.
Read the conversations again and answer the
questions using the Present Perfect.
I Have you had a part-time job?
2 Have you done your Maths homework_?
I What news does Ettie tett Rob?
5 | don't know what to do when I leave school. I haven't
They've opened a big new sports shop.
2 What news does Et[ie tett Ben? 4 I've _ decided what I want to do when | leave
3 Has Rob had a job before? school. l'm going to be a doctor.
4 Why can't Ben speak to Rob? 5 Mymum has_started a newjob. ltwas herfirst
5 Why can't Rob invite his friends for a meat? dev vo<fprd:v
6 What has Ben done to try to find a job? 5 l've _ been to Japan but l'd Iike to go one day.

Use the collocations related to work from the box to 10 Spenrlruc ln pairs, make sentences using the present
make sentences with lt's great when you ... ot lt's sad Perfect and neuer. Guess ifyour partner's sentences are
when you ... true or false.

be out of work find a job

give someone a pay rise
A I've never been to lreland. B lrue.
lose your job
make a profit open a factory A /Vo, it's false. I have been to lreland. I went to Dublin
last year.
sack an employee take on more staff

It's great when you find a new job. 35 Read the question and watch the video. Say
what the speakers answer. Then in pairs, ask and
7 In pairs, complete the sentences with the correct answer the question.
Present Perfect forms of the verbs in brackets.
Have you ever had a summer job?
I sister (tose) her job.
2 _(not find) a job yet.

5 My boss _ (give) me a pay rise.

4 She _ (sack) another emp[oyee.
5 They_(open) a newfactory.
6 The company _ (not make) a profit this year.
7 They _ (take) on three new workers.

n I can use the Present Perfect with already, ever,iust,never and yet. tt

1 ln pairs, took at the photos and say which job you 5 Read the sentences. Who doesn't work here anymore?
would preferto have and why. I Jeff worked here forten years.
l'd like to be a lifeguard, You don't get paid much but I lave 2 Jerry has worked here for five years.
the sea. 3 Jenny has worked here since January.

Present Perfect (2) 6 3.5 [isten again and answerthe questions using
the Present Perfect and for or since. In pairs, check your
2 3.5 Match sentences a-c with the people in the answers.
photos. [isten and check.
I How many jobs has Magnus had since he left schoot?
a n l've been in Austlalia since November. He's had sxteen jobs slnce he left srhool.
b E l've loved Japan since lwas a tittte kid. 2 How long has he had his currentjob?
t n l'm my own boss but I haven't had a good break for 3 How [ong has Ettie tived in Japan?
weeK5. 4 Has she had a hotiday recently?
3 Look at sentences a-c in Exercise 2 again and choose 5 How long has Dytan been away from lretand?
the correct answers. 6 How [ong has he been a lifeguard?
1 Dy[an is I isn't in Austra[ia now. 7 Has he seen his family recentty?
2 We use for I since with a point in time in the past,
Rewrite the sentences with the Present Perfect and for,
^ ^ l--+T,,^-1r,.
e.g. rd)r rutr)udy, since or How long.
3 We use for I since with a period of time, e.g. four days.
I Barry tost his job in January.
4 Study the Grammar box and Watch out! and check your Barry has been out of wark since lanuary.
answers to Exercise 3. 2 | started working here four months ago.
3 How long ago did you become a teacher?
4 Josh went into the interview at ten and now it's
e leve n.
We also use the Present Perfect to talk about situations
that began in the past and continue now. 5 My dad's fifty years otd. He's been a poticeman for
twenty-five years.
We often use since to say when the situation started or for
to say how tong this situation has been true. 8 SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer questions in the
ln questions, we use How long to ask about duration. Present Perfect. Use How long, the prompts below and
your own ideas.

behere study at this schooI have this Engtish book

mum/dad have his/her job
A Haw long haveyou been here?
We don't use the Present Simpte tense to tatk about B /'ve been here far thirty minutes.
situations that began in the past and continue in the A I've been here since ten o'clock.
I've worked here for four years. N0T ffi

96 E I can use the Present Perfect with for and since to tatk about a duration of time.
Look at the list of dangerous jobs. In groups, say which
three jobs you think are the most dangerous. Give
reasons. What other dangerousjobs can you think of?
2 3.4 Study Active listening. Then listen to part I of construction worker mlner
a recording and choose the correct answers.
farmer pitot
I The speaker is
firefighter police officer
a presenting a radio progfamme. fisherman skyscraper window cleaner
b teaching a ctass.
t making a speech. truck driver
2 The speaker is talking about
a an accident she had.
b statistics about dangerousjobs.
c someone who died at work.

ACTIVE tISTENING I understandinsthe main idea

. lt is impoftant to understand the context.
. Don't try to understand every word.
. Listen for key phrases to hetp you understand the main

3 3.4 listen again and complete the notes.

l[osf olangerous iob in tilc Uk is not police

officer,firc{ightcr,, 0rftsheraan.
Fanaing stfristics lasf year:
'_ olcaths
accio{cnf ratc: %
. |nd tuost oldngerous indusw -,
. rfre:6
ac6i0{ent 70
, '_otcatls in construction
4 3.5 listen to part 2 of the recording. Which of these
things does Pat nof tatk about?
6 Check you understand these words and phrases for
a ! why she became a truck driver working conditions from the recording. Then use them
b n how she feets when she's working to comptete the text below.
c! her working conditions
boss career company co-workers earn futt-time
d! an accident she had
pay (n) take care of working conditions
5 5.s Listen to part 2 of the recording again and working hours
choose the correct answers.
l've got a 1 job in a restaurant at the weekends,
I How long has Pat worked for the same company? My t_ is a realty nice woman - she realty 3_the
a four years b about a year c since she teft school staff. And my 4_ are lots of fun. The problem is the
2 Why did she distike her job as a secretary?
t_ is telribte - | don't o_ enough money working
part-time. I need a t_ job. To be honest, I don,t reatty
a it was on[y part-time b the pay was bad 8_
c it was indoors
want a in the restaurant business. The e_ are
reatly antisocia[- | work from six to midnight. l,d love to
3 How faf did she drive from the Arctic Circte to Turkey? join a muttinationaIto_ and get a job with better
a 2,000 miles b j,000 miles c 7,000 mites tt_ and the chance to trave[.
4 What does she not like about her job?
a the loneliness b her co-workers c the aanoer SPEAKING lmagine you have a dangerous job. Study
the questions below and think of your answers. Then
5 Pat says the working conditions are in pairs, ask and answer the questions.
a worse than before. b betterthan before.
t the same as before. I How long have you had yourjob?
6 What does she love the most about her job? 2 What's it tike? (working conditions, boss, co-workers)
a seeing newthings b meeting peopte 3 Do you everfeel afraid?
c driving to music 4 Have you evef had an accident?

I t can understand the main idea of a radio programme and tatk about work. 97

ECONOMY In groups, discuss the advantages of working on your

own or as part of a team. Say which you prefer and why.
You can divide the economy into three sectors:
Production of raw materials (finding and growing things) A I think working on your own allows you more freedom.
INDUSTRIES: agriculture, fishing, forestry, mining, ... B I agree, but working in a team motivates you better.
WORKPLACES: farm, fishing boat, sararmilt, oil platform, ,..
. Processing (making things)
look at the motivationaI posters be]ow and answer
INDUSTRIES: construction, manufacturing, ..,
the questions.
WORKPLACES: factory, iaboratory, ... I Which quote in the posters best represents teamwork
. Services (doing things for people) for you? Say why.
INDUSTRIES: education, finance, health care, IT, sales, ... 2 Which poster do you prefer?
WORKPLACES: tibrary, office, doctor's surgery, design studio, a poster A (skydivers)
department store, .,.
b poster B (a rowing team)
c postef C (peopte in an office)
I Study the encyclopedia entry and match the
workplaces from the box below with the correct
economy sectors. Can you think of any other
workplaces for each sector?

ambulance bank buitding site cornershop

fishfarm foodprocessingplant garage hairsalon
mine nuEery

ln pairs, say in which workplaces from Exercise 1 you

would like/not [ike to work and why.
I wouldn't like to work in a mine. lt's really hard work and
I don't Iike enclosed sDaces.

THINK BACK In groups, check you understand the jobs

in the box. What other jobs can you think of?
'Working together is success.'
bike courier buitding engineer car mechanic Henry Ford
estate agent flight attendant hairdresser lawver
Iibrarian nurse paramedic personatsecretarv
potitician receotionist sates manager shop assistant
socialworker surqeon tour guide

4 3.5 PR0NUNCIATI0N Listen to the pronunciation of

the words in the tabte.
O. o.. .o. ..o .4.. ..o.
agenr couilef a ss i sta nt, engrneer [ibrarian paramedic

5 3,7 PR0NUNCIATI0N Put the undertined words from

the box in Exercise 3 in the correct cotumn of the table TEAMWORK
above. listen and check. 'Alone uJe can do so little, together we can do so much.'
6 look at the phrases in the box betow which cotlocate
with the verb work.In pairs, use them to tatk about the
jobs from Exercise 3.

as (a joumalist) at night for (a big company)

from home from 9 to 5 hard in a team in (an office)
long hours part-time/fut[-time to a deadtine
under pressure

lf you work as a surgeon, you often have to work at night.

7 In pairs, describe people you know. Use the

collocations from Exercise 5.
My dad usually works in an office but he sometimes works
from home. He works in a team and he often works lang
hours. He works for the government. He's a politician. TEAMWORK
'None of us is as smart as all of us.'
e8 n I can tatk about difierent jobs and workplaces.
conversation and answer the questions.
I Who is speaking? o Start bV saying what the photo shows in general:
2 Why does the woman have to describe the photos The photo shows a group of skydivers.
to the man? . Talk about what you can see in more detai[. Use the
3 Which poster
is the woman describing? fotlowing phrases to describe where things are:
n the fo re g rou nd/centre/backg rou nd/At the botto m/
4 Where does she think the oeoole are? I

top/On the right/teft there's some countryside and a

5 What does the man think of the ooster? town.
j . Usethe Present Perfect to say what has happened:
a poster again.Ihen complete sentences 1-10 with one
B They've just jumped out of a plane.
a. or two words in each gap. Watch or listen to Part 2 of the and the Pfesent [ontinuous to describe what peop[e are
conversation and check. doi ng:
I I lt some young peopte in a boat. They're fatting down,
I 2 In _, you can see some trees. . Use these phrases to make guesses:
a 3 They_be on a Tiveror_it's a [ake. There might be fifteen of them.
4 In the boat there afe some big strong men - it's hard It's hard to say how many but I think there are ...
how many but I think there are eight. It [ooks tike Britain or lretand.
5 The men att the same shirts. Perhaps/Maybe it's Scottand.
5 They_ [ike a rowing team. I thinkthey're having fun.
7 l_they've been in a race. They took/seem happy.
8 They've juststopped rowing and they_very . Give your opinion on the photo:
nappy. It [ooks quite coot.
9 Some of them are hotding their arms up, so _ It's rea[[y/very co[ourfu[.
they've_the race. It's/lt [ooks quite/reatty/very unusua [.
10 lt_ reallyfantastic.
In pairs, look at poster C again. Together, write
i ,uT! a description of it. Then take turns to repeat the
description from memory (without tooking at it).
ij nemember, when we mention something forthe firsttime,
we use a/some, but when we mentlon it agatn, we use tne. 6 Work in pairs. Describe a photo to your partner using
the phrases from the Speaking box. StudentA: look at
the photo on page 102. Student B: look at the photo
on page 97.

n t can describe people or things in a photo using correct tenses and phrases to make guesses. | 99

look atthe photo on page 101 and read the quote 6 Complete the questions with the correct forms of the
below it. In groups, discuss what it means. verbs from the box. Then in groups, ask and answer the
z Read the title, the first and the last paragraph of the
text and decide if statements 1-4 are true or false. do find get make (x2)
I ! This text tetts the persona[ experience of I Afe you good at in a team?
a volunteer worker.
2! lt examines the reasons peopte do votunteer worK.
2 Do you agfee that...

5! ltencouragesthe readertotryvotunteerwork.
a it's easy to _ friends when you work with
4n lt gives specific information on how to find a iob in
b if you work wet[, you shou[d _ paid wett?
volunteer work.
c the most impoftant thing in life is to _ a job you
3 Read the text and choose the correct answers. tike?
I The number of volunteers in the wortd today is
d the most important thing in tife is to _ money?
a about 65 mitlion peopte. 3 Have you ever_anyvolunteerwork?
b a quarter of the world's poputation. a lf so, when and where did you do it? What was it
c higher than it ever was in the past.
b lf not, would you tike to do it? Say why. What kind of
2 According to the text, vo[unteers often organise work would you tike to do?
orotests for
a the church. b potiticatparties. SPEAKING Work in pairs. Interview your partner using
c non-govefnmentaI organisations. the questions below. Student A, go to page 189.
Student B, go to page 191.
5 The main feason that'vo[untourists'votunteer is that
I What's youf name and where are you from?
a they want to learn a new language.
2 What kind of volunteerwork do you do?
b they want to be different.
3 How [ong have you had that position?
c they want to experience new situations.
4 Do you get paid?
4 PeoD[e that votunteer do not learn 5 What do you [ike about the position?
a how to train team members. 6 What do you not tike about it?
b new skilts and how to work in a team. 7 What are youf ptans for the future?
r about different peopte and cuttures.
5 According to the text, votunteers typicatty
8 Find out information about one of these things. Then
make a presentation about it in ctass.
a learn something about themsetves.
b earn quite a lot of money. lnternationaIVolunteer Day the US Peace Corps
c find a good job aftervolunteering. Subbotniks in Eastern Europe Rotary InternationaL
another internationaI votunteer organisation
4 In pairs, complete the phrases with verbs from the a votunteer organisation in yourtown, region or country
text. Then say if you have done or woutd tike to do any websites offering vo[unteer jobs abroad for young peopte
of these things.
I do the dishes 5 a meal
ZB WATCH AND REFLECT Go to page 168. Watch the
2 a tree 7 _the ptants documentary Love your joD and do the exercises.
3 _a protest I _ in a charity shop
4 a website 9 _money
5 _ time with a sick chitd 10 _ a language
I've never planted a tree but l've watered my
neighbour's plants.
l've never organised a prctest but I'd like ta,

5 In pairs, work out the meaning of the hightighted

words from the text. Then use them to comptete the
advert below.

Would you like your lCU to be more complete?

Do you want to impress a future ,_? Then, why don't

4_ '_
you get some in volunteer work? You can receive
quality in languages and lT. You can learn 5_
like teamwork, leadership and communication.
Volunteer now and improve your 6_.
Contact volworkuk@qmai[.com.

IS +''

"The best woy to find yourself is to lose yourself

in the seruice of others."
3.1A Moholmo Gondhi (tndion octivist)


Hove you ever worked for nothing? I don,t meon Recently, it hos become common for young people
doing the dishes or siudying, I meon, doing things ro to do voluntory work obrood, These
you don't hove to do without getting poid. tf you teoch longuoges, they work in hospitols orthey help
hove, you're not the only one, Volunteer work is bring cleon woter to villoges. They do it becouse they
more populor todoy thon it's ever been before. A lot wontio help others, they wontio moke o difference,
of people do it. ln the US obout 65 million citizens, Bui they olso wont to trovel, to moke friends ond to
thot's over twenty-five percent of ihe populotion, ss chollenge themselves in new, exciting ond perhops
do billions of hours of volunteer work every yeor: on difficult situotions. Pop stor Justin Bieber once
overoge of obout three hours per person per week. helped build o school in Guotemolo, He soid it wos
But why do people do it? Why do they work for free? o rewording experience thot tought him o lot obout
BECAUSE WE CARE the world ond obout himself
One reoson is becouse ihey reolly core obout GET A BETTER JOB
something ond wont to work for on ossociotion thot +o And finolly, people do volunteer work to improve
supports it. lt could be o church, o politicol porty their coreer prospects, When you volunteer, you |eorn
or o non-governmentol orgonisotion, For exomple, key skills such os how to work in o ieom, you leorn
mony volunteers work with NGOs to protect the obout other cultures, you moy olso receive troining
environmeni. They spend their weekends plonting in heolth core, educotion or emergency work, So,
trees, they orgonise protests to sove the wholes or +s cleorly, if you hove volunteering experience on your
they set up websites for groups thot encouroge CV you're more likely to impress on emproyer ono
people to use bikes not cors. flnd the job you wont,
Another reoson people do unpoid work is to help Volunteer work is good for society bui it,s olso
others, They volunteer to moke their communities good for volunteers. You help others ond leorn
belter: they spend time with sick children in 50 obout yourself. You do someihing useful ond leorn
hospitols; they serve meols to the homeress; or key skills. You give something to society ond moke
they woter the plonts in neighbourhood gordens, friends, You con discover thot wonderful sense of
Volunteers olso help people overseos, people work comoroderie when you've worked with o group of
in chority shops to roise money for projects in people towords o common gool, So why don,t you
developing countries, They collect money to help ss hove o look oround ond see whot kind of voluntorv
refugees or victims of eorthquokes or fsunomis, work you could do? You won't moke monev but vou
might get something o tot better,

n t can u nderstand a factua I text a nd ta lk a bout votu nteering. tot

in centrat cardiff
Experience Preferred'
Must sPeak French'
Good PaY and condrtions'
at l'atabieronde@qmait'com'
Appty to Ms Diane Richard
- ..-i.:. -:-i:'rj-i:i ':'-''

Subject: Job application

Dear Ms Richard,
l'm writing to you to apply for the job as part-time waitress in your restaurant.
I'm an eighteen-year-old student from Newporl. Although I have no previous working experience, I have recently
begun a course in Hotel and Catering at Cardiff College. l've also just completed a course in first aid, which I feel
would be useful for a member of your staff. l've had my driving licence since March and I have a 81 level in French.
I consider myself to be a confident, enthusiastic person with an outgoing personality and a good memory.

I look forward to attending an interview and I hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
Joy Peters
look at the part-time jobs in the box. Then in pairs, ask
and answerthe questions below, WRITING tormat emait of application
babysitter cleaner fruit picker pizza detiverer o In the subject box, give a c[ear feason for writing your
volunteer at an animaI shelter waiter emai[, e.g..lob application.

I What do you think are the advantages/disadvantages

. In the f rst sentence, exptain why you are writing:
of these oart-iime iobs? i'rn writing to you to applyforthe job as/of ...
o Mention youi age, education and any retevant work
2 Have you everdone any of thesejobs? lf so, where,
when and what was it tike? tf not, which of the jobs experience you have. You can use the Present pefect to
woutd you Like to do and why? describe your experience and lecent achievements:
i've just completed a course in first aid.
A lhe adnantage af working as a waiter isthatyau can
eat f}r free.
o Mention three orfour of your personaL quatitiesthatyou
B Yes, Dut it's tiring. You are on your feet alt day Long and
think are usefuI for the job:
lconsider rnyself to be.,.
some ruslornefs ran be diffirutt.
. Say that you hope to receive a repty/would tike to
In pairs, read the job advert and Joy's application emait. attend an interview:
In your opinion, is Joy a good candidate for the job? | [ook forward to hearing from you/attending an
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the o Don't use emoticons, excLamation marks (!) or informaL
phrases from the box. Use Joy's email to help you. lannrrenp e i H@
rur rJUU:JL| !.y.,'Lyl L

attend an interview . Don't tfy to be funny or write irrelevant information,

consider myself to be comptete a course e,g.
lookforwardto previousexperience
Formal beginning and ending
I l'd like to of fruit picker. Remember to begin and end your emaiIwith format
2 Do you have any_ or is this yourfirst job?
g reetin gs:

3 l've recently _ on child safety. Deaf + name, e.g. Dear Mr [ampbett, ,.. Dear Ms Richard, ...
4 | _ fit and hard-working. Dear 5ir/Madam, ... (if you don't know the person's name)
(Kind/Best) regards, ...
5 l'd bevery happyto_at anytime.
6 | _hearing from you, 5 Rewrite the emailfrom Exercise 4 using the advice in
the Writing box.
4 Studythe Writing box and took atthejob advertagain. In
pairs, say what is wrong with Sam's emaiI below.
6 Check you understand the personaI quatities in the
box. Then in pairs, ask and answer the questions
chatty cheerful confident creative diplomatic
energetic enthusiastic fit good-looking
Subject: good at accepting criticism/solving problems
good at working in a team/group
Hi Diane good with anima[s/numbers/people
I see that you're looking for a waiter. hard-working heatthy mature outgoing patient
polite punctuaI reliabte sociable smart strong
I have worked in many, many restaurants and I live
in Cardiffl I have been on many courses in things I Which of these qualities do you have?
like food hygiene, health and safety and some 2 Which ones do empLoyers appreciate the most?
others that I can't remember now. I have recently 3 Which quatities are most suitable for the iobs ln
taken pad in the Cardiff Marathon! lt was awesome! Exercise 1?
Ialso studied French at school. Ooh ld ldr! | got grade
B in my GCSE exam - it was one of my favourite REFLECT I Soe iety ls it a good idea for students and high

subjects and I have many happy memories. school pupits to have a part-time job? What are the
advantages and disadvantages? Discuss in pairs.
Write back soon, OK?
It's a goad way ta meef people and build your confidence.
Allthe best
You might nat have enough tine ta study and da
Sam "Rockv" McFarlane {oufseworK.

8 WRITIN6 TASK Read the job adverts on page 190.

Choose the job you [ike the most and write an email
apptying for it. Use the Writing box and Joy's email to
help you.

L-.1 | can write a formaI emai[ to appty for a job or a course. 103
5.4J logger (n) i'logal
1 Add more words and phrases application (n ) / apk'ke4an/
loneliness (n) /'laonlinas/
from the word tist to the
be out of work /,bi aut av 'w:lr<7
vocabulary maps. miner (n) /'marne/
boss (n) /bos/ -
p..t-tir. .Olll po*i.rl

fi ndlget/lose a job /,farnd/,get/,lu:z a' d3ob I

PaY (n) /pet/
flatmate (n) i'flatmert/
pilot (n) /patlatl
give sb a pay rise /,grv ,snmbodi a 'per rarzl
potice officer (n) 1pa'li:s ,ofasal
make a profit/,merk a'profit/
skyscraper window cleaner (n) /'skarskrerpa
open a factory /,aupan e 'taktarii ,wrndau,kli;na/
part-time job (n)/,port tarm 'd3ob/ statistics In J /sta'trstrks/
tt,t an /,sek en rm'plrri:r take care ofl.terk 'kear av/
take on more staff /,terk on m:: 'stof/ teach a class /,ti:tf a 'klors/

truck driver (n) /'tr.d< ,drarva/

78 GRAMMAR 5.44 working conditions (n) /'w::krq kaqd4anz/
Complete the words and phrases a job for life /a job fa 'laf/
with urorkwith words from the working hours (n) /,w::krq 'auazl
word list. be good with computers /bi ,gud wrd
I word:
one work, work_ 7D UOCABUTARY 5.46
career (n) /ka'rra/
2 two words: _ worker, agriculture (n ) /'egrr,knltfa/
working _ ctient (n) /'klarant/ ambulance (n ) /'embjalans/
3 three words: work_ _, freetance (adj) /frirlo:ns/ bank (n) /barlk/
have a break /,hev a 'brerk/
4 four words: work bike courier (n) /'bark ,kuria/
lifeguard (n) /'larfgord/ building engineer (n) /'brldrrl ,end3e,nra/
Match the words to make jobs.
mat<e money I merk 'mnnir building site ( n),/ brldrrj sart/
Then check with the word [ist.
r. ! bike a secretary multinational ( a dj ) /,mrltr'naeJanal/ car mechanic (n) /'kol mr,kanrk/
2 nestate battendant proper (adj) I'propal construction (n
) /kan stv'l<Ian/
3 noersonal c coulef self-employed (adj) f,selt rm'pl:rd/ cornershop (n) i'k::na jop/
4 nfliqht d worker web designer (n) /'web dr,zarna/ department store (n)./dr'portmant su:/
5 nsocial e agent work at home/in an office /,w::k at 'haum/rn design studio (n) idlzarn ,stju:diau/
4 Complete the sentences with the an 'ofis/
doctor's surgery (n) i,dpktaz 's:rd3ari/
correct prepositions. Then check workfor a company /,w::k far a'ktmpani/
with the word [ist. economy (n)/tkonami,

I The company needs to take 7C TISTENING AND UOCABUTARY education (n )/ edju'ke4an/

more staff. 5.45 enclosed spaces (n) /rn,klauzd 'spesrz/
2 You need to be good _ accident rate (n) /'eksadant rert/
estateigent (n) /r stert erdSant/
chi[dren to be a teacher.
antisocial Iadj) /,antr'saufal/
3 _the foreground, I can see factory (n) /'{ektari/
my flatmate. boss (n) /bosi farm(n)lfo:m/
4 l'm good _ solving career (n) /ka'rrai
finance (n)/'farnans/
fish farm (n) /ftI fo:m/
ACTIVE construction worker (n) i kan'str,rl<Jan ,w:lka/
fishing In) lfrlrryi
VOCABUTARY I eictures co-workel (n ) /,kau'w:rkai fishing boat (n) /'fiJr4 baut/
lf you are a visua[ [earner, you danger (n) /'derndta/
flight attendant (n) /Tlart a,tendant/
can use the letters of a word to
earn (v) /r:nr
draw that word. For examp[e, food processing ptant (n) /'furd ,praosesrq plo:nt/
you could draw the word goalto farmer (n) /'forma/
forestry (n) .'lfnnstril
took tike the picture betow. Try
fi refi ghter (n) /Tara,farta/
to draw another word from the garage (n) I'gand3l
word [ist. fisherman (n) /'f4aman/ government
' (n ) /'g,wamant/
fuit-time laoll ltultarm/
hairsaton (n) i'hea,salpn/
have an accident /,hav an 'eksadant/
hairdresser (n ) /'hea,dresa/
indoors [adv) I Jn'dt.zl health care (n) /'helO kea/

journalist (n) /'d3::nakstl 5.48 5.49
a sense of sth /a 'sens av ,snmOrq/ advantage/disadvantage n] /ad'vo:ntid3l
taboratory (n) /ls'bDratrii I

lawyer (n) /'lrrja/
association (n) /a,satrsi'erJan I
animaI shelter (n ) I'anamal ,felta/
camaraderie (n) /,kama'rc:dari/
tibrarian (n) /lar'brearian/
applyfora job /a,plar far a'd3nb/
library (n) /'[arbrari/
care about /'kear ,abaut/
attend an interview la,tend an 'rntavju:/
careerprospects (n) /ka'na,prnspekts/
manufacturing In) /,menja'frektJanq/
babysitter (n ) /'berbi,srta/
challenge yourself r'tJalancl 3 j a,selt/
mine (n) /marn/
build your confidence /,brld ja 'konfadans/
mining (n)/'marnrqi
church (n) /tj:r{l
candidate ( n) /'kBndrdat/
citizen (n) I'sttr)';lnl
nursery (n) /'n:lsari/
chatty (adj) /'tlati/
CV (n) i,sir 'vi:/
office (n) /'ofrs/
cheerful (adj ) / tJrafel/
developing country (n) /clr,velaprn 'k^n1ri/
oil platform (n) /rrl platfrrm/
cleaner (n) /'kli:na/
paramedic (n) /,para'medik,i do volunteerwork /,du ,volan'tra w::kl
Complete a course /kam,pliit a 'kr;s/
personal secretary ( n) .,,p::sanal'sekratarir earthquake (n) /'r:0kwerk/
confi dent (adj) /'konfrdant/
politician (n) l,polltrJan/ emergency work (n ) /i'm r;d3ansi w::k1
consider /kan'srda/
processing employer (n) irm'plrra/
(n ) /'preusesrl/
creative (adj) /kri'ertrv/
environment (n) /rn varranmant/
raw materials (n ) r,r:: ma'trarialz/
diptomatic (adj ) i,drpla'matrkl
experience (n) /rk'sprarians/
receptionist (n ) / n sepJanrsr/
energetic (adj) l,ena'd3etrk/
getpaid/,9e1 perd/
sales (n) lserlzl
enthusiastic (adj) /rn,0ju:zi'asrr kl
impress (v) /rm'pres/
sales manager (n ) /'serlz ,maenrd3e/
food hygiene (n)/'fu:d ,hard3i:n/
sawmitt (n)
key stiits (n) /,kir 'skrtz/
fruit picker (n) /'fru:t ,prka/
lose yourself in sth /'lulz ja,self rn ,samOrq/
services (n ) I'sz:vtsaz I
good at accepting criticism/solving probtems
make'a difference /,merk a 'drfarans/
so_ciat worker.(n ) / sauJal ,w:rka/ /,gud ot ak ,septrq 'krrtasrzarn/,solvrq 'prob
neighbourfrooJ(n) /'nerbafruol lamzl
surgeon (n) /'s:rd3an/
non-governmental organisation (n) i,non good with animals/numbers/people r,gud wrd
tour guide (n) /'tua ,gard/
,gAVan,mental,}genar'zerJan/ 'anrmalz/'nnmbaz/'pirpal/
warzone (n)/'wl zaunl
overseas (adv) /,auva'si:z/ good-looking (adj) / gud lukrr]/
work as /,w{k azl
plant Iv) /plo:nj' hard-working (adj) /,ho:a'wr:krq/
work at night/from nine to five/long hours
position (n)/pa'z4ant treattny (a Oj) /tretOi/
/,w:lk at'nartfram ,narn ta 'farv,/lory 'auaz/
protect (v) /pra'tekt/ job advert (n) /'d3ob ,adv:rt/
work hard/to a deadline/under pressure /,w:rk
'ho:dita a'dedlarn/,,rnda'preJa/ protest (n) /'prautest/ lookforward to /,luk 'fr:wad te/
work for a company/in an office/in a team/on refugee In) /,refjo'd3i:/ mature (adj) lma'tJual
your own/from home /,wr;k far a 'knmpani/
rn an 'ofrs/rn a 'titmlon jar'aun/fram 'hauml rewarding (adj ) /n'wr:drq/ outgoing (adj) l,aut'gaurrl/

save (v) /sew/ patient (adj ) I'perf ant/

work part-time/fu[[-time /,w:rk port'tarm,/fol
'tarm/ personal qualities (n) /,plsanal 'kwolatiz/
serve a meal /,s::v a 'mi:l/
workplace In ) /'w:rkplersi the homeless (n) /da'haumlasi pizza deliverer (n) /'pirtsa di,hvara,i

tourism (n) /'tuarrzam/ potite (adj) 1pa'lart/

at the bottom/top /at da 'botami 'topi training (n) /'treinr0/ previous expelience (n) i,pri:vias ik'sprariansi

fall down /,f:rl 'dauni tsunami (n) /tsu'normi/ punctuat Iadj) /'pnqktJual/

in the foreground/centre/background unpaid (adj ) /,nn'perdl reliable (ad.j ) /ri'larabal/

/,in 8a
'f::graundl'senta/'baekgraund/ safety In)/'serfti/
votuntary (aO1) i vnlantari/
motivate Iv) i'mautrvert/ volunteer (n, v) 1,vr:lan'tre/ smart (adj) /5mo:i/
motivationat (adj ) i,mauta'verJanal./ sociable (adj) /\auJabal/
waterthe plants /,w)]ta da 'plo:ntsi
on the right/left l,nn da'rart/'lefV whale In)/werl/ strong (adj) /stroq/
rowing team XnE /'raurq ,tilmi
worktowards a common goal / w;lk ta,w:rlclz a suitable Iadj) /'su:tabal/
skydiver (n) /'skar,darva/
,komon'gaul/ waiter/waitress (n ) /'werta/'wertrrsl
teamwork In ) /'tirmw::k/

ril 07
VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 5 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the
verbs in brackets.
Find the odd word out in each group.Say why it is
different. I He (start)a new job tastTuesday.
I -:-----\ 2 She_(be) off work since lastTuesday.
firefighter A!gJ, miner police officer
3 | _ (onty/work) here for two weeks but | love it.
The other jobs are dangeraus.
2 boss candidate career co-worker 4 | _(tose) my job two weeks ago.
3 babysitter engineer [awyer pitot 5 _ (you/ever/have) a part-time job?

4 factory hairdresser journalist potitician 5 The caf6_ (not open) yet.

5 agricutture company construction health care 7 | tike your earrings. How [ong _(you/have)them?
5 confident matufe pfospects retiab[e 8 We- (atready/have) this carforten years.

Match the jobs with the workplaces.

6 Choose the correct words to complete the conversation.
Hay How rlong I long ago I nuch have you been
I n architect a buitding site Ms
with us?
2 n guide b department store Rob l've been here2for I from I since atmost six
3 n mechanic c garage months now. I started'for Ilast lon September.
4 ! nurse d hotet Ms Hay Have you |always I ever I justlhought about
5 n receptionist e museum apptying to be a manager?
6 n shop assistant f nursery Rob No, lsdon'tl hasn't I haven't,to be honest. Why?
7 n secretary g office Ms Hay We[[, because yousalready I always I ever work
8 n teacher h restaurant hard and you're ctever.
9 ! waiter i surgery Rob But l've Tdidn't I never I yet been to university.
I haven'tstudied Mathssfor/since I yetllefl
3 Complete the text with the verbs from the box. schoo[.
appty be consider do earn get have look work Ms Hay That doesn't matter. We started ouf own
training pfogGmmes six months eag o I long ago I
since. Have you started studying French roeyer /
Tips ta help Vou, a job just I yet?
Rob Yes, l've ttaLways I ever I juststarted a course at
Don't'z_ for just one job, send off lots of the coltege. I haven't done any exams rzbefore /
qoplicotions, never / yet but l've Balready I last / neuer [ea rnt
In your job opplicotion, mention the personol ouite a [ot.
quolities you 3_ yourself to hove ond
soy thot you a forword to ottending on USE OF ENGLISH
Don't begin o job interview by osking how 7 Complete the second sentence using the word in botd
much you t_ poid or how often you con so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more
6 o breok. than three words including the word in botd.
Think obout working port-time, You won't ?_
o lot of money but you will get experience. STRATEGY I rey word transformations
It's o good ideo to s _ volunteer work, You Remember that there is a word [imit. Atways check the
leorn to t_ in o teom ond it looks good on nu mber of words because if you have too ma ny, it may
your CV. mean that you have gone wrong somewhere.
Perhops you would like to10_ your A contraction (e.9. don't) counts as two words, not one.
own boss? Think obout the odvontoges of
becoming self-employed,
I The tast time I saw him was in 2014. NOT
I have nofseen hlm since 2014.
You apptied for that job last month. ATREADY

You forthatjob.
Match the adjectives from the box with the definitions.
I stittneed to write it. YET
There are two extra adjectives.
I haven't
chatty creative enthusiastic fit hard-working When did you become a student? LONG
patient sociabte you been a student?
1 Atways on time. punrtual Do you work in a shop now of did you work in a shop
at anytime in the past? EVER
2 Futtof interest.
worked in a shop?
3 Enjoystatking.
4 Good at thinking of new ideas.
5 Doesn't mind waiting.
5 Good with peopte.


8 Read texts 1-5 and choosethe correctanswers: a, b orc.

STR EGY I Muttiple choice task - short texts DANGERA

your understanding of short texts, authentic
notices, packaging information and atso communicative ALL OTHER PEOPLE KEEP OUT
messages. You shoutd read the text carefulty first and
decide which situation it woutd aooear in.

I a Nobody is attowed onto the buitding site.

b 0n[y certain peopte can enter the buitding site.
C Attbuitding sites are dangerous ptaces.

r Kitchen assistant and waiter/waitress Hi Soohie
. Experience not essential but preferred l've just finished 1st day at work. Really tired!
Going back to flat to relax. l'm with a really nice
. Evening work only, must be free at weekends team, very friendly and funny, but there's so much
. Twenty hours per week I need to learn and the hours are very longl
Miss you,

a The restaurant is [ooking for part-time staff. a Davie has got a challenging new job.
b Workers don't need to work at weekends. b Davie is going to start a new job.
C Inexperienced workers need not app[y. c Davie didn't enjoy his first day at work.
Jally, 9 look at the photo of peopte at work. In pairs, take
llr. turns to describe the photo.
Lewis has changcd fhe tiac 0f thc
Mceting hgain!) Now, ii's firstthing Talk about the oeoote.

t7u4orr7w tyt7rning and this tiwte i(s in Ta[k about the pLace.
fhe lT roou, hot in his offlce . Ta[k about other things in the photograph.

Jee you fhere at cighf. Don't be late!


a Mr Lewis wants to see Satly immediatety.

b Sattywas late for the previous meeting.
c The meeting is at a different time and p[ace.

Ternporary shop assistants

. T:ke :n :nnl ieation form and filf
it in in pen.
. When you complete it, hand it in
:_ _ho ro^anrion desk. WRITING
. Go co the waiting room and wair L0 oo the task below.
for vour inrorview.
Look at the articte about vo[unteer work on page 101
again. Then write an emailto a friend inviting him/her to
Job candidates shou[d go to reception before do some vo[unteer work with you. Include the fottowing
completing the form. information:
Job candidates shouLd go to reception after . some possibte votunteer work you cou[d both do
compteting the form. together
Job candidaies shou[d wait for the receptionist to give . when and where you cou[d do it
them a form. . ask him/her to write back to te[tyou what he/she
thinks of the idea

VOf/,BU|/,RY Science, com puters, socia I med ia, ga m i n g

GMMMAR Verb oatterns: the infinitive and the -lnq form, the first conditional
Useof English > paqe 187
SPEAK'NG Exp[a nati ons
WR'fING An opinion essay

s a I enjoy studying. tr When I fail to understand something,
b I can't stand studying. a I stop reading, take a break and come back to it [ater.
& a I can remember data like facts and formulas easily. b I keep on reading untit | get it.
b l'm good with faces but I can't remember numbers. G When l'm learning to do something but it seems
ry impossib[e,
& a Detaits are important to me. I need to discover exactty
how things work. o I practise doing it until | get better.
b I avoid anatysing things in too much detait. I prefer the b I give up doing it and start doing something etse.
big picture. I When the resutts in a Sci,ence c[ass show my
& a l'd ttke to work in a laboratory one day. hypothesis is wrong,
b I want to work outside. a I try to think of a better one.
b I continue doing experiments.
5 aln my opinion, you mustn't make
guesses.You shoutd be precise.
b In my opinion, you should
sometimes make guesses.
They can save time.
& al prefer to finish one thing
before I start another.
b I don't mind doing [ots
of things at the same
1 Who is the most famous scientist or inventor from your 5.II Complete the text with the correct forms of
country? What is he/she famous for? the verbs in brackets. Listen and check,
I want
I (be) a scientist when | [eave schoot. l'd
2 Match the scientists in pictures A-G with descriptions _(
rea tty Li ke' beco me) a n astrophysicist. I enjoy
1-7 below.
'_(work) in the [aboratory and | love (watch) 4_
f n A French chemist and biotogist who gave his name the sky at night. The problem is I need (pass) s_
to a process that kitLs microbes in food and drink. Maths and it's my worst subject. I keep on (fait). 6_
ZE Rn American marine bioLogist and ecotogist; My friends say I shou[d '_(forget)
my dream and
she transformed the way we think about the think about 8_
(study) something etse at university.
environment. But I can't "_(do)that. So l've decided (take) 10_
3n A German physicist famous for his theory of extra Maths ctasses at the weekend. I don't mind rr
retativity. (give up) some free time to try "_
(make) my dream
come true.
t n Rn Engtish naturalist and geotogist famous for his
theory of evotution.
7 Check you understand the hightighted words from the
5n A Serbian electricaI engineer and inventor whose quiz. Then choose the correct words to complete the
name is now a make of electlic cars. sentences betow.
6I Rn ltatian astronomer, physicist and
1 His most famous data I formula is E = mc2.
mathematician, the 'father' of science.
7n A Potish physicist and chemist - the onty person to
2 Marie Sktodowska-Curie analysed I discoveredlwo
e[ements: radiurn and oo[onium.
win two NobeI orizes in two different sciences.
3 Louis Pasteur's hypothesis I laboratorywas in Paris.
3 What quatities do you need to be a scientist? Discuss in 4 ln a famous experiment lfact, GaliLeo dropped two
pairs. Then do the quiz and check your score on page balts from the Tower of Pisa.
190. Do you agree with the results? 5 The results I science of the experiment wefe
i<.e n
nn intin n
H v !' i
' ' ' ' ':

Verb patterns: the infinitive and the -ing form

8 Complete the statements with the infinitive or the -ing
form ofthe verbs in brackets. Then in pairs, say ifthe
4 Match sentences L-3 with verb patterns a-c. statements are true for you.
r nlenjoystudying. f ltike (do)experiments.
2n You mustn't make guesses. 2 | can't stand _ (analyse) data.
I n t want to work outside. 3 | might_ (study) Physics at university.
a verb + to + infinitive 4 I'm going to give up _ (study) Chemistry.
b verb + -lng form 5 l'm thinking about _ (become) a biotogist.
c verb + infinitive without to 5 | prefer_ (watch) documentaries ontine.
7 | want_ (win) a NobelPrize in chemistry one day.
5 Study the Grammar box and Watch outlwhich verb
8 | hope _ (work) in a [aboratory when l'm otder.
patterns can you find in the quiz?
9 | Love programming. I can't stop _ (do) it.
9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. How many sentences about
We use the -ing form after these verbs:
yourself can you say with verbs from the Grammar box
avoid, can't stand, continue, (don't) mind, enjoy, finish, and Watch out! in one minute? Give your partner
practise, stop a point for every correct sentence.

We use to + infinitive after these verbs:

A l'd Iike to warkfor NA5A.
agree, decide, fai[, hope, [earn, manage, need, promise, B Correct.}ne point.
tfy, want, woutd tike
We can use eitherthe -lng form or to + infinitive after
29 Read the question and watch the video. Say
these verbs: begin, hate, [ike, love, pfefer, start
what the speakers answer. Then in pairs, ask and
answer the question.
We use the infinitive without to after modatverbs, e.q.:
Wou[d you prefer to be a scientist or an artist?
can, coutd, might, must, shou[d

Grammar Reference and Practice > page 180

After prepositio ns (e. g. after give u p, keep o n, thi nk about,
interested ln, etc.) we use the -lng form:
Keep on trying until you succeed.

n I can use verb patterns with the infinitive and the -ing form to tatk about different actions and states.
I 109
I Computers

THINK BACK look at the computer equipment above 4 In pairs, make as many collocations as you can with the
and name items A-1. Which things have you got/woutd words from the box. Use the verbs in Exercise 3.
you like to have?
document fite folder icon image information
In pairs, ask and answer questions about the things in message photo picture profile table text
Exercise 1.
Aopen a document Bsayea document
What kind of computer have you got?
Do you preferto use speakers or headDhones? 5.lZ PRONUNCIATION listen to how the final e
Do you use a wireless keyboardT changes the sound of the underlined vowels in the
words below. Listen again and repeat.
In pairs, replace the computer icons with the correct
Short vowe[s Long vowels and
forms of the verbs from the box. Are sentences l.-5 true
for you? Do you agree with sentences 6-7? diphthongs
rap rape
copy create cut drag expand paste post pasl pasre
share store swipe tap update
LCI de[ete
I I need t0
U my trash can. I haven't clicked on fi tt fite
it for months. lt's enormous. n0t nole
2 |A on Facebook every day and C.U.I CUIC
my profite every week.
-things 6 3.I5 PRONUNCIATION Add the words from the box
I atways save my photos in the photo [ibrary and
to lists 1-2 below according to the pronunciation of the
6 tn.m in the ctoud but I never print them.
underlined vowels. listen, check and repeat.
My computer crashes every time t tv toilf
- cttck copy crash djsk drag expand
a table or downtoad a new pfogram. - hotspqt junk maiI taptop tink online page
My gran doesn't [ike touchscreens. She can't paste profite save share stqre swjpe tabtet
update web
around the scleen or use her finqefs to
I shortvowels: chat, app, ...
rmages. 2 [ong vowels and diphthongs: create, ...
Sometimes it's betterto de[ete ohotos and not
SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions using
.€ them on sociaImedia.
the vocabulary in this lesson.
It's easy to search for information on the Interner I How often do you use a computer?
and then to $ ffi into your 2 What kind of things do you do on your computer?
document. But it's not a good idea to El _ yout 5 Do you spend more time ptaying or working on youf
homework tike that.-ano -text com putef?
4 What kind of computer wou[d you like to have if
money was no probtem?

I n I can tatk about computer equipment.
In pairs, ask and answer the questions. I
I How long have you had your phone? ;

z Was it a present or did you buy it?

3 Where did you (or they) get it? In a shop or on[ine? il
4 Do you need to buy a new phone? Which model
wou[d you [ike to getz
In pairs, describe the photo, Use the Speaking box on
page 99 and the prompts betow to hetp you. Do you
think the man wi[[ buy the phone?

ask for help confused customer exptain impatient

sale (shop) assistant

conversation and check your answer in Exercise 2.

Customer lwondef if you can help me. I need to get Asking for explanations ln
a new phone. l'd [ike to buy a smartphone. if
l'm sorry, l'rn not sure I understand.
Assistant What kind of phone afe you looking for? il
I don't know what you mean/that means.
4G? 5G?
Customer I'm sorry, l'm not sure I understand. Can you
What is that (exactty)?
exolain what the difference is? What does HD stand for?
Assistant 5G means 'fifth generation'. [an you explain ...?
Customer 0h, right. Wett, 5G then, I suppose. Could you te[[ me what that is/does/means?
Assistant What kind of 0S do you want? What do you mean (by ...)?
Customer I'm soTry. I don't know what you mean.
Giving explanations
Assistant What kind of operating system?
It's a/the kind/type/sort of ...
Customer 0h, operating system! This one, I suppose.
It means ...
Assistant 0K, ihis one's got a five-and-a-hatf inch HD
screen... It stands for High Definition.

Customer Sorry, what does HD stand for again? It hetps you to/lets you ...
Assistant HD? lt stands for ligh Definition. lt's got
a resolution of twenty-five sixty by... 6 5.15 Gomptete the conversation below with
Customer It Looks wonderfu[. Has it got a camera? the words from the box. Witt the man buy the other
phone? Listen and check.
Assistant Yes, of coufse. lt's got a dua[[ens camera.
Customer Dua[ [ens7 What's that exactlv? Cou[d vou teI bv exolain for kind [ets stands sure
me what it does?
Assistant lt's a kind of camera that lets vou take 3D Assistant This one's duatSlM.
photos. Customer l'm sorry. I don't know what you 1
Customer Brittiant! | love it. How much is it? Assistant lt has two SIM cards.
Assf sta nt f.7 19 . Customer What does that stand 2 7

Assistant lt 3_ for Subscriber ldentity Modu[e

4 Customer Can you 4_ what that is?
again and decide if statements 1-4 are true or false.
5ay why. Assistant Yes, it's a s- of smart card inside the
phone that identifies you and stofes your
I n The customer knows exactlv which Dhone he wants oersonaI data.
to buy.
Customer I see.
Zn The shop assistant explains what 5G means.
Assistant This phone comes with a turbocharger, too.
3! The customer knows quite a lot about
Customer l'm not "_l understand. What do you
mean 7_
+n He tikes the phone but not its price.
Assistant Aturbochargers_you chargethe battery
Study the Speaking box and find the expressions in the on youf phone quicker.
conversation in Exercise 3.
7 In pairs, practise the conversations in Exercises 3 and 6.

8 Work in pairs. Student A , go to page 189. Student B, go

to page 191.

E I can ask for and give explanations about how to use a modern gadget. 111

Social networking The rutes are simote. lf someone
chaltenges you, you have twenty-four
websites have hours to record a video in which you (or
some friends) throw a bucket of ice-cotd
changed the water on your head. lf you do it, you
have to pay some money, e.g. 510. lf you
tttlrt IJUrJ
vva,y rlonnlo
don't, you have to pay more, e.g. 5100.
Afterulards, you nominate at least three
communtcate, other people to carry out the challenge.
It's not ctear exactly where the challenge
but like most started, but it went viral in the summer
of 2014. Att around the world peopte were
things in life they posting about it on social media websites
and uploading videos. The videos were
have their ups short and fun to watch. By August 2014
there were 2.4 mittion lce Bucket videos
and their downs. just on Facebook.

Cetebrities tike basketbat[ star LeBron

James, singer Lady Gaga and Facebook
GETTING WET FOR boss Mark Zuckerberg joined in. President
A GOOD CAUSE Obama didn't accept the challenge but he
did donate 5100.
Woutd you tike to throw a bucket of ice-
The chattenge was a huge success. One
cold water on your head? Probably not.
MND organisation in the US received
But if you accept the lce Bucket Challenge,
that's what you do. Not for fun, but to over 5100 million in just one month. And
hetp find a cure for motor neurone disease
it hasn't finished. Campaigners have
(MND)*, an itlness that destroys the
promised to keep repeating the challenge
neurones that control muscte movement
untilthere's a cure for MND.
and is usually deadty in 2-4 years. * Also called ALS (amyotrophic lateral

FOMO-AMODER,NANXIETY People who have FOMO feet they need to check their social
media sites atl the time. They have a real fear that they witl
How often do you check your phone every day? Twenty, fifty, miss something new, interesting or important. Perhaps
eighty times? Surveys have shown that the average person a friend has met a new boyfriend, a celebrity has talked about
checks their phone about seventy times a day. And you might his new film or there's a funny video about a new dance craze
not believe it but some peopte spend up to nine hours a day trending? The problem is that on social media there is always
using social media or online video or music. something new so this person needs to
check again and again. A habit has turned into an obsession.
We a[[ want to post comments, fotlow cetebrities and know
what's going on with our friends. Social media can make Do you know someone who starts and finishes
our lives fu[[ and exciting. However, research also shows a their day with social media updates? Do they
worrying trend. Some people can't stop checking their social get irritated easi[y and dissatisfied with their
media sites. They do it att the time - sometimes hundreds lives? Do they get
of times a day. Lots of us know that we look at our phones anxious if they
too often and try to control it. But when you reatty can,t stop can't check their
checking, it's a problem. lt distracts us from other things and phone? Then this
it can make us stressed. Scientists have given this probtem person probabty
a name. lt's called FOMO. This stands for Fear Of Missing has FOMO. And
Out! Three chitdren in every classroom today may have this they might need
orobtem. hetp.

I In groups, say which sociaI media sites you use and 7 Use the highlighted words for social media from the
what you use them for. article to complete the statements betow. Then in
pairs, say if the statements are true foryou.
2 Read the article. Which text shows how sociaI media
I I would [ike to make a video that goes but it isn't
can ptay a positive role and which shows how it can -- ;+
d5 edsv ds -^^-
rt 5eem5.
have a negative side?
z Lots oi peopte me on Instagram.
3 look atthese sentences from the first part the article. 5 | atways know what's _ on Twitter.
Which one is a fact and which an opinion? Study Active 4 My friend often-turns up late for class because she
Reading and check your answer. checks her ohone for sociaI media at break
I The rutes are simo[e. time.
2 You have twentv-four hours to record a video. 5 Facebook is my favourite sociaI networking

8 Find these phrasaI verbs in the article. Then use their

ACTIVE READING lTetlins facts from opinions correct forms to complete the sentences below.

. Afactissomethingthatyou can checkand proveto betrue. carry out go on join in miss out turn into
o often include numbefs, but not every statement
with a number is a fact.
I What do the letters UKstand for?

. 2 My sister always wants to know the latest gossip

An ooinion is what someone betieves or fee[s about
something. You can agree with it or not.
because she doesn't want I to
. To give opinions, we often use adjectives Iike great,
3 We're _ an experiment into social media.

terrible, simple, etc., adverbs like probably and possibly,

4 |don't know what's l'm confused. Cou[d vou
hpln mo nla:(oZ
and verbs [ike feel, thlnk, seem, etc.
5 lt started as a discussion but quickty_ a big
4 Decide if these sentences are facts or opin ions. Use
5 0ur c[ass started a project and then atlthe other
Active Reading to help you. Then find more facts and
opinions in the article.
I MND is an ittness that usuaLty kitts you in 2-4 years. 9 SPEAKING Do you think F0M0 is a serious problem?
fact Discuss in groups. Use the prompts below to hetp you.
2 lt's not clear exactty where the chatlenge started.
easy/difficutt to stop normaIfor peopte today
3 The videos were short and fun to watch.
peopte you know sign of the times wi[tget worse
4 By August 2014 there were 2.4 mittion lce Bucket
videos on Facebook.
5 The average person checkstheir phone aboutseventy
10 nrrtrcr I society Do you know any other cases where
sociaI media ptayed a positive sociaI role, e.g. through
times a day.
crowd funding for a good cause? Discuss in pairs.
5 Read the first part of the article again and complete
the notes with 1-3 words in each gap.
I Motof neurone disease makes a pefson's documentary Gadgets for the classroom and do the
diffi cu tt to co ntro [. exercises.
2 The ru[es ofthe lce BucketChattenge saythatyou have
to of yourse[f throwing a bucket of cotd
water 0n your nead.
3 You shoutd choose other peopte that
have to do it too.
4 Sports stars, famous singers and other
atso took part in the cha[[enge.
5 President Obama chose not to but qave
Sf OO to the charity instead.

6 Read the second part of the articte again and answer

the questions.
I How many hours a day can ceftain users spend on
sociaI sites? up to nine hours a day
2 Who do many peopte want to fottow on socia[ media?
3 When can phone checking become a problem?
4 How many chitdren in an avefage ctass might suffet
from F0M0?
5 Why do people with F0M0 check their phones so
6 When do peopte with FOM0 get anxious?

E I can tett facts and opinions in a short articte and tatk about social media. I L13
5 look at sentence 2 in Exercise 4 and answer the
I Does 5id think that Pat's computer is in danger?
2 Which tense fottows lf.r
5 Which tense is in the other part of the sentence?

6 Study the Grammar box and Watch out! and find more
examples of the first conditionaI in the conversation.

We use the first conditional to talk about a realistic

situation that witt/might happen in the future.
There are two parts to a sentence in the first conditiona[:
The condition The result
/f + Present Simpte, yvlll+ infinitive
I In pairs, describe the photo. What are the peopte
doing? How do they fee[? What is going to happen

2 5,I7 Read and listen to the conversation and check

your predictions in Exercise l.
Sid I can't believe you've never had an anti-virus on
youl computer.
Pat I don't need one. l've never had a virus.
\ She won't come if you don't invite her.

Sid Pat! lf you don't put anti-virus software on youf 7 3.7g Sid is trying on clothes for the wedding.
computer, you't[ get a virus sooner or [ater. Comptete the sentences with the correct forms of the
Pat 0Kl I't[ do it. But it isn't easy. Why don't you do it for verbs in brackets. listen and check.
Sid lf I instatt a[[your software for you, you'[[ never nappy.
[earn. 2 Pat l- (buy) you dinner if t_ (taugh) at you.
Pat 0K, so what do I do? 3 Pat What_ (your sister/think) if you _ (So)
Pat What witt happen if I ctick on this? to the wedding tike that?
Sid Don't do that! lf you do that, the computer wilt 4 Pat | _ (not hetp) you if you _ (not tisten).
cfash !
s sid lf you _ (not stop) kidding, | _ (qet)
Pat angry.
What! Reatty?
Sid No, of course the computer won't crash if you ctick 8 Complete the sentences. Then in pairs, compare your
on that [ink. I'm just joking. answers.
Pat Very funny. I lf I get enough money for my birthday, ...
Sid OK, that's it. lf someone sends you a virus now, 2 0ur teachef won't be happy if ...
you'[tbe 0K.
3 |f..., l't[ cry.
Cootl How much do I owe you for the virus ...? For
the anti-virus, I mean.
4 lf the teacher doesn't give us any homework, ...

Sid Not much. But if you do me a favour, you won't

5 lf ..., nobody witltatk to you.
have to pay me anything. 6 What wi[tyou do if ...2

3 3.f B Sid wants Pat to do him a favour. What do you 9 In pairs, take turns to use the result of your partner's
think it is? Discuss in groups. Then listen and check. sentence to make another first conditionaI sentence.
Start with sentences from Exercise 8.
The first conditionaI A lf I get enough maney for my birthday, l'll buy a new
4 Match fragments 1-3 with a-c to form three sentences. lf you buy a new console, you'll spend all your time in
Then look back at the conversation and check. your rcom.
I The comDuter won't crash lf I spend all my time in my room, l'il ...
2 lf someone sends you a virus now, L0 spenrtruc In pairs, ask and answer questions in the first
3 What witthappen conditiona[. Use the prompts below to help you.
an if I ctick on this?
your computer dies lose your phone
bn if you ctick on that Iink. faiI a Science test get a 10 in a Science test
cn you tt be 0K. get a computer virus a friend doesn't [isten to vou

L1.4 1 n I can use the first conditional to tatk about possible future situations.
Q xr:s

S"Z You witt hearthree short recordings. Read

questions 1-3 and study the pictures. Then listen and
choose the correct answer for each recording.
I How much did the game cost?

A €9.95 g €29.95 6 €39.95

What is the game aboutz

Match the game genres from the box with the
definitions. Which of the genres can you see in the
pictures? c

platform puzzte racing safidbo-x shooter sports Where did Saoirse use to wofk?

In this kind of game, you: t

I move fteety thiough a virtuatworld -."=nCbrx ga$€ ]
2 fight opponents and try to stay aLive
3 controta pLayer/team in a match or competition
4 put things in the right ptace or sotve cLues (often with 3"ff listen again and tick the positive aspects of
a time Limit) gaming that the people mention.
5 jump over waLLs and other obstactes
Video games can.
6 compete to ride, drrve or fly the fastest and finish first
EDUCATION n teach you about different subjects
Which types of games from Exercise t have you
ptayed? What did you think of them? Discuss in pairs.
! give you the chance to teach others

i"rr- ,lJ. F,- jt?;;.- li;:s. I.';9, '-',,--: ;;1 H EALTH ! improve yourvision, memory and brain
n give you physicaLexercise
Complete the questions with the words from the box.
Then in pairs, ask and answer the questions.
SOCIAL LIFE n neLp you make friends
n show you how to win or lose
3D educational gamer genres handhetd n leduce vioLence and clime
WORK l-l imnrnve h:nd-eve rooldination
I How often do you pLay video games? Who do you ptay n teach cfeativity, probLem-s0tving,
with? Do you usua[[y play on video
, on P[s or lo:dor<hin

on devices?
What are your favourite : action, sandbox, iote- Spf,qXl G In groups, ask and answer the questions.
pLaying . .? I Do you thinkyou spend too much time gaming?
Do you Like playing _ games where you learn 2 Do your- parents think you spend too much time
something? gaming?
4 Do you preter ZD games? or_ 3 What are the typicatarguments you hear against
5 Have you ever played a _
onLine game with Lots pLaying vrdeo games too often?
of people you don't know? 4 What are the three best reasons for ptaying video
A.= _ r -: serious or do you jrst pLay for fur? gamesT Use the table in Exercise 5 to find ideas.

| can ide-: '.. s:::''c ii'ornatio'r in 69pyg1531ions and ta[k about gaming, 115

I Look around you. What do you see? Electric a five-minute walk; we play sports on screens instead
lights, motorised transport and electronic devices. of goinB to the park; we chat online rather than
Technology is everywhere nowadays, but are we too meeting friends face to face; we sit at parties staring
dependent on it? In my opinion, we are. at our phones when we could be dancing. lt seems
2 | am not suggesting we should live
to me that technology is making us less sociable. In
technology. After all, it makes our lives more addition. it is bad for our health.
efficient, comfortable and fun. Firstly, housework and 4 To sum up, we live in an age of technology. In many
travel take up less time. Secondly, it entertains us ways, it makes our lives better. But too much
and heats and lights our homes. And finally, it helps technology can make us unhappy and unhealthy. So,
us study, contact friends and keep up with the news. I believe we should try to use technology less in order

3 However, very often, we use technology without

to enjoy life more.
thinking. We drive to the shops when it is only
ln groups, agree on three items of technology you 6 Which of the phrases from the Writing box can you find
need the most. in the text?
I really need my phone" I can't live without it.
7 Complete the text with one word in each gap. Use the
2 Read the essay question and the comments below. In Writing box to help you.
groups, say which point of view is most similar to your I
I that modern technotogy has made the wortd
own, a better o[ace.
A D Some 2__ that technotogy is destroying
life on earth. ,_,1
think the opposite is true. o_
We shoutd [ive more naturat I
_ ways modern technotogy is hetping to save
lives and try to switch things the planet.'__ att, thanks to computers,

'Ir:l19IEl _r peopte can work from home. 5_,

technology is
hetping to make enefgy and transport cleaner. What's
Dr- '_, technology makes our lives easier ano more
Most of my friends e njoya b te.
tove technotogy but t__, modern technotogy is not a bad thing.
t_ a[t, if it were so bad, it woutdn't be so ooou[ar.
It to_ _ me that it's essentialfor the future of

Read the essay and say which point of view A-D in 8 Use a dictionaryto checkthe meaning of the words
Exercise 2 is most similar to the author's. from the box. Use three of them to comptete the
caption in the cartoon. Then in pairs, say which of
4 Look at the first paragraph of the essay. Which these things you take on hotiday with you.
sentence restates the essay question?
adaptor cable gamepad ptug remote control
5 look at the essay again and match paragraphs 1-4 socket switch
with their functions a-d below. Then study the Writing
box and check.
a n give your opinion/arguments
b n mention otherarguments
c n summarise your opinion
d n introduce the question

An opinion essay

Paragraph 1
In the introduction, first restate the essay question
and then state your own opinion. Use a question or
an interesting comment to make your reader want to
continue reading.
Paragraphs 2 and3 (in the orderyou prefer)
Give your own opinion with some arguments or-
examp[es. Mention other arguments and say why you
disagree with them.
That dreadfutmoment
Paragraph 4
when you're on hotiday in
Summarise the debate and state your opinion again. Scotland and you realise the
Connect your sentences
r_ 2_,
doesn't fit in the
In my opinion, .../tt seems to me .../l believe .../l think ...
you haven't got an 3_
and that you might have to
I'm not suggesting .../l don't betieve .,. go outside.
5ome people say ... but...
Nowadays .../Today .../ln many ways ... SPEAKING In groups, think of arguments for and
Fifst of alt, .../ Firstty, .../ Secondty, ...i Finatty, ... against the statement in the essay question below.
However, .../But.../0n the other hand, ... Look back at page 115 for some ideas.
After a[[, .../Basicatty .../When you think about it, ... Young people spend too much time gaming. Do you
In addition, .../What's more, ... ag ree?
To sum up,.../ln conclusion,...
L0 WRITING TASK Write an essay to answer the question in
Exercise 9. Use the Writing box and the essay on page
116 to help you.

! t can write an opinion essay. 1 LL7

I Find jobs in the word tist which analyse (v) l'a"nalarzl
finish with each ending.
astronomer (n) /a'stronama/
- )L -er astrophysicist (n ) /,astrauYrzrsast/

avoid (v) /aVrrdr

biologist (n ) /balnlad3rst/
-an -or
chemist (n) /'kemrst/

data (n) /'dertai

discover (v) /drs'hva/

Complete the phrases with one don't mind i der-rnt 'marnd/
word in each gap, Then check
ecologist (n /r'kolad3rst/ download (v) /,daun'laud/
with the word [ist. )

1 | can make your_ come electric car (nJ /r,lektnk 'ko:/ drag (v) /drag/
true! engineer (n) /,end3r'nra/ empty (v) /'empti/
Working here has its ups and
evolution (n) /,iva'lu{en/ enormous (adj) /r'nt:mas/
_ but generalty it is
e njoya b te. expeiiment (n) /rk'sperrmanr/ expinO iv) lrr<rp-nol
Don't wofry about smat. fact (nJ /fakt/ fite (n)/farll
detai[s. Think of the biS _ formula (n) /f::mlala/ folder (n) r'faolda/
l've ta[ked to her many times
ovefthe phone but l've never geotogist (n) /d3i'olad3rst/ headphones/headset (n ) /'hedfaunz/'hedser/
met hef to trypottresis (n) /har'po6asrs/ hotspot (n) /'hDtspoli

Comptete the sentences with inventor (n) /rn'venta/ icon (n) /'arkon/
correct prepositions from the laboratory (n) /la'boratri/ image (n) l\mrd3l
word [ist.
make (n) /merk/ information (n) /,rnfa'me4ani
1 The buitders are going to carry
make your dream come true /,merk ja ,dri:m junk mail (n) /U3r,rjk merli
important repair work
knm 'trull
this weekend. laptop (n)/'laptop/
2 lf you wantto join marine (adj)/ma'rirn/
finr< tnl lrrlrV
please do. mathematician (n
) /,maOrma'trfan/
message (n)/'mesrd3/
5 We came _
these otd microbe (n) /'markraub/
clothes when we were tidying microphone (n) /'markiafaun/
0ur sDafe f00m. naturalist (n ) /'natJarahst/
moniiorlnj i'ronit-/
4 Don't taugh _
Tom's new Nobel prize (n) /,naubel 'prarz/
haircut. lthink he [ooks nice. mouse (n)i *aur/
physicist (n ) I'ftrrsastl
note (n) /naot/
Complete the phrasaI verbs. polonium (n) /pa'launiam/
Then check with the word [ist. online (adv) 1on'larnl
precise (adj) /prisars/
1 Why didn't you up at_ process In) I'prauses/
page (n) /perds/
the meeting yestefday? Were paste (v) /perst/
you itt? radium (n) /'rerdiami
photo (n) l,taataul
2 Ancient people up _ retativity I n ) /,rela'trvrti/
stofies to explain eafthquakes. photo [ibrary (n) /,fautau 'larbrari/
result (nJ/rr'zr[t/
3 I'm definitety going to _ picture (n) / prktJa/
up with the news whi[e l'm on save time /,serv 'tarm/
post [v) /paust/
science (n) /'sarans/
print (v) /prrntl
Do the task below. scientist ( n) /'saranrrst/ '
printer(n) /'prrntaT
lmagine an idealsmartphone of take a break /,terk a 'brerk/
tabtet. Describe how it works and profite (n) I'praufatll
tfre Uig piAure /da ,brg 'prktJa/
what you use it fof. Write down _ program In, v) /'praugraml
a[[ your ideas and prepafe a shoft transform (v) /traens'ft:m/
instruction using different words save (v) /serv/
wrong (adj)/rprl/
felated to techno[ogy from the screen (n) /skri:n/
word [ist.
8B UOCABU1ARY 5.57 search for /'s::tf fa/
cable (n) /'kerbal/ share (v) {ea/
click (n, v) /klrk/ site (n) isaftl

sociaI m.edia (n) /,sauJal 'mi:dia/ challenge (v) /'tJehnd3,' 8F I.ISIENING AND VOCABULARY
speaker (n) / spirka/ comment (n) /koment/ 5.55
store (v) 3D (adj) /,eri: 'di/
/sbr/ communicate (v) /ka'mjurnrkert/
swipe Iv) rswarpi coniote 1n; 7 konsauV
contro[ (v) /kan'traull

table (n) /'rerball creativity (n ) /,krirer'trvrti/

craze In) /krer/
tabtet (n) /tablrt/ educational{adj) /,edluke4anat7
crowdfunding (n) /'kraud,fr,ndrli
gamer (n) / germa/
tap [v) /tept cure (n) /kjoa/

tape (v) /terpi genre In) /'3onra/

deadly (adj) 1'dedli/
text (n) i tekst/ hand-eye coordination (n) /,haend ,ar
destroy (v) /dr'str:r/
kau,: lde'nerfan/
the cloud (n) /da 'klaudl dissatisfied with (adj) /dr'satasfard wrdi
handheld (adj ) /hendheldl
touchscreen (n) /'tttjskri:n/ distractfrom (v) /dr'strakt lrami
leadership (n) i'lirdafrp/
trash can (n) 7''tral kan/ fear In) /fia/
multiptayer ( adj ) /'mnttiplera/
update (v) lr.p'dert/ follow (v) /'folau/
obstacle (n) / obstatau
USBflash drive/pen drive (n) l,ju: es ,bir'flaJ get anxious /,get'aqkJas/
drarvT''pen drarv/ opponent (n) /a'paunant/
get irritated /,get 'rrrtertrd,/
web (n)1web/ platform (n ) /'pletflm/
get wet /,get 'wet/
wireless keyboard (n) i,waialas 'kirbrrd/ police station (n) lpa'li:s ,sterlan/
go on /,gau 'oni
problem-solving (n) /'problam,solvrq/
habit (n) i'haebrt/
8C SPEAKING 5.52 puzzte (n) /'pnzel/
5G (n)/,farv'dlirl lce BucketChattenge (n) i'ars ,b.rkat ,tJatand3r
reduce (v) /rr'diurs/
battery (n) /'bntarii ice-cold (adj) /,ar'kauld/
sandbox (n) i'sandboks/
capacity (n ) /ke'p*srti/ illness (n) i'rlnrs/
shooter In) /.[urta/
charge (v) ltJal$l join in /,d j:rn \nl
solve clues /,sDlv 'klu:z/
display (n) i displeri miss out /,mrs aut/
violence (n) i'varalansl
duat tens (n) /,dju:al 'lenzi motorneurone disease (n) /,mauta'njuaraun
virtual (adj) /'v::tfuali
High Defi nition (tlO) (adj) i,har,defa'n:pn
vision (n)r'vr3an,
[,ertJ'dirJ/ muscle movement (n) /'m,rsal ,mulvmantf

inch In) /rnUi nominate (v) /'nomrnerti

module (n)/'mndju:l/ obsession (n) iab'sefanT 5.55
operating system (0S) [n) /'r:parertrr] ,srstam record (v) /nkrrd/ adaptor (n) /a'daepta/
[,au'es)l sign of the times /,sarn av da 'tarmz/ cabte (n) /'kerbal/
personat data (n) 1,p::sanal 'derta/
site In) /sa]t/ chat online /,tJat on'larn/
pixel In)/'prksal/
social networking (n) /,sauJal 'netw:rkrry/ debate (n) idlberti
resolution in) i,reza'lu Jani
stand for i stand frrl dependent (adj) /dr'pendant/
SIM card (n) i'srm ko:d.r
survey (n) /'silver,/ effi cient (a dj ) I t'f {anI I
smartphone (n) /'smorlfaun/
trend (n, v) /trend/ face to face / fers ta 'fers/
stand for i 'stand fa/
turn into,tl:n'rnrLr:. gamepad (n)/'germpad/
subscriber (n) /sab'skrarbai
turn up /,t::n 'npi go outside /,gau aut'sard/
turbocharger In) /'t3lbau tfo:d3a/
up to / t(J/ heat (v) /hi:t/
update (n) /npderV keep u_p with /,kirp 'np wid/
5.53 upload (v) /r,p'laud/ light (v) i lart/

a good cause /a ,gud'kt',zl ups and downs /,nps and 'daunz/ motorised (a dj ) /'mautararzdr
anxiety (n ) I eq'z.arcIiI viral (adj) /'vararal/ plug (n)/plng/

average (adj) /'avarrd3/ remote controt (nl /ri,maut kan'traul/

bother (v) /'boda/ socket (n) /'sDkrt/
computer virus (n ) /kam'pjurta,vararas/
bucket (nJ /'bnkrt/
die (v) /dari
Stare at \ieer ati
campaigner (n) Tkam'pe:na/ switch (n)/srvrtl/
in danger,irn'dernd3ai
carry out i.=- :,,
laugh at ic;f at

I 119
\,OCABULA AND GRAMMAR Comptete the first conditionaI sentences with the
L Tickthe physicat objects in the box below. correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

app cabLe./ cloud disk headphones hotspot 2 lf you _ (Lend) me your phone, t_ (catLj her.
image junk mait keyboard taptop tink printer
ptofi[e speakers touchscreen website 3 How much _ (you/pay) me if t_ (give) you
this game?

? Comptete the sentences with the verbs from the box.

4 lf we_ _
(ptay) again, you (not win).
t They_ (win) _
if we (not try) harder.
cFFy cIi c k crash discover expand fo[low go paste _
6 lf you what_
(not tike) it, (you do)?
store tap 7 | _ (not go) if they_ (not pay) me.

I lt isn't easy to 8 lf you

_ _
(not practise), you (not get) better.
out a good experiment.
2 Do you thinkwe't[_ intettigent life on another 5 Use the prompts to make sentences in the first
ptanet one day? conditiona[.
5 You don't need to hitthe screen, just_ it gentty. I it / cost too much / not buy
4 Can you _the photo? lt's too smalt. I can,t see any lf it rosts too much, I won't buy it.
deta i[s.
2 it / crash 1 you I do that
5 N4itlions of peop[e _J.K. Rowting on Twitter. 3 we I get wet / we / not take an umbrelta
6 This is a funnyvideo but ldon'tthink it,t[_viraL. 4 what I you ldo / rain this weekend / ?
7 How do you cut and _ if the mouse isn't working? 5 you I do that/ be sorry
8 l_ atl my documents on an external hard drive 5 she / not forget the consoLe / we / ptay a tournament
just to be on the safe side.
9 7 you I not learn / not pay attention
lf you _ on that [ink, you'tt get the information
8 | / give you this game / you / give me / that comic / ?
you need.
f 0 Why does your computer always _ when you,re
doing something important? UsE OF ENGLISH
3 Gomptete the sentences with the correct words formed 7 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
from the words in botd.
I Nowadays look at computef scfeens to STR EGY I open cloze
see the stars. ASTRoN0My
This task tests different types of words. For examp[e, you
Z My pafents don't believe that ihis game is _ . may need to comptete a phrasaLverb or find a corect
Iinker, afticte, auxiIiary verb, etc.
3 Can you hetp me _ my unboxing video to
YouTube? IOAD
4 _have a different way of seeing the wortd.
5 My mum says I spend too much time on social
websites. NETWORK
6 Stephen Hawking, who died in 2019, was a famous

4 Comptete the sentences with the correct forms of the

verbs in brackets.
I I can't stand (watch) sitty videos about cats
on Facebook.
2 I don't think you shou[d (do) that.
3 I need _ (buy) a new phone.
4 l'm thinking about_ (study) Chemistry at
university after lfinish schooL. Ithink l'd make ta good scientist. First of z_,latways
5 decided
I've (get) a new phone. want to know what's going ._ alound me. When
c0me acfoss something new, I need to discover 4_ it

6 Itcoutd (be) dangerous.

works. lf I don't understand immediatety, I don,t give'_.
7 What do you enjoy _ (do) in your free time?
And I don't 6_ guesses. I keep z_ studying it untit
8 Which famous scientist woutd you tike _ (meet)? ldo understand. Secondty, ldon't8_working hard, in
9 _
You can't avoid (do) Maths if you wantto study fact, I enjoy it. | love carrying "_experiments at school
Sci e n
and in myfreetime lread science books justro_fun.
10 You promised (heLp) me with the Science tt_ 12_
addition, l'm very punctua[. I never tuf n [ate,
project this evening. I'm atways on time.

TISTENING 9 Listen to an extract from a girl's presentation
[. Then Utsten again and write down what you
I 5.21 You are going to hear ten short recordings. hear.
Read questions 1-10 and the possibte answers.
Then [isten and choose the correct answer for each
STR EGY I Dictation
. you cannot hear a particu[ar word during the second
, STR EGY I Muttipte choice task , reading of the dictation, leave a space and keep writing.
, Then, when the dictation has finished, you can read it
r When [istening to the recording forthe fitsttime, note through and use your know[edge of topic vocabutary and
I down youf own answers to the questions. Then compafe grammar to help you guess the missing word(sJ.
: them to the ootions in the task and choose the ones which
' are closest in meaning to youfs.
I What is the girtgoing to do before breakfast?
10 neaO the information betow. Then in pairs, do the
a lookfor her ohone speaking task.
b check her messaqes
Your schoo[ is going to spend money on some new
c read a book equipment. Ta[k together about the different ideas for
2 What wou[d the boy tike to be when he's o[der? the new equipment and decide on the best items for the
a an astrophysicist schooIto buy.
b a mathematician Look at the pictures which show some ideas to help you.
c a doctor
3 What doesthe girttett her grandmotherto do?
a save the document
b orint the document
c switch on the printer
4 According to the speaker, how long does a normaI
adutt spend on[ine whi[e mobite every week?
a thirty minutes
b aboutthree hours
t five to six hours
5 Why does the boy want to change his phone?
a the screen is too smat[
b the camera isn't very good
c the battery life is poor
5 What did the soeaker do?
a he ptayed an ontine game
b he met someone flom another countrv
c he went into his brother's room
7 When did physicist Petet Higgs win the NobetPrize?
a 2012
c 2015
I How much monev does Ken have to qive John?
a 520
b s30
9 What did the girtdo with the video?
a she sent it to a friend LL write an essay about the topic betow,
b she deteted it
c she uoloaded ittoYouTube
10 Who enjoys doing biotogy experiments?
a the girL
b the boy
c theirteacher

3 5.?5 listen to an interview with a careers adviser

and match the advice for choosing a career l-6 with
extra tips a-f.

I Get to know yourself.

2 Visit a DrofessionaLadviser.
3 Research jobs you are interested in.
4 Check what ski[Ls and quatifications you need to do this
jo b.
5 tonsider other career options if necessary.
6 Make youf own decisrons.
a n ge ready to adapt your p[ans.
b n What afe you tike? What interests do you have?
t n Cet some woik experience and meet peopre wno
do your dream job.
dn What courses do you need to complete?
1 [ook at photos A-E of peopte at work. Tick the things en Choose ajob that makes you happy.
below that the peopte have to do in their jobs. Woutd f E Take a personaLity test to find a possibLe futufe job.
you tike to have any of these jobs? Say why.
4 In pairs, ask and answerthe questions betow. Note
n work on youf own down your partner's answers.
n work outdoors
n work in a team E do ohvsicat worK I What are your hobbies? What do you enjoy doing in
your free time?
n use a foreign language n work paft-lime
n go on business lrips n work full-time
l'n keen an ...
I spend a iot of fime...

n wear a uniform n work with children

2 Whatareyou good at?WhatschooIsubjects do you tike?
n work from home E work wilh animals
PeopLe say /'m gaad at ...
I really enjay ...

n work in an office n manage people

3 What are youf strengths and weaknessesz
lsomefrmes find it hard ta ...
z In pairs, say which three of the things betow woutd be 4 What are you Like? Write down five adjectives to
desclibe you.
the most important to you in your future job. Say why.
l'd describe myself as... l'd say l'm ...
doing what you Iike fast promotion flexibre nours
friendty coLteagues high saLary Long holidays 5 Use your notes from Exercise 4 to suggest at [east three
on-the-job training opportunity to traveL possibte jobs which would be a good choice for your
partner. Justify your choices.


ree successful people below. ln pairs, try to guess who the people described in the
ions l-6. Each question can texts are. Check your answers on page L9O, What do
or three texts. you think hetped them become successfu[? Use the
Which person... prompts below or your own ideas.
I chose a careef related to something they tiked to do determination education hardwork interests/skitts
as a chitd? luck passion self-betief ta[ent
2 completed his/her university education?
5 received advice to quit his/her job? 8 In pairs, read the quotes and explain what they mean,
4 fotlowed his/her parents' advice?
5 was not discouraged in spite of difficutties?
The only way to do great work is to [ove
5 was interested in a number of different subiects?
what you do. lf you haven,t found it yet,
keep looking. Don't settle.
Ste ve J o bs (Am e rican b usiness man)

Let the beauty of what you love be

what you do.
Rumi (thi rte e nth- ce ntu ry pe rsian
., rr,
philosopher and poet)
A In high schooI he worked as a presenter on tne
schoo[ radio because he had a good voice. White at
cottege, he signed up for a drama course and f irst 9 Do the task below.
got interested in acting. However, he wasn't a very
s strong student and quit university before graduation. t'Fg 5K$tt5 | rnojeet
He moved to Los Angeles to look for a job on the radio,
but coutdn't find one. Instead, he got smattrotes in fitm A Choose one of the jobs your partner suggested for you
productions. Although he was once told that he wou[d in Exercise 5. Use the Internet to find more information
about it. Comptete the diagram be[ow.
probabty never be a successfuI actor, he continued to
ro go to auditions. Seven years after his first acting job, he
got a big role in a hit fitm and became a Hotlywood star.

B She wrote her first story when she was only six
years otd Her parents wanted her to study French, so
she chose this subject at university, even though deep
rs down she wanted to study EngLish. After graduation,
she had a few different jobs in London, but stitt had an
ambition to write books.0ne day durrng a [ong train
journey, she had an idea that woutd change her tife:
she decided to write a book for chiLdren. However, it
zo took her a few years to finish the book. The first twelve Ca ree r
publishers that read the story didn t tike it, but finatLy
she found one that decided to pubtish it. Seven years
later, she became the first woman to make a mittion
pounds from writing books.

zs C As a chitd, he had originaland unusualideas and

was interested in eLectronics. He went to coLlege to
study Law, but was not reatty sure what he wanted to
do. Soon, he quit and instead began attending different
couTses he found interesting, such as Art and Cattigraphy
:o When he was just twenty, together with a f riend he buiLt
his first computer in his famity's garage. They started a
new company, which became quite successfut. However, B ln sma[L groups, share your findings. Exptain why the
success did not [ast [ong and after some time he tost his job is suitabte foryou. Does youf group agfee? Say why.
job as the director of the company. He was a bit upset to
ss begin with but after some time he decided to continue
doing what he loved and opened two new technotogy
companies. These companies have later become one of
the best known and successfuI businesses in the world.

1 I23
VOUBUURY Culture, creative jobs
GRAMMAR Past Perfect, reported speech Use of Engtish > pdge 188
SPEAKING InformaI invitations
WRITING A short review


One doy o Z3-yeor-old Americon colled never heord of him. Before she retired,
Teri Horton sow o lorge colourful pointing she'd worked os o truck driver ond she
in o Colifornio thrift shop*. She hod wos no ort expert. But she soon found ouf
never bought such o big pointing before thot Pollock wos o world fomous obskoct
but she liked the colours ond thought it ortist who hod died in I956 ond whose
would be o fun present for o friend who pointings sell for millions. Unfortunotely,
wos depressed, so she bought it for $5. nobody hod signed the pointing ond
(The shop ossistont hod osked for $8 but some experts cloimed it wosn't outhentic.
Teri wos good ot borgoining.) After she However, ofter on expert hod found o
hod bought it, she took it to her friendt fingerprint on the pointing thot seemed
house. The friend, however, didn't like to be Pollock!, o buyer offered her $9
the pointing, ond onpvoy, they hodn't million. She turned it down. She soys she
monoged to get it through the door ond won't sell it for less thon $50 million.
into her home, so Teri decided to sell it
ot o yord sole* *. A locol Art teocher
In lhe US, o thrift shop is like o choriiy shop in
the UK.
sow it ond thought it looked fomilior. * * In o yord sole, you sell some of your
Hod Jockson Pollock pointed it? Teri hod in frontof your house. lts common in the USI

ln pairs, describe the painting on the right using the

adjectives from the box. What do you think it shows?
Then ask and answer the questions below.

thou ght-provoking unsophisticated

I When (and why) did you last go to an art gattery? What

did you see? Did you enjoy it?
2 What do you think of modern art?

In pairs, think of possible answers to the question in the

text heading above. Then read the text to check your ideas.

Close your books and in pairs te[[ Teri's story from

Past Perfect
8 Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences.
4 Read the textagain. Foreach pairof sentences, tickthe 1 Kieron started /had started painting atthe age of five
thing that happened first. after his parents gave / had given him a drawing pad.
r n a Teri bought the painting for S5. 2 ln2012 Kieron published /had pubLished a book. tt
! b fne shop assistant had asked for 58. sold / had sold out onty forty-eight hours after iI went /
had gone on sa[e.
2n a Teri decided to settthe painting.
n U fney hadn't managed to get the painting inside
3 By the time he was / had Deen ten, Kieron starfed /
had started using oiI paints instead of watercorours.
the friend's house.
3n a An expert had found a fingerprint on the painting. 4 By 2013 he became / had become famous and the
media already gave /had already given him the name
n b Someone offered S9 mittion for the painting. 'Mini-Monet'.
5 Study the Grammar box and find more examptes of the 5 0nce he earned / had earnedenough, he bought / had
Past Perfect in the text. bought his parents a new house.

I Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the

verbs in brackets.
We use the Past Perfect to talk about an action in the past When Pabto Picasso (die) at the age of ninety-one,
that was compteted before another action or a time in the he (create) te works of a n.
th ousa nds of
past. We often contfast an action in the past Simote with After he and his friend paulGauguin _(have) an
an earlier one in the past perfect. -
argument, Vincent van Gogh _ (tose) pa rt of hrs ea r.

| . You. He. She o llo \fl/s o lfisy

By the time she _ (be) seven, Georgia 0,Keefe
(atreadV/decideJ to become an artist.
+ :lhadfinished. Frida Kahto _ (spend) many years atone in her
- : They hadn't started. -
room after she _ (have) a serious traffic acciceni
at the age of eighteen.
? ' Had he gone? yes, he had./No, he hadn,t. Before Leonardo Da Vinci_ (become) an
Wh-?: Where had she gone? apprentice to the aftist Verrocchio in 1466, he

[inkers: after, aLready, as soon as, befofe, by, by the time,

_ (never/study) aft.

once, until L0 Spfnf truc In pairs, tell stories about art from your [ife.
Use the linkers in the Grammar box and inctude at [east
Grammar Reference and practice > page 1g1 one example of the past perfect.
When I was younge\ my gran asked me to paint a picture.
6 Read the caption forthe photo in Exercise 7. Then in Assoon as lfinished the painting, t reaLised t,d painted aLt
pairs, think of possibte answers to the question. Do over her expensive dining table. My gran had left the room
Exercise 7 and check. but when she came back, she .."

7 3.2& Comptete the text with the past perfect of the lL nfftfCf I Society In pairs, discussthe questions.
verbs in brackets. listen and check.
f Why is some art so exDensive?
2 Shoutd the government pay peopte to make art?

32 Read the unfinished sentence and watch the

video. Say how the speakers finish the sentence. Then
in pairs, finish the sentence foryoursetves.
By the time I was ten, I had learned ...

In Juty 2010, seven-year-otd Kieron Wittiarnson had an

art exhibition. Kieron t (paint) thirty-three
watercotours of [andscapes for the exhibition in Hott,
Norfotk. At his previous exhibition in 2009, Kieron
z_(sett) sixteen paintings. How much money
(he/make)f f 18,200. This time peoole
(come) from countries altaround the wortd to
buy his paintings. By the time the exhibition finished,
attthifty-three paintings ._ (go) and Kieron
'- 7_ (make) f 150,000!The Wittiamsons were detighted.
(not expect) the paintings to setLso weL[.

I can use the Past Perfect to telI stories from mv Iife. r25
4 Complete the questions with words from Exercise 3.
Then in pairs, ask and answer the questions.
THINK BACK In pairs, describe the photo. Add more
creative jobs to the tist below. Then think of some
1 Do you prefer performances or recorded music?
famous people and say what jobs they have. 2 Do you thinkthat male fi[m actors get better_
than women?
Creative jobs: a rtist, da ncer, photographer ...
3 Have you evef acted in a _?
A lustinTimberlake.
4 Whatshou[d actors do if theyforgettheir_on
B He's a singer. stage?
A Yes, but he's aLso an actor. 5 Can you think of any fitms that are _ on books
you've read?
In pairs, match the creative jobs from the box with:
a) fi[m, b)theatre or c) music. Sometimes more than 6 Why does Hollywood make so many_ of otd fitms
one answer is possibte. Which job do you think is the instead of using originaI ideas?
easiest and which is the most difficutt? 7 Do you think it's easier to paint a_ or a portrait?
8 When should you use a _ to take photos?

Study l,,yatch outl Then in pairs, make true sentences

with the words from the box.
act dance draw explainthings paint ptayinstruments
rememberthings sing speakclearty
take photos/selfies talkto peopte
Check you understand the highlighted words and
tettpeopte whatto do
phrases. In pairs, read the ctues and identify the
creative jobs they describe. Ithink l'm good at acting but l'm terrible at singing.
need to remember my lines. I work on TV but I prefer
doing ptays in front of a reaI audience in the theatre.
l'd love to ptay a good part in a fitm.
actor/actress You can say that you afe good, not very good or terrible at
Imake most of my money from ptaying concerts, not something:
setting CDs. I ptay an instrument in a rock band. l'm good at Science, l'm not very good at sport. l,m terrible
at Art.
I usua[[y work on a stage in a theatre. When I stano
behind the curtain just before a live performance, But ifyou use a verb after good at/bad at, you have to
I atways feeI nervous. I can do modern thinqs but
add -ing:
I prefer ba[tet. l'm good at singing. l'm not very good at drawing. l,m
terribLe at dancing.
4 l'm doing a remake of an old movie from 1950. tt,s
based on a noveI and it's set in Catifofnia. Most of the In pairs, talk about an artistic job you woutd tike to
action takes place in a mote[. lt's going we[[ bur some have. Use Watch out! and the vocabulary from Exercises
of the stars are hard to work with. 3 and 5.
5 In ny job tight is very important. I work with a camera A I'd like to be an actor.
and a tripod. I take photos of peopte, sometimes
B Would you Like to be a theatre actor or to work in film
fashion models. I prefer working in btack and white.
and TV?
5 |often work in the country. l've got a lot of brushes A l'd prefer to work in the theatre than on TV or in films
and paints. I prefer watercotours to oils and
pes to portraits - l'm not very good at painting
Decause I think it's iting to perform live in front of
an audience. I think I could be a good actor because I'm
good at remembering lines.

126 1 n I can tatk about artistic professions and different types of art.
In pairs, talk about your favourite TV programme using
the types of TV show from the box. Why Oo you tike it?
5 study the Grammar box and check your answers to
Exercise 4.
caftoon chatshow documentary drama series
game show quiz show reatity TV sitcom
sketch show soap the news
Directspeech Reported speech
My favourite TV show is the soap Eastenders. /t,s on Present Simote
BBC 1 at eight o'cLockfour nights a week. (is/are - do/does) ) pastSimpte(was/were -did)
How Long rs each eDisode? Present Continuous
(an/are/is doing) + past Contin uous(was/were
2 look at the photo below. What kind of programme is Pfesent Perfect
(has/have done) I past perfect(had done)
Past Simpte (dld) + past perfect (had done)
will(willdo) r woutd (woutd do)
can (can do) r
coutd (could do)
Time expressions also change: yesterday>the day
before; the last tine > the time before; tomorrow > the
day after

Grammar Reference and practice > page lgl

Jenny has bad news for Pete. Watch

Southsiders Thursday at 8
i OUT!
I said that I didn't want to watch that show.
3 Read the report of what happened in the I told her/tan that I didn't want to watch that show.
ode and put the sentences betow in the
correct order. listen and check. Then in pairs, read the
conversation aloud.
6 5.26 listen to the rest of the conversation between
Jenny and Pete. Complete the description using
reported speech,
Did you see Southsiders tast night? tt was
gfeat. Jenny totd pete she was fed up and she
was leaving him because she didn,t love him

her too often. Then she said she hadn,t teft hirn
7 Report these quotes from Soufhsjders. Use tell if you
know who the speaker is tatking to.
before because she,d been sorry for him.

a n You're everything to me. This week's best lines from Soufhsiders

b E l'm fed up, pere.
c ntneedyou.
d n I'm leaving you because I don,t tove you anymofe.
e n You've always been the love of mv tife.
f n You've hurt me too often.
S I t didn't leave you before because I was sorry
for vou.
hn t'ttatways love you.
i !tcanchange.
j n t can't betieve it.
Reported speech listen to a conversation between Hayley
Then in pairs, report the conversation. Use
4 Read sentences 1-Z and answer questions a-b.
reported speech.
I ',t'm
fed uDI,
Hayley told Kev that ten ny ...
Z Jenny totd pete she was fed uo.
a Which is a quote and which is a report? 9 SPEAKING In pairs, report a conversation eitherfrom
your life or from a TV show that you watch. Use
b How is the verb form in the report different from the reported speech.
one in the ouote?

! I ca n use say, tetl and ask to report conversati ons. I27


In pairs, ask and answer the questions. In pairs, check you understand the hightighted words
I What are your three favourite instruments? and phrases below. Then complete the sentences with
2 Can you ptay an instrument? lf not, woutd you [ike to
the correct forms of the hightighted words from the
article. There are two extra words.
3 Have you ever performed in pubtic? lf so, whatwas it I
David has ptayed in pop groups and rock bands but he
tike? lf not, why not? started by ptaying in an
2 He sometimes plays hit songs but more often he _
Read theinformation in the Fact Box on page 129 and in ctassicaI music concerts.
answerthe questions. 3 The people in the _ at David's concefts are not iust
I Who is David Garrett? teenage fans; they are of a[[ ages.
2 What's the difference between a Stradivarius and 4 He ptays in _ and theatres more often than he
a Guadagniniviotin? plays in clubs.

Read the article quickty and choose the best answer.

5 As a _, David is the most imDortant musician in
any ctassicaI conceft.
What is the main pufpose of the text? 6 He _ for many hours every day.
a To exp[ain how David Gaffett got into the music
bus i n ess. 6 In pairs, use the vocabulary from this [esson and from
tesson 98 to tatk about the things below.
b To te[tthe story of a difficu[t moment in David's life.
t To summarise David's cafeer. I your favourite and least favourite kinds of muslc
d To compare the quatity of different viotins. 2 yourfavourite musicaI artists
3 the last time you saw a live musica[ peformance
4 Read the article again and choose the correct answers. 4 the best conceft you've ever seen
I Which of these things had David not done by the age I love all kinds of music, especially pop and electronic but
of eleven? I also like jazz and some classical music.
a ptayed the viotin in a concert
b become a soloist SPEAKING Prepare a short tatk about a time when you
lost something that was very important to you. Use
t started making records professiona[[y some of the prompts below to help you. Then tell your
d bought a viotin story to the class.
2 Which sentence is true?
a The first vio[in David bought was a Stradivarius. This happened when/after/before ...
White I was (crossing the road), | ...
b He had to wait fof years before he could ptay the
I had just... when ...
Guadag n in i.
l'd never fe[t so sad/shocked/surprised.
c He felt proud and happy when he'd paid forthe
He/She told me (itwasn'tthe end of the wortd.)
Guadagn in i.
He/She said (it had been an accident.)
d The Guadagniniwas a Christmas present. I didn't understand (how it had happened.)
Which of these was not a cause of the accident?
a the backpack he was wearing
b the weather 35 WATCI-i AND REFTECT Go to page 170. Watch the
documentary A star's in town and do the exercises.
t the fact David was in a hurry
d his shoes
How did David feeIjust after the accident?
a He wasn't worried.
b He was in great pain.
c He was so sad he cried.
d He didn't know whatto say.
After the accident, Davic
a had an argument with a good friend.
b had to borrow a lot of money.
c bought a second-hand viotin.
d broke another viotin.

o David Garett was born in Germanv in
1980. He is one of the mostfamoui
and talented violinists in the wortd.
He plays both ctassicat and pop music,
has performed with the wortd,s best
orchestfas and has recorded more
than twenty atbums.
. The ltatian Stradivarifamily made
viotins in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries. Today most
expefts consider Stradivarius violins
to be the best in the world. They are
very rafe and can be worth millions
of dottars.
o Giovanni Guadagnini was an
eighteenth-century viotin maker.
He may be the third gfeatest violin
maker in history.


David Garrett began playing the violin when he was

four. By the time he was seven, he was performing in He didn't get up immediately. His family rushed over
concerts. He was a soloist in an orchestra at nine. And and asked if he was alright. But at that moment, he
when he was eleven, he had already started recording didn't care if he was hurt. His only thought was the
s for a record company: their youngest-ever artist. violin. He'd landed with all his weight on the case,
For years he'd played a borrowed Stradivarius. He'd 3s which was light and comfortable but not strong. Before
he opened it, he knew the violin hadn't survived, but
tried many violins but had never found one he really
wanted to buy. However, after leaving college, he the damage was worse than he had imagined;the body
finally found the instrument he wanted. lt was a was completely broken.
1o beautiful violin made by Guadagnini in 1772. His sister was crying. But David didn't shout or cry, he
40 just stared. He was in shock.
The violin cost almost one million pounds. David had
to borrow the money, and for years every penny he After a while, he called a violin-expert friend and
earned went to pay for the violin. When he made the asked him to come. The exoert took one look at the
last payment in December 2007, he felt he'd become Guadagnini and said that the most important thing was
15 a real musician. The Guadagnini was his. He loved it that David was all right and that there would be other
as if they were in a relationship. Thatl not surprising +s violins in his life.
when you think that every day David spends more time
David felt as if he'd lost a friend. The repairs took seven
rehearsing with his violin than he does sleeping.
months and cost f60,000. Meanwhile, David played
Two weeks after buying the Guadagnini violin, he other violins, borrowed instruments that were excellent
20 played a Mendelssohn concerto at the Barbican but they never felt right.
concert hall with the London Philharmonic. His family
50 Then, one day his father called him up. He'd spoken to
were in the audience. They planned to have dinner
the owner of a beautiful Stradivarius, who wanted to
together before flying to Germany for Christmas.
sell it. David went to see it. He examined it carefully.
When David had finished his performance, he lovingly
Then he started to play. lt took him only three seconds
2s placed the violin in its case. Then he put the case on
to decide. That was the violin for him.
like a backpack and ran out of the theatre.

It had been a rainy day. The ground was wet. He was

ss David still plays the Guadagnini sometimes. lt will
always be close to him. Perhaps it even saved his life.
in a hurry and he was still wearing his concert shoes.
But now the Stradivarius is his one true love. He's
Suddenly, he slipped and fell all the way down the
bought a better case for it, of course, because he really
30 steps on his back.
doesn't want to break it.

n t can understand a factuat text and tatk about music. r LZ9


4 Study the Speaking box. Which expressions are not in

the conversationsT

SPEAKING I tntormat invitations

Making invitations
Do you want to ...7
Woutd you like to ...?
Do you fancy ...-ing?
How about...?

Accepting invitations
Sure, that sounds good/tike a good idea.
Yes, l'd love to. Where sha[[ we meet?
What a great ideal What time?
That's very kind ofyou, thanks.

Turning down invitations

No, thanks.
Thanks but...
No, l'm sorry, lcan't.
l'd love to but...
Thatsounds great/[ike a Iot of fun but...
Maybe some other time.
Giving reasons
I don't reatly fancy it, to be honest.
l'm not rea[[y into ...
It's not rny cup of tea.
I don't feeI tike "..-ing.
L Look at the photo, How do the two peopte feet? What l've got other plans.
do you think is happening? l've got to ...

pairs, use reported speech to report Johnny's message
to Keira. Keira calls Johnny? Watch or listen to part 5 and check.
)ohnny catLed Ketra and Left a rnessage. He said ...
6 3.32 Comptete the sentences with phrases from the
3 Speaking box. listen and check.
watch or [isten to Part 2 and follow the instructions. Johnnyr to the cinema this evening?
I Say what a) Leanne, b) Mum and c) DeLt invite Johnny Keira '_ but_, I can't. l'm going out with my
to c0. mum. Maybe t_.
2 Say what feasons he gives for turning them down. Johnny Yeah, sure.
3 In pairs, practise reading the conversations. Keira There's an exhibition at the Art Gattery. [...]
o_going on 5unday?
leanne l've gota spareticketforthe theatretonight. Do 5_ ._
you want to come? Johnny That a great idea. l'd
Johnny Thanks, Leanne, but I don't reatly fancy it, to be 7 5.rg pRoNuNctATtoN Read the information betow.
honest. lt's not my cup of tea. Anyway, I don't Then listen and repeat the questions with the correct
feet tike going out tonight. intonation.
Mum Wou[d you tike to go to the cinema with us this VliIh yes/no questions, our intonation often rises, e.g.
evening? Do you wantJto come?
Johnny No, l'm sorry, Mum. I can't. With r,rzh- questions, our intonation often fat|.s, e.g.
MumThere's a good fr[m on. Your dad says ... What's -} upl
Johnny Thatsounds great but l've got other ptans. 8 f n pairs, took at the What'son guide on page l9o. Make

Delt and respond to invitations using the tanguage from

Do you fancy coming to the concerttonight?
the Speaking box.
Johnny What conceft? Who's ptaying?
Nines. How about it?You Love rap.
A Da you fanry going to the ressionist exhibition at
the Modern Att Museum?
Johnny Thanks, DeLt, l'd love to but l've got to visit my
parents tonight.
B /Vo, thanks. /t's not realLy my cup af tea. How about ...

n t can make, accept and turn down invitations.
ACTION &ADVENTURE Bella Forrest Carol Ann Duffy
BIOGRAPHY The Gender Game TheWorld'sWife
The land is controlled by women in tbe East, men A collection of thirty poems by Britain's poet
in the West, Nineteen-year-oid Violet Bates must lau.eate, lt's f unr^y. sad, femirisr, lov,ng, ,rterl gent
cLASSTCS escape f rom her own nation. Then she will cross metaphorical. Many of life's experiences are ins de
the toxic river thai senarates tnese two worlds and this wonderful little book, Ninetv-six oaces of mixed
begin a dangerous journey into a forbidden land to emottons,
CRIME & MYSTERY flnd her younger brother.
Mayte Garcia
FANTASY Jane Austen The Most Beautiful: My Life with Prince
FICTION Pride and Prejudice Prince's ex-wife shares the story of her time w jth
This is a r1e.y of ,ove and life in the Eng'ish one of pop mus c's grearest cons, Read aoout how
countryside in the early 1800s, Mr Bennet is they met, their magical Valentine's Day wedding,
HORROR a husband and father who wants his flve daughters their musical collaboration and the heart-breakinc-r
to marry, but it is the women in his li'e that are really end of their special re at,onship.
in control in Jane Austen's most f amous novel.
James Fenimore Cooper
Joe Sugg The Deerslayer
Username: Evie We meet Cooper's famous hero Nathaniel Bumppo
ROMANCE Beautif ul colourful plctures tell the story of fortheflrsttime, He and hisfriend Harry mustsave
a teenager, Ev:e, and her escape nto another the lives of three people f .om rhe lroquo s Indrans
world - inside ner dead father's computer app, during the American wars of the 1740s, Enjoy
SHORT STORIES But just like in the real world, Evie soon discovers classic action and adventure at its very best,
that lifp isn't ner'ect anvr,rylgpg,

I Read the descriptions of books on a public [ibrary 4 3.36 [isten to the whole conversation again and
website and guess the category for each book. What choose the correct answers.
kind of books do you usua[[y/never read? I Btair is reading the novetbecause

2 t.34ln pairs, describe the photo. What do you think a it is too cotd outside to go cycling.
the people are talking about? listen to Part I ofthe b he must read it for his Engtish c[ass.
conversation and check. c he is giving a presentation next month.
Z Fearne says she doesn't [ike
a the style that the book is wf itten in.
b the first sentence ofthe novel.
c the picture on the book's front cover.
Fearne describes the author's style as
a imaginative. b difficutt to undefstand. c poetic.
Feafne is annoying B[air because
a her friend Jutie has gone shopp ing.
b she wants him to go out with her.
c she needs heto with her homework.
5 Btair agfees to
a read the next chaoter of his book to Fearne
b stop reading now and go to the park with Fearne.
c go out with Fearne when he finishes the chapter.

5 5.57 Dictation. You wi[[ hear Blair giving a report

on the book he read. listen once. Then listen again
3 3.35 listen to Part 2 ofthe conversation and tickthe and write down what you hear.
words you hear.
6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Te[[ your partner about one
of your favourite books. Use the vocabutary from the
tibrary website and from Exercise 5.
I realty enjoy f antasy fiction. My favourite author is ...

n I can understand a conversation about an interesting book and tatk about books. I 131

c- {a \o i{ll r J ^,
tr l-
rI c I v G0



Expressionists Go Pop The Pop Planet Festival The Three Wizards Turn 65
Modern Art Museum Millennium Centre Savoy Theatre
Expressionists went Pop and opened Nol as hot as it should be The magic has gone
my eyes
I was looking forward to the Pop lf you're a f antasy f an like me, if you
I've never been into modern art but Planet Festival last weekend, but it like the TheThree Wizards films
a f riend told me the Expressionists was a bit disappointing, I enjoyed and love the books, then please do
Go Pop exhibition at the MODAM Saturday. Ha Pi and Djarma were yourself a f avour and stay well away
was worth visiting, lt opens at absolutely brilliant and Kenny East from this dreadful play.The actors
10 a.m., so I got there early when it was quite good. But Sunday was try hard - Cliff Danson is quite good
was quiet and I must admit I loved a waste of time. Nikki Spike didn't as the bad-tempered ex-wizard who
it. I didn't like the pop art as much seem interested; she only sang for has lost his magic powers - but the
as the abstract expressionism and thirty minutes. And Doobeedoo was dialogues are dull, the plot is totally
obviously, some of the paintings are even worse, You could hardly see ridiculous and the whole thing goes
more impressive than others but him and the sound was absolutely on f or f ar too long - almost three
for the f irst time in my life I really awf ul, lf the PP festival comes to hours. Don't waste your time or your
understood what modern art is your town, get tickets for day one money, Just stay in and read the
about. Go and see it if vou can. but forget about day two. books again,

How do you find out if a book/fitm/play/TV series/ Look at the posters. In pairs, say which event you
exhibition/CD/concert is good or not? Discuss in pairs. woutd/wouldn't [ike to go and why.
In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Then use the
A l'd like to go ta the nusic festival berause I'm reaLly
into pop musit"
prompts below to ask and answer more questions.
B I wauldn't like to go ta the play berause I nn't stand
I What's the [ast fi[m you saw at the cinema? fanfasy"
2 Did you read a review before you saw it?
3 Was it as good as you had expected? Read the reviews and match them with the number of
stars you think the reviewer gave each event. Justify
Duy a CD go to a concert read a book your opinion.
see a fiLm atthe cinema see a play atthe theatre
visit an exhibition watch *-+r.","ir:l:q
a TV series
:t'**+1 A"


n I can write a review of a fi[m, TV series, book or exhibition.
5 Study the Writing box. Then find the expressions from Study l,l/atcfr out! Which adverb can you use with both
the box in the reviews. normaI and strong adjectives?

. Startwith a heading that indicates youf opinion and if NormaI adjectives Strong adjectives
possib[e, mark the number of stars (****
*) you think goo0 bri[tiant/awesome
the event deserves.
Da0 awfut/pathetic
. You can make some oersonatcomments:
sitty rid icu[ous
l'd never heard of ... before but...
friend totd me it was ...
funny h i[arious
I was looking forward to going to ... but ... interesting fascinating
l'm a big fan of ... surpfrsrng a mazrng
. Give some factuaLdetai[s:
sca ry terrifying
It's the group's third atbum. i We usua[[y modify normaIadjectives with the adverbs
The exhibition is on at... untit... : very, really or quite, and strong adjectives with the adverbs
i absolutely, really or total[y:
It opens at 10 a.m.
This is...'s second novel. 1 lt's very good.
You can listen to it for free on ... : tt's absolutely brilliant.
It's a murder mystery.
. Give your opinion:
7 Read the review and choose the correct adjectives.
Sometimes both adjectives are correct.
- positive comments: totatty bri[[iant, reatty good,
| loved it, I enjoyed it
- fifty-fifty comments: quite good, not bad, atright, 0K
- negative comments:absolutely awfu[, reatly bad,
very boring
- comparisons: not as good as, the best thing they've
done, I don't [ike it as much as ..., stightty better, even
. Justify your opinion:
It was a waste of money - the sound was terrible and
they only ptayed for forty minutes.
. Give recommendations: Hans'n'Grett - Ghannel 9
You should/shoutdn't ... ***** Horrifically good
It's worth ... -ing This show is absolutely lfascinating I interesting.
lrecommend it. The action takes place in Germany in 1930, Two
Go and see it. children get lost in a forest, Their friends and
Don't miss it. family try to find them but come across some very
Forget about it. 2amazing surprising things and some really 3scary
Don't waste your time or money on ... terrifing monsters, The actors are totally 4brilliant I
good, especially Sofia Yanquo as Grett, Some people
; say the plot is very sridicdous I sillybut lthink it's
really 6awesome I good. The dialogues are quite
Tfunny hilarious, too sometimes. I'm not usually
a big fan of German series, but this is one of the
best shows I've ever seen, Don't miss itl

In pairs, talk about artists, groups, TV shows, etc. that

you know. Use the adjectives and adverbs inWatch out!
A I saw the Lego Batman Movie last night.
B What's it like?
A lt's really funny. lt's totally brilliant. I loved it.

WRITING TASK Write a review of a fitm, TV series, book,

exhibition, etc. Use the Writing box and Watch out!to
help you.

REMEMBER MORE ::mryse_JJn)1kampzuza/
5.57 concert (n) /'konsat/
1 Add more words and phrases abstract artist (n) /,Fbstrekt 'o:hst/
conductor (n) /kan'dnkta/
from the word list to the
apprentice I n) /a'prentrsi
vocabulary maps. creative job (n) /kri,ertrv'd3ob/
art galtery (n) i 'crt ,gelari/
curtain (n) I'k:;tn/
authentic (adj ) i::'0entrk/
dance (v) /dorns/
bright (adj) /brart/
dancer (n) /'dornsa/
cheerful Ia dj ) /'tjrafal/
director (n) /dr'rekta/
claim (v) /klerm/
extra (n) /'ekstra/
colourful (a dj ) l'kalafal/
fashion model (n) i' n ,modl/
depressing Iadj) ldlpresrq/
fi [m/movie (n) lfrlm/'muvi/
drawing pad (n) /'dr:;rrl ped/
good/terrible at sth /'gud/'terabal ot ,s,rm0r4/
2 Complete the sentences with exhibition (n ) /,eksr'hrJan/
instrument (n
) /'rnstramant/
one word in each gap. Then expert (nJ /'eksp:rt/
check with the word [ist. light (n) /lail/
fi ngerprint (n) /'frqga,prrntl
1 The fitm is based a true
gtoomy (aOj)/qtu:mi/
lighting technician (n) /'lartrq tek,nrJan/
storY. tine (n) /larn/
2 The story is set_the imaginative Iadj) /r'mred:rnanv/
live performance (n) /,larv pa'f::mans,/
Middte Ages. irritating (adj ) /lrrterirq/
3 The action takes in
landscape (n) /'landskeip/
motel (n) rmao tel/
a smattvi[Lage. performer (n) /pa'f::ma/
4 l'm fed _ with supefhefo tocal (adj) /'laukal/
photographer (n ) lfa'toErafa/
movteS. modern art (n)i,modn 'ort/
play (n) /pler/
3 Find words for these definitions oil paint (n) i'rrl ,pernt/
play a part /,pler a 'po:tl
on the word [ist. original (adj) /a'rrd3rnal/
play instruments /,pler'rnstramants/
1 lt's a story which consists of paint (n, v) /pernt/
three books. t playwright (n) /'plerrartl
painting (n) l'perntrq/
2 He's the person something portrait (n) I'pr;tnt/
belongs to. o_ scary (adj) /'skeari/
remake In)/'ri:merk/
3 The peopte watching the sign (v) /sarn/
performance. a_ rock band In) /'rok bend/
thought-provoking (adj ) l'6rrt pra,vaukrq/
screenwriter (n) /'skriln,rarta/
4 Comptete the sentences with the thrift shop (n) /'enft Jopl
correct forms of the words from set in ,.. /'set rn .../
the box. Then check with the traffic accident In) /'trafrk,aksadant/
singer In ) /'srqa/
word tist. turn down /,t:ln 'daun1
songwriter (n) /'soq,rarte/
act aft compose pLay unsophisticated (a dj ) l,,rnsaTrstrkerted/
sound engineer (n) i'saund end3a,nra/

I My favourite _ is Emma
watercolour (n ) /'m:ta,kala/
speak clearly l,spi;k 'khalii
Watson. I tike atther roles. world-famous (adj) /,w:rld Termas/
stage (nJ /sterd3i
Z The greatest_ of classical yard sate (nJ /'lcrd serl/
music was Beethoven. stage manager In) /'sterd3 ,manrd3a/

3 My favourite _ is Frida
98UOCABUTARY 5.58 star (n) /stor/
Kahto. Her paintings are great.
act (v) /aktl stunt performer (n) /stant paTrrma,i
4 Wittiam Shakesoeare is the
most famous _ in history. actor In ) /'ekta/ take place /,terk 'pler/

artist (n) /'o:trst/ tell sb what to do /,tel ,snmbodi wDt ta 'dur/

audience ( n) /'rrdiansi theatre (n) /'0ratal
VOCABUTARY I woro famities
ballet (n) i'balerl tripod (n) I'trarpod/
A good way to learn new words
is to remernber them in word based on /'krerst r:n/
famities. For examp[e, it is easier 9C GRAMMAR AND UOCABU1ARY
btack and white adj /,blak and 'wart/
to memorise the words Derform 5.59
- petformance - perfotmer brush (n)/br,^,Ji be sorryforsb /,bi 'sori fa ,s.nmbodi/
together. Look at the word Iist camera operator (n) /'kamara,oparerta/ can't take it anymore /,ko:nt 'terk rt eni,m:t/
and find more words to create
word fami[ies. CD InJ/,sir 'di;/ cartoon (n)1ko:'turn/

chat show (n) l'tJaetfaui pop music In) l'pap ,mju:zrkl literary (adj ) /'htararii
documentary (n) i,dokja'mentari/ professionally (a dv) rpra'feJanalii (main) character (n) /[,mern] 'karakta/
drama series (n) /'dro:ma srari:z/ proud (adjJ lpravdl mystery (n) i'rnrstsri/
fed up adj /,fed 'np/ record (n)/'reb:d/ novel (n) i'novall
game show (n) 1'germ Jau/ record [v) i n'b:d/ (opening) line (n) /(,aupaniq) 'larn/

keep on doing sth./,ki:p on 'durrq ,s,rm0rq/ rehearse (v) /rr'h::s/ paragraph (n ) /'paragro;f/
make a decision. .mer( a dr'sr3an' repair(n) /ripea/ plot (n) iplptl
quiz show (n)i'kwvJaul rush over /,rrrt 'auva/ poetry [n) I'paatfl1

reatityTV In) /ri,alati tir 'vir/ save sb's life i,serv ,s,rmbadiz 'larf/ romance (n)/rau'mans/

run away /,r,rn a'werl shocked (adj) floktl science fiction (n) /,sarans 'frkfanl

say goodbye /,ser gud'bar/ slip (v) /shp/ short story (n) /,[rit'st]rril
sitcom (n)/'srtknmi soloist (n) /'saulaurst/ thriller (n)/'0nlal
sketch show (n) /skeiJJau/ stare (v) /stea/ titte In) /'taill/
soap opera/soap (n) /saup ,opara/saup/ talented (adj) /'talantrd/ tritogy (n) I'trilad3il
the news (n) l6a nju:zl viotin (n)/,vara'hn/ (writing) style (n) /['rartrr]J starl/
violin maker (n) /,varahn 'merKaT
viotinist (n) /,vara'lrnrstl
5"50 s.63
argument In ) /'o:gjamantl awfut (adj) /':fal/
be att right /,bi ttl 'rafil concession (n) /kan'selan/ be on i,bi 'onl
be in a hurry /,bi rn a 'h,trii deserve (v) ldr'zz:vl
fancy doing sth /,fansi 'du:rq ,sr,m0r4/
be in a relationship t,6; tn a rr'lerJanJrp, dialogue ( n) /'daralog/
feel like doing sth /,firl lark 'du:rr1 ,samOiq/
broken (a dj) l'braukanl do yourself a favour /,du ja,self a 'ferval
not my cup of tea /,nDt mar ,k,rp av 'ti:/
ca[[ up 7,krrl '.,rp/ event In) /fvent/
sounds good/great/like a good idea /,saundz
carefu[[y (adv) /'keafalil 'gud/'gren/,lark a ,gr:d ar'dre/ expect (v) /rk'spekt/

case In) /kers/ What's up? /,wots 'rpi expressionist In ) /rk'sprefanrst/

classical music (n) /,klasrkal 'mjurzrk/ fascinating (adj ) /'fasrnertrrl/
close to /'klaos ta/ heading In)/'hedrl,r
club (n)/klr,bi action (n) I'akfanl hitarious Iadj) /hr'leariasi
concert hall (n) /'konsat hr:l/ adventure (n) /ad'ventJa/ horrifi cally (adv) /ha'nfikli/

concerto (n ),tkan'tFltau/ annoy (v) /a'n)ri impressive (adj ) /rm'presrv/

damage (n) /'dremrd3/ author (n) /']:ea/ indicate (v) /lndrket/

electronic music (n) l,ehktrnnrk 'mjurrk/ beginning (n) /br' justify (v) /'d3,rstrfari

examine (v) /rE'zemrn/ biography (n) lbar'ogratil magic power (n) /,mad3rk 'paua/

fan (n) /fanl chapter (nJ itJapta/ mark (v) /mork/

hit song (n) l,hn'sorl/ children's book (n) i'tJrldranz buk/ monster (n) /'monsta/
in shock /,rn fok/ classic (n) /'klaesrk/ murder mystery (n) l,m:lda 'mrstari/
lovingty (adj ) /'lnviqli,/ comic (n)/'knmik/ music festival In ) /'mju:zrk,festaval/
meanwhile (adv) i'mi:nwarl/ cover(n)/'k\va/ pathetic Iadj ) /pa'€ehk/

music business (n) /'mjurzrk ,irrznesl crime story (n) /'krarm ,slr:ril personaI comment ( n] /,p:lsanal'l<oment/

orchestra (n) i '::krstrai fantasy (n) /'fantasi/ ridiculous (adj) /rr'drkjalast

owner(n) launa/ fiction (n) /TrkJan/ stay in /,ster 'rn/
payment (nJi'permant/ graphic novel (n) /,grefik 'nnval/ staywellawayfrom /,stei wel a'wer fram/
penny (n) l'peni/ hero (n) t'hrarou/ terrifying (adj) /'tenfanq/
perform (v) /pa'f::m/ historical Iadj ) /hr'stonkai/ totally (adv) i 'tautli/
performance (n ) /paYr:mansy horror story (n) /'hora ,sb:ril try hard /,trar 'hordi
pop group In) /'pr:p gru:p/ humour (n) /'hju:ma/ watch a TVseries /,rvntf a,tir'vir,srarilzT'

VOCABUTARY ANB GRAMMAR 4 Rewrite the sentences with absolutely, really ot totally
and strong adjectives.
L comptete the tabl.e with the words from the box. Then
1 The film is very bad.
think of more words for each category.
Ihe film ls absolufely terrjble.
cartoon chitdren's documentary fantasy 2 The ptot is very sitty.
game show instrument [andscape poetry soLoist
3 The actors are very good.
viotin watercotour
4 Some of the diatogues are quite funny.
Visuat art M usic TV shows Lite ratu re
5 The ending is quite surprising.
5 The monster is very scary.
Drusnes t...
7 The music is quite interesting.
5 Complete the sentences with the correctforms of the
z Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. verbs in brackets, Use the Past Perfect where possibte.
1 Di Jones' latest noveL is a bestseller / chapter / plot. IA few months after she (retire), my gran
2 5he wrrtes in a ctear, simpte paragraph / sentence / _ (take up) painting.
style that is easy to understand. 2 _(not hear) of Banksy untit t_ (see)
3 The main author /
character /tltle is a sixteen-Vear-otd a documentary about him.
genius who wants to save the world. 3 By the time l_ (teave) school , t_ (atready/
4 lt's great from the opening cover / fiction /llne to the win) two art competitions.
enc. 4 Dad _ (wake) up once the fitm _ (finish).
5 Sid Vokes is a guitarist in a rock band / ctub / orchestra. 5 |_ (onty/have) my guitar for six months when
5 Sid's group has juslperformed /recorded /rehearsed l_ Uoin) a pop group.
a new atDUm.
7 They're going to play a concert / performance /ticketin 6 Rewrite the sentences using reported speech and the
New York. verbs say or fell.
8 They'd Love to have a fan / hit / pop song. I 'l've never met anyone as beautifulas you.'
(Phitto Mandy)
3 Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs Fhil tald Mandy fhat he had never met anyane as
from the box. There is one extra verb. bEautlful as her.

be change go perform paint p{ay read

2 'l can see them and they're fighting in the street!'
see visit waste watch
3 'We've got a probtem and we don't know what to do.'
(Ametie to Ratph)
4 'l didn't kitt her, I wasn't there yestelday, l'm innocent.'
5 'l think you're sweet but I won't go out with you.'
(Jemma to Jutes)

7 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

STR EGY I open croze

When deciding which word to use to complete the gaps,
[ook at the words before and after the gaps. They wiLt give
you ctues about what sort of word you are Looking for.

I saw the first episode of a new drama 1 on TV

last night. lt's set 2_the future, in the year 2099.
It's based t_ a novel by an American science-
Vanessa is a reatcuLture vutture. She's never [earned to fiction o-. Most of the action ._ place on an
r an instrument, she can't2_ a picture and she's island in the Caribbean. None of the actors are big
nevef 3_ in public but she o_abig fan of art, but they're very good. The actor who prays
5_ "-
music, dance and theatre. She every review, she the 7_ of the hero is fantastic. I knew | 8
6_tickets for every Live perfolmance, she t_to seen him in something before but I couldn't
classica I m usic concerts every weekend. But Va nessa remember where. But then my brother told me he
doesn't like popular culture. She prefers to 8_
a ptay "_on TV last year in a comedy sketch t0_
at the theatre or to e an exhibition than to Channel 9.
'o_ hel time and money on cinema tickets or pop
concerts. And she nevef TV.

8 Read the text on the right and answer the questions.
am joined his first group when he was still at schoor.
I Since then he'd played hundreds of gigs in all sorts of venues
STRATEGY I open-enoed questions from tiny clubs to huge concert halls. He,d been a professional
Inshort answer questions, you shoutd musician for nine years. But he'd never played to such a small
word or words that answer the questi tong audience before. The organisers had said they were expecting
answefs with unnecessary words, you itt be a big crowd but as Tam looked out from behind the curtain. he
coffect, but it witttake [onger to write. saw the entire audience could fit comfortablv into a small car.
There were four people in the theatre
I When did Tam begin to earn money from music?
ntne years ago Tam spoke to the other group members: drummer, Hank, and
2 What was unusuatabout the concert in the text? . He said that maybe there were only four people
5 How many people were there in Tam,s group? ey'd all bought tickets. He added that you always
4 What two reasons did Tam give for performing wet[? the best show you could because you never knew
who might be in the audience. Then he smiled and picked up his
9 Read the extract from a TV magazine at the bottom of guitar. 'Come on, boys,' he shouted. ,Let,s rockl,
the page and complete the notes betow with l-3 words
in each gap.
STR EGY I Notes compretion
L0 tn pairs, role play the situation below. Then change
When you aie completing sentences, use kev woros rotes and do the task again.
, to [ook for information and grammaticat ctu-es ro Student A
decide what kind of word is needed. Check that the Your new friend (Student B) wants to go out somewhere
. incomplete sentence with your answer inserteo with you. He/She has phoned you to arrange the
makes sense and is grarnmatica[[y correct. Reac meeting.
, through a[[ your answeis before going on to the next . Say hetlo.
section. . Tufn down the invitation and give a reason.

1 This is the
. Suggest another p[ace.
in this series of Starfinder. . Ask where and when to meet.
2 There are severatways for the winner .Agree to meet and rinq off.
of Starfinder.
3 Carol K[ein Student B
for her documentarv fi[m
Finding Fane. You are Student A's new friend. you want to go out
4 Three -- Tam Mclean wasn,tfamous.
somewhere with him/her, phone Student A and make
some suggestions.
5 We won't know any of at the Brit . Hi, (name). Do you fancy going to a rock concert/the
Awalds before eteven o'ctock.
cinema/a dance show with me?
6 After today you wi[[ be abte to see of . 0K. Good idea.
Ihe Business. . 5hall we meet outside the schoot at six o,clock?
7 Haytey Jones aims to show young peop[e what c 0K, Great. See you later.
is reatlv Iike.

7 Music Night otn

11 neaO the task below and write a review.
The editor of the schooImagazine asks you to write
a review of a culturaI event you attended recently. The
peopte invotved in the event are youf friends. Write the
most positive review you can.
7.00 p.m. Stadinder
It's the final at last! There can only be one winner. Who,s 10.00 p.m. The Brit Awards Live
it going to be? The decision is yours. Remember you can It's British music's biggest night. Andi and Derek go
vote with Channel 9's special app, on Facebook or via backstage from ten o'clock, and then from eleven you can
mobile and text. find out who has won all the prizes this year. Tam Mclean
8.00 p.m. Tam McLean: Finding Fame was last year's big winner but this year, who knows?

Carol Klein's prize-wlnning documentary tells the story of 12a,m. The Business
Tam Mclean's amazing journey to success. In just three Don't miss the first episode in this three-part investigation.
years, a little-known guitarist and singer from Glasgow Hayley Jones shines a light on the dark side of live music,
became an Oscar-winning songwriter, a Hollywood actor recording studios and record contracts and shows vouno
and one of the world's biggest rock stars. people how to survive in the music business.
GRAMMAR The passive (Present 5impte, Past Simp[e and Present Perfect), the second
conditionaL Use of English > page t8B
SPEAKTNG Asking for and giving advice
WRlflNG A story

Holmes is the most famous detective in fiction.

L)He was created in 1887 by British author Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle, who wrote four novels and fifty-six short An illu$ation olshellock Homes
ftom 1904
stories involving Holmes and his partner, Doctor Watson. Since then over rzo authors
have written Sherlock Holmes stories. The London detective has also starred in more
than zoo films and has been played by over seventy actors. There have been Sherlock
theatre and radio plays, TV series, childrent cartoons, comics and video games. Even
the word'Sherlock' is used for someone who makes brilliant deductions.

But Sherlock wasnt the first fictional detective. That honour belongs to Edgar Allan
Poet creation C. Auguste Dupin. Holmes'first case, 'A Study in Scarlet,'wasnt
written until forty-six years after Poe's r84r story'The Murders in the Idue MorEre'. In
fact, Dupin was created before the word'detective' even existed.

Another inspiration might be Maximilien Heller. It is not known if Doyle read this r8p
novel by Henry Cauvain, but like Holmes, Heller was a brilliant private detective who tamous Blitisn
Basil nambone as me
used science and logic to find clues and solve crimes; he smoked a pipe and loved cats, nm
detectiYe in a 1939
and, like Holmes', his adventures were narrated by a doctor. Was Holmes based on
Heller? Perhaps. Make your own deductions.

In pairs, answer the questions below. Then [ook at

the photos and captions and check your answers to
questions 2 a-c.
RoDefl DoutneY fI' as
I Have you ever read a Sherlock Holmes story or seen
fude l.aul as DI
Shertock in a fi[m, TV pfogfamme or video game? lf so,
what did you think of it?
2 What do you know about Sherlock Holmes?
Make collocations re]ated to crime using a verb from
a What nationaLity is he?
box A and a noun from box B. Then in pairs, write
b In which city does he live and work? sentences with the co[tocations.
c What's the name of the man he works with?
A afrest break commit find interview make
2 Read the text. Then in pairs, answer the questions. reoort solve
I Who wrote the Sher[ock HoLmes stories?
Z When can we caL[ someone 'Sherlock'? B a clue a crime (x3) a criminaI a deduction
a witness the law
3 Who was the first frctionaIdetective?
4 What are the simi[arities between Sher[ock Ho[mes The palice couldn't find any clues, sa they called a private
and Maximi[ien HeLtef? detective.

The passive 7 4.I Comptete the sentences with the correct
passive forms of the verbs in brackets. Then [isten to
4 Look at the pairs of sentences 1-3 and answer
check and to answer questions 3,4 and7.
questions a-c below.
I Present Simpte

Active: Peopte use the word 'shertock'fol someone who I The novels (write) in a clear, easy-to-read
makes deductions.
Passive: The word'Sherlock'is used (by peopte)for
2 Mma Ramotswe (describe) as'traditiona[[y
someone who makes deductions.
3 Where (the novels/set)Z

Active: Arthur Conan Doyle created Shertock Ho[mes. Present Perfect

Passive: Sherlock Hotmes was created bv Arthur Conan

4 How many novels (pubtish) so far?
Doyte. 5 More than 25 nitlion copies _ (selt).
3 5 The series (not make) into a fitm but it
(a da pt) for tetevision.
Active: Over seventy actors have ptayed Shertock
Ho[mes. Past Simple
Passive: Shertock Ho[mes has been ptayed by over 7 When _ (the TV series/produce)?
sevenry actofs. 8 Seven episodes (make) for the firsr season.
a Do both sentences in each oair have the same 9 A second season (ptan) but it_ (never/
mea ning? fitm).
b What is more important in active sentences - what
8 Rewrite the sentences in the passive beginning with
someone does ol who does it? the words given.
c What is more important in passive sentences - what
I The potice have never arrested me.
someone does or who does it?
l've never been arrested.
5 Find more examples of the passive in the text. How 2 Detective stories fascinate me.
do we form the passive in these tenses? Study the t'm
Grammar box and check your answers.
Someone stole some things from my bag.
a the Present 5imote Some things
b the Past Simp[e In my opinion, they don't punish criminats enough.
c the Present Peifect In my opinion, criminats
5 They haven't shown the new series of Sherlock on TV
The new series ofSherlock
We use the passive when the action is more important
than the peopte who do it. We often use the word by
before the person who does the action.
I SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer questions about the
passive sentences in Exercise 8.
We form the passive with the verb to be and the past A Have you ever been arrested?
participte: B A/0, of cours enot. Are yau fascinated by detective stories?
Some crimes are not sotved by the potice.
(Present SimpLe)
Why were they arrested (by the potice)? (Past Simpte) 37 Read the question and watch the video. Use
A man has been attacked by a pack of dogs. the prompts below to say what the speakers answer.
(Pfesent Perfect) Then in pairs, ask and answer the question.
What's the best book that has ever been written?
Grammar Reference and Practice > page l8Z
a murder mystery (title not mentioned) Catcher in the Rye
The Master and Margarita The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
6 In pairs, choose the correct forms to complete the
1 Some peop[e betieve I are believed that Sher[ock
Holmes was a reatpefson.
2 Hotmes' adventures narrate I are narrated bv his friend
and flatmate Dt Watson.
3 Sherlock Holmes Lived I was lived aI221B Baker Street.
4 Hotmes employed I was empLoyed by many ctients,
inctudin g Scottand Yard.
5 Mitlions of peopLe have visited I have beenvisltedthe
Sherlock Hotmes museum in Baker Street,
6 Holmes kiLLed I was kilLed by his enemy tVoriarty in the
story'The FinaI Probtem'.

n I can use the Dassive. I39

SPEAKING In groups, ask and answer the questions.
I How big a problem is crime where you tive?
2 Arethefe any p[aces in yourtown whereyou don,t
feelit's safe to watk at night?

2 Match the crimes in the first column of the tabte with

the photos. There is one type of crime which matches
severaI photos.

Crime Action Criminal

n assautt attack attacker

D burgtary

n hacking
n murder
n pickpocketing
n bank robbery
n shoptifting
n tneft

3 In pairs, study tr,t/atch outf and comptete the tabte in

Exercise 2. Use a dictionary to help you.

i OUT!
You rob a pefson or ptace, but you sfeal something from
a person 0r place:
They robbed a bank. They stole a lot of money (from the
l've been robbed. My money has been stolen.

4 Check you understand the hightighted words. Then

complete the sentences with words from the tabte in
Exercise 2.
I A breaks into your home and _ your
th ings. After a _ you r home doesn,t feeIthe sa me
Z A_ uses a computef to steaIinformation.
a problem for individuals, companies and
governments. 5 Complete the questions with words from the table in
Exercise 2. Then in pairs, ask and answer the questions.
5 | was the victim of _. I was beaten up outside
_. Now l,m afraid to go
a disco. I didn't know my
out. l'm worried someone might_ me again.
4 A few years ago a _ was committed in
ourvi[[age - young man was kitted. The potice
a Are you a if you download a song without
paying for it?
suspected many people, but the _ was
never caugnt. 2 ls it_ if you puttyour brother's/sister,s hair?
5_ isvery common on the underground. you
3 Are you a _ if you take ZOp from a friend's
shou[d be very carefulwhere you keep your watlet or pocket as a joke?
purse or a _ might steat it.
ls it- if you'borrow'a T-shirtfrom vour
brother/sister and never give it back?
Are you a _ if you change a friend,s photo on
his/her Facebook page?
7 Some people say that _ is a crime with no victims ls it_ if you eat a sweetfrom an open packer
but when _ steat, shops lose money and prices go in a suDermarket?
up, so we're at[ victims.

140 t n t can tatk about crime and criminals.

ln pairs, tatt auoutttr" r;;;r".s vou tike the most/
I What are theif costumes [ike?
2 What superpowefs do theY have?
3 Which suDerhero movies have you seen? What did you
think of them?

ln pairs, complete the sentences with the words from

the box. Use a dictionary to help you'

crime fighters justice system prison save

vigilantes villains violent
I The opposite of 'guiltY' is
2 NotattsuDerheroes are-; some ofthem are bad
5 Another word for bad guYs is
4 Potice officers, lawyers and judges work in the
5 -.
are peopte who take the law into their own
hands. They are often
lf you bFeak the [aw, you might end uP in
7 The emergencyservices pfotect us ffom crime and
_ us from danger. -'

4.2 Listen to a radio programme and choose the

correct answers.
I Gitessaysthatsuperheroes
a are more popular in movies than in comics.
4 Listen to the news item about this real-tife
b tend to be popu[ar when society has probtems. ero and comPlete the notes.
c are less poputar now than they were in the 1930s.
2 Which of these does Gites NOT mention to exptain why
peopte [ike superheroes? i nton'
o ?orer ftaYhur $ fro M)N
a They have good personatity characteristics.
dka'knillff Naffior
b They are physica[[y attractive. l2gycars old
c They can do things that normaI people can't.
3 What reason does he give for the poputarity of
. Norl< as da-
suoerhero fitms? .1egan $qffiing uiucs-
a Modern technotogY. dg0
b You can watch them on computers. , Al uclblack lYcra costuuc'
c They are a chance to escape from real [ife' C2St:+
4 What, according to Tara, is the problem with . tougF cri^e wtthhis
su Derhetoes? -
a They take the law into their own hands. '
b They make the Potice took bad.
ui rit o a ka' Knight lAa i

, Attackcd in Clifton, hit

c They sometimes attack innocent peopte.
5 The crime fighterfrom Manchester
in tltc'-, baollY hurt

a reatly betieved he was a supernefo.

b spent a lot of money every night.
c was attacked. SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions'
6 In this radio programme the speakers Justify your answers.
a review a superhero fi[m. I Which superpowet(s) woutd you tike to have?
b tatk about their favourite superhefoes' 2 Are superhero comic books and fitms relevantto our
c discuss suDerheroes and society. Iives?
3 Are reat-tife superheroes fantastic or ridicutous?
4 ls vigilante justice ever necessary?

6 What shoutd you do/not do if you see

a crime or an emergency? Discuss in groups.

E t can identify the speaker's point of view and understand the key points in a radio programme and tatk about superheroes. 1
fhese situations?
1 lf I sow on old womon steoling some biscuits from
o shop, I would ,.,
o inform the store detective,
b look owoy ond not do onything.
c do something else,
2 tt on ormed thief tried to rob me. I would ,..
o hond over my money ond then coll the police. 5 Study the Grammar box and Watch outl and check your
b shout for help ond run owoy. answers to Exercise 4.
c do something else.
3 lf I sow o mon ottocking o womon on o troin, I would ,..
o tolk to the mon to convince him to stop
b look owoy ond not do onything, We use the second conditionaI to ta[k about:
c do something else. . things that are untikety or impossibte to happen in the
4 lf t found o cose with 9500,000 in it, I woulo ... futule (fantasies, unreaI p[ans):
o toke it to the oolice. lf lwon the lottery, l'd buy a helicopter. (but I atmost
b stort spending it immediotely. certain[y won't win the tottery)
c do something else, . unreaIsituations in the oresent:
What would you do if you were me7 (butyou'Te not me)

Thele ale two oails to a sentence in the second

co nditiona [:
The condition The result
lf + Past Simp[e, would + infinitive
]. look atthe photo atthe top ofthe page and read
lf I saw a burgtary, I wculd call the potice.
the questionnaire. Which question does the photo
correspond to? Grammar Reference and Practice > page 182

Z 4.4 listen to a conversation and say which

answers leo and Donna give to the questions in the
questionnaire. ' OUT!
t z 3 + : With the second conditionat, we often use il/ere instead of
Leo C
: vvas after l, he, she and lt, especiatty in written English or
, formaIsituations:
Donna , I would go to the police if I werc you.
': lf itweren't so dangerous, l'd do tt.
3 Do the questionnaire in pairs. check your results on
page 191.
6 Complete the chain of sentences with the correct tense
of the verbs in brackets. Then in pairs, make other
The second conditionaI chains from the sentence beginnings below.
4 Look at sentences 1-2 and answer questions a-e I someone
lf (attack) me, | _(run) away.
below. _
lf you (run) away, the attacker _
I Donna: ,lwould yo u.
take itto the oo[ice. lf the attacker_(chase)me, | ...
2 Leo: l'd ask peopLe for food if I was desoerate.
2 lf I needed a Lot of money very quickty, ...
a ls it orobabte that Donna wittfind a case with 5 lf I heard a suspicious noise in my house Late at night, ...
f 500,000 in it? 4 lf I was poor and hungry, ...
b ls Leo desoerate?
c Do the under[ined clauses describe reaLor unreaI 7 4.5 listen and write the questions. Then in pairs,
situ ations? ask and answer the questions.
d Which tense is used after lf in these sentences?
e Which verb is used before the infinitive in the other
8 SPEAKING Write more questions for the questionnaire
above. Then in pairs, ask and answer your questions.
oart ofthe sentence?

IaZ 1 n I can use the second conditional to tatk about hypotheticat situations.

In pairs, describe the photo. Who do you think the

people are and what is happening?
A I think the girlhas committed a crime.
B No, I don't agree. tthink...

decide if statements l-6 are true or false.

f n The police officer is questioning Katy about
a cflme.
! raty comptains about the poor tighting in her
D Xaty wants advice on how to avoid beinq a crrme
t n Someone stote Katy's bag recently.
5n The potice officer doesn't recommend using pub[ic
tfa nsport.
6! Atthe end of the interview, the potice officer
doesn't fo[[ow her own advice.

3 4.7 Study the Speaking box and complete the

sentences with L-3 words in each gap. Listen and 4 Match each probtem t -4 with two pieces of advice a-h.
check. Then in pairs, use the phrases from the Speaking box to
I you
Have on whai I coutd do to feetsafer? ask for and give advice.
2 Listen, it's to walk at night on youf r n n think ny computer has been hacked.
0wn. Z n n Three houses in my street have been burgLed.
5 _
Could you give me 7
3 tr ! Some footbatl hootigans are acting violently.
4 Have you any ideas
rroPPqililrg rnrinT
how to stop that 4 n fl My friend was attacked in the street just
because she looks different.
5| it's a good idea to Leave your bag
a Check your bank account.
6 to keep your bag here.
b Don't try to be a hero.

7 And leave your phone on the tabte.

t Get an a[arm put in.

8 l've been robbed twice. I do?

d InstaL[ a new anti-virus,

9 | don't think _ stop taking pubtic

e Lock your doors and ctose the windows at night.

tfa nsDo ft. f Run away as fast as you can.

10 lt's a to keep your bag in front of you. g Start a campaign for toterance on sociaL media.
ll And of course, you be vigitant. h Te[[ herto go to the poLice.
A I think my computer has been hacked.What should l do?
SPEAKING I ntkns forand sivins advice B lf lwere you,l'd ...

Asking for advice 4.8 PRoNUNCIATION listen and repeat the words
below. Be carefuI not to pronounce the [etters in red.
Whatshou[d ldo?
tould you give me some advice? answef bomb friend foreign guitty honestty knife
Have you any ideas on how to (+ infinitive) . .?
knowledge listen should walk what yJfong
Have you any tips on what I coutd do ...?
4.9 PRONUIUCNATION Say the sentences. Then listen
Giving advice and check.
lf I were you, l'd ... I Potice officers are ca[m when they ta[k,
| (don't) think you shoutd ... 2 There's no doubtthat she's unconscious.
You shoutd/shouldn't ... 3 Coutd you fasten youf seat be[t, pLease?
(ldon'tthinkJ it's a good idea to ... 4 | don't know what to write on the sign.
It's better Inot)t0... 5 The burgLars didn't [ook in the cupboard.
Why don't you (+ infinitive) ...?
In groups, ask for and give advice for these situations.
I I found out that my best friend is a shoptifter. I to[d her
to stoD but she won't.
2 My tittte brother is a buLty. He doesn't understand it's
wfong to be agglessive.
3 l'm thinking of joining the po[ice force.

n I can ask for and give advice about crime prevention. 1 Ia3

L In pairs, took at the photo on page 1,45. You are going 6 Read the story again and choose the correct answers to
to read a story involving the two people. What do you questions 2-5.
think it witt be about?
2 John tetts Robin that
Choose the correct words to comptete the sentences, a he enjoys buying modern gadgets.
I The burglar/ potice tookthe valuabte diamondsfrom b he doesn't actua[[y have much money.
the jewet[er's shop window. t he has never been in trouble for his crimes.
2 A man was arrested / burgted yesterday for starting 3 Robin informs lohn that
fires in suoermarkets. a her husband stote from her.
3 An originatpainting by Picasso has been caught/ b she tied to her husband.
stolen from a gatlery in Stockholm. c her husband is quite rich.
4 The man had the perfect alibi / suspect - he was on 4 Robin totd John that she couldn't be oart of tne
hotiday in Spain at the time. robbery because
5 There was a prison / robbery yesterday in the bank on a the potice woutd know that she did it.
the high street. b she had to be in London atthattime.
6 Afteryou enterthe buitding, you have ten secondsto c she was afraid of the oolice.
turn off the burgtar atarm / thief.
5 There was no robbery ofthe country house because
7 The newsagent nextto my house has been robbed /
a John couldn't find the right house.
sto[en three times this year.
b there were people at home in the house.
8 The detective wants to question / steat a dark-haired
woman in herthifties. c thefe was nothing in the house to stea[.

The hightighted words from Exercise Z are used in the REFI-ECT I Vatues ln groups of three, ask and answerthe
story on page 145. Read the question in Exercise I
again. Do you want to change your answer now? t Did Robin do a good thing or a bad thing? Say why.
2 ls it ever right to stea[?
4 Read the story quickty. In pairs, say what it is about.
Did you find the ending surprising?

Study Active Reading and choose the correct answer documentary fhe mystery of the missing arf and do
to question 1. Use the underlined key words to hetp the exercises.
you. Then say which words from the story hetped you
answerthe question.
I We learn that John's home
a had a good
b was in a very exoensive oart of town.
c had a very [arqe and comfortab[e balconv.

ACTIVE READING I rinoins specific information

. Read the text quicktyto getthe main idea of what it is
o Read each question carefully and find the key words
in it.
. Look for the key words or simitar ideas in the texr.
. Read before and after the key words to find the answer Reprcduced by permission ofThe Henry Moore Foundation

to the question.


was sitting in a caf6 bythe riverwhen he noticed a beautiful
lohn lytl uch later: Robin told him that she knew a house he should
J young woman. He smiled at her. She smiled back. Before long | | burgle. 'l was cheated by my ex-husband,' she said. 'He's a
they were talking. Her name was Robin. John invited her home to lawyer and when we divorced, he took everything and I was left
see the view. with nothing.' She explained that he owned a lovely house in Devon
in the middle of nowhere with no neighbours. 'He's out of the
It was a luxury flat in an exclusive neighbourhood. He showed
country right now. There's no one in the house. lt\ full of valuable
her round. She was impressed. There were so many beautiful,
'lf I were rich, l'd live in a place things. The backdoor is broken. I'd go in there if I were you.'
expensive things. llke this,' she said,
looking out over the riven They talked for hours, planning the robbery. She couldn't take part
because if she did, she would be the flrst suspect. The police would
She stayed for dinner: After they'd eaten, they sat on the balcony.
question her. She needed an alibi, so she had to stay in London. He
i i,l 'What do you do?' she asked. 'Are you a banker?' agreed to go alone and to split everything fifty-fifty. She gave him the
address and directions. lt was a three-hour drive. He said he would
John smiled and shook his head. 'No, I've never worked
do it the next day.
a day in my life,' he boasted, 'but I've got the most up-to-date
phone, the fastest computer, the best W that has ever been made, It was a long drive and the weather was awful butJohn followed the
some priceless paintings and ...'He paused to sip his drink. 'l directions carefully. Finally, he arrived at the house. lt was all lit up in
haven't paid a penny for any of them.' his van's headlights. But it couldn't be the right place. This house was
a ruin. He double checked the directions and drove around the area
She stared.
to see if there was another house. There wasn't. There was nothins
'l've stolen them all.' to do but to drive back to London.
Hcr mnr rth fcll nnan
He arrlved just as the sun was coming up. He felt exhausted. He
'l'm a burglar.' turned the key in the lock and opened the door. When the burglar
alarm didn't ring, he knew something was wrong. He stepped
'Have you ever been caught?'she asked.
inside. 'l don't believe it,' he said to himself. 'l've been robbed.'The
'No, I'm a very careful thiefl' he explained. 'l've never been to prison flat was empty. Everything had gone: the computen the W, the
and I've never been arrested.' paintings, even the furniture. On the floor was a handwritten note.
He picked it up.

'How does it feel?' it read. lt was sisned Robin Hood.


Malyk acted friendly so the man would trust him. When they
got to Laval, he invited them to a restaurant. After a while, he
A called the police.
The man had kidnapped the woman, who was his ex-
In August 2015, a seventeen-year-old Canadian called Malyk girlfriend. He was arrested and charged with assault and
Bonnet was waiting at a bus stop in Montreal when ne saw kidnapping. Malyk told reporters he never felt afraid because
a man shouting at a woman. At first, Malyk just watched the guy was really tiny. The cops were so impressed they
them, but then he began to worry the man might become collected money to pay Malyk for the bus tickets and food.
violent, so he went up and said hello. The man asked him for
money for the bus to Laval. Malyk lave it to him Are yau an eyerliday fierol 0r fiave you heard af one?
Later, the woman told Malyk the man wouldn't let her go Write in and fe,l as yaw stsries abouf heroes wfic
home. She seemed frightened. Malyk wanted to help her, so
stapped rrimes.
he decided to take the same bus as them. During the journey

friend got the beffier of a Durglar

This 1 just after Christmas. My friend Fatima had just got
home 2_ she saw a man in the living room. He 3_ all the
family's electronics in a large bag.o_, Fatima didn't react, but c f sfopped an assauff on a blind bay
then she took out her phone. However, t_ she could call the 1_ | was sitting on the steps with some
police, the burglar grabbed her phone and ran away. She had no time friends when we heard shoutin€. 2_ The
to call the police, u_ she decided to go afterhim.7_ she school bully, Dale Willis, a seventeen-
was following him, she told people the man had robbed her house year-old giant who's in twelfth grade like
but nobody wanted to help her.8_, she saw a police officer and mer was attacking this blind boy from
told her what had happened. The officer stopped the burglar and tenth grade. t_ So I held his arm and
asked him to open the bag, n_ he refused and tried to run away. told him to stop. 4_ Then he went on to
Fortunately, he was caught almost immediately. The man 10_ over bully the blind kid. I was furious. s_
E3,000 worth of electronics, including Fatima's phone. Later, Fatima I wanted to punch him on the nose but
tt_ by reporters. 'l know it was dangerous,' she rz_, ,but
I didn't want to be like him. 6 | felt bad
couldn't let him take our things, especially my phone., about pushing Dale, but I had to stop him.
AIly, Gloucester, England Kyle, }hio, USA

r46 I gcan wiite e tfue oi"invented starv,

l-ook at the photo and read the introduction to the Complete gaps 1-6 in story C with sentences A-F
articte. What kind of story do you think it tetts? below.
2 Read story A and check your answer to Exercise 1. Then
A After that, a[[ the other kids started cheering.
answer the questions betow. B Atthough Date's much bigger than me, I pushed him
so hard that he fe[[ over.
I What was IValyk's first reaction when he saw the man
C we didn't bother about it, but then we watked
At first,
shouting at the woman?
ovef to see what was happening.
2 Why did he decide to ta[k to them?
D He said'Get [ost, punkl'and hit me.
3 What was Ma[yk's ptan to hetp the woman?
E l'd nevei had any problems with Da[e before, but
4 What did the poLice do?
I was shocked that he was butlying a younger boy

3 Study the Writing box. In pairs, find phrases in Matyk's who coutdn't even see.
story which match each piece of advice in the box. F lt was the [ast day of schooI before the hotidays.

6 SPEAKING In pairs, discuss the three stories and answer

WRITING I R'to,y the questions about Matyk, Fatima and Kyte.
. Say when it happened: I Who was the most fesDonsible?
This happened tast week/just before Christmas. 2 Who did the right thing?
It was about three months ago. 3 Who took the biggest risk?
o Say where it haDpened: 4 Woutd you do the same thing if you were in tne same
We were at home. s ituation?
I was in a shop,
. Give some background. Use the past perfect and the past
7 SP In groups, discuss cases ofeveryday heroes
yo from your life orfrom the news.
l'd decided to buy a pair of jeans.
I was waiting to pay when ...
. Say what happened. Use the past Simp[e, direct speech
away, sa ne ,..

and/or reported speech : 8 Write a story with the prompts below.

A man took my purse and ran away. I ran after him.
He said, 'Bark off'./He totd me to back off.
March / Sprague, Washington, age friends /
ptaying in a park/heard som q/a man
Say how you (or other peopte) fett: running with a two-year-old
Iwas so angry. eight-year-o[d girlrunning after him / babvsitter had
5he seemed surprised. teft kids atone in park / teenagers chased man / man
He felt [ike crying. dropped boy, kept running / teens checked baby 0K, kept
. Connectyouf sentences: chasing / man got away / teens TV interview.
Atfirst,... butthen...
WRITING TASK Write a true or invented story about an
when/white/as soon as/right after that/tater everyday hero. Use the Writing box to hetp you.
a few days before that/just beforelihe day before
so/so that/and/but/because/a tthou g h

4 Read story B and complete it with the words and

phrases from the box.

At first before but Eventuatly had stoLen

said so was interuiewed was putting
5,64 get away with /,get a'wer wrd/
I Complete the tabte with words arrest a criminal /a,rest a 'krrmanal/
give sth back /,grv ,snmOrq 'bak/
from the word [ist.
break the law /,brerk da 'l::/
go uP /,gau '^pl
Crimes Peopte case In] /kers/
hack (v) /haekl
muT0ef ctue (n) /khr;i
hacker In ) /'heka/
commit/report/solve a crime /ka,mrt/rr,p:rtl,solv
2 hacking In)/'hakrrj/
thief a'krarm/
individual ( n) /,rndi'vrdgual/
copy (n) i'kopi/
shoptifting t jewellery (n) /'d3urelri/
creation (n) /kri'erJan/
joke In, v) 7d3auk/
deduction (n) /dr'dnkJan/
burgtar kilt (v) /krll
enemy (n) /'enami/

episode (nJ /'episaud/

kitler In)/'krla/

Match the two parts of the fascinate (v) /'fesrnert/

murder (n, v) /'m:rdal
collocations. Then check with the
fascinated (adj) /Tasrnertrd/
murderer (n) l'mr:dare/
word [ist.
pickpocket (n, v) /'prk,pr:knl
I commit a ! a criminaI fi ctionat (adj) /'frkJanel/
2 fasten b E your head find a clue /,farnd a 'klu;/
pickpocketing (n) /'prk,ppkrtr[/

3 alrest c n your seat bett honour (n) /'onal

pull sb's hair /,pi;l ,snmbndiz 'nes7
4 shake d n a crime purse In) /p::s/
illustration (n ) /,rla'streiJan/
3 Find the things on the word tist inspiration (n) /,rnsplre4en/ rob (v) /robr
that thieves can stea[. shoplift (v) lJpp,lfil
interview a witness/a criminal l,rntavjul a
1 _ (e.9. rings, bracelets, Wrtnas/a 'knnrrnal/ shoplifter (n) lTop,hfta/
logic (n) l'lod3tkl
2 _(money, notes, coins) shoplift ing (n) /Iop,hftrl/

3 _[something men usualty make a deduction /,merk a dr'd,rkJan/ steal (v) /sti:l/
keep rnoney and credit cards narrate (v) lna'relt/ suspect (n) / srspekt/
pipe (n) lparp/ suspect (v) lsa'spel<t/
4 _(something women
usuatty keep money and credit plivate detective (n) /,prarvat dr'tel(trvl theft (n) /oeft/
cards in) punish (v) /'pnnrl/ thief (n)/0i:fl

4 Comptete the sentences that radio play In) /'rerdiau pler/ victim (n)/'vrktrm/
robbers might say during season (n) /'sirzan/ watlet (n) /lvoltl
a robbery. Then check with the
word list. series In) I'srcri:zl
1 Hand _your money, bags similarity (n) /,srrna'lareti/
and mobi[e ohones. 5.66
solve (v) /solv/
anti-sociaI behaviour (n) i,antisaufa! blhervja/
Z Keepan_onthedoorand star in sth l'sto:r rn_ ,snmOrq/
make sure no one leaves ol break up /,breik ',tpl
c0mes In. witness In) /'wrtnas/
characteristic (n) i,kankta'nstrk/
3 Don't smile _the camerasl
computer graphics (n) /kam'pju:ta ,gftefrksi
4 Do you think the potice witL lOB UOCABUIARY 5.55
find it was us? assault (n) /a'sr:ltl costume InJ i'kostjum/

crime fighter In] i 'krarm ,farta/

5 Do the task betow. attack (n, v) /a'taek/

Describe your favourite superhero attacker (n) /a'teka/ digitat (adj) /'drd3rrli
of gfoup of superheroes. What bank robber (n) l'beqk ,rnbal emergencyservices (nl A,rn:ld5ansi's::vrsrzi
kind of superpowers do they
bank robbery In) i 'ber;k ,robari/ end up /,end 'np/
have? Write down the types of
crime that they cou[d siop in your beat up l,bi:t 'api escape (v) /lskerp/
hometown. guilty (adj) /'grltii
break into /,b'rerk 'rnta/

burglar (n) /'b::glai hit (v) /hrt/

burglary (n) /'b:rglari/ innocent (adj ) /'rnasant/

burgle (v) /U:rgai/ invisible (adj ) /rn'vrzrbaj/

cash (n) /kaI/ lawyer (n)/'l>:ja/

judge (n) lgr'gl get a lift /,9et a 'hft/ smile back at /,smarl 'bak et/
justice system (n) /'d3,nstas ,srstam/ honestly (adv) l'pnrstli/ split (v) Aplrt/
patrol (v) /pa'traul/ hooligan (n) /'hurirganl step (vJ /step/
physically ( a dv ) /' f tztkli / keep an eye on /,ki:p an'ar nnl take pan in /,terk 'port rnl
police officer (n) /pa'li;s ,ofesai knowledge (n)/'nolrd/ turn the key in the lock l,t;:n da kir rn da 'lok/
popularity ( n) /,popja'larati/ lock Iv) /lnkl up-to-date (adj) /,np ta'dert /
prison (n) I'prrzanl mugger (n) /'mnga/ valuable (adj ) /'vaeljabal/

responsibte (a dj ) /n'sponsrbal/ on your own /,nn jar 'auni view (n) /vju:/
review Iv) irr'vjurl prevent (v) /prr'vent/

save (v) /seryi pu blic transport

(n ) /,prbhk 'transpr:t/
back off /,bak 'of/
special effects (n) l,spelal a'fekts/ question (v) /'kwestJanl
blind (adj) lblatndl
superhero (n) /'surpa hrarau/ tolerance (n) /'tolarans/
butty (n, v) /'buli/
suPerPower (n) l'surpa,paua/ unconscious Iadj ) /nn'konjas/
charge sb with sth (vl /tJord3 ,snmbodi wrd
terrorism (n) /'terarrzam/ vigitant (adj ) /'vrd3alant/
unemployment (n) /,,rnrm'plrrmant/ violently (adv) /'varalantli/ cheer (v) /tfra/
vigilante (n) /,vrdla'lenti/ cop (n) /kop/
villain (n)/'vrlan/
electronics (n ) /r,lek'trnnrksl
viotent (a dl ) i 'varalant/ everyday (adj ) /'evrider/
atibi (n) /'alrbai/

back door (n) /,bek 'd:r/ feeI afraid /,fi:l a'f rerd/
batcony (n)/'belkanil feel like doing sth /,firl laik 'durrq ,snmOrq/
armed (adj) /armd1
banker (n) /'beqkal furious Iadj ) /Tjuarias/
callthe police /,k::l da pa'li:s/
before long /br,frr 'loqi grab (v) /greb/
catch (v) ikatll
boast (v) /beust/ grade (n) /grerd/
cruel Iadj) /'krurel/
burglaralarm (n) /'br:gla a,lorm/ heroic (adj) /hr'raurk/
desperate (adj ) /'desparrt/
cheat [v) /tJi:t/ kidnap (v) /'krdnap/
do the right thing /,dur 0a ,rafi '0rr;/
dark-haired Iadj) /,do:k 'heao/ kidnapping (n) /'krdnaeprq/
ethics (n) /'eOrks/
directions ( n ) /dara'rekJanz/ ordinary (adj ) /'r;danari/
hand over /,hand 'a<;va/
divorce (v) /dr'vrrs/ punch (v) /p.rnU/
honest (adj) /'onrst/
double check (v) /,d,rbal 'tJek/ punk(n)/pn4k/
inform (vl ln'ft:ml
lookaway/lookthe otherway /,luk a'wer/,luk di drive In] /drary/ push (v) /put
,nda'wer/ exclusive (adj ) /rk'sklursrv/ reaction (n) /ri'ekJan/

lottery (n) /'lotari/ ex-husband (n) /,eks'hubandl refuse (v) /rrfiurz/

obeythe law /ao,ber da'br/ fal[ open /,f:rl 'aupan/ reporter In) lrr'plta/
passenger I n) / pasrnd5a/ fifty-fi fty (adv) /,fftiTrfti/ risk (n) /rrsk/
poor (adj) /pr:/ handwritten (adj ) /,hand'rtn/ scream (v) /skri:ml
questionnaire (n ) /,kwestja'nea/ headtight (n) /'hedlart/ shocked (adj),{okt/

shout for help /Jaot fa 'help/ impressed (adj ) /rm'presti take a risk /,terk a 'rusk/

suspicious (adj ) /sa'spiJasi in the middle of nowhere / rn da ,mrdl ev

lOE SPEAKING 5.58 jewetler ( n) /'d3urala/
alarm (n) la'k:;ml
out of the country /,aut av ds 'k.^ntrii
anti-virus (n) /'enti'vara-ras/
pause (v) /pr;zi
bankaccount In) /'baqk a,kaunt/
priceless (adj ) /'prarslas/
bomb (n)/bomi
shake your head /Jerk ja 'hed/
campaign (n) /kam'pern/
show round lJau 'raund/
doubt (n) /daut/
sip (v) /srp/
fasten your seat belt /,forsan ja 'si;tbelt/

VOCABI..! LARY AN D GRAM MAR 4 complete the text with the correct passive forms of the
verbs in brackets.
L Compl.ete the definitions of these people.
I Av is a bad person who breaks the [aw. The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
2 A potice o_ is someone who catches criminats
The FBI is the most important law enforcement agency
and usuatty weafs a uniform.
in the US.
5 A s_ is a fictionaIcharacter with speciaL powefs.
4 A private d_ is someone who is paid to sotve Where | 2 (the FB|/locate)
cf tmes. In Washington, D.C.
5 A j_ is someone who decides how criminaLs are
When 2_? (iVform)
oun ished.
In 1908. Originally it '_ (call) the Bureau of
6 A v_ is someone who is harmed by a crime or an
Investigation, but it 4_ (know) as the FBI since
accident. '1935.
7 A b_ someone who breaks into a buitding to
steaI things. Some interesting facts
8 s_A is someone who takes things from shops . Crimes that 5- (investigate) by the FBI include
without paying.
kidnapping, drug tratficking and terrorism.
9 An armed t_ is someone who uses a knife or qun
to rob peopl.e. ' Over 35,000 people "_ (employ) by the FBl.
l0 t_
A is someone who tries to prove if someone is r Since 1935 many films 7_ (make) about FBI
innocent or guitty.
Z Comptete the sentences with the correct forms of the . One FBI file about a possible UFO sighting'_
verbs from the box. (read) over a million times.

beat break hand make report take
I The oo[ice him with vioLent assault and
5 Use the prompts betow to write sentences in the
second conditionat.
2 ls it atways wrong to _ the taw?
3 'Helto, 911? I'd tike to _ an emefgency.'
1 | / not dothat/ if I I I you
lwouldn't da that if lwere you.
4 They_ into your house through a window. 2 lf / he / not steaIthe money / he / not be / in prison
5'_overthe moneyl'shoutedthe bankrobber. 3 lf / the wortd / perfect / we / not need / the potice
6 In the end, Sherlock Hotmes _ another bri[[iant 4 | / be terrified I if lIhaI/ happen to me
7 'What happened?' 'Someone _ me up and stote
5 you / ca[t/ the poLice / if / you I loselyour cat?
my phone.' 6 How / your parents / react I if I you / tettthem 1 you I
want / be a poLice officer?
8 Superheroes and vigilantes both _ the [aw into
their own hands. 6 Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words
3 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 That bank has been attacked / robbed / stolen twice
I A dog attacked a chitd in the parkyesterday.
this year. A chi[d

2 0h nolThey've burgled /robbed /stolen attmy 2 | don't know who stole your phone so I can't tetl you.
va[uabLe things. rfl
3 The potice found an important case / clue / crime in 3 My tittte brother is not a superhero so he doesn't fight
his house. cf tme.
He was found guilty / innocent / suspicious and sent lf my tittLe brother
to prison. 4 Peopte [augh at you because you wear a mask and a
Do the police know who arrested / connitted / si[[y costume.
suspected the crime? lf you
The burg[ar alarn / alibi /assault didn't ring, so we 5 Someone has broken into mv home.
we[en't abte to prevent the burgLary. My home
The potice caught / chased / punched the crimina[s Sometimes peop|.e catt the poLice for no good Teason.
through the streets.
Sometimes the potice
I was aggfessive / furious / heroic when my computer
was hacked.

; l-,
USE OF ENGLISH 3 You wi[ hear two peopte taiking about iil,egat
down[oading. They agree that
7 Choose the correct words a-d to complete the text. a everybody does it.
b it's wrong to do it.
STRATEGY I nruttipte choice cloze t it's hard to stoo it.
4 You wi[[ heartwo friends tatking about someone who
Remember that the word you choose must fit was sent to prison. The girtthinks
grammaticalty into the sentence and must also have the
a the oerson was innocent of the crime.
c0ffect meanrng.
b the ounishment was too strict.

Yesterday policel- called to an address in Newton High c the punishment wasn't strict enough.
Street. Local resident, Kyle Tate 2- the police officer 5 You wi[[ hear someone reporting a crime. Which crime
he could hear a woman. She was :- 'Help!' again and has been committed?
again. 'Maybe she's been a-,' said Mr Tate. 'l wouldn't a muf0ef
call the police if I s- think it was serious,' he added. The b vandatisrn
officer decided to 6 He searched the building and c burglary
7 a few minutes he found the woman and 8 the 6 You wilL hear two friends tatking about a TV crime
crime. The woman was shouting 'Helpl' because she was series calted Crimewave. They agree that it's
looking e-
her pet. lt was a cat 10- name is 'Help'. a very goo0.
b extremety rea[istic.
I aare bhave c they d were c a bit boring.
2 aasked bhad r said d totd
3 acatl bcatted c caller d catting SPEAKING
4 ahacked bkidnapped c murdered d stolen
9 In pairs, discuss the question. Use the arguments
5 adon't bdidn't c wasn't d woutdn't
below to hetp you.
6 aarrest binvestigate c protect d punish
ShouLd we punish criminats or help them? What do you
7 aafter bbefore c during d for
8 afound bmade c reported d solved
Student A
9 aat bfor rin dout
For helping criminats:
10 athat bwhich t who d whose
. Criminals do not become better peop[e in prison.
o TheV can become usefuI members of society.
. Peopte who commit crimes are often poor and
TISTEIUING n0mete55.
Student B
8 You are going to hear six short recordings. Against hetping criminals:
Read questions 1-6 and the possible answers.
Then [isten and choose the correct answer for each
. Criminats know that crime is wrong but they choose to
recording. commit it.
r TheV wit[ commit more crimes if we don't punish
STR EGY I Muttipte choice task . [rimina[s must pay for breaking the Law.

Be suspicious of the answers which sound or Lookvery

simi[ar to the information in the recording. They are often WRITING
wiong. Something related to each option wi[tbe in the
recording, but onty one option wi[[ answer the question 10 write a story beginning with this sentence.
correcil.y. 5he turned to me and said, 'lf I were you, l'd cat[ the
I You witL hear peopte who have just come back from
a party. What does the woman N0T advise the man
to do?
a buy a new pair of boots
b buy a new costume
c lose some weight
2 woman who works in a nursery school.
You wi[L hear a
How did she feel after the potice investigated?
a worried
b embarrassed
4 In pairs, discuss the situations below. Which things are
OK and not OK to do?
1 You share some interesting photos you found ontine
on youf sociaImedia account.
2 In youf schoolessay, you quote some fragments from
an interesting artic[e you found online. You do not say
where the fragments come from.
3 You are working on a presentation for a History class.
\nthe presentat\on, you use c[\ps {tom {amous
4 You write a post for a book ctub forum. In the post
you copy [arge fragments from a famous nineteenth-
century horror noveI Dracula.
5 Together with your ctassmates, you made a funny
video as part of a schooI project. In the frtm you play
the latest pop hits. You think the video is great and
woutd tike to up[oad it to YouTube to earn some
money from ads if possibLe.

Read the text on page 153 and complete the advice

below with the words from the box.

copyright Iicence resources schoot


In pairs, discuss the questions. . ls this Fair Use?

I When was the last time you used photos, videos or Under fair use, you don't need permission to
use a 1 of copyright materiaLs
text fragments from the Internet? How did you use
them? forz work.
2 Do you think the peopLe who created these resources
wou[d aLtow you to use them? Say why.
3 How woutd you feel if someone used your work and
didn't tettyou about it?

z In pairs, read the definition below. Why do you think

people break the copyright [aw?

topyright is a law which says that a creator
or she cleates, for exampte a photo'
tne'work he
. pi.,. of music or a written text' This meanscopy'
permission to
other peopl'e have to ask for
work' Search for pubtic Search for
share or perform any part of that domain Creative
PubLic dornain Commons
works are no longer A Creative Comrnons
4.IZ [isten to three artists talking about copyright. protected bya- ,
Match artists 1-5 with statements A-D. There is one so you can use them howyou can use
extra statement. in any wayyou want. someone s work.
This soeaker
An expects to receive money for attof his/her creative . Always citeyour u _- give credit to
WOTK. the authors.
g n tets everybody use his/her work for free.
C n stresses the importance of saying who created 6 In pairs, read the situations in Exercise 4 again. Do you
a oiece of work. want to change any of your answers now?
D n explains how he/she uses other people's work.

/ DEBATE In groups, discuss the questions. Use the
arguments below to help you.
Imagine you've just got a new school assignment: you What are the pros and cons of copyright? Shoutd we hal'e
have to prepare a project or a presentation. You will the right to use other people's work available online for
probably want to use some photos, music files, artwork, free?
videos, or fragments of literary works from the Internet. For copyright:
But what about copyright laws? Do you have to ask the . Thanks to copyright, aftists can make money from the
people who created these works for permission? As it
wof k they cfeate
turns out, you can legally draw from online resources . Copyflght encoufages peop[e to be creative and
as long as you follow some rules.
in novative.
t+\il? trliE , Against copyright:
Sometimes it's acceptable to copy a sma1l amount of someone's . lt's impoftant that everyone has flee access to works
work without asking the copyright ov,ner for permission, but of culture.
it can only be used in certain ways An example of fair use is . Copyfight Laws are not up-to-date: they do not reatly
when students and teachers use copyrighted materials in the work in a digitatwofld.
classroom for educational purposes For example, you can use
images from the web for a Geography presentation, include 8 Read the guidelines and look at the quote and the
15 a quote from a novel 1n your essay or copy the lyrics of an
image. Then tick the guidelines which have been used
English song for a language class. Howevet you cannot play
forthe sources betow.
songs or movies at school if it's just for entertainment. Also, Citing your sources
remember that it is never fair to use someone's creative work When Listing your digitatsources, include the fottowing
without permission in order l"o make money. information:
But what if you want to upload your academic work online for n the author
the whole world to see? In most cases, you cannot distribute n the titte of the worr<
copyright materials outside of school So first of all, think about n the type of medium (e.g. ontine image, video,
creating your own media for the project: maybe you can take podcast)
some photos or make a video clip. In fact, this may be a great n the date when it was created or Dosted
25 opportunity to show your talent and skills. If that isn't possible, n the organisation which pubtished the information
use public domain or open licensed materials. n tne uRL addfess
n the date when you accessed the information D0MA|N
If something is public domain, it belongs to all people in Polonius What do you read, my [ord? !

general, so you can use it without breaking any laws. As a rule, Hamlet Words, words, words.
any work becomes public domain after copyright has ended (Wittiam Shakespeare, Hanlet)
(in many countries, it's seventy years after the creator's death)
The works of Shakespeare and Mozart fit into this category 5ou rces:
for instance. Also, official documents, facts, ideas, film and . Hamlet, Wikiquote (Last modifred 5 Jan 2018),
book titles are in the public domain. You can easily find
https://en.wi ki a m Let,
such materials online, for example on Wikimedia Commons
.rrrpsspd lr Anril 201 R
or various govemment websites, such as NASA or the
Metropolitan Museum of Art. . C[audio Divizia, 'Statue of Shakespeare in
Leicester 5q ua re', Ion Li ne i na ge], Sh utterstock,
cRti t\fti coMMoNli https://www. s h utterstock. co m/ima g e- p h oto/
Some authors and artists make their work 'open'- they statue-wi|.[ia m-sha kespea re-yea r-1874-
want others to reuse their work without having to ask [eicester-54705139, accessed 4 Aprit 2018
for permission. They use a licence which is a set of rules
explaining how you may use the work created by someone I Do the task betow.
else. For example, it explains if it's OK to adapt the work,
share it with others or if you have to mention the author. 8"6FfrS fiLtSlFroieet
One example of a popular free copyright licence is offered
by an organisation called Creative Commons. You can use Prepafe one of the fotlowing: a short presentation, a poster,
45 the search tool on their website to look for pictures, music an essay, a btog entry, a meme, a song remix or a video clip.
and videos that you can legally use. Choose a topic you find interesting. In your project:

Finally, when you work on any school assignment,

. useyouTown media (a picture, piece of music, shorttext)
remember to make a list of all the books, websites, images . use some media from public domain or [icensed under
or articles that you used. Include a bibliography in your Creative Commons
work and give credit to the authors: say who took the . incLude a bibtiography and cite attyour sources
pictures or where your quotes come from. In this way, you
show respect to the people who created them.

In 1960, there were about twenty-five universities in Btitain have a better reputation than others. thoosing the university
and on[y about five percent of eighteen-yearoLds went that is right for you is very important. For this reason, most
to university. Today the situation is very different - there students in B rita in choose to stu dy fa t f rom their hometown
afe mofe than a hundred unrversities and more than thitty (onty twenty-two percent of students live with their parents).
pefcent of eighteen-year-otds get a place at university.
Students in the first year of university typicatty tive in
Young peopte usuaILy start choosing their unrversity and university accommodation ca[[ed 'ha[s of residence'.
the subject they want to study at the staft of the Last year i5 Students have to share a kitchen and bathroom with three to
of secondary schoot. Most universities organise 'open days' five other students, but every student has a 'study bedroom'
for pupiLs, where they can speak to students and staff and where he/she can study or sLeep. In the second and third
10 decide ifthe university is the right ptace for them. Many yeaTs, it's poputar to rent a flat or house with friends. For
foreign students atso decide to study in Britain - about some peopLe, thrs is one of the bestthings about being
twenty pefcent of students in the UK are from abroad. Some a studentl
universities ask candidates to come for an interview oI an
Studying at university is often very differentto Leatning at
exam. A-LeveL exam resuLts are important too because you
schoo[. Lectures are the most common type of teaching -
15 can Lose your pLace at university if your resutts are bad.
sometimes there are more than a hundled students in the
Students can choose from hundreds of university courses. room at one time. But students atso spend a Lot of time doing
In 2014, the most popular coufses were Medicine, Law, 45 'private study'- reading and making notes in the [ibrary or at
Psychotogy, Art/Design and Computer Science. There are also home. Most students go to university for thlee or four years to
many differenttypes of university. Perhaps the mostfamous get a Bachetor's degree. About ten pelcent of students dlop
are the'historic'ones, which began in the Middte Ages, such out (they leave university without finishing their course).
as 0xford, Ca mbridge a nd Edinburgh.'City universities' are
Studying in Britain is very expensive these days. Students
usuaLLy in the centre of Large towns and cities - examples
have to pay the university for their teaching each year
are Birmingham, BristoL, Manchester and the coILeges of (usuaLty more than f 9,000 a year). You aLso have to add
the University of London. There are aLso newer'campus
to this the cost of tiving (about f 12,000 a year). lt's not
:5 universities,'such as Sussex, Kent and Warwick, where
surprising that many students work part-time or during the
atLthe buitdings are together, usua[Ly in the countryside.
hoLidays, and most graduates (students with a degree) have
Some univelsitres are smaLL and ftiendLy; others have tens
55 [arge debts.
of thousands of students. And of course, some universities

3:i Sussex University, an example of a modern

'campus university'. The university is in the
countryside, not far from Brighton.
1 ln pairs, took at the Fact Box and answer the questions. 5 ln pairs, answer the questions.
1 How oid are chitdren in England when they stait 1 Are you ptanning to study at univetsity? What subject
primary school? How o[d are they when they start wou[d you tike to study?
secondary schoot? 2 What do you thinkthe advantages and disadvantages
2 What are A-leve[s? of studying at a city university are, compared to
3 In which ways is the schootsystem the same/different a campus university in the countryside? Use photos 2
in your country? and 3 to hetp you.

ta 6 4.I4 listen to Sam and Sion tatking about their lives

at university and complete the table. Did they mention
any of your ideas from question 2 in Exercise 5?
. In Britain, education is now computsory for a[[ chi[dren
and young peopte between the ages offive and Sion
e ig hteen. Name of York l-N.*;.ttl.
Chitdren go to primary schoolfor six years. Then they u n iversity
start secondary schoot. t\/no nT
Most chi[dren stay at the same secondary schooIfor rrnivpr<itrr
seven yeafs, but some young people prefer to study at
a co[[ege for their [ast two years.
. In Year 13, pupi[s who want to go to university take Adva nta g es . quiet, peaceful . exciting
| I

. feel safe I . good for

exams catted A-leve[s, usuat[y in three or four subjects.

':'Scotland and Northern lreland have different school systems.

Z Read the text quickty and decide what these numbers

refer to.
/t's the number of universities in 1960. Disadvantages
2 30%
3 20o/o

4 22o/o

s r00/o 7 REFTECT I Culture In groups, answer the questions.

Read the text again and decide if statements 1-6 are

I Do many peopLe in your country continue in education
after seconda ry schoo[?
true or false.
2 What's the otdest/most famous university in your
I n Most eighteen-year-otds in Britain go to university. country? Which universities do you think have the best
2n Young peop[e usuatty choose their university reputation?
before they finish schoo[. 3 Which coufses are fashionab[e/popu[ar in your
3n The mostfamous universities are also some of the country at the moment?
oLdest. 4 Are studies expensive in your country? Do many
4n Not many peopte go to university in their students tive with their parents?
hometown. 5 Do you think students in your country have a different
s I students often have to share a bedioom. Lifestvte to students in Britain?
o n tt typically costs more than f 20,000 a year
attogetherto live as a student.
4 In pairs, look at the hightighted words and phrases
from the text and explain their meaning.
open day - a day when secondary school pupils can speak
to the students and staff of a universitv

compulsory - required by law or a ru[e
debt - a sum of money that someone owes
staff - the people who work for an organisation
Fabio Gabbani cornes from
C Atl right?'
Italy and is studying When I started university, I was surprised at how often
Economics at Brunel people in my group asked me Att right?'when they saw
University London. Here's me. I felt very lucky to have such caring friends who
his guide to some of the were atways asking if I was OK! I often used to answer by
strange words and telting them what was happening in my tife, good and bad.
phrases a visitor But I quickly learned that All right?'is just another way
to Britain will of saying'Hi' or'Hello.'The 'correct'way to answer isn't to
definitety hear a lot. talk about your problems - you should simpty shout back
All right, matel' ('mate' or 'bruv' mean 'friend', by the way.)
You also often hear'Hiya' or even 'Yo!'instead of 'Hi.'

A 'Sorry'
In most countries, people say sorry when they've
done something wrong and it's their fautt. British
people seem to use the word 'sorry' all the time! If
you drop something, a British person will say, 'Sorry,
I think you dropped something.' If you phone the
wrong number, the other person will say, 'Sorry,
I think you've got the wrong number.' When I first
came here, I often asked myself, 'Why are they
saying sorry to me? It's not their fautt!' I realise now
that the British don't like conftict with people they
don't know, so they think it helps to say'sorry' a lot.
In fact, 'sorry' is a typically British way to start
tatking to a stranger (like'Excuse me').
D 'Cheers!'
Sometimes when you watch fitms in English, you hear
actors say 'Cheers' ('Your good health'), usually before
they have a drink. But 'Cheers' is another word that young
British people say very often - it's a popular way to say
'Thanks.' People also sometimes say'Ta!' or'Nice one!' to
mean 'Thank you' in informal situations. No wonder people
say the Brits are hard to understand!

sorryto intcrruPtt
but i(s a bit louo{.

B A bit'
Like 'sorry,' 'a bit' is another thing British
people say a lot. 'It's a bit cotd!' 'The film was
a bit long.' 'The party was a bit boring.' A
dictionary tells you that 'a bit'means 'a little,'
but British people often use this expression
to politely criticise. So, if someone says your
conversation is 'a bit loud,' it probably means
it's too loud and you should be quieter.
In pairs, answer the questions.
E 'What happened to the summer?'
'lt's too hot!' 'Will this rain end ever end?' 'What
I Look at the dictionary definition. Do you often use
cottoquia[ [anguagez
happened to the summer?' 'Nice weather for
ducks!'These are some of the fascinating sqlrlsrquioal lka'laukwrcll adj used in everyday,
conversations I have when I meet my neighbours informa I co nversatio n: colloquial language/phrases
on the street. When I first came here, I was
rurprised that everyone wants to talk about 2 What are the best ways of Learning coltoquiaI Engtish?
the weather. But now I know why. Firstly, the Which ones do you use? Use the prompts below or
weather really does change a lot from day to day. vour own ideas.
Secondly, British people talk about the weather
British TV pfogfammes British films British vtoggers
because it's a good way to be friendly without contact with British people
asking personal questions. By the way, the visiting an Engtish-speaking country
'correct'way to answer when someone comments
on the weather - and you agree - is to say'I z Do you know what these colloquial words and phrases
mean? Read the article quickly and check your ideas,
know!' in a happy voice.
ta Yo! a bit (toud) mate

Read the article again and decide if statements 1-7 are

true or false.
I ! British peopte onty say'sory'when they've done
something wfong
2n Peopte often say'sofry'to begin a conversation.
3! British peopte sometimes use'a bit'to make
a potite comptaint.
rr E when someone says 'A[[ right?', he or she is asking
about your prob[ems.
Sn Voung peopte onLy say'cheefs' in the pub.
5n lt is friendty to tatk about the weather.
7n lt can be upsetting to say'no'to a British person.
4 In pairs, decide which words best describe the British
from Fabio's description. Say why.

diplomatic formaI friendty informaI poLite rude


5 4.76ln pairs, reptace the underlined words with

another word or phrase to make them more 'British.'
listen and check.
F 'Very interesting' I Excuse me, lthink you're sitting in my seat.5orry,
In most countries in the world, it's a good thing 2 l'm too co[d.
to say clearly and honestly what you think. In
3 Hetlo, Danl
Britain, this can be shocking or even a sign of
4 Youf poem is disaopointino.
bad character. Most British people don't tike to
say'No' or that something is 'bad.'They prefer 6 REFTECT I Cutture In groups, answer the questions.
to use 'diplomatic'language because they think I How many ways can you say'Hi' or'thank you' in
your [anguage? ls there a difference between what
it will be less upsetting for the other person.
youngef and otder peopte say?
So, if a British friend says your photographs are
'quite good' or the new song you've written is 2 Do peopte in your country often talk about the
weather to theif neighbours? What are poputar topics
'interesting,' they're probably telling you politely
of conversation when oeoole make 'smat[ tatk'?
that they don't think it's very good! 3 British peopte try to use 'dip[omatic' [anguage when
they comptain or criticise. ls this a good thing in your
GTOSSARY opinion? ls it simitar in your country?
fautt - a mistake for which you afe to b[ame 4 What co[[oquiatwords/phrases wou[d be usefulto
no wonder - used to say that you afe not surplised a visitor to youf country?
by something
upset - unhappy because something unpteasant
h:< h:nnonpd
stranger - someone that you don't know 1s7
Look at the photos and read the first paragraph of the
text on page 159. What do you think the extract is fCH OUT!
about? The informaIwords and ohrases from Exercise 5 are
2 sometimes used in spoken and informaIwritten Engtish.
@+n [isten to two students tatking about the
extract and answer the questions. a shortform of is not/are not,'and'gonna'of
f Why did the boy have difficuLty understanding the text? 'going to.'Even though they're in fact ungrammatica[,
a 2 they're common in some diaLects and song [yrics.
What did the girLthink the extract was about2
. ln spoken conversations, Engtish speakers sometimes
3 What did the boy think the extfact was about?
tend to omit or change some sounds e.g. change the -ng
3 Read the rest of the text and decide if statements 1-5 ending with an -n. When we want to show these changes
are true or false. in written Engtish, we use an apostrophe to mark that
I n Forrest didn't tike the food in the cafeteiia. some letters are missinc.

Zn The buLtying began when Forrest said something

7 sPEAKtNG Think of novels in your [anguage that you
to the bulty.
have studied. In pairs, discuss these questions.
3 E Forrest ran away when the butty poured mitk on I Do you ever find the grammar or vocabuLary in novels
difficutt to understand? Why? Give examples.
4n Forrest cried when he was hit even though the
2 Which novels that you have studied at schooI have
punch wasn't very painfut.
you enjoyed? Why did you enjoy them?
5n The butties staited chasing Forrest because Coach
Fetlers was watching them.
3 Which books do you think students in your country
should study? Say why.
6n Peopte's attitudes to Forrest changed when they
4 Who is your favourite character from a noveLthat you
found out that he was good at footba[t.
have studied?What did you tike aboutthe person?
4 Replace the underlined words and phrases in the
sentences betow with more informaI hightighted 8 REFTECT I Society In pairs, discuss the questions.
words and phrases from the text. I Why do you think some students buLty othersz
I I suppose my biggest taLent is painting and drawing. 2 How can schools reduce the amount of buttying?
9 WRITtNG TASK lmagine you have recently come to
2 When peopte offer me a choice of what to do or eat, the same school as Forrest Gump. Write a letter to an
I often have prob[ems choosinq. Engtish-speaking friend about your experiences at the
3 When | [ooked down from the top of the mountain, schooI and about Forrest.
lwas reaL[yfrightened, butthe instructortotd me not . Give your opinions about the schoot, students, etc.
ro worry. . lvlention Foffest and why he is an interesting character.
4 When I saw my friend, she was with a qlouo of peopte . Give a short summary of what has recently happened
ldidn't recognise. to Forrest.
5 We were Looking at the food but no-one took any
untiI our teacher said, 'You mav start.'
5 Find cotloquiaI expressions 1-4 in the extract and
match them with their meanings a-d below.
I E Hotdamnt Forrest 6ump was made into a fi[m in 1994 and won
six Oscars, including best actor (Tom Hanks), best
2 E ne starts makin'wiseclacks'bout me. pictufe and best director. SeveraI catchDhrases from
3 n I ain't no Dumbo. the movie have become widety used, most notably:
4 E He's gonna get me. 'Life is tike a box of chocolates. You never know what
you're gonna get.'A chain of seafood festaurants
a l'm not stupid. have used the name of a fictionaI company in the
b He's going to catch and hurt me. fi[m, the Bubba Gump Shrimp Factory. Singer Frank
c Wow! Ocean re[eased a song ca[[ed 'Forrest Gump' and
there have been many parodies of the movie in
d He says unpleasant, personaLcomments to me. series such as Ihe Slmpso ns and Family Guy.
6 How would the text took if it was written in 'Gorrect'
English? Try to correct it. Use Exercise 2 and Watch out!
to help you.
The othefs was funnin'after me too.
chase - quickty foLtow someone in order to catch them
The others were running after me too.
dispteased - annoyed and not satisfied
peculiar - stfange, unfami[iar
quarterback - the ptayer in American footba[[who
receives the batt and throws or gives it to other ptayers to
run with it

Winston Groom is an American writer who has written both
novets and non-fiction books. Forrest 6ump, which he wrote in
1986, is his mostfamous novet. In 1995, he also wrote a sequel
catted 6ump and Co.The tanguage in the book is written as if the
character of Forrest Gump was tatking and shows his southern
accent and educationatdifficutties. Forrest Gump is what is
known as an 'idiot savant'- someone with devetopmentaI
disabitities who shows an exceptionatabitity in other areas, such
as music, afts, sport of memory.

About the only class I liked was lunch, but I guess you I jus' run as fast as I could toward the g1rm, across the
couldn't call that a class. At this school, there was practice football field an' suddenly I seen Coach Fellers
a cafeteria with nine or ten different things to eat an' watchin'me.The guys who was chasin' me stop and go
I'd have trouble makin' up my mind what I wanted. away, an' Coach Fellers, looks at me with a peculiar
I think somebody said somethin', 'cause after a week or look on his face. That aftemoon at the football practice,
so Coach Fellers come up to me an' told me to just go he puts everybody in two teams an' tells the
ahead an' eat all I wanted 'cause it been 'taken care of.' quarterback to give me the ball.When I get the ball, I'm
Hot damn! s'posed to run, and run, all the way to the goal line.
The football was not goin' exactly how Coach Fellers When they all start chasin'me, I run fast as I can.
wanted. He seemed displeased a lot an'was always We'd run a lot of races before, to see how fastwe could
shoutin' at people. He shouted at me too.Then one run, but I get a lot faster when I'm bein' chased. I guess
day a event happen that changed everything. In the anybodywould. Anyvay,l become a lot more popular
cafeteria, I started to notice this other guy was there after that, an' the other guys on the team started bein'
15 a lot too, an'he starts makin'wisecracks 'bout me. nicer to me. We had our first game an' I was scared to
Sayin' things like 'Howls Dumbo?'. And this continued death, but they grve me the ball an' I run with the ball
for a week or two, an' I was sayin' nothin', but finally over the goal line two or three times an'people was
I says - I can't believe I said it even now - but I says, even kinder to me after that. That high school certainly
'I ain't no Dumbo,' an' the guy jus' looked at me an' begun to change things in my life. It even got to where
starts laughin'. An' he takes a carton of milk an' I liked to runwith the football.
pours it in my lap an' I jump up an' run out 'cause
I was scared.
A day or so later, that guy come up to me in the hall
an' says he's gonna'get' me. Later that afternoon, when
I was leaving to go to the grm, there he is, with
a bunch of his friends. I tried to go the other way,
but he starts pushin' me. An' then he hit me in the
stomach. It didn't hurt so much, but I was starLin' to
cry and I tumed an'begun to run, an'heard him
behind me an' the others was runnin' after me too.
Do you know the book 1984? lf so, say what it is about. Find phrases 1-5 in the text and decide which meaning
lf not, use the photo, the picture and the three is correct: a or b.
hightighted sentences below the titte on page 151 to I He woke himsetf up.
decide what it might be about. Justify your answer.
a He did something to be awake.
@ +.rr listen to a man tatking about the book and b He woke uo because of a noise.
complete the notes with one word in each gap.
2 His eyes re-focused on the page.
)l 1984 is set in the city of
a They focused ca refu [[y.
2 Early on in the book, you can read the stogan, 'Big b They focused again.
Brother is _you.' 3 Down with Big Brother.
3 Everybody's home has a _ in it which cannot be
turned off. a ltotalty support Big Brother.

James says that governments can now see ouf b lwant something to defeat Big Brother.
lntefnet histories and read our 4 sooner of later
James thinks that it wit[ be necessary to have a _ a in the end
on you at at[ times in the near future. b at an unexDected time
5 An '0rweltian' law is one that is used to observe or 5 He sat back in his chair.
_ people.
a He supported his back against the chair.
Read the extract and choose the correct answers, b He went back to his chair and sat down.
I In the first paragraph, we find out that
REFTECT I Society In pairs, discuss the questions.
a Winston's handwriting wasn't very clear.
f Why do peopte write their thoughts in diaries? Do you
b Winston wrote the words withoutthinkinq about know someone who keeps a diary?
them conscious[y.
2 Do you ever read or write opinions about po[itics?
c Winston had onty stopped writing when there was Say why.
no mofe foom on the page.
3 Why didn't Winston want to show emotion? In which
lf Winston tore outthe pages and destroyed them, situations do you try to keep your emotions hidden?
a he wouLd no [onger be in danger. 4 The book is one writer's view of the future. Are you
b he wouLd stiL[ exoect to be arrested. optimistic or pessimistic about the wortd's future?
c the oolice woutd stitl know what he had written. Say why.
When someone committed a thought crime, WRITING TASK lmagine you [ive in the year 2084. Write
a the police always caught them immediate[y. an entry for your diary. Describe what happens during
the day and write your thoughts about your life and
bthey had to hide forthe rest of their [ives.
the society you live in.
c they knew that the potice wou[d arrest them at
some ooint.
When peopte were arrested for a thoughtctime,
a no evidence of the person's life was kept.
b they were questioned at night under bright tights. A fitm version of the book was made in 1984.
However, the book's major influence on pop culture
c some of them disappeared before the trial could
has been the reatity TV series Big Brother, in which
sta n.
contestants, tike the characters in the book, are under
When Winston heard the knock at the door, survei[[ance twenty-four hours a day. In addition,
a his first reaction was to oretend to be out. many songs have used ideas or quotes from the book
b his face clearly showed his fear. in thei r tittes. Exa mples include' 2+2=5' by Rad iohead,
'Doublethink' by Douglas Dare, 'Ministry of Love' by
c he quick[y ctosed his diary and hid it.
Eurythmics and the song '1984' by David Bowie.
4 Look at the six hightighted words and phrases from the
text that relate to fear. In pairs, explain their meaning
using a dictionary, Then add them to the tabte below.
Nouns Verbs P h rases register - an officia[[ist of names
3 5
tear out - to quickty remove a section (e.9. a page) from
4 6 A DOOK
tria[ - a [egaI process in a court of [aw to determine
whether someone is guitty of a crime
wipe out - to destroy, femove, or get rid of something

Georye 0rwell
George 0rwettwas born Eric Arthur Blair. In the 1920s
and early 30s he wrote two famous books about
poverty: Down and }utin Paris and London and Ihe
Road to Wi ga n Pier. He fou ght for the Repub[icans in
the Spanish CiviI War but became disitlusioned with
lnternationatSociatism when he witnessed the in-
fighting between different teft-wing groups. He wrote
1984in 1948 (reversing the numbers of the yearto give
him the titte) atthough it wasn't pubtished unti[ 1949.

Freedom is

Winston woke himself up ond sot
up stroighter. His eyes r+focused on
the poge. He discovered thot while
he wos holf osleep, he hod written
words in his notebook outomoticolly.
The words, printed in lorge neot
copitols, were
t0 DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER A scene from the ttn 1984
over ond over ogoin, filling holf o poge.
He ponicked. lt wos stupid becouse writing those For o moment, he felt o kind of hysterio. He begon
t5 porticulor words wos not more dongerous thon writing writing quickly:
ony thoughts on popet but for o moment he wonted to 'theyll shoot me i don't core theyll shoot me in the bock
teor out the poges ond forget the diory completely. He did of the neck i dont core down with big brother they
not do so becouse he knew thot it wos useless. lt didn't olwoys shoot you in the bqck of the neck i dont core
motter if he wrote DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER or not. down with big brother'
20 lt didn't motter if he continued with the diory or did He sot bock in his choir, slightly oshomed of himself, ond
not continue with it. lt mode no difference. The Thought put down the pen. The next moment he iumped violently.
Police would get him iust the some. He hod committed There wos o knocking ot the door.
the most dongerous crime there wos. Thoughtcrime,
Alreody! He sot os still os o mouse, in the hope thot
they colled it. Thoughtcrime wqs not o thing thot you
whoever it wos might go owoy. But no, the knocking
could hide forever. You might hide it successfully for
continued. The worst thing of oll would be to deloy. His
o while, even for yeors, but sooner or loter they were
heort wos beoting like o drum, but his foce, from long
sure to get you.
hobit, showed no emotion. He got up ond moved slowly
It wos olwoys ot night - the qrrests olwoys hoppened ot towords the door.
night. Suddenly, you would woke up, o hond shoking
As he put his hond to the doorknob. Winston sow thot
your shoulder, bright lights shining in your eyes, the hord
he hod left the diory open on the ioble. DOWN WITH
foces of the police officers stonding oround the bed. For
BIG BROTHER wos written oll over it, in letters olmost
the moiority of people there wos no triol, no report of the
big enough to be seen cleorly ocross the room. lt wos on
orrest. You simply disoppeored, olwoys during the night.
unbelievobly stupid thing to do. But, he reolised, even in
Your nome wos removed from the registers, every record of
his ponic he hod not wonted to close the book while the
everything you hod ever done wos wiped out, your whole
life wos completely forgotten. You simply disoppeored from ink wos wet.
history: VAPORISED wos the usuol word. He took o deep breoth ond opened the door.
t SPEAKING In pairs, look at the photo and answer the 5 SPEAKING In pairs orsma[[ groups, discuss the
questions. questions. Then share your opinions with another
I Canyou guess what the video is about? group.
2 Do you interact with peopte from your grandparents' I What are the possib[e difficutties in re[ationshios
generation regularly? Who do you interact with most? between the generations of grandparents and
teenacers? Thi nk a bout:
2 Z Watchthe video and answer the questions.
1 Where do the young peopte [ive? in a nursing home
dai[y routines hobbies and interests [ifesty[es
socia[ life
2 Why don'tthey payfortheir housing?
3 Why do both the young and elderly people feetthat 2 How can two generations benefitfrom a ctose
they are part of one big famityT relationshio between them?
4 What interests do the etderlv residents and students The elderly feelless isolated, ...
sh a re? The young can learn from the experience of the older
generatton, ...
5 One woman tatks about her realfamily. What famity
has she got? 3 ls friendship between generations possible? What is
your opinion?
3 Woutd you [ike to live in Judson House like the
students? Say why. 6 WRITING TAsK lmagine you are one of the students
tiving in Judson House. Write an emai[ to a friend about
4 Z Complete the summary with the words and what you do and what tife is like there.
phrases from the box. Then watch the video again and
bonds community residents
bond - something that hotds two or more peopte
shared interest starting point
tog ethef
r often becomes a problem as peopte grow community - the people who live in the same area
old.ludson House offers a unique sociatenvironment isolation - being aLone and away from other people
where'-and students come together, both at loneliness - feeting unhappy because you afe alone or do
concerts and on a daity basis. Both generations Iisten
not have anyone to tatk to
to each other and share expeliences. They undelstand
each other better and create meaningfut3_.
nursing home - a residentiaI home for the etderly
A o_ in art and music is just a 5_. lt's a reatty surrogate - a person who takes the p[ace of someone etse
gfeat oppoftu n ity for the students to use thei r music to
be part of a 6_ .

L REFLECT Icutture In pairs, tead the information in the 5 sPEAKING In pairs or smatl groups, discuss the
Fact Box and answer the questions. questions. Then share your opinions with another
I Why are A-levetexams so important? group.
2 How is the system of getting a ptace at university I In many countries you have to get good grades in your
simi|'ar in your countrY? finaI exams to get to university. Do you think it's 0K for
a sing[e finaI exam to decide your future? Say why.

Cf BOX Getting into university in the UK 2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of both
oraI and written tests or exams? Think about:
Inthe UK, universities offer students a ptace on a course
based on expected grades from A-tevel exams. The assessment stress subjects type of personatity
students usuat[y take three or four subjects, which are
graded from A (the best)to E (the [owest). When students 3 Rote ptay a discussion about going to university.
get their resu[ts, they contact the university either to Student A, you afe in favour of going. Student B, y0u
are against. Make a [ist of arguments to supp0ft your
confirm that they witttake up the offer or, if their grades
aren't as good as they hoped, to see if there is any chance
opinion and try to convince youl paftner to agree with
your point of view,
that the university witt stitt accept them.
It is definitely worth going to university because:
. you develop your intellect, ...
Z 6 watch the video and complete the tabte.
It is no use going to university because:
Subject they want to Grades they get . you waste your precioustime, ...
t- 6 WRITING TAsK Look at a summary of what happened to
Chel.sea Medicatt A, A,t-, Chelsea. Wtite similar summaries about Joe and Amy.
Joe History and a- A, 5-, "-,
Use correct Past Simpte forms. Then watch the video
? again and check.
to- Chelsea wanted to study Medicine but she didn't get
Amy 0ccupationaIt- C,t
a place at university, so she decided to study Medical tl
Genetics. She needed an A and two Bs in her exams' In the
3 How -,
do you usuatly prepare for important tests or
end, she got two As and two Bs, so she is now going to
exams? Do you prefer to study alone or with friends?
Say why,
4 Complete the sentences with the words from the

Then watch the video again and check.

' effort paid off - you achieved success thanks to hard work
appty dreafi expected grades offer rea[ity knocked back - uDset, shocked or physicatty weak
sitting straight-A
straight-A student - a student whose grades are a[tAs
I Going to univeisity is a common struggte under pressure - have difficutties in stressfuI
2 Students to university months before situations
finaI exams ca[[ed A-levets. . tuition fees - money paid for courses at university or
Universities - ptaces based on -
students'- similar institution
To secure -
the Dtace, even students need good
in their finaI exams.
Joe's resutts were betterthan he thought and he
made his dream a

-. L63
SPEAKING In pairs, look at the photo and answer the 5 SPEAKING ln pairs or smatl groups, discuss the
questions. questions.
I Can you guess what the video is about? I What are the advantages and disadvantages of David
2 What do you know about the Arctic Circ[e? What and Jenna's lifestvle?
problems do peopte who live there face?
Adva ntages Disadva ntages
1I Watch the video and answerthe questions.
slow pace of living, .,. lack of company, ...
I How far do the couote live from the nearest town?
fifty kilometres
What's your opinion about the coupte's decision to
2 How do they travetto their home? Iive in the Arctic Circte? What does it take to make such
3 What do they eat? a decision?
4 Why coutdn't Alexander sleep? Read the question that the naffator asks at the end
Woutd you tike to visit David and Jenna in theirArctic and give your opinions. Think about:
home? Say why. coufage dangers famity food friends natufe
4 Il
Complete the summary with the words and way of [ife
phrases from the box. Then watch the video again and
So, who do you think had the greater adventure:
Alexander, who trave[[ed to the Arctic, or Dave and
cabin dog sledge experience (v) Jenna, who continue to live there?
impressive intriguing reject respect (n) 6 WRfftNG TASK Describe briefly Atexander's experiences
simple tife tools way of tife while visiting David and Jenna in the Arctic.
A[exander Armstlong tlavetted to theI to AI nder visited David and Jenna in Alaska ...
meet an z_coupte and 3_theira_. David
and Jenna decided to modern cutture and went GTOSSARY
to [ive a 5 in the Arctic. Their home is a sma[[7 beaver - an animaIthat has thick fur and a wide flat tait
and they eat animats which they can find tocatty. They and cuts trees with its teeth
trave[ by t_ or on foot and make their own "_. cabin - a smat[ house, especia[[y one buitt of wood in an
Alexander Armstrong has great 10_ for David and area of forest or mountains
Jenna. He thinks that what thev do is 11
r mattress - the soft part of a bed that you [ie on
reject - to say that you don't accept someone or something
sledge - a smat[vehic[e for travelling on snow
wilderness - a large naturatarea of tand with no buitdings
or human presence

SPEAKING In pairs, answerthe questions.
I How is shoppirg changing nowadays?
2 Do any supermarkets in your town have setf-service
tit[s? lf so, do you tike using them? Say why.
3 Think about a shop that you enjoy going to. Why do
you tike it?
z 13 Watch the video and decide if statements 1-6
are true or false.
I E There are severaI simi[ar shops to Robert's in Viken.
2n Vou need an app foryour phone to get into
Robert's shop.
3n Robeft had the idea for his shop white he was
living in a big city.
4n Customers in Robeft's shop cannot use cash to pay
for pfoducts they buy.
5! Robert knows exactty what peopte take from his

C ! there aren't enough customers for Robert to make

a orofit.

How do you think the peopte in the town feel about

Robert's shop?
4 13 Match these words and phrases from the video
with the definitions. Then watch the video again and

high-tech round-the-ctock
self-service swipe unmanned

I Designed to make life easier for the people who

use it. custorn er-friendly
Z Pass your finger across a scfeen.
3 Without any staff working there.
4 0pen attday and night.
5 Using advanced techno[ogy.
5 Where customers take the products they want from
the shelves.
5 SPEAKING In pairs or sma[[ groups, discuss the
questions. Then share your opinions with another
1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of a
traditionaIfood shop and an unmanned shop tike
KODefI s/ 6 WRITING 1ASK tmagine that you are on hotiday in Viken
and you shopped in Robert's shop this morning. Write
Adva ntages D isadva nta ges a blog post about the shop,
TraditionaIshop friendly, .. . Give the post an interesting titte.
Unmanned shop . Describe the shop and your visit.
r Give your opinion about the exDerience.
Robert says that his shop is 'buitt on trust,. Do you think
shops [ike Robert's could exist in big cities? Say wny.
A lthinkthey could exist in big cities because cameras G[OSSARY
make them safe. facilitate - to make something easier
B I don't agree.lthinkthey can only exist in smail invoice - a Iist of things you have bought with the totat
com mu niti es becau se ... price you have to pay
Read the question that the narfator asks at the enc purchase - item which you buy
and give your opinions. tilt - a machine in a shop which tetts you how much to pay
Wit[unmanned shops become a common sight in big and where the shop assistant keeps the money
towns and cities in the future? variety - different kinds

SPEAKING ln pairs, answer the questions.
I What can you see in thqphotos? Which food items are
heatthier? Say why.
Z Do you think your diet is heatthy? Say why.

20 Watch the video and choose the correct words to

complete the sentences.
I A typicat British diet contains too much sugar, fat and
salt I calories.
2 The exoeriment lasted oneweek I month.
3 The doctor measured Amanda's height, weight and
waist I heart rate.
4 Aftertwo days she had a terrible stomach ache I
5 Atthe end of the experimentAmanda was two kilos
lighter I heavier.
3 Did the results of Amanda's experiment surprise you?
Say why.
4 Z0 Watch the video again and complete the
questions with the verbs from the box. Then in pairs,
ask and answer the questions.

affect avoid cut fottow

I What do you do to fit?
2 How could you down on the amount of fat,
sugar and salt you eat?
3 Do you try to _
processed food or do you often
eat it?
4 Do you _
a protein-rich diet? Which food items
contain a lot of protein?
5 What e[se, apart from a bad diet, can badty our
SPEAKING In pairs or small groups, discuss the -
questions. Then share your opinions with another
I What are the most impoftant components of a heaLthy
lifestyte? What should we do to be fit and wet[?
get enough sleep, ...
2 Whose responsibitity is it to teach chi[dren how to
have a heatthy tifestyte? Discuss what each of these
peopte or institutions shoutd and shou[dn't do.

shoutd shouIdn'1 ...

6 WRITING TASK lmagine you took part in an experiment
similar to Amanda's. Write a btog post about the week

Pa fe nts provide healthy you were on the diet saying what you ate and how you
meals,... fett. Mention what your doctor said at the end of the
SchooLs reward children experiment.
with sweets,...
Govern ments promote a healthy GTOSSARY
lifestyle, ... cut down on something - to eat, drink, or use less of
something in order to improve your health
3 Some peopte say that it is more difficutt nowadays to
have a healthy tifestyte than it was in the past. Others fibre - the parts of plants that you eat but cannoi digest
say that it is atmost impossib[e. Do you agree of nutritionist - someone who has a speciaI knowtedge
disagree? Say why. aboutthe righttype of food for good health and growth
processed food - food that has substances added to it before
it is sotd, in orderto pfeserue it, improve its colour, etc.
whote foods - food that is considered heatthy because it
: has not been orocessed

SPEAKING ln pairs, answerthe questions.
I A totof people are scared of something. Sometimes
there is a [ogicaI reason, for examp[e a fear of snakes,
but sometimes there isn't, for example a fear of mice.
What are you afraid of? ls there any reason why?
z You are going to wakh a video about Rodman, who
is adopting a new lifestyte and [earning how to keep
bees. Which of these things do you thinkyou wi[thear
about in the video?

beehive bee stings feeting excited fee[ing fear

feeting respect learning to relax producing honey
speciatist equipment

z zz Watch the video and check your answers to

question 2 in Exercise 1. Then in pairs, choose the
cofrect answers.
I What was Rodman's first reaction when he saw the
a Hedidn'tknowwhatitwas. b Hewasfrightened.
2 Where did Gina decide to keep the bees?
a away from their house b in their backyard
5 When Rodman relaxed, what did he do?
a He put down his hood. b He changed his
4 How many bees tive in the hive?
a about 2,000 b about 20,000
5 Rodman stopped feeling scared when he realised that
a the bees didn't want to sting him. 5 SPEAKING In pairs orsma[[ groups, discuss the
b the bees'stings didn't hurt much. questions. Then share your opinions with another
6 How does the narrator describe the exDerience that
Rodman has? I Why is it so hard for peop[e to change their attitudes
a as negative b as positive and tifestyte?
2 Atthe start of the video, the naffatorsays,'sometimes
Would you tike to keep bees in your back garden? Say
it's a good idea to try something different.' Do you
why. agree? Say why.
4 zz Replace the undertined words and phrases in I agree because when you try something different, you
sentences 1-7 with the phrases from the box with the might dixover a new passion or hobby.
same meaning.Ihen watch the video again and check. 3 Rodman promised his wife to [earn how to [ive
a more eco-friend[y lifestyte. How can he and his
attheendoftheday careabout checkitout famiiy benefit from adopting a new tifestytez
figure out no way
They are going to have their own honey.
step outside his comfort zone
6 wRtrtNG TASK write a summary of what happened
I Gina is attfor a tife that is environmentatty responsible in the video. Explain why Gina had the idea, what
and ctoser to nature. in favour of Rodman's initiaI reaction was, and how and why his
2 Rodman hasto opinion changed.
to succeed.
3 When Gina gets the beehive, she te[[s Rodman to GTOSSARY
come and look at it. backyard - a smat[garden atthe back ofthe house
4 At first Rodman telts Gina, 'There is no chance we're beehive/hive - a kind of box where bees are kept
putting bees in our backyard.'
detighted - very p[eased
5 Latef Rodman says, 'These bees don't oav attention to
proof - facts or information that show that something is
what l'm doing. You know, they're not out to get me.'
definitety true
6 Rodman promised to tfy to understand and work out
respect - a positive feeting about someone because of
the new situation.
their skilts, abilities, behaviour, etc.
7 ln the end, Rodman thinks that his efforts to change
his attitude were worth it.

SPEAKING ln pairs, look at the photos and answer the
I Where do you think the man is in both photos?
2 What could be the man's job? Do you think he is
enjoying it?
28 Watch the video and complete the sentences.
I How long has Adrian known that he wants to work
with animats?
2 How long has he worked at London Zoo?
3 What are his duties at the zoo?
and monitoring the penguins
How long has he known some of the penguins?
5 Where does he go to see penguins in the witd?
He goes to
6 How does hefeel abouthis iob?
He feels

3 What is your dream job? Why would you tike to do it?

4 28 Complete the summary with the prepositions
from the box. You can use some of the prepositions
more than once. Then watch the video again and check,

in of out to up with
Adrian has atways wanted to work r animats and
he never gave 2_ on his dream. He has worked at
London Zoo since he finished schooland stuck I it.
He is now head a the bird section and takes care
5_ endangered Humboldt penguins. He [oves his
job and is very committed 6_ what he is doing. He
even decided to traveIto South America to see the birds
first hand and to find 7 what threatens them in the
witd. He not onty realised his dream but atso continues
to grow s_ his profession.

SPEAKING In pairs or sma[[ groups, discuss the

questions. Then share your opinions with another
I What are possib[e cafeers for peop[e with these
hobbies? Give reasons.

drawing ecotogy foreign [anguages 6 WRtTtNG TASK Think of a job that you woutd tike to
photography shopping travetting writing have one day. Write a paragraph saying why you find it
interesting and why it would be suitable for you.
drawing - graphic designer, illustrator, ...
Do you think it is essentiatto have a job connected
with your hobby or passion? Say why.
be in charge of something - to have controt of and
What are the advantages and disadvantages of ...
responsibi lity for somethi n g
a having a job you love but a low income? give up on something - to stop hoping that something
b earning a good income but not enjoying your work? wi[tchange or happen
go fol - to choose something
Adva ntages D isa dva ntages
see something first hand - see something with youf own
a You arc passionate about your eyes
species - a type of animalor plant
b You can afford your hobbies
threaten - to be tikety to cause harm or damage
and passions outside work, ...

SPEAKING In pairs, lookatthe photo and answerthe 4 3l Comptete the sentences with nouns formed
questions. from the words in botd. Then watch the video again
I What electronic gadgets do you and yourfriends use and check.
on a daity basis? I Many jobs witt disappear with the of
2 What do you thinkthe gadget in the photo is for? new technology. DEVELOP

5l Watch the video and choose the correct words to _

Z Have you got a good wi-fi at home? CONNECT
complete the sentences. 3 Soon we wittuse virtuaI headsets to travela[[
over the world. REAI
I The students afe _ an experiment.
a taking part in
4 You can use a to show infolmation on
a whiteboard. PROJECT
b carrying out
c writing up
5 Technotogy has made _ between people from
different countries faster and easier. COMMUNICATE
2 Students use a _to show thev are at school.
a headset 5 SPEAKING ln pairs or sma[[ groups, discuss the
questions. Then share your ideas with another group.
b fingerplint scanner
c doubte robot 1 Make your own tist of top ten gadgets in the wor[d
today. Use the prompts below or your own ideas.
The students write
a on touch screen tablets action camera drone e-book reader
b with high-tech pens fitness trackergames conso[e
intettigent personaIassistant interactive whiteboard
c in virtuatreatity
taptop sat-nav smaft home smartphone
They have to _ what the teacher is writing. smartwatch tabtet wearab[e technotogy webcam
a masTef
b copy down 2 How often do you use the gadgets from yourtop ten
list above? What do you use them for?
t read out
5 The teacher can see what the students are writinq in 3 Does technology help us learn more effective[y?
their notebooks. 6 WRITING TASK lmagine that you are a student at the
a interactive school from the video. Write a btog post about your
b touch scfeen day, the gadgets you used and how you fett about the
C SMATI lessons you had.
6 Romesh wou[d [ike everv student to have a
headset. ] GIOSSARY
a touch screen goggles - specia I g[asses that fit very close to you r face
b three-dimensional master - to learn a ski[[or a [anguage so we[[that you
c virtuaIreatity . have no difficutty with it
Which gadget from the video did you find the most ' register (n, v) - an officialtis| to put your name on an
surprising? Which do you think is the most usefu[? officiat tist
Say why.

SPEAKING In pairs, look at the photos and answer the 5 SPEAKING In pairs orsmall groups, discuss the
questions. questions. Then share your ideas with another group.
I What famous music festivals have you heard of? I In whatways do [arge musicfestivats affect LocaI
2 Have you evef been to a music festiva[? lf so, tet[ your communities? Comp[ete the tabLe and discuss the
paftner about it. lf not, woutd you tike to go to one? positive and negative effects for these groups of
Say why. peopte. Use the prompts be[ow and your own ideas.

2 35 Watch the video and choose the correct answers. entertainment mess newjobs opportunities
I Where is the festiva[? traffi c wo rkto a d
Gibraltar I Spain
2 Who is the star of the festiva[? Positive effects Negative effects
lessie McLaren I Jessie l LocaI residents entertainment
3 What is Jessie's summer iob?
guitarist I lifeguard LocaI businesses

4 What is Jessie's band's name? Loca L services

(o n thp nnlirp
The Noiz I The Boys
medicaL services)
5 Where is Jessie going atthe end of the video?
to school I to work
lmagine you have friends who are talented musicians
3 Woutd you [ike to have a friend who is a budding and ptay in a band. Make an action ptan to promote
music, movie, footbal[, etc, star? Say why. their band.
4 55 Complete the review with the words and Action olan:
phrases from the box. Then watch the video again and
,/ }rganise a concert at the local ...
/ Promote the concert (posters, ...)
diva fan in person on stage setting up
supporting venue
lmagine you are hetping to organise a music festivaI
The Noiz in concert in your neighbourhood. What types of music are you
When a locaL band invites you to one of their r
here going to choose? Which famous and/or locaL artists
in Gibrattar, it's usua[[y at a smat[ '_, such as a afe you going to invite? Say why.
cLub, disco or schooI hatt, but l've just seen a new band,
the Noiz, at a huge outdoor music festiva[. They were
6 WRITING TASK Write an email to a friend to invite him/
her to the concert you tatked about in question 3 in
Jessie J, a reat4_, and they were
Exercise 5.
amazing. I managed to meet them 5 before they
ptayed, They were "_ their equipment and tooked
neruous. As soon as the [ead singer and guitarist, Jessie GLOSSARY
McLaren, went 7_ though, he changed from a shy budding star - a ta[ented young aftist, spoftsperson, etc.
schoolboy to a rock superstar. I didn't know much about who is at the very beginning of his/her career
the band before but l'm now a big t_ and l'm gig - a pubtic performance, especia[y of jazzor popular
looking forward to seeing them again soon.
m ustc
run in the family - if a quatity or a skiL[ runs in the famity,
many people in that family have it
support - a band or performer that performs for
a short time at the same concert as a more famous and
F -^,.{
PUPUrdr UdilU ^+-

Reproduced by petmission ofThe Henty Moorc Foundalion

SPEAKING In pairs,answerthe questions. 5 SPEAKING ln pairs or small groups, discuss the

questions. Then share your opinions with another
I Haveyou everseen afitm orread a bookabouta
famous theft? lf so, describe what happened. 9roup.
2 Look atthe photo. How do you thinkthieves stote 1 Shoutd important works of art be displayed in pubtic
this? Do you think the potice caught ihem? spaces or shoutd they be hidden for safety?

59 Watch the video and check your guesses from

2 There are more and more CCTV cameras nowadays.
Do you think this is a good or a bad thing? Say why.
question 2 in Exercise 1. Then complete the notes.
3 What has to happen so that the potice are more
Name of the scu[pture:r effective in controlting and preventing crime? Use
by Henry Moore
Vatue: f2 million
the prompts be[ow or your own ideas. Justify your
Weight: t_ tonnes
a nswers.

Length:o_metfes employing more potice officers

What happened: more up-to-date equipment stricter punishments
- probabty sotd for' working ctose[y with [ocaI citizens
- thieves probabty got about f 5 'zero tolerance' poticy
Fritz Balthaus sculpture: Pure Moore
6 WRITING TASK tmagine you are a journatist reporting
Exactty the same '_as Reclining Figure
Made of 8_
on the theft of Reclining Figure the day after it went
missing. Write a short article using the information
from the video.
The theft ot Reclining Figure is considered a particularly
A remarkable theft took place last night f rom a field in the
tragic loss to the world of art. Why do you think that is?
south of Britain.
4 59 Complete the summary with the correct forms
of the verbs from the box. Then watch the video again
and check,
crane - a machine which can tift heavy objects high offthe
admit carry out catch tift melt store ground to move them
vanish investigation - an officiaI attempt to find out the truth
about or the cause of something such as a crime
Henry Moore's bronze scutpture Rectining Figurel
two tonnes, was three metres long and worth an scrap metal - metatthat comes from a machine oi object
estimated three mi[[ion pounds. lt 2_ temporarity
which is no [onger needed, e.g. an o[d car
in a gated yard in ruraIHertfordshire. 0ne night, two sculpture - an object made out of stone, wood, ctay, etc.
vehicles drove up to the yard. Thieves used a crane by a scuLptof
to 3_ the heavy statue. When the Henry Moore witness - someone who sees a crime, accident or other
Foundation discovered thatthe sculpture no one incident and can tettthe police what happened
could beLieve it. The potice inspector who 5_ the
investigation6_ that despite finding the vehicles,
the thieves 7 not _. Now the potice believe
that the scutpture and so[d as scrap metaIfor
something as little as three thousand pounds.

LA Present Simpte and Present Continuous

do not (don't)
tike mitk
does not
tike miLk.

Yes/No questions Short answers

Yes, l/you/we/they do.
DO No, I am not ('m not).
tike No, l/you/we/they don't.
mitk? Yes, you/we/they are.
Yes, he/she/it does.
Does h e/she/it No you/we/they are not (aren't)
No, he/she/it doesn't.
Yes, he/she/it is.
Wh- questions No, he/she/it is nol

- questions
We use the Present Simpte to taLk about: why are you/we/they smiting?
. states and Dermanent situations: ts he/she/it
My fanily lives in Edinburgh.
Do you like partiesT We use the Pfesent Continuous to tatk about:
. regu[ar activities:
. things happening at the moment of speaking:
I often eat eggs for breakfast.
Mum is talking on the phone.
My father drives me to schooL every morning.
. things happening for a Limited period of time:
Mrs Pye is teaching CLass 24 today because their teacher is ill.
Spelting rules: third person singutar
Spetting rules: -ing form
. generatru[e: infinitive + -s, e.g. enjoy - enjoys o gen€raI ruLe: infinitive + -ing, e.g. waLk - watking
. verbs ending in a consonant and -y: 1+ -ies,
e.g. study - studies
verbs ending in a consonant + -e: =e + -ing, e.g. write -
. verbs do and go as we[[ as verbs ending
one-syltabte verbs ending in one vowel + one consonant:
in -5s, -x, -ch, -sh: + -es, e.g. do - does, go - goes,
doub[e the consonanl+ -ing, e.g. run - running
wash - washes
. have: has Common time expressions used with the Present Continuous:
common time expressions used with the Present Simple: atthe moment, currently, now, today, this morning/afternoon,
this year, these days, at present
every morni ng / d ay / week/ weekend / m onth / year
every second day/week State and action verbs
al.ways With state verbs (e.9. believe, hate, know,like,love, mean,
regularly need, prefer, understand, want), we don't use continuous
usualLy tenses, such as the Present Continuous, even ifthey describe
often sornething happening atthe moment of speaking:
sornetrmes l'm sorty, I don't understand what you're saying.
from time to time
With action verbs (e.9. speak, walk, make, do, watch), we can
use both simpte and continuous tenses:
hardly ever
My little sister is crying. ln fact, she cries quite often.
Some verbs (e.9. thlnk, have,taste, smell) can be both state
and action verbs, depending on the context:
Ithink Mun is in the kitchen.
What are you thinking about?

1C Reflexive pronouns

We use reflexive pronouns when we want to refer back to

the subject ofthe sentence:
l'd liketo introduce myself - I'm lames Stevenson.
We are buiLding the house ourselves.

1D lndefinite pronouns 3 1C Choose the correct reflexive pronouns to comptete
the sentences.
. We use somebody/someonetsomething and someyyhere in
affirmative sentences:
I This dog is so funny. lt aLways looks at_ in the
l'm mirfof!
sure somebody knows the answer.
Let's eat something before we leave. a myse[f b ourselves c itsetf
Ithink Gwen lives somewhere in Wales. 2 The photos on your website are gfeat. Do you take
. We use everybody/everyone, everything and everywhere in them atl ?

affirmative sentences and in cuestions: a itsetf b ourselves c yoursetf

Everyone knows her, she's a celebrity. 3
Have you got everything you need?
Don't he[p me this time. I wantto do it by_.
Tnere are camens everywhere around the town centre.
a mysetf b yoursetf c hersetf
o We use nobody/no one, nothing and noyyhere with
4 Jack and A[ex afe very shy. They don't Iike to tatk
a positive verb:
a Dout
Nobody knows hin. oulselves b himsetf r themselves
I have nothing to wear for the wedding reception. 5 Sytvie often ta[ks to _while she's outwatkinq.
The church is fulL, so you have nowhere to sit.
a ourselves b herself r nyself
r We use anybody/anyone, anything and anywherein
5 My both twin sisters and I work for
negative sentences and in questions:
I haven't got anything to wear for the wedding reception.
a themselves b ourselves c myse[f
Hello, is there anyone here? 7 Noah and Max, coutd you please introduce _ ro
We can't find the cat anywhere. Mrs Peabody?
WiIh everybodyleveryone, nobody, anything, etc., we use a ourselves b yourself c yourseLves
a third person singutar verb:
Nothing ever happens in our town. 4 lD Add the correct prefixes no-rsome-t every- ot any-
ls everyone satisfied? to the words in botd.
I Steve te[[s his brother aLthis secrets. There isn,t
]. 1A Choose the correct verbs to complete the sentences. one he trusts more.
1 H0w tong does ittake I is ittaking you to get dressed in 2 0ur dog is very [oud, so we never take him where
the morning? with us.
2 | can't tatk to you right now because I buy I 'm buying 3 Can you hearthat noise?_thing is happening in the
a birthday presentfor my dad. stre et.
3 My niece never does I is never doing the shopping on 4 _one reties on PeneloDe because she never
the Inteinet because she doesn't think it's safe. lets _body down.
4 Johnnie, whaldo you do I are you dolng here at this 5 As it turns out, it's bank hotiday today, and _thing is
time of day? Why aren't you at schoo[? closed. We have _where to go.
5 Tim doesn'tcook lisn'tcooking his own meaLs. His 5 | can't see _thing because it's so dark in here.
grandma cooks lis cooking them.
6 'Why do you wear I are you wearing such a strange 5 lA&D Comptete the sentences with the correct forms
dress? Doyou go I Are you goinglo a fancy dress of the words in brackets.
party?' 'Yes, in f acll do I aml'
f (nobody/tive) in that big house across
the street.
2 1A Comptete the sentences with the correct present
2 (anyone/read) your photo btog apaft
Simpte or Present Continuous forms of the verbs in
from your famity?
3 _(everything/be) possibte if you try reatty
I My mum and | (often/spend) nours nafc.
watking on the beach.
2 Who (you/prepare)these cakes for? They
4 (nothing/taste) as good as the thing
Look you can't have.
3 ' _(your granddad/tike) dancing?' 'yes,
5 (everybody/understand) the
i nstru cti o ns?
6 Look! (somebody/take) a photo ofyour
4 In ouf Tegion, it_ (usuatty/not rain) much in
7 (nobody/want) to tett me what is going
5 _ (you/usualtylkeep) in touch with your schooI
on here.
friends during the hotidays?
6 Can you see Mark among the wedding guests?
8 (everyone/be) here? Then we can staft
the meetina.
(he/take) photos?
7 '_(Joe's cat/drink) mitk every day?"No,

2A Past Simpte 2C Used to
The PastSimpLeform of to beiswaslwere.In negative
sentences, we use the forms was not (wasn'tJ and were not
(weren't).In questions, we change the order of the subject rmative Negative
and the verb. tlYoul llYoul did not
Fof othef verbs, we use their Past Simpte forms. To form H e/Sh e/ H e/Sh e/ use to be
negatives and questions, we use the auxitiary verb did: used to be ha ppy
lllwe/ It/We/ (didn't happy
They Ihey use to)

Yes/No questions Short answers

llyou/ Yes, l/you/he/she/itlwe/
l/You/H e/5he/ he/she/ u5e be they did.
It/We/They it/we/ to ha ppy? No, l/you/he/she/itlwe/
th ey they did not (didn't).
Yes/No questions Short answers
llyoulhel Yes, l/you/he/she/itlwe/they did
!i-,rye_s]t9l_ _
Jump I lrre
e/it/ '' r Ju/,n,e/sne/
Did sh
a nd fatt? No, l/he/she/it did not (didn't). where did Itlwe/tn ev
use to be haoov?

ll/fi- questions Subject questions

jump and fatt?

who ] usedto
u. n.ppyz

We use used to to tatk about Dast states or actions which

Subjed questions happened reguLarly in the past but do not happen anymofe:
Who lumoeo and fett? lusedto gettop marksatschool. (ldon't getthem anymore.)
He didn't use to be so Lazy. (BuI he's different now.)
We use the Past Simple to tatk about events that took ptace Did your grandparents use to wear a school uniform?
at a particutar time in the past. We often say when they
When we ta[k about actions that happened onty once or did
ha ooened: not happen regu[arty, we use the Past Simple, not used to:
Was Mum a good student when she was at school? ln high schooL, we went to the seaslde two or three times.
I forgot to do my homework yesterday.

Spe[[ing rules L zA Comptete the sentences with the correct past

Regular verbs Simpte forms of the verbs in brackets.
. generaIru[e: infinitive + -ed, e.g. play - played I Tom (fatt) off his bike on his way to schoo[.
. vefbs ending in -e: + -d, e.g. move - moved 2 'Why _ (you/not come) to school last week?'
. veTbs ending in a consonanl+ -y:1+ -ied, e.g. cry - cried 'Because l_ (be) itt.'
. verbs ending in one vowet+ one consonant: doubte the
3 '_(Liz/do) a Lot of projects in primary school?'
consonant + -ed, e.g. stop - stopped 'Yes, she _.'
lrregular verbs
4 l_ (make) a mistake and everybody
For a Iist of irregular verbs, see page 183. (Laush).
Common time expressions used with the Past Simple: 5 Who (attow) you to use the tab for your
ye ste rd ay, yeste rd ay m o r n i n g / afte r n o o n / eve n i n g, pfoject?
the day before yesterday, Last night/week/month/year,
two days/weeks/months/years ago, in August/in Z0 j6
2 2C Comptete the sentences with the correct forms
ol used to and the verbs in brackets. lf used to is not
Subject questions in the Present Simpte and past Simpte possible, use the Past Simpte.
We form wh- questions in different ways, depending on I Pau[ (get) top marks and he never
whatwe are asking about: the subject orthe object of the (fai[) an exam.
sentence. In subject questions, word order is the same as in 2 My brother and sister_ (not use) the Internetto
a'lf rmative sentences, and we do not use the auxiliarv verb do their homework.
do ldid .
My granddad (observe) birds when he was
Present Simple a teenagef.
affirmative sentence: She organises wedding parties. When I was in Year 10, I once (take) part in
object question: What does she organise? a DoaI face.
subjectquestion: Whoorganisesweddingparties? (you/wear) a uniform to schoot?"yes,
Past Simple
affirmative sentence: Ben invited Lea to the cinema.
'_ (you/wear) a uniform to the exam last
question: week?''No, I
object Who did Ben invitetothe cinema?
subject question: Who invited Leatothe cinema?

I74 1

3A Past Continuous and past Simple 3D Defining relative Glauses
Defining relative ctauses give essentiaI information about
a person, thing or ptace. In defining relative c[auses, we use
the fotlowing retative pfonouns:
. which and thatto ta[k about things and p[aces:
/s tfristhe campsite which/that you stayed at Last year?
taughing. . who and thatto tatk about peopte:
This is the teacher who/that teaches my class.
. where to ta[k about ptaces, if the next word is a noun or
Yes/No questions Short answers a Dronoun:
Yes, l/he/she/it was. We're visiting the village where my grandma tived for
No, l/he/she/it was not (wasn't). twenty years.
taugh ing? Yes, you/we/they were.
. whose to ta[k about Dossessions:
youlwel I met a girlwhose parents own a guesthouse by the sea.
No,you/we/they were nol
they Relative pronouns who,which and that usuatty come
immediately after the noun they refer to.
!Vh- questions
We can omit the retative pfonouns who, which and that, but
onty if the next phrase is a noun phrase (= d noUfl, a personaI
taughing? pfonoun, or a whole phrase bui[t around them):
We are driving by the houses (which/that) my grandma has
Subject questions described.

taug h ing?
]. 5A Comptete the sentences with the correct past
We use the Past Simpte to describe events that finished in the Simple or Past Continuous forms of the verbs in
past, and it is not important how [ong they took:
I watched in the evening.

We use the Past Continuous:

I | (fatt) down white | (ctimb) a mountain.
. to describe a backglound scene in a story:
2 Thematch (start)at 7. j0 in the evening.
It (rain) as the players (come) into
Lea was having breakf ast at her hotel. She was sitting at the
the--stadium but it_ (be) a great game.
table and drinking coffee.
. to talk about an action that was in progress when anothel 3 My father_ (drive) home late one night when
action took p[ace, or at a particu[ar time in the past. he_(hit)atree.
Fof the shorter action, we use the past Simote: 4 l_ (tike)the film a lot and l_ (see) it
While he was climbing in the mountains, he broke his leg. three times.
. to talk about two of more actions happening at the same 5 _ | (tatk) to my friends ontine when I

time: /^^+t d- il tc))dgc.

While lwas sunbathing, the children were buitding
a sandcastle.
5 When the postman (arrive), t_ (took)
. when we want to stress that something lasted [ong, or too
at aLtthe letters he brought.
Long: 7 When the postman (arrive), l_ (have)
He was watching TV aLl evening - what a waste of time! a snowef.

Spelling rules
2 3D Complete the sentences with the correct retative
pronouns. Then tick the sentences in which it is
For spetting rutes ofthe -ing form ofthe verb, see page 172. possible to omit the relative pronoun.
When, while, as I ! city
Toronto is the Drake was born.
We use when,while oraswiththe pastContinuousto connect 2! The woman is standing there is a famous
two actions happening at the same time: btogger.
While/When/As we werc driving atong the coast, it started to
3 n That's the boy _ dad ptays forArsenal

It started to rain while/when/as we werc driving along the

4 E tnto thewild is a fitm you shoutd watch.
coast. 5 ! What's the name of the photographer_
took this photo?
With the Past Simple clause, we can onty use when or as:
We were driving along the coast when/as it started to rain. C n fhe Louvre is an art museum used to be
WhenlAs it started to rain, we werc driving aLong the coast. a royaI patace.
7n Marco_Poto is the btogger_-travetblog we
atwavs lead.
8n The Lake District is a hotiday destination
our famity loves the most.

4A Comparison of adjectives
with countabte nouns with uncountable nouns

Adjective Supertative
How many eggs are there? How much sugar isthere?
short kin d the ki ndest
LUlltr- orru n tce the nicest
some two- the ittest Are there many eggs? ls there much sugar?
sytta bte)
the cLevefest We haven't got many eggs. We haven't got much sugar.

one- and the driest

two-sytLabte the easiest We've got too many eggs. We've got too much sugar.
ending in -y
a [ot ofltots of
two-syttabte more/tess the most/least
Ihere is a lot ofllots of sugar in
or [onger attra ctive att[a ctive
the Dox.
irreguLar gooc better the best a few/a couple of a tittte/a (tittle) bit of
bad worse the worst I need a little/a (little) bit of sugar.
t need a few/a couqle of eggs.

. To compare peopte or things, we use the comparative 50me

form of an adjective with the word than or the superlative There are some eggs in the box. Ihere i5 some sugar in the box'
Dark chocolate is healthier than niLk chocolate'
Therc are enough eggs inthe box There is enough sugar in the box.
The Yubari melon is the most expensive f ruit in the world '
. To comparetwo people orthings, we can also usethe
structure: (not) as + adjective + as: Therc arc few eggs in the box. There is little sugar in the box.
Your souD tasted as delicious as Grandma's'
Jam is not as sweet as honev.
o To describe things we can also use the structures t00 + Arethere anyeggsinthe box? | tsthere anysugar
rnthe box?
adjective and (not) + adjective + enough. Ioo + adjective
any - in negatives
means 'more than we need or want'. Adjective + enough
There isn't any sugar in the box,
means we nave exactty what we need. A/ot + adjective + There aren't any eggs intne Oox. I
enough means'tessthan we need of want':
The chiPs were too saltY. When we tatk about uncountab[e things, we can feplace the
ls your souP hot enough? ouantifier a littte with the fo[[owing phrases:
The cake isn't big enough for tweLve people' . a bitof or a llttle Dltof (directly before an uncountabte noun):
t gave the cat a (little) bit of fish'

I 4A Complete the sentences using the adjectives in

. a bit or a little bit (never before a nounJ:
brackets. Add any other necessary words'
't bought some fish.' 'Can you give a little bit to the cat?'
I This luxurY festaufant is
(expensive)in town. 4G Artictes with singular countable nouns
2 'ls vegan diet reatty (heatthy) than othet We use the indefinite article a/an:
diets?' 'Yes, it's (heatthy) of att.' .when the thing of pefson we afe tatking about is one of
3 This skirt is (short) for me. I prefer longer many simitar PeoPte or things:
ski rts. - Harrods is a luxury department store in London.
- .when we mention a pefson or thing for the first time:
4 Tomato and cucumber satad is (nuttitious)
fhere's a muffin and a doughnut tn the cupboard'
and - (fattening) than Pizza.
5 Dobbie's department store is (not crowded) We use the definite articte the to tatk about:
as Grafton's . something specific or unique:
- Look atthe sky. Let's have a picnic in the park.

. something we have mentioned before:
Quantifiers l've got a dog and a cat.lhe dog's name is Fido'
Countable nouns:
o name things we can count: Z 4c&G Choose the correct words to comptete the voice
There is one orcnge inthefridge. messa9e.
. have singu[ar and PturaIforms:
This hamburger is delicious' Can
Hi Simon, it's Amy, ping for dinner
tthe I
These hamburye$ are delicious' tonight? Mum and Dad buY
somL meat or fish, How I
Uncountable nouns:
. name things we cannot count:
My little brother hates milk.
. do not have a p[uratfotm:
Vegetarians don't eat meat.
forgot - get roon I some salt. See you laterl

!76 r

5A Modal verbs To say what is not a[[owed, we use mustn't:
You mustn't check your private emaiL at work.
To say that sornething is or isn't a good idea, we use should,i
Affirmative Negative shouldn't'.
must not You should make your bed before you go to school.
llYoul llYoul (mustn't)/ I shouldn't drink so much coffee. lt's bad for me.
H e/She/ He/5he/ should not Should we tell hin to help around the house more?
shoutd/ teave
It/we/ ttlwel Ishouldn't)/ To suggest something or give someone an idea, we use
They Th ey could not
Maybe we could go out together this weekendT
Yes/No questions Short answers
Yes, 5C Past modals
llyotl No, l/you/we/they don't have to/
h e/she/ should not (shoutdn't)/could not
Shoutd/ Ieave?
it/we/ (couldn't).
th ey No, he/she/it doesn't have to/
should not (shouldn't)/could not
YeslNo questions Short answers
Wh- questions llyoulhe/
have to Yes, l/he/she/it did.
must/should/ l/you/h e/she/itl Dd she/it/
vvnen ] coulo we/they
Ieave? we/they
wofk? No, l/he/she/it did not (didn't).

Subject questions - questions

Who t,
| e2\ta / llyoulwe/
, must/shoutd/could |
I t'-"""' What did th ey/he/ have to do?

Subject questions
Who I had to I work?

To tatk about past ob[igation or necessity, we use had to:

What tine did you have to get up this morning?
I had to get up very early.
To say that something wasn't neressary in the past, we use
Yes/No questions Short answers didn't have to'.
0ur parents didn't have to wear a untform when they went to
Yes, l/you/we/they do.
Do primary school.
have to No, l/you/we/they do not Idon't).
(t)\/7 To say that something was of wasn't possib[e or altowed in
h e/she/ Yes,he/she/it does.
No, he/she/it does not (doesn't).
the past, we use couldlcouldn't'.
When lwas sixyears old, lcouldn't play outside on my own,
Wh- questions but I could go out with my brother or sister.

whv have to stay? L 5A&c Choose the correct words to complete the
Subject questions I _ clean her room today because it's quite tidy.
Who has to I stay? to
a has b mustn't c doesn't have to
Giutio wash the dishes by hand as he hasn't got
To tatk about obligation or necessity, we use: a dishwasher.
c tnrJStt especiatly when we refer to something the speaker
1^^t- i-
ItrCt) t) ItcLc))dtv.
a must b doesn't have to t mustn't
I musttalkto her right now. (l feetthis is necessary.) Maybe we _ go out together this weekend?
. have to, especialty when we refef to something that is a coutd b have to c must
necessary because of a rute or [aw: Why_to move out of the hatls of residence?
My brother hastoweat a suitto work. (These are the rules.)
a had you b could you c did you have
no obtigation or necessity, we use don't have to.
To say is
We don't have to do any washing-up because we have
The doctor said that | _ give up smoking and get
mofe exetctse.
a dishwasher.
'Do I have to pay now?' 'No, you don't.'
a should b mustn't t don't have to
We invited Ann to sleep over at our house. She was
happy that she _
spend the night at the hote[.
a didn't have to b couLdn't r hadn't

6A Future arrangements and intentions 6C Future predictions: going to and U

am not

going to are not going to

cna n ge. (aren't) change.

Yes/No questions Short answers

Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they
tlyoulhel witt.
Yesl No questions Short answers
wilt she/it/we/ be Late?
No, l/you/he/she/it/we/they
Yes, lam. they
witl not (won't).
No, I am not ('m notJ.
going to Yes, you/we/they are Wh- questions
cha ng e? No you/we/they are not (aren't). t.nappen/
what lwitt 1
Yes, he/she/itis
No, he/she/it is not (isn't). Subject questions

Wh- questions who iwirr hp l:ip7

am We use goingto + infinitive orwill+ inf nitiveto makefuture

are y0u/we/ pred ictions.
Wnen going to change
th ey
We use be going to + infinitive for predictions about the
s he/she/it future based on whatwe know and can see now:
It'stentofour, andthe wedding starts atfour o'cLock.We're not
Subject questions going to get to the church on time.
who |
I eoins
to change? We use nzlll + ininitive for oredictions about the future
based on our opinions, intuition or expetience. We often use
We use the Present Continuous or going fo + infrnitive to ta[k
expressions [ike /'m sure,lthinkandin nyopinion before vvlll:
about future arrangements and intentions.
The traffic is fairly light at this tine of day. l'msure the bus wiII
We use the Present [ontinuous for p|.ans and arrangements arrive on time.
forthe nearfuture, usuat[ywith a time reference:
lf we want to say that we think an event wit[ not happen in
I'm leaving tomotrow, so I can't go to the ctnema with you.
the future, we use I don'tthink + will:
We use be going to + infinitive fol intentions, ambitions and I don'tthink l'll make it on time todav.
future p[ans which can stit[change:
My dad isgoingto teach me how to drive.
you going to go to universrty or find a iob when you
Are Z 6C comptete the sentences with going to or will and the
graduate? verbs in brackets. Sometimes both forms are possible.

With verbs used with the verb go that descrtbe free

I Zack's a very gifted student.l'm sute he (find)an
exce [[e nt jo b.
as camp (> go camping), swim (> go
time activities, such
swimming), ski(> go skiing), etc., for intentions, ambitions 2 l'm teribty hungry. I hope somebody (bring)
and future ptans we use going to go: some sandwiches and sa[ad.
l'm going to go jogging twice a weekthis summer. 3 A Look, the waitress is carrying too many pLates. 5he
[drop)them! -
1 6A comptete the pairs of sentences with the correct BI don't think she (drop) anything. She's very
forms of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present exDef renced.
Continuous in one sentence and goingto in the other. 4 A | _ (probabty/study) at the University of
I a Emma (get) a piercing some day. Arizo na.

b Emma (get)a piercing this afternoon. She's

B Great! l'm sure you _ (tove) the campus there.

a bit afraid that it might hurt. 5 A I don't feeL confident behind the wheeI and I stilt

2 _ (they/p[ay) another votteybatt match

can't park properly. l-
(fait) my driving test.
tomorrow morning on the schootpitch?
B I don't think you (fait). You always worry
and then everything is fine.
b_ (they/ptay) another votleybaLt match when
5 A The traffic is quite heavy. (we/get)to the
they have more free time?
church on time?
3 a Joan (not fly) to New York tomof fow B Don't worry, the wedding
^ ^+ -+-
morning because there is a probtem with her visa. without us.
b Joan _ (not fly) to New Yof k if the tickets get 7 A Look at these ctouds. The weather (be)
even mote exDensrve. horible during the reception.
B Don't wofr-y. lt might be windy but l'm sure it
(not rain). -
74 Present Perfect (1) 7B Present Perfect (Z)
We use the Present P erf ect to talk about states and actions
that started in the past and sti|'t continue. We often use since
and forwhen we use the Present Pedect in this way.
. Since points to a moment in time when the activity stafted:
since 2000/ M o nd ay/ last su m m e r/ my b i rth d ay
We have owned this house since 1997.
. For gives a time period between a time in the past and now:
for five minutes/two weeks/a Iong tine/ages
I have known Sean for ten years.
YeslNo questions Short answers When we ask about dulation, we use How long?
Yes, l/you/we/they have How long has television existed?
Have No, l/you/we/they have not When we want to talk about states of actions that stafted in
finished? (haven't). the past and stitt continue, we use the Present Pedect, N0T
ne/ Yes,he/she/it has. the Present Simole:
Has My mum has been self-emp\oyed since 2074.
sh e/it No, he/she/it has not (hasn't)

Wfi- questions
1 7A Comptete the sentences with the correct Present
Perfect or Past Simpte forms of the verbs in brackets.
he/she/it I (you/hear) the news? They want to
close down our schoo[!
Subject questions
2 The factory (not take) on a new secfetary yet.
Who I
3 When _ (the neighbours/offer)you a part-time
jo b?
We use the Present Perfect to talk about:
o recent events which happened at an indefinite time in the My sister_ (atready/save) enough moneyto
past and othel news: buy a [aptop.
They've offered ne a job. 5 The company (make) a huge profit [ast year.
. actions and events which ended in the oast but we don't 6 Angie _ (never/travet) by ptane. lt't[ be her first
know or it's not important when exactty they happened: time.
Kate has beento Rome.
Have you ever had a job interview?
7 _(you/prepare) for your job interuiew
tomorfow morning?
Spetting rules: past participte z 7B Choose the correct words to complete the
Regular verbs
The past participte form of regutar verbs is the same as their
1 Maly's had hel new mobi[e phone since about a year I
Last lu ne
Past Simpte form. For spetting rutes, see page 174.

2 They haven't sacked an emptoyee since I for a couple

lrregular verbs of vears.
For a [ist of irregutar verbs, see page 183. I worked I have worked at home for a year but now
I work / have worked for a big multinationaL company.
Common time expressions used with the Present Perfect:
. evet - used in questions:
'How long are you I have you been out of work?'
'Since I For six weeks.'
Have you ever worked shifts?
. nevet - used in negative sentences: My dad has I has had the same job since I for lte
My grandparents have never left EngLand. graduated from university.
. already and just- used mainty in affirmative sentences: How many job apptications have you sent out since
I have already seen this film. you lost your job I the last three months?
They have just [eft.
c yet - used at the end of negative sentences and questions, 3 7A&B Use the prompts to write sentences in the
to express an expectation thatthe action will happen even Present Perfect. Add any other necessary words.
though it hasn't happened yet: Steve / not phone / me / March
I haven't seen Richard's job application yet. 5teve hasn't phaned me since March.
Has the boss interviewed any candidates yet?
2 How long lyou I know / Chris?
When we use the Pfesent Pedect to mention actions and
3 The web designer / work / on the new website / New
events that ended in the past, we nevef say when exactly
thov h:nnpnod' Yea I
We have arrived. 4 0ur babysitter / Look after / our daughter / 2018
lf we want to ask or say when something happened, we 5 you / think about / starting your own company / many
have to use the Past Simole: weeks?
When did you arrive? The enptoyees / not have / pay rise / nearty three
We arrived an hour ago. yea fs

8A Verb patterns: the infinitive and the -ing ], 8A Choose one or two correct options to complete the
form I Amy can't stand her exam resutts, especiatty
We use the -lng form afterthese verbs: avoid, can't stand, in Chemistry.
consider, continue, don't mind, enjoy,finish, give up, keep (on), a waiting -for
b to wait wait
miss, p ra ctise, sp e n d (tlme), sto p, th i n k abo ut:
Why did you begin data without a[[the
Do you like doing experiments in Science class?
necessary information?
We use th e to- infi n itive after these verbs: agree, can't afford,
a analysing -the
b toanalyse c analyse
choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, manage, need, prefer, pretend,
promise, refuse, start,try, want, would like, would prefer: Emma avoids science experiments as she doesn't
Mendeleev managed to organise elements into groups. think thev're safe.
with no or a doing
- btodo cdo
We can use either the -ing form or the infinitive,
very littte change in meaning, afterthese verbs: begin, hate, 4 I decided _the printef backto the shop.
Like, love, prefer, start'. a taking b to take ctake
I prefer watching TV. = I prefer to watch TV.
We use the infinitive without to after modatverbs: can, could,
Did you enjoy _ ouf new website?

may, might, must, should'.

a designing b to design c design

You mustn't mixthose two substances, it can cause an You shou[d repairthe fridge.
explosion! a getting b to get c get
We atmost always use an -lng form of the verb after 7 Teenagefs often spend hours Internet.
Drepositio ns:
Ihe students carried on working on their projects.
a surf b to surf
-thec surfing
Leon is thinking about doing a degree in Biochenistry. 8E Use each set of prompts to make two first
conditionat sentences. Use correct punctuation,
8E The first conditional 1 wiLt/ the video / go viral I ft I rt lwe / share
The video will go viral if we share it.
lf we share the videa, it will go viral.
if / Sam / not/ writes / it/forget/ my number I will I
down / she
/f + Present Simpte, wilLlwon't + infinitive
the hard disk / we I if I will I lose lattthe data /
lf I work hard, I wi[[ pass my exams. crashes

Result Condition 4 ready / we I it lsoon / are / won't / be tate / you

wilLlwon't + infinittve lf + Present SimpLe 5 you I if lyou / 100 points / score / this ctue / sotve /
I wi[[ pass my exams if I work hard.
6 the chatlenge / doesn't lpay lit 15100 / Don / carry
First conditionaIsentences refer to the future. We use them to out/he/witL
ta[k about the oossib[e resutts of an action: 3 8EComplete the second sentence so that it means the
lf ltellthen the truth, they won't believe me.
same as the first one. Use correct punctuation.
We use the Present Simpte in the if-ctause, which describes I I must make copies of atl my files or I might [ose them.
the condition. We use a future form, usualty wilLlwon't,inIhe
ctause describing the resutt.
I wi[[ [ose a[[ my fiLes if
The if-ctause (condition) can come first or second in
2 Don't try to do this experiment on your own. You't[
hurt yourse[f.
a sentence. lf it comes first, it is a[ways fot[owed by a comma:
tf you don't go to your sister's wedding, you'll regret it later. lf you witt hurt Yourself.
You'LI regret it later if you don't go to your sister's wedding. 3 Max must detete the virus or the computer wi[[ crash.
In questions, we usuatty put the resutt c[ause first: The comouter wittcrash if
Will you help ne if I have problems with my assignment?
4 We can't Dosttoo much on sociaImedia because our
parents wittget angry.
0ur parents wiLt get angry if
5 Vince shou[d charge his mobite phone or it witt die
before we get home.
lf it wittdie before we get home.
6 You need to update the operating system, otherwise
your [aptop wi[[work very slow[y.
Your [aptop wittwork very stowty if

9A Past Perfect We make the fot[owing changes in repofted speech:
. tenses (move 'one tense back') as in the table opposite
. time expressions and words referring to ptaces
(depending on the context):
now > at that time lthen
today > that day
yesterday > the day before
two hours ago > two hours earlierlbefore
tomorrow > the following day
YeslNo questions Short answers here > there

llyoul Yes, l/you/he/she/itlwe/they

. demonstrative plonouns, personaI pronouns, object
pronouns and possessive adjectives (depending on the
h e/she/ watched had.
illwel context):
TV? No,l/you/he/she/it/we/they
thlslthese : th at I th ose
th ey had not (hadn't).
llwe > helshelthey
UUh- questions melus > hrnlherlthen
my > his/her
what jn.o
watched on TV? our > their
'My mother arrived here yesterday.' > 5he said that her
Subject questions mother had arrived there the day before.

who j n.o I
watched TV? In reported speech, we often use reporting verbs say and
tell. Their meaning is simi[ar, but the verb tell always takes
We use the Past Perfectto talk aboutthe eartiest of two or a direct object (a noun or a pronoun). The verb say does not
more events in the past. The action expressed in the Past take a direct object, but you can use a noun or a pronoun
Perfect happened before the action in the Past Simp[e: with it with the oreoosition to:
ln the taxi,l reaLised that I had leftthe tickets at home. (tleft Ihe best man said that the wedding was atfive o'clock.
them there and then I got into the taxi.) The best man said to me that the wedding was at five o'cLock.
Sometimes the Past Perfect changes the meaning: Ihe best man told me that the weddinq was atfive o'cLock.
The chiLdren wentto sLeep when we got home. (First we got
home and then the chitdren went to steep.)
The children had gone to sLeep when we got home. (The
1 9A Join the sentences using the Past Perfect and the
linkers in botd,
children were atready asteep when we got home.)
I I tried to make origami frgures. ljoined the cLass.
ln the Past Perfect we often use [inkers such as after, aLready, BEFORE
as soon as, beforc, by, by the time, once, untit, e.g. by the age
Before I joined the class, I had tried to make origami
of six, by the time I was six, by 1978: figures.
By the time I was six, I had learnt how to to read.
Z We rehearsed many times in the school gym. We gave
a performance. BY THE TIME
9C Reported speech 3 Andrea wrote the script for a short fitm. She began
Looking for actors. AS SOON AS
4 JoeI didn't star in frLms. He qraduated from a fitm
academy. UNTII
Present Simple Past Simpte
5am:'lstudy.' Sam said (that) he studied
5 The artist drew a sketch of my Littte sister in pencit. He
oainted an oiI oortrait. AFTER
'Sue doesn't study.' Sam said (that) Sue didn't study.
6 The peformance a[ready started. I got to the theatre.
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Sam: 'l'm studying.' Sam said (that) he was studying.
'5ue isn't studying ' Sam said (that) 5ue wasn'tstudying. 2 9C Rewrite sentences 1-3 in direct speech and
sentences 4-6 in reported speech.
Present Perfect Past Perfect
5am: 'l've studied.' Sam said (that) he had studied. I Peter said that he was going to the theatfe then.
'5ue hasn't studied,' 5am said fthat) 5ue hadn't studied. 'l'm going to the theatre now,' said Peter.
Past Simpte Past Perfect 2 Tony and Amy totd us that they would help us organise
Sam: 'l studied.' Sam said (that) he had studied.
the gig the fottowing day.
'5ue didn't study.' Sam said fthatl Sue hadn't studied 3 The woman at the box office said that the tickets had
sold outthe day before.
will would
5am: 'l wi[[ study.' 5am said (that) he woutd study. 4 'We can paint the waLts blue and grey,' the architect
sa id.
'5ue won't study,' Sam said (that) Sue wouldn't study
can could
5 'l've neversung in front of such a [arge audience
befoTe,' I toLd the conductor.
Sam: 'l can study.' Sam said (that) he could study.
'Sue can't study.' Sam said (that) Sue couldn't study 6 'Now l'm making a fi[m based on a true story,' said the
d i lecto r.

L0A The passive Z 10A Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words
I Agatha Christie created her most famous detective
Tea is grown in India. Hercutes Poirot in the 1920s.
are not repaired here.
Cars Agatha Christie's most famous detective Hercules
Where are these books sotd? Poirot was created in the 1920s.
I was offeredjob with the potice.
2 Afthur Conan Doyle influenced Chtistie's first few
These handcuffs were not produced in China
stories with Poirot.
Where was our car made? Christie's first few stories with Poirot
The crime has been finally solved. 3 The authorshows hercharacteras averytidyand
punctuaI pefson.
We have not been informed about the change.
Has he been invited to Kerry's wedding? The character
Poirot uses his tittLe grey ceIts to so[ve crimes.
We use the passive when the action is more important than
Littte grey cetts
the person who performs it. lf we want to add information
about the person (the agent), we use the word by: Agatha Christie oubtished her last novelwith Poirot in
How many crimes were committed in London last year? r97 5.
The shopping maLLis visited by about 50,000 people every day. Aqatha Christie's [ast novetwith Poirot
6 SeveraLactors have pLayed the roLe of HercuLes Poirot
100 The second conditional on the radio and on TV.

The rote of Hercutes Poifot

Condition Result
3 10D Choose the correct verbs to complete the forum.

/f + Past Simpte would /would n't + nitive

How ldid / would you react if your best friend
i nfr

lf my heaLth was better, I woutd appty for a job with the zwould accuse / accused you of something you did
not do?
Result Condition Kevin:
wouLd lwouldn't + i nfi nitive if + Past Simpte That's a difficult situation. lf it really 3happened /
would happen, | talked / would talkto him first.
I would appty for a job with the if my heatth was better sDid / Would I forgive him if he 6apologised /
would apologrse for the accusation? l'm not sure
We use second conditionalsentences to ta[k about: Matthew:
. imaginary situations in the present: lf | 7 found / would find out about il, I swent / would
lf lwere rich, lwould live in a huge house. go to the police to report a false accusation. I think
. imorobab[e events in the future: it's really wrong to lie about somebody. V',teewere
lf he Ieft home earlier, he would never be |ate for work. never / would never be able to be friends again if
he really lodid / would dothat.
We use the Past Simpte in the if- clause and wouldlwouldn't
in the clause describing the resu[t. Jane:
We put a comma atthe end of the if- ctause if it comes first in lf I llwould be / were in this situation, I 12didn't /
the sentence. wouldn't do anything except just wait until the
misunderstanding is cleared up.
In second conditionaI sentences after /, he, she and it we can
use vvas ot were. Were is more forma[:
lf ny health were better, l'd apply for a job with the police. 4 l.0D Rewrite the sentences using the second
lf he was/wete my son, I wouldn't Let hin stay out so late. conditional.
Rememberto use were in the phrase lf lwere you'. I Samantha hasn't got enough money to pay
lf lwere you, I would teLl hin the truth. a detective to find her missing car.
lf Samantha had enough money, she would pay
a detective to find her missing car.
1 10A Choose the correct verbs to complete the sentences.
I Computers are protected I protect against viruses by
2 The po[iceman won't catch the shoplifters because he
can't run very fast.
2 lthink a lot of books about Shertock Holmes have 3 Petef and Ann a[e very poor. They are out of work.
translated I have been translated into many different 4 My neighbour hates anti-sociaI behavioul so she
ranguages. reports it to the po[ice.
5 0n the way to work Mark stopped I was stopped by Ihe 5 Many burgtaries happen because peopte don't instatl
po[ice. burg[ar a[arms.
4 The head teacher is very angry with Joet because he 5 | haven't got supefpowers. I won't save the world.
has broken I has been broken the window.
5 How isthe main character shown I doesthe main
character show in the fitm adaotation?

182 r

be /tri:/ was/were been /birn/ lend /lend/ lent /lentl

. -
let /let/ I let /tet/
beat i bir/ beat luirt/ ' oeaGn lui;i lie /lar/ lay /ler/
become /br'k,rm/ became lbr'kerm/ beq9m9 /br knm/ lose /lutzl lost /lnst/
begin 7nr'grnl began lblgenl begun lblgml make /merk/ made /merd/
blow /blau/ blew lbtur/ r btown,/blagnl fl€tsIl /mi:n/ meant /ment/
break lbrerk/ broke tbrauk/ broken /'braukan/ meet /mir/ met /met/
bring /bnrl/ brought lbrr:t/ brought /brr:t/ Pa! lpel paid /perd/
build /nrta/ built /brlt1 built /brlt/ - . put /put/ Put /Putl
burn /b:;n/ burned lbrndl burned lbz,"ndl read /ri:d/ read /red/
or burnt lb::nt/ orburnt/b:rnV - tide lrardl rode /raud/
buY lbarl bought /br:t/ bought /br:t/
-r ring lrql tang lrreql
catch 7t<aty caught /krr/ , caught/krt/
tise lrarzl rose /rauz/
choose TtJu:z,l chose /tJauz/ chosen l'tlauzanl
fUn /r^n/ fan /ran/
come /k^m/ came /kerm/
1. !.ome /knm/ Say /ser/ said /sed/
cost /kost1 cost /kost/ I, co,st /kDst/
S€€ /sir/ I SEW /s:l/
cut /k^t/ cut i k^tl cut /k^t/
sell /sel/ sold /sauld/
dea[ /di:l/ dealt /deltl
o.eitt la.ttt . send /send/ S€llt /sent/
dig /drgl dug /dng/ dug ldngl
set /set/ set /set/
do /dur/ did /drd/ : done /drn/
shake /Jerk/ shook {uk/
draw /dn:/ drew /dru:/ i drawn /dun/
shine {arn/ shone iJonl
dream ldriml i
dreamed /drirmd/ dreamed /dri:mdl
shrink {rrqk/ shrank {rar1k/
or dreamt /dremt/ .1 o1d19agti!1emtl
show 4aul showed l[audl
drink /drilt</ drank ldraryl</ drunk /drnqk/
shut {nt/ shut Otl
drive /drarv/ drove /drauv/ : driven I'drruanl
sing /sr0/ sang /san/
eat lr^tl ate /et/ ; e-9ten /'irtan/ . sink /srqki
fall /fr:l/ fe[[ lfel/ I fal[en |ft;lanl ;-fa!! /;4ntt ,

feed /tiral fed /tea/ _

sit Art/ , sat /sat/
, f_ed /fed/ sleep /stirp/ stept islept/
fee[ /firl/ felt /felt/ I,felt /felt/ - sme[[ /smel/ smelted lsmeldl
fi9ht /faft/ , fought ifrtl ,r
foughtfr:t/ , or smelt /smelt/
find /farnd/ found /faund/ tgun9 lfavndl . speak /spirk/ spoke /speuki
fly lfl,ot flew /ftur/ ' flown /flaun/
forbid /fa brdi forbade lfa'bredl forbidden spend /spend/ spent /spent/
I ifa'brdn/
stand /stand/ stood /stud/
forget /fa'get/ , forgot /fa'got/ i,forgotten /fa gotn/ stea[ /sti:l/ stole /staul/
forgive ita'grvl forgave lIa'gewl folgivel /fale1ye1/
, stick /strk/ stuck istnk/
freeze lfri:zl ftoze lfrauzl i frozen I'frauzanl
sweep /swirp/ swept /swept/
get /get/ got /got/ i gotigDt/
swim /swrm/ SWam /swam/
give 19rvl gave lgeiv/ rgiven I'gwanl
take /tert<l took /tuk/
90 lgaal Went /went/ r 9on9 ls?nl . teach /rirtI/ taught /b;t/
grow /grau/ grew /gru:/
i.gr9w! lgraunl tear it€ai I tor€ /b:/
have /hev/ had lhed/ had /rreu/
te[[ /tet/ l told /tar:ld/
hang iherll hung /h,r!/ r hung Thrq/
think /erqk/ r thought /errt/*-
hear rhral heard /h:rdl . heard /h::d/
throw /grau/ , , threw /Oru:/
hide /hard/ hid /hrd/ .t hiddenTfrrOni understand understood
hit /hn/ hit /hn/ I hit /hrt/
i,^nda'stend/ . /nndastud/ -
hold /heuld/ hetd /heldl , netO lfl"ful wake /werki woke /wauk/
hurt /h:rt/ hurt /h:rt/ i hurt /h::t/ wear /wea/ WOre /w)l/
keep /kirp/ kept /kepV , fept /.!.ep!1 win /wrn/ won /w^n/
know /nau/ knew lniur/ ,r known /naun/ write /rar/ _
wrote /raut/ written l'rrrn/
lead /tirctl ted lledl i led /tea/
learn /tan/ learned il::nd/ I learned ilrndl
oi [earnt /l;rnt/ i or [earnt /l:rnt/
leave /li:vi left /left/ left /left/

Unit L Unit 2
L Comptete the second sentence using the word in botd 1 Complete the second sentence so that it means the
so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more same as the first one. Use no more than three words in
than three words including the word in botd. each gap.

r This is a fantastic party. My friends and I tike it very I When Tanya started secondary schoo[, she wasn't
MUCh. ENJOYING a fan of Physics.
This is a fantastic party. My ftiends and I it When Tanya stailed secondaiy schoo[, she
vefy mucn. Physi cs,

2 Betty's homework is always without a singLe mtstake. 2 She didn't listen to the teacher in Physics ctasses.
MAKE She attention in Phvsics classes.
Betty mistakes in her 3 She often skipped Physics cLasses.
homework. She sklp Physics cIasses.
3 My opinion is not the same as youfs. NOT 4 She nevertook any notes in Physics [essons.
with you. She to take any notes in PhYsics
Keith has his home at his parents'house atthe Lessons.
moment because he's [ooking for a new flat. tlVlNG 5 0ne day, Tanya did a Physics experiment withoutthe
Keith with his pafents at the teacher's hetp.
moment because he's Looking for a new flat. The teacher Tanya to do het
5 Listen!There's a very [oud algument between Keira Physics experiment.
and her mum. ARGUING 6 Tanya's experiment went wetL.
Listen! Keira and her mum very Tanya's expeliment wrong.
AfterthatTanya finatly stafted pailicipating in Physics
5 We don't need anybody's help to instat[ apps on our c[asses.
phones. BY
After that Tanya fi natty stafted taki ng
We can instat[ apps on ouf Phones Physics c[asses.
Susan is very f riend[y. Altthe peopte Like her.
EVERYBODY Z Choose the correct words a-c to complete the text'
Susan is very friendLy her
8 People in my cLass aren't interested in mountain Well, my first day at school is over. We
r- here
biking. NOBODY just a couple of days ago and l'- anybody
ln my ctass, interested in before starting at the new school. Luckily' the
mountain bikinq. people in my class 3- very friendly, A girl
called Karen o- me around the school. I t-
z Choose the correct words a-c to complete the texts.
particularly interested to see the gym because I'm
I- ._
Mum, can | late tonight? keen on sport, especially cycling. When I was
I want to go to a concert in the Park a child, | 6- part in many cycling races. During
- one of the races I even
7- the school champion
out b sLeep over c be into
a gold medall But I e-
a stay
and 8- the school
z record, so I was a bit disappointed. Karen told me
lf you want to learn how to give an interesting and
that my new school is organising a cycling race
come to our workshop next Wednesday
this spring and I really want to 10- in it.
at 3 p.m.
a mistake b speech c advice
I a used to move b didn't move c moved

My parents have a great relationship. They spend

2 a didn't know b didn't use to know c knew
a lot of time together and always their 3 aweren't bwas cwere
feelinqs and opinions,
- 4 a didn't show b used to show c showed
5 a wasn't b was C WEIC
a share b telt c hug
6 a used to take b didn't use to take c take

We're open all yeat so whY not PaY us

7 a beat b won c drew

a during the winter months? 8 a broke b scored c won

9 a didn't bteak b didn't use to break c didn't beat
a -
banknote b visit c caL[
l0 a ptay b participate c paft

Unit 5 Unit 4
1 Comptete the second sentence using the word in bold ]. Complete the second sentence so that it means the
so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more same as the first one. Use no more than three words in
than three words inctuding the word in botd. each gap.
I Yesterday my cousin and I went for a drive along the I In our town, there isn't a moTe poputal ptace to eat
main road and saw some witd horses. ALONG than the Giraffe.
Yesterday, white my cousin and I The Giraffe is olace to eat in our
the main road, we saw some wi[d horses. IOWN.

2 l'm afraid the ptane teftthe airporttwo minutes ago.OFF 2 Attother caf6s are worse than the Giraffe.
l'm afraid the pLane two minutes There isn't a cafe as the Giraffe
ago. 3 The Giraffe makes the tastiest Dancakes.
3 My sister got up [ate and missed the 8:50 train to No other p[ace makes this one.
London. NOT
4 You spend very Iittle time waiting for a waiter.
My sister got up Late and the waiting foi
You don't spend
8:50 train to London. a waiter.
I went into the office in the middle of the guide's 5 In other caf6s the pancakes are too sma[1.
conversation with some tourists. WAS
ln other cafes the pancakes are
I went into the office whi[e the quide noI
some tourists.
The pancakes in the Giraffe are cheaper than in other
5 This man helped me with my hand luggage on the cafes.
ptane. HELPED
The pancakes in the Giraffe are n
This is the man me with my hand
other caf6s.
tuggage on the ptane.
7 The Giraffe received a few prizes for the best food in
6 Why don'i we meet by the Left Luggage area? We Lefl
our rucksacks thefe. WE
The Giraffe received of plizes for
Why don't we meet by the Left Luggage area
the best food in town.
our rucksacks?
7 During the carnivalthefe wasn't a singte bed availabte Complete the text with the correct words formed from
in any of the hote[s in Venice that we catted. FUttY the words in botd.
During the carnivaI a[tthe hotets in Venice that we
ca [[ed
z Comptete the text with one word in each gap.
Vou care about ers? Would you
f\o 1
|.Jlike them to feel COMFORT)
in your shop? If so, read these tips and make sure
your customers have the2- (GOOD) possible
added by FrangoiseT from Aix-en-Provence 22 April1 1 .01 a.m.
experience in your shop.
Last year, ' z_ my parents were looking at holiday . Pay'- (ATTEND) to your customers from
offers, they some information about a project the moment they enter the shop. Remember to
called Home Exchange, Families who 3- in this
smile and say hello. It can be difficult if there are
other a_ (SHOP) inside at the same time, but
project spend two to three weeks in each other's houses.
My mum found a family 4_ home was in Florida, close
to a lovely beach famous s_ its seashells and white
it's very important.
sands. The American family wanted to o_ in a cottage
. Let the customers take their time when they are
in the south of France. We 7 not so sure about the Iooking around. Don't rush them - just offer
idea at first but then we went for it. lt 8 us almost them friendly s- (ADVISE).
twenty-four hours to get to Miami, but the holiday was . When a customer complains to you about
fantastic. We were lying on the beach, sunbathing, a faulty item, be ready to 6- (CHANGE) it for
e_ at the view, and just relaxing. My brother and a different one or give a full refund. If they
| 'o_ not want to go back home to France at all! haven't got a 7
explain hindly
Now my parents are looking for another family 11_ what the shop's policy on returning items is.
would like to soend some time in our house so that we . -(RECEIVE),
Another important point is dealing with queues
can enjoy theirs! at the checkout. Remember that customers
hate waiting, so, if possible, get more shop 8-
(ASSIST) to work part-time when your shop gets
reallv busv.

Unit 5 Unit 6
I Comptete the second sentence using the word in bold
I Gomptete the second sentence so that it means the
same as the first one. Use no more than three words in
so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more
each gap.
than three words inctuding the word in botd'
I ls it a probtem for you if I do some yoga in the tiving
I Where am I ptanning to settle down after coming back
room? MIND
to Engtand?
Do vou mind if I do some yoga in the living room?
Where am I down when lcome backto
Engta nd?
2 When we Lived in the hatts of residence, there was an
obtigation to tidy up our fooms every day To
2 Living in a city is not my intention'
I'm [ive in a city.
When we tived in the hatLs of residence, we
up ouf tooms everY daY. 3 | don't want to be ctose to any noisy areas.
3 lt's not a good idea to start exercising without lwant from noisy areas.
a wa[m-up. NoT 4 Maybe l'ttfind a smat[ cottage in the countryside'
YoU exercising without find a smaLtcottage in the
a wafm-uD. countryside.
4 Why don't you throw away your old carpet and buy 5 l'm optimistic about finding a job.
a nice rug instead? GET find ajob.
I hope I

Why don't you your oLd carpet

and buy a nice rug instead?
6 l'm so happy l'ttbe back in Engtand soon.
I'm to going backto Engtand.
5 lt wasn't necessary for George to cook yesterday
because his chitdren were away' HAVE ? In fact, l've made affangements to go back next
month I

George to cookyesterdaY
In fact, I'm next monthl
because his chiLdren wefe away.
5 My younger sister isn't at[owed to heat up food by z Comptete the text with the correct words formed from
herself. MUST the words in botd.
My younger sistef up food by
h erself. Hi Cara,
? Can you do the dishes after dinner, ptease? UP
Please help me because I don't know what to do.
Can you after dinner, Ptease?
As you know, some time ago I got an
Z choose the correct words a-c to comptete the text' 2-
(lNVlTE)to Mark's birthday party. I was quite
(SURPRISE)but lwas looking fonrvard to it. I even
mona.lisa 2 JanuarY 8,07 a.m,
Next year is my first year at university and I need your made some t- (ARRANGE) with Mark's friends

advice, 1- | live in the halls of residence or rather rent about his birthday present. But a few days ago Mark
a flat with some friends? and I had aI4-(ARGUE). I was rude to him and

JamesOOT 3 JanuarY 1 1.28 a.m, now I don't s-

Definitely halls of residencel You meet a lot of new (NTENTION)to go to his party or even talkto him' But
people with whom you have a lot
2-, You l'm really 6- WORRY)that Mark might be really
3- follow too many rules - you 4- just keep quiet ?- (DISAPPOINTMENT)that I didn't tell him about
after '1 O p.m. and you 5- have visitors at night' changing my 8- (DECIDE). He hates unreliable
@strange-girl 3 JanuarY 9.47 P,m' people, and now lwon't be any'- (DIFFER) from
When I started living on my own' |
6- learn to be
me to 7- my bed
independent, I had no parents telling
10- (FEEL) and
or wash up. But living in halls of residence taught me to Maybe I should tell Mark about my
8- my room tidy. You never know when somebody is apologise for my behaviour? But will he talk to me?
qoinq to e- Vour room to see Youl
Please, tell me what to do! Remember, the party is
tomorrow, so be quick!
I a Must b ShouLd C CoUtd

2 a of homework b of time c tn common

3 a mustn't b cou|'dn't c don't have to
4 a shou[d b don't have to c mustn't
5 a don't have to b must G mustn't
6 ahadto b must c shou[d
7 a ctean b make cdo
8 a ctean bdo c Keep
9 a get rid of b turn into c come round to

Unit 7 Unit 8
L Comptete the second sentence using the word in botd 1 Comptete the second sentence so that it means the
so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more same as the first one. Use no more than three words in
than three words including the word in botd. each gap.
When did you [ose your job? YOU I 0ur lT teacher says that we shoutd always save
How tong out of work? attachments on the computer or we't[ lose them.
2 My job is to Look after babies and sma[[children. TAKE
According to ouf lTteacher, if we
job attachments on the comDuter, we't[ lose them.
My is to babies and smat[
ch itd ren. 2 We shoutdn't oDen attachments from unknown
ou rces.
3 Dad's boss gave him his last pay rise two years ago. s

NOT We should opening attachments

from unknown sources.
Dad's boss him a pay rise for two
years. 3 We shoutd always insta[[the [atest anti-virus
4 Has the factory emptoyed more staff recently? 0N
We shou[d atways keep Ine
Has the factory more staff
latest a nti-vi rus softwa re.
Our lTteacher often reminds us to update our
5 You haven't watered the ptants since 15 June, and
operating systems because otherwise our [aptops wit[
today it's 29 June. WEEKS
work very stowty.
You haven't watered the otants
teacher often rem inds us that if we don't u odate
Ou r lT
6 lt's the first time the Iibrarian is teachinq a class of six- our operating systems, our Laptops
years-oLds. NEVER very fast.
The Iibrarian a ctass of six-year- He shows us educationaIqames that a[[ow us to learn
olds before. more effectivety.
I'm [ooking forward to doing vo[unteer work in our He shows us educationatqames that tet
[ocaIcharity shop. T0 more effectivety.
l'm Iooking in our Iocatcharity He might teach us about programming in the future.
snop. Then we can come up with our own apps.

2 Comptete the text with one word in each gap. lf he us about programming in
the future, we witl come up with our own apps.

il or nol. more ond more employers 2 Choose the correct words a-c to complete the text.
9comploin oboul job oppliconls. The first
problem is thoi young people' opply When I was in primary school, I didn't enjoy 1_to
? o job often use emoticons or informol Science lessons, I especially hated 'z_ experiments
' longuoge in their CVs ond opplicotion letters. in the lab because I wasn't very t_ and often a_
Another difficult situotion is the job guesses. Everything changed when we went on
, Some condidotes tolk too much obout their a school trio to the Science Museum, I was fascinated

. personol for exomple how creotive by robots and I tried hard s_ how they 6_,
, or hord-working they ore. Others con't I got really interested in them and shortly aftenvards
, even exploin why they hove 5_ for I managed 7_two basic robots, I'm planning to
this porticulor job. One interviewel who hos 8_ building robots in the future. And if somebody
on over o hundred employees ever e_ me about my favourite subject, I to_
the beginning of this yeor, soys that it's Science, of coursel
thot oooliconts know less ond less obout the
they wont to work for. Moreover, ofter I arogo b going cgo
o condidote is employed, it often turns out thot 2 400 b doing r does
he or she con't work e o deodline or 3 a pfecrse b enormous c confused
t0_ pressure. Unfortunoiely, oll thot limits 4 a guesseo b did c made
the condidotes' chonces of finding o sotisfying 5 a to understand b understanding c understand
permonent job. 5 400 b act C WOTK

7 a to buitd b buitding c buitd

8 a try b teach c continue
9 A ASKS b'[task c is going to ask
10 a says b't[ say r said

Unit 9 Unit 10
1 Comptete the second sentence using the word in bold L complete the second sentence so that it means the
so that it means the same as the first one. Use no more same as the first one. Use no more than three words in
than three words inctuding the word in botd. each gap.
I Aftertaking part in severaIschooI performances, Louis I Last December someone broke into our localshop.
gotthe main rote in a TV soaP. HAD Last December our locatshoP
Louis got the ma in ro[e in a TV soap after he had taken 2 The thief escaped with the stoten goods.
part in severaI schooI performances.
The thief got the sto[en goods.
2 'Joan hates watchinq horrors,' I said to Chris. CHRIS The potice arrested him quickty because he had teft
that Joan hated watchinq his fingerprints in the shoP.
nof forS. He because he had Left his
3 | don't want to go to the art gatlery today because I'm fingerprints in the shop.
not we[t. G0ING 4 A witness said at the potice station, 'l don't recognise
I don't to the art gattery today the burgtar because my eyes are bad.'
because I'm not wett. A witness said at the potice station, 'lf my eyes weren't
4 'The band has turned down the offer from the bad, I the burg[ar.'
recording studio,'the manager said. TURNED 'lt woutd be a good idea for you to instat[ a burgtar
The manager said that the band a[arm,' a policeman said to the shop owner.
the offer from the recording studio. 'l would insta[ta burgtar atarm if
5 lt was Jerry's fi rstwatercotour painting. PAINTED a poticeman said to the shop owner.
Jerry with waterco[ou rs before. Having a CCTV camera in the shop could make it easier
The photogfapher promised that she woutd take forthe ownerto keep an eye on it.
some Dhotos in the studio the next day. TAKE It woutd be easier for the owner to keep an eye on his
some ohotos in the studio shop if he a CCTV camera.
tomofrow,' the photographer promised. Lucki[y, no one has committed a serious crime in our
7 My boyfriend said that he wasn't reatly into opera. town since then.
CUP Lucki[y, no serious crimes rn 0ur
My boyfriend said that opera wasn't realty his town since then.

2 Choose the correct words a-c to complete the text.

2 Choose the correct words a-c to complete the text'
We don't feel safe here anymore, A couple of shops
There was an amazing Sound and Light show in 1_ recently. Some time ago, a gang 2- our
our town yesterday. The most Spectacular part was local bank, Yesterday a group of young men r-
t- a fairy tale about a violinist who saved a town a homeless person and according to a
4-, the
with his music, There was a recorded narrative and police took an hour to come to the scene, Crime
an orchestra performing z-, which made the has to be stopped and all those who are
show even more !-, The t- especially loved u- in prison, The police need to t- further
the special lighting effects. The presenter of the attacks on innocent t-. lt would be a tragedy for
show explained that the young director 5- some our community if anyone else e- hurt, We, the
successful computer animations before, In an local citizens, expect the local authorities and the
interview after the 6-, the director mentioned that police to to- us.
he t- on a water show I'm sure that if this young
man 8- working hard to develop his talents further,
we will definitely see even more fascinating shows I a are burgted b have been burgted c have bulgted
soon, 2 ashoptifted bstote ctobbed
3 a beat up b were beat uP c bit uP

1 a taken place b set in c based on 4 avictim bvittain cwitness

2 ative btife cative 5 ainnocent bhonest cguittY
3 ahitarious bpathetic cimpressive 6 a give up b end up c back off
4 aaudience bplaywright cperformer 7 aprevent bcommit csusPect

5 a has produced b produced c had produced 8 avictims bwitnesses cburglats

6 aconcefto bperformance cstage 9 a woutd get b get c got

7 a was working b worked c works l0 asotve borotect cafrest

8 a gives up b keeps on c manages

STUDENT A 7F Exercise 7, page 100
Your name is Pat.You're a studentfrom Australia.You're
1A Exercise 9, page 5
working as a vo[unteerforthe NG0 M6decins Sans
I How are you doing at schootthis year? Frontidres in a refugee camp in Africa.You've been there for
Z Afe you worklng hard at the moment? nine months. You don't get paid a satary but you get free
accommodation, food and flights home. You [ike the work
3 Afe you preparing for anY exams?
because the peopte are so open and friendty and you reatty
4 Do you usua[[y get good grades? feelyou're making a difference. Unfortunately, you're in
5 How many hours of homework do you do a week? a waI zone and there are often exptosions. lt's dangerous

6 Where do you do your homework? and you don't feel safe. Your contract ends in three months'
time but you're not sure if you are going to votunteer again
3C Exercise 8, page 37 or to go back to Sydney to finish your studies.
Foltow the instructions. Use the Speaking box on page
37 to hetp you. 8C Exercise 8, page 11L
I You're a tourist. You're visiting a new city. You go Follow the instructions. Then change roles.
to the Tourist Information Centre and ask about the
I You are a customer in an etectronics shop. You want
. a bus to take you from the city centfe to the airport to buy a phone butyou don't know a lot about
technotogy. Use the phrases from the Speaking box
. the time of the nexttour of the Castle
on page 111 to askthe shop assistant (Student B) to
. how far it is to the RoyaI Park
exptain everything he/she says.
2 You work in the Tourist Information Centre. A tourist
Z You afe a shop assistant in an electronics shop. You
asks you some questions. Give him/herthis
are trying to selta games console to Student B. Give
. Tram number 23 goes nearthe zoo. him/her these specifications. When he/she asks you
. There isn't a [eaflet but attthe information is on the to exptain, use the phrases from the Speaking box on
page 111 and the information in brackets.
. The National Museum is ooen from ten to four on
. lt's a portab[e games console. (lt's not a large home
Sundays. console, it's handhetd - you can hotd it in your hands.)
. lt's an oDen source modet. (You can share changes and
4C Exercise 8, page 51 improvements to the game with other players ontine)
o lt's an autostefeoscopic device. (You can see 3D
Foltow the insttuctions. Use the Grammar box and
images without wearing speciaI gtasses.)
Watch out! on page 51to hetp you.
You are at the supermarket but you don't know what to
buy for the pa rty tonig ht. Ma ke a [ist of th ings that y0u
need, then cat[ Student B and ask ifthe things on your [ist
are in the house or not.
1A Exercise 3, page 5
lslAre there any ...?
How much/many ... is/are there?

5D Exercise 5, page 68
Use the language from the Speaking box on page
68 and the prompts below to ask Student B for
permission. Respond appropriately to Student B's
permission requests.

take this chair use your dictionary for a moment

borrow your Engtish notebook for a few days
come round to yours after school
give you a catt this evening
stay in your house this weekend

1 D.m. Just marriedlThe officiaIwedding photo: my sister

Safa and her new husband Joe

1B Exercise 8, page 7
You answet'yes'to 0-7 questions: you and yourfriend
are very different peopte.
You answel'yes'to 8-12 questions: you and your
friend are very similar.
You answet'yes'to l3-15 questions: you and your
friend are atmost identicat.

lD Exercise 4, page 9 7G Exercise 8, page L03

FRUIT PICKERS wanted for Gowrie fruit farm

APPIYT0 Dougal McGuire at

Ma4rftiff Sntfmmin:i Pottl is looking for a lifeguard

Experience preferred
Flexible hours - weekends and evenings
Apply to Mrs Elaine Carter at


Would suit a $udenl t7+
W0rking 5-8.30 0r 8-1 1.30 p.n. G00d pay and 00ndilions.

5F Exercise 1, page 70 apply lo

I a sma[Ltown in Sardinia,ltaty: photo D

2 the suburbs in Southern California: photo B 8A Exercise 3, page 109
3 a vittage in tosta Rica: photo A Your answers are mostly A: You're curious about the
4 the city of 0kinawa, Japan: photo C world, you know how to concentrate and you're a hatd
worker. You shouLd think about becominq a scientist. You
5G Exercise 7, page 73 might enjoy it.
Your answers are more or less half A and half B: You
coutd be a scientist. lt's not impossib[e. But perhaps a
bioLogist rather than a physicist.
Your answels are mostly B: Youf answefs show that a
career in science is probably not right for you. But don't
worry. There are lots of othel careers open to you.

tife Skitts 7-8, Exercise 7, page 123

. try to lore weight A Harrison Ford B J. K. Row[ing C Steve Jobs

. get rnore exetctSe

. $ive uP srnoklng 9E SPEAKING, Exercise 8, page 130


5G Exercise 9, page 73
MODERN ART MUSEUM Expressionists Go Pop
10.00-20.00 daily
Jereryy - hopc u feel better - t{tx for looking aftcr
Adults fl0.70
Concessions f8.50
, dog food in cupboard nerfto oloor The best of abstract expressionism and pop artfrom the 50s to
o bowl for wfier unolertable the 70s.

, flsvt'l forgcf to takc thctn for a walk tunrning &. R0YAL GALTERY Snap the World
10.30-20.00 all this week
BackJun @ to.m ltiaggie Free
An exhibition of this year's best photos from all around the world.
Nature, landscapes, city scenes, war zones and poftraits.

6D LISTENING, Exercise Z, page 83 MIILENNIUM CENTRE Pop Planet

Saturday & Sunday all day
An optimist sees 0ne day f30.00
the gIass haLf futt. 50 Full weekend f50.00
A nessimist sPP( The Pop Planetfestival comesto ourtown atlastwith big names:
it haLf empty. Kenny East Nikki Spike and Doobeedoo.
A reatist sees the
5 THEXBOX FastFeet
g[ass complete[y
fuLt: hatf water and Saturdav 1 9.00-23.00
hatf air. Adults f 12.00
Concessions f7.50
Dance show with the best youth dance groups in the country.
1e0 From ballet to break da n ce, see the sta rs of the future tod ay.

LOD Exercise 3, page 142 5D Exercise 5, page 68
Your answers are mostly A Use the language from the Speaking box on page
You are very honest. You want to obey the law at a[[ 68 and the prompts below to ask Student A for
times. But maybe you shoutd askyoursetf if there are permission. Respond appropriately to Student A's
times when it is better to look the other wav. permission requests.
Your answers are mostly B
take this book use your phone for a moment
You are very carefu[. You prefer to avoid problems but
askyou a question borow your notes to revise forthe test
that means that perhaps you don't always do the right
give you a cattat 3 a.m.
th in g.
go on holiday with you next summef
Your answers are mostty C
You have some originaI ideas. Decide for yourse[f how
honestyou are. 7F Exercise 7, page 100
Your name is Leslie. You're a finat-year Chemistry student
living in StAndrews, Scottand.You work part-time in
STUDENT B a charity shop. You've had the job forthree weeks. You
don't get paid but you get to meet a lot of people and
1A Exercise 9, page 5 you've made some good friends amongst youf
co-workers. You atso getthe chance to buy second-hand
I Where do you [ive?
books, music and clothes at feally low prices. The onty
2 What does your mum/dad do? thing you don't [ike aboutthe job is the temperature in the
3 What's your mum/dad doing right now? shop - it's usually far too hot. When you graduate, you wi[[
4 D0 you ever go 0ut with your fami[y7 probabty have to [eave St Andrews to find work but you
rnight took for another charity shop job in your new town.
5 Do you enjoy big fami[y gatherings?
6 What do you think of weddings? 8C Exercise 8, page L1L
3C Exercise 8, page 37 Fotlow the instructions. Then change roles.

Fotlow the instructions. Use the Speaking box on page

I You afe a shop assistant in an etectronics shop. You are
trying to setla phone to StudentA. Give him/herthese
37 to help you.
specifications. When he/she asks you to exptain, use
I You work in the Tourist Information Centre. the phrases from the Speaking box on page 111 and
A tourist asks you some questions. Give him/her this the information in brackets.
i nfo rm ati o n:

. . lt has a 16-megapixel camera. (More megapixets =

Bus numbef 175 goes fiom the city centre to the
better quatity photos. )
a iroort. . You can have 16 or 52 gigs of memory. (Gigs are
. The tours of the Castte are once everytwo hours.
gigabytes, the space there is to keep things on your
The next one is at 2 o.m.
. The RoyaI Park is 25 minutes by bus number 180. . lt has an LED-backtit widescreen. (LED stands for
2 You're a tourist. You're visiting a new city. You go Light Emitting Diode - it's a more energy-efficient
to the Tourist Information Centre and ask about the tisht.)
. Z You afe a customer in an electronics shoo. You want to
a tfam to go to the zoo
buy a games consote but you don't know a lot about
. with information about different bus tickets
a leaflet
. technotogy. Use the phrases from the Speaking box
the opening and ctosing times of the NationaI
on page 111 to ask the shop assistant (Student A) to
Museum on Sundays
explain everything he/she says.

4C Exercise 8, page 51
Fo[[ow the instructions. Use the Grammar box and
Watch out! on page 51to hetp you.
You are at home. There isn't much food there. Student A
is atthe supermarket but he/she doesn't know whatto
buy for the pafty tonight. Write a tist of eight things that
are in the fridge and the cupboard. Then answer Student
A's questions.
There is/are some ...
There isn't/ aren't any ...
There is/are a lot of ... buttfiere isn't/aren't much/many ...

KAo Park
Hockham Way
Har[ow, Essex
CM17 9SR
I Engtand
and Associated Companies throughoutthe wortd

www. en

O Pearson Education Limited 2020

The o
rigfrt , Stuaft McKintay, Rod Fficker, Dean Russe[t and
Beata Tfap tified as authofs ofthis work has been asserted
by them in ith the Copyright, Designs a;d patents Act, 19BB

Att rights rt of this pubtication ma

stored in m, or tfansmitted in any
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First published in 2020
ISBN: 978-1-292-30089-4
Set in Akko pfo
Printed and bound by L.E.c.O. S.p.A., ttaty

The pubtisherswoutd tike to tha nk the fottowing peopte for their Cover lmage: Front; Getty lmages: skynesher
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Text Credit(s)

The pubtishefs woutd like to thank Simon poundef and Ktzyszlof

Niwiriski for their contribution to the Lite stitG Lessoni.

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,77; Chris c ittia rd p.115;
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