Saru Lutu Tamburi Mata Is A Phrase in Tombulu Language, A Language Which Is

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Group name : Nataniel Alffer Nong (20091102079)

Muhamad A. K. Ridwan (20091102049)

Aliandro Walintukan (20091102079)
Joshua Adiwinata (20091102043)

Saru lutu tamburi mata

Saru lutu tamburi mata is a phrase in Tombulu language, a language which is

from a Minahasan languages. Saru mean facing or Menghadap in Bahasa Indonesia,
lutu mean cooked food or , tamburi mean moving a body, mata means raw or mentah
in Bahasa Indonesia. All of these word combined to sentences mean is “ People who
are lazy, don't want to be tired of doing something”.

Tombulu language is a Tombulu, also known as Minahasan language is an

Austronesian language of northern Sulawesi in Indonesia. It is a Minahasan language,
a sub-group of the Philippine languages. It is a local language of the Minahasa people
spoken in the city of Tomohon and in the villages under the Kota Tomohon
administration such as Rurukan, Pinaras, Kumelembuai, Woloan, and Tara-Tara. It is
also spoken in the villages under the administration of the Minahasa Regency in the
Tombulu district, Tombariri district, Pineleng district, and two villages in the Sonder
district, namely Rambunan and Sawangan.

The expression "saru lutu tamburi mata' which means 'front of cooking, back
of raw' is the Tondano people's expression is aimed at people who are looking for
easy. The mindset that formed is the nature of looking easy is a shameful act because
it is considered lazy and have no effort or enthusiasm to work. Tondano people have a
motto that to get something one has to work hard.

The expression of this phrase is same like phrase from Manado Malay
language which is “mo cari untung” or phrase like “pancuri tulang” or Bone Stealer in
English. The meaning of this phrase is quite similar to “saru lutu tamburi mata” which
is the person who always looking for easy. Looking for easy mean is that person is
never want to do a work, always find an easy way which is considered as a lazy
because laziness is a shameful and inappropriate act to human beings

This phrases reflect of how Tondano people are hardworking person, they are
not always to find an easy way to do a things, which mean is Tondano peoples always
appreciate hardworking person because hardworking person means they are not lazy
and always strive to success. This kind of people not only are appreciated to the
Tondano people, but also this kind of attitude is always appreciated in many peoples
apart from their ethnic groups, even they are Tonsea people, Javanese, Sundanese, etc.

This phrase is reflects of how we live in, because so many people always want to find
an easy way to achieve success. They don’t want to work hard, always find many
reason to justify their lazy act. Example of this act we can see to those politicians steal
Rakyats money just for their own belly. They don’t want to work hard to achieve
more wealth rather they choose to steal tax money which that money is paid by ours
as a “Rakyat Indonesia” or Indonesia people. Not even to those politicians, this kind
of act also we always witnessed in our daily lives, maybe that act is considered
shameful, but sadly sometimes there’s still a some people justify this kind of their act
just beacuse they don’t want to be burden and just want a results without working

Laziness has negative effects on a person’s personal and professional

life. Laziness can prohibit important things from getting done, such as paying bills,
turning in assignments on time and failing to meet deadlines. This affects the lazy
person and those who are depending on him. There are times when an individual has
worked tirelessly and has the urge to be lazy; under these circumstances, taking time
to rest is understandable and necessary to rejuvenate the mind and body. Chronic
laziness, however, is problematic. In addition to being unproductive, laziness can
cause people to be dissatisfied with themselves and their lives.

Also, Laziness can lead to a total failure in a person's life. Laziness has a bad
effect on our physical and mental health both. Laziness is the biggest enemy of life. If
you are lazy then you will not acquire any significant position in your life and will
always remain confused. Laziness is such a disease which slowly steals everything
from us. The biggest attribute of laziness is that we don't understand its ill-effects on
the right time, and afterwards we can only regret.

People can overcome chronic laziness by developing new or different habits.

Psychology Today recommends taking smaller steps when starting tasks instead of
trying to do big things. For instance, if a person knows she is supposed to do laundry
on a particular day but succumbs to laziness, she should start small by separating the
laundry into light and dark piles. Next, she moves the laundry into laundry baskets.
Next, she puts a load in the washing machine. Starting small instead of dwelling on all
of the laundry that needs to be done and how long it takes to do — can minimize
inertia and help get things done.

People love feeling lazy because of the immense pleasure they get from laying
around and doing nothing. Little do they know, laziness has its own bad qualities.
Most of the people try to convince themselves that they are not lazy and always want
to blame someone else for their inactivity. We have all been there, right? Being
blinded by laziness is one of the worst things that can happen to you. It slowly takes
away every good habit and cripples your spirit.

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