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1.!"#$%&'(:*+,-20162550453 BC D @: 5 5 0 0 02 4 6
2..!/01'(:*234+.!/20051078( E> F G: 20 1 6 - 7 - 2

3.567+,81(:*+,-20162550453 Version: 4.16

4.9:;<,81(:440682000050728 P/N:55000246
1.Product technical requirements No: 20162550453 Date of Issue: 2016-7-2
2.Production License:20051078
3.Registration Certfiacte for Medical Device:No.20162550453
4.Business License:440682000050728
5.EU representative: Buldenteks Ltd.
Address: Radomir 2400 ul. Mircho Hristov No7, Bulgaria
Tel: 359 887698924 FAX: 359 887698924


User’s Manual


¨ÍÎ Ï:
ᚠ:› œ žŸ  ¡ ¢£ ¤ Ÿ¥ ¦§ ¨V ³© £ª «j ¬9@
U­ :0 757-8 6407036 ®¯ :0757-86 407038
«š :www . fs roson . co m: ° ±

Contact us:
Add: No.9, Henggui Mid-Road, Lianhe Industrial Zone, Luocunh,Shishan
Town,Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China.
Tel: + 86-757-86407037 Fax: + 86-757-86407038 žŸ Óԗ·níS¶ÕÖ
XYZ [\] ^_` U4a ,b c_d efg hij 。
The rights of product improvement is reserved without notice Ì`ݤ:0757 - 86407039 , 18927740812
ÐÑ List of Contents

1 ]^¥¦················· 01
General Information

2 §¨©†ª················ 02
Product Structure

3 «¬­®················· 06
Product Specification

4 ¯@ª°±²U³´············ 07
Explanation of Symbols Used

5 ‚@µ-················· 08
Operation Instruction
¶·¸¹················ 08
Touch Panel
º»¼½················ 11
Patient Chair
¾¿0················· 13
Dental Light
8ÀÁ················· 15
Water Unit
ÂÀÁ················ 19
Dentist Element

6 ÃÄ··················· 22

7 -.”z················· 23
Malfunction Analysis

8 æç}~················· 24
Safety Information

9 | } ~/ ] € /‚ @ c ƒ  „/… †/‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ/ Ž ·

Contraindication/Manufacture date/Note 25
/EMC test/Cautions 8

1 0 ‡ D Å Æ ª · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·2 6
Electrical Connection

1 1 8 、 D È Å Æ ª · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·2 7
Water-air Layout
* 、 1 ¬   ¤ Ò W at er - ai r la yo ut
KLT6210-N1 KLT6210

Žì  n íî(ïð ñ ò Ò Ú)
Whip-ram dentist element
(top mounted instrument table)


ÂÃ ó è
Bo wl r i n si ng s y s te m

ªì  n íî
Dentist element

Ž ì n í î(ï ð ñò Ò Ú)
Whip-ram dentist element
(top mounted instrument table)

È É Ê/â # F G/† ‡ S µ G ¶/æ ç/U £ P Q W X/À Á
Contraindication/Manufacture date/Note/EMC test/Cautions

KLT6210-N3 ◆ > ? @ A.
Contraindication: No.
Manufacture date : See the nameplate .

◆ † ‡ S µ G ¶ :5Œ 。
ô õÃ ö Use life span : five years .
gl a ss s p it t on
Note : Pleases process the dirt according to regulation .

◆ æ ç : † ‡ ¹ ƒ º 9 ¹ » ¼ i ½ ±¼ — · n í K ¸ Q ¾ c X Y Ù (
 ‚ 、 ¿ ) R |} V ß € 。
N o t e : T h e m a i n t e n a n c e sh o u l d be p e r f o r m e d b y th e u s e r o r
o p e r a t o r.

◆ ‡ ˆ ‰ Š  ‹:TUV ‹ ‘ Ž 17054057 001 .

EMC test : see the EMC test report No. 17054057 001.

◆ !":$%&'()*+,-&./012345,78*+9:
Cautioans : User must regard EMC, please install and put in service
the product according to the EMC, information provided
in the accompanying documents.

◆ À Á :  à  V Ä » R FÅ ÆX Y ï ˆ _ ` — ‡ U 1 X Y.
Cautioans : Protable and mobile RF communications equipment can
affect medical electrical equipment .

Cautioans : The use of the accessory, transducer or cable with the
product result in incresedEMISSIONS or decreased
IMMUNITY of the product.The performance of the
EQUIPMENT and SYSTEM that was determined to be
essential performance.
Žì  n íî(ïð ñ ò Ò Ú)
Whip-ram dentist element ◆ !": nop1qkrstu&v1wxyxz..
(top mounted instrument table)
Cautioans : Illuminance of the dental light changes when input voltage
of dental unit changes.
· 2 5·
æ ç } ~ Safety Information

ß ÷ ?X Y ¢ ø  á 。 úó ˆ û ß ( Make sure the dental unit is well- KLT6210-N4

X Y [U ü ¤ ý[ á ¤ (! "¤ ) $ grounded.
ú ó HI [ á ¤¢ ø %  。
? X Y &' P ï ò( ) * m9 , E , This dental unit does not include any
- . 3 /ò ( 0 ©。 components that can be fixed by the
user. Therefore, should any trouble
arise, do not attempt to dismantle it ewf
yourself. s ca l er
P 1 Š2 L 、 2Z 、 3 »、 4 5 、 6 Do not use this dental unit in high
7 、 8, S & [H I j †‡ ? X Y 。 temperature, high humidity, vibration,
ô õ Ãö
flammability, unbalance, or dusty g la s s spi t to n
Š ? XY ³ 9 :» ; < ½, P 1 ¡ = This dental unit should not come into
> ? B$ 。 contact with any object in its
operational range of movement.
= ˆ @ Eo 1 S hp J q ½ [A * , Clean water accumulated in air
= ˆ  ‚ƒ „ … qÏ 。 pressure relieve valve regularly. Clean
or replace the valve core when
† ‡ B `ƒ P † ‡? X Y ˆ ,û C w After using this dental unit or if this
D x Ø EF G Ú è, H ¼ Ö *、 1 、 dental unit is not to be used, the
Uü。 patient chair should be returned to the
lowest position and water, air, and
power supply should be cut off.
w D x³ 9 I HJ K ·1 0%,% L : » The operation cycling factor of the
ˆ ‰ P1 R S1” M 。 patient chair is 10%, and the
continuous operation time should not
exceed one minute,max .2min/18min
? X Y ÞNEN 6 0 60 1 -1 -2¼O U £ P The device has been tested and
Q R [ S¼ T Ò ,H U V WX , Y H homotogated in accordance with EN
P ß ( Š> ? Z [ª \ P ÐU £ ] ^ 60601-1-2 for EMC. This does not
_ ` 。 3P Q Š ëU £ ] ^H I ª † guarantee in any way that this device
‡ ? X Y。 will not be effected by electromagnetic
interference. Avoid using the device in
high electromagnetic environment.
H I K 9: Environment:
L M :5~4 0℃. Temperature: 5~4 0℃ .
± c Z M: ≤8 0 %. Relative Humidity: ≤8 0% .

Žì  n íî(ïð ñ ò Ò Ú)
Whip-ram dentist element
(top mounted instrument table)

- . ”zMalfunction Analysis

- ., y ­ J” z @{ œ |
Malfunction Cause Analysis Solution

r st P® ◆t ¯¦ § ◆/ …° @± ²[ t¯
No power for Bulb damaged Replace bulb
dental light ◆‡ ³´ µ¶ ·¸
◆tŸ  ¡P¢
Ineffective contact Adjust with tools

◆  ¹ 9  ¡Ÿ  ¡ P¢ ◆‡ ³´ µ` ¹À
Ineffective connection in sockets Adjust with tools
◆ º» ¼0 ½m U¤¾ ¿ ◆ /„ …¨ ¤
Twisted cables in joints Replace cable

Ár *ƒ Âà ◆ *Ä ¾Å JÆ ◆ Ǜ ƒ„ …¨ Ä
PE * Twisted or pressed hose Adjust or replace hose
No water from
either cup ◆ „ …¨ [ U £ q
filler or bowl ◆ U £ q ¤¥ ¦ §
Electromagnetic valve damaged Replace electromagnetic
rinsing valve
◆ ÉÊ Ë½ Sh «Ì BÍ Î ◆© ª S h «  ‚ `¬ ­
uv PÈ Filter blockage in assistant element
Suctions Clean filter
blockage ◆Ä W½ mÌ BÍ Î ◆ u * ‚
Hose blockage Clean hose with water

220V-230V~, 50Hz/60Hz


Air supply pressure, flow rate 0.55~0.80Mpa / 5.5~8.0bar ;70L/min

Water supply pressure, flow rate 0.20~0.40Mpa / 2.0~4.0bar ;5L/min

)à Maintenance

m9 |}~G ‚ƒ„… K9 š›œ Þ@ ÒÓ Þ@ ÒÓ

Components Check Clean or replace conditions Maintenance procedure Symbols Definition Symbols Definition
period */0
Ô¼Õ Ô Handpiece water pressure
◆ g ¿ Uü V * ü. ON adjuster
*Sh n € †‡ˆ‰Š‹Œ Ž Cut off the power and water 1/0
Water filler Each Used more than one year Ô¼¼ Ö
supply. OFF
Handpiece air
pressure adjuster
◆ Õ Ô bh , i j ˆk œ l mÔ * ×xŽ Û ßà á
Sh n ª no 7 p C i. Patient chair up Protective grounding
Openthe front cover, and take off.
E*k The plastic container at water filler. ×xª Ø â#ã
Water unclean Patient chair down Manufacturer
◆C Ú O Sh n j mq Ò S hÏ [
rs m Ô ,t ï 0 ªS h Ï ,Ù ( ^_ b c â#FG
‚ ƒ „ …. Backrest leans forward Date of manufacture
Take off the filler element, and ^_`a 2!,3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Backrest leans Caution consult
get it clean or replaced. backward accompanying documents
◆H mn o , >p q r 8Q R s t ÁrÚ B° X Y
Filter polluted
< = uv w . Rinsing position Type B applied part
Then reinstall the filter and front ÙÀÚ IPX4 )*+,-.
Reset position Protected against spraying water
cover. IPX1
d* 2;äÊ
◆ g¿ U ü V* ü. Fill cup Caution, hot surface
o1pJq € †‡ˆ‰‹™G Ž Cut off the power and water
Air pressure Each Used more than one week
supply. ÂÃ )å
relieve valve month Rinse bowl Keep dry
◆:;<=,>?@ABCDEF,G ÜÝ :"#$
Sh ij [* ‘’ “”• HIJKLD,MNOPQRSTU8 Transport upright with the
–[—˜ Heating arrow pointing upwards
Water volume above 3/4 Open the front cover, press the Xè ! "CE# $ % & ' (
CE mark. A product with this mark meets the
of the container 3-way syringe,to release the air Setting 0598 requirements of the applicable EU directive

LM K9 2;<=
inside and drive the water Fragile-protect
t e mp e r a t u r e li m it a t i o n
Outwards. against knocks
S hi j [ * k l H I 1J K9 12 34 56
Water unclean ◆ B u • `, i v wC b h óø. A t m o s p h er i c pr e s s u r e EC REP EU Authorized
Then reinstall the front cover. l i m i t a t io n Representative
ZM K 9 *+ ,-
Th e o pe r a t i n g li g h t is
rst rs t tŸ û Š L ªß € ,‡  %‚ ƒ * < <„ … tï , H u m id i t y li m i t a t io n
lo w - i n t e ns i t y li g h t i n g
Dental light tŸ † ê{ P ï„ … ,‡ ˆ ‡J ‰ o1 Š ‹, Œ ] t ï. U1 VU W XY .+ ,-
E l ec t r i c a l an d el e c - Th e o pe r a t i n g li g h t is
Dental light maintenance should be done at normal t r on i c ea u i p m e n t li g h t i n g
atmospheric temperature. Rub it slightly with water wetted NO P QR S2T /0
S t a ck e d la y e r s mu c h no t Th e o pe r a t i n g li g h t is
cotton.The back and top of light piece cannot be rubbed, only b e mo r e th a n 2 la y s in d i r e c t li g h ti n g
use compressed air to blow away the dust. ! ", $% & '( )
C a u t i on , c o n s u lt
uv Sh n uv ˆ S q ŽÌ B v  ‹‘ uÀ , A’ Š uv S hn j , a c c o m pa n y i n g do c u m en t s
Filter core -û  ~( F ø F ) ‚ uv Sh n ,H “ ”。 æç
At saliva ejecting usually there is solid substance coming out Attentio
with saliva which blocks the core of filter. So it is necessary to
clean and disinfect filrer core regularly every week(best once
a day).
wxyz{ U »w D x[ × •{ V yz { ûÒ GÙ ( e , z{ ï –‡ —
Surface of ‡ ˜™ Ù („ … V“ ”.
dental chair The sitting cushion and the suface of the motor-driven dental
chair should be cleaned regularly. The surface can be
cleaned and disinfected with medical alcohol.

·22· ·07·
K LT 6 2 10 - N 1/ N 3



K L T 62 1 0 -N 2 +

‹ x R uÄ
d i sp o sa bl e s t ra w



·08· ·2 1·
K LT 6210- N1 / N3[ \ ]9 KLT 621 0-N 2+[\]9
As standard for KLT6210-N1 / N3 As standard for KLT6210-N2

p o w e r in d i c a t o r

·2 0· ·09·
“ ”:• ‚ @ < – — ˜ ™,š › œ  ž Ÿ
Warning :Before operating, please
lock headrest, loosed headrest
will cause injury of patient.

·10· · 1 9·




·18· ·1 1·



B C Fill cup

I ¡8¢£


·12· · 1 7·
Ä» V m Ë Movement and circumgyrate



Fresh water

4#¾¿0, K L T6 2 1 0 -N 1ÉÊ)
D e n t a l Li g h t , A s s t a n d a r d fo r KL T 6 2 1 0 - N 1

éê ëê
Low Light high Light


RV003¾¿ 0, KL T 6 21 0 - N2 +ÉÊ)
D e n t a l L i g h t , A s st a n d a r d fo r K L T 6 2 1 0 - N 2 +


xy z{
Sensing Mode


·16· · 1 3·

ON-OFF button

RV002¾¿0, K L T 62 1 0 -N 3ÉÊ)
D e n t a l Li g h t , A s st a n d a r d f o r KL T 6 2 1 0 - N 3

·14· ·1 5·

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