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Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

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An overview of residual stresses in metal powder bed fusion T

Jamison L. Bartlett, Xiaodong Li
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Virginia, 122 Engineer’s Way Charlottesville, VA, 22903, USA


Keywords: Metal additive manufacturing (AM) has garnered tremendous research and industrial interest in recent years; in
Additive manufacturing the field, powder bed fusion (PBF) processing is the most common technique, with selective laser melting (SLM)
Residual stress dominating the landscape followed by electron beam melting (EBM). Through continued process improvements,
Powder bed fusion these methods are now often capable of producing high strength parts with static strengths exceeding their
Selective laser melting
conventionally manufactured counterparts. However, PBF processing also results in large and anisotropic re-
Electron beam melting
sidual stresses (RS) that can severely affect fatigue properties and result in geometric distortion. The dependence
of RS formation on processing variables, material properties and part geometry has made it difficult to predict
efficiently and has hindered widespread acceptance of AM techniques. Substantial investigations have been
conducted with regards to RS in PBF processing, which have illuminated a number of important relationships,
yet a review encompassing this information has not been available. In this review, we survey and assemble the
knowledge existing in the literature regarding RS in PBF processes. A discussion of background mechanics for RS
development in AM is provided along with methods of measurement, highlighting the anisotropic nature of the
stress fields. We then review modeling efforts and in-process experimental measurements made to advance
process understanding, followed by a thorough analysis and summary of the known relationships of both ma-
terial properties and processing variables to resulting RS. The current state of knowledge and future research
needs for the field are discussed.

1. Introduction selective laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM). These
two methods represent the vast majority of industrial and academic
Additive manufacturing (AM) of metal components has expanded applications and research initiatives, with SLM processing taking the
tremendously since its inception in the 1980’s and has been widely largest share (as large as 82% of the PBF market in 2016) [13,15,16].
studied in recent years [1–4]. The allure of a single-step production Metal PBF processing has improved dramatically over the last 20 years
process capable of producing complex geometries has spurred growing with continued research and is capable of producing high quality parts
(but currently small-scale) adoption in industry and significant research with complex geometries that would be difficult or costly to produce
interest [5–7]. A range of technologies exist capable of producing near with conventional manufacturing methods [2,5,17,18]. A wide range of
net-shape metal components, including directed energy deposition engineering materials are processable including stainless steel, alu-
(DED) methods, in which powder is fed through a coaxial nozzle and minum alloys, Ti-6Al-4V, and nickel superalloys (e.g. Inconel 718/625)
deposited in the melt pool following the CAD geometry to create [8,19–23]. Materials produced through SLM and EBM processing fre-
components [8–10], and even the recently investigated friction stir quently exhibit excellent static mechanical properties equivalent or
additive manufacturing (FSAM) technique, which expands friction stir superior to their traditionally manufactured counterparts [24–28].
welding to create layered components [11,12]. However, by far the These methods have therefore presented tremendous promise and
most widely utilized and researched method for metal additive manu- have received a matching amount of interest. However, there remains
facturing is powder bed fusion (PBF) [13,14]. PBF processing, defined two primary hinderances to full-scale adoption of these processes; note
in the ASTM/ISO 52900 standard, involves selectively melting portions other obstacles remain (e.g. equipment/production expense, lack of
of a thin flat powder bed (20–100 μm thick) layer-by-layer according to rigorous qualification standards), but these are the largest general
input CAD geometry using a scanning energy source to build 3-di- process challenges (applying to all processes, regardless of cost or ap-
mensional parts (Fig. 1). The source of the melting energy provides the plication), in the authors perspective. First, PBF processes are known to
primary difference between the two most common metal AM methods: induce a wide range of material defects [29–31]. Gas porosity [32,33],

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X. Li).
Received 15 January 2019; Accepted 26 February 2019
Available online 01 March 2019
2214-8604/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

discovered) is desperately needed to summarize all of these critical

findings into a single reference, such that this information is accessible
to all researchers and practitioners without extensive and time con-
suming literature review of hundreds of papers covering dozens of as-
pects of RS development. Extensive work has been done in this field, yet
no review exists to summarize the knowledge.
This review paper aims to fill this need and to cover the most critical
aspects of residual stress formation in PBF additive manufacturing, as
currently understood. We generally focus our attention on SLM pro-
cessing, as it is the most widely used and researched method in the
community, though a discussion of the differences in EBM manu-
facturing will also be made to understand variations with respect to RS
in each process. The SLM principles and specifics discussed will gen-
erally apply to any PBF processing method. Residual stress basics are
Fig. 1. Depiction of general PBF processing methodology. first covered along with common measurement techniques in order to
provide readers with a background on RS mechanics and its develop-
keyhole porosity [34] and large lack-of-fusion (LoF) defects [35,36] all ment. The mechanical background is then extended to explain its for-
may result during production, dependent on material properties and mation in additive manufacturing applications and its effects on part
processing parameters. Secondly, and the focus of this review, excessive quality and properties. Next, techniques that have been used to estimate
and anisotropic residual stresses (RS) are frequently developed in ad- RS in AM will be examined including modeling efforts, both finite
ditive components [8,20,29]. Residual stresses have frequently been element (FE) and analytical methods, and experimental measurements
shown to approach the material’s yield strength [37–39] and can lead to used to infer RS in-process. Subsequently, the primary controlling fac-
severe geometric distortion [14,40]. The presence of large RS and tors behind RS development in AM (both magnitudes and distributions)
material defects and their inherent dependence on material properties, will be discussed thoroughly including an in-depth review of material
process parameters and component geometry have critically prevented property dependence and process parameter dependence. Finally, we
effective part qualification and process adoption [13,14,41]. The RS close with a discussion of the current cumulative understanding of RS in
that forms during production can severely alter mechanical properties, AM applications and a prospective outlook moving forward. The goal of
especially in cyclic loading, which has largely limited the applications this review is to provide a succinct and comprehensive resource for
and acceptance of AM components. Importantly, RS in-process may also researchers and the AM community to understand what is currently
result in severe geometric distortion that may lead to failure of the known in the literature, after more than 20 years of research, regarding
production process [42,43]. Even without production failure, in-process RS development in PBF additive manufacturing and methods for miti-
distortion, caused by excessive residual stress development, may even gation and control, as well as to provide a roadmap for identifying
lead to an increase in defect formation due to part geometry interac- current and future research needs in the field.
tions with the powder spreading recoater [44]. Other obstacles to larger
scale adoption of the process stem largely from economic considera- 2. Residual stress background
tions; powder cost, machine cost and part production time currently
limit applications to higher cost fields such as the aerospace and Residual stresses are defined as stresses which remain in a material
medical industries where the cost factor is within accepted norms and at equilibrium after manufacturing, heating, or other alterations and
where the additional part complexity possibilities bring great benefits result whenever a material undergoes non-uniform plastic deformation
[20,45–47]. Within these industries in which the cost is not the most [55–60]. These remaining stresses must be considered during the pro-
significant barrier, residual stress formation and inherent processing duction of any component for safe and accurate predictions of final
defects currently stymie larger adoption of the process, with un- properties and component life. RS is developed and altered in nearly
certainty in quality and hence material properties arising. A number of every stage of manufacturing and can have a significant impact on
reviews have been published regarding defect formation in AM pro- properties and service life; the effects of RS are highly dependent on
cessing [32], in-process monitoring [48–50], modeling efforts [51–53] orientation and magnitude and may be either detrimental or beneficial
as well as excellent all-encompassing reviews of AM processing to material performance [58,59]. Furthermore, considering additive
[3,8,29]. Yet, to our knowledge, none have been assembled which focus components, while RS may be alleviated by post-process heat treat-
explicitly and exhaustively on examining the extent of knowledge re- ments, the development of large residual stresses in-process can lead to
garding residual stress development in PBF additive processing. Li et al. excessive distortion which can cause production failure or errors. Ad-
[54] recently published a short overview of RS in AM components, ditional heat treatments also add further production time and expense
however thorough descriptions of computational and analytical RS to an already high-cost process. Therefore, it is critical to understand RS
predictions, in-process measurements, and, importantly, relationships in manufactured components and how it develops. The complex nature
between RS and process parameters and material properties were not of AM processing results in correspondingly complex RS development
included. There is a critical need for a review paper of this type in the in parts; this section provides a background on RS formation in general
literature. The research efforts regarding RS in AM in the literature are and its measurement techniques, along with the basic mechanics and
vast; a search on Engineering Village of “residual stress additive man- observations of its formation in additive processes.
ufacturing” returns over 300 entries for 2018 alone. This vast amount of
related research makes it difficult to sift through for the most pertinent 2.1. Origins of residual stress and classifications
information. A review paper which assembles the most critical findings
and can form a consensus of the results would be invaluable to re- Residual stresses are usually classified by the length scale in which
searchers in both academia and industry, assembling the conclusions they operate [55,59]. Type I residual stresses are macroscopic stresses
from a wide range of works to discuss the most critical factors in RS that act on the scale of the component geometry and may cause global
development in metal PBF components. While the field will certainly distortion. Type I stresses are the stresses that are (almost exclusively)
evolve, and more information will be elucidated in the future, a review discussed in the literature with regards to AM. Type II residual stresses
which assembles the current state of the field (in which much has been are microstresses acting at the individual grain scale, often called in-
tergranular stresses [58]. These stresses form due to local

J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

Fig. 2. Examples of the typical classification of residual stresses into 3 categories: Type I macro-stresses remaining after plastic bending, Type II intergranular stresses
caused by preferred slip orientation misalignment and Type III lattice stresses from substitutional atoms or vacancies.

microstructural effects, such as grain to grain differences in slip beha- 2.2. Residual stress measurements
vior. Type III residual stresses are at the atomic scale; these are the
misfit stresses which occur due to vacancies, the introduction of sub- There are two main categories of measurements to determine RS in
stitutional atoms, etc. Fig. 2 demonstrates the scale of each type of components: destructive distortion-based measurements and diffraction
residual stress. Type I RS is typically what is discussed in the literature techniques. It is important to consider the following: residual stresses
with regards to AM components, and therefore is the only type dis- exist at static equilibrium, therefore across any cut plane in the material
cussed in the remainder of this review. The large and anisotropic Type I the total summation of stresses normal to the plane must be zero. This
stresses directly impact fatigue properties in produced materials, result understanding is the basis for destructive measurements of RS. When
in distortion during or after production, and hence dominate the dis- parts with internal residual stress are cut the new surface must deform
cussion within the literature. These stresses are also what have been to redistribute the stresses such that the net normal stress at the surface
shown to be directly manipulatable via changes in processing condi- is zero, so that the component remains at static equilibrium. The de-
tions; we therefore focus this review on this type of RS. Type II and type formation of the surface to accommodate the stress redistribution is
III stresses nearly always exist in polycrystalline materials due to dif- measured and can be input into finite element (FE) or analytical models
ferences in thermal and elastic properties between differently oriented to estimate the original stress state of the component. With these
grains [59]. It has also been stated that type I stresses are more im- measurements, the accuracy of the RS estimate is inherently dependent
portant with regards to mechanical properties, and that additionally on the accuracy of the deformation measurements obtained. The two
type II and III stresses are more difficult to measure [11,54]. most common destructive methods are the hole-drilling method [68,69]
Global residual stresses (Type I) arise from non-uniform plastic and the more recently developed contour method [70,71]. The contour
deformation at the part scale; a classic example is of bending a beam method is capable of resolving the entire strain distribution on a sec-
past the elastic limit resulting in permanent deformation, thereby tioned plane, using an appropriate method to measure the full-field
producing residual stresses after unloading which are a function of deformation such as a coordinate measurement machine [71,72], laser
position along the beam cross-section [58,61]. Non-uniform thermal scanner [70,73] or digital image correlation [74].
loads, such as those experienced during quenching, also result in re- Contrastingly, diffraction methods of RS measurement are non-de-
sidual stress development. During quenching the exterior regions of a structive and operate on a different principle. The two most commonly
material (in contact with the quenchant) are cooled and contract used methods today are X-ray diffraction (XRD) [75–77] and neutron
quicker than the warm interior which restricts the deformation, re- diffraction (ND) [78,79]. Using Bragg’s law for diffraction these
sulting in a distribution of misfit strain in the material [62,63]. For methods measure the lattice spacing, which can then be compared to
these reasons, residual stresses are formed in nearly every manu- the unstrained lattice parameter thereby determining the lattice strain.
facturing stage of material production, where non-uniform loading These measurements can be used to determine macroscopic stresses by
(thermal or mechanical) is frequently applied, such as in rolling, using crystallographic information (such as the X-ray elastic constants
stamping or quenching. for XRD measurements). XRD and ND are often used to infer full-field
It is also important to consider that despite the plastic deformation strain/stress maps by acquiring diffraction spectra at many positions on
(inelastic strain) required to produce residual stress, the remaining RS a plane [80,81]. Expectedly, all of these RS measurement methods have
itself after unloading is generally regarded as purely elastic; the limit to been employed to measure the residual stresses in additively manu-
residual stresses in a body in static equilibrium is the elastic limit of the factured components.
material, when the stress surpasses this value it will cause plastic de-
formation until the stress is relieved to below the yield stress [55].
Therefore (for analytical calculations), estimates using elastic solutions 2.3. Residual stress development in AM
can be used to effectively describe residual stresses [64–67].
With knowledge of how residual stresses develop in materials, we
can now understand how they form during additive manufacturing.
Consider a simplified case of a part during production in PBF processing
wherein entire layers are melted instantaneously (Fig. 3). The portion

J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

geometries and solidification rates, developed due to the inherent

temperature gradient and pool motion during beam rastering, alters the
magnitude of stresses developed in each direction.
Mercelis and Kruth [82] described this mechanism for RS develop-
ment in additive manufacturing (based on Fig. 3). However, this basic
mechanism is further complicated by the fact that new layers are not
instantaneously and uniformly heated/melted. Regions are heated fol-
lowing the “scan/raster strategy”, allowing sections to heat and cool
independently, resulting in more complex residual stress distributions.
By these mechanisms, the in-plane residual stresses are usually larger
than the normal (build-direction) stresses [83,84]. The magnitude of
these stresses resulting from PBF processing are generally large,
sometimes approaching the material’s yield strength, due to the high
and localized energy of the laser/electron beam heating, which results
in steep thermal gradients and enormous cooling rates on the order of
103-108 K/s [85]. The complexity of this layer-by-layer additive process
results in residual stress magnitude and orientation being highly de-
pendent on processing parameters (such as laser power, scan speed,
scan strategy, etc.), material properties and part geometry; the specific
effects of these parameters on RS development in AM parts is the sub-
Fig. 3. Basic mechanisms of stress and plastic deformation development during
ject of Section 4.
additive manufacturing: a) during heating and thermal expansion of new layer Before exploring the specifics of RS dependence on AM variables,
and b) during cooling and thermal contraction of new layer. Based on [82]. several general observations can be made. Owing primarily to the
mechanism discussed above, many researchers have uncovered a si-
milar observation of the residual stress distribution with respect to the
of the part which has been completed to this point is cooling uniformly
build direction. Namely, many independent researchers have confirmed
with a temperature gradient in the build-direction (z-direction). When a
that the top and bottom portions of additive parts are generally in
new layer is added and heated far above the temperature of the un-
tension, while the middle region experiences compressive stress. This
derlying part the new layer of material will first expand uniformly. This
has been observed in FE models [86–88], analytical estimates [82,89]
expansion will be restricted by the much cooler underlying part, re-
and experimental results [90,91]. Each new layer is deposited primarily
sulting in the development of compressive stresses in the new layer, and
in tension while forcing the underlying material into compression, the
tensile stresses in the underlying part (Fig. 3a). When the heat source is
addition of many layers ultimately serves to relax underlying tensile
removed the new layer will cool quickly, contracting at a greater rate
stresses and eventually results in compressive stresses in the underlying
than the cooled part beneath can accommodate, thus resulting in tensile
layers [92]. The constraint of the connection to the base plate at the
stresses in the new layer and compressive stresses in the part below
bottom of the part results in primarily tensile stress again forming in
(Fig. 3b). This mechanism by which heterogeneous solidification results
that region. This generally observed distribution of stresses is shown in
in residual stress development can be better understood by considering
Fig. 4, as reported from several analysis methods.
the general physics at hand. During solidification of the liquid melt, the
This general observation of the RS distribution with respect to the
cooler underlying material restricts contraction of the melt and pulls on
build-direction (vertical/z-direction) has been reported for a wide
the solidifying region (opposite of the contraction direction); mean-
range of processing parameters and materials. However, the magnitude
while, the rapidly solidifying melt tends to pull inward on the under-
of these stresses and the in-plane (xy plane) distribution of stress varies
lying material during solidification. Since the material is sufficiently
dramatically with these variables. We will also mention at this juncture
melted into the underlying part, and assuming strong metallurgical
the anisotropic nature of in-plane stresses which develops in additive
bonding occurs, strain accommodation must take place between these
parts. Because layers are not uniformly and instantaneously melted, but
regions and residual stresses are formed. As described, the stresses in
rather melted by discrete tracks of beam motion, significant anisotropy
the new layer are primarily tensile and the resulting RS imposed on the
develops. Specifically, the stresses in the longitudinal direction of the
underlying material is primarily compressive. In general, the sign of the
beam motion are typically far greater than those in the transverse di-
residual stress developed will be opposite the sign of the plastic strain
rection due to the non-uniform temperature distribution which follows
which produced the stresses [55]. During solidification, the plastic
the beam path and the resulting non-uniform contraction during soli-
strain developed can be thought of as hydrostatic contraction, directing
dification/cooling [83,84,87,91,92]. Residual stress magnitudes in the
inward from every point of the liquid melt. Non-uniform melt pool
longitudinal direction have been found experimentally to be as high as

Fig. 4. Common distribution of in-plane (σxx/ σyy) stresses with respect to the build-direction (z-direction), reported via a) FE modeling [86], b) the contour method
[90] and c) ND [91].

J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

Fig. 5. In-plane anisotropy which develops in PBF processing due to raster path/temperature field geometry: a) temperature distribution during single track raster
[51] and b–c) anisotropy in FE results of stress distribution after single layer heating using unidirectional scan vectors in the y-direction b) σyy and c) σxx, note the
difference in scale bar magnitudes [93].

1.5–2.5 times the magnitude of the transverse direction stress [93–96]. stresses act in addition to the applied load to increase crack growth,
Fig. 5 illustrates this anisotropy formed within each beam track. The thereby raising the crack growth rate (da/dN) and reducing fatigue life.
thermal profile and geometric shape of the beam path results in non- Mukherjee et al. [104], examining the literature, observed an ap-
uniform contraction and hence non-uniform stresses within each beam proximately linear relationship between reported tensile residual stress
path (Fig. 5a). The influence of multiple anisotropic beam paths com- and fatigue crack growth rates in additive parts. The complex dis-
bines to produce an anisotropic total stress field in each layer tribution of residual stresses in additive parts has also been found to
(Fig. 5b–c). Further discussions of this anisotropy are given in Section result in anisotropy in fatigue properties [90,105,106]. Cain et al.
4.3. [100], also working with SLM Ti-6Al-4V, determined that anisotropic
The importance of residual stress on part quality is well-known fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth in the material was indeed
[55,59,60] and is thus important to determine and characterize for AM, caused by the anisotropic RS state by performing testing in the as-built
in the face of the challenges which arise due to the process’ complexity. and stress-relieved (via heat treatment) state. Simultaneously, the lit-
Fig. 6 demonstrates the primary detrimental effects of residual stress in erature indicates the dramatic process parameter and material property
additive parts. While the static mechanical properties (i.e. ultimate dependence on resulting RS and fatigue properties; Riemer et al. [105]
tensile strength, yield strength, etc.) of AM components have frequently determined that SLM produced 316 L, while exhibiting significant ani-
been shown to match or exceed that of their conventionally produced sotropy in fatigue properties, performed similarly to conventional 316 L
counterparts (owing largely to the fine grain size produced during AM in the as-built condition. Residual stresses can also reduce part quality
due to the fast cooling rates) [25–29,97–99], fatigue properties can be by affecting geometric tolerances; AM parts are produced on a large
dramatically lower (Fig. 6a) [28,100–103]. Edwards and Ramulu [101] metal base plate which constrains part distortion during printing, when
found the fatigue performance of SLM produced Ti-6Al-4V to be 75% removed from the plate the residual stress in the part will cause a
lower than the wrought material, due to the combined effects of por- permanent deformation of the part in order to accommodate the re-
osity, surface finish and residual stress. In a similar study of SLM Ti-6Al- distribution of stresses to maintain equilibrium at the new free surface,
4V, Leuders et al. [102] concluded that the internal porosity of SLM affecting the geometric tolerances of the final part (Fig. 6b) [55,87].
materials dramatically affected fatigue strength by altering the crack Furthermore, large RS exceeding the yield strength during production
initiation phase in HCF testing, while internal residual stresses were will result in plastic deformation in-process, which may affect the
primarily responsible for worsening crack growth during the crack continuation of the process by interfering with powder spreading
propagation phase. During cyclic loading the large primarily tensile (Fig. 6c). We also note that anisotropy is frequently observed in static

Fig. 6. Primary detrimental effects of residual stress in additive parts: a) reduced fatigue properties due to additional internal tensile residual stress, b) distortion
upon removal from constraining base plate and c) potential for process errors due to plastic deformation caused by excessive residual stresses.

J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

mechanical properties in AM parts, but this is typically due to micro- coordinates); T is temperature and t is time. In Eqs. 3–5 [D] is the
structural anisotropy as opposed to effects of the residual stress dis- element stiffness matrix while εe, εpl and εth are the elastic, plastic and
tribution [97,107,108]. thermal strains, respectively; α is the coefficient of thermal expansion.
Typically, the thermal and mechanical equations are considered to be
3. Modeling and predicting residual stress in AM weakly-coupled and the transient thermal equation is solved in-
dependently first, the solution is then imported into the mechanical
With an understanding of how residual stresses form in additive equations to solve for the stress state [51,83,111]. Considering the
manufacturing and why they are of importance, we now examine the extreme temperatures and melt condition in PBF manufacturing, tem-
methods that researchers have employed to determine and predict RS in perature dependent material properties (coefficient of thermal expan-
AM. Of course, researchers have utilized all the common RS measure- sion, conductivity, yield strength, etc.) are also required for accurate
ment techniques discussed in Section 2.2 to measure RS in additive solutions.
parts ex situ, which has been the most common strategy to relate RS To circumvent these computational challenges, several endearing
development to process parameters and material properties. The results methods have been developed and scrutinized in the literature. A
of these experiments will be discussed in Section 4 without further re- common strategy to reduce computational expense has been to group a
gards to the physical measurements. This section discusses the methods large number of thin layers (on the order of ˜50 μm in size) into a small
used to model and predict RS (Section 3.1) and in situ measurements number of much thicker layers (on the order of ˜1 mm) [87,112–114].
which have been performed to infer RS directly during production These methods sacrifice a level of precision to allow for expeditious
(Section 3.2). calculations of stress and distortion but have still allowed for valuable
analyses of processing conditions. Williams et al. [87] found that this
3.1. Modeling efforts method resulted in distortion calculations within 10% of the experi-
mental case, using layer heights 16 times larger than the true experi-
Powder bed fusion manufacturing is a complex process with sig- mental scenario, concluding that reasonably accurate distortion and RS
nificant hurdles to effectively modeling residual stress development. predictions can be made without modeling every layer of an additive
Components produced via PBF are composed of hundreds (sometimes build. Alternatively, several researchers have focused on modeling a
thousands) of individually melted layers that are generally only single layer or a single beam line scan in order to understand residual
20–100 μm thick. The layers are melted non-uniformly by a moving stress and distortion with laser/electron beam scanning changes
energy source (either laser or electron beam), resulting in a complex [84,93,110,115,116]. These methods provide strong insight into re-
heat transfer problem. The thermal properties of the semi-porous sidual stress with regards to scanning orientation, power, speed, etc. but
powder bed further complicate the problem physics. Through sub- ignore multilayer effects on the cumulative component level stress
stantial efforts in the field, a range of approaches to modeling the state. Other researchers have used simplified model geometries or few-
process have resulted in good comparisons with experimental results layer simulations to understand the multilayer effects [117,118].
[51–53]. We also note that significant efforts towards validation and Advanced modeling techniques have also been used to reduce
qualification are being made at NIST through the AM-Bench program; computation time for full simulations. Multilayer parts have been suc-
the program seeks to provide robust highly-controlled PBF benchmark cessfully modeled with reduced calculation time by using selective
tests replete with in-process collected data and characterization data for element activation [87,119] or dynamic mesh coarsening/refinement
researchers to compare model results with for validation purposes. [86,120,121]. Several researchers have also focused solely on devel-
Within the framework of this section, we delineate two broad categories oping accurate transient thermal models of the process, which may
of modeling efforts used to predict residual stresses in AM processing, serve as the basis for future residual stress calculations
which will be discussed in the following subsections: computer models [114,115,121–123]. Mukherjee et al. [123] used a 3D transient thermal
and analytical models. model to calculate thermal properties in AM and coupled the calcula-
tions with an analytical “strain-parameter” function, which was related
to thermal distortion in the final component, and hence residual stress.
3.1.1. Computer models
Several studies have also investigated using a “multiscale” modeling
Finite element modeling is a powerful tool used to predict residual
approach in AM. Li et al. [83,124] detailed a modeling method where
stress development for many manufacturing processes, and has been
an equivalent body heat flux was derived from a microscale laser
commonly employed for AM. However, complications arise for mod-
scanning model and input into a mesoscale “layer hatch” model, which
eling AM through FE approaches due to the process complexity. The
was then used to build up a full macroscale part.
large number of exceedingly thin material layers in an additive build,
Another approach offered in the literature to model multilayer ef-
along with the moving energy source and high temperatures, demand
fects and final part stresses is to ignore laser motion within layers. In
enormous computational expense to model precisely. Furthermore, to
these models, layers are heated uniformly and simultaneously
calculate residual stress in AM, simulations must couple transient
[109,113]. These methods may effectively estimate average residual
thermal analysis (Eq. 1) to elasto-plastic mechanical analysis (Eqs. 2–5)
stress magnitudes and may capture through thickness (build-direction)
further increasing computational cost [51,83,93,109,110]. The gen-
stresses well, but will ignore in-plane anisotropy in the resulting stress
eralized thermal and mechanical equations are given by:
field. Fig. 7 summarizes these FE modeling methods used to reduce
dT d dT computational expense in modeling residual stress in AM components.
ρ (T ) Cp (T ) = (k ) + Q (r , t )
dt dr dr (1) As a compromise between methods of full laser scanning and uniform
(2) layer heating, in past work for SLM processing we have also devised a
∇∙σ = 0
FE method which modeled individual laser tracks without simulating
{σ } = [D]{ε } (3) actual laser motion [125]. This method reduced computational time
while still allowing for informed multilayer effects and in-plane residual
ε= εe + ε pl + ε th (4) stress distributions to be estimated (Fig. 8). Finally, we also note that
several commercial FE packages have been developed that are tailored
ε th = α (T − T0) (5)
specifically to AM processes to allow for predictions of resulting RS.
where ρ, Cp, k and Q (r,t) in Eq. 1 represent the density, specific heat ANSYS, Inc. (Canonsburg, Pennsylvania) has recently developed a si-
capacity, conductivity and source term, respectively. The variable r is to mulation tool to predict RS and distortion in additive components,
be interchanged with each coordinate as required (i.e. x,y,z in Cartesian providing a promising route to supported commercial modeling and

J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

Fig. 7. Reported FE strategies to calculate residual stress in PBF processing while reducing computational expense: a) grouping layers into larger simulated sections
[87], b) single-pass beam scanning models [110], c) uniform heating of layers eliminating beam motion [109], d) simulation of few-layer builds for multilayer effects
[117] and e) multiscale modeling replacing beam motion with equivalent body flux for multilayer builds 83].

validation of AM builds; however, for a high degree of accuracy, si- ∫ σxx (z ) dz = 0 (6)
mulation time is frequently in excess of 24–48 h. Other commercial
packages, ranging from RS prediction to model optimization, are also
available from Autodesk Inc. (San Rafael, California) and Alphastar ∫ σxx (z ) zdz = 0 (7)
Corporation (Long Beach, California).
where z is the vertical build-direction and σxx is the in-plane stress. Both
studies assumed linearity in the strain field with respect to layer height
3.1.2. Analytical models in order to complete the calculations, an assumption which Shiomi
In addition to computational modeling, several analytical models et al. [89] also validated experimentally. Ding et al. [88] also showed
have been proposed for estimating residual stress magnitudes and dis- this approximately linear stress profile through FE modeling. These
tributions in additive manufacturing. The simplest estimations have analyses provide quick estimates of the RS distribution with respect to
been based on the known mechanical requirements of residual stress the build direction and have been found to be fairly accurate when
discussed in Section 2, namely that residual stresses normal to a plane compared with computer simulations and experimental measurements
must sum to zero for static equilibrium to exist. Mercelis and Kruth [82] (though RS magnitudes are difficult to assess accurately by this method,
and Shiomi et al. [89] both used this knowledge to estimate residual the distributions have frequently been proven accurate). Another po-
stresses through the required force and moment balance: tential route to obtaining analytical estimates of residual stress in ad-
ditive processes is to measure out of plane curvature which develops

J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

Fig. 8. Multilayer FE results using a partial laser rastering model to reduce computational cost: a) each rastered section (rectangular strip) is heated individually, but
local laser motion is ignored, b) the effects of the laser scan strategy through multiple deposited layers are readily apparent.

from layer deposition; this methodology has been used for many years [131–137]; in-process temperature measurements could potentially
in other thin film deposition applications via the Stoney equation also be extended to be used in support of RS modeling efforts [51].
[64,126–128] and has been shown effective for AM applications In addition to in situ measurements using embedded sensors in PBF
through a similar method by the authors in past work [125]. processing, RS measurements have also been made by use of specialized
Semi-analytical models have also been utilized in conjunction with part geometries. Kruth et al. [138] designed a bridge geometry (“bridge
computer solvers to determine residual stress in AM. Gusarov et al. [95] curvature method”) to expeditiously (but qualitatively) investigate re-
used finite difference methods to solve the force balance equations re- sidual stresses in AM by measuring the angle of deflection of the part
lative to displacement in a plane. Yang et al. [122] created a thermal after removal from the base plate. Le Roux et al. [139] extended this
finite difference model to quickly solve for the thermal profile during method further by measuring the surface deformation/curvature using
full laser scanning of a layer by discretizing the laser scan vectors into confocal microscopy. In past work, we have similarly measured surface
point heat sources; the method was capable of determining the thermal curvature of AM parts using three-dimensional digital image correlation
profile for an additive layer in 16.5 s. These thermal calculations are the (3D-DIC) to estimate full-field residual stress distributions directly from
basis for residual stress formation and could be used to estimate RS the surface curvature [125]. Table 1 summarizes in-process measure-
when coupled with the appropriate mechanical equations. ment methods used for estimating residual stress in PBF. It is important
to also note that these in-process measurements are, by nature, incap-
able of directly measuring RS. Rather, RS is inferred from other mea-
3.2. In-process measurements
surements such as distortion, global strain, etc. Though measurements
of plastic distortion are clearly related directly to the RS (as shown in
In addition to the substantial modeling efforts made to predict RS in
the hole-drilling methods, contour methods, Stoney’s thin film equa-
AM parts by the research community, there has been interest in de-
tions, etc.) it is important to remember that these are not direct mea-
vising in situ measurements to measure or infer residual stresses and
surements of RS, and error in these measurements has the potential to
distortion during production. Several researchers have integrated strain
propagate to larger error in RS estimates.
gages into the base plate/support structure to directly measure strain
changes with the addition of new layers [89,129]. These studies both
used the calculated strain difference between layers (Δε ) to estimate 4. Additive process dependencies
residual stress in the parts; the method is computationally similar to the
strain induced by the layer removal/sectioning method as described in This section examines the relationships between primary PBF vari-
Section 2.2. Van Belle et al. [129] also incorporated a thermocouple ables and resulting residual stresses reported in the literature. RS dis-
with the strain gage to compensate for thermal strain at the base. Other tributions in PBF parts can be highly anisotropic and magnitudes can
studies have aimed for a similar in-process analysis using displacement vary drastically; both distribution and magnitude are dependent upon
sensors in-place of a strain gage, and have coupled the measurements processing parameters/conditions, material properties and part geo-
with thermocouples [40,86,130]. These measurements, using either a metry. This section will analyze the known relationships between these
differential variable reluctance transducer (DVRT) [40,86] or a laser variables and RS development as determined from both experimental
displacement sensor (LDS) [130], directly measured distortion in the measurements and theoretical models. From the literature results, we
substrate during part production. The in situ distortion and temperature discuss the most critical variables to RS formation.
measurements were used to directly compare to residual stress (mea-
sured via hole-drilling) [130], to use as an analog for residual stress Table 1
[40] or to validate computational models [86]. These methods, while Summary of in-process measurements used to estimate or infer residual stress
providing valuable in-process measurements, are limited in that they during PBF processing.
provide only measurements at the base plate and only at discrete po- Sensor/method Measurement Position References
sitions. Craeghs et al. [42] utilized coherent in-line melt pool imaging
with a CMOS camera to observe deformation in-process due to thermal Strain gage Strain Base plate [89,129]
stress, though the results were only qualitative. Other researchers have DVRT/ LDS Distortion Base plate/support [40,86,130]
Optical camera Qualitative distortion Overhead [42]
focused on in-process temperature measurements through either pyro-
3D-DIC Curvature/distortion Overhead [125]
metry, infrared or optical imaging, primarily for the detection of defects Bridge geometry Angle of deflection Total part geometry [138,139]
or other process irregularities while foregoing stress measurements

J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

4.1. SLM vs EBM formed in PBF processing, considering process conditions to be iden-
tical, would be a strong function of material properties. The mechanism
While this review is primarily focused on RS development in SLM for RS formation in additive processes is driven by the intense localized
processing, it is also important to briefly discuss the differences in re- thermal gradients and high cooling rates which result in non-uniform
sulting RS between SLM and EBM parts. With regards to RS develop- material expansion/contraction and mismatched strain profiles (Section
ment, the most critical difference between the two techniques is that in 2.3). Therefore, the thermal and mechanical properties of the material
EBM processing the build chamber is typically kept at a high tem- being processed would naturally be expected to control the magnitude
perature (˜500-800 °C) [19,109,140,141]. This results in a reduced of stresses formed. Indeed, from the principles of physical metallurgy,
temperature difference during production (Tmelt - Tambient) which, in Dieter [55] stated that low values of thermal diffusivity lead to higher
general, tends to reduce RS magnitude significantly by lowering the mismatch strains during quenching. The thermal diffusivity (Dt) can be
cooling rate [81,109,142–144]. Sochalski-Kolbus et al. [81] measured expanded as:
RS in Inconel 718 produced by both EBM and SLM using neutron dif-
fraction and found the RS in EBM specimens to be as much as 400 MPa Dt =
ρc (8)
less than the stress in the SLM samples, concluding the preheating step
and slow cool-down process in EBM to be the primary contributing to infer that high density (ρ), low thermal conductivity (k) and high
factors. Hrabe et al. [142] measured fatigue properties for EBM pro- specific heat (c) should lead to higher residual strains; a high coefficient
duced Ti-6Al-4V parts and determined the components were essentially of thermal expansion (α) is also said to lead to high mismatch strains
free of RS by measuring fatigue properties in as-built, stress-relieved [55]. Vrancken et al. [149] performed a study of 9 different materials to
and hot isostatic pressed (HIP) conditions. EBM processing also has examine the relationships between material properties and residual
potential for high build rates owing to increased beam penetration over stress developed during selective laser melting. However, in their study
laser systems and high scan speeds [15,109]. Despite this apparent they found no significant correlation between residual stress magnitude
advantage of lower RS found in EBM parts, SLM processing still largely and any of the examined material properties. They stated that this
dominates throughout the industry [13,15]. The cooling rate con- observation was likely due to the variation in processing parameters
siderations are also important for certain material systems, which in used between the materials to produce fully-dense parts, which they
SLM often results in retention of super saturated solid solutions or non- concluded was likely the dominant factor in RS development for SLM
equilibrium phases, such as in Ti-6Al-4V where the quick cooling pro- processing. It was clear, however, that a wide range of residual stress
duces generally advantageous (in terms of strength) martensitic α’ was observed in the parts.
microstructures compared to primarily Widmanstatten α + β structures To better understand the material property dependence on RS
produced from the slower cooling EBM process magnitude in SLM fabrication, we have assembled results from across
[39,102,119,143,145,146]. SLM microstructures also generally feature the literature and analyzed them against a range of material properties
finer grain sizes due to the higher cooling rates [144]. Additionally, [37–39,74,81,82,87–92,94,96,101,113,149–153]. Our survey focused
EBM is required to be performed in vacuum conditions, increasing on five commonly studied SLM materials: 316 L stainless steel, Ti-6Al-
complexity. During melting, the inherent difference between electron 4V, Inconel 718, 18Ni300 Maraging steel and commercially pure tita-
beam and laser melting is the mode of heating; in SLM metal powders nium (Cp Ti). We examined the literature for maximum reported RS
absorb heat directly through photons delivered by the laser, while in values from each source and took an average of the values for each
EBM the kinetic energy of electrons is converted to thermal energy material. Note that these values used were not a true maximum (i.e. an
[145,147]. EBM processing generally exhibits lower quality surface outlier in the data) found in the reported literature, but rather simply
finishes, likely due to the increased penetration depth of the electron the highest average stress reported in each work, resulting from each
beam over laser systems, increased layer size and larger beam size study’s respective examination of various process parameters, different
[15,144,145,148]. Furthermore, the increased beam penetration depth materials, etc. Fig. 9 shows the results for residual stress reported versus
and interactions with powders result in the necessary utilization of thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity, ultimate tensile strength and
coarser powders in EBM processing to avoid electrostatic charge yield strength. From our survey we observed a strong linear dependence
buildup which would repel smaller particles, thereby worsening surface of residual stress on thermal diffusivity (Fig. 9a) and thermal con-
finish and feature tolerances relative to SLM processing [15,147]. ductivity (Fig. 9b), following the expected relationship given by soli-
Table 2 summarizes some of these key differences between SLM and dification theory [8,55,149]. This observation was also predicted by
EBM processing. Because of these factors, the SLM process leads PBF Mukherjee et al. [123] in their “strain-parameter” computational ana-
methods, and indeed all AM processes, for metal part production de- lysis. We also identified weaker linear correlations between RS mag-
spite the large residual stresses which are developed in-process. nitude and ultimate tensile strength (Fig. 9c) and yield strength
Therefore, it is necessary to understand RS development and its de- (Fig. 9d), where increasing material strength generally resulted in in-
pendencies in SLM processing so that we may reduce RS effectively or creasing residual stress. Note the large error bars (95% CI) due to the
even use it advantageously in additive part design. wide variance of residual stress magnitudes reported in the literature,
this variation is due to both specimen geometry and processing para-
meter variation between studies, however the mean values still re-
4.2. Material dependence turned strong correlation with the material properties (R2 values given
in plots). Furthermore, Gu et al. [8] stated that a material’s coefficient
It is intuitive to suspect that the magnitude of residual stresses of thermal expansion (CTE) and elastic modulus are the two most im-
portant parameters behind residual stress magnitude. These properties
Table 2 could be expected to be important considering their significance in
Approximate ranges for key processing conditions in EBM and SLM processing. elastic thermal stress calculations (Section 3). However, in our litera-
Note in EBM the initial cooling rate is relatively high from the melt temperature
ture survey we observed no significant relationship between RS mag-
to the chamber temperature, however the final cooling rate to room tempera-
nitude and either elastic modulus or CTE for SLM fabricated parts. We
ture is far lower.
similarly observed no noticeable correlation between RS magnitude and
Cooling rate Scan speed Chamber heating material density or melting temperature.
Numerous other studies have been reported in the literature which
SLM 103-108 K/s [85] 0.1-1 m/s [148] 100-400 °C [141]
EBM 102-104 K/s [29] 0.5-10 m/s [19,144] 300-1100 °C [141,145,144] directly compared RS magnitudes and distortion between 2 or more
material systems produced via SLM [39,86,130,138,152]. These

J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

Fig. 9. Survey of average value of maximum residual stresses reported for various materials versus material properties: a) thermal diffusivity, b) thermal con-
ductivity, c) ultimate tensile strength and d) yield strength. Max values of RS for 5 materials were collected and averaged from
[37–39,74,81,82,87–92,94,96,101,113,149–153]. Material properties from [149,151].

comparisons have shed light on an interesting phenomenon in SLM SLM applications, RS can be reduced by keeping the material in a semi
processing: the fact that the relationships between certain process solid state at elevated temperature [155]. These studies make it readily
parameters and RS/distortion can be material dependent, and hence is apparent that material properties play a large role in residual stress
not always a universal process relationship. For example, Denlinger formation in PBF processing. Not only do the material properties affect
et al. [130] studied residual stress in SLM produced Inconel 625 and Ti- the generally expected RS magnitudes but can also alter the effect that
6Al-4V samples as a function of interlayer dwell time. The results changing process parameters will have.
showed that the two materials had completely opposing responses to
increasing the dwell time, where RS decreased in Inconel 625 and in- 4.3. Process parameter dependence
creased in Ti-6Al-4V. In a similar study between SLM Ti-6Al-4V and
316 L, Kruth et al. [138] reported that layer post-scanning (the re- We now examine the state of understanding regarding the re-
heating of an already melted and solidified layer) was able to reduce lationships between individual process parameters in PBF processing
measured distortion by 8% in the titanium alloy while having no ob- and the resulting residual stresses, irrespective of material. We limit our
servable effect on the stainless-steel sample. These studies illuminate scope of analysis to the effects on RS only, though it is clear that pro-
the complexity of PBF processing and the complicated material-process cessing parameters also play a large role in determining mechanical
relationships. properties of PBF parts [24–27,115]. A plethora of studies have been
Furthermore, material chemistry must be considered in under- performed utilizing both FE analyses and experimental measurements
standing residual stress development during SLM or EBM production. to determine the effects of changing process variables on the resulting
Residual stresses can be affected by phase transformation strains that residual stress state; it is evident that the processing variables have an
occur in certain materials. For example, the martensitic transformation enormous impact on the resulting RS magnitude and distribution. In a
in steels can result in a 4% volume increase, which can act to counter 2013 study, Vrancken et al. [149] concluded that the process para-
the shrinkage and stresses during SLM production [8,154]. Denlinger meters may be the dominant factor in RS development over the material
and Michaleris [120] developed a FE model for determining residual properties. Through surveying the literature, we highlight a number of
stress in Ti-6Al-4V produced via SLM that included the effects of the important processing variables that we will detail with regards to RS
material’s solid-state transformation strain. The model was validated formation in this section. Through examination of the literature, the
via experimental measurements and showed that the transformation presented process variables were determined to be the most influential
strain strongly opposed thermal stresses and greatly reduced final RS to RS development, both in terms of magnitude and orientation. These
magnitude, matching well with experimental data. It has also been variables were deemed most impactful, and warranting of discussion,
shown that through a priori selection of a eutectic material system for because of both their clear impact on RS through multiple studies and

J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

material and powder distribution) considered. Thus, the equation is not

a true measure of the actual energy density applied and should be
viewed only as a rough estimate of beam energy assessing the beam
power and scan speed relative to layer thickness and hatch spacing.
Similarly, other researchers have formulated energy per unit area [89]
and energy/heat per unit length [74,123]. Simson et al. [38] reported
significantly higher residual stress in 316 L SLM samples when the vo-
lumetric energy input was increased. Vastola et al. [110] studied the
effects of altering beam parameters through single track finite element
modeling and determined that the heat affected zone (HAZ), in which
the residual stress profile extended into, was increased by lower scan
speeds or increased power (i.e. higher volumetric energy input). Uti-
lizing their analytical strain parameter and thermal simulations, Mu-
kherjee et al. [123] determined that distortion/RS was expected to in-
crease nearly linearly with increasing laser power and decrease
approximately linearly with increasing scan speed. These results sug-
gest that the lowest energy input possible to create fully dense parts
should be used in order to minimize residual stress magnitudes. Shiomi
et al. [89] similarly reported decreasing RS magnitude with increasing
scan speed to a certain maximum speed, at which point RS would again
increase. Representative trends of residual stress magnitudes in SLM
parts versus laser power [123], scan speed [92] and volumetric energy
input [38] are shown in Fig. 11. Hussein et al. [84] performed single
Fig. 10. Classification of primary process parameters that affect residual stress
track thermal simulations and determined that melt pool width and
formation in PBF processing. depth decreased with increasing scan speed, while the length increased.
Loh et al. [156] also observed a similar result in simulations. Yadroitsev
et al. [157] reported laser power to be the most important factor with
because of their proliferation throughout the literature. We have
regards to layer bonding and contact angle in a single-track deposition
broadly categorized the process parameters of interest into 3 groups, as
study. These results collectively suggest that the penetration of the melt
illustrated in Fig. 10, which are discussed in the following subsections.
pool, i.e. HAZ size, plays a large role in determining RS magnitude in
additive parts, in addition to determining if sufficient fusion is achieved
4.3.1. Beam parameters to eliminate porosity; the implication is that the energy input in PBF
Considering the known dependence of residual stress formation on processing should be carefully selected to ensure complete fusion and
thermal conditions and cooling rates, altering parameters which di- mitigation of porosity while avoiding excessive energy input which will
rectly affect energy/heat input is a logical starting point for analysis. raise residual stresses.
Beam power and beam scan speed are the primary variables which alter
the energy input in PBF processing. These variables are also frequently
combined into a single measure of volumetric energy input [31,38]: 4.3.2. Process conditions and geometry considerations
Pb Next, we consider other indirect processing variables that affect RS
EV = magnitude in PBF processes. Having discussed the notion of volumetric
vs h d (9)
energy input and the importance of heat transfer conditions, it is logical
where Pb is the beam power, vs is the scan speed, h is the hatch spacing to assume that geometry and layer thickness will also affect RS devel-
and d is the layer thickness. This formulation couples the effects of opment. Through their analytical model, Mercelis and Kruth [82]
changing power and scan speed (with layer thickness and hatch spa- concluded that a thicker base plate would reduce RS and distortion,
cing) into a direct measurement of energy per unit volume. Though we owing to the increased stiffness of the constraint. With further con-
note here that this equation is not a true measurement of energy density sideration to base plate stiffness, Casavola et al. [151] determined that
applied to the material. The equation estimates volume using hatch part placement on the base plate had a significant impact on resulting
spacing and layer thickness, however no regard to actual beam profile/ residual stress, affecting RS magnitude by more than 100 MPa for parts
spot size is included (it is well known that beam penetration exceeds the of the same geometry and parameters. With regards to residual stress
layer thickness), nor is actual energy absorbed (which varies with evolution with increasing part size, the literature results are

Fig. 11. Trends of residual stress magnitude versus: a) laser power [123], b) scan speed [92] and volumetric energy density [38].

J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

controversial. Yadroitsava et al. [94] reported generally increasing post-scanning reduced tensile RS by 55%. Through these studies, we
values of RS, with some variability in the trend, for increasing part can conclude that layer pre- and post- heating has the potential to re-
height (number of layers) through ex situ measurements of RS. Mercelis duce the magnitude of residual stress in PBF processes when the sec-
and Kruth [82] reported dramatically higher residual stress values for ondary scan energy input is chosen appropriately. Again, these methods
larger samples. Shiomi et al. [89] similarly reported a nearly linear function by reducing the thermal gradient and cooling rate present
increase in strain (at the base plate) with increasing number of layers during solidification/cooling. Another alterable parameter is the in-
deposited using in situ strain gage measurements. However, Van Belle terlayer dwell time, i.e. the time elapsed between layer scans, however
et al. [129] reported a decrease in stress with larger total part height, limited studies have been performed on the parameter with regards to
though layer thickness was also larger in this sample. Meanwhile, Zaeh RS. Denlinger et al. [130] determined through in situ distortion and ex
and Branner [113] reported there were no observable trends between situ RS measurements that the dwell time can have a drastic effect on RS
measured distortion and total part height. Layer thickness may also play magnitude, with changes of up to 55% when adding a 40 s dwell.
an important role in RS development by altering local boundary con- However, this parameter is still not well understood, as it was shown in
ditions and thermal gradients. Anderson et al. [91] reported that in- their study that the effect was heavily material dependent, producing
creasing layer thickness significantly reduced residual stress gradients opposite results for Inconel 625 and Ti-6Al-4V.
determined via neutron diffraction. Zaeh and Branner [113] found a We now turn our attention to another heavily investigated variable:
similarly drastic reduction in distortion with increasing layer thickness. the primary beam scanning strategy, also referred to as the raster
The processing variables mentioned thus far all play an important strategy. The beam scan strategy describes the motion of the beam (and
role in mitigating residual stresses in PBF processing, however it is often hence melt pool) over the surface of each layer, and a wide range of
reported that these variables are overshadowed by the effect of one strategies have been investigated. To this point in our discussions, all of
particular variable: base plate preheating. It is widely agreed upon in the processing parameters mentioned impact the residual stress mag-
the literature, and has been shown through both experimental analysis nitude heavily, however none will have had a significant impact on the
and simulations, that increasing the temperature of the base plate residual stress distribution. The beam scan strategy, on the other hand,
dramatically reduces resulting residual stress magnitudes. Kruth et al. largely dictates the stress distribution which will occur in the part, on
[139] found a reduction in measured distortion of 10% by heating the both a single-layer and multi-layer basis. The anisotropy discussed in
plate to 180 °C. Buchbinder et al. [158] reduced distortion in SLM parts Section 2.3 is a function of the scan strategy and can be dramatically
from ˜10 mm to nearly zero by base plate heating to 250 °C. Shiomi affected by altering the scan method. The basic view of RS development
et al. [89] found that residual stress was reduced by 40% by heating the in additive parts mentioned in Section 2.3 does not fully capture the
plate to 160 °C. These results are repeated in a wide number of studies complex stress state observed on the surface of AM parts. Newly de-
and have also been confirmed numerically through FE modeling posited layers do not exhibit uniform tensile stresses; because layers are
[110–112,159]. Hence, base plate preheating is one of the most im- not melted uniformly and instantaneously, a very complex stress state
portant parameters found to reduce residual stress and distortion in PBF emerges within each new layer. Beam melt tracks are required to
processing. Fig. 12 demonstrates the effectiveness of base plate pre- overlap to ensure full densification of parts, which introduces further
heating to reduce RS and distortion as reported in the literature. By complexity to the stress state. In fact, regions of both tensile and
lowering and controlling the thermal gradients and cooling rates in- compressive stresses have been found within individual layers in AM
process, residual stress is mitigated by a significant degree by reducing parts [84,116,125]. The anisotropy that is present locally between
the mismatch in thermal strains (Eq. 5). As noted previously, this longitudinal and transverse directions within a single layer track will
concept of preheating is the primary reason why EBM specimens typi- not be changed significantly by global scan strategy changes, but the
cally exhibit much lower RS than SLM specimens, as very high pre- total resulting stress distribution will be altered. Multilayer effects from
heating is typically used in EBM production. We also note that base the scan strategy have also been shown to have a significant effect on
plate preheating has been shown to improve resulting density and the stress field. A wide range of studies have been conducted to in-
hence mechanical properties [97,106], suggesting high base plate vestigate the scan strategy’s effect on resulting RS distribution and
heating temperatures should be used in-process whenever possible. magnitude, both experimentally [38,40,82,91,92,96,138,153] and
However, it should also be noted that heating the platform and thereby through FE simulations [84,93,106,117]. Alterations to the scan
reducing cooling rates can also result in an increase in grain size, which strategy can be designated into three categories: 1) scan vector length,
can reduce mechanical strength in accordance with the Hall-Petch re- 2) primary scan vector direction relative to the part geometry and 3)
lationship; the decrease in cooling rate is also likely to alter the dis- displacement/rotation between layers. Fig. 13 displays common raster
location density in the material. Similar to energy input through beam patterns investigated in the literature.
parameters (Section 4.3.1), optimal base plate heating is a balancing act With regards to single layer effects, it has been shown that scan
in this case between reducing RS and distortion while maintaining vector lengths directly affect the residual stress magnitude. Studying RS
optimal microstructural growth conditions. at multiple positions on a SLM part using XRD, Liu et al. [92] de-
termined that a scan vector length reduction from 42 mm to 18 mm
4.3.3. Scanning strategy alterations reduced RS magnitude by over 50% at certain points. Through FE
Finally, we examine the effects of the scanning/raster strategy on modeling, Parry et al. [93] observed a similar result wherein shortening
resulting residual stress. Several scanning changes have been in- scan vector length (by changing specimen size) from 3 mm to 1 mm
vestigated with regards to RS formation. Many researchers have in- reduced the Von Mises stress by 28%. Matsumoto et al. [116] similarly
vestigated using the laser to reheat or preheat the melted layer in SLM concluded through FE modeling that shortening scan vectors can sig-
processing to reduce temperature gradients and cooling rates. Kruth nificantly reduce distortion. The anisotropy in the stress field within
et al. [138] investigated both pre- and re -scanning with regards to part individual layers is also affected by altering the scan strategy. Con-
distortion and found a maximum reduction of 8% for post-scanning and sidering full length scan vectors (which stretch from one side of a part
6% for pre-scanning. In another study, Mercelis and Kruth [82] mea- to the other), the two primary methods are unidirectional and alter-
sured a 30% reduction in RS using a post-scan with an input energy nating scanning [93,117]. These terms describe the motion of the beam
50% of the standard melting energy. Aggarangsi and Beuth [160] de- from track to track, where unidirectional vectors all start at one side
veloped a FE model to investigate both uniform layer preheating and and end at the other and alternating vectors change direction between
localized secondary heating both ahead of and behind the melt pool, each track (Fig. 13a–c). Parry et al. [93] observed that the maximum
determining that local methods had minimal effect on RS while uniform stress magnitude was not noticeably affected by using unidirectional
layer preheating could reduce RS by 18%. Shiomi et al. [89] reported versus alternating scanning, but that the stress distribution was affected,

J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

Fig. 12. Demonstrated reduction in RS/distortion by using a preheated base plate: a) distortion observed in experimental cantilever specimens without (left) and
with (right) preheating [158], b) FE model results of residual stress without (left) and with (right) preheating [112] and c) experimental measurements of residual
stress magnitude at top surface versus preheating temperature [89].

where stress and plastic strain was reduced using the alternating et al. [96] observed similar results. Lu et al. [153] determined that the
strategy. Given the knowledge that stress magnitude increases with smallest island size resulted in the lowest RS magnitude, but further
increasing vector length, another common raster strategy developed is increases in island size resulted in large variability and no consistent
the “island” scanning method [38,138,153]. This method separates correlation to RS; this result may also be impacted by the rastering
layers into smaller (generally square) sectors which are melted in- order of the islands, which will alter the heat transfer in the part.
dividually using shorter vectors (Fig. 13d). The method has generally The interactions of stress fields and continued cooling between
been reported to result in significant reductions in RS versus full-length layers in AM parts also dramatically affects the resulting stress dis-
scans [92,138,153]. However, results are mixed for further reducing the tribution in new layers. In other words, the scan strategy and resulting
vector length within the individual islands (i.e. island size). Kruth et al. stress fields in underlying layers also affect the stress in new layers,
[159] found no observable reduction in distortion magnitude when hence the multilayer effects of the scan strategy must be explored.
changing island scan size. Simson et al. [38] found experimentally that Several studies have been conducted to investigate the total resulting
RS magnitude in fact increased with a smaller island size; Robinson stress/distortion fields with respect to scanning strategy. The primary

J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

distortion measurements, a 37.5% reduction in distortion magnitude by

rotating the (full-length) raster by 67° layer-to-layer.
From these studies, it is clearly evident that the beam scanning
strategy dictates the resulting stress field orientation and homogeneity
while also playing an important role in determining the stress magni-
tude. The scan strategy directly controls in-plane RS anisotropy on a
single layer and a layer-to-layer basis, while having a limited effect on
stress/strain in the build-direction [74]. Fig. 14 demonstrates the re-
ported effects of varying the scan strategy on the residual stress dis-
tribution. It is also important to state that other scan strategies are
possible, and more complex strategies may be developed through fur-
ther investigations. For example, Cheng et al. [117] studied a spiraling
scan pattern working either inward to or outward from the part center.
Other more complex patterns may also be developed taking into ac-
count the formation mechanisms of RS in PBF processing, e.g. new
patterns may seek to minimize thermal gradients and cooling/con-
traction mismatch both intra- and inter- layer, which results in RS
formation. We also point out that some of these scan patterns are not
possible on all PBF machines; in some cases users have limited or no
control over the raster pattern.
From this analysis of the literature, it is clear that selection of
process variables in PBF processing critically affects the resulting re-
sidual stresses. Generally speaking, we observe that direct changes to
the energy input (e.g. beam power, scan speed, scan vector length) and
changes which affect process thermal conditions through either direct
application (e.g. preheating, pre-/re- scanning) or indirect modification
(e.g. geometry, dwell time, layer thickness) result in drastic changes to
RS magnitude by altering heat transfer conditions and cooling rates.
Meanwhile, the strategy in which material is melted (scan pattern) on
both a single layer and layer-to-layer basis drives the resulting dis-
tribution of residual stresses. Table 3 provides a summary of all pro-
cessing parameters discussed and their general observed effect on re-
sidual stress development.

5. Conclusions and outlook

From the tremendous and growing research interest in metal AM it

is evident that the technology will only further expand into new mar-
kets and larger industrial applications in the coming years [2,5]. The
continued growth of the technology is spurred by the potential the
method holds to produce complex parts in new ways and the potential
to change the manufacturing landscape. Wohlers Report 2018 [161]
Fig. 13. Common raster patterns investigated in the literature. Note that any of reported a nearly 80% increase in the sales of metal AM systems from
the methods can be combined to produce additional patterns; e.g. a rotating 2016 to 2017, reflecting the growing interest in the method. With in-
island scan pattern with alternating vector directions is also possible. creasing adoption of AM processing it is more important now than ever
Translational displacement of the pattern is also often used between layers. to fully understand and characterize the process. The complex residual
stresses that develop in these parts must be understood in relation to all
consideration from layer-to-layer is the rotation or displacement of the processing and material variables in order to develop high quality parts
scanning strategy between layers (Fig. 13b). Given the significant ani- with known properties.
sotropy discovered in individual layers, it has been suggested that al- The discussions of stresses in PBF parts made within the body of this
ternating the scan strategy between layers can homogenize the final review have focused on the resulting stress states in parts as-built.
stress distribution [91]. Indeed, Robinson et al. [96] in a study of However, a discussion of RS in additive parts would not be complete
multiple scanning strategies, determined that a 90° rotation (of a full- without mentioning the most commonly employed external methods of
length scan) between layers resulted in the most uniform stress dis- mitigation; residual stress is primarily counteracted in additive parts
tribution and the lowest magnitude of RS for any rotating pattern. through post-processing. Stress relieving heat treatments are the most
Though it should be noted, that due to the anisotropy in longitudinal common approach and can be very effective in reducing RS. Song et al.
and transverse directions, that stress in a single analyzed geometric [162] found RS in iron SLM parts could be nearly eliminated by vacuum
direction can be minimized by using a scan pattern facing the opposite heat treatment at 640 °C. A 70% reduction in stress was found using a
direction. In a FE study of 8 different scan strategies, Cheng et al. [117] 700 °C heat treatment for Chrome Molybdenum steel [89]. Similar re-
determined the most uniform and lowest magnitude stress field was sults have been found for a wide range of materials
obtained by using a full-length line scanning strategy set at 45° with [89,99,102,106,138]. However, the temperature for these treatments
respect to one edge of a square specimen; rotation between layers, in must be carefully selected based on material properties to avoid mi-
this case, did not reduce RS. Kruth et al. [138] determined distortion crostructural changes (e.g. recrystallization, precipitation, grain
could be minimized by using an island scan strategy which rotated by growth, etc.) if undesired [163]. Additionally, often tensile residual
45° between layers. Dunbar et al. [40] reported, through in situ stresses developed during manufacturing, which are damaging to fa-
tigue life, can be counteracted by inducing compressive surface RS

J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

Fig. 14. Reported effects of changes in scanning patterns on residual stress magnitude and distribution: a) RS magnitude versus island size [153], b) effect of scan
vector direction on measured distortion angle magnitude [138], c) residual stress magnitude versus three different rotation angles layer-to-layer [91] and d) FE RS
distributions from two different scan strategies [118].

through shot-peening [60,164–166]; this method has been applied and parts.
studied with regards to AM parts as well [150]. However, these We have also assembled a large collection of data to analyze ma-
methods to reduce RS post-process add additional time and expense to terial property dependence on resulting residual stress magnitude and
an already cost-prohibitive process, which further limits the industrial can conclude from this unique survey that thermal diffusivity and
adoption of AM. If the need for these additional processing steps can be thermal conductivity both play a large role in controlling the magnitude
eliminated through improved single-step processing changes, accep- of residual stress developed. Static mechanical properties, namely in-
tance of AM techniques may be further increased. creasing ultimate tensile strength and yield strength, were found to
From our survey of the literature we can conclude that a great deal weakly correlate with an increase in resulting RS. This analysis suggests
of knowledge has been established in the field. Residual stress in AM that the thermal material properties play a more dominant role in RS
has been studied with regards to process parameters, material proper- development than the mechanical properties during PBF processing.
ties and geometry. Researchers have analyzed RS in AM using ex situ This understanding may aid in efforts to identify unique material che-
methods such as hole drilling or XRD, finite element modeling, in situ mistries more suitable to PBF processing, which has been a topic of
strain and distortion measurements and specialized part geometries. significant interest in the field [166–170].
From these investigations, we conclude that the most consistently in- Thus far, most studies in the literature have linked only single
fluential variables in controlling RS magnitude in PBF processing, re- variables (e.g. beam power, scan speed, etc.) to the resulting RS mag-
gardless of material, are: base plate heating, beam power and beam nitude or orientation. These studies frequently also focus on a single
scan speed (the latter two can be linked to the notion of “volumetric material. This approach has resulted in a great deal of general process
energy density”). We also conclude from our review that anisotropy in knowledge (as summarized in Table 3) yet misses potential coupled
the residual stress fields in PBF processing can be most directly con- effects of multiple variables and/or material property effects. For ex-
trolled by altering the raster pattern of the print, where rotating pat- ample, the enormous material dependence that is coupled with inter-
terns and the island scan method tended to reduce anisotropy in the layer dwell time reported by Denlinger et al. [130] demonstrates that

Table 3
Summary of known processing parameter relationships to residual stress development. Note that some parameters have been reported to have different effects
between various studies, in these cases the more commonly observed effect found in the literature is reported and the parameter is indicated by *.
Parameter General effect on RS References

Beam power Higher power results in higher RS [38,110,123]

Scan speed Higher scan speeds result in lower RS [38,84,89,110,123,156]
Scan vector length Longer vectors produce higher RS [92,93,116]
Base plate heating Higher temperature lowers RS [82,84,89,97,111,112,113,129,158]
Layer thickness* Thicker layers lower RS [91,113,129]
Part geometry/size* Increased part size increases RS [82,94,113,118,129]
Interlayer Dwell time Material dependent. Affects RS magnitude [130]
Beam pre-scan/re-scan Reduces RS magnitude when implemented [82,90,138,160]
Scan/raster orientation Controls RS distribution. Also affects RS magnitude [38,40,82,84–91,92,93,96,113,116,117,138,153]

J.L. Bartlett and X. Li Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 131–149

process qualification. An appealing route to achieving this goal is the

utilization of machine learning (ML) techniques. ML has the unique
ability to analyze and interpret data without a priori knowledge of ex-
pected results (i.e. unsupervised learning) [176–178]. ML has garnered
interest recently in the AM field, primarily for detection of process
anomalies, geometric distortion or melt pool track formation (e.g. as
provided by in situ optical/infrared imaging or by ex situ inspection) and
has primarily been used to analyze data post-process or predictively
identify different processing regions [177,179–182]. With further im-
provements in processing speed and methodologies, and when coupled
with appropriate in situ monitoring approaches with high-throughput
data capture, ML may be adapted to analyze conditions in real-time and
provide intelligent, automated, control and optimization in PBF pro-
cessing for both defect detection and RS estimation.
We also feel compelled to shed light on another interesting inter-
action not often discussed with regards to RS in PBF components.
Looking from a wider perspective, defect formation, especially lack of
fusion (LoF) defects, is another important roadblock to process accep-
tance and qualification in PBF processing [6,183]. These LoF defects are
generally large with irregular/sharp geometries, and the question can
then be raised: what is the effect of the stress-field interaction with
these defects during part production? These LoF defects often feature
sharp edges extended along the in-plane direction (parallel to layer
planes) and are the most detrimental defect to fatigue properties
[28,31,102]. During subsequent reheating of the material during the
deposition of following layers, the stress developed around the defect
may lead to material failure and crack formation at these sites where
the stress-field concentrates. This phenomenon has in fact been ob-
served in past characterization of SLM parts, where LoF defects were
Fig. 15. Suggested roadmap for past and future research regarding residual observed to feature small crack onset by the end of part production,
stress development in metal powder bed fusion. In this paradigm, stages I and II with no externally applied mechanical loading. Therefore, there exists a
are largely fulfilled; the review covered all of the most pertinent findings from critical interaction between process defects and the developed stress
these two stages of research. Future work is suggested to focus on stage III, states, in which crack initiation can occur during part production, a
which will lead towards the ultimate goal of stage IV. The natural flow of this debilitating result for mechanical properties. A similar discussion can
research is the basis for this roadmap. be made regarding intermetallic compound formation. Several com-
monly processed PBF alloys can form intermetallics or oxides during
variables must be understood holistically in AM for effective qualifi- production. Thijs et al. [146], for example, found in SLM processing of
cation with respect to residual stresses. To better understand residual Ti-6Al-4V that with increased energy density the formation of Ti3Al was
stress development during additive manufacturing moving forward, we exacerbated by the segregation of Al. These brittle intermetallics (or
conclude that non-invasive in situ monitoring methods are necessary oxides) may then be subject to failure in the matrix when the stress
[6,20]. The ability to monitor and estimate both residual stress mag- fields interact with them during subsequent layer deposition, resulting
nitudes and distributions during part production will lead to a more in a crack defect in the part. These interactions and relationships be-
complete understanding of multivariable relationships and will also tween stress-fields during production and LoF defects or undesirable
lead to more effective part qualification. While significant research has precipitates warrant further investigation.
been conducted on in-process measurements of temperature or irregu- Given the tremendous knowledge base established thus far for in-
larities with regards to porosity or microstructure [43,131,171–175], dividual variable effects on RS in PBF processing, we conclude that
very little has been reported to measure RS in-process. The in-process increased emphasis should now be placed on in-process monitoring and
RS/distortion measurements made thus far (Section 3.2) have used understanding multivariable relationships with respect to RS develop-
sensors mounted in the base-plate, which have provided valuable data ment, leading towards effective process control and optimization of
but do not capture full-field information, and do not assess strain in the residual stresses in additive parts. Improving part properties and re-
newly deposited layer. The development of effective full-field in-pro- ducing necessary processing steps simultaneously by increasing our
cess RS measurements may result in achievable real-time control stra- holistic understanding of residual stress development in additive man-
tegies to either eliminate RS or induce intentional anisotropy and op- ufacturing will lead to lower costs and higher acceptance of PBF pro-
timized properties for specific applications. Fig. 15 provides a roadmap cessing.
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